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The Admin Console

Author: Indrajit Ghosh


The Admin console is a web based tool for making some the common administration tasks of the LearnDB database easier. Its main users are the clinical trial leads (who would need to import clinical trial data into the database) as well as the administrator for the system (manging user accounts).


The Admin Console's design overview is provided by the following figure:

Admin Console Design

The Admin Console uses Python Flask along with Jinja templates to serve a basic but functional GUI to the users and internally is composed of several Python modules hat are responsible for user management (AuthManagement module), getting the upload packets (UploadManager module), importing the upload packets into the database (DataImporter module) and talks to the database (DatabaseAdapter module).

It uses a PostgreSQL backend to manage the user access using the auth_db. The main tables in that database are as follows:

Table Details
token_details user details
treatment_sites registered treatment centres
trials registered trials
acl_roles access control
trial_site_mapping mapping of sites to centres

How to use

To use the Admin Console, a local_settings.json file is required in the root folder of the project. This file contains the database connection details and the secret key for the Flask application. A sample file is provided in ./templates/local_settings.json. The file should be renamed to local_settings.json and the values should be updated as per the local environment.

After the local_settings.json file is created, the required Python packages can be installed by running the following command from the root folder of the project:

pip install -r requirements.txt

The Admin Console can be started by running the following command from the root folder of the project:
