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Automate deployment of Ceph clusters in AWS

Author: Nathan Cutler
Code license:BSD 3 Clause
Documentation license:Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA)

Several parts of this application - especially the command-line interface design and code - are derived from Loic Dachary's work in ceph-workbench.

This document describes the ceph-auto-aws software for automating deployment of Ceph clusters in Amazon Web Services (AWS) - specifically the Elastic Computing Cloud (EC2) and Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) services.

The software enables an arbitrary number of identical clusters from 1 to 251 to be so deployed.

So far, the software has been used in "hands-on" sessions, to provide each attendee with their own cluster to play with. It could also facilitate deployment of one-off clusters to test various Ceph configurations.

Scripting is provided for automating the provisioning of:

  • a VPC instance
  • subnets within the VPC
  • cluster instances (nodes) within each subnet
  • Salt Master instance (used to control the cluster instances)

The scripting is written in Python and relies on boto ("An integrated interface to current and future infrastructural services offered by Amazon Web Services") and SaltStack (a configuration management and distributed remote execution system).

Configuration and state are stored in YAML file. YAML is a human friendly data serialization standard for all programming languages.

We assume that you have access to Amazon Web Services (AWS) Elastic Computing Cloud (EC2) and Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). That means you can login via a web browser and access the EC2 and VPC dashboards.

We further assume that you have a relatively recent version of Python and virtualenv installed on your system. On openSUSE, Python should already be installed and installing virtualenv should be as simple as running the following command as root:

# zypper install python-virtualenv

If something in this software (or this document) doesn't work for you, open a bug report in the GitHub issue tracker:

If you are already logged in as an AWS IAM user, you can skip this section.

Set up an IAM user using the Creating an IAM User in Your AWS Account section of the AWS documentation.

We placed our user in the "ec2_full_access" group.

Access to AWS via boto requires an access key (Access Key ID and Secret Access Key).

First, check whether you were given an Access Key ID and Secret Access Key along with your AWS web console credentials.

If you have an IAM user, see the Managing Access Keys for IAM Users section of the AWS documentation. The access key comes in a file called "credentials.csv". Put this in a safe place.

However you got your AWS access key (Access Key ID and Secret Access Key), you will need to put them in ~/.boto as described in the Configuring boto credentials section of the boto documentation.

Sample ~/.boto file:

aws_access_key_id = [gobbledygook]
aws_secret_access_key = [even_longer_gobbledygook]

Clone this repo to your local machine:

$ git clone

All of the following instructions assume you are in the directory containing the local clone.

This software is designed to be installed in the standalone virtual Python environment, implemented with virtualenv.

Installation is a two-step process. First, run the bootstrap script:

$ ./bootstrap

This installs the virtual environment in the virtualenv/ directory. The second step is to activate the virtualenv. The shell prompt changes to indicate that the virtual environment is active:

$ source virtualenv/bin/activate

Use the deactivate command to leave:

(virtualenv)$ deactivate

All scripting features are implemented as subcommands of a single script: ho (an abbreviation of "hands-on"):

(virtualenv)$ ho --help

Run the following command to test whether you have your AWS credentials in order:

(virtualenv)$ ho probe aws
2016-03-27 20:30:16,554 INFO Connected to AWS EC2

Interaction with AWS is controlled by a configuration file called aws.yaml. By default, this file is searched for in the current directory. If it is not found, a new one will be created.

We assume that you are starting from scratch. To get started, run the following command:

(virtualenv)$ ho probe yaml
2016-03-30 21:35:12,105 INFO Probing 'subnets' stanza
2016-03-30 21:35:12,105 INFO Loaded yaml tree from './aws.yaml'
2016-03-30 21:35:12,106 INFO Probing 'keyname' stanza
2016-03-30 21:35:12,106 INFO Probing 'vpc' stanza
2016-03-30 21:35:12,108 INFO Probing 'role-definitions' stanza
2016-03-30 21:35:12,111 INFO Detected roles ['admin', 'windows', 'master', 'mon', 'defaults', 'osd']
2016-03-30 21:35:12,111 INFO Probing 'region' stanza
2016-03-30 21:35:12,113 INFO Probing 'cluster-definition' stanza
2016-03-30 21:35:12,115 INFO Detected cluster-definition stanza
2016-03-30 21:35:12,115 INFO Detected role 'admin' in cluster definition
2016-03-30 21:35:12,115 INFO Probing 'delegates' stanza
2016-03-30 21:35:12,117 INFO Probing 'types' stanza
2016-03-30 21:35:12,117 INFO YAML tree is sane

You can see that the YAML file has been created:

(virtualenv)$ file aws.yaml
aws.yaml: ASCII text

You can run ho probe yaml anytime to check your configuration file, and especially after any manual modifications.

The next step is to configure the AWS Region. The default is eu-west-1, i.e. "EU (Ireland)". If you want to use a different region, edit the YAML file (aws.yaml in current directory) and edit the following line:

  region_str: eu-west-1

If you don't care about the availability zone, just leave it unset. AWS will assign one.

If you want to set an availability zone, you must do so before subnets are created, since subnets exist within an availability zone. Once subnets are created the availability zone cannot be changed (or, more accurately, it can be changed but ho install delegates will then fail because of the availability zone mismatch).

Next, verify that you can connect to that region by running the command:

(virtualenv)$ ho probe region
2016-10-18 13:51:58,156 INFO Loaded yaml tree from './aws.yaml'
2016-10-18 13:51:58,156 INFO Testing connectivity to AWS Region {'region_str': 'us-east-1', 'availability_zone': None}
2016-10-18 13:51:58,404 INFO Detected 5 VPCs
2016-10-18 13:51:58,404 INFO Availability zone not set in YAML

To ensure that our demo clusters do not interfere with other AWS projects, we use a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) containing a number of subnets.

All the delegates will share a single VPC Within that VPC there will be a /24 subnet for each delegate, plus one for the Salt Master.

The Salt Master resides in its own subnet:

Each delegate will be assigned a number, e.g. 12. The subnet of delegate 12 will be

If you are setting up a VPC for the first time, run the following command to create one:

(virtualenv)$ ho install vpc
2016-03-30 23:20:34,407 INFO Loaded yaml tree from './aws.yaml'
2016-03-30 23:20:34,686 INFO New VPC ID vpc-cfd7c9aa created with CIDR block
2016-03-30 23:20:34,816 INFO Object VPC:vpc-cfd7c9aa tagged with Name=handson

Once the VPC has been created, the vpc stanza will look like this:

  id: cfd7c9aa

Note that ho install vpc is idempotent: you can run it as many times as you want. Try running it a second time:

(virtualenv)$ ho install vpc
2016-03-30 23:22:00,612 INFO Loaded yaml tree from './aws.yaml'
2016-03-30 23:22:00,613 INFO VPC ID according to yaml is vpc-cfd7c9aa
2016-03-30 23:22:00,907 INFO VPC ID is vpc-cfd7c9aa, CIDR block is

Any other output (and especially any traceback) probably means your VPC is not set up properly.

Initially, the VPC will not have an Internet Gateway, and so it will not be able to communicate with the outside world in any way (regardless of Security Group settings in any instances running inside the VPC). This includes SSH access into the VPC from outside.

The fact that VPCs are by default completely isolated from the outside world is by design, but it is not appropriate for a hands-on demonstration.

To remedy this, first create an Internet Gateway and attach it to the VPC.

The steps to create the internet gateway are explained in detail at the aws official docs. You can create an internet gateway from and add it to the the vpc (handson by default) created from the previous steps.

WARNING: The scripting does not do this step for you!

Even with the Internet Gateway in place, no packets originating from the VPC will be routed to the outside until a default route is added. This is because the default Route Table looks like this:

Destination Target Status Propagated local Active No

Add a "default route" line to this table, so it looks like this:

Destination Target Status Propagated local Active No igw-... Active No

WARNING: The scripting does not do this step for you!

Network ACLs are like firewalls at the subnet level. For more information, see the Network ACLs chapter of the AWS documentation.

Even with the Internet Gateway and the Route Table set up, networking may still not work as expected inside the VPC. If this is the case, check if there is a Network ACL associated with your VPC, and check the settings:

"Security" -> "Network ACLs" in VPC Dashboard

A working (wide open) Network ACL table might look like this ("Inbound Rules" and "Outbound Rules"):

Rule # Type Protocol Port Range Destination Allow / Deny

Make sure you are looking at the Network ACL that is associated with your VPC.

WARNING: The scripting does not do this step for you!

Security Groups are like firewalls at the instance (individual VM) level. For more information, see the Security Groups for Your VPC chapter of the AWS documentation.

Even with the Internet Gateway and the Route Table set up, and Network ACL wide open (or disabled), you will still not be able to ping your AWS nodes unless you edit the Inbound Rules table of your VPC's default Security Group.

You will find it under:

"Security" -> "Security Groups" in VPC Dashboard

By default, the Inbound Rules table will look like this:

Type Protocol Port Range Source
ALL Traffic ALL ALL sg-...

Note that only packets originating from within the same Security Group are accepted. All others are dropped.

Edit the line so Source is set to

Type Protocol Port Range Source

Such a setup means the machines in your VPC will be exposed to scanning, and if they have any unpatched vulnerabilities evil people might take control of them.

To address this, replace the line in the Inbound Rules table with lines covering all the public network segments from which people will be accessing your VPC.

WARNING: The scripting does not do this step for you!

As explained in the introduction to the Virtual Private Cloud chapter, each delegate will have their own "Class C" /24 virtual network, or "subnet".

Initially, the subnets stanza of your aws.yaml file should be empty:

subnets: {}

Do not add anything here: the scripting will create subnets automatically based on the number of delegates given in the delegates stanza, e.g.:

delegates: 1

If you want more than one cluster, change the delegates stanza in the YAML file now.

To ensure that the subnets are created for each delegate plus the Salt Master, you should run:

(virtualenv)$ ho install subnets --all --master
2016-04-03 07:59:03,992 INFO Loaded yaml tree from './aws.yaml'
2016-04-03 07:59:03,992 INFO Delegate list is [0, 1]
2016-04-03 07:59:03,992 INFO Installing subnet for delegate 0

This will create a subnet for the Salt Master and one additional /24 for each delegate (one in the default case). It will also add the appropriate tags to the subnet objects.

Like ho install vpc, this command is idempotent.

AWS reserves both the first four IP addresses and the last IP address in each subnet's CIDR block. For example, in the subnet, these IP addresses are not available for use:

  • Network address.
  • Reserved by AWS for the VPC router.
  • Reserved by AWS for mapping to the Amazon-provided DNS.
  • Reserved by AWS for future use.
  • Network broadcast address. We do not support broadcast in a VPC, therefore we reserve this address.

For this reason, instances must not be assigned last_octet values 0, 1, 2, 3, or 255.

Once the subnets are set up, the next step is to define the cluster each delegate will receive.

This software assumes that each delegate will have one cluster and all the clusters will be identical.

Each cluster consists of some number of instances, and each instance has a "role" that it plays in the cluster.

NOTE: As far as this software is concerned, the term "role" is interchangeable with "node", "instance" or "virtual machine"!

Before you can install a cluster (or twelve!), you must first edit the cluster definition and role definitions in the yaml.

Roles are defined in the role-definitions stanza of the YAML. This stanza is a mapping, the keys of which are the names of the respective roles.

There are two special roles: defaults and master. The former defines the set of permissible role attributes and their default values. The latter defines the attributes of the Salt Master node.

Each role definition may contain one or more of the following attributes:

Role definition attribute Description
ami-id AMI ID of image from which to create the instance
last-octet value of last octet of instance IP address (10.0.0.x)
node-no arbitrary number that can optionally be associated with a node
replace-from-environment FIXME
type the Instance Type
user-data file containing user-data
volume disk volume to be attached to the instance (optional)

If you are setting up a hands-on, now would be a good time to define your roles. The following sections should help.

The ami-id is the ID of the Amazon Machine Image (AMI) to use when provisioning the node. Basically, it should be a recent Linux image that you are capable of installing Ceph on.

This attribute should be an integer value between 4 and 254 (inclusive) - see Subnet caveat. Together with the delegate number, it determines the IP address of the node. For example, if the delegate number is 3 and last-octet is 8, the IP address will be

This is an entirely optional value that can be associated with a node. This number determines what @@NODE_NO@@ in the user-data will be replaced with.


This determines the Instance Type of the node. If all the nodes will have the same Instance Type, you can just set it once in the defaults section. It does not need to be set individually for each role.

The instance types are described at

I am using t2.small for cluster nodes and t2.micro for the Salt Master. Both are single CPU, t2.small has 2 GB of memory and t2.micro has 1 GB.

There are two "types" of instance types: "ebs" and "paravirtual". All the types are EBS-only. EBS stands for "Elastic Block Store". This is important to know if you make a snapshot and want to create an AMI from that snapshot. (Also, I think any volumes you create must be EBS if you want to use them with instances.)

After the image boots for the first time, we need to run a custom setup script. In Cloud terminology this is known as "user-data". Often the user-data takes form of "cloud-init" YAML. However, with AWS it can be an ordinary shell script.

For testing, you can type or cut-and-paste user-data in the web console, into the box located at the very bottom of the "3. Configure Instance" dialog, hidden under "Advanced Details".

Once you have developed just the right user-data for your application, put it in a file, and set the user-data YAML attribute to the absolute or relative path to this file. Whatever it is, the user-data in that file will be run in the instance when it first launches. See Running Commands on Your Linux Instance at Launch.

This value is optional in the sense that ho will instantiate nodes without it, but you will probably need it if you want to automate the process of installing and starting the Salt Minion service on the nodes.

Each node has a root volume, the size of which is defined by the Instance Type (VERIFY). This is sufficient for admin nodes and monitor-only nodes. If you want to run an OSD on a node, though, a separate volume will be necessary. Typically this will be an Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) volume.

The volume attribute takes an integer value which is interpreted as the volume size in Gigabytes.

If the attribute is missing, or has no value, or has a zero value, no separate volume is created.

Once you have defined the roles, the next step is to stipulate the set of roles that will constitute a cluster. Remember, each delegate will get one cluster (one set of roles).

The cluster is defined in the cluster-definition stanza of the yaml. This stanza consists of a "collection" (list, array) of instance definitions. Each instance definition must contain a role attribute defining the instance role, which should be a very short string (e.g., "mon1") describing the role this instance will play in the cluster.

The value of each role attribute must match one of roles defined in the role-definitions YAML stanza (see Role definitions).

For example, a reasonable demo cluster might consist of three MON/OSD nodes (roles mon1, mon2, and mon3, respectively) and an "admin node" with a public IP address:

  - role: admin
  - role: mon1
  - role: mon2
  - role: mon3

Provided the roles are properly defined in the role-definitions stanza, this is a legal cluster definition.

Before you actually try to spin up a cluster, it's a good idea to validate your YAML:

(virtualenv)$ ho probe yaml

This command loads the YAML file and performs various validations checks, including basic sanity checks on the cluster-definition and role-definitions stanzas.

Before you spin up any Delegate Clusters, you will need to generate delegate (SSH) keypairs and import them to AWS.

The keyname stanza in the YAML file determines how the keypairs will be named. If you do nothing, it will be set to your username. If your username is "regnaw", the Salt Master's keypair will be named regnaw-d0, Delegate 1's keypair will be regnaw-d1, etc.

If you want the keypair names to be based on some other string, just set the keyname attribute in the YAML file before continuing.

Each delegate will have its own keypair. To generate keypairs for all the delegates, do:

$ ./

Then, to import them into AWS, do:

$ ho install keypairs --all --master

When newly instantiated nodes boot up for the first time, a script called user-data is run as root. The idea is for this script to bring the nodes into a "SaltStack-ready" state - i.e. Salt Master service running on the Salt Master node, Salt Minion services running on the Delegate Cluster nodes, and minions communicating with, and accepting orders from, the Salt Master. SSH access should also be possible using the respective delegate keypair.

To get Ceph running on the cluster nodes, additional steps are necessary. These steps are accomplished by running SaltStack commands on the Salt Master node.

At this point, you should have completed the following steps:

  1. ho probe aws
  2. ho probe yaml
  3. ho probe region
  4. ho install vpc
  5. create Internet Gateway in VPC Console
  6. ho install subnets --all --master
  7. define roles (by editing the YAML file)
  8. define cluster (by editing the YAML file)
  9. ./
  10. ho install keypairs --all --master
  11. write user-data script for the Salt Master
  12. set user-data attribute of master role to filename of Salt Master user-data script
  13. write user-data scripts for all your roles
  14. set user-data attribute of all roles to the appropriate filename

Now you are ready to instantiate nodes. We start with the Salt Master node.

Delegate 0 is the Salt Master, but we do not write, e.g., ho install delegates 0. Instead, we pass the --master option like so:

$ ho install delegates --master

It is a good idea to wait until the Salt Master boots up for the first time and finishes running its user-data script before installing any Delegate Clusters.

This software is capable of automating the installation of multiple Delegate Clusters - up to the number set in the delegates stanza of the YAML file.

If you are just testing the software, it's probably a good idea not to set delegates too high. You could set a value of 1 to start with:

  - role: admin

delegates: 1


The delegates stanza limits the number of clusters that can be instantiated at once (or at all). A value of 1 means that the ho install delegates command will only take an argument of 1. Any other argument will fail. If you specify --all, it will mean 1.

With the above YAML a single Delegate Cluster will be installed when you run:

$ ho install delegates 1

The cluster will consist of a single admin node which will be instantiated in the subnet.

Automatically, each cluster instance will be tagged as follows:

Tag Description
Name the value of the nametag yaml attribute
Delegate the delegate number
Role the instance role

You can stop and start clusters using the ho stop delegates and ho start delegates commands, respectively. "Stop" in this context triggers an orderly shutdown, so it involves a transition to "powered-off" state. "Start", then, is conceptually similar to powering up.

For example:

$ ho stop delegates 1
$ ho stop delegates 1,3,5-7
$ ho stop delegates --all
$ ho stop delegates --all --master

$ ho start delegates 1
$ ho start delegates 1,3,5-7
$ ho start delegates --all
$ ho start delegates --all --master

The --master option adds delegate 0 (the Salt Master) to the list of delegates to which the operation (start or stop) is applied.

When you are finished with a cluster (or clusters), you can delete it/them by:

$ ho wipeout delegates [DELEGATE_LIST]

where [DELEGATE_LIST] is something like 1-12 for Delegate Clusters one through twelve, 5 for Delegate Cluster five, or 1,3,7-9 for Delegate Clusers one, three, seven, eight, and nine.

Sticking to our minimal example from Install Delegate Clusters, we could wipe out that cluster by:

$ ho wipeout delegates 1

When you are finished with the Salt Master, you can delete it by adding the --master option, e.g.:

$ ho wipeout delegates --master

You can wipe out all instances, i.e all Delegate Clusters and the Salt Master, like so:

$ ho wipeout delegates --all --master

NOTE: The wipeout commands discussed in this section remove cluster nodes and EBS volumes only. They do not have any effect on subnets or the VPC. (If needed, those must be wiped out separately.)

Take the following example:

  - role: admin
  - role: mon1
  - role: mon2
  - role: mon3
  - role: windows


    last-octet: 10
    ami-id: ami-ff63dd8c
    replace-from-environment: []
    type: t2.small
    user-data: data/user-data-minions
    volume: 20
    last-octet: 10
    user-data: data/user-data-master
    last-octet: 11
    volume: 20
    last-octet: 12
    volume: 20
    last-octet: 13
    volume: 20
    last-octet: 14
    volume: 20
    ami-id: ami-c6972fb5
    last-octet: 15
    user-data: data/user-data-windows

The user-data-minions script updates each cluster node and adds the repo containing the latest versions of the ceph and ceph-deploy packages. It also configures and enables the ntp and salt-minion services.

