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Setting up the development environment

Luo Chen edited this page Mar 24, 2017 · 16 revisions


Setup the Development Environment

This section introduces how to set up cloudberry in IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse. You can choose one of them as your development environment.

Setup IntelliJ IDEA

Setup JDK

If you do not have JDK 8 installed, add the address of SDK bin to IntelliJ. File -> Project Structure -> Project Settings -> Project -> Project SDK. You could refer to official guideline for more details.

screen shot 2017-01-22 at 10 58 30 am

Load Project:

  • Fork the repository to your own namespace repository.

  • Import the project from GitHub using your branch url.

  • Install Scala plugin on IntelliJ. Preference -> Plugins -> Install JetBrain Plugins -> Install -> Restart IntelliJ

    screen shot 2017-01-22 at 10 58 30 am

screen shot 2017-01-22 at 10 58 30 am

_please make sure the plugin version is on or above 2016.3.8_
  • If you do not have SBT toolwindow, click on build.sbt file. If SBT tool window does not appear automatically, check View -> Tool Windows -> SBT.

    screen shot 2017-01-22 at 10 58 30 am

  • Open SBT toolwindow (on the right side of IDE) and press refresh button (left-up corner) to force reload sbt.

    screen shot 2017-01-22 at 10 58 30 am

  • Run the project from command line by using sbt "project neo" "run".

Setup Eclipse

  • Install Scala-IDE plugin ( Make sure the version you download supports scala 2.11 (currently the latest version of the plugin is 4.5.0).

  • Generate eclipse project files by running command line sbt eclipse.

  • Go to eclipse and load projects. File->Import->Existing Projects into Workspace, and then set the root directory as the Cloudberry directory, and load the projects listed.

load projects

  • Now wait eclipse to finish the building process. If errors happens, try to refresh the project and clean/rebuild.

Add Remote Repository:

  • Use the following lines to add remote repository:

  • If your remote rep and the origin rep are the same, use git remote set-url origin your_SSH

  • Update you local with ISG master branch or get changes from ISG master branch: git pull name_of_your_remote_rep master

  • More information is available Here

GitHub workflow

Fetch the large files from GitHub

git lfs pull

Commit changes and pull request on GitHub

  • Go to git command line

  • Check modified files: git status. Green files are ready to be committed.

  • Commit added files: git commit -m "your commit message".

  • Pull from ISG master to update your branch: git pull name_of_ISG_repo (step 2) master.

  • Push commit to your branch: git push origin branch_name.

  • Go to your repository and click on "New Pull Request" to ISG repository.

Handle the conflicts

Conflicts are totally normal. It means someone's previous work touched the same place as you did. Then you will need to understand their logic and decide how to accommodate the new changes.

On your local machine, you should use git pull isg master to merge with the most recent ISG master. (assume isg is the name of the ISG/Cloudberry remote reop). Then in Intellj, you can use the tool VCS -> git -> resolve conflicts to watch the difference and pick the correct one or rewrite the local code.

This post shows an example. And this one.

Start a new feature branch

Once the PR get closed, the feature branch that you were working on should never be used. To work on a new feature branch, you should checkout a new branch from the most recent master by the following commands.

git checkout master 
git pull isg master  // assume isg is the upstream repo name
git checkcout -b fix-for-issue-x // choose a good branch name.

Good suggestions about writing a good PR:
