diff --git a/_snippets/alunos/index.html b/_snippets/alunos/index.html index baeeb72a..df423f34 100644 --- a/_snippets/alunos/index.html +++ b/_snippets/alunos/index.html @@ -613,6 +613,11 @@
Each group will have 10 minutes for the presentation and 5 minutes for questions.
Welcome to the Open Development page for 2024/2. On this site, you will find all the course lessons and syllabus. The learning objectives covered are:
This course is gamified and entirely done using a git repository. Each student creates a user following the instructions in Lesson 01 and submits a Pull Request to be included in the repository. Each completed activity is delivered via a PR in the course repository and serves as evidence for the learning objectives mentioned above.
The course revolves around four types of activities:
More information about all possible activities can be found on the Assessment page.
Current and past instructors
Este documento descreve a rubrica para avalia\u00e7\u00e3o do trabalho e a agenda das apresenta\u00e7\u00f5es.
"},{"location":"agenda_apresentacoes/#rubrica","title":"Rubrica","text":"Conceito Descri\u00e7\u00e3o A Apresenta\u00e7\u00e3o realizada dentro do tempo estipulado. O tema foi organizado de forma excelente, com boa sequ\u00eancia l\u00f3gica das ideias. O trabalho foi apresentado de forma clara e concisa, usando so slides de forma coesa com a fala. Tem boa postura e seguran\u00e7a, estabelece contato visual com os participantes durante a apresenta\u00e7\u00e3o. Incorporou elementos visuais de qualidade no material: figuras, tabelas e gr\u00e1ficos s\u00e3o claros e cont\u00eam informa\u00e7\u00f5es suficientes. Fez uso de no m\u00ednimo uma t\u00e9cnica para intera\u00e7\u00e3o com a audi\u00eancia (por exemplo, debate, painel com vota\u00e7\u00f5es, entre outros). B O tempo de apresenta\u00e7\u00e3o foi de mais ou menos 5 min do estabelecido. O tema foi parcialmente bem organizado, com sequ\u00eancia de apresenta\u00e7\u00e3o razo\u00e1vel. Exp\u00f5e o trabalho corretamente, mas n\u00e3o usa os slides de forma coesa com a fala. Postura e seguran\u00e7a razo\u00e1veis. Os elementos visuais s\u00e3o de baixa qualidade: figuras, tabelas e gr\u00e1ficos n\u00e3o s\u00e3o totalmente claros e n\u00e3o cont\u00eam informa\u00e7\u00f5es suficientes para compreens\u00e3o. Fez uso de no m\u00ednimo uma t\u00e9cnica para intera\u00e7\u00e3o com a audi\u00eancia (por exemplo, debate, painel com vota\u00e7\u00f5es, entre outros). C Tempo de apresenta\u00e7\u00e3o foi de mais ou menos 10 min do estabelecido. A organiza\u00e7\u00e3o da apresenta\u00e7\u00e3o \u00e9 confusa, o que prejudica o acompanhamento e compreens\u00e3o das ideias. Comunica\u00e7\u00e3o deficiente, com dificuldade de expor ideias. N\u00e3o usa adequadamente os slides. N\u00e3o tem boa postura e seguran\u00e7a durante a apresenta\u00e7\u00e3o. Os recursos visuas prejudicam a apresenta\u00e7\u00e3o. Fez uso de no m\u00ednimo uma t\u00e9cnica para intera\u00e7\u00e3o com a audi\u00eancia (por exemplo, debate, painel com vota\u00e7\u00f5es, entre outros)."},{"location":"agenda_apresentacoes/#agenda","title":"Agenda","text":"Data e hor\u00e1rio Tema 17/11 (9:45-10:45) GitHub Copilot \u00e9 \u00e9tico? [Eiki Yamashiro e Marcelo Miguel] 17/11 (10:45-11:45) A rela\u00e7\u00e3o entre Software as a Service (SaaS) e projetos de C\u00f3digo Aberto [Caroline Chaim, Felipe Lemos, Jo\u00e3o Farias Araujo] 22/11 (9:45-10:45) Telemetria \u00e9 \"\u00e9tico\"? [Guilherme Lunetta, Rafael Monteiro e Jo\u00e3o Magalh\u00e3es] 22/11 (10:45-11:45) Regulamenta\u00e7\u00f5es futuras na Europa sobre responsabilidade legal dos criadores de IAs [Luiza Silvera, Guilherme Batista e Gabriel Zanetti] 24/11 N\u00e3o teremos aula. Joga do Brasil na Copa do Mundo 29/11 (9:45-10:45) Regulamenta\u00e7\u00f5es recentes na Europa sobre durabilidade de smartphones. [Keiya Nishio e Bruno Freitas] 29/11 (10:45-11:45) Por que Open Source \u00e9 cr\u00edtico para criptomoedas? [Paulo Kim, Raphael Lahiry e Rodrigo Coelho] 01/12 (9:45-10:45) The new open-source economics (Yochai Benkler, 2005). O que mudou de 2005 para 2022? [Jo\u00e3o Pedro Meirelles, Gustavo Molina e Rafael Almada] 01/12 (10:45-11:45) Mantainer burnout [Cesar Ades e Jonathan Sutton]"},{"location":"assessment/","title":"Assessment","text":"As you can see in Lesson 01, this course allows for a great deal of freedom, and it is organized through gamification. Each participant creates a profile in the repository and earns skills (and XP) by completing the available activities. All submissions are made via PR to the course repository.
The final grade is a combination of the total amount of XP received for completing tasks, the amount of XP obtained from group members, and some barrier criteria. The table below summarizes these conditions:
Grade Score Extra Criteria I ---- Did not complete any tutorial activities D ---- Completed all lesson activities but did not reach a C grade C 45XPThroughout the semester, the scores in the table above may be revised downward, but never upward.
"},{"location":"assessment/#available-skills","title":"Available Skills","text":"Each skill translates into evidence for one of the learning objectives of the course. The collection of all the skills completed during the semester indicates the proficiency of the students in each of the objectives.
"},{"location":"assessment/#tutorial","title":"Tutorial","text":"In this initial part, preparatory activities are carried out to support the development of skills in Code and Community skills.
id Name Description XP Date 1 First Steps Added to the discipline's repository. 2 25/09 2 Exploring a Project's Environment Researched the history and community of people and services around a project. 3 25/09 3 Undocumented Project Received an undocumented system and got it up and running. 5 25/09 4 Professional Project Refactored poorly written code and created a web page for it. 5 25/09 5 Tested and Approved Created unit tests and interface tests for the challenge server. 5 25/09 6 Python Package Created a Python package installable via pip. 3 25/09 7 Dockerfile Created automated deployment for a Python web system. 3 25/09 8 Basic Translation Used translation tools to translate and localize a small command-line program. 2 25/09 10 FLOSS Research Delivered a long presentation on a recent and relevant topic related to free and open-source software. 5 04/12 11 Better code Addressed linting problems in a poorly written project 5 25/09 12 Release created Created a release and published a binary package for users 5 25/09"},{"location":"assessment/#code","title":"Code","text":"Any activity that results in a code contribution to open-source software projects is accepted in the course.
id Name Description XP Date 21 Code Contribution Submitted a pull request fixing a bug. 7 04/12 22 Contribution Accepted! A non-trivial pull request was accepted by an external project. 13 04/12 23 Simple Contribution Accepted! A simple pull request (with trivial changes or small code refactorings) was accepted by an external project. 3 04/12 24 Bug Report Reported a bug in a repository, and another user was able to reproduce it. 5 04/12 25 Feature Request Made a request for a new feature in a software. 2 04/12 26 INSPER Project Made additional contributions to an INSPER educational project. 5 04/12"},{"location":"assessment/#community","title":"Community","text":"A software project is also defined by the interactions of all the people around it: users, developers, and translators. This category includes non-technical contributions that benefit these individuals.
id Name Description XP Date 40 Indirect Issue Conversations in an issue or pull request led other users to open issues reporting new bugs/improvements. 3 04/12 41 Beta Tester When reproducing a bug, you discovered that it had already been fixed and caused the closure of an issue. 3 04/12 42 Translation Accepted! Made a translation that was accepted in an open-source software. 5 04/12 43 New Languages Added support for translations in a previously non-translatable software. 10 04/12 44 Reviewer Reviewed minor errors in the documentation of a project, and your modifications were accepted. 2 04/12 45 Documentation Contribution Closed an issue marked asdocs
. 7 04/12 46 Project Pitch Delivered a project pitch. 0 04/12 47 Pitch Accepted! Contributed to a project presented in class. 5 04/12 48 Accepted Suggestion! Another student contributed to the project you pitched. 3 04/12 49 PR Replay Presented (in 15 minutes) the process of resolving a bug in class. 5 04/12"},{"location":"assessment/#impact","title":"Impact","text":"This category encompasses skills that represent the impact generated by the activities performed within the context of the course, both on a software project and the community around it. This includes:
In the 2019/2 edition, students worked on 19 different projects, contributing with 46 code modifications, of which 14 were incorporated into the original projects. In addition to these projects, students also worked on the Servidor de Desafios, a software developed by Insper professors to be used in the Software Design course. A total of 12 accepted modifications have already been used during the semester.
We also encourage students to participate in external technology events and experience the world outside Insper. In total, students participated in 10 events.
"},{"location":"impact-2019/#alunos","title":"Alunos","text":"Alessandra Bl\u00fccher Alexandre Edington Antonio Jo\u00e3o Andraues Junior Elisa Mochetti Malzoni Gabriel Lopes Monteiro Gabriel Do Vale Rios Giulia Braga Passarelli Guilherme Leite Hugo Ebert Carl Igor Montagner Leonardo Pereira Medeiros Lucas Scarlato Astur Pedro Cunial Campos Samuel Vinicius Granato De Barros Vinicius Gomes De Lima Vitor Liu"},{"location":"impact-2019/#contribuicoes-de-codigo","title":"Contribui\u00e7\u00f5es de c\u00f3digo","text":"Servidor de desafiosIn the 2020/1 edition, students worked on 15 different projects, contributing with 27 code modifications, of which 17 were incorporated into the original projects. In addition to these projects, students also worked on the Challenge Server, a software developed by Insper professors to be used in the Software Design course. A total of 7 accepted modifications have already been used during the semester.
"},{"location":"impact-2020/#alunos","title":"Alunos","text":"Isabella Rocha De Oliveira Bruna Mayumi Kimura Bruno Arthur Cesconetto Eli Jose Abi Ghosn Eric Fernando Otofuji Abrantes Francisco Ciol Rodrigues Aveiro Gabriel Fonseca Moreira Gabriel Valente Francato Hugo Silva Pereira Mendes Igor Dos Santos Montagner Lucca Delchiaro Costabile Martim Ferreira Jose Pedro De La Pe\u00f1a Ferreira Bueno Fonseca Pedro Oliveira De Azambuja Raphael Costa Sabrina Sampaio Simao Victor Laperuta De Moura"},{"location":"impact-2020/#contribuicoes","title":"Contribui\u00e7\u00f5es Melhorias de c\u00f3digo enviadas","text":"Servidor de desafiosOne of the main objectives of Open Development is to actively participate in existing software projects. In the 2021/2 edition, students worked on 30 different projects, contributing with 56 code modifications, of which 37 were incorporated into the original projects. In addition to these projects, students also worked on software developed by Insper professors to be used in various courses. A total of 0 modifications were accepted in these projects.
We also encourage students to participate in external technology events and experience the world outside Insper. In total, students participated in 0 events.
Melhorias de c\u00f3digo enviadas Uutils/Coreutils Pull RequestsOne of the main objectives of Open Development is to actively participate in existing software projects. In the 2022/2 edition, students worked on 15 different projects, contributing with 20 code modifications, of which 4 were incorporated into the original projects. In addition to these projects, students also worked on software developed by Insper professors to be used in various courses. A total of 0 modifications were accepted in these projects.
We also encourage students to participate in external technology events and experience the world outside Insper. In total, students participated in 0 events.
Alunos participantes Bruno Freitas Do Nascimento Rodrigues Caroline Chaim De Lima Carneiro Cesar Ezra Ades Eiki Luis Yamashiro Fabricio Barth Felipe Lemos Gabriel Zanetti Guilherme Carneiro Lunetta Guilherme Teixeira Batista Gustavo Molina Freneda Benites Joao Pedro Farias De Araujo Joao Pedro Montefeltro Junqueira Meirelles Jo\u00e3o Vitor Menezes De Magalh\u00e3es Jonathan Sutton Keiya Nishio Luiza Rodrigues Silveira Marcelo Cesario Miguel Paulo Wook Kim Rafael Alves De Mello Almada Rafael Evangelista Monteiro Raphael Lahiry Rodrigo Guimar\u00e3es Coelho Melhorias de c\u00f3digo enviadas Geekquad/Algobook Pull RequestsOne of the main objectives of Open Development is to actively participate in existing software projects. In the 2023/2 edition, students worked on 0 different projects, contributing with 0 code modifications, of which 0 were incorporated into the original projects. In addition to these projects, students also worked on software developed by Insper professors to be used in various courses. A total of 0 modifications were accepted in these projects.
We also encourage students to participate in external technology events and experience the world outside Insper. In total, students participated in 0 events.
Code contributions Events"},{"location":"students/","title":"Students","text":"The following students are enrolled in this semester.
Ananda J\u00falia Galv\u00e3o Campelo Andr\u00e9 Felipe Bulc\u00e3o Brito Andr\u00e9 Barboza Braga De Melo Andr\u00e9 Corr\u00eaa Santos Antonio Amaral Egydio Martins Arthur Martins De Souza Barreto Eric Andrei Lima Possato Fabr\u00edcio Barth Felipe Aron Nudelman Tabacinik Felipe Catapano Emrich Melo Fernando Alzueta Guilherme Dantas Rameh Guilherme Fontana Louro Igor Montagner Ilana Chaia Finger Jo\u00e3o Ant\u00f4nio Gomes Garcia Leonardo Merlin Paloschi Leonardo Scarlato Lidia Alves Chagas Domingos Lincoln Rodrigo Pereira Melo Lucas Hix Luis Antonio Santana Rodrigues Paulo Henrique Moreira Falc\u00e3o Pedro Bittar Bar\u00e3o Rafael Coca Leventhal Rafael Gordon Paves Rafael Estefam Melhado Araujo Lima Ricardo Ribeiro Rodrigues Rodrigo Anci\u00e3es Patelli Thiago Hampl De Pierri Rocha Yuri Tabacof"},{"location":"syllabus/","title":"Syllabus","text":""},{"location":"syllabus/#assessment","title":"Assessment","text":"This course has a gamified assessment system. At any time, you can check your grade by running:
$ ./dev-aberto.py compute-grade your-blackboard-login
Biweekly reports will be sent with a summary of what has been delivered and which criteria have been met, as well as the student's current grade. There is no possibility of losing points. Although the report is for informational purposes only, if the student is not failing due to absences, they should receive the grade indicated in the biweekly reports.
The complete list of rules is available on the Course Rules page and is the official reference for grade calculation. If there is a discrepancy between the report and the rules page, consider the report to be buggy.
"},{"location":"syllabus/#schedule","title":"Schedule","text":"The following activities are planned. The program is subject to changes and adaptations as the course progresses.
Date Question/Problem/Challenge Content 14/08 Introduction to the course and its challenges Workflow with distributed version control: forks, patches, pull requests, and local repositories. Technical and non-technical aspects surrounding software: infrastructure, support, marketing, funding. Reference: FOGEL Ch. 3; Additional reading: TAPSCOTT & WILLIAMS. 19/08 First code contribution Workflow with distributed version control: ammend, rebase, revert. 21/08 Project documentation and what to do when it doesn't exist Types of documentation (user, developer). Source code documentation systems: doxygen, Javadoc, pydoc, sphinx; Reference: FOGEL Ch. 3 (Wikis, Website) 26/08 Studio class for \"Professional Project\" activity Studio class for \"Professional Project\" activity 28/08 Ensuring others can work on the project: API documentation code quality 02/09 Software distribution and versioning Software distribution tools. Types of distribution. Versioning schemes. Reference: FOGEL Ch. 7 04/09 How to make software work in multiple countries? Localization and internationalization. Gettext tool for translations and .po format. 09/09 Software testing Types of software testing: unit, integration, and interface. Testing tools: pytest, selenium. 11/09 Studio class for \"Software Testing\" activity Studio class for \"Software Testing\" activity 16/09 Software licenses Copyrights in Brazil, patents, and software licenses; Reference: LAURENT Ch. 1 and 5, STALLMAN Ch. 6 18/09 Introduction to contributions in open projects - Activity \"My First Contribution\" Studio class for group activity \"My First Contribution\" 23/09 Studio class for group activity \"My First Contribution\" Studio class for group activity \"My First Contribution\" 25/09 Studio class for group activity \"My First Contribution\" Studio class for group activity \"My First Contribution\" 30/09 EXAM WEEK EXAM WEEK 02/10 EXAM WEEK EXAM WEEK 07/10 Working in software communities Assessment metrics for the second part of the course; Communication and teamwork. Reference: RAYMOND Ch. 4 09/10 Course project Studio class for project development 14/10 Course project Studio class for project development 16/10 Course project Studio class for project development 21/10 Course project Studio class for project development 23/10 Course project Studio class for project development 28/10 Course project Studio class for project development 30/10 Course project Studio class for project development 04/11 Course project Studio class for project development 06/11 Course project Studio class for project development 11/11 Course project Studio class for project development 13/11 Course project Studio class for project development 18/11 Topics on free culture and software communities Topics on free culture and software communities 20/11 PUBLIC HOLIDAY PUBLIC HOLIDAY 25/11 Topics on free culture and software communities Topics on free culture and software communities 27/11 Topics on free culture and software communities Topics on free culture and software communities 02/12 EXAM WEEK EXAM WEEK 04/12 EXAM WEEK EXAM WEEK"},{"location":"_snippets/alunos/","title":"Alunos","text":"Ananda J\u00falia Galv\u00e3o Campelo Andr\u00e9 Felipe Bulc\u00e3o Brito Andr\u00e9 Barboza Braga De Melo Andr\u00e9 Corr\u00eaa Santos Antonio Amaral Egydio Martins Arthur Martins De Souza Barreto Eric Andrei Lima Possato Fabr\u00edcio Barth Felipe Aron Nudelman Tabacinik Felipe Catapano Emrich Melo Fernando Alzueta Guilherme Dantas Rameh Guilherme Fontana Louro Igor Montagner Ilana Chaia Finger Jo\u00e3o Ant\u00f4nio Gomes Garcia Leonardo Merlin Paloschi Leonardo Scarlato Lidia Alves Chagas Domingos Lincoln Rodrigo Pereira Melo Lucas Hix Luis Antonio Santana Rodrigues Paulo Henrique Moreira Falc\u00e3o Pedro Bittar Bar\u00e3o Rafael Coca Leventhal Rafael Gordon Paves Rafael Estefam Melhado Araujo Lima Ricardo Ribeiro Rodrigues Rodrigo Anci\u00e3es Patelli Thiago Hampl De Pierri Rocha Yuri Tabacof"},{"location":"_snippets/plano-de-aulas/","title":"Plano de aulas","text":"Date Question/Problem/Challenge Content 14/08 Introduction to the course and its challenges Workflow with distributed version control: forks, patches, pull requests, and local repositories. Technical and non-technical aspects surrounding software: infrastructure, support, marketing, funding. Reference: FOGEL Ch. 3; Additional reading: TAPSCOTT & WILLIAMS. 19/08 First code contribution Workflow with distributed version control: ammend, rebase, revert. 21/08 Project documentation and what to do when it doesn't exist Types of documentation (user, developer). Source code documentation systems: doxygen, Javadoc, pydoc, sphinx; Reference: FOGEL Ch. 3 (Wikis, Website) 26/08 Studio class for \"Professional Project\" activity Studio class for \"Professional Project\" activity 28/08 Ensuring others can work on the project: API documentation code quality 02/09 Software distribution and versioning Software distribution tools. Types of distribution. Versioning schemes. Reference: FOGEL Ch. 7 04/09 How to make software work in multiple countries? Localization and internationalization. Gettext tool for translations and .po format. 09/09 Software testing Types of software testing: unit, integration, and interface. Testing tools: pytest, selenium. 11/09 Studio class for \"Software Testing\" activity Studio class for \"Software Testing\" activity 16/09 Software licenses Copyrights in Brazil, patents, and software licenses; Reference: LAURENT Ch. 1 and 5, STALLMAN Ch. 6 18/09 Introduction to contributions in open projects - Activity \"My First Contribution\" Studio class for group activity \"My First Contribution\" 23/09 Studio class for group activity \"My First Contribution\" Studio class for group activity \"My First Contribution\" 25/09 Studio class for group activity \"My First Contribution\" Studio class for group activity \"My First Contribution\" 30/09 EXAM WEEK EXAM WEEK 02/10 EXAM WEEK EXAM WEEK 07/10 Working in software communities Assessment metrics for the second part of the course; Communication and teamwork. Reference: RAYMOND Ch. 4 09/10 Course project Studio class for project development 14/10 Course project Studio class for project development 16/10 Course project Studio class for project development 21/10 Course project Studio class for project development 23/10 Course project Studio class for project development 28/10 Course project Studio class for project development 30/10 Course project Studio class for project development 04/11 Course project Studio class for project development 06/11 Course project Studio class for project development 11/11 Course project Studio class for project development 13/11 Course project Studio class for project development 18/11 Topics on free culture and software communities Topics on free culture and software communities 20/11 PUBLIC HOLIDAY PUBLIC HOLIDAY 25/11 Topics on free culture and software communities Topics on free culture and software communities 27/11 Topics on free culture and software communities Topics on free culture and software communities 02/12 EXAM WEEK EXAM WEEK 04/12 EXAM WEEK EXAM WEEK"},{"location":"_snippets/skills-code/","title":"Skills code","text":"id Name Description XP Date 21 Code Contribution Submitted a pull request fixing a bug. 7 04/12 22 Contribution Accepted! A non-trivial pull request was accepted by an external project. 13 04/12 23 Simple Contribution Accepted! A simple pull request (with trivial changes or small code refactorings) was accepted by an external project. 3 04/12 24 Bug Report Reported a bug in a repository, and another user was able to reproduce it. 5 04/12 25 Feature Request Made a request for a new feature in a software. 2 04/12 26 INSPER Project Made additional contributions to an INSPER educational project. 5 04/12"},{"location":"_snippets/skills-community/","title":"Skills community","text":"id Name Description XP Date 40 Indirect Issue Conversations in an issue or pull request led other users to open issues reporting new bugs/improvements. 3 04/12 41 Beta Tester When reproducing a bug, you discovered that it had already been fixed and caused the closure of an issue. 3 04/12 42 Translation Accepted! Made a translation that was accepted in an open-source software. 5 04/12 43 New Languages Added support for translations in a previously non-translatable software. 10 04/12 44 Reviewer Reviewed minor errors in the documentation of a project, and your modifications were accepted. 2 04/12 45 Documentation Contribution Closed an issue marked asdocs
. 7 04/12 46 Project Pitch Delivered a project pitch. 0 04/12 47 Pitch Accepted! Contributed to a project presented in class. 5 04/12 48 Accepted Suggestion! Another student contributed to the project you pitched. 3 04/12 49 PR Replay Presented (in 15 minutes) the process of resolving a bug in class. 5 04/12"},{"location":"_snippets/skills-impact/","title":"Skills impact","text":"id Name Description XP Date 60 Speaker Gave a talk about libraries or open-source software. 20 04/12 61 Helpdesk Had an accepted answer on sites like StackOverflow or email lists. 4 04/12 62 Published Contribution One of your contributions was included in a release. 10 04/12 63 VIP Guest After making a contribution, someone from the project asked you to perform a task. After delivering the task, add this skill. 5 04/12 64 3 Submitted PRs Submitted 3 pull requests to the same project. 10 04/12 65 3 Accepted PRs 3 pull requests you submitted to a project were accepted. 30 04/12 66 Shoutout Something you did was mentioned by the project on social media or through an official channel. 10 04/12 77 Hacktoberfest Participated in Hacktoberfest by submitting 3 pull requests to external projects. 20 04/12"},{"location":"_snippets/skills-tutorial/","title":"Skills tutorial","text":"id Name Description XP Date 1 First Steps Added to the discipline's repository. 2 25/09 2 Exploring a Project's Environment Researched the history and community of people and services around a project. 3 25/09 3 Undocumented Project Received an undocumented system and got it up and running. 5 25/09 4 Professional Project Refactored poorly written code and created a web page for it. 5 25/09 5 Tested and Approved Created unit tests and interface tests for the challenge server. 5 25/09 6 Python Package Created a Python package installable via pip. 3 25/09 7 Dockerfile Created automated deployment for a Python web system. 3 25/09 8 Basic Translation Used translation tools to translate and localize a small command-line program. 2 25/09 10 FLOSS Research Delivered a long presentation on a recent and relevant topic related to free and open-source software. 5 04/12 11 Better code Addressed linting problems in a poorly written project 5 25/09 12 Release created Created a release and published a binary package for users 5 25/09"},{"location":"aulas/09-cultura-livre/","title":"09 - Trabalho sobre cultura livre","text":"Esta aula n\u00e3o tem atividade pr\u00e1tica. As discuss\u00f5es s\u00e3o feitas durante a aula expositiva.
"},{"location":"aulas/09-cultura-livre/slides/","title":"Cultura de software livre","text":""},{"location":"aulas/09-cultura-livre/slides/#desenvolvimento-aberto","title":"Desenvolvimento Aberto","text":""},{"location":"aulas/09-cultura-livre/slides/#cultura-de-software-livre","title":"Cultura de software livre","text":""},{"location":"aulas/09-cultura-livre/slides/#versao-20222-fabricio-barth-fabriciojbinsperedubr","title":"Vers\u00e3o 2022/2: Fabr\u00edcio Barth ( fabriciojb@insper.edu.br )","text":""},{"location":"aulas/09-cultura-livre/slides/#atividade","title":"Atividade","text":"Cultura livre: fazer uma pesquisa profunda e apresentar semin\u00e1rio sobre licen\u00e7as de software e casos recentes em que licen\u00e7as tem papel de destaque
"},{"location":"aulas/09-cultura-livre/slides/#sua-apresentacao-precisa-ter-alguma-forma-de-interacao-com-a-audiencia","title":"Sua apresenta\u00e7\u00e3o precisa ter alguma forma de intera\u00e7\u00e3o com a audi\u00eancia","text":"The new open-source economics (Yochai Benkler, 2005). O que mudou de 2005 para 2022?
There is no \"Linux\" platform.
Telemetria \u00e9 \"\u00e9tico\"? (exemplo VSCode e outros).
GitHub CoPilot \u00e9 \"\u00e9tico\"? Respeita licen\u00e7as de software?
Regulamenta\u00e7\u00f5es recentes na Europa sobre durabilidade de smartphones (bateria, right to repair, etc).
Maintainer burnout.
","text":""},{"location":"aulas/11-contribuicoes-externas/","title":"11 - Contribui\u00e7\u00f5es externas","text":"Esta aula n\u00e3o tem atividade pr\u00e1tica guidada, mas tem uma parte expositiva importante. N\u00e3o esque\u00e7a de olhar os slides de hoje para relembrar.
"},{"location":"aulas/11-contribuicoes-externas/slides/","title":"Dicas de Debug","text":""},{"location":"aulas/11-contribuicoes-externas/slides/#desenvolvimento-aberto","title":"Desenvolvimento Aberto","text":""},{"location":"aulas/11-contribuicoes-externas/slides/#_1","title":"Dicas de Debug","text":""},{"location":"aulas/11-contribuicoes-externas/slides/#dicas-de-debug","title":"Dicas de Debug","text":""},{"location":"aulas/11-contribuicoes-externas/slides/#igor-dos-santos-montagner-igorsm1insperedubr","title":"Igor dos Santos Montagner ( igorsm1@insper.edu.br )","text":""},{"location":"aulas/11-contribuicoes-externas/slides/#minha-primeira-contribuicao-de-codigo","title":"Minha primeira contribui\u00e7\u00e3o de c\u00f3digo","text":""},{"location":"aulas/11-contribuicoes-externas/slides/#dicas-para-debugar-qualquer-coisa","title":"Dicas para debugar (qualquer coisa)","text":""},{"location":"aulas/11-contribuicoes-externas/slides/#9-regras-de-debug","title":"9 regras de debug","text":"master
\u00e9 perda de tempo","text":""},{"location":"aulas/11-contribuicoes-externas/slides/#2-make-it-fail","title":"2. Make it fail","text":""},{"location":"aulas/11-contribuicoes-externas/slides/#reproduza-seu-bug","title":"Reproduza seu bug","text":"print
Comando find
(man page)
Exemplo: procurar por arquivos cujo nome \u00e9 aceito por uma certa express\u00e3o regular come\u00e7ando no diret\u00f3rio atual.
$ find -iname \"regexp\" .
Comando grep
(man page)
: express\u00e3o regularFILES
: lista de diret\u00f3rios ou arquivosExemplo 1: buscar todos arquivos nas pasta atual (.) e subpastas com o texto \"dialog\" ignorando mai\u00fasculas/min\u00fasculas.
$ grep -r -i dialog .
Exemplo 2: Listas todos os arquivos .cpp que fazem algum include
$ grep -r --include \"*cpp\" \"#include\" .
Pr\u00e9-requisito: debugar visualmente usando alguma IDE / editor
"},{"location":"aulas/11-contribuicoes-externas/slides/#5-change-one-thing-at-a-time","title":"5. Change one thing at a time","text":""},{"location":"aulas/11-contribuicoes-externas/slides/#um-bom-pr-muda-o-minimo-possivel","title":"Um bom PR muda o m\u00ednimo poss\u00edvel","text":"git commit
\u00e9 gr\u00e1tis. Quando chegar na vers\u00e3o final \u00e9 s\u00f3 juntar tudo e mandar. git rebase
para atualizar seu branch com o master upstream
caso necess\u00e1rio.git commit
\u00e9 \u00fatil para registrar testes tamb\u00e9mN\u00e3o se esque\u00e7a:git diff
\u00e9 seu melhor amigo
\u00c9 por isso que voc\u00eas trabalham em grupo no primeiro bug.
"},{"location":"aulas/11-contribuicoes-externas/slides/#empacou-mesmo","title":"Empacou mesmo?","text":"Para isto serve seu grupo.
"},{"location":"aulas/11-contribuicoes-externas/slides/#empacou-mesmo_1","title":"Empacou mesmo!?!?!?!?","text":"Me chame!
"},{"location":"aulas/11-contribuicoes-externas/slides/#9-if-you-didnt-fix-it-it-aint-fixed","title":"9. If you didn't fix it, it ain't fixed","text":""},{"location":"aulas/11-contribuicoes-externas/slides/#hora-de-programar","title":"Hora de programar","text":""},{"location":"aulas/11-contribuicoes-externas/slides/#tentem-aplicar-estas-ideias-aos-seus-problemas","title":"Tentem aplicar estas ideias aos seus problemas","text":""},{"location":"aulas/11-contribuicoes-externas/slides/#envie-4-prs-para-projetos-participantes-e-ganhe-uma-camiseta","title":"Envie 4 PRs para projetos participantes e ganhe uma camiseta","text":""},{"location":"aulas/11-contribuicoes-externas/slides/#atividade-extra-hacktoberfest","title":"Atividade extra: hacktoberfest","text":"Objetivo: Enviar 3 PRs para projetos externos no m\u00eas de outubro.
\"metadata\": {\"date\": \"2021-10-31\"}
"},{"location":"aulas/11-contribuicoes-externas/slides/#desenvolvimento-aberto_1","title":"Desenvolvimento Aberto","text":""},{"location":"aulas/11-contribuicoes-externas/slides/#_3","title":"Dicas de Debug","text":""},{"location":"aulas/11-contribuicoes-externas/slides/#dicas-de-debug_1","title":"Dicas de debug","text":""},{"location":"aulas/11-contribuicoes-externas/slides/#igor-dos-santos-montagner-igorsm1insperedubr_1","title":"Igor dos Santos Montagner ( igorsm1@insper.edu.br )","text":""},{"location":"aulas/12-projeto/slides/","title":"Projeto da disciplina","text":""},{"location":"aulas/12-projeto/slides/#desenvolvimento-aberto","title":"Desenvolvimento Aberto","text":""},{"location":"aulas/12-projeto/slides/#projeto-da-disciplina","title":"Projeto da disciplina","text":""},{"location":"aulas/12-projeto/slides/#igor-dos-santos-montagner-igorsm1insperedubr","title":"Igor dos Santos Montagner ( igorsm1@insper.edu.br )","text":""},{"location":"aulas/12-projeto/slides/#ate-agora","title":"At\u00e9 agora","text":"Objetivos:
Cada bloco se inicia com uma aula de Pitches de Projeto, que \u00e9 uma apresenta\u00e7\u00e3o de 5 minutos apresentando o projeto para o qual voc\u00ea contribuir\u00e1 na semana.
Objetivo: Apresentou um Pitch de projeto. Se o aluno s\u00f3 apresentar o projeto e n\u00e3o fizer contribui\u00e7\u00e3o vale 0 XP
\"metadata\": {\"url\": \"url_do_projeto_proposto\", \"filename\": \"pdf da apresentacaoo\"}
Colocar pdf da apresenta\u00e7\u00e3o na pasta docs/pitches
Objetivo: Enviou contribui\u00e7\u00e3o para um projeto apresentado em sala.
\"metadata\": {\"url\": \"url_do_projeto_proposto\"}
A ser enviado al\u00e9m da skill da contribui\u00e7\u00e3o.
"},{"location":"aulas/12-projeto/slides/#projeto-aberto-sugestao-aceita","title":"Projeto Aberto: Sugest\u00e3o aceita!","text":"Objetivo: Outro aluno enviou contribui\u00e7\u00e3o para o projeto que voc\u00ea fez Pitch.
\"metadata\": {\"url\": \"url_da_contribuicao\"}
A ser enviado pelo aluno que prop\u00f4s o Pitch, que tamb\u00e9m precisa ter contribu\u00eddo.
"},{"location":"aulas/12-projeto/slides/#projeto-aberto-pitches-de-projeto_1","title":"Projeto Aberto - Pitches de projeto","text":"In this folder you will find files produced by students.
"},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/","title":"01 - Distributed Development Workflow","text":"In this guide, we will work on the standard workflow for contributing to projects hosted on GitHub (which also applies to Git projects in general). Before starting, each student should locate the corresponding issue on the course's GitHub repository for creating their user.
Our workflow will be based on three main parts. In the first part, we will create a copy of the repository \"insper/dev-aberto\" where we will make all the necessary changes. In the second part, we will send our modifications to the original repository using a Pull Request, which is a request to accept the changes from a forked repository into the original repository. Finally, we will update our fork with modifications sent by colleagues.
Some key points to highlight in the above workflow:
We will start our workflow by creating a fork of the repository \"insper/dev-aberto\". All our modifications will be made in our fork, on a separate branch (it is recommended to use a different branch for each issue). This way, our modifications are completely isolated from the original code, and we can test them alongside the original code.
First, create the fork through the GitHub interface. Then, clone your fork and create a new branch called \"issue-X,\" where \"X\" is the number of your issue in the original project.
$ git checkout -b issue-X
To ensure that you are in the directory of your fork, execute the following command:
$ git remote -vv
The displayed addresses should be those of your fork, not the original project.
With the fork created and being on the \"issue-X\" branch (you can check using git branch
and switch using git checkout issue-X
), we will begin making modifications.
The creation of users and addition of skills is done using the command dev-aberto.py
To use it, you need to install the packages listed in the requirements.txt file.
Running it in the terminal should list the available commands.
$ python3 dev-aberto.py
To check if everything is working correctly, list all registered users. There should be only one registered user (igorsm1
User creation is done with the command:
$ python3 dev-aberto.py new-user
This will create three files in the students
: basic user information in JSON format.your-login-achievements
: encrypted file containing the deliveries of each student in JSON format.your-login.key
: cryptographic key for the above file.Verify that your user was created correctly by listing the existing users again. Your user should have an asterisk (*) next to the name, indicating that the login.key file is present in the system.
Do not include the *.key
file in your PR. It should be sent by email to the professor. Do this now before you forget!
Also, verify that you can use the command dev-aberto.py compute-grade your-login
. If everything is okay, proceed to the next item.
With the user created, we can add the skill \"First Steps.\" You may have noticed that the professor's key is available (file students/igorsm1.key
). This was done so that you have at least one example of how each skill should be added. See below for an example of how the skill should be included:
$ python3 dev-aberto.py edit-achievements igorsm1
This will open a file for editing in Vi. The format is a list of objects containing two fields: \"skill_id\" and \"metadata\". See the example below for the first skill
[\n{\"skill_id\": 1, \"metadata\": {\"date\": \"YYYY-MM-DD\"} }\n]\n
If you want to use another text editor, you can set the environment variable EDITOR
just before calling dev-aberto.py
Now add the skill to your user following the same pattern seen above. Verify that your skill was correctly added using the compute-grade
If your repository is OK, help your classmates.
"},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/#sending-modifications-to-the-original-project","title":"Sending modifications to the original project","text":"Now let's create a commit and send it as a Pull Request to the course's repository. Add the created files (excluding the *.key
file!) and make a commit with the following message (replace the X with the number of your issue in the repository):
Add user your-login.\n
Execute git push
and continue.
With your modifications already in your fork, it's time to send them to the original repository. This is done on the GitHub interface. First, access your fork in the browser, locate your issue-X branch, and click the \"Pull request\" button.
The title of your Pull Request should be Create user login. Your PR should contain only one commit and should have the branch issue-X
created above as the source. In the description of your PR, add the text:
Closes #X\n
where X
is the number of your user's issue. This automatically closes the issue when (and if) this PR is accepted.
PRs made from main
or with more than one commit will not be accepted.
Use the checklist below to help verify if your work is correct:
file by email to the professor..key
file in the PR.Once your PR is accepted, you can remove the issue-X branch.
"},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/#updating-your-fork","title":"Updating your fork","text":"After having your PR accepted, you may have noticed that your commit appears in the original project's main
branch but does not appear in your fork. This is because a fork is not automatically updated when its corresponding original repository receives new commits.
To make this happen, you need to perform a manual synchronization. For now, we will use the GitHub interface to do this.
Visit your fork again. Now, there should be an option to sync your fork with the original repository. Use it to make your main
branch receive the new commits.
Sync your repository whenever you work on a new PR. This will prevent many conflicts when merging your modifications into the original repository.
"},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides/","title":"Distributed coding workflow","text":""},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides/#open-source-development","title":"Open Source Development","text":""},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides/#_1","title":"Distributed coding workflow","text":""},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides/#course-overview-distributed-coding-workflow","title":"Course overview + Distributed coding workflow","text":""},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides/#versao-20232-igor-montagner-igorsm1insperedubr","title":"Vers\u00e3o 2023/2: Igor Montagner ( igorsm1@insper.edu.br) )","text":""},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides/#burocracy","title":"Burocracy","text":""},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides/#meetings","title":"Meetings","text":"By the end of the course, the student will be able to:
By the end of the course, the student will be able to:
Available online at https://producingoss.com
"},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides/#course-materials","title":"Course Materials","text":"GitHub: https://github.com/insper/open-dev
Website: https://insper.github.io/open-dev/
Blackboard will be used for announcements only. All content will be available on GitHub.
"},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides/#justification-for-the-course","title":"Justification for the Course","text":"In previous courses, we worked on:
In the industry, we usually work on existing projects:
"},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides/#achievements-in-this-course-so-far","title":"Achievements in this Course So Far","text":""},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides/#vitoria-20182","title":"Vit\u00f3ria - 2018/2","text":""},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides/#spyder","title":"Spyder","text":"Proposal: The course will be gamified.
Source: https://www.slideshare.net/abderrahmanebenbachir/continuous-integration-in-github
Source: https://www.slideshare.net/abderrahmanebenbachir/continuous-integration-in-github
"},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides/#activity-first-steps","title":"Activity: First Steps","text":"Objective: Submit your first Pull Request to the course's repository.
"},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides/#open-source-development_1","title":"Open Source Development","text":""},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides/#_5","title":"Distributed coding workflow","text":""},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides/#course-overview-distributed-coding-workflow_1","title":"Course overview + Distributed coding workflow","text":""},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides/#versao-20232-igor-montagner-igorsm1insperedubr_1","title":"Vers\u00e3o 2023/2: Igor Montagner ( igorsm1@insper.edu.br) )","text":""},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides_fb/","title":"Distributed coding workflow","text":""},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides_fb/#open-source-development","title":"Open Source Development","text":""},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides_fb/#_1","title":"Distributed coding workflow","text":""},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides_fb/#course-overview-distributed-coding-workflow","title":"Course overview + Distributed coding workflow","text":""},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides_fb/#versao-20242-fabricio-barth-fabriciojbinsperedubr","title":"Vers\u00e3o 2024/2: Fabricio Barth ( fabriciojb@insper.edu.br) )","text":""},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides_fb/#burocracy","title":"Burocracy","text":""},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides_fb/#meetings","title":"Meetings","text":"By the end of the course, the student will be able to:
By the end of the course, the student will be able to:
Available online at https://producingoss.com
"},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides_fb/#course-materials","title":"Course Materials","text":"GitHub: https://github.com/insper/open-dev
Website: https://insper.github.io/open-dev/
Blackboard will be used for announcements only. All content will be available on GitHub.
"},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides_fb/#justification-for-the-course","title":"Justification for the Course","text":"In previous courses, we worked on:
In the industry, we usually work on existing projects:
"},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides_fb/#achievements-in-this-course-so-far","title":"Achievements in this Course So Far","text":""},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides_fb/#vitoria-20182","title":"Vit\u00f3ria - 2018/2","text":""},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides_fb/#spyder","title":"Spyder","text":"Proposal: The course will be gamified.
Source: https://www.slideshare.net/abderrahmanebenbachir/continuous-integration-in-github
Source: https://www.slideshare.net/abderrahmanebenbachir/continuous-integration-in-github
"},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides_fb/#activity-first-steps","title":"Activity: First Steps","text":"Objective: Submit your first Pull Request to the course's repository.
"},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides_fb/#open-source-development_1","title":"Open Source Development","text":""},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides_fb/#_3","title":"Distributed coding workflow","text":""},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides_fb/#course-overview-distributed-coding-workflow_1","title":"Course overview + Distributed coding workflow","text":""},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides_fb/#versao-20242-fabricio-barth-fabriciojbinsperedubr_1","title":"Vers\u00e3o 2024/2: Fabricio Barth ( fabriciojb@insper.edu.br) )","text":""},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/","title":"02 - Software and Communities","text":"The activity for this class involves creating a presentation explaining how the communities around the following software projects are organized:
Each group of 3 students should choose one of the above projects and research the following points.
Each group must create a 10 minutes presentation for the next meeting that addresses these questions.
TODO: Create an issue on the subject repository with the title Presentation: <project name>
. The issue description should contain the names of the group members.
Source: https://www.slideshare.net/abderrahmanebenbachir/continuous-integration-in-github
"},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides/#github-model-fork-pull-request_1","title":"Github Model: fork + pull request","text":"Source: https://www.slideshare.net/abderrahmanebenbachir/continuous-integration-in-github
"},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides/#workflow-other-models","title":"Workflow: other models","text":"How to fix: Create a new commit with the correct date.
"},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides/#error-1-extra-files-in-the-pr","title":"Error 1: Extra files in the PR","text":"Error: Modifying files not related to your proposed changes.
"},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides/#_2","title":"Fluxo de trabalho distribu\u00eddo e Comunidades de Software","text":"Ideal:
How to fix: git revert
creates a commit that undoes previous changes.
Extra options:
: Only adds the modifications, but does not make the commit. Allows undoing part of a commit.Source: https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/
"},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides/#error-2-non-descriptive-commit-messages","title":"Error 2: Non-descriptive commit messages","text":"How to fix: git commit --amend
allows modifying the last commit made.
How to fix: Simply edit it in the Github interface.
"},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides/#fix-at-home-and-request-review-via-github","title":"Fix at home and request review via Github","text":""},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides/#reminder-if-you-dont-push-nothing-is-broken","title":"Reminder: If you don't push, nothing is broken","text":""},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides/#reminder-ii-git-log-shows-your-current-history","title":"Reminder II:git log
shows your current history","text":""},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides/#tip-if-you-modified-already-published-commits-use-git-push-f-to-overwrite","title":"Tip: If you modified already published commits, use git push -f
to overwrite","text":""},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides/#not-all-students-enrolled-in-the-course-did-the-activity-from-the-last-class","title":"Not all students enrolled in the course did the activity from the last class!","text":"python dev-aberto.py list-users\n
"},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides/#software-communities","title":"Software Communities","text":""},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides/#discussion","title":"Discussion","text":""},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides/#_3","title":"Fluxo de trabalho distribu\u00eddo e Comunidades de Software","text":"Question 1: What are the software you use the most in your daily life?
"},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides/#_4","title":"Fluxo de trabalho distribu\u00eddo e Comunidades de Software","text":""},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides/#_5","title":"Fluxo de trabalho distribu\u00eddo e Comunidades de Software","text":""},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides/#_6","title":"Fluxo de trabalho distribu\u00eddo e Comunidades de Software","text":"Question 2: Who is the main developer of the project?
"},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides/#example-linux-kernel","title":"Example: Linux Kernel","text":"Foundation supports the development of the Linux Kernel and the creation of an open-source software ecosystem around it.
Companies that sponsor development:
Source: \"2020 Linux Kernel Development Report\"
"},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides/#example-ubuntu","title":"Example: Ubuntu","text":""},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides/#_7","title":"Fluxo de trabalho distribu\u00eddo e Comunidades de Software","text":""},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides/#_8","title":"Fluxo de trabalho distribu\u00eddo e Comunidades de Software","text":""},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides/#_9","title":"Fluxo de trabalho distribu\u00eddo e Comunidades de Software","text":""},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides/#_10","title":"Fluxo de trabalho distribu\u00eddo e Comunidades de Software","text":"Private company controls the development of Ubuntu. Obtains resources via:
Company funded so far by VC (Venture Capital) in search of profit.
Linux distribution led by a \"tiny\" company focused on the user experience. Resources are obtained through:
Linux distribution aimed at everything working right after installation. Considered good for beginners.
"},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides/#other-sources","title":"Other sources","text":"Various other ways of getting support and funding
"},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides/#reasons-for-funding-company","title":"Reasons for funding (company)","text":""},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides/#_18","title":"Fluxo de trabalho distribu\u00eddo e Comunidades de Software","text":"Not everything funded ends up in a \"usable\" format for others (e.g., Android/Linux, TiVO)
\"Tivoization is the practice of designing hardware that incorporates software under the terms of a copyleft software license like the GNU General Public License (GNU GPL), but uses hardware restrictions or digital rights management (DRM) to prevent users from running modified versions of the software on that hardware\" [Wikipedia]
"},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides/#reasons-for-contributing-individual","title":"Reasons for contributing (individual)","text":"Source: https://www.slideshare.net/abderrahmanebenbachir/continuous-integration-in-github
"},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides_fb/#github-model-fork-pull-request_1","title":"Github Model: fork + pull request","text":"Source: https://www.slideshare.net/abderrahmanebenbachir/continuous-integration-in-github
"},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides_fb/#workflow-other-models","title":"Workflow: other models","text":"Error: The date of the commit is incorrect, for example. Then, when we run the command python dev-aberto.py compute-grade <user>
the result is not as expected.
How to fix: Create a new commit with the correct content.
"},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides_fb/#error-1-extra-files-in-the-pr","title":"Error 1: Extra files in the PR","text":"Error: Modifying files not related to your proposed changes.
"},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides_fb/#_2","title":"Fluxo de trabalho distribu\u00eddo e Comunidades de Software","text":"Ideal:
How to fix: git rm --cached <file>
removes the file from the repository, but keeps it in the working directory.
How to fix: git revert <commit_id>
creates a commit that undoes the changes made by commit_id
Extra options:
: Only adds the modifications, but does not make the commit. Allows undoing part of a commit.Source: https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/
"},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides_fb/#error-2-non-descriptive-commit-messages","title":"Error 2: Non-descriptive commit messages","text":"How to fix: git commit --amend
allows modifying the last commit made.
How to fix: Simply edit it in the Github interface.
"},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides_fb/#not-all-students-enrolled-in-the-course-did-the-activity-from-the-last-class","title":"Not all students enrolled in the course did the activity from the last class!","text":"python dev-aberto.py list-users\n
Please, do it as soon as possible!
"},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides_fb/#software-communities","title":"Software Communities","text":""},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides_fb/#discussion","title":"Discussion","text":""},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides_fb/#_3","title":"Fluxo de trabalho distribu\u00eddo e Comunidades de Software","text":""},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides_fb/#_4","title":"Fluxo de trabalho distribu\u00eddo e Comunidades de Software","text":"Question 1: What are the software you use the most in your daily life?
Question 2: Who is the main developer of the project?
Question 3: How do you think the project is funded?
"},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides_fb/#example-linux-kernel","title":"Example: Linux Kernel","text":"Foundation supports the development of the Linux Kernel and the creation of an open-source software ecosystem around it.
Companies that sponsor development:
Source: \"2020 Linux Kernel Development Report\"
"},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides_fb/#example-ubuntu","title":"Example: Ubuntu","text":"Private company controls the development of Ubuntu. Obtains resources via:
Company funded so far by VC (Venture Capital) in search of profit.
Linux distribution led by a \"tiny\" company focused on the user experience. Resources are obtained through:
Below is the order in which the presentations about software communities will be conducted:
Wednesday (08/21):
Monday (08/26):
Each group will have 10 minutes for the presentation and 5 minutes for questions.
"},{"location":"lessons/02-xpresentations-communities/#pull-request","title":"Pull Request","text":"In order to publish your material, only one member of the group must create a PR where:
python dev-aberto.py edit-achievements user
.You must add a new skill to the file with this format:
{\n \"skill_id\": 2, \n \"metadata\": {\n \"date\": \"2024-08-20\", \n \"filename\": \"your file name\", \n \"group\":[\"user1\",\"user2\",\"users3\"]\n }\n}\n
where [\"user1\",\"user2\",\"users3\"]
is the list of the users that are part of the group.
Este roteiro tem algumas perguntas com o objetivo de guiar a explora\u00e7\u00e3o do c\u00f3digo e documentar suas descobertas. Voc\u00ea tamb\u00e9m pode aplic\u00e1-lo para qualquer outro projeto mal documentado em que precisar trabalhar no futuro.
Baixe o c\u00f3digo do projeto a ser analisado aqui e siga as perguntas. Elas s\u00e3o um guia de como explorar um projeto que voc\u00eas n\u00e3o conhecem.
"},{"location":"lessons/03-software-documentation/#dependencias-e-servicos-usados","title":"Depend\u00eancias e servi\u00e7os usados","text":"Question
Quais tecnologias s\u00e3o usadas no c\u00f3digo? Al\u00e9m da linguagem de programa\u00e7\u00e3o, liste tamb\u00e9m as bibliotecas/m\u00f3dulos externos usados.
A aplica\u00e7\u00e3o utiliza um banco de dados. Qual gerenciador? Onde a aplica\u00e7\u00e3o busca a base de dados? Quais s\u00e3o as tabelas usadas? Como elas s\u00e3o criadas?
"},{"location":"lessons/03-software-documentation/#deploy-inicial","title":"Deploy inicial","text":"Question
A aplica\u00e7\u00e3o usa autentica\u00e7\u00e3o? Se sim, qual tipo? Como usu\u00e1rios s\u00e3o criados? Existe algum usu\u00e1rio administrador? Como \u00e9 feita a seguran\u00e7a das senhas? Qual a senha padr\u00e3o?
Quais comandos voc\u00ea usou para rodar a aplica\u00e7\u00e3o? Escreva todos desde a cria\u00e7\u00e3o do banco de dados e dos usu\u00e1rios at\u00e9 o funcionamento completo do projeto.
Agora que voc\u00ea consegue rodar a aplica\u00e7\u00e3o, explore-a um pouco e descreva em poucas frases para qu\u00ea ela serve.
"},{"location":"lessons/03-software-documentation/#documentacao-do-projeto","title":"Documenta\u00e7\u00e3o do projeto","text":"Question
Se voc\u00ea fosse criar um guia de usu\u00e1rio (aluno) para esta aplica\u00e7\u00e3o, quais tarefas descreveria?
Se voc\u00ea fosse criar um guia de usu\u00e1rio (professor) para esta aplica\u00e7\u00e3o, quais tarefas descreveria?
O qu\u00ea voc\u00ea descreveria em um guia de desenvolvedor para esta aplica\u00e7\u00e3o?
"},{"location":"lessons/03-software-documentation/slides/","title":"Documenta\u00e7\u00e3o de Software","text":""},{"location":"lessons/03-software-documentation/slides/#desenvolvimento-aberto","title":"Desenvolvimento Aberto","text":""},{"location":"lessons/03-software-documentation/slides/#_1","title":"Documenta\u00e7\u00e3o de Software","text":""},{"location":"lessons/03-software-documentation/slides/#fluxo-de-trabalho-distribuido-e-comunidades-de-software","title":"Fluxo de trabalho distribu\u00eddo e Comunidades de Software","text":""},{"location":"lessons/03-software-documentation/slides/#versao-20232-igor-montagner-igorsm1insperedubr","title":"Vers\u00e3o 2023/2 - Igor Montagner (igorsm1@insper.edu.br)","text":""},{"location":"lessons/03-software-documentation/slides/#ordem-das-apresentacoes","title":"Ordem das apresenta\u00e7\u00f5es","text":"\"metadata\": {\n \"filename\": \"nome do arquivo\",\n \"group\": [\"login1\", \"login2\"]\n}\n
No group
incluir os outros membros do grupo somente
Um membro da equipe deve fazer um PR para o projeto incluindo o arquivo da apresenta\u00e7\u00e3o. O mesmo deve ser colocado na pasta apresentacoes/2023
Documenta\u00e7\u00e3o de usu\u00e1rio:
"},{"location":"lessons/03-software-documentation/slides/#_2","title":"Documenta\u00e7\u00e3o de Software","text":""},{"location":"lessons/03-software-documentation/slides/#_3","title":"Documenta\u00e7\u00e3o de Software","text":""},{"location":"lessons/03-software-documentation/slides/#_4","title":"Documenta\u00e7\u00e3o de Software","text":"Documenta\u00e7\u00e3o de desenvolvimento:
"},{"location":"lessons/03-software-documentation/slides/#_5","title":"Documenta\u00e7\u00e3o de Software","text":""},{"location":"lessons/03-software-documentation/slides/#_6","title":"Documenta\u00e7\u00e3o de Software","text":""},{"location":"lessons/03-software-documentation/slides/#_7","title":"Documenta\u00e7\u00e3o de Software","text":""},{"location":"lessons/03-software-documentation/slides/#documentacao-de-software_2","title":"Documenta\u00e7\u00e3o de software","text":"Documenta\u00e7\u00e3o de usu\u00e1rio:
Documenta\u00e7\u00e3o de desenvolvimento:
\u00c0s vezes as coisas se confundem! O que voc\u00eas colocariam na documenta\u00e7\u00e3o de usu\u00e1rio do Python?
E na de desenvolvedor?
"},{"location":"lessons/03-software-documentation/slides/#exemplo-spyder","title":"Exemplo: Spyder","text":"https://www.spyder-ide.org/
"},{"location":"lessons/03-software-documentation/slides/#exemplo-spyder_1","title":"Exemplo: Spyder","text":"https://github.com/spyder-ide/spyder/wiki
"},{"location":"lessons/03-software-documentation/slides/#sistemas-de-documentacao","title":"Sistemas de documenta\u00e7\u00e3o","text":"Sphinx
"},{"location":"lessons/03-software-documentation/slides/#sistemas-de-documentacao_1","title":"Sistemas de documenta\u00e7\u00e3o","text":"Mkdocs
"},{"location":"lessons/03-software-documentation/slides/#sistemas-de-documentacao-hospedagem","title":"Sistemas de documenta\u00e7\u00e3o (hospedagem)","text":"https://readthedocs.org/
"},{"location":"lessons/03-software-documentation/slides/#atividade","title":"Atividade","text":"Voc\u00eas receber\u00e3o um zip com o c\u00f3digo de um software e zero instru\u00e7\u00f5es. Voc\u00eas dever\u00e3o:
Objetivo: entender como rodar um c\u00f3digo sem instru\u00e7\u00f5es.
Valida\u00e7\u00e3o: apresenta\u00e7\u00e3o do sistema funcionando.
Grupos de at\u00e9 3 pessoas
"},{"location":"lessons/03-software-documentation/slides/#tempo-restante-de-hoje-hora-inicial-da-proxima-aula-usem-handout-como-guia","title":"Tempo restante de hoje + hora inicial da pr\u00f3xima aula. Usem handout como guia","text":""},{"location":"lessons/03-software-documentation/slides/#desenvolvimento-aberto_3","title":"Desenvolvimento Aberto","text":""},{"location":"lessons/03-software-documentation/slides/#documentacao-de-software_5","title":"Documenta\u00e7\u00e3o de software","text":""},{"location":"lessons/03-software-documentation/slides/#versao-20232-igor-montagner-igorsm1insperedubr_3","title":"Vers\u00e3o 2023/2 - Igor Montagner (igorsm1@insper.edu.br)","text":""},{"location":"lessons/04-professional-project/","title":"04 - Professional Project","text":"There is a moment in a project's history where it is already useful for the author and other people are starting to get interested in it. Software documentation, clear install instructions and being free of errors are important to these people but are not necessarily essential to the authors, who are used to fix problem when they appear and are familiar with every aspect of the code. We will transform a project like this into a project that is ready to be used by other people and that can receive contributions from other developers.
{\"skill_id\": 4, \"metadata\": {\"date\": \"2022-09-01\", \"url\": \"http...\", \"group\": []}\n
Form a pair and select a project that one of you worked on during your degree. We will transform it into a complete project that other people can use and contribute to.
"},{"location":"lessons/04-professional-project/#deliverables","title":"Deliverables","text":"This is a project for more than one meeting and can be done in pairs.
"},{"location":"lessons/04-professional-project/#software-documentation","title":"Software documentation","text":"Tip
Use mkdocs or other static site generator tools to create the website. Jekyll is also a popular choice.
"},{"location":"lessons/04-professional-project/#project-quality","title":"Project quality","text":"src
folder and documentation in docs
Voc\u00eas rodaram um MVP do servidor de desafios. Veja abaixo seu estado atual:
"},{"location":"lessons/04-professional-project/slides/#servidor-de-desafios_1","title":"Servidor de desafios","text":""},{"location":"lessons/04-professional-project/slides/#discussao-como-o-projeto-esta-organizado-tecnologias","title":"Discuss\u00e3o: como o projeto est\u00e1 organizado? (tecnologias)","text":""},{"location":"lessons/04-professional-project/slides/#discussao-como-o-projeto-esta-organizado-codigo","title":"Discuss\u00e3o: como o projeto est\u00e1 organizado? (c\u00f3digo)","text":""},{"location":"lessons/04-professional-project/slides/#discussao-avalie-a-arquitetura-do-projeto","title":"Discuss\u00e3o: avalie a arquitetura do projeto","text":""},{"location":"lessons/04-professional-project/slides/#0-a-10","title":"0 a 10","text":""},{"location":"lessons/04-professional-project/slides/#discussao-avalie-a-qualidade-de-codigo-do-projeto","title":"Discuss\u00e3o: avalie a qualidade de c\u00f3digo do projeto.","text":""},{"location":"lessons/04-professional-project/slides/#0-a-10_1","title":"0 a 10","text":""},{"location":"lessons/04-professional-project/slides/#discussao-avalie-a-seguranca-do-projeto","title":"Discuss\u00e3o: avalie a seguran\u00e7a do projeto.","text":""},{"location":"lessons/04-professional-project/slides/#0-a-10_2","title":"0 a 10","text":""},{"location":"lessons/04-professional-project/slides/#discussao-esse-projeto-e-um-projeto-profissional","title":"Discuss\u00e3o: esse projeto \u00e9 um projeto \"profissional\"?","text":""},{"location":"lessons/04-professional-project/slides/#0-a-10_3","title":"0 a 10","text":""},{"location":"lessons/04-professional-project/slides/#discussao-o-que-voce-incluiria-na-documentacao-do-projeto","title":"Discuss\u00e3o: o que voc\u00ea incluiria na documenta\u00e7\u00e3o do projeto?","text":""},{"location":"lessons/04-professional-project/slides/#software-tem-historia-e-depende-de-pessoas-para-evoluir","title":"Software tem hist\u00f3ria e depende de pessoas para evoluir","text":""},{"location":"lessons/04-professional-project/slides/#codigo-vs-software-profissional","title":"C\u00f3digo vs software profissional","text":"Os seguintes pontos transformam um c\u00f3digo que fiz para mim em algo \u00fatil para outras pessoas
Objetivo: explicar o funcionamento das fun\u00e7\u00f5es, classes e m\u00f3dulos de um programa.
"},{"location":"lessons/04-professional-project/slides/#ferramentas","title":"Ferramentas","text":"Em geral podem ser plugadas em alguma ferramenta de documenta\u00e7\u00e3o de projetos.
"},{"location":"lessons/04-professional-project/slides/#padroes-de-codificacao","title":"Padr\u00f5es de codifica\u00e7\u00e3o","text":""},{"location":"lessons/04-professional-project/slides/#padroes-de-codificacao_1","title":"Padr\u00f5es de codifica\u00e7\u00e3o","text":""},{"location":"lessons/04-professional-project/slides/#padroes-de-codificacao_2","title":"Padr\u00f5es de codifica\u00e7\u00e3o","text":"-Xlint
Ajudam a manter c\u00f3digo limpo e leg\u00edvel. Podem ser plugadas no seu editor favorito.
"},{"location":"lessons/04-professional-project/slides/#execucao-obrigatoria-para-muitos-projetos-grandes","title":"Execu\u00e7\u00e3o obrigat\u00f3ria para muitos projetos grandes","text":""},{"location":"lessons/04-professional-project/slides/#atividade-pratica-projeto-profissional","title":"Atividade pr\u00e1tica: Projeto profissional","text":"Objetivo: Transformar um c\u00f3digo perdido em um projeto
\"metadata\": {\"url\": \"github pages criado\", \"group\": [\"ate tr\u00eas\", \"alunos\"]}
"},{"location":"lessons/04-professional-project/slides/#desenvolvimento-aberto_1","title":"Desenvolvimento Aberto","text":""},{"location":"lessons/04-professional-project/slides/#documentacao-de-api-testes","title":"Documenta\u00e7\u00e3o de API + testes","text":""},{"location":"lessons/04-professional-project/slides/#igor-dos-santos-montagner-igorsm1insperedubr_1","title":"Igor dos Santos Montagner ( igorsm1@insper.edu.br )","text":""},{"location":"lessons/05-python-packaging/","title":"05 - Distribui\u00e7\u00e3o de Software","text":"Nesta aula complementaremos as \u00faltimas discuss\u00f5es criando um pequeno pacote Python instal\u00e1vel via pip
. Com isto chegamos mais perto de um projeto que esteja preparado para que outras pessoas o utilizem e colaborem em seu desenvolvimento.
Nosso m\u00f3dulo se chamar\u00e1 dev_aberto
e disponibilizar\u00e1 um programa execut\u00e1vel hello.py
. Crie a seguinte estrutura de pastas para nosso pacote.
Baixe os arquivos que usaremos neste link
pacote_exemplo/\n dev_aberto/\n __init__.py\n dev_aberto.py\n scripts/\n hello.py\n README.md\n LICENSE\n
com a estrutura acima, qual seria o import
a ser feito para usar a fun\u00e7\u00e3o hello
do arquivo dev_aberto.py?
Pesquise para que serve o arquivo __init__.py
e use-o para permitir importar hello
usando somente import dev_aberto
Crie um projeto no github para esta atividade. Fa\u00e7a um primeiro commit nele com o conte\u00fado \"zerado\" do projeto.
","text":"A descri\u00e7\u00e3o de um pacote Python \u00e9 feita usando um arquivo setup.py Veja abaixo uma vers\u00e3o inicial deste arquivo:
from setuptools import setup\n\nsetup(name='dev_aberto_seunome',\n version='0.1',\n packages=['dev_aberto']\n )\n
Crie o arquivo acima no seu projeto, substituindo seunome por .... seu nome. Instale o seu pr\u00f3prio pacote usando
pip install .
Em outra pasta, abra um console Python e tente importar seu m\u00f3dulo.
Pesquise quais argumentos s\u00e3o usados para especificar o autor do pacote, as vers\u00f5es de Python e sistemas operacionais suportados. Preencha estes valores com suas informa\u00e7\u00f5es. Note que o pip
leva estas informa\u00e7\u00f5es em conta e s\u00f3 instalar\u00e1 um pacote se ele estiver em um ambiente suportado.
Para adicionar pacotes que s\u00e3o automaticamente instalados quando instalamos nosso pacote precisamos identific\u00e1-los no nosso arquivo setup.py. Para adicionar uma depend\u00eancia de instala\u00e7\u00e3o basta adicionar o seguinte argumento:
...\n install_requires=[\n 'pacote>=1.0',\n 'pacote2'\n ],\n ...\n
Verifique as depend\u00eancias do c\u00f3digo e adicione-as no setup.py
Muitos softwares usam tamb\u00e9m um arquivo requirements.txt para listar todas as depend\u00eancias do software de modo a obter uma instala\u00e7\u00e3o id\u00eantica \u00e0 do desenvolvedor. Isto \u00e9 importante para uniformizar os ambientes de desenvolvimento. Ou seja, este arquivo nunca ser\u00e1 usado por usu\u00e1rios finais.
Crie um requirements.txt para seu projeto com as mesmas depend\u00eancias listadas no seu setup.py.
"},{"location":"lessons/05-python-packaging/#scripts-executaveis","title":"Scripts execut\u00e1veis","text":"Al\u00e9m de instalar o nosso m\u00f3dulo para uso via import
desejamos tamb\u00e9m disponibilizar o arquivo hello.py como um execut\u00e1vel para todo o sistema. Isto pode ser feito adicionando a seguinte linha no nosso setup.py indicando que scripts/hello.py dever\u00e1 ser instalado como um execut\u00e1vel.
...\n scripts=['scripts/hello.py'],\n ...\n
N\u00e3o se esque\u00e7a de adicionar a seguinte linha no topo de seu arquivo para que ele possa ser executado diretamente do shell:
#!/usr/bin/env python3\n
No Windows \u00e9 criado um execut\u00e1vel que chama nosso script, de modo que as chamadas do execut\u00e1vel continuar\u00e3o funcionando normalmente. Note que isto n\u00e3o cria menus em nenhum tipo de interface gr\u00e1fica.
"},{"location":"lessons/05-python-packaging/#criando-arquivos-de-distribuicao","title":"Criando arquivos de distribui\u00e7\u00e3o","text":"Dois tipos de arquivos de distribui\u00e7\u00e3o podem ser usados:
. Usado se seu projeto for Python-puro.A cria\u00e7\u00e3o de um arquivo de distribui\u00e7\u00e3o de fontes \u00e9 bem simples:
$ python setup.py sdist
A instala\u00e7\u00e3o deste pacote pode ser feita via pip
Vamos agora enviar nosso pacote para o Python Package Index para que ele possa ser instalado diretamente via pip
. Para n\u00e3o poluir o reposit\u00f3rio com pacotes tempor\u00e1rios e de teste, podemos usar o TestPyPI. Toda sua infraestrutura \u00e9 igual ao oficial, mas ele \u00e9 limpo de maneira regular.
Visite https://test.pypi.org/account/register/ e registre-se no TestPyPI.
Ap\u00f3s o registro, usaremos o pacote twine (instal\u00e1vel via pip) para fazer o upload:
$ twine upload --repository-url https://test.pypi.org/legacy/ dist/*
Voc\u00ea poder\u00e1, ent\u00e3o, instalar seu pacote a partir do test PyPI usando o seguinte comando:
$ pip install --index-url https://test.pypi.org/simple/ my_hello_nome
"},{"location":"lessons/05-python-packaging/#entrega","title":"Entrega","text":"Fa\u00e7a a entrega de sua atividade adicionando a skill Pacote Python e inclua nela a url do seu reposit\u00f3rio no github.
Objetivo: Primeira experi\u00eancia distribuindo software Python.
\"skill_id\": 6, \"metadata\": {\"url\": \"repo-seu-pacote\"}
"},{"location":"lessons/05-python-packaging/#distribuindo-software-para-usuarios-finais","title":"Distribuindo software para usu\u00e1rios finais","text":"Vamos agora trabalhar (em duplas) no Servidor de Desafios novamente. Seu trabalho ser\u00e1 criar um Dockerfile
que roda o software de maneira \"completa\". Ou seja, o script de cria\u00e7\u00e3o do container dever\u00e1
, se necess\u00e1rio8080
do host
Fa\u00e7a a entrega de sua atividade adicionando a skill Dockerfile segundo o modelo abaixo.
Objetivo: Criou deploy automatizado para sistema web Python
\"skill_id\": 7, \"metadata\": {\"url\": \"repo-servidor-de-desafios\", \"group\": [\"login1\", \"login2\"]}
"},{"location":"lessons/05-python-packaging/#referencias","title":"Refer\u00eancias","text":"Algumas refer\u00eancias que podem ser \u00fateis:
Na parte expositiva da aula tivemos uma introdu\u00e7\u00e3o aos problemas de Internacionaliza\u00e7\u00e3o (i18n) e Localiza\u00e7\u00e3o (L10N). Neste roteiro iremos praticar o uso destas t\u00e9cnicas em uma aplica\u00e7\u00e3o linha de comando de exemplo simples.
Em ambos exemplos vamos trabalhar com o m\u00f3dulo Babel, que \u00e9 feito para facilitar a tradu\u00e7\u00e3o e localiza\u00e7\u00e3o de aplica\u00e7\u00f5es feitas em Python. Outras linguagens de programa\u00e7\u00e3o possuem bibliotecas similares que seguem a mesma sequ\u00eancia de comandos e usam os mesmos tipos de arquivos.
$ pip install Babel
Sistemas POSIX suportam a determina\u00e7\u00e3o do locale utilizado por meio da vari\u00e1vel de ambiente LANGUAGE, que pode ser modificada para cada execu\u00e7\u00e3o de um programa. O formato padr\u00e3o usado \u00e9 <lingua>_<pais>.<codificacao>
. Para portugu\u00eas do Brasil usando codifica\u00e7\u00e3o UTF8 usamos o locale pt_BR.utf8
. Rodando o seguinte comando as mensagens de ajuda do ls
devem aparecer em ingl\u00eas.
$ LANGUAGE=en_US.utf8 ls --help
J\u00e1 executando o comando abaixo elas devem aparecer em portugu\u00eas.
$ LANGUAGE=pt_BR.utf8 ls --help
De maneira mais geral, existe uma s\u00e9rie de vari\u00e1veis LC_* que controlam qual locale \u00e9 usado para determinado tipo de dados. Veremos a seguir como usar LC_TIME
para controlar como datas e n\u00fameros s\u00e3o exibidos e LANGUAGE
para definir a lingua de exibi\u00e7\u00e3o de um programa.
Vamos trabalhar com uma aplica\u00e7\u00e3o de linha de comando que nada mais faz que imprimir alguns dados simples como data em extenso, um n\u00famero fracion\u00e1rio grande e uma mensagem pr\u00e9-definida. O c\u00f3digo completo (arquivo cli.py) est\u00e1 abaixo.
from datetime import date\n\nif __name__ == '__main__':\n today = date.today()\n print(today)\n\n number = 240000000000.32212\n print(number)\n\n name = input('Input your name: ')\n print('Hello {}'.format(name))\n
Uma sa\u00edda poss\u00edvel seria 2018-08-28\n240000000000.3221\nInput your name: Igor\nHello Igor\n
Como j\u00e1 visto em aula, este programa re\u00fane tr\u00eas das principais sa\u00eddas que precisam ser formatadas: datas, n\u00fameros fracion\u00e1rios e mensagens para o usu\u00e1rio.
"},{"location":"lessons/06-localization-translation/#formatando-datas","title":"Formatando datas","text":"A formata\u00e7\u00e3o de datas \u00e9 governada para vari\u00e1vel LC_TIME
. O m\u00f3dulo babel.dates
j\u00e1 possui diversas fun\u00e7\u00f5es que automaticamente a utilizam para fazer a localiza\u00e7\u00e3o de vari\u00e1veis do tipo Date
(usando a fun\u00e7\u00e3o format_date
) ou DateTime
(usando format_datetime
Pesquise como usar estas fun\u00e7\u00f5es e utilize-as no seu programa para localizar a data por extenso (ou seja, 31 de agosto de 2021).
O qu\u00ea acontece quando definimos a vari\u00e1vel de ambiente LC_TIME=en_US.utf8
e rodamos o programa? E se usamos LC_TIME=pt_BR.utf8
A formata\u00e7\u00e3o de datas \u00e9 governada para vari\u00e1vel LC_NUMERIC
. O m\u00f3dulo babel.numbers
possui a fun\u00e7\u00e3o format_number
que formata um n\u00famero de acordo com esta configura\u00e7\u00e3o.
Pesquise como usar estas fun\u00e7\u00f5es e utilize-as no seu programa para localizar o n\u00famero fracion\u00e1rio mostrado.
Teste seu programa com LC_NUMERIC=en_US.utf8
e LC_NUMERIC=pt_BR.utf8
. Os efeitos s\u00e3o os esperados?s
A parte final consiste em criar tradu\u00e7\u00f5es das duas strings presentes no texto. A linguagem usada \u00e9 definida pela vari\u00e1vel LANGUAGE
, que pode ser definida separadamente para cada processo. Um dos pontos mais importantes \u00e9 marcar quais strings dever\u00e3o ser traduzidas para que uma equipe de tradutores n\u00e3o precise mexer no c\u00f3digo. O m\u00f3dulo gettext
do Python j\u00e1 prov\u00ea suporte a esta funcionalidade, o Babel apenas fornece um conjunto de ferramentas que facilita seu uso.
A implanta\u00e7\u00e3o do framework de tradu\u00e7\u00e3o \u00e9 feita em quatro passos:
a partir do modelo criado no passo anterior.mo
No arquivo principal de nossa aplica\u00e7\u00e3o podemos \"instalar\" o framework de tradu\u00e7\u00e3o e marcar todas nossas strings a serem traduzidas com a fun\u00e7\u00e3o _()
. A instala\u00e7\u00e3o \u00e9 feita pelo seguinte trecho de c\u00f3digo.
import gettext\ngettext.bindtextdomain('cli', 'locale')\ngettext.textdomain('cli')\n_ = gettext.gettext\n\n# cli \u00e9 o nome do arquivo em que guardamos nossas tradu\u00e7\u00f5es\n# localedir \u00e9 o caminho onde est\u00e3o armazenadas as tradu\u00e7\u00f5es. Pode ser um caminho relativo. \n
Devemos ent\u00e3o marcar todas as strings para serem traduzidas com _()
. Podemos usar _()
em qualquer arquivo do projeto, mesmo que a instala\u00e7\u00e3o tenha sido feita somente no arquivo principal.
Os passos seguintes s\u00e3o feitos com aux\u00edlio do Babel, que efetivamente analisa nosso c\u00f3digo Python e extrai as strings para tradu\u00e7\u00e3o. A cria\u00e7\u00e3o do arquivo modelo de tradu\u00e7\u00e3o a partir dos arquivos do diret\u00f3rio atual \u00e9 feita com o seguinte comando.
$ pybabel extract . -o cli-model.pot
Criamos ent\u00e3o uma nova tradu\u00e7\u00e3o usando o seguinte comando. A op\u00e7\u00e3o -D
indica o nome do arquivo em que as tradu\u00e7\u00f5es ser\u00e3o guardadas (usado em gettext.install
). A op\u00e7\u00e3o -l
indica o locale da tradu\u00e7\u00e3o. A op\u00e7\u00e3o -d
indica o localedir
usado em gettext.install
$ pybabel init -i cli-model.pot -D cli -l pt_BR -d locale
Devemos ent\u00e3o editar o arquivo criado em locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/cli.po. Ser\u00e3o apresentados (ap\u00f3s algumas linhas de coment\u00e1rios) pares de linhas como as seguintes. O primeiro valor msgid
\u00e9 a string a ser traduzida e o segundo msgstr
\u00e9 a tradu\u00e7\u00e3o no locale pt_BR (pois o arquivo est\u00e1 na pasta pt_BR do localedir).
msgid \"Input your name: \"\nmsgstr \"\"\n
Apesar de ser poss\u00edvel fazer tudo diretamente no arquivo de texto, \u00e9 mais conveniente usar softwares como o poedit ou este editor online(https://localise.biz/free/poeditor).
Com as strings traduzidas vamos finalmente compilar nossos resultados. Isto \u00e9 feito para que n\u00e3o seja poss\u00edvel mexer nos arquivos de tradu\u00e7\u00e3o em uma vers\u00e3o Release do programa.
$ pybabel compile -D cli -l pt_BR -d locale
Isto gerar\u00e1 os arquivos .mo
correspondentes a ao locale pt_BR
. S\u00e3o estes os arquivos carregados durante a execu\u00e7\u00e3o do programa.
Podemos definir a vari\u00e1vel LANGUAGE
para modificar a lingua de um programa (como visto anteriormente com ls
). Execute seu programa diretamente e depois setando LANGUAGE=pt_BR.utf8
. Os resultados foram os esperados?
Modifique o exerc\u00edcio da aula passada (pacote python) para suportar datas e mensagens em Ingl\u00eas e Portugu\u00eas. Fa\u00e7a a entrega de sua atividade adicionando a skill Tradu\u00e7\u00e3o b\u00e1sica segundo o modelo abaixo.
Objetivo: Aplicou ferramentas de localiza\u00e7\u00e3o para traduzir um programa simples em linha de comando.
\"skill_id\": 8, \"metadata\": {\"url\": \"repo-pacote-python\"}
"},{"location":"lessons/06-localization-translation/slides/","title":"Tradu\u00e7\u00e3o e localiza\u00e7\u00e3o de software","text":""},{"location":"lessons/06-localization-translation/slides/#desenvolvimento-aberto","title":"Desenvolvimento Aberto","text":""},{"location":"lessons/06-localization-translation/slides/#localizacao-e-internacionalizacao-de-software","title":"Localiza\u00e7\u00e3o e internacionaliza\u00e7\u00e3o de software","text":""},{"location":"lessons/06-localization-translation/slides/#versao-20232-igor-montagner-igorsm1insperedubr","title":"Vers\u00e3o 2023/2: Igor Montagner (igorsm1@insper.edu.br)","text":""},{"location":"lessons/06-localization-translation/slides/#traducao-de-software","title":"Tradu\u00e7\u00e3o de software","text":""},{"location":"lessons/06-localization-translation/slides/#qual-a-diferenca-de-internacionalizacao-e-localizacao","title":"Qual a diferen\u00e7a de internacionaliza\u00e7\u00e3o e localiza\u00e7\u00e3o?","text":""},{"location":"lessons/06-localization-translation/slides/#internacionalizacao-i18n","title":"Internacionaliza\u00e7\u00e3o (I18N)","text":"Consiste em traduzir a interface de usu\u00e1rio de um software para outros idiomas.
Sistema Operacional guarda configura\u00e7\u00f5es de idioma e as disponibiliza para aplica\u00e7\u00f5es
Tipicamente \"invis\u00edvel\"
Consiste em adaptar a maneira de mostrar
de acordo com as prefer\u00eancias de um usu\u00e1rio e relativos a sua cultura.
"},{"location":"lessons/06-localization-translation/slides/#i18n-e-l10n","title":"I18N e L10N","text":"Precisam ser
Um locale \u00e9 uma tripla
"},{"location":"lessons/06-localization-translation/slides/#_1","title":"Tradu\u00e7\u00e3o e localiza\u00e7\u00e3o de software","text":"<lingua>_<pais>.<codificacao>\n
"},{"location":"lessons/06-localization-translation/slides/#_2","title":"Tradu\u00e7\u00e3o e localiza\u00e7\u00e3o de software","text":"que representa configura\u00e7\u00f5es de I18N e/ou L10N para uma determinada cultura.
= Ficheiropt_BR
= Arquivoen_US
"},{"location":"lessons/06-localization-translation/slides/#implementando-suporte-a-l10n","title":"Implementando suporte a L10N","text":"# Antes \nprint('Numero:', 10.5) \n# Depois\nprint('Numero', format_number(10.5))\n
"},{"location":"lessons/06-localization-translation/slides/#_4","title":"Tradu\u00e7\u00e3o e localiza\u00e7\u00e3o de software","text":"N\u00e3o \u00e9 complicado, mas \u00e9 trabalhoso
"},{"location":"lessons/06-localization-translation/slides/#suporte-a-i18n","title":"Suporte a I18N","text":"Envolve 4 etapas:
\u00c9 um pouco mais complicado, mas pode ser integrado ao processo de compila\u00e7\u00e3o de um programa.
"},{"location":"lessons/06-localization-translation/slides/#suporte-a-i18n-posix","title":"Suporte a I18N (POSIX)","text":"Sistemas POSIX suportam determina\u00e7\u00e3o de lingua e locale usando vari\u00e1veis de ambiente.
para l\u00ednguaLC_TIME
para dataLC_NUMERIC
para n\u00famerosUm locale sempre \u00e9 expresso no formato
"},{"location":"lessons/06-localization-translation/slides/#suporte-a-i18n-posix_1","title":"Suporte a I18N (POSIX)","text":"O comando locale
mostra todas as op\u00e7\u00f5es dispon\u00edveis:
"},{"location":"lessons/06-localization-translation/slides/#suporte-a-i18n-web","title":"Suporte a I18N (Web)","text":"Existem diversas maneiras de determinar um bom locale em sistemas Web:
inclui as linguagens de exibi\u00e7\u00e3o suportadas pelo browser do visitante. gettext
da biblioteca padr\u00e3odatetime
aceita o uso de localesbabel
faz I18N e L10NObjetivo: usar o m\u00f3dulo Babel para traduzir uma aplica\u00e7\u00e3o do terminal.
"},{"location":"lessons/06-localization-translation/slides/#desenvolvimento-aberto_1","title":"Desenvolvimento Aberto","text":""},{"location":"lessons/06-localization-translation/slides/#localizacao-e-internacionalizacao-de-software_1","title":"Localiza\u00e7\u00e3o e internacionaliza\u00e7\u00e3o de software","text":""},{"location":"lessons/06-localization-translation/slides/#versao-20232-igor-montagner-igorsm1insperedubr_1","title":"Vers\u00e3o 2023/2: Igor Montagner (igorsm1@insper.edu.br)","text":""},{"location":"lessons/07-code-quality/","title":"07 - Code quality","text":"In Lesson 04 - Professional Project we created a repo and website for an old project developed during the course. Now we are going to improve its quality by fixing the issues each group found using a linter tool.
We won't work on our own projects this time! Select a project from the discussion page and comment on the issue you'd like to do. Every project must have at least one issue with external participation.
"},{"location":"lessons/07-code-quality/#deliverable","title":"Deliverable","text":"Learning objective: modify a project you are not familiar with and improve its code quality
\"skill_id\": 11, \"metadata\": {\"url\": \"pull request url\", \"group\": [\"student2\"]}
Add to the pull request description a link to the accepted contribution.
"},{"location":"lessons/08-automated-testing/","title":"08 - Automated testing","text":"We will now add (some) automated testing to one of the projects from the discussion page. Again, our objective in this activity is to get used to build and modify different projects.
You'll need to select a different project from the last Lesson 07 - Code Quality
"},{"location":"lessons/08-automated-testing/#deliverable","title":"Deliverable","text":"Learning objective: modify a project you are not familiar with and improve its code quality
\"skill_id\": 5, \"metadata\": {\"url\": \"pull request url\", \"group\": [\"student2\"]}
Add to the pull request description a link to the accepted contribution.
"},{"location":"lessons/08-automated-testing/slides/","title":"Testes automatizados","text":""},{"location":"lessons/08-automated-testing/slides/#desenvolvimento-aberto","title":"Desenvolvimento Aberto","text":""},{"location":"lessons/08-automated-testing/slides/#testes-automatizados","title":"Testes automatizados","text":""},{"location":"lessons/08-automated-testing/slides/#igor-dos-santos-montagner-igorsm1insperedubr","title":"Igor dos Santos Montagner ( igorsm1@insper.edu.br )","text":""},{"location":"lessons/08-automated-testing/slides/#projeto-profissional","title":"Projeto profissional","text":"Ideia: escrever um programa que verifica se um outro programa responde como esperado
N\u00e3o ajudam:
Ideia: dada uma fun\u00e7\u00e3o, verificar se ela devolve o valor esperado para um certo conjunto de par\u00e2metros.
Ideia: dados um conjunto de classes com interdepend\u00eancias, verificar se elas funcionam bem em conjunto.
Ideia: simula a\u00e7\u00f5es do usu\u00e1rio (cliques, entrada de dados, etc) e confere se a sa\u00edda esperada \u00e9 mostrada na tela
Permite fazer scripts que interagem com uma p\u00e1gina web, realizando entrada de dados, rolagem de tela e cliques. Cada assert
pode ser feito com o conte\u00fado de um objeto da p\u00e1gina.
Objetivo: Primeira experi\u00eancia com testes automatizado de c\u00f3digo.
\"metadata\": {\"url\": \"acceppted PR\", \"group\": [\"igual\", \"6\"]}
"},{"location":"lessons/09-releases/","title":"09 - Releases","text":"Creating a release is the final step to distribute software to users. It involves \"freezing\" the repository in a specific commit and attaching binaries and other ready to use assets. Users should be able to grab one of the releases and use it direclty without having to setup a dev environment.
The skill New Release involves the creation of a release for your own project used in the last lessons.
\"skill_id\": 12, \"metadata\": {\"url\": \"release url\", \"group\": [\"student2\"]}
"},{"location":"lessons/09-releases/#instructions","title":"Instructions","text":"The following guids might be useful.
The following checks will be used to verify if this skill is completed:
Entrega final: 02/10
"},{"location":"lessons/10-first-contribution/slides/#etapa-individual-outubro","title":"Etapa individual (Outubro)","text":""},{"location":"lessons/10-first-contribution/slides/#aprofundar-habilidades-desenvolvidas-em-grupo","title":"Aprofundar habilidades desenvolvidas em grupo","text":"Bons projetos usam tags para facilitar a recep\u00e7\u00e3o de novatos
Biblioteca de tratamento de dados usada em Ci\u00eancia dos Dados.
Tickets de testes s\u00e3o, em geral, f\u00e1ceis para come\u00e7ar e \u00fateis para a comunidade.
"},{"location":"lessons/10-first-contribution/slides/#sugestao-ii-matplotlib","title":"Sugest\u00e3o II - Matplotlib","text":"Plotar gr\u00e1ficos em Python
Lista de Good first issues tem v\u00e1rios em aberto ou com PRs que est\u00e3o parados h\u00e1 meses e podem ser assumidos por outras pessoas.
"},{"location":"lessons/10-first-contribution/slides/#sugestao-iii-pyscript","title":"Sugest\u00e3o III - Pyscript","text":"Python rodando no Browser via WebAssembly
Lista de issues tem v\u00e1rias que parecem acess\u00edveis
"},{"location":"lessons/10-first-contribution/slides/#sugestao-iii-escolha-seu-proprio-projeto","title":"Sugest\u00e3o III: Escolha seu pr\u00f3prio projeto :)","text":"Free and Open Source Software history is full of personalities that have contributed to shape the world we live in. In this activity pairs of students select a company or person with a strong history in FOSS and detail their contributions in a 30 minutes presentation followed by a 10 minutes guided discussion.
All presentations will be open to the general public, recorded and must be presented in english. The discussions will not be recorded. After presenting students can create a PR with the skill FLOSS research and upload a PDF of their presentations to the apresentacoes/2023/
Register your choice of personality/company and time slot for the presentation at the Github Discussions thread. You can accept one of the suggestions below or propose a different one.
The following presentation slots are available on a first-come first-served queue.
This meeting does not have practical activities.
"},{"location":"lessons/12-licenses/slides/","title":"Licen\u00e7as de software","text":""},{"location":"lessons/12-licenses/slides/#desenvolvimento-aberto","title":"Desenvolvimento Aberto","text":""},{"location":"lessons/12-licenses/slides/#licencas-de-software","title":"Licen\u00e7as de Software","text":""},{"location":"lessons/12-licenses/slides/#20232-igor-montagner-igorsm1insperedubr","title":"2023/2: Igor Montagner ( igorsm1@insper.edu.br) )","text":""},{"location":"lessons/12-licenses/slides/#ate-agora","title":"At\u00e9 agora","text":"### Conte\u00fado t\u00e9cnico: ferramentas, fluxos de trabalho, etc
"},{"location":"lessons/12-licenses/slides/#hoje","title":"Hoje","text":""},{"location":"lessons/12-licenses/slides/#licencas-de-software_1","title":"Licen\u00e7as de software","text":""},{"location":"lessons/12-licenses/slides/#licencas-de-software_2","title":"Licen\u00e7as de software","text":"Escrever software \u00e9 considerado um trabalho intelectual, estando ent\u00e3o sujeito \u00e0s leis de direitos autorais.
N\u00e3o \u00e9 necess\u00e1rio registro. N\u00e3o vale para ideias.
O dono dos direitos autorais (patrimoniais) pode controlar:
De quem \u00e9 o c\u00f3digo nos seguintes cen\u00e1rios?
"},{"location":"lessons/12-licenses/slides/#um-funcionario-trabalhando-para-uma-empresa-produz-sotfware-durante-o-expediente","title":"Um funcion\u00e1rio trabalhando para uma empresa produz sotfware durante o expediente.","text":""},{"location":"lessons/12-licenses/slides/#por-que-isto-e-importante_2","title":"Por que isto \u00e9 importante?","text":"De quem \u00e9 o c\u00f3digo nos seguintes cen\u00e1rios?
"},{"location":"lessons/12-licenses/slides/#um-funcionario-trabalhando-para-uma-empresa-produz-sotfware-fora-do-expediente-e-decide-lancar-um-produto-nao-relacionado","title":"Um funcion\u00e1rio trabalhando para uma empresa produz sotfware fora do expediente e decide lan\u00e7ar um produto n\u00e3o relacionado.","text":""},{"location":"lessons/12-licenses/slides/#por-que-isto-e-importante_3","title":"Por que isto \u00e9 importante?","text":"De quem \u00e9 o c\u00f3digo nos seguintes cen\u00e1rios?
"},{"location":"lessons/12-licenses/slides/#um-funcionario-trabalhando-para-uma-empresa-produz-sotfware-fora-do-expediente-e-decide-lancar-um-produto-concorrente","title":"Um funcion\u00e1rio trabalhando para uma empresa produz sotfware fora do expediente e decide lan\u00e7ar um produto concorrente.","text":""},{"location":"lessons/12-licenses/slides/#por-que-isto-e-importante_4","title":"Por que isto \u00e9 importante?","text":"De quem \u00e9 o c\u00f3digo nos seguintes cen\u00e1rios?
"},{"location":"lessons/12-licenses/slides/#um-programador-faz-um-freelance-e-entrega-um-projeto-para-uma-empresa-ele-pode-reutilzar-parte-do-codigo-em-outros-projetos-para-outras-empresas","title":"Um programador faz um freelance e entrega um projeto para uma empresa. Ele pode reutilzar parte do c\u00f3digo em outros projetos (para outras empresas)?","text":""},{"location":"lessons/12-licenses/slides/#por-que-isto-e-importante_5","title":"Por que isto \u00e9 importante?","text":"De quem \u00e9 o c\u00f3digo nos seguintes cen\u00e1rios?
"},{"location":"lessons/12-licenses/slides/#um-prestador-de-servicos-contratado-como-empresa-via-cnpj-participa-de-um-projeto-terceirizado-junto-com-outros-pjs","title":"Um prestador de servi\u00e7os (contratado como empresa via CNPJ) participa de um projeto terceirizado, junto com outros PJs.","text":""},{"location":"lessons/12-licenses/slides/#por-que-isto-e-importante_6","title":"Por que isto \u00e9 importante?","text":"Nenhum dos casos acima tem respostas fixas. Tudo depende de um monte de fatores jur\u00eddicos e do qu\u00ea cada um assinou. Alguns guias interessantes:
Fontes 1 2
"},{"location":"lessons/12-licenses/slides/#contexto-2-projetos-open-source","title":"Contexto 2: projetos open source","text":"Contributor License Agreement \u00e9 um documento de cess\u00e3o de copyright (direitos de explora\u00e7\u00e3o comercial).
End User License Agreement (EULA): Termo usado para aquelas condi\u00e7\u00f5es que (n\u00e3o lemos) aceitamos ao instalar software propriet\u00e1rio ou nos registramos em um site/servi\u00e7o.
"},{"location":"lessons/12-licenses/slides/#_1","title":"Licen\u00e7as de software","text":"Ignorado por aproximadamente 90% dos usu\u00e1rios (fonte)
"},{"location":"lessons/12-licenses/slides/#end-user-license-agreement","title":"End User License Agreement","text":"E por algumas empresas... Fonte
"},{"location":"lessons/12-licenses/slides/#end-user-license-agreement_1","title":"End User License Agreement","text":"Restri\u00e7\u00f5es t\u00edpicas encontradas em EULAs:
Informa\u00e7\u00f5es t\u00edpicas encontradas em EULAs de servi\u00e7os:
Legal Nature - EULA
"},{"location":"lessons/12-licenses/slides/#eula-aws","title":"EULA (AWS)","text":"fonte: https://aws.amazon.com/service-terms/
"},{"location":"lessons/12-licenses/slides/#um-pouco-de-historia","title":"Um pouco de hist\u00f3ria","text":""},{"location":"lessons/12-licenses/slides/#um-pouco-de-historia-1985","title":"Um pouco de hist\u00f3ria - 1985","text":"Leitura complementar: Free Software, Free Society: Selected Essays of Richard M. Stallman.
"},{"location":"lessons/12-licenses/slides/#um-pouco-de-historia_2","title":"Um pouco de hist\u00f3ria","text":"Leitura complementar: Just for Fun: The Story of an Accidental Revolutionary, Linus Torvalds and David Diamond
"},{"location":"lessons/12-licenses/slides/#licencas-de-software-livre","title":"Licen\u00e7as de software (livre)","text":"Criadas pela Free Software Foundation visando garantir 4 liberdades para um usu\u00e1rio ao usar um software:
Distribuir os fontes \u00e9 pr\u00e9-requisito dos itens 1 e 3!
Chamadas tamb\u00e9m de rec\u00edprocas.
"},{"location":"lessons/12-licenses/slides/#licencas-de-software-livre_1","title":"Licen\u00e7as de software (livre)","text":""},{"location":"lessons/12-licenses/slides/#licencas-de-software-livre-reciprocas","title":"Licen\u00e7as de software livre - rec\u00edprocas","text":"Mais associadas a Open Source Iniciative, s\u00e3o consideradas menos \"ideol\u00f3gicas\".
Exemplos: MIT, BSD
"},{"location":"lessons/12-licenses/slides/#desenvolvimento-aberto_1","title":"Desenvolvimento Aberto","text":""},{"location":"lessons/12-licenses/slides/#licencas-de-software_3","title":"Licen\u00e7as de Software","text":""},{"location":"lessons/12-licenses/slides/#20232-igor-montagner-igorsm1insperedubr_1","title":"2023/2: Igor Montagner ( igorsm1@insper.edu.br) )","text":""},{"location":"plugins/notification/","title":"Toast Notifications","text":"This page illustrates how to create toast (or snackbar) notifications. This is intended for plugin development and probably shouldn't be called directly from the markdown content.
In your plugin, whenever you want to show a toast notification, just call notification.toast()
notification.toast(\"Go crazy!\", { bgColor: \"#FFFF00\", color: \"#ff4498\" });\nnotification.toast('bgColor \"danger\"', { bgColor: \"danger\" });\nnotification.toast(\"Notification with click event (reload page)\", {\n onClick: () => window.location.reload(),\n});\nnotification.toast(\"Toasts have an optional timeout argument\", {\n timeout: 3000,\n});\n
The following values are accepted for bgColor
Welcome to the Open Development page for 2024/2. On this site, you will find all the course lessons and syllabus. The learning objectives covered are:
This course is gamified and entirely done using a git repository. Each student creates a user following the instructions in Lesson 01 and submits a Pull Request to be included in the repository. Each completed activity is delivered via a PR in the course repository and serves as evidence for the learning objectives mentioned above.
The course revolves around four types of activities:
More information about all possible activities can be found on the Assessment page.
Current and past instructors
Este documento descreve a rubrica para avalia\u00e7\u00e3o do trabalho e a agenda das apresenta\u00e7\u00f5es.
"},{"location":"agenda_apresentacoes/#rubrica","title":"Rubrica","text":"Conceito Descri\u00e7\u00e3o A Apresenta\u00e7\u00e3o realizada dentro do tempo estipulado. O tema foi organizado de forma excelente, com boa sequ\u00eancia l\u00f3gica das ideias. O trabalho foi apresentado de forma clara e concisa, usando so slides de forma coesa com a fala. Tem boa postura e seguran\u00e7a, estabelece contato visual com os participantes durante a apresenta\u00e7\u00e3o. Incorporou elementos visuais de qualidade no material: figuras, tabelas e gr\u00e1ficos s\u00e3o claros e cont\u00eam informa\u00e7\u00f5es suficientes. Fez uso de no m\u00ednimo uma t\u00e9cnica para intera\u00e7\u00e3o com a audi\u00eancia (por exemplo, debate, painel com vota\u00e7\u00f5es, entre outros). B O tempo de apresenta\u00e7\u00e3o foi de mais ou menos 5 min do estabelecido. O tema foi parcialmente bem organizado, com sequ\u00eancia de apresenta\u00e7\u00e3o razo\u00e1vel. Exp\u00f5e o trabalho corretamente, mas n\u00e3o usa os slides de forma coesa com a fala. Postura e seguran\u00e7a razo\u00e1veis. Os elementos visuais s\u00e3o de baixa qualidade: figuras, tabelas e gr\u00e1ficos n\u00e3o s\u00e3o totalmente claros e n\u00e3o cont\u00eam informa\u00e7\u00f5es suficientes para compreens\u00e3o. Fez uso de no m\u00ednimo uma t\u00e9cnica para intera\u00e7\u00e3o com a audi\u00eancia (por exemplo, debate, painel com vota\u00e7\u00f5es, entre outros). C Tempo de apresenta\u00e7\u00e3o foi de mais ou menos 10 min do estabelecido. A organiza\u00e7\u00e3o da apresenta\u00e7\u00e3o \u00e9 confusa, o que prejudica o acompanhamento e compreens\u00e3o das ideias. Comunica\u00e7\u00e3o deficiente, com dificuldade de expor ideias. N\u00e3o usa adequadamente os slides. N\u00e3o tem boa postura e seguran\u00e7a durante a apresenta\u00e7\u00e3o. Os recursos visuas prejudicam a apresenta\u00e7\u00e3o. Fez uso de no m\u00ednimo uma t\u00e9cnica para intera\u00e7\u00e3o com a audi\u00eancia (por exemplo, debate, painel com vota\u00e7\u00f5es, entre outros)."},{"location":"agenda_apresentacoes/#agenda","title":"Agenda","text":"Data e hor\u00e1rio Tema 17/11 (9:45-10:45) GitHub Copilot \u00e9 \u00e9tico? [Eiki Yamashiro e Marcelo Miguel] 17/11 (10:45-11:45) A rela\u00e7\u00e3o entre Software as a Service (SaaS) e projetos de C\u00f3digo Aberto [Caroline Chaim, Felipe Lemos, Jo\u00e3o Farias Araujo] 22/11 (9:45-10:45) Telemetria \u00e9 \"\u00e9tico\"? [Guilherme Lunetta, Rafael Monteiro e Jo\u00e3o Magalh\u00e3es] 22/11 (10:45-11:45) Regulamenta\u00e7\u00f5es futuras na Europa sobre responsabilidade legal dos criadores de IAs [Luiza Silvera, Guilherme Batista e Gabriel Zanetti] 24/11 N\u00e3o teremos aula. Joga do Brasil na Copa do Mundo 29/11 (9:45-10:45) Regulamenta\u00e7\u00f5es recentes na Europa sobre durabilidade de smartphones. [Keiya Nishio e Bruno Freitas] 29/11 (10:45-11:45) Por que Open Source \u00e9 cr\u00edtico para criptomoedas? [Paulo Kim, Raphael Lahiry e Rodrigo Coelho] 01/12 (9:45-10:45) The new open-source economics (Yochai Benkler, 2005). O que mudou de 2005 para 2022? [Jo\u00e3o Pedro Meirelles, Gustavo Molina e Rafael Almada] 01/12 (10:45-11:45) Mantainer burnout [Cesar Ades e Jonathan Sutton]"},{"location":"assessment/","title":"Assessment","text":"As you can see in Lesson 01, this course allows for a great deal of freedom, and it is organized through gamification. Each participant creates a profile in the repository and earns skills (and XP) by completing the available activities. All submissions are made via PR to the course repository.
The final grade is a combination of the total amount of XP received for completing tasks, the amount of XP obtained from group members, and some barrier criteria. The table below summarizes these conditions:
Grade Score Extra Criteria I ---- Did not complete any tutorial activities D ---- Completed all lesson activities but did not reach a C grade C 45XPThroughout the semester, the scores in the table above may be revised downward, but never upward.
"},{"location":"assessment/#available-skills","title":"Available Skills","text":"Each skill translates into evidence for one of the learning objectives of the course. The collection of all the skills completed during the semester indicates the proficiency of the students in each of the objectives.
"},{"location":"assessment/#tutorial","title":"Tutorial","text":"In this initial part, preparatory activities are carried out to support the development of skills in Code and Community skills.
id Name Description XP Date 1 First Steps Added to the discipline's repository. 2 25/09 2 Exploring a Project's Environment Researched the history and community of people and services around a project. 3 25/09 3 Undocumented Project Received an undocumented system and got it up and running. 5 25/09 4 Professional Project Refactored poorly written code and created a web page for it. 5 25/09 5 Tested and Approved Created unit tests and interface tests for the challenge server. 5 25/09 6 Python Package Created a Python package installable via pip. 3 25/09 7 Dockerfile Created automated deployment for a Python web system. 3 25/09 8 Basic Translation Used translation tools to translate and localize a small command-line program. 2 25/09 10 FLOSS Research Delivered a long presentation on a recent and relevant topic related to free and open-source software. 5 04/12 11 Better code Addressed linting problems in a poorly written project 5 25/09 12 Release created Created a release and published a binary package for users 5 25/09"},{"location":"assessment/#code","title":"Code","text":"Any activity that results in a code contribution to open-source software projects is accepted in the course.
id Name Description XP Date 21 Code Contribution Submitted a pull request fixing a bug. 7 04/12 22 Contribution Accepted! A non-trivial pull request was accepted by an external project. 13 04/12 23 Simple Contribution Accepted! A simple pull request (with trivial changes or small code refactorings) was accepted by an external project. 3 04/12 24 Bug Report Reported a bug in a repository, and another user was able to reproduce it. 5 04/12 25 Feature Request Made a request for a new feature in a software. 2 04/12 26 INSPER Project Made additional contributions to an INSPER educational project. 5 04/12"},{"location":"assessment/#community","title":"Community","text":"A software project is also defined by the interactions of all the people around it: users, developers, and translators. This category includes non-technical contributions that benefit these individuals.
id Name Description XP Date 40 Indirect Issue Conversations in an issue or pull request led other users to open issues reporting new bugs/improvements. 3 04/12 41 Beta Tester When reproducing a bug, you discovered that it had already been fixed and caused the closure of an issue. 3 04/12 42 Translation Accepted! Made a translation that was accepted in an open-source software. 5 04/12 43 New Languages Added support for translations in a previously non-translatable software. 10 04/12 44 Reviewer Reviewed minor errors in the documentation of a project, and your modifications were accepted. 2 04/12 45 Documentation Contribution Closed an issue marked asdocs
. 7 04/12 46 Project Pitch Delivered a project pitch. 0 04/12 47 Pitch Accepted! Contributed to a project presented in class. 5 04/12 48 Accepted Suggestion! Another student contributed to the project you pitched. 3 04/12 49 PR Replay Presented (in 15 minutes) the process of resolving a bug in class. 5 04/12"},{"location":"assessment/#impact","title":"Impact","text":"This category encompasses skills that represent the impact generated by the activities performed within the context of the course, both on a software project and the community around it. This includes:
In the 2019/2 edition, students worked on 19 different projects, contributing with 46 code modifications, of which 14 were incorporated into the original projects. In addition to these projects, students also worked on the Servidor de Desafios, a software developed by Insper professors to be used in the Software Design course. A total of 12 accepted modifications have already been used during the semester.
We also encourage students to participate in external technology events and experience the world outside Insper. In total, students participated in 10 events.
"},{"location":"impact-2019/#alunos","title":"Alunos","text":"Alessandra Bl\u00fccher Alexandre Edington Antonio Jo\u00e3o Andraues Junior Elisa Mochetti Malzoni Gabriel Lopes Monteiro Gabriel Do Vale Rios Giulia Braga Passarelli Guilherme Leite Hugo Ebert Carl Igor Montagner Leonardo Pereira Medeiros Lucas Scarlato Astur Pedro Cunial Campos Samuel Vinicius Granato De Barros Vinicius Gomes De Lima Vitor Liu"},{"location":"impact-2019/#contribuicoes-de-codigo","title":"Contribui\u00e7\u00f5es de c\u00f3digo","text":"Servidor de desafiosIn the 2020/1 edition, students worked on 15 different projects, contributing with 27 code modifications, of which 17 were incorporated into the original projects. In addition to these projects, students also worked on the Challenge Server, a software developed by Insper professors to be used in the Software Design course. A total of 7 accepted modifications have already been used during the semester.
"},{"location":"impact-2020/#alunos","title":"Alunos","text":"Isabella Rocha De Oliveira Bruna Mayumi Kimura Bruno Arthur Cesconetto Eli Jose Abi Ghosn Eric Fernando Otofuji Abrantes Francisco Ciol Rodrigues Aveiro Gabriel Fonseca Moreira Gabriel Valente Francato Hugo Silva Pereira Mendes Igor Dos Santos Montagner Lucca Delchiaro Costabile Martim Ferreira Jose Pedro De La Pe\u00f1a Ferreira Bueno Fonseca Pedro Oliveira De Azambuja Raphael Costa Sabrina Sampaio Simao Victor Laperuta De Moura"},{"location":"impact-2020/#contribuicoes","title":"Contribui\u00e7\u00f5es Melhorias de c\u00f3digo enviadas","text":"Servidor de desafiosOne of the main objectives of Open Development is to actively participate in existing software projects. In the 2021/2 edition, students worked on 30 different projects, contributing with 56 code modifications, of which 37 were incorporated into the original projects. In addition to these projects, students also worked on software developed by Insper professors to be used in various courses. A total of 0 modifications were accepted in these projects.
We also encourage students to participate in external technology events and experience the world outside Insper. In total, students participated in 0 events.
Melhorias de c\u00f3digo enviadas Uutils/Coreutils Pull RequestsOne of the main objectives of Open Development is to actively participate in existing software projects. In the 2022/2 edition, students worked on 15 different projects, contributing with 20 code modifications, of which 4 were incorporated into the original projects. In addition to these projects, students also worked on software developed by Insper professors to be used in various courses. A total of 0 modifications were accepted in these projects.
We also encourage students to participate in external technology events and experience the world outside Insper. In total, students participated in 0 events.
Alunos participantes Bruno Freitas Do Nascimento Rodrigues Caroline Chaim De Lima Carneiro Cesar Ezra Ades Eiki Luis Yamashiro Fabricio Barth Felipe Lemos Gabriel Zanetti Guilherme Carneiro Lunetta Guilherme Teixeira Batista Gustavo Molina Freneda Benites Joao Pedro Farias De Araujo Joao Pedro Montefeltro Junqueira Meirelles Jo\u00e3o Vitor Menezes De Magalh\u00e3es Jonathan Sutton Keiya Nishio Luiza Rodrigues Silveira Marcelo Cesario Miguel Paulo Wook Kim Rafael Alves De Mello Almada Rafael Evangelista Monteiro Raphael Lahiry Rodrigo Guimar\u00e3es Coelho Melhorias de c\u00f3digo enviadas Geekquad/Algobook Pull RequestsOne of the main objectives of Open Development is to actively participate in existing software projects. In the 2023/2 edition, students worked on 0 different projects, contributing with 0 code modifications, of which 0 were incorporated into the original projects. In addition to these projects, students also worked on software developed by Insper professors to be used in various courses. A total of 0 modifications were accepted in these projects.
We also encourage students to participate in external technology events and experience the world outside Insper. In total, students participated in 0 events.
Code contributions Events"},{"location":"students/","title":"Students","text":"The following students are enrolled in this semester.
Ananda J\u00falia Galv\u00e3o Campelo Andr\u00e9 Felipe Bulc\u00e3o Brito Andr\u00e9 Barboza Braga De Melo Andr\u00e9 Corr\u00eaa Santos Antonio Amaral Egydio Martins Arthur Martins De Souza Barreto Enricco Gemha Eric Andrei Lima Possato Fabr\u00edcio Barth Felipe Aron Nudelman Tabacinik Felipe Catapano Emrich Melo Fernando Alzueta Guilherme Dantas Rameh Guilherme Fontana Louro Igor Montagner Ilana Chaia Finger Jo\u00e3o Ant\u00f4nio Gomes Garcia Leonardo Merlin Paloschi Leonardo Scarlato Lidia Alves Chagas Domingos Lincoln Rodrigo Pereira Melo Lucas Hix Luis Antonio Santana Rodrigues Paulo Henrique Moreira Falc\u00e3o Pedro Bittar Bar\u00e3o Rafael Coca Leventhal Rafael Gordon Paves Rafael Estefam Melhado Araujo Lima Ricardo Ribeiro Rodrigues Rodrigo Anci\u00e3es Patelli Rodrigo Sennati Mattar Thiago Hampl De Pierri Rocha Yuri Tabacof"},{"location":"syllabus/","title":"Syllabus","text":""},{"location":"syllabus/#assessment","title":"Assessment","text":"This course has a gamified assessment system. At any time, you can check your grade by running:
$ ./dev-aberto.py compute-grade your-blackboard-login
Biweekly reports will be sent with a summary of what has been delivered and which criteria have been met, as well as the student's current grade. There is no possibility of losing points. Although the report is for informational purposes only, if the student is not failing due to absences, they should receive the grade indicated in the biweekly reports.
The complete list of rules is available on the Course Rules page and is the official reference for grade calculation. If there is a discrepancy between the report and the rules page, consider the report to be buggy.
"},{"location":"syllabus/#schedule","title":"Schedule","text":"The following activities are planned. The program is subject to changes and adaptations as the course progresses.
Date Question/Problem/Challenge Content 14/08 Introduction to the course and its challenges Workflow with distributed version control: forks, patches, pull requests, and local repositories. Technical and non-technical aspects surrounding software: infrastructure, support, marketing, funding. Reference: FOGEL Ch. 3; Additional reading: TAPSCOTT & WILLIAMS. 19/08 First code contribution Workflow with distributed version control: ammend, rebase, revert. 21/08 Project documentation and what to do when it doesn't exist Types of documentation (user, developer). Source code documentation systems: doxygen, Javadoc, pydoc, sphinx; Reference: FOGEL Ch. 3 (Wikis, Website) 26/08 Studio class for \"Professional Project\" activity Studio class for \"Professional Project\" activity 28/08 Ensuring others can work on the project: API documentation code quality 02/09 Software distribution and versioning Software distribution tools. Types of distribution. Versioning schemes. Reference: FOGEL Ch. 7 04/09 How to make software work in multiple countries? Localization and internationalization. Gettext tool for translations and .po format. 09/09 Software testing Types of software testing: unit, integration, and interface. Testing tools: pytest, selenium. 11/09 Studio class for \"Software Testing\" activity Studio class for \"Software Testing\" activity 16/09 Software licenses Copyrights in Brazil, patents, and software licenses; Reference: LAURENT Ch. 1 and 5, STALLMAN Ch. 6 18/09 Introduction to contributions in open projects - Activity \"My First Contribution\" Studio class for group activity \"My First Contribution\" 23/09 Studio class for group activity \"My First Contribution\" Studio class for group activity \"My First Contribution\" 25/09 Studio class for group activity \"My First Contribution\" Studio class for group activity \"My First Contribution\" 30/09 EXAM WEEK EXAM WEEK 02/10 EXAM WEEK EXAM WEEK 07/10 Working in software communities Assessment metrics for the second part of the course; Communication and teamwork. Reference: RAYMOND Ch. 4 09/10 Course project Studio class for project development 14/10 Course project Studio class for project development 16/10 Course project Studio class for project development 21/10 Course project Studio class for project development 23/10 Course project Studio class for project development 28/10 Course project Studio class for project development 30/10 Course project Studio class for project development 04/11 Course project Studio class for project development 06/11 Course project Studio class for project development 11/11 Course project Studio class for project development 13/11 Course project Studio class for project development 18/11 Topics on free culture and software communities Topics on free culture and software communities 20/11 PUBLIC HOLIDAY PUBLIC HOLIDAY 25/11 Topics on free culture and software communities Topics on free culture and software communities 27/11 Topics on free culture and software communities Topics on free culture and software communities 02/12 EXAM WEEK EXAM WEEK 04/12 EXAM WEEK EXAM WEEK"},{"location":"_snippets/alunos/","title":"Alunos","text":"Ananda J\u00falia Galv\u00e3o Campelo Andr\u00e9 Felipe Bulc\u00e3o Brito Andr\u00e9 Barboza Braga De Melo Andr\u00e9 Corr\u00eaa Santos Antonio Amaral Egydio Martins Arthur Martins De Souza Barreto Enricco Gemha Eric Andrei Lima Possato Fabr\u00edcio Barth Felipe Aron Nudelman Tabacinik Felipe Catapano Emrich Melo Fernando Alzueta Guilherme Dantas Rameh Guilherme Fontana Louro Igor Montagner Ilana Chaia Finger Jo\u00e3o Ant\u00f4nio Gomes Garcia Leonardo Merlin Paloschi Leonardo Scarlato Lidia Alves Chagas Domingos Lincoln Rodrigo Pereira Melo Lucas Hix Luis Antonio Santana Rodrigues Paulo Henrique Moreira Falc\u00e3o Pedro Bittar Bar\u00e3o Rafael Coca Leventhal Rafael Gordon Paves Rafael Estefam Melhado Araujo Lima Ricardo Ribeiro Rodrigues Rodrigo Anci\u00e3es Patelli Rodrigo Sennati Mattar Thiago Hampl De Pierri Rocha Yuri Tabacof"},{"location":"_snippets/plano-de-aulas/","title":"Plano de aulas","text":"Date Question/Problem/Challenge Content 14/08 Introduction to the course and its challenges Workflow with distributed version control: forks, patches, pull requests, and local repositories. Technical and non-technical aspects surrounding software: infrastructure, support, marketing, funding. Reference: FOGEL Ch. 3; Additional reading: TAPSCOTT & WILLIAMS. 19/08 First code contribution Workflow with distributed version control: ammend, rebase, revert. 21/08 Project documentation and what to do when it doesn't exist Types of documentation (user, developer). Source code documentation systems: doxygen, Javadoc, pydoc, sphinx; Reference: FOGEL Ch. 3 (Wikis, Website) 26/08 Studio class for \"Professional Project\" activity Studio class for \"Professional Project\" activity 28/08 Ensuring others can work on the project: API documentation code quality 02/09 Software distribution and versioning Software distribution tools. Types of distribution. Versioning schemes. Reference: FOGEL Ch. 7 04/09 How to make software work in multiple countries? Localization and internationalization. Gettext tool for translations and .po format. 09/09 Software testing Types of software testing: unit, integration, and interface. Testing tools: pytest, selenium. 11/09 Studio class for \"Software Testing\" activity Studio class for \"Software Testing\" activity 16/09 Software licenses Copyrights in Brazil, patents, and software licenses; Reference: LAURENT Ch. 1 and 5, STALLMAN Ch. 6 18/09 Introduction to contributions in open projects - Activity \"My First Contribution\" Studio class for group activity \"My First Contribution\" 23/09 Studio class for group activity \"My First Contribution\" Studio class for group activity \"My First Contribution\" 25/09 Studio class for group activity \"My First Contribution\" Studio class for group activity \"My First Contribution\" 30/09 EXAM WEEK EXAM WEEK 02/10 EXAM WEEK EXAM WEEK 07/10 Working in software communities Assessment metrics for the second part of the course; Communication and teamwork. Reference: RAYMOND Ch. 4 09/10 Course project Studio class for project development 14/10 Course project Studio class for project development 16/10 Course project Studio class for project development 21/10 Course project Studio class for project development 23/10 Course project Studio class for project development 28/10 Course project Studio class for project development 30/10 Course project Studio class for project development 04/11 Course project Studio class for project development 06/11 Course project Studio class for project development 11/11 Course project Studio class for project development 13/11 Course project Studio class for project development 18/11 Topics on free culture and software communities Topics on free culture and software communities 20/11 PUBLIC HOLIDAY PUBLIC HOLIDAY 25/11 Topics on free culture and software communities Topics on free culture and software communities 27/11 Topics on free culture and software communities Topics on free culture and software communities 02/12 EXAM WEEK EXAM WEEK 04/12 EXAM WEEK EXAM WEEK"},{"location":"_snippets/skills-code/","title":"Skills code","text":"id Name Description XP Date 21 Code Contribution Submitted a pull request fixing a bug. 7 04/12 22 Contribution Accepted! A non-trivial pull request was accepted by an external project. 13 04/12 23 Simple Contribution Accepted! A simple pull request (with trivial changes or small code refactorings) was accepted by an external project. 3 04/12 24 Bug Report Reported a bug in a repository, and another user was able to reproduce it. 5 04/12 25 Feature Request Made a request for a new feature in a software. 2 04/12 26 INSPER Project Made additional contributions to an INSPER educational project. 5 04/12"},{"location":"_snippets/skills-community/","title":"Skills community","text":"id Name Description XP Date 40 Indirect Issue Conversations in an issue or pull request led other users to open issues reporting new bugs/improvements. 3 04/12 41 Beta Tester When reproducing a bug, you discovered that it had already been fixed and caused the closure of an issue. 3 04/12 42 Translation Accepted! Made a translation that was accepted in an open-source software. 5 04/12 43 New Languages Added support for translations in a previously non-translatable software. 10 04/12 44 Reviewer Reviewed minor errors in the documentation of a project, and your modifications were accepted. 2 04/12 45 Documentation Contribution Closed an issue marked asdocs
. 7 04/12 46 Project Pitch Delivered a project pitch. 0 04/12 47 Pitch Accepted! Contributed to a project presented in class. 5 04/12 48 Accepted Suggestion! Another student contributed to the project you pitched. 3 04/12 49 PR Replay Presented (in 15 minutes) the process of resolving a bug in class. 5 04/12"},{"location":"_snippets/skills-impact/","title":"Skills impact","text":"id Name Description XP Date 60 Speaker Gave a talk about libraries or open-source software. 20 04/12 61 Helpdesk Had an accepted answer on sites like StackOverflow or email lists. 4 04/12 62 Published Contribution One of your contributions was included in a release. 10 04/12 63 VIP Guest After making a contribution, someone from the project asked you to perform a task. After delivering the task, add this skill. 5 04/12 64 3 Submitted PRs Submitted 3 pull requests to the same project. 10 04/12 65 3 Accepted PRs 3 pull requests you submitted to a project were accepted. 30 04/12 66 Shoutout Something you did was mentioned by the project on social media or through an official channel. 10 04/12 77 Hacktoberfest Participated in Hacktoberfest by submitting 3 pull requests to external projects. 20 04/12"},{"location":"_snippets/skills-tutorial/","title":"Skills tutorial","text":"id Name Description XP Date 1 First Steps Added to the discipline's repository. 2 25/09 2 Exploring a Project's Environment Researched the history and community of people and services around a project. 3 25/09 3 Undocumented Project Received an undocumented system and got it up and running. 5 25/09 4 Professional Project Refactored poorly written code and created a web page for it. 5 25/09 5 Tested and Approved Created unit tests and interface tests for the challenge server. 5 25/09 6 Python Package Created a Python package installable via pip. 3 25/09 7 Dockerfile Created automated deployment for a Python web system. 3 25/09 8 Basic Translation Used translation tools to translate and localize a small command-line program. 2 25/09 10 FLOSS Research Delivered a long presentation on a recent and relevant topic related to free and open-source software. 5 04/12 11 Better code Addressed linting problems in a poorly written project 5 25/09 12 Release created Created a release and published a binary package for users 5 25/09"},{"location":"aulas/09-cultura-livre/","title":"09 - Trabalho sobre cultura livre","text":"Esta aula n\u00e3o tem atividade pr\u00e1tica. As discuss\u00f5es s\u00e3o feitas durante a aula expositiva.
"},{"location":"aulas/09-cultura-livre/slides/","title":"Cultura de software livre","text":""},{"location":"aulas/09-cultura-livre/slides/#desenvolvimento-aberto","title":"Desenvolvimento Aberto","text":""},{"location":"aulas/09-cultura-livre/slides/#cultura-de-software-livre","title":"Cultura de software livre","text":""},{"location":"aulas/09-cultura-livre/slides/#versao-20222-fabricio-barth-fabriciojbinsperedubr","title":"Vers\u00e3o 2022/2: Fabr\u00edcio Barth ( fabriciojb@insper.edu.br )","text":""},{"location":"aulas/09-cultura-livre/slides/#atividade","title":"Atividade","text":"Cultura livre: fazer uma pesquisa profunda e apresentar semin\u00e1rio sobre licen\u00e7as de software e casos recentes em que licen\u00e7as tem papel de destaque
"},{"location":"aulas/09-cultura-livre/slides/#sua-apresentacao-precisa-ter-alguma-forma-de-interacao-com-a-audiencia","title":"Sua apresenta\u00e7\u00e3o precisa ter alguma forma de intera\u00e7\u00e3o com a audi\u00eancia","text":"The new open-source economics (Yochai Benkler, 2005). O que mudou de 2005 para 2022?
There is no \"Linux\" platform.
Telemetria \u00e9 \"\u00e9tico\"? (exemplo VSCode e outros).
GitHub CoPilot \u00e9 \"\u00e9tico\"? Respeita licen\u00e7as de software?
Regulamenta\u00e7\u00f5es recentes na Europa sobre durabilidade de smartphones (bateria, right to repair, etc).
Maintainer burnout.
","text":""},{"location":"aulas/11-contribuicoes-externas/","title":"11 - Contribui\u00e7\u00f5es externas","text":"Esta aula n\u00e3o tem atividade pr\u00e1tica guidada, mas tem uma parte expositiva importante. N\u00e3o esque\u00e7a de olhar os slides de hoje para relembrar.
"},{"location":"aulas/11-contribuicoes-externas/slides/","title":"Dicas de Debug","text":""},{"location":"aulas/11-contribuicoes-externas/slides/#desenvolvimento-aberto","title":"Desenvolvimento Aberto","text":""},{"location":"aulas/11-contribuicoes-externas/slides/#_1","title":"Dicas de Debug","text":""},{"location":"aulas/11-contribuicoes-externas/slides/#dicas-de-debug","title":"Dicas de Debug","text":""},{"location":"aulas/11-contribuicoes-externas/slides/#igor-dos-santos-montagner-igorsm1insperedubr","title":"Igor dos Santos Montagner ( igorsm1@insper.edu.br )","text":""},{"location":"aulas/11-contribuicoes-externas/slides/#minha-primeira-contribuicao-de-codigo","title":"Minha primeira contribui\u00e7\u00e3o de c\u00f3digo","text":""},{"location":"aulas/11-contribuicoes-externas/slides/#dicas-para-debugar-qualquer-coisa","title":"Dicas para debugar (qualquer coisa)","text":""},{"location":"aulas/11-contribuicoes-externas/slides/#9-regras-de-debug","title":"9 regras de debug","text":"master
\u00e9 perda de tempo","text":""},{"location":"aulas/11-contribuicoes-externas/slides/#2-make-it-fail","title":"2. Make it fail","text":""},{"location":"aulas/11-contribuicoes-externas/slides/#reproduza-seu-bug","title":"Reproduza seu bug","text":"print
Comando find
(man page)
Exemplo: procurar por arquivos cujo nome \u00e9 aceito por uma certa express\u00e3o regular come\u00e7ando no diret\u00f3rio atual.
$ find -iname \"regexp\" .
Comando grep
(man page)
: express\u00e3o regularFILES
: lista de diret\u00f3rios ou arquivosExemplo 1: buscar todos arquivos nas pasta atual (.) e subpastas com o texto \"dialog\" ignorando mai\u00fasculas/min\u00fasculas.
$ grep -r -i dialog .
Exemplo 2: Listas todos os arquivos .cpp que fazem algum include
$ grep -r --include \"*cpp\" \"#include\" .
Pr\u00e9-requisito: debugar visualmente usando alguma IDE / editor
"},{"location":"aulas/11-contribuicoes-externas/slides/#5-change-one-thing-at-a-time","title":"5. Change one thing at a time","text":""},{"location":"aulas/11-contribuicoes-externas/slides/#um-bom-pr-muda-o-minimo-possivel","title":"Um bom PR muda o m\u00ednimo poss\u00edvel","text":"git commit
\u00e9 gr\u00e1tis. Quando chegar na vers\u00e3o final \u00e9 s\u00f3 juntar tudo e mandar. git rebase
para atualizar seu branch com o master upstream
caso necess\u00e1rio.git commit
\u00e9 \u00fatil para registrar testes tamb\u00e9mN\u00e3o se esque\u00e7a:git diff
\u00e9 seu melhor amigo
\u00c9 por isso que voc\u00eas trabalham em grupo no primeiro bug.
"},{"location":"aulas/11-contribuicoes-externas/slides/#empacou-mesmo","title":"Empacou mesmo?","text":"Para isto serve seu grupo.
"},{"location":"aulas/11-contribuicoes-externas/slides/#empacou-mesmo_1","title":"Empacou mesmo!?!?!?!?","text":"Me chame!
"},{"location":"aulas/11-contribuicoes-externas/slides/#9-if-you-didnt-fix-it-it-aint-fixed","title":"9. If you didn't fix it, it ain't fixed","text":""},{"location":"aulas/11-contribuicoes-externas/slides/#hora-de-programar","title":"Hora de programar","text":""},{"location":"aulas/11-contribuicoes-externas/slides/#tentem-aplicar-estas-ideias-aos-seus-problemas","title":"Tentem aplicar estas ideias aos seus problemas","text":""},{"location":"aulas/11-contribuicoes-externas/slides/#envie-4-prs-para-projetos-participantes-e-ganhe-uma-camiseta","title":"Envie 4 PRs para projetos participantes e ganhe uma camiseta","text":""},{"location":"aulas/11-contribuicoes-externas/slides/#atividade-extra-hacktoberfest","title":"Atividade extra: hacktoberfest","text":"Objetivo: Enviar 3 PRs para projetos externos no m\u00eas de outubro.
\"metadata\": {\"date\": \"2021-10-31\"}
"},{"location":"aulas/11-contribuicoes-externas/slides/#desenvolvimento-aberto_1","title":"Desenvolvimento Aberto","text":""},{"location":"aulas/11-contribuicoes-externas/slides/#_3","title":"Dicas de Debug","text":""},{"location":"aulas/11-contribuicoes-externas/slides/#dicas-de-debug_1","title":"Dicas de debug","text":""},{"location":"aulas/11-contribuicoes-externas/slides/#igor-dos-santos-montagner-igorsm1insperedubr_1","title":"Igor dos Santos Montagner ( igorsm1@insper.edu.br )","text":""},{"location":"aulas/12-projeto/slides/","title":"Projeto da disciplina","text":""},{"location":"aulas/12-projeto/slides/#desenvolvimento-aberto","title":"Desenvolvimento Aberto","text":""},{"location":"aulas/12-projeto/slides/#projeto-da-disciplina","title":"Projeto da disciplina","text":""},{"location":"aulas/12-projeto/slides/#igor-dos-santos-montagner-igorsm1insperedubr","title":"Igor dos Santos Montagner ( igorsm1@insper.edu.br )","text":""},{"location":"aulas/12-projeto/slides/#ate-agora","title":"At\u00e9 agora","text":"Objetivos:
Cada bloco se inicia com uma aula de Pitches de Projeto, que \u00e9 uma apresenta\u00e7\u00e3o de 5 minutos apresentando o projeto para o qual voc\u00ea contribuir\u00e1 na semana.
Objetivo: Apresentou um Pitch de projeto. Se o aluno s\u00f3 apresentar o projeto e n\u00e3o fizer contribui\u00e7\u00e3o vale 0 XP
\"metadata\": {\"url\": \"url_do_projeto_proposto\", \"filename\": \"pdf da apresentacaoo\"}
Colocar pdf da apresenta\u00e7\u00e3o na pasta docs/pitches
Objetivo: Enviou contribui\u00e7\u00e3o para um projeto apresentado em sala.
\"metadata\": {\"url\": \"url_do_projeto_proposto\"}
A ser enviado al\u00e9m da skill da contribui\u00e7\u00e3o.
"},{"location":"aulas/12-projeto/slides/#projeto-aberto-sugestao-aceita","title":"Projeto Aberto: Sugest\u00e3o aceita!","text":"Objetivo: Outro aluno enviou contribui\u00e7\u00e3o para o projeto que voc\u00ea fez Pitch.
\"metadata\": {\"url\": \"url_da_contribuicao\"}
A ser enviado pelo aluno que prop\u00f4s o Pitch, que tamb\u00e9m precisa ter contribu\u00eddo.
"},{"location":"aulas/12-projeto/slides/#projeto-aberto-pitches-de-projeto_1","title":"Projeto Aberto - Pitches de projeto","text":"In this folder you will find files produced by students.
"},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/","title":"01 - Distributed Development Workflow","text":"In this guide, we will work on the standard workflow for contributing to projects hosted on GitHub (which also applies to Git projects in general). Before starting, each student should locate the corresponding issue on the course's GitHub repository for creating their user.
Our workflow will be based on three main parts. In the first part, we will create a copy of the repository \"insper/dev-aberto\" where we will make all the necessary changes. In the second part, we will send our modifications to the original repository using a Pull Request, which is a request to accept the changes from a forked repository into the original repository. Finally, we will update our fork with modifications sent by colleagues.
Some key points to highlight in the above workflow:
We will start our workflow by creating a fork of the repository \"insper/dev-aberto\". All our modifications will be made in our fork, on a separate branch (it is recommended to use a different branch for each issue). This way, our modifications are completely isolated from the original code, and we can test them alongside the original code.
First, create the fork through the GitHub interface. Then, clone your fork and create a new branch called \"issue-X,\" where \"X\" is the number of your issue in the original project.
$ git checkout -b issue-X
To ensure that you are in the directory of your fork, execute the following command:
$ git remote -vv
The displayed addresses should be those of your fork, not the original project.
With the fork created and being on the \"issue-X\" branch (you can check using git branch
and switch using git checkout issue-X
), we will begin making modifications.
The creation of users and addition of skills is done using the command dev-aberto.py
To use it, you need to install the packages listed in the requirements.txt file.
Running it in the terminal should list the available commands.
$ python3 dev-aberto.py
To check if everything is working correctly, list all registered users. There should be only one registered user (igorsm1
User creation is done with the command:
$ python3 dev-aberto.py new-user
This will create three files in the students
: basic user information in JSON format.your-login-achievements
: encrypted file containing the deliveries of each student in JSON format.your-login.key
: cryptographic key for the above file.Verify that your user was created correctly by listing the existing users again. Your user should have an asterisk (*) next to the name, indicating that the login.key file is present in the system.
Do not include the *.key
file in your PR. It should be sent by email to the professor. Do this now before you forget!
Also, verify that you can use the command dev-aberto.py compute-grade your-login
. If everything is okay, proceed to the next item.
With the user created, we can add the skill \"First Steps.\" You may have noticed that the professor's key is available (file students/igorsm1.key
). This was done so that you have at least one example of how each skill should be added. See below for an example of how the skill should be included:
$ python3 dev-aberto.py edit-achievements igorsm1
This will open a file for editing in Vi. The format is a list of objects containing two fields: \"skill_id\" and \"metadata\". See the example below for the first skill
[\n{\"skill_id\": 1, \"metadata\": {\"date\": \"YYYY-MM-DD\"} }\n]\n
If you want to use another text editor, you can set the environment variable EDITOR
just before calling dev-aberto.py
Now add the skill to your user following the same pattern seen above. Verify that your skill was correctly added using the compute-grade
If your repository is OK, help your classmates.
"},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/#sending-modifications-to-the-original-project","title":"Sending modifications to the original project","text":"Now let's create a commit and send it as a Pull Request to the course's repository. Add the created files (excluding the *.key
file!) and make a commit with the following message (replace the X with the number of your issue in the repository):
Add user your-login.\n
Execute git push
and continue.
With your modifications already in your fork, it's time to send them to the original repository. This is done on the GitHub interface. First, access your fork in the browser, locate your issue-X branch, and click the \"Pull request\" button.
The title of your Pull Request should be Create user login. Your PR should contain only one commit and should have the branch issue-X
created above as the source. In the description of your PR, add the text:
Closes #X\n
where X
is the number of your user's issue. This automatically closes the issue when (and if) this PR is accepted.
PRs made from main
or with more than one commit will not be accepted.
Use the checklist below to help verify if your work is correct:
file by email to the professor..key
file in the PR.Once your PR is accepted, you can remove the issue-X branch.
"},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/#updating-your-fork","title":"Updating your fork","text":"After having your PR accepted, you may have noticed that your commit appears in the original project's main
branch but does not appear in your fork. This is because a fork is not automatically updated when its corresponding original repository receives new commits.
To make this happen, you need to perform a manual synchronization. For now, we will use the GitHub interface to do this.
Visit your fork again. Now, there should be an option to sync your fork with the original repository. Use it to make your main
branch receive the new commits.
Sync your repository whenever you work on a new PR. This will prevent many conflicts when merging your modifications into the original repository.
"},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides/","title":"Distributed coding workflow","text":""},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides/#open-source-development","title":"Open Source Development","text":""},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides/#_1","title":"Distributed coding workflow","text":""},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides/#course-overview-distributed-coding-workflow","title":"Course overview + Distributed coding workflow","text":""},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides/#versao-20232-igor-montagner-igorsm1insperedubr","title":"Vers\u00e3o 2023/2: Igor Montagner ( igorsm1@insper.edu.br) )","text":""},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides/#burocracy","title":"Burocracy","text":""},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides/#meetings","title":"Meetings","text":"By the end of the course, the student will be able to:
By the end of the course, the student will be able to:
Available online at https://producingoss.com
"},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides/#course-materials","title":"Course Materials","text":"GitHub: https://github.com/insper/open-dev
Website: https://insper.github.io/open-dev/
Blackboard will be used for announcements only. All content will be available on GitHub.
"},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides/#justification-for-the-course","title":"Justification for the Course","text":"In previous courses, we worked on:
In the industry, we usually work on existing projects:
"},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides/#achievements-in-this-course-so-far","title":"Achievements in this Course So Far","text":""},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides/#vitoria-20182","title":"Vit\u00f3ria - 2018/2","text":""},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides/#spyder","title":"Spyder","text":"Proposal: The course will be gamified.
Source: https://www.slideshare.net/abderrahmanebenbachir/continuous-integration-in-github
Source: https://www.slideshare.net/abderrahmanebenbachir/continuous-integration-in-github
"},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides/#activity-first-steps","title":"Activity: First Steps","text":"Objective: Submit your first Pull Request to the course's repository.
"},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides/#open-source-development_1","title":"Open Source Development","text":""},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides/#_5","title":"Distributed coding workflow","text":""},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides/#course-overview-distributed-coding-workflow_1","title":"Course overview + Distributed coding workflow","text":""},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides/#versao-20232-igor-montagner-igorsm1insperedubr_1","title":"Vers\u00e3o 2023/2: Igor Montagner ( igorsm1@insper.edu.br) )","text":""},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides_fb/","title":"Distributed coding workflow","text":""},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides_fb/#open-source-development","title":"Open Source Development","text":""},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides_fb/#_1","title":"Distributed coding workflow","text":""},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides_fb/#course-overview-distributed-coding-workflow","title":"Course overview + Distributed coding workflow","text":""},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides_fb/#versao-20242-fabricio-barth-fabriciojbinsperedubr","title":"Vers\u00e3o 2024/2: Fabricio Barth ( fabriciojb@insper.edu.br) )","text":""},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides_fb/#burocracy","title":"Burocracy","text":""},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides_fb/#meetings","title":"Meetings","text":"By the end of the course, the student will be able to:
By the end of the course, the student will be able to:
Available online at https://producingoss.com
"},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides_fb/#course-materials","title":"Course Materials","text":"GitHub: https://github.com/insper/open-dev
Website: https://insper.github.io/open-dev/
Blackboard will be used for announcements only. All content will be available on GitHub.
"},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides_fb/#justification-for-the-course","title":"Justification for the Course","text":"In previous courses, we worked on:
In the industry, we usually work on existing projects:
"},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides_fb/#achievements-in-this-course-so-far","title":"Achievements in this Course So Far","text":""},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides_fb/#vitoria-20182","title":"Vit\u00f3ria - 2018/2","text":""},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides_fb/#spyder","title":"Spyder","text":"Proposal: The course will be gamified.
Source: https://www.slideshare.net/abderrahmanebenbachir/continuous-integration-in-github
Source: https://www.slideshare.net/abderrahmanebenbachir/continuous-integration-in-github
"},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides_fb/#activity-first-steps","title":"Activity: First Steps","text":"Objective: Submit your first Pull Request to the course's repository.
"},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides_fb/#open-source-development_1","title":"Open Source Development","text":""},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides_fb/#_3","title":"Distributed coding workflow","text":""},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides_fb/#course-overview-distributed-coding-workflow_1","title":"Course overview + Distributed coding workflow","text":""},{"location":"lessons/01-distributed-workflow/slides_fb/#versao-20242-fabricio-barth-fabriciojbinsperedubr_1","title":"Vers\u00e3o 2024/2: Fabricio Barth ( fabriciojb@insper.edu.br) )","text":""},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/","title":"02 - Software and Communities","text":"The activity for this class involves creating a presentation explaining how the communities around the following software projects are organized:
Each group of 3 students should choose one of the above projects and research the following points.
Each group must create a 10 minutes presentation for the next meeting that addresses these questions.
TODO: Create an issue on the subject repository with the title Presentation: <project name>
. The issue description should contain the names of the group members.
Source: https://www.slideshare.net/abderrahmanebenbachir/continuous-integration-in-github
"},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides/#github-model-fork-pull-request_1","title":"Github Model: fork + pull request","text":"Source: https://www.slideshare.net/abderrahmanebenbachir/continuous-integration-in-github
"},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides/#workflow-other-models","title":"Workflow: other models","text":"How to fix: Create a new commit with the correct date.
"},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides/#error-1-extra-files-in-the-pr","title":"Error 1: Extra files in the PR","text":"Error: Modifying files not related to your proposed changes.
"},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides/#_2","title":"Fluxo de trabalho distribu\u00eddo e Comunidades de Software","text":"Ideal:
How to fix: git revert
creates a commit that undoes previous changes.
Extra options:
: Only adds the modifications, but does not make the commit. Allows undoing part of a commit.Source: https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/
"},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides/#error-2-non-descriptive-commit-messages","title":"Error 2: Non-descriptive commit messages","text":"How to fix: git commit --amend
allows modifying the last commit made.
How to fix: Simply edit it in the Github interface.
"},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides/#fix-at-home-and-request-review-via-github","title":"Fix at home and request review via Github","text":""},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides/#reminder-if-you-dont-push-nothing-is-broken","title":"Reminder: If you don't push, nothing is broken","text":""},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides/#reminder-ii-git-log-shows-your-current-history","title":"Reminder II:git log
shows your current history","text":""},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides/#tip-if-you-modified-already-published-commits-use-git-push-f-to-overwrite","title":"Tip: If you modified already published commits, use git push -f
to overwrite","text":""},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides/#not-all-students-enrolled-in-the-course-did-the-activity-from-the-last-class","title":"Not all students enrolled in the course did the activity from the last class!","text":"python dev-aberto.py list-users\n
"},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides/#software-communities","title":"Software Communities","text":""},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides/#discussion","title":"Discussion","text":""},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides/#_3","title":"Fluxo de trabalho distribu\u00eddo e Comunidades de Software","text":"Question 1: What are the software you use the most in your daily life?
"},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides/#_4","title":"Fluxo de trabalho distribu\u00eddo e Comunidades de Software","text":""},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides/#_5","title":"Fluxo de trabalho distribu\u00eddo e Comunidades de Software","text":""},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides/#_6","title":"Fluxo de trabalho distribu\u00eddo e Comunidades de Software","text":"Question 2: Who is the main developer of the project?
"},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides/#example-linux-kernel","title":"Example: Linux Kernel","text":"Foundation supports the development of the Linux Kernel and the creation of an open-source software ecosystem around it.
Companies that sponsor development:
Source: \"2020 Linux Kernel Development Report\"
"},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides/#example-ubuntu","title":"Example: Ubuntu","text":""},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides/#_7","title":"Fluxo de trabalho distribu\u00eddo e Comunidades de Software","text":""},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides/#_8","title":"Fluxo de trabalho distribu\u00eddo e Comunidades de Software","text":""},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides/#_9","title":"Fluxo de trabalho distribu\u00eddo e Comunidades de Software","text":""},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides/#_10","title":"Fluxo de trabalho distribu\u00eddo e Comunidades de Software","text":"Private company controls the development of Ubuntu. Obtains resources via:
Company funded so far by VC (Venture Capital) in search of profit.
Linux distribution led by a \"tiny\" company focused on the user experience. Resources are obtained through:
Linux distribution aimed at everything working right after installation. Considered good for beginners.
"},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides/#other-sources","title":"Other sources","text":"Various other ways of getting support and funding
"},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides/#reasons-for-funding-company","title":"Reasons for funding (company)","text":""},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides/#_18","title":"Fluxo de trabalho distribu\u00eddo e Comunidades de Software","text":"Not everything funded ends up in a \"usable\" format for others (e.g., Android/Linux, TiVO)
\"Tivoization is the practice of designing hardware that incorporates software under the terms of a copyleft software license like the GNU General Public License (GNU GPL), but uses hardware restrictions or digital rights management (DRM) to prevent users from running modified versions of the software on that hardware\" [Wikipedia]
"},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides/#reasons-for-contributing-individual","title":"Reasons for contributing (individual)","text":"Source: https://www.slideshare.net/abderrahmanebenbachir/continuous-integration-in-github
"},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides_fb/#github-model-fork-pull-request_1","title":"Github Model: fork + pull request","text":"Source: https://www.slideshare.net/abderrahmanebenbachir/continuous-integration-in-github
"},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides_fb/#workflow-other-models","title":"Workflow: other models","text":"Error: The date of the commit is incorrect, for example. Then, when we run the command python dev-aberto.py compute-grade <user>
the result is not as expected.
How to fix: Create a new commit with the correct content.
"},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides_fb/#error-1-extra-files-in-the-pr","title":"Error 1: Extra files in the PR","text":"Error: Modifying files not related to your proposed changes.
"},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides_fb/#_2","title":"Fluxo de trabalho distribu\u00eddo e Comunidades de Software","text":"Ideal:
How to fix: git rm --cached <file>
removes the file from the repository, but keeps it in the working directory.
How to fix: git revert <commit_id>
creates a commit that undoes the changes made by commit_id
Extra options:
: Only adds the modifications, but does not make the commit. Allows undoing part of a commit.Source: https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/
"},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides_fb/#error-2-non-descriptive-commit-messages","title":"Error 2: Non-descriptive commit messages","text":"How to fix: git commit --amend
allows modifying the last commit made.
How to fix: Simply edit it in the Github interface.
"},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides_fb/#not-all-students-enrolled-in-the-course-did-the-activity-from-the-last-class","title":"Not all students enrolled in the course did the activity from the last class!","text":"python dev-aberto.py list-users\n
Please, do it as soon as possible!
"},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides_fb/#software-communities","title":"Software Communities","text":""},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides_fb/#discussion","title":"Discussion","text":""},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides_fb/#_3","title":"Fluxo de trabalho distribu\u00eddo e Comunidades de Software","text":""},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides_fb/#_4","title":"Fluxo de trabalho distribu\u00eddo e Comunidades de Software","text":"Question 1: What are the software you use the most in your daily life?
Question 2: Who is the main developer of the project?
Question 3: How do you think the project is funded?
"},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides_fb/#example-linux-kernel","title":"Example: Linux Kernel","text":"Foundation supports the development of the Linux Kernel and the creation of an open-source software ecosystem around it.
Companies that sponsor development:
Source: \"2020 Linux Kernel Development Report\"
"},{"location":"lessons/02-software-and-communities/slides_fb/#example-ubuntu","title":"Example: Ubuntu","text":"Private company controls the development of Ubuntu. Obtains resources via:
Company funded so far by VC (Venture Capital) in search of profit.
Linux distribution led by a \"tiny\" company focused on the user experience. Resources are obtained through:
Below is the order in which the presentations about software communities will be conducted:
Wednesday (08/21):
Monday (08/26):
Each group will have 10 minutes for the presentation and 5 minutes for questions.
"},{"location":"lessons/02-xpresentations-communities/#pull-request","title":"Pull Request","text":"In order to publish your material, only one member of the group must create a PR where:
python dev-aberto.py edit-achievements user
.You must add a new skill to the file with this format:
{\n \"skill_id\": 2, \n \"metadata\": {\n \"date\": \"2024-08-20\", \n \"filename\": \"your file name\", \n \"group\":[\"user1\",\"user2\",\"users3\"]\n }\n}\n
where [\"user1\",\"user2\",\"users3\"]
is the list of the users that are part of the group.
Este roteiro tem algumas perguntas com o objetivo de guiar a explora\u00e7\u00e3o do c\u00f3digo e documentar suas descobertas. Voc\u00ea tamb\u00e9m pode aplic\u00e1-lo para qualquer outro projeto mal documentado em que precisar trabalhar no futuro.
Baixe o c\u00f3digo do projeto a ser analisado aqui e siga as perguntas. Elas s\u00e3o um guia de como explorar um projeto que voc\u00eas n\u00e3o conhecem.
"},{"location":"lessons/03-software-documentation/#dependencias-e-servicos-usados","title":"Depend\u00eancias e servi\u00e7os usados","text":"Question
Quais tecnologias s\u00e3o usadas no c\u00f3digo? Al\u00e9m da linguagem de programa\u00e7\u00e3o, liste tamb\u00e9m as bibliotecas/m\u00f3dulos externos usados.
A aplica\u00e7\u00e3o utiliza um banco de dados. Qual gerenciador? Onde a aplica\u00e7\u00e3o busca a base de dados? Quais s\u00e3o as tabelas usadas? Como elas s\u00e3o criadas?
"},{"location":"lessons/03-software-documentation/#deploy-inicial","title":"Deploy inicial","text":"Question
A aplica\u00e7\u00e3o usa autentica\u00e7\u00e3o? Se sim, qual tipo? Como usu\u00e1rios s\u00e3o criados? Existe algum usu\u00e1rio administrador? Como \u00e9 feita a seguran\u00e7a das senhas? Qual a senha padr\u00e3o?
Quais comandos voc\u00ea usou para rodar a aplica\u00e7\u00e3o? Escreva todos desde a cria\u00e7\u00e3o do banco de dados e dos usu\u00e1rios at\u00e9 o funcionamento completo do projeto.
Agora que voc\u00ea consegue rodar a aplica\u00e7\u00e3o, explore-a um pouco e descreva em poucas frases para qu\u00ea ela serve.
"},{"location":"lessons/03-software-documentation/#documentacao-do-projeto","title":"Documenta\u00e7\u00e3o do projeto","text":"Question
Se voc\u00ea fosse criar um guia de usu\u00e1rio (aluno) para esta aplica\u00e7\u00e3o, quais tarefas descreveria?
Se voc\u00ea fosse criar um guia de usu\u00e1rio (professor) para esta aplica\u00e7\u00e3o, quais tarefas descreveria?
O qu\u00ea voc\u00ea descreveria em um guia de desenvolvedor para esta aplica\u00e7\u00e3o?
"},{"location":"lessons/03-software-documentation/slides/","title":"Documenta\u00e7\u00e3o de Software","text":""},{"location":"lessons/03-software-documentation/slides/#desenvolvimento-aberto","title":"Desenvolvimento Aberto","text":""},{"location":"lessons/03-software-documentation/slides/#_1","title":"Documenta\u00e7\u00e3o de Software","text":""},{"location":"lessons/03-software-documentation/slides/#fluxo-de-trabalho-distribuido-e-comunidades-de-software","title":"Fluxo de trabalho distribu\u00eddo e Comunidades de Software","text":""},{"location":"lessons/03-software-documentation/slides/#versao-20232-igor-montagner-igorsm1insperedubr","title":"Vers\u00e3o 2023/2 - Igor Montagner (igorsm1@insper.edu.br)","text":""},{"location":"lessons/03-software-documentation/slides/#ordem-das-apresentacoes","title":"Ordem das apresenta\u00e7\u00f5es","text":"\"metadata\": {\n \"filename\": \"nome do arquivo\",\n \"group\": [\"login1\", \"login2\"]\n}\n
No group
incluir os outros membros do grupo somente
Um membro da equipe deve fazer um PR para o projeto incluindo o arquivo da apresenta\u00e7\u00e3o. O mesmo deve ser colocado na pasta apresentacoes/2023
Documenta\u00e7\u00e3o de usu\u00e1rio:
"},{"location":"lessons/03-software-documentation/slides/#_2","title":"Documenta\u00e7\u00e3o de Software","text":""},{"location":"lessons/03-software-documentation/slides/#_3","title":"Documenta\u00e7\u00e3o de Software","text":""},{"location":"lessons/03-software-documentation/slides/#_4","title":"Documenta\u00e7\u00e3o de Software","text":"Documenta\u00e7\u00e3o de desenvolvimento:
"},{"location":"lessons/03-software-documentation/slides/#_5","title":"Documenta\u00e7\u00e3o de Software","text":""},{"location":"lessons/03-software-documentation/slides/#_6","title":"Documenta\u00e7\u00e3o de Software","text":""},{"location":"lessons/03-software-documentation/slides/#_7","title":"Documenta\u00e7\u00e3o de Software","text":""},{"location":"lessons/03-software-documentation/slides/#documentacao-de-software_2","title":"Documenta\u00e7\u00e3o de software","text":"Documenta\u00e7\u00e3o de usu\u00e1rio:
Documenta\u00e7\u00e3o de desenvolvimento:
\u00c0s vezes as coisas se confundem! O que voc\u00eas colocariam na documenta\u00e7\u00e3o de usu\u00e1rio do Python?
E na de desenvolvedor?
"},{"location":"lessons/03-software-documentation/slides/#exemplo-spyder","title":"Exemplo: Spyder","text":"https://www.spyder-ide.org/
"},{"location":"lessons/03-software-documentation/slides/#exemplo-spyder_1","title":"Exemplo: Spyder","text":"https://github.com/spyder-ide/spyder/wiki
"},{"location":"lessons/03-software-documentation/slides/#sistemas-de-documentacao","title":"Sistemas de documenta\u00e7\u00e3o","text":"Sphinx
"},{"location":"lessons/03-software-documentation/slides/#sistemas-de-documentacao_1","title":"Sistemas de documenta\u00e7\u00e3o","text":"Mkdocs
"},{"location":"lessons/03-software-documentation/slides/#sistemas-de-documentacao-hospedagem","title":"Sistemas de documenta\u00e7\u00e3o (hospedagem)","text":"https://readthedocs.org/
"},{"location":"lessons/03-software-documentation/slides/#atividade","title":"Atividade","text":"Voc\u00eas receber\u00e3o um zip com o c\u00f3digo de um software e zero instru\u00e7\u00f5es. Voc\u00eas dever\u00e3o:
Objetivo: entender como rodar um c\u00f3digo sem instru\u00e7\u00f5es.
Valida\u00e7\u00e3o: apresenta\u00e7\u00e3o do sistema funcionando.
Grupos de at\u00e9 3 pessoas
"},{"location":"lessons/03-software-documentation/slides/#tempo-restante-de-hoje-hora-inicial-da-proxima-aula-usem-handout-como-guia","title":"Tempo restante de hoje + hora inicial da pr\u00f3xima aula. Usem handout como guia","text":""},{"location":"lessons/03-software-documentation/slides/#desenvolvimento-aberto_3","title":"Desenvolvimento Aberto","text":""},{"location":"lessons/03-software-documentation/slides/#documentacao-de-software_5","title":"Documenta\u00e7\u00e3o de software","text":""},{"location":"lessons/03-software-documentation/slides/#versao-20232-igor-montagner-igorsm1insperedubr_3","title":"Vers\u00e3o 2023/2 - Igor Montagner (igorsm1@insper.edu.br)","text":""},{"location":"lessons/04-professional-project/","title":"04 - Professional Project","text":"There is a moment in a project's history where it is already useful for the author and other people are starting to get interested in it. Software documentation, clear install instructions and being free of errors are important to these people but are not necessarily essential to the authors, who are used to fix problem when they appear and are familiar with every aspect of the code. We will transform a project like this into a project that is ready to be used by other people and that can receive contributions from other developers.
{\"skill_id\": 4, \"metadata\": {\"date\": \"2022-09-01\", \"url\": \"http...\", \"group\": []}\n
Form a pair and select a project that one of you worked on during your degree. We will transform it into a complete project that other people can use and contribute to.
"},{"location":"lessons/04-professional-project/#deliverables","title":"Deliverables","text":"This is a project for more than one meeting and can be done in pairs.
"},{"location":"lessons/04-professional-project/#software-documentation","title":"Software documentation","text":"Tip
Use mkdocs or other static site generator tools to create the website. Jekyll is also a popular choice.
"},{"location":"lessons/04-professional-project/#project-quality","title":"Project quality","text":"src
folder and documentation in docs
Voc\u00eas rodaram um MVP do servidor de desafios. Veja abaixo seu estado atual:
"},{"location":"lessons/04-professional-project/slides/#servidor-de-desafios_1","title":"Servidor de desafios","text":""},{"location":"lessons/04-professional-project/slides/#discussao-como-o-projeto-esta-organizado-tecnologias","title":"Discuss\u00e3o: como o projeto est\u00e1 organizado? (tecnologias)","text":""},{"location":"lessons/04-professional-project/slides/#discussao-como-o-projeto-esta-organizado-codigo","title":"Discuss\u00e3o: como o projeto est\u00e1 organizado? (c\u00f3digo)","text":""},{"location":"lessons/04-professional-project/slides/#discussao-avalie-a-arquitetura-do-projeto","title":"Discuss\u00e3o: avalie a arquitetura do projeto","text":""},{"location":"lessons/04-professional-project/slides/#0-a-10","title":"0 a 10","text":""},{"location":"lessons/04-professional-project/slides/#discussao-avalie-a-qualidade-de-codigo-do-projeto","title":"Discuss\u00e3o: avalie a qualidade de c\u00f3digo do projeto.","text":""},{"location":"lessons/04-professional-project/slides/#0-a-10_1","title":"0 a 10","text":""},{"location":"lessons/04-professional-project/slides/#discussao-avalie-a-seguranca-do-projeto","title":"Discuss\u00e3o: avalie a seguran\u00e7a do projeto.","text":""},{"location":"lessons/04-professional-project/slides/#0-a-10_2","title":"0 a 10","text":""},{"location":"lessons/04-professional-project/slides/#discussao-esse-projeto-e-um-projeto-profissional","title":"Discuss\u00e3o: esse projeto \u00e9 um projeto \"profissional\"?","text":""},{"location":"lessons/04-professional-project/slides/#0-a-10_3","title":"0 a 10","text":""},{"location":"lessons/04-professional-project/slides/#discussao-o-que-voce-incluiria-na-documentacao-do-projeto","title":"Discuss\u00e3o: o que voc\u00ea incluiria na documenta\u00e7\u00e3o do projeto?","text":""},{"location":"lessons/04-professional-project/slides/#software-tem-historia-e-depende-de-pessoas-para-evoluir","title":"Software tem hist\u00f3ria e depende de pessoas para evoluir","text":""},{"location":"lessons/04-professional-project/slides/#codigo-vs-software-profissional","title":"C\u00f3digo vs software profissional","text":"Os seguintes pontos transformam um c\u00f3digo que fiz para mim em algo \u00fatil para outras pessoas
Objetivo: explicar o funcionamento das fun\u00e7\u00f5es, classes e m\u00f3dulos de um programa.
"},{"location":"lessons/04-professional-project/slides/#ferramentas","title":"Ferramentas","text":"Em geral podem ser plugadas em alguma ferramenta de documenta\u00e7\u00e3o de projetos.
"},{"location":"lessons/04-professional-project/slides/#padroes-de-codificacao","title":"Padr\u00f5es de codifica\u00e7\u00e3o","text":""},{"location":"lessons/04-professional-project/slides/#padroes-de-codificacao_1","title":"Padr\u00f5es de codifica\u00e7\u00e3o","text":""},{"location":"lessons/04-professional-project/slides/#padroes-de-codificacao_2","title":"Padr\u00f5es de codifica\u00e7\u00e3o","text":"-Xlint
Ajudam a manter c\u00f3digo limpo e leg\u00edvel. Podem ser plugadas no seu editor favorito.
"},{"location":"lessons/04-professional-project/slides/#execucao-obrigatoria-para-muitos-projetos-grandes","title":"Execu\u00e7\u00e3o obrigat\u00f3ria para muitos projetos grandes","text":""},{"location":"lessons/04-professional-project/slides/#atividade-pratica-projeto-profissional","title":"Atividade pr\u00e1tica: Projeto profissional","text":"Objetivo: Transformar um c\u00f3digo perdido em um projeto
\"metadata\": {\"url\": \"github pages criado\", \"group\": [\"ate tr\u00eas\", \"alunos\"]}
"},{"location":"lessons/04-professional-project/slides/#desenvolvimento-aberto_1","title":"Desenvolvimento Aberto","text":""},{"location":"lessons/04-professional-project/slides/#documentacao-de-api-testes","title":"Documenta\u00e7\u00e3o de API + testes","text":""},{"location":"lessons/04-professional-project/slides/#igor-dos-santos-montagner-igorsm1insperedubr_1","title":"Igor dos Santos Montagner ( igorsm1@insper.edu.br )","text":""},{"location":"lessons/05-python-packaging/","title":"05 - Distribui\u00e7\u00e3o de Software","text":"Nesta aula complementaremos as \u00faltimas discuss\u00f5es criando um pequeno pacote Python instal\u00e1vel via pip
. Com isto chegamos mais perto de um projeto que esteja preparado para que outras pessoas o utilizem e colaborem em seu desenvolvimento.
Nosso m\u00f3dulo se chamar\u00e1 dev_aberto
e disponibilizar\u00e1 um programa execut\u00e1vel hello.py
. Crie a seguinte estrutura de pastas para nosso pacote.
Baixe os arquivos que usaremos neste link
pacote_exemplo/\n dev_aberto/\n __init__.py\n dev_aberto.py\n scripts/\n hello.py\n README.md\n LICENSE\n
com a estrutura acima, qual seria o import
a ser feito para usar a fun\u00e7\u00e3o hello
do arquivo dev_aberto.py?
Pesquise para que serve o arquivo __init__.py
e use-o para permitir importar hello
usando somente import dev_aberto
Crie um projeto no github para esta atividade. Fa\u00e7a um primeiro commit nele com o conte\u00fado \"zerado\" do projeto.
","text":"A descri\u00e7\u00e3o de um pacote Python \u00e9 feita usando um arquivo setup.py Veja abaixo uma vers\u00e3o inicial deste arquivo:
from setuptools import setup\n\nsetup(name='dev_aberto_seunome',\n version='0.1',\n packages=['dev_aberto']\n )\n
Crie o arquivo acima no seu projeto, substituindo seunome por .... seu nome. Instale o seu pr\u00f3prio pacote usando
pip install .
Em outra pasta, abra um console Python e tente importar seu m\u00f3dulo.
Pesquise quais argumentos s\u00e3o usados para especificar o autor do pacote, as vers\u00f5es de Python e sistemas operacionais suportados. Preencha estes valores com suas informa\u00e7\u00f5es. Note que o pip
leva estas informa\u00e7\u00f5es em conta e s\u00f3 instalar\u00e1 um pacote se ele estiver em um ambiente suportado.
Para adicionar pacotes que s\u00e3o automaticamente instalados quando instalamos nosso pacote precisamos identific\u00e1-los no nosso arquivo setup.py. Para adicionar uma depend\u00eancia de instala\u00e7\u00e3o basta adicionar o seguinte argumento:
...\n install_requires=[\n 'pacote>=1.0',\n 'pacote2'\n ],\n ...\n
Verifique as depend\u00eancias do c\u00f3digo e adicione-as no setup.py
Muitos softwares usam tamb\u00e9m um arquivo requirements.txt para listar todas as depend\u00eancias do software de modo a obter uma instala\u00e7\u00e3o id\u00eantica \u00e0 do desenvolvedor. Isto \u00e9 importante para uniformizar os ambientes de desenvolvimento. Ou seja, este arquivo nunca ser\u00e1 usado por usu\u00e1rios finais.
Crie um requirements.txt para seu projeto com as mesmas depend\u00eancias listadas no seu setup.py.
"},{"location":"lessons/05-python-packaging/#scripts-executaveis","title":"Scripts execut\u00e1veis","text":"Al\u00e9m de instalar o nosso m\u00f3dulo para uso via import
desejamos tamb\u00e9m disponibilizar o arquivo hello.py como um execut\u00e1vel para todo o sistema. Isto pode ser feito adicionando a seguinte linha no nosso setup.py indicando que scripts/hello.py dever\u00e1 ser instalado como um execut\u00e1vel.
...\n scripts=['scripts/hello.py'],\n ...\n
N\u00e3o se esque\u00e7a de adicionar a seguinte linha no topo de seu arquivo para que ele possa ser executado diretamente do shell:
#!/usr/bin/env python3\n
No Windows \u00e9 criado um execut\u00e1vel que chama nosso script, de modo que as chamadas do execut\u00e1vel continuar\u00e3o funcionando normalmente. Note que isto n\u00e3o cria menus em nenhum tipo de interface gr\u00e1fica.
"},{"location":"lessons/05-python-packaging/#criando-arquivos-de-distribuicao","title":"Criando arquivos de distribui\u00e7\u00e3o","text":"Dois tipos de arquivos de distribui\u00e7\u00e3o podem ser usados:
. Usado se seu projeto for Python-puro.A cria\u00e7\u00e3o de um arquivo de distribui\u00e7\u00e3o de fontes \u00e9 bem simples:
$ python setup.py sdist
A instala\u00e7\u00e3o deste pacote pode ser feita via pip
Vamos agora enviar nosso pacote para o Python Package Index para que ele possa ser instalado diretamente via pip
. Para n\u00e3o poluir o reposit\u00f3rio com pacotes tempor\u00e1rios e de teste, podemos usar o TestPyPI. Toda sua infraestrutura \u00e9 igual ao oficial, mas ele \u00e9 limpo de maneira regular.
Visite https://test.pypi.org/account/register/ e registre-se no TestPyPI.
Ap\u00f3s o registro, usaremos o pacote twine (instal\u00e1vel via pip) para fazer o upload:
$ twine upload --repository-url https://test.pypi.org/legacy/ dist/*
Voc\u00ea poder\u00e1, ent\u00e3o, instalar seu pacote a partir do test PyPI usando o seguinte comando:
$ pip install --index-url https://test.pypi.org/simple/ my_hello_nome
"},{"location":"lessons/05-python-packaging/#entrega","title":"Entrega","text":"Fa\u00e7a a entrega de sua atividade adicionando a skill Pacote Python e inclua nela a url do seu reposit\u00f3rio no github.
Objetivo: Primeira experi\u00eancia distribuindo software Python.
\"skill_id\": 6, \"metadata\": {\"url\": \"repo-seu-pacote\"}
"},{"location":"lessons/05-python-packaging/#distribuindo-software-para-usuarios-finais","title":"Distribuindo software para usu\u00e1rios finais","text":"Vamos agora trabalhar (em duplas) no Servidor de Desafios novamente. Seu trabalho ser\u00e1 criar um Dockerfile
que roda o software de maneira \"completa\". Ou seja, o script de cria\u00e7\u00e3o do container dever\u00e1
, se necess\u00e1rio8080
do host
Fa\u00e7a a entrega de sua atividade adicionando a skill Dockerfile segundo o modelo abaixo.
Objetivo: Criou deploy automatizado para sistema web Python
\"skill_id\": 7, \"metadata\": {\"url\": \"repo-servidor-de-desafios\", \"group\": [\"login1\", \"login2\"]}
"},{"location":"lessons/05-python-packaging/#referencias","title":"Refer\u00eancias","text":"Algumas refer\u00eancias que podem ser \u00fateis:
Na parte expositiva da aula tivemos uma introdu\u00e7\u00e3o aos problemas de Internacionaliza\u00e7\u00e3o (i18n) e Localiza\u00e7\u00e3o (L10N). Neste roteiro iremos praticar o uso destas t\u00e9cnicas em uma aplica\u00e7\u00e3o linha de comando de exemplo simples.
Em ambos exemplos vamos trabalhar com o m\u00f3dulo Babel, que \u00e9 feito para facilitar a tradu\u00e7\u00e3o e localiza\u00e7\u00e3o de aplica\u00e7\u00f5es feitas em Python. Outras linguagens de programa\u00e7\u00e3o possuem bibliotecas similares que seguem a mesma sequ\u00eancia de comandos e usam os mesmos tipos de arquivos.
$ pip install Babel
Sistemas POSIX suportam a determina\u00e7\u00e3o do locale utilizado por meio da vari\u00e1vel de ambiente LANGUAGE, que pode ser modificada para cada execu\u00e7\u00e3o de um programa. O formato padr\u00e3o usado \u00e9 <lingua>_<pais>.<codificacao>
. Para portugu\u00eas do Brasil usando codifica\u00e7\u00e3o UTF8 usamos o locale pt_BR.utf8
. Rodando o seguinte comando as mensagens de ajuda do ls
devem aparecer em ingl\u00eas.
$ LANGUAGE=en_US.utf8 ls --help
J\u00e1 executando o comando abaixo elas devem aparecer em portugu\u00eas.
$ LANGUAGE=pt_BR.utf8 ls --help
De maneira mais geral, existe uma s\u00e9rie de vari\u00e1veis LC_* que controlam qual locale \u00e9 usado para determinado tipo de dados. Veremos a seguir como usar LC_TIME
para controlar como datas e n\u00fameros s\u00e3o exibidos e LANGUAGE
para definir a lingua de exibi\u00e7\u00e3o de um programa.
Vamos trabalhar com uma aplica\u00e7\u00e3o de linha de comando que nada mais faz que imprimir alguns dados simples como data em extenso, um n\u00famero fracion\u00e1rio grande e uma mensagem pr\u00e9-definida. O c\u00f3digo completo (arquivo cli.py) est\u00e1 abaixo.
from datetime import date\n\nif __name__ == '__main__':\n today = date.today()\n print(today)\n\n number = 240000000000.32212\n print(number)\n\n name = input('Input your name: ')\n print('Hello {}'.format(name))\n
Uma sa\u00edda poss\u00edvel seria 2018-08-28\n240000000000.3221\nInput your name: Igor\nHello Igor\n
Como j\u00e1 visto em aula, este programa re\u00fane tr\u00eas das principais sa\u00eddas que precisam ser formatadas: datas, n\u00fameros fracion\u00e1rios e mensagens para o usu\u00e1rio.
"},{"location":"lessons/06-localization-translation/#formatando-datas","title":"Formatando datas","text":"A formata\u00e7\u00e3o de datas \u00e9 governada para vari\u00e1vel LC_TIME
. O m\u00f3dulo babel.dates
j\u00e1 possui diversas fun\u00e7\u00f5es que automaticamente a utilizam para fazer a localiza\u00e7\u00e3o de vari\u00e1veis do tipo Date
(usando a fun\u00e7\u00e3o format_date
) ou DateTime
(usando format_datetime
Pesquise como usar estas fun\u00e7\u00f5es e utilize-as no seu programa para localizar a data por extenso (ou seja, 31 de agosto de 2021).
O qu\u00ea acontece quando definimos a vari\u00e1vel de ambiente LC_TIME=en_US.utf8
e rodamos o programa? E se usamos LC_TIME=pt_BR.utf8
A formata\u00e7\u00e3o de datas \u00e9 governada para vari\u00e1vel LC_NUMERIC
. O m\u00f3dulo babel.numbers
possui a fun\u00e7\u00e3o format_number
que formata um n\u00famero de acordo com esta configura\u00e7\u00e3o.
Pesquise como usar estas fun\u00e7\u00f5es e utilize-as no seu programa para localizar o n\u00famero fracion\u00e1rio mostrado.
Teste seu programa com LC_NUMERIC=en_US.utf8
e LC_NUMERIC=pt_BR.utf8
. Os efeitos s\u00e3o os esperados?s
A parte final consiste em criar tradu\u00e7\u00f5es das duas strings presentes no texto. A linguagem usada \u00e9 definida pela vari\u00e1vel LANGUAGE
, que pode ser definida separadamente para cada processo. Um dos pontos mais importantes \u00e9 marcar quais strings dever\u00e3o ser traduzidas para que uma equipe de tradutores n\u00e3o precise mexer no c\u00f3digo. O m\u00f3dulo gettext
do Python j\u00e1 prov\u00ea suporte a esta funcionalidade, o Babel apenas fornece um conjunto de ferramentas que facilita seu uso.
A implanta\u00e7\u00e3o do framework de tradu\u00e7\u00e3o \u00e9 feita em quatro passos:
a partir do modelo criado no passo anterior.mo
No arquivo principal de nossa aplica\u00e7\u00e3o podemos \"instalar\" o framework de tradu\u00e7\u00e3o e marcar todas nossas strings a serem traduzidas com a fun\u00e7\u00e3o _()
. A instala\u00e7\u00e3o \u00e9 feita pelo seguinte trecho de c\u00f3digo.
import gettext\ngettext.bindtextdomain('cli', 'locale')\ngettext.textdomain('cli')\n_ = gettext.gettext\n\n# cli \u00e9 o nome do arquivo em que guardamos nossas tradu\u00e7\u00f5es\n# localedir \u00e9 o caminho onde est\u00e3o armazenadas as tradu\u00e7\u00f5es. Pode ser um caminho relativo. \n
Devemos ent\u00e3o marcar todas as strings para serem traduzidas com _()
. Podemos usar _()
em qualquer arquivo do projeto, mesmo que a instala\u00e7\u00e3o tenha sido feita somente no arquivo principal.
Os passos seguintes s\u00e3o feitos com aux\u00edlio do Babel, que efetivamente analisa nosso c\u00f3digo Python e extrai as strings para tradu\u00e7\u00e3o. A cria\u00e7\u00e3o do arquivo modelo de tradu\u00e7\u00e3o a partir dos arquivos do diret\u00f3rio atual \u00e9 feita com o seguinte comando.
$ pybabel extract . -o cli-model.pot
Criamos ent\u00e3o uma nova tradu\u00e7\u00e3o usando o seguinte comando. A op\u00e7\u00e3o -D
indica o nome do arquivo em que as tradu\u00e7\u00f5es ser\u00e3o guardadas (usado em gettext.install
). A op\u00e7\u00e3o -l
indica o locale da tradu\u00e7\u00e3o. A op\u00e7\u00e3o -d
indica o localedir
usado em gettext.install
$ pybabel init -i cli-model.pot -D cli -l pt_BR -d locale
Devemos ent\u00e3o editar o arquivo criado em locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/cli.po. Ser\u00e3o apresentados (ap\u00f3s algumas linhas de coment\u00e1rios) pares de linhas como as seguintes. O primeiro valor msgid
\u00e9 a string a ser traduzida e o segundo msgstr
\u00e9 a tradu\u00e7\u00e3o no locale pt_BR (pois o arquivo est\u00e1 na pasta pt_BR do localedir).
msgid \"Input your name: \"\nmsgstr \"\"\n
Apesar de ser poss\u00edvel fazer tudo diretamente no arquivo de texto, \u00e9 mais conveniente usar softwares como o poedit ou este editor online(https://localise.biz/free/poeditor).
Com as strings traduzidas vamos finalmente compilar nossos resultados. Isto \u00e9 feito para que n\u00e3o seja poss\u00edvel mexer nos arquivos de tradu\u00e7\u00e3o em uma vers\u00e3o Release do programa.
$ pybabel compile -D cli -l pt_BR -d locale
Isto gerar\u00e1 os arquivos .mo
correspondentes a ao locale pt_BR
. S\u00e3o estes os arquivos carregados durante a execu\u00e7\u00e3o do programa.
Podemos definir a vari\u00e1vel LANGUAGE
para modificar a lingua de um programa (como visto anteriormente com ls
). Execute seu programa diretamente e depois setando LANGUAGE=pt_BR.utf8
. Os resultados foram os esperados?
Modifique o exerc\u00edcio da aula passada (pacote python) para suportar datas e mensagens em Ingl\u00eas e Portugu\u00eas. Fa\u00e7a a entrega de sua atividade adicionando a skill Tradu\u00e7\u00e3o b\u00e1sica segundo o modelo abaixo.
Objetivo: Aplicou ferramentas de localiza\u00e7\u00e3o para traduzir um programa simples em linha de comando.
\"skill_id\": 8, \"metadata\": {\"url\": \"repo-pacote-python\"}
"},{"location":"lessons/06-localization-translation/slides/","title":"Tradu\u00e7\u00e3o e localiza\u00e7\u00e3o de software","text":""},{"location":"lessons/06-localization-translation/slides/#desenvolvimento-aberto","title":"Desenvolvimento Aberto","text":""},{"location":"lessons/06-localization-translation/slides/#localizacao-e-internacionalizacao-de-software","title":"Localiza\u00e7\u00e3o e internacionaliza\u00e7\u00e3o de software","text":""},{"location":"lessons/06-localization-translation/slides/#versao-20232-igor-montagner-igorsm1insperedubr","title":"Vers\u00e3o 2023/2: Igor Montagner (igorsm1@insper.edu.br)","text":""},{"location":"lessons/06-localization-translation/slides/#traducao-de-software","title":"Tradu\u00e7\u00e3o de software","text":""},{"location":"lessons/06-localization-translation/slides/#qual-a-diferenca-de-internacionalizacao-e-localizacao","title":"Qual a diferen\u00e7a de internacionaliza\u00e7\u00e3o e localiza\u00e7\u00e3o?","text":""},{"location":"lessons/06-localization-translation/slides/#internacionalizacao-i18n","title":"Internacionaliza\u00e7\u00e3o (I18N)","text":"Consiste em traduzir a interface de usu\u00e1rio de um software para outros idiomas.
Sistema Operacional guarda configura\u00e7\u00f5es de idioma e as disponibiliza para aplica\u00e7\u00f5es
Tipicamente \"invis\u00edvel\"
Consiste em adaptar a maneira de mostrar
de acordo com as prefer\u00eancias de um usu\u00e1rio e relativos a sua cultura.
"},{"location":"lessons/06-localization-translation/slides/#i18n-e-l10n","title":"I18N e L10N","text":"Precisam ser
Um locale \u00e9 uma tripla
"},{"location":"lessons/06-localization-translation/slides/#_1","title":"Tradu\u00e7\u00e3o e localiza\u00e7\u00e3o de software","text":"<lingua>_<pais>.<codificacao>\n
"},{"location":"lessons/06-localization-translation/slides/#_2","title":"Tradu\u00e7\u00e3o e localiza\u00e7\u00e3o de software","text":"que representa configura\u00e7\u00f5es de I18N e/ou L10N para uma determinada cultura.
= Ficheiropt_BR
= Arquivoen_US
"},{"location":"lessons/06-localization-translation/slides/#implementando-suporte-a-l10n","title":"Implementando suporte a L10N","text":"# Antes \nprint('Numero:', 10.5) \n# Depois\nprint('Numero', format_number(10.5))\n
"},{"location":"lessons/06-localization-translation/slides/#_4","title":"Tradu\u00e7\u00e3o e localiza\u00e7\u00e3o de software","text":"N\u00e3o \u00e9 complicado, mas \u00e9 trabalhoso
"},{"location":"lessons/06-localization-translation/slides/#suporte-a-i18n","title":"Suporte a I18N","text":"Envolve 4 etapas:
\u00c9 um pouco mais complicado, mas pode ser integrado ao processo de compila\u00e7\u00e3o de um programa.
"},{"location":"lessons/06-localization-translation/slides/#suporte-a-i18n-posix","title":"Suporte a I18N (POSIX)","text":"Sistemas POSIX suportam determina\u00e7\u00e3o de lingua e locale usando vari\u00e1veis de ambiente.
para l\u00ednguaLC_TIME
para dataLC_NUMERIC
para n\u00famerosUm locale sempre \u00e9 expresso no formato
"},{"location":"lessons/06-localization-translation/slides/#suporte-a-i18n-posix_1","title":"Suporte a I18N (POSIX)","text":"O comando locale
mostra todas as op\u00e7\u00f5es dispon\u00edveis:
"},{"location":"lessons/06-localization-translation/slides/#suporte-a-i18n-web","title":"Suporte a I18N (Web)","text":"Existem diversas maneiras de determinar um bom locale em sistemas Web:
inclui as linguagens de exibi\u00e7\u00e3o suportadas pelo browser do visitante. gettext
da biblioteca padr\u00e3odatetime
aceita o uso de localesbabel
faz I18N e L10NObjetivo: usar o m\u00f3dulo Babel para traduzir uma aplica\u00e7\u00e3o do terminal.
"},{"location":"lessons/06-localization-translation/slides/#desenvolvimento-aberto_1","title":"Desenvolvimento Aberto","text":""},{"location":"lessons/06-localization-translation/slides/#localizacao-e-internacionalizacao-de-software_1","title":"Localiza\u00e7\u00e3o e internacionaliza\u00e7\u00e3o de software","text":""},{"location":"lessons/06-localization-translation/slides/#versao-20232-igor-montagner-igorsm1insperedubr_1","title":"Vers\u00e3o 2023/2: Igor Montagner (igorsm1@insper.edu.br)","text":""},{"location":"lessons/07-code-quality/","title":"07 - Code quality","text":"In Lesson 04 - Professional Project we created a repo and website for an old project developed during the course. Now we are going to improve its quality by fixing the issues each group found using a linter tool.
We won't work on our own projects this time! Select a project from the discussion page and comment on the issue you'd like to do. Every project must have at least one issue with external participation.
"},{"location":"lessons/07-code-quality/#deliverable","title":"Deliverable","text":"Learning objective: modify a project you are not familiar with and improve its code quality
\"skill_id\": 11, \"metadata\": {\"url\": \"pull request url\", \"group\": [\"student2\"]}
Add to the pull request description a link to the accepted contribution.
"},{"location":"lessons/08-automated-testing/","title":"08 - Automated testing","text":"We will now add (some) automated testing to one of the projects from the discussion page. Again, our objective in this activity is to get used to build and modify different projects.
You'll need to select a different project from the last Lesson 07 - Code Quality
"},{"location":"lessons/08-automated-testing/#deliverable","title":"Deliverable","text":"Learning objective: modify a project you are not familiar with and improve its code quality
\"skill_id\": 5, \"metadata\": {\"url\": \"pull request url\", \"group\": [\"student2\"]}
Add to the pull request description a link to the accepted contribution.
"},{"location":"lessons/08-automated-testing/slides/","title":"Testes automatizados","text":""},{"location":"lessons/08-automated-testing/slides/#desenvolvimento-aberto","title":"Desenvolvimento Aberto","text":""},{"location":"lessons/08-automated-testing/slides/#testes-automatizados","title":"Testes automatizados","text":""},{"location":"lessons/08-automated-testing/slides/#igor-dos-santos-montagner-igorsm1insperedubr","title":"Igor dos Santos Montagner ( igorsm1@insper.edu.br )","text":""},{"location":"lessons/08-automated-testing/slides/#projeto-profissional","title":"Projeto profissional","text":"Ideia: escrever um programa que verifica se um outro programa responde como esperado
N\u00e3o ajudam:
Ideia: dada uma fun\u00e7\u00e3o, verificar se ela devolve o valor esperado para um certo conjunto de par\u00e2metros.
Ideia: dados um conjunto de classes com interdepend\u00eancias, verificar se elas funcionam bem em conjunto.
Ideia: simula a\u00e7\u00f5es do usu\u00e1rio (cliques, entrada de dados, etc) e confere se a sa\u00edda esperada \u00e9 mostrada na tela
Permite fazer scripts que interagem com uma p\u00e1gina web, realizando entrada de dados, rolagem de tela e cliques. Cada assert
pode ser feito com o conte\u00fado de um objeto da p\u00e1gina.
Objetivo: Primeira experi\u00eancia com testes automatizado de c\u00f3digo.
\"metadata\": {\"url\": \"acceppted PR\", \"group\": [\"igual\", \"6\"]}
"},{"location":"lessons/09-releases/","title":"09 - Releases","text":"Creating a release is the final step to distribute software to users. It involves \"freezing\" the repository in a specific commit and attaching binaries and other ready to use assets. Users should be able to grab one of the releases and use it direclty without having to setup a dev environment.
The skill New Release involves the creation of a release for your own project used in the last lessons.
\"skill_id\": 12, \"metadata\": {\"url\": \"release url\", \"group\": [\"student2\"]}
"},{"location":"lessons/09-releases/#instructions","title":"Instructions","text":"The following guids might be useful.
The following checks will be used to verify if this skill is completed:
Entrega final: 02/10
"},{"location":"lessons/10-first-contribution/slides/#etapa-individual-outubro","title":"Etapa individual (Outubro)","text":""},{"location":"lessons/10-first-contribution/slides/#aprofundar-habilidades-desenvolvidas-em-grupo","title":"Aprofundar habilidades desenvolvidas em grupo","text":"Bons projetos usam tags para facilitar a recep\u00e7\u00e3o de novatos
Biblioteca de tratamento de dados usada em Ci\u00eancia dos Dados.
Tickets de testes s\u00e3o, em geral, f\u00e1ceis para come\u00e7ar e \u00fateis para a comunidade.
"},{"location":"lessons/10-first-contribution/slides/#sugestao-ii-matplotlib","title":"Sugest\u00e3o II - Matplotlib","text":"Plotar gr\u00e1ficos em Python
Lista de Good first issues tem v\u00e1rios em aberto ou com PRs que est\u00e3o parados h\u00e1 meses e podem ser assumidos por outras pessoas.
"},{"location":"lessons/10-first-contribution/slides/#sugestao-iii-pyscript","title":"Sugest\u00e3o III - Pyscript","text":"Python rodando no Browser via WebAssembly
Lista de issues tem v\u00e1rias que parecem acess\u00edveis
"},{"location":"lessons/10-first-contribution/slides/#sugestao-iii-escolha-seu-proprio-projeto","title":"Sugest\u00e3o III: Escolha seu pr\u00f3prio projeto :)","text":