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3. Programmatic API Usage

Ruben Nine edited this page Aug 13, 2015 · 7 revisions

(Please notice that programmatic API usage is a feature available starting in v5.)

Supported API calls:

  - (void)getMediaListAtPath:(NSString *)path completion:(nullable FPSimpleAPIMediaListCompletionBlock)completion;

Requests a media list at a given path asynchronously.

NOTE: Results are NOT paginated. If you would prefer the results to be paginated, please use -getMediaListAtPath:startPage:success:failure: instead.


  - (void)getMediaListAtPath:(NSString *)path startPage:(NSUInteger)startPage completion:(nullable FPSimpleAPIMediaListCompletionBlock)completion;

Requests a media list at a given path asynchronously where the results are paginated.

NOTE: When there's more than one page of results, the success block will include a nextPage value greater than 0 that can be used as the startPage value for a subsequent call to this method.


  - (void)getMediaInfoAtPath:(NSString *)path completion:(nullable FPSimpleAPIMediaCompletionBlock)completion progress:(nullable FPSimpleAPIProgressBlock)progress;

Requests a media at a given path asynchronously.


  - (void)saveMediaAtLocalURL:(NSURL *)localURL named:(NSString *)name withMimeType:(NSString *)mimetype atPath:(NSString *)path completion:(nullable FPSimpleAPIMediaCompletionBlock)completion progress:(nullable FPSimpleAPIProgressBlock)progress;

Saves some media from a local NSURL to a given path in the source asynchronously.


  - (void)saveMediaRepresentedByData:(NSData *)data named:(NSString *)name withMimeType:(NSString *)mimetype atPath:(NSString *)path completion:(nullable FPSimpleAPIMediaCompletionBlock)completion progress:(nullable FPSimpleAPIProgressBlock)progress;

Saves some media represented by NSData to a given path in the source asynchronously.


  - (void)saveMediaInfo:(FPMediaInfo *)mediaInfo named:(NSString *)name atPath:(NSString *)path completion:(nullable FPSimpleAPIMediaCompletionBlock)completion progress:(nullable FPSimpleAPIProgressBlock)progress;

Saves some media represented by a FPMediaInfo to a given path in the source asynchronously.


Request Operations

  - (void)suspendAllRequests;

Suspends all the requests enqueued for execution.


  - (void)resumeAllRequests;

Resumes all the requests enqueued for execution.


  - (void)cancelAllRequests;

Cancels all the requests enqueued for execution and those currently running.

Example of listing files in Dropbox source at path /:

    FPSource *source = [FPSource sourceWithIdentifier:FPSourceDropbox];

    FPSimpleAPI *api = [FPSimpleAPI simpleAPIWithSource:source];
    api.delegate = self;

    FPSimpleAPIGetMediaListSuccessBlock successBlock = ^(NSArray *mediaList) {
        NSLog(@"Got media list: %@", mediaList);

    FPSimpleAPIFailureBlock failureBlock = ^(NSError *error) {
        NSLog(@"Failed with %@", error);

    [api getMediaListAtPath:@"/"

Handling Authentication

In iOS:

  - (void)simpleAPI:(FPSimpleAPI *)simpleAPI requiresAuthenticationForSource:(FPSource *)source
      FPAuthController *authController = [[FPAuthController alloc] initWithSource:source];

      if (authController)
          [self.navigationController pushViewController:authController animated:YES];
          NSLog(@"FPAuthController could not be instantiated.");

For a full working example, please check FPPicker iOS API Demo.

In OS X:

  - (void)simpleAPI:(FPSimpleAPI *)simpleAPI requiresAuthenticationForSource:(FPSource *)source
      self.authController = [[FPAuthController alloc] initWithSource:source];

      if (self.authController)
          [self.authController displayAuthSheetInModalWindow:self.view.window
                                                     success: ^{
              // NO-OP
                                                     failure: ^(NSError *__nonnull error) {
              NSAlert *alert = [NSAlert alertWithError:error];
              [alert runModal];
          NSLog(@"FPAuthController could not be instantiated.");

For a full working example, please check FPPicker Mac API Demo.

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