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LCN has trouble collecting data from each LC as they all provide it in slightly different forms and with slightly different definitions. LCN has also found it has been lacking in providing real stories of their effect. The challenge is to provide a platform which will allow Law Centres to quickly, and cohesively share data with LCN
We began the sprint with a design day. Using a number of methods (inspired from companies such as IBM, Google and Airbnb) to challenge, refine and align on the problem statement that was to be addressed.
We then considered many possible solutions for each of the key problems and came up with storyboards for each of them, which were voted on. After some deliberation it was decided that the key goal we wanted to solve and User Journey we wanted to complete was:
LCN wants a way to obtain accurate, recent, multi-use data so that they can tell the LCN story
LCN Feedback Platform
Simple, quick, data collection with instant feedback on what others think
The aims of the solution
- Allow the user to quickly and easily give some qualitative feedback to LCN and see stories others in the network have shared
- Allow LCN to gather qualitative data and stories that they can then use to share externally or see trends across the country that might require further investigation.
- Ask specific questions for quantative data from users so LCN can get consistent data for all of the law centres in the network
User Stories We began by aligning on the main user stories that were key to the success of the prototype. There were:
- "As a user I want a way to quickly and simply send data to the LCN"
- "As a user I want to be able to a success story"
- "As a user I want to be able to see and vote on other people's stories"
- "As a user I want to choose to reply as a Rep or memeber of staff"
- "As a user I want to be able to fill out stats about my week"
- "As a user I want to be able to talk about what trends i've seen recently"
- "As a user I want to be able to ask a question to the LCN"
- "As a user I want to see icons and pictures instead of large sections of text
We then built prototypes in Figma to help map the user journey more thoroughly.
User is first presented with a page where they can select which is their area of law
Dependent on the type of work the user does they will be given some short questions to gather some quantative data for the LCN
User is then presented with options on what they would like to do
Then the user will be guided to a page related to the topic where they can input their stories and see other people's stories. for example, with bug bear:
There will also be a "Snapshot" page where users can get a view of what is happening across the country
User testing allows you to get feedback from your primary users to check that the product being built fits their needs. This is very important to build a successful product.
The three key points for testing are:
- Have a script which has tasks for them to complete
- Ask for people to give you a commentry of what they are doing, but don't response to them
- Document their response
Here are some useful resources to look at when completing your user testing sessions:
Recommendations for user testing:
- At the moment the main user for the app is all workers at Law Centre's. So the tests should be done with this group of people.
- If the main issue for LC's is lack of time to fill this out, need a smooth quick, easy to fill out flow. It will therefore be important to watch users interact with the app and understand if they feel using this weekly is realistic.
- With user testing it is important to see if the app is easy to understand and everything makes sense - this should be an area of focus as there is a lot going on in the app already that may need improving for the next sprint. The easier it is to user the more likely staff are to use it in the long run.
- As the app is currently designed to collect qualitative and quantitve data it will be useful to know what is the preferred type for the users and the LCN
- Do the users find seeing other people's stories and the 'snapshot' an important/interesting feature?
If this design is move forward for a build sprint it is important to concentrate on key features that both solves the initital problem and implements feedback from user testing.
Our current recommendation for initial features would be:
- Allow users to select their area of work
- Provide users with quantative questions based on their area
- Improve design
- Complete user journey for filling in the 3 main question areas:
- Bug Bear
- Made my Week
- Eye Spy
- Allow users to see other people's input
or (depending on feedback from testing):
- Collect the inputs from quantative questions and automate sending the data back to LCN on a weekly basis
Then in following sprints the focus could be on:
- The snapshot of data
- The journey for the reps
- All of it sounds good - bringing it back down to just one journey is quite hard. The fundamental question is still how do we get the quantative data from the law centres. Case workers may like the bug bears but is that really what is most useful to LCN.
- Maybe an error on our part not having any case workers there on the day.
- Some people already don't respond to simple surveys.
- Worry that it's Another thing that people have to fill in. And will likely still have to collect other data
- Normally only have contact from the managers so it's a good way of seeing other perspectives within LC's
- How do we know if it's being done consistently? Could end up with selection bias.
- In order to build an accurate snapshot we would need a way to make sure we aren't extrapolating data.
- Best thing we could get from them would be seeing the trends e.g. how many people are you turning away. So they can share that with the network and the LCN could respond
- Julie feels that case workers have knowledge as they are on the "coal face". But maybe it's receptionists that get more data? They could say something more insightful.
- Would also need finance and admin - they are isolated but are doing returns & legal aid etc so is important for them to feedback
- would be good to fiter stories by area of work so you can see other people from your field
- People still don't know why LCN needs the data
- Breakdown of understanding. Some LC's don't know who LCN is because managers deal with them
- This could allow a direct interface between case workers and LCN
- Concern that this collection is still seperate from other platforms that exist.
- Several LCs don't have reception - their clients are referred so very few turn aways
- Will still need to prompt people to do this