Structs and arrays are allocated in consecutive memory – the
array int[16]
occupies 16 *
bytes of memory.
Arrays are efficient because lookup can be performed in constant
time for any given element, but the cost to insert or remove is
much higher, as it involves shifting elements “left” or “right” in
memory to make space for a new element or to remove the space
occupied by an element.
In contrast to arrays, linked structures are constructed by many smaller elements connected by pointers, very much like a graph. Construction of a linked structure therefore (typically) requires several discrete memory allocations and pointer manipulations.
In this text, we are going to construct one of the simplest linked structures – a linked list. We will approach this task incrementally, first solving simple problems (sometimes under assumptions that simplify the current task), and slowly arrive at something solid. There is no single listing that you can copy-paste and run with – instead you should follow along with the design, and make some contributions of your own.
Inserting an element into an array (typically) means calculating where to store the element in a preallocated space. In contrast, inserting an element into a linked list (typically) means creating a new place (a new link) where the element can be stored and searching for the right place in the linked structure where the new place (link) should be added.
Here are the public functions from the header file list.h
We will add more further down in this document.
/// Creates a new list
list_t *list_new();
/// Deletes a list.
void list_delete(list_t *list);
/// Inserts a new element at the beginning of the list
void list_prepend(list_t *list, elem_t element);
/// Inserts a new element at the end of the list
void list_append(list_t *list, elem_t element);
/// Inserts a new element at a given index.
void list_insert(list_t *list, int index, elem_t element);
/// Returns the element at a given index
elem_t list_get(list_t *list, int index);
/// Removes an element from a list.
bool list_remove(list_t *list, int index);
/// Returns the length of the list.
int list_length(list_t *list);
A first stab at a linked list could look like this. For good
reasons, we define a type elem_t
to be the element type,
and for now, make the element type an int
/// An element
typedef int elem_t;
/// A link in the linked structure
typedef struct link link_t;
struct link
elem_t element;
link_t *next;
Note that link_t
is a recursive data type. A link_t
may hold a
pointer to another link_t
in next
, or next
may point to
Creating a linked structure with the above definitions is as
simple as allocating several link_t
’s and linking them
together, meaning having them point to each other through their
fields[fn::Danger! The code leaves the value of the
fields undefined!].
link_t *link1 = malloc(sizeof(struct link));
link_t *link2 = malloc(sizeof(struct link));
link_t *link3 = malloc(sizeof(struct link));
link1->next = link2;
link2->next = link3;
link3->next = NULL;
This creates the structure shown in Figure fig:vanilla.
The auxiliary variables link2
and link3
are not strictly
necessary – we could create the same structure like
this:[fn::Danger! The code leaves the value of the element
fields undefined!]
link_t *link1 = malloc(sizeof(struct link));
link1->next = malloc(sizeof(struct link));
link1->next->next = malloc(sizeof(struct link));
link1->next->next->next = NULL;
However, as is clearly visible above, this gives us no direct way
to get to the last next
field, forcing us to build chains of
A link_t
currently holds an element
field and a next
The above code examples left the element fields undefined, which
is (almost) never a good idea. Let’s define a constructor for
links to make sure that links are fully initialised.
link_t *link_new(elem_t element, link_t *next)
link_t *result = malloc(sizeof(struct link));
if (result)
result->element = element;
result->next = next;
return result;
By using link_new()
instead of simply using malloc()
before, the C compiler will force us to supply values for
and next
. This means that we can rely on these fields
having reasonable values[fn::Unless, of course, we initialise them
from uninitialised variables or fields].
On the course, we use a coding convention where constructors for a
type t
are named t_new
. Furthermore, our constructors will
always initialise all fields of the objects – either by taking
an argument, like in the case for link_new()
, or defaulting to
, 0.0
, false
or NULL~[fn::This usually falls out for free
by using ~calloc()
instead of malloc()
to allocate structures.].
This is a nice convention, because it allows us to talk about
for any given t
with an immediate clear semantics.
Furthermore, we will (unless there are good reasons not to do so) order the arguments to the constructor in the same order as the fields in the struct we are creating. This rule of thumb can be questioned, but is meant to encourage smart grouping of both fields and constructor arguments.
With the constructor in place, it is possible to create instances
of structures – in this case links – without knowing how the
links are specified internally. Essentially, the constructor
promises this: “If you give me an element, and a pointer to
another link, I’ll give you back a pointer to a link”. Naturally,
we cannot know from just looking at the signature link_t
*link_new(elem_t, link_t *)
that we get back a fresh link (but
the name of the method certainly hints at that), nor do we know
that the new link will have the supplied element and link pointer
as element and next. In the cases where it makes sense, such
details should be added as documentation, preferably where the
function prototype for the function in question is placed,
which is commonly in a header file (for a public function).
Rewriting the code above using the new constructor results in
much cleaner code. Here is the first code example, now with
integer elements. Note that the line setting link3->next
is gone, because we can rely on this by construction.
link_t *link1 = link_new(1, NULL);
link_t *link2 = link_new(2, NULL);
link_t *link3 = link_new(3, NULL);
link1->next = link2;
link2->next = link3;
We can even rewrite the code like this, which may not be more
readable (except possibly in the case for a very small number of
links). Remember that C evaluates arguments from the inside out,
meaning link_new(3, NULL)
will be executed first and the result
passed to link_new(2, _)
in the place of the _
link_t *link1 = link_new(1, link_new(2, link_new(3, NULL)));
Inserting elements at the head of a list is simple, as can be illustrated by the following code:
link_t *my_list = ...; /// Some list
my_list = link_new(42, my_list); /// Prepend 42 to the list
What is scary about this code is that the identity/[fn::By
identity, we mean the /address that uniquely identifies the list
in the system] of the list gets lost in the process, forcing us to
update my_list
with the result. If we forget to store the result
in my_list
, the update to the list is lost, and the compiler
will not warn us. Programming like this in an imperative language
often leads to aliasing problems and forces propagating changes
in the system. For example, imagine a function that takes a list
and wants to prepend to it:
bool some_function(list_t *list)
list = link_new(42, list); /// Prepend 42 to the list
return ...; /// return something
link_t *my_list = ...; /// Some list
The code above suffers from the same problem as before! Inside
the list gets updated through the list
variable, but the change is not visible through my_list
still points to the same link, which is the second link in the
list according to list
but first according to my_list
This can be solved by returning list:
list_t *some_function(list_t *list)
list = link_new(42, list); /// Prepend 42 to the list
return list;
link_t *my_list = ...; /// Some list
my_list = some_function(my_list);
Sadly, this forces us to remove the bool
return value from
before. What is even more sad – if we forget to store the result
of some_function()
to my_list
, we have a bug which might prove
tricky to find.
Another solution to the problem is to share the variable at the call-site, instead of its contents:
/// Take a pointer to the variable holding the list
bool some_function(list_t **list)
*list = link_new(42, *list); /// Prepend 42 to the list
return ...; /// return something
link_t *my_list = ...; /// Some list
some_function(&my_list); /// Note -- value of my_list
/// changes as a side-effect
Now, my_list
is updated as a side-effect of calling
, but if we had two variables pointing to
the same list, we are back with the same problem again.
The solution lies is changing how we represent lists, and will
introduce another type in the list data structure, which we will
call “the list head” – list_t
typedef struct list list_t;
struct list
link_t *first;
For now, the list head contains a pointer to the first link in the list. This pointer may change, but there is never a need to create more than one list head for the same list. The resulting structure is shown in Figure fig:list_head.
We are now ready to write a first working list_prepend()
void list_prepend(list_t *list, elem_t element)
list->first = link_new(element, list->first);
The beauty of this function is that it operates on the list head
– and the list head is always the same, regardless of how the
list changes. As is visible from the above, prepending to a list
changes the value of list->first
, but list
stays the
same. We can now write the code for creating a list much nicer
than before, using a combination of functions whose names give us
a good idea of what they do, but hide how they do it.
list_t *list = list_new(); /// Constructor for the list
list_prepend(list, 3);
list_prepend(list, 2);
list_prepend(list, 1);
To highlight that the identity of the list is preserved, let us
create an alias/[fn::Another variable that /points to the same
object.] to list
and use both to call list_prepend()
. This
code creates the equivalent list as in the code block just above.
list_t *list = list_new(); /// Constructor for the list
list_t *same_list = list; /// Create an alias for list called same_list
list_prepend(list, 3);
list_prepend(same_list, 2);
list_prepend(list, 1);
Since prepend always inserts elements first in the list, we must
add the elements in reverse order. Note how this matches the
evaluation order of the calls to link_new()
in Listing fig:link_t_def.
Notice how the list operations above all work on an object of type
– there is no longer a mention of link_t
. This is
excellent, because it allows us to hide the implementation
details of the list. Whether a list is implemented with a chain
of links (like in our case here), an array, or something else
**should not matter** to a user of the list[fn::This is a tiny bit
of a simplification. It may matter for non-functional aspects of
the code, such as performance. We will disregard that for now and
revisit this issue later.]. Later in the implementation of the
list, we will specify the list’s public interface – essentially
what goes into the header file list.h
. Private parts of the
list, will only be visible in list.c
, including both the link
struct and the link_t
We will mark private functions with the static
keyword to make
sure they cannot be linked against by external code.
Prepending, as we have seen, is simple and straightforward –
especially after introducing a new list_t
struct to act as a
front-end to the chain of links. Appending – insertion at the
back of a list – is a tiny bit more complicated in the current
setup, because we must first search for the last element before
we can update its next
field to point to a new link.
Here is a first attempt[fn::Which is **faulty**! Can you see why?]
at writing an append function for lists. We introduce a local
variable cursor
that points to a link_t
and “swing this
pointer forward” through the chain of links until it reaches a
link whose next
field is NULL
. Once we have a pointer to this,
last, link, we can simply update its next
field to point to a
new link whose next
field is NULL
void list_append(list_t *list, elem_t element)
link_t *cursor = list->first;
while (cursor->next != NULL)
cursor = cursor->next;
cursor->next = link_new(element, NULL);
**SPOILER** The reason why this code is faulty is because it does not handle the case when the list is empty. When the list is empty,
will beNULL
, and testingcursor->next != NULL
. A straightforward way to handle this case is to test for this condition specially and, for example, call prepend which handles this perfectly.
A perhaps less obvious aspect of the code above is the linear time
complexity. In order to find the last link, we must follow all
but the last next
pointers in the list.
Luckily, aliasing – the same concept that brought us trouble when
we took an initial stab at writing list_prepend()
– can help us
here. To allow constant time append operations, we extend list_t
with a last
pointer in addition to the first
pointer. Here is
the new list_append()
which also deals with appending to an
empty list.
void list_append(list_t *list, elem_t element)
/// Check if the list is empty
if (list->last == NULL)
/// Append on an empty list is same as prepend
list_prepend(list, element);
/// Insert element at the end of the list
link_t *link = link_new(element, NULL);
list->last->next = link;
/// Update the last pointer to point to the new last element
list->last = link;
Note that list_prepend()
must change to update the last
when inserting into an empty list.
void list_prepend(list_t *list, elem_t element)
link_t *link = link_new(element, list->first);
/// If list is empty, make the new element the last element
if (list->first == NULL)
list->last = link;
list->first = link;
Getting rid of the loop not only makes the code faster, it also made the code much simpler.
Removing elements from a list requires unlinking them from the chain. Consider unlinking the second element from the list in Figure fig:simple_list.
After unlinking, link1->next
points to link3
, as shown in Figure fig:unlinking.
As is visible above, unless we explicitly nullify link2->next
it too will point to link3
, making link1->next
aliases. However, since our plan is to get rid of
, we do not really care about the value of link2->next
Subsequent to the unlinking we will return the memory for link2
to be reused, as indicated by the gree tag in Figure fig:free.
Consider a function void list_remove(list_t *list, int index)
which, given a valid/[fn::For now, we’ll /cheat and assume that
indexes are valid. We will later harden this function to deal with
invalid input.] index
into a list
, will remove the element
associated with that index from the list. As per usual with C, the
first element’s index will be 0. Thus, list_remove(list, 1)
would unlink the second element, like in the sketches above.
The implementation of list_remove()
will resemble the first
sketch of list_append()
– as usual in a linked structure, we
must search for the n:th link to be deleted. As we noted above,
unlinking a link means changing the preceeding link’s next
Thus, as we search for the link to remove, we want to stop on
the link just before.
Simplifying a little further, let us assume that the function is
never called with index == 0
. In that case, the following will
do the trick:
void list_remove(list_t *list, int index)
link_t *cursor = list->first;
/// Note index - 1 to stop on the preceeding node
for (int i = 0; i < index - 1; ++i)
cursor = cursor->next;
link_t *to_remove = cursor->next; /// Save pointer to link
cursor->next = to_remove->next; /// unlink link
free(to_remove); /// return memory for link
The reason why the function above does not handle index == 0
similar to why our first list_append()
did not work on an empty
list. Concretely, there is no way to get a pointer to the link
preceeding the first link. Thus, the algorithm above is not
general enough to cover all cases.
Instead of solving this by adding a special case for when index is
0, let’s consider another way of solving the problem – by
adapting the data structure to match the algorithm. This is a
time-honoured tradition, and serves to make code cleaner and
simpler at the cost of some memory overhead[fn::In this case, the
overhead is negligble and goes towards 0 as the list’s size
grows.]. Instead of defining an empty list like a list whose
and last
are both NULL
, we can add a special “sentinel
object” (aka “dummy link”) and define an empty list as one whose
and last
both point to this object. Figure fig:sentinel1
shows an empty list with a sentinel.
With this definition of the empty list, the list_remove()
that we wrote above, works perfectly also when index == 0
Figure fig:sentinel2 shows what a list with two elements look like when using a sentinel.
Of course, this change also requires us to update the other functions that we have written:
must create the sentinel objectlist_prepend()
must skip over the sentinel objectlist_append()
can be simplified thanks to the sentinel object
We now perform those changes in order and list the resulting code.
list_t *list_new()
list_t *result = malloc(sizeof(struct list));
if (result)
/// Use of calloc will ensure result->first->next == NULL
result->first = result->last = calloc(1, sizeof(struct link));
return result;
void list_prepend(list_t *list, elem_t element)
link_t *link = link_new(element, NULL);
/// If list is empty, make the new element the last element
if (list->first == list->last) /// CHANGE: new way to check for empty list
list->last = link;
list->first->next = link; /// CHANGE: skip over sentinel
void list_append(list_t *list, elem_t element)
list->last->next = link_new(element, NULL);
Note that the last three changes do not constitute a refactoring step – they are not improving how already correct code performs a task. Without these changes, the code would not be correct. If we had started with a working list remove, we could consider the addition of the sentinel (and the corresponding changes to remove, append, prepend and new) a refactoring step.
As a last exercise in dealing with sentinels, we can build
, which calculates the size of the list by counting
the number of links skipping the sentinel:
int list_size(list_t *list)
int size = 0;
for (link_t *cursor = list->first->next; cursor; cursor = cursor->next)
return size;
Later, we shall revisit this function to see how it can be written in a way that amortises the cost of checking size over several functions.
So far, we have functions for creating a new list, inserting
elements at the end and at the back, and removing elements at a
given index. Now it is time to add functions for accessing
elements with list_get()
Getting the elements at index i is similar to removing elements
– we must get a pointer to the i:th link (**not** counting the
sentinel) and use this pointer to read the element
field. As a
first stab, we can write a function that assumes the index
argument is valid.
elem_t list_get(list_t *list, int index)
link_t *cursor = list->first->next; /// Skipping over the sentinel
for (int i = 0; i < index; ++i)
cursor = cursor->next;
return cursor->element;
Note that index logic is non-trivial – we allow negative
indexing, and reinterpret indexes which are too small or too big.
Furthermore, index adjustment comes up in several places in the
code. These two reasons suggest that it is sensible to build a
single function to handle this logic that can be called from many
places. It also serves to make the code easier to read. For now,
let us cheat and **assume the existance** of a function
list_inner_adjust_index(a, b)
that is able to (somehow)
translate an index a
to a valid index in the range [0-b)
To adhere to the principle of always having a running program,
we define a stub which simply echoes back the given index,
but with a /// TODO
marker in the source, which will prompt
us to go back and fix it later.
int list_inner_adjust_index(int index, int upper_bound)
return index; /// TODO!
