This is a list of possible features in the future. You can vote to prioritize some of them!
- Multiple animations per project
- Record and export gif/mp4 from editor to share animations
- "Camera" node to move camera while animation is playing
- Autokey feature
- Value precision settings
- Custom easings with easing editor
- "Tab" button for input fields
- One-click to change focus from one input field to another
- Background grid
- Zoom&Pan project settings, canvas visual area settings
- Adjustable UI panel size
- Multiple select & adjust nodes
- Multiple select & adjust animation keys
- Change node order with mouse button
- Remove select from node
- Animate color via HUE instead RGB (toggler, custom library)
- Move camera instead of node dragging (hotkey)
- Text node with set_text trigger
- Target FPS control
- Zoom up/down and navigate on timeline
- Color property more precision (now it's 0.01)
- Better *.collection import