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de ESP8266

MQTTDevice32 is an Arduino sketch for the ESP32 Wemos D1 mini modules. MMQTTDevice32 enables sensors, actors and an induction hob GGM IDS2 to be communicate via WLAN and MQTT with CraftBeerPi V4. MQTTDevice32 supports more actors and sensors with a faster dual core CPU than MQTTDevice4.

Web Interface

✅ Features

  • Web Interface (WebIf) for easy configuration, backup and restore
  • Server Sent Events (SSE) for WebClients
  • Temperature sensors
    • Dallas DS18B20 Sensors (digital)
      • Search for connected sensors based on OneWire addresses
    • PT100 and PT1000 sensors (analog)
      • MAX31865 Amplifyer
    • MQTTDevice32 supports max 6 sensors
    • MQTTDevice4 supports max 3 sensors
  • Actors (max 15)
    • GPIO selection
    • used GPIOs are hidden
    • inverted GPIO
    • PWM values ​​between 0 and 100% are sent. MQTTDevice "pulses" with a cycle of 1000ms
    • MQTTDevice32 supports up to 15 actors
    • MQTTDevice4 supports 10 actors
  • Induction hob
    • induction hob GGM IDS2 can be controlled directly
  • Nextion HMI Touchdisplay support
  • Audio signals Piezo Buzzer
  • WebUpdate firmware
  • mDNS support
  • Event handling
  • File explorer
  • support for different languages

📚 Documentation

A detailed MQTTDevice documentation is available on gitbook: documentation

▶️ Installation ESP32

  • Download
  • unzip
  • edit Flashen.cmd:
  • change "COM3" in line 6 und line 8 "esptool.exe -p COM3" as you need
  • open command line (cmd.exe) and change into directory
  • start script "flashen.cmd"

Script flashen.cmd use esptool.

🗺️ Multilingual

MQTTDevice supports different languages. Each language has its own language file. The language files in JSON format are stored in the data folder.

Supported the project and translate MQTTDevice into a new language or extend existing language files!

💠 GPIO mapping

The ESP32 D1 offers a pinout suitable for the ESP8266 (GPIO D0 to D8). The pin assignment shown is based on the ESP32 D1 Mini NodeMCU module from AZ-Delivery

GPIO mapping:

ESP32 D1 Pinout-1 ESP32 D1 Pinout-2

Name GPIO Input Output Description
D0 GPIO026 ok ok
D1 GPIO022 ok ok SCL Display
D2 GPIO021 ok ok SDA Display
D3 GPIO017 ok ok DS18B20 sensors
D4 GPIO016 ok ok
D5 GPIO018 ok ok IDS2 blue
D6 GPIO019 ok ok IDS2 yellow
D7 GPIO023 ok ok IDS2 white
D8 GPIO005 ok ok MAX31865 CS5, Buzzer
D9 GPIO027 ok ok MAX31865 SCLK
D10 GPIO025 ok ok MAX31865 MISO
D11 GPIO032 ok ok MAX31865 MOSI
D12 GPIO012 (ok) ok TDI, boot fails if pulled high, strapping pin
D13 GPIO004 ok ok MAX31865 CS0
D14 GPIO000 pullUp (ok) must be low to enter flash mode
D15 GPIO002 ok ok onboard LED, must be low to enter flash mode
D16 GPIO033 ok ok MAX31865 CS1
D17 GPIO014 ok ok MAX31865 CS2
D18 GPIO015 ok ok MAX31865 CS3
D19 GPIO013 ok ok MAX31865 CS4

Pins connected to onboard flash and not recommended for GPIO use: CMD (IO11), CLK (IO6), SD0/SDD (IO7), SD1 (IO8), SD2 (IO9) and SD3 (IO10)

Sketch Information

ESP32 Arduino 2.0.14
VSCode 1.85 Arduino 0.6
VSCode plugin ESP8266Littlefs based on VSCode plugin ESP8266fs
InnuTicker task scheduler lib
InnuFramework CSS/JS bootstrap 4.6.2
Server Sent Events (8 SSE channels)