One can follow progress of the user-data script on a given node by sshing into the node and doing:

(Cluster Node)# tail -n 100 -f /var/log/cloud-init-output.log

Once all the cluster nodes have finished running their user-data scripts, you can SSH to the Salt Master and list the minion keys:

(Salt Master)# salt-key -L

This shows the unaccepted keys. Accept them by doing:

(Salt Master)# salt-key -A -y

If there are stale keys from clusters that have been wiped out, you can just delete all keys and wait for the live minions to re-connect:

(Salt Master)# salt-key -A -y

The next step is to run the ceph-admin Salt State on all the nodes. In this example we are spinning up a cluster for Delegate 2:

(Salt Master)# salt -C "G@delegate:2" state.sls ceph-admin

Examine all the output. If there are failures, just run the command over again. Once it is completing without any failures, remotely run the ceph-deploy-sh Salt State on the admin node to deploy a Ceph cluster:

(Salt Master)# salt -C "G@delegate:2 and G@role:admin" state.sls ceph-deploy-sh

This will take a minute or two to complete. If all goes well, it will succeed. If it fails, you have no choice but to wipe out the delegate and start over.

Of course, the gold standard of a well-functioning Ceph cluster is HEALTH_OK. Check the cluster health by running the ceph-s Salt State:

(Salt Master)# salt -C "G@delegate:2 and G@role:admin" state.sls ceph-s

If you want to fill the cluster partially up with some data, do:

(Salt Master)# salt -C "G@delegate:2 and G@role:mon1" state.sls owen-data-sh

At this point, you can SSH into the Delegate 2 admin node and become user "ceph" by doing:

(Delegate 2 admin node)# su - ceph

The following lessons were learned:

  • double-check instance limit
  • practice spinning up the full number of delegates (not just once, but several times in a row)
  • figure out how best to freeze the state so we no longer run "zypper up", exposing ourselves to the risk of a new kernel, etc. coming out

This software is designed to be run from a virtualenv (created by running the bootstrap script) within a local clone of this git repository.

If you make changes to the code, these will not be automatically reflected in the virtualenv. To make that happen, run the following command in the top-level directory:

python development

If the version number is incremented using the script, the code in the virtualenv can be upgraded by running this command in the top-level directory:

easy_install -U .

The version number has three components, X.Y.Z or major.minor.patch. For example, if the version number is 2.3.1 the major version is 2, the minor version is 3, and the patch level is 1. The version number can be incremented by running the script with an argument indicating which component should be incremented:

./ major|minor|patch

So, to "bump" the version number from 2.3.1 to 2.3.2, you would do:

./ patch
easy_install -U .

Note that the ChangeLog file is updated automatically from the git commit descriptions. You should not attempt to edit the ChangeLog file manually.

It is now possible, and expected, to deploy Delegate Clusters using DeepSea.

Because the process of deploying DeepSea requires a local Salt Master within the Delegate Cluster, clusters lose their connection with the root Salt Master after deployment. This is unavoidable until someone comes up with a way to run two salt-minion.service instances in a single VM.

In the role definition, specify susecon2017/user-data-root-master for the master node's user-data and susecon2017/user-data-minion for all the minion nodes. When the master and minion (delegate) VMs come up, all the delegate VMs will be configured as Salt Minions pointing to the root Salt Master.

After running ho install delegates --all --master to create the VMs, ssh to the root master VM, become root, and change the current working directory to /srv/salt:

$ ssh -i keys/smithfarm-d0 [email protected]
Last login: Wed Sep 13 19:42:59 2017 from
This is the Salt Master.

Have a lot of fun...
ec2-user@ip-10-0-0-10:~> sudo -s
ip-10-0-0-10:/home/ec2-user # cd /srv/salt

The /srv/salt directory contains the contents of (master branch). This is a set of Salt state files to facilitate deployment of local Salt clusters in each Delegate Cluster and then using DeepSea to install Ceph in the Delegate Cluster. Before anything else, apply the bootstrap state on all minions:

# salt '*' state.apply bootstrap

The bootstrap state is quite busy, but from the user's perspective it creates a cephadm user on all the delegate nodes, with the possibility to ssh as cephadm to any node from the root master. For example, assuming Delegate 3's "admin" (local Salt Master) node is ip-10-0-3-10, we can ssh to it like so:

ip-10-0-0-10:/home/ec2-user # ssh cephadm@ip-10-0-3-10
Last login: Wed Sep 13 20:12:11 2017 from

This is the admin node.


After applying the bootstrap state, we continue by applying the deepsea-salt-master state to all nodes with the "role:admin" grain (this is assuming the Delegate "admin" role will be used for the local Salt Master):

# salt -G 'role:admin' state.apply deepsea-salt-master

This clones the DeepSea git repo into /home/cephadm/DeepSea, installs DeepSea and its dependencies. In the final step, we will run one of the scripts in /home/cephadm/DeepSea/qa to actually deploy Ceph, but let's not get ahead of ourselves. Next, we apply the deepsea-salt-minion state to point the Delegate Minions to their new master. Since the local master node is also a minion, we can simply apply it to all nodes, or to all nodes:

# salt -G 'role:admin' state.apply deepsea-salt-minion

Or to all nodes belonging to a certain Delegate:

# salt -G 'delegate:3' state.apply deepsea-salt-minion

After this step, we can no longer ping or otherwise control these nodes, so their keys should be deleted. For example, to delete all minion keys belonging to Delegate 3:

# salt-key -d ip-10-0-3-*

The final step is to run DeepSea on each Delegate's local master node ("admin node"). Since we have lost the root master's connection to the Delegate Minions, we have no choice but to ssh to each local master in turn, accept the minion keys, and run the script. The deepsea-salt-master state installs a /home/cephadm/bin/health-ok shell script to make this easier:

ip-10-0-0-10:/home/ec2-user # ssh cephadm@ip-10-0-3-10
Last login: Wed Sep 13 20:12:11 2017 from

This is the admin node.

cephadm@ip-10-0-3-10:~> bin/health-ok

Once a SLES image boots up, the first thing you need to do is "zypper up". Once nice feature of AWS is that it has its own internal SMT server. However, it takes some seconds after boot for the the associated zypper service to appear. Therefore, we use the following loop in the user-data script:

while sleep 10 ; do
    zypper services | grep 'SMT-http_smt-ec2_susecloud_net'
    if [[ $? = 0 ]] ; then

After that completes, you can assume that the basic repos are available, so you can do "zypper up" as follows:

while sleep 5 ; do
    zypper -n update
    if [[ $? = 0 ]] ; then

Unfortunately, the AWS SMT server only has the basic SLES pool and update repos. No SUSE Enterprise Storage or any other add-ons for that matter. So we have to make our own installation sources. The way I ended up doing that was to loop mount the SES2 GA ISO on the Salt Master and run an apache2 server there to farm it out to the delegate instances.

First, append the ISO to /etc/fstab:

$MEDIA_FULL_PATH /srv/repos/SES2-media1 iso9660 loop 0 0

Second, mount the ISO:

mount /srv/repos/SES2-media1

Third, set up Apache:

# zypper in apache2
# systemctl enable apache2.service
# echo "I am a puppet" > /srv/repos/puppet.txt
# vim /etc/apache2/vhosts.d/admin.conf

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerAdmin [email protected]
    ServerName admin
    DocumentRoot /srv/repos
    HostnameLookups Off
    UseCanonicalName Off
    ServerSignature On
    <Directory /srv/repos>
        Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
        AllowOverride All
        Require all granted

# systemctl restart apache2.service
# curl http://localhost/puppet.txt
I am a puppet

Fourth, try the curl command from another machine in the cluster.

Fifth, add the repo on the cluster nodes:

# zypper ar http://localhost/SES2/ SES2
Adding repository 'SES2' ......................................................[done]
Repository 'SES2' successfully added
Enabled     : Yes
Autorefresh : No
GPG Check   : Yes
URI         : http://localhost/SES2

Sixth, install Ceph packages from the ISO on the cluster nodes (use SaltStack for this).


As the user-data script runs, its output is logged to a file called:


Ping all machines belonging to a given delegate:

salt -G 'delegate:12'

Get IP addresses of all machines belonging to the delegate:

salt -G 'delegate:12' network.ip_addrs

Compound match: get IP address of Delegate 12's admin node:

salt -C 'G@delegate:1 and G@role:admin' network.ip_addrs

<script>net user Administrator GieGh7ie</script>