i. Fork & Clone
• Fork the repository from GitHub to have your copy of openIDP in your GitHub account
• Clone the repository with HTTPs URL https://github.com//openIDP.git
git clone [email protected]:username/ openIDP.git
e.g. git clone https://github.com/InfyMegha/openIDP.git
cd openIDP
Now, you have a local copy of your fork of the openIDP repository!
i. Create branch
To create a branch, type the following (spaces won't be recognized in the branch name, so you will need to use a hyphen or underscore):
git checkout -b NAME-OF-BRANCH
e.g. git checkout –b My_Feature
ii. Work on an existing branch
To switch to an existing branch, so you can work on it:
git checkout NAME-OF-BRANCH
e.g. git checkout My_Feature
It's important to be aware of what's happening and the status of your changes. When you add, change, or delete files/folders, Git knows about it. To check the status of your changes:
git status
View differences
To view the differences between your local, unstaged changes and the repository versions that you cloned or pulled, type:
git diff
i. Use git add to stage a local file/folder for committing. Then use git commit to commit the staged files:
git add FILE or git add . (To add all changes)
e.g git add input.html or git add .
e.g. git commit –m “Add input file to repository”
git push <Remote_Name><Branch_Name>
e.g. git push origin My_feature
Pull the desired branch from the upstream repository. This method will retain the commit history without modification.
e.g. git pull https://github.com/InfyMegha/openIDP.git My_Changes
If you've forked a repository and made changes to the fork, you can ask that the upstream repository accept your changes by creating a pull request.
i. Navigate to the original repository you created your fork from.
ii. To the right of the Branch menu, click New pull request.
iii. On the Compare page, click compare across forks.
iv. Confirm that the base fork is the repository you'd like to merge changes into. Use the base branch drop-down menu to select the branch of the upstream repository you'd like to merge changes into.
v. Use the head fork drop-down menu to select your fork, then use the compare branch drop-down menu to select the branch you made your changes in.
vi. Type a title and description for your pull request.
vii. Click Create pull request.
Before we can accept the pull request, we first request people to sign a Contributor License Agreement (or CLA). Download the agreement PDF file (CLA_IDP.pdf) from the repository and sign and send it to [email protected]
Before we can accept the pull request, we check code quality through Codacy along with other parameters such as unit tests, code coverage, documentation and functional test results.