With this function in place, list_get()
no longer needs to
dodge index handling:
elem_t list_get(list_t *list, int index)
link_t *cursor = list->first->next; /// Skipping over the sentinel
int valid_index = list_inner_adjust_index(index, list_size(list));
for (int i = 0; i < valid_index; ++i)
cursor = cursor->next;
return cursor->element;
Appending and prepending elements is useful, but given that lists
are ordered sequences, it makes sense to support insertion of
elements at any valid index. For this purpose, list’s interface
contains the function list_insert(list_t *list, int index, elem_t
. Notably, prepending is inserting at index 0. Likewise,
appending to a list of size n is insertion at index n. Thus,
with list_insert()
in place, we should be able to rewrite
and list_append()
void list_prepend(list_t *list, elem_t element)
list_insert(list, 0, element);
void list_append(list_t *list, elem_t element)
list_insert(list, list_size(list), element);
This list_append()
, while simple, suffers from a regression –
the cost of appending suddenly went from O(1) to O(elements).
We mark this with a /// TODO <appropriate explanation>
and keep
going for now. After all, the list still works.
Implementing list_insert()
is reminiscent of list_remove()
– we must iterate over the list to find the place of
insertion. Given that we are coming up on the third time of
implementing this logic, surely there must be some way to extract
it into a function of its own?
Let us define the function list_inner_find_previous()
given a pointer to the first link in a chain of links and an index
i, traverses the chain to get to link i-1. A function that
finds the previous link is more generally useful as it supports
both unlinking and getting the i:th link by simply taking one
more step in the chain. Note that this function is possible to
write because of the sentinel. Without it, we would not have been
able to get a pointer to the link preceeding the first
link[fn::At a later stage we will see how disciplined use of
pointers into structures can be used to the same effect without a
link_t *list_inner_find_previous(link_t *link, int index)
link_t *cursor = link;
for (int i = 0; i < index; ++i)
cursor = cursor->next;
return cursor;
With this function in place, it is possible to define list_insert()
in a straightforward manner. Again, we make use of list_inner_adjust_index()
but note how we add 1 to the upper bound, so that we are able to position
ourselves on the last link, so that the result of writing the next
is an append.
void list_insert(list_t *list, int index, elem_t element)
int valid_index = list_inner_adjust_index(index, list_size(list) + 1);
link_t *prev = list_inner_find_previous(list->first, valid_index);
prev->next = link_new(element, prev->next);
This code is wondefully straightline and operates at a high-level, making
it almost as readable as natural language. From the index supplied as
argument, create a valid index upper-bounded by the list’s size plus one.
Then, find the node before this new index, and replace its next node
with a new node, whose next
field points to the old next.
Let us now back up and update list_remove()
and list_get()
use the helper function list_inner_find_previous()
. Like insert,
they will be simplified by removing the iteration step.
void list_remove(list_t *list, int index)
int valid_index = list_inner_adjust_index(index, list_size(list));
link_t *prev = list_inner_find_previous(list->first, valid_index);
link_t *to_remove = prev->next;
prev->next = to_remove->next;
elem_t list_get(list_t *list, int index)
int valid_index = list_inner_adjust_index(index, list_size(list));
link_t *prev = list_inner_find_previous(list->first, valid_index);
return prev->next->element;
Even though the refactoring step was prompted by the realisation
that some functions could/should be rewritten to take advantage of
some new functionality, we should search the code for /// TODO
markers to see if anything warrants fixing. Since we are not in
the middle of implementing some functionality, we might as well
spend a few minutes on backlog and get
up and running. **This is left as an
exercise for the reader.**
We also have a /// TODO
regarding list_append()
. There are
(at least) two ways to fix this:
- Revert to the previous implementation that used
. - Add a special case to
that jumps directly tolist->last
whenindex == upper_bound
Arguments can be made as to what solution is preferable. **Make up your own mind, and apply the fix!**
So far we are missing the dual function of list_new()
. Just as we use a standard naming convention for
constructors, we name destructors for objects of type t
. Destructors are very tricky to get right in
languages like C that use manual memory management because we
must answer the question “what to delete”. For example, if
was not an int
but char *
– should deleting a list
of strings delete all the strings in the list as well? There is no
one true answer to this question as it wíll vary on a case by case
basis[fn::If deleting the list deletes the elements too, any
pointer to an element elsewhere in the program just became
dangling. If we do not delete the elements when deleting the list,
the memory for any element not reachable outside the list will
never be reclaimed (memory leak).].
Since elem_t
is defined as int
, we get to dodge this issue
(for now). However, we still need to be able to delete an entire
The right way to implement list_delete()
is by reusing the logic
we already implemented in list_remove()
. This function removes a
link for a given index, and frees up memory. Intuitively, to
delete a list with n entries, we need to make n calls to
, and then free the list head itself.
Here is a first stab[fn::Beware – this code has a memory leak!]
void list_delete(list_t *list)
while (list_size(list) > 0)
list_remove(list, 0);
At a first glance, this seems like perfectly valid code but if we
compile our program and run it through valgrind, the tool will
report a leak of calloc
‘d memory in list_new()
Both list_size()
and list_remove()
are public functions that
(for good reasons) do not expose the existance of the sentinel.
The fix is simple, simply add free(list->first)
on the 2nd-last
line of the function above to delete the sentinel before deleting
the list head.
void list_delete(list_t *list)
while (list_size(list) > 0)
list_remove(list, 0);
free(list->first); /// Free the sentinel
Because C is such a low-level language, writing generic data structures in C is a lot of work. We will now change the list so that it is able to store arbitrary values.
The first step is to redefine elem_t
. If we wanted lists to only
hold pointers of some kind, we could define elem_t
as void *
but to allow lists with primitive data, we will make elem_t
typedef union elem elem_t;
union elem
/// TODO: update the names of the fields to something better?
int i;
unsigned int u;
bool b;
float f;
void *p;
/// other choices certainly possible
Now, a list knows that it is reading and writing elements of type
, but the client for each list must keep track of what is
actually stored inside the elem_t
To allow the list to operate on its elements, we will rely on
function pointers supplied by the programmer. Consider for
example the function list_contains()
which checks if an element
is a member of a list. If the list does not know the type of its
elements – how can it compare them?
Let us now define a function to do so, in the same style as
– the string comparison function. strcmp(a,b)
returns 0
when a
and b
are equal, a number <0
if a
before b
in lexicographic order, and >0
if b
comes before
in lexicographic order. For integers, this is easy to implement
by simply returning ~b - a~[fn::Can you see why?].
int compare_int_elements(elem_t a, elem_t b)
return b.i - a.i;
To simplify passing this function in as argument to
, we define a type, cmp_fun_t
. The syntax for
doing so is arguably one of the darkest corners of C:
typedef int(*cmp_fun_t)(elem_t a, elem_t b);
We are now ready to write list_contains()
. This function is
relatively straightforward – iterate over the links and apply
the function to all elements until the result is 0
, which means
the element is found, and return true. If we manage to reach the
end of the list without finding the element, we return false.
bool list_contains(list_t *list, elem_t element, cmp_fun_t cmp)
for (link_t *cursor = list->first->next; cursor; cursor = cursor->next)
if (cmp(cursor->element, element) == 0) return true;
return false;
Iterating over all elements in a collection and applying some
function to them is a common operation. The same logic as in
can be re-applied but with an additional
argument so that a user can pass some additional data to each
operation. Like with list_contains()
, we use typedef
specify the signature of functions that can be passed to
typedef void(*action_fun_t)(elem_t element, void *data);
With this type, we are ready to write the function, which is really quite simple:
void list_apply(list_t *list, action_fun_t fun, void *data)
for (link_t *cursor = list->first->next; cursor; cursor = cursor->next)
fun(cursor->element, data);
To give an idea of how someone might use this in a program, let us
reimplement list_contains()
using list_apply()
. To do so, we
must fist specify a struct to hold all the relevant data – the
element we are searching for, a pointer to the function used to
compare elements, and a boolean flag that keeps track of whether
we found the element.
struct found_data
elem_t element;
cmp_fun_t cmp;
bool found;
We then write a function to be used with list_apply()
that uses
our struct to perform element comparison and update the found flag
if the element is found.
void found(elem_t element, struct found_data *data)
if (data->found == false &&
data->cmp(element, data->element) == 0)
data->found = true;
We can now implement list_contains()
in terms of list_apply()
While this may seem nice, note that because list_apply()
goes through the entire list, so will list_contains()
even if we
found the element we were looking for first in the list. Also, the
logic (at least when expressed like this in C) is less
straightforward than the original implementation. Nevertheless, if
the list did not contain list_contains()
but list_apply()
this is how a client of the list could easily roll her own
without having to know anything about the
internal representation of the list.
bool list_contains(list_t *list, elem_t element, cmp_fun_t cmp)
struct found_data d = { .element = element, .cmp = cmp, .found = false };
list_apply(list, (action_fun_t) found, &d);
return d.found;
Let us now go back and change the list so that list_size()
becomes a constant time operation. We do this by amortising the
cost of keeping track of the number of elements in the list across
all calls to functions that add or remove elements.
First, we add a size
field to struct list
. Because we used
and not calloc()
to create a new list, we need to
update list_new()
to intialise size
with 0. We really should
have been using calloc()
in list_new()
in the first place.
This way, any addition to the struct would become initialised to
zero automatically, which feels a lot more future proof. Thus,
the new list_new()
list_t *list_new()
list_t *result = calloc(1, sizeof(struct list)); /// CHANGE: malloc => calloc
if (result)
result->first = result->last = calloc(1, sizeof(struct link));
return result;
Next, we add list->size += 1
to all functions that insert elements
and list->size -= 1
to all functions that delete elements.
Because of our previous refactorings, any insertion falls back on
. That means that if suffices to put list->size +=
there and only there[fn::Note that if you elected to fix the
O(n) regression of list_append()
by reverting to an
implementation that was not based on list_insert()
, you need to
increase list->size
in list_append()
too.]. There is only a single function
that removes elements, so the only list->size -= 1
goes in
Now, the size
field will change as a side-effect of inserting or
removing elements. This allows us to implement list_size()
like so:
int list_size(list_t *list)
return list->size;
Seeing as list_size()
is a function called by many other functions
in the list implementation, the performance of this function is really
crucial for the overall performance of the list.
In the end, we have arrived at a solid implementation of a linked list.
We ended up with a design that favours simple code – at the cost
of one extraoneous link per list. It will be hard to find a
reasonable program where this trade-off does not make sense. The
extra link allowed us to write the function
which we use extensively internally.
This makes the code easier to change and maintain, including
searching for bugs.
Note that we did not magically arrive at this design. It was a step-wise refinement (iterative) process in which we started with something much simpler.
This was enough to implement a working prepend, but we quickly realised a need to improve the code to deal with aliasing.
The second design dealt with aliasing, but the cost of appending was
(still) huge, so we added a last
pointer in list.
It was only following the last change that we decided to change the data structure to use a sentinel. Following this change, we ended up with the final design, shown in Figure fig:final_design.
By only making the head of the list visible to a user, we manage
to hide the internal implementation details of the list. For
example, changing the list to use arrays internally is perfectly
possible, without making this change visible to code that uses our
list. To this end, our public functions only deal with list_t
never with link_t
, and so the typedef of link_t
along with the
definition of struct link
can (and should) be moved from the
public header file list.h
into list.c
. But we are not done –
the definition of struct list
should also be moved into list.c
or the existance of link_t
will still be visible
(Also, the program will not compile – can you see why? Because the compiler does not know the type ~link_t~ after the typedef was moved.)
To get going, we started out by defining a type for the elements,
. This made it simple to change the element type by simply
replacing the typedef, and also served as a reminder to ourselves
that we should not rely on the element type internally.
Before the discussion of genericity, the only use of the elem_t
type was to calculate how many bytes to store in a link_t
, and
how many bytes to read and write to load and store elements. After
introducing function such as list_contains()
, this still holds.
The only manipulations of elements which interpret the data in
any way happen in functions supplied externally through function
pointers. Thus, they are not technically part of the list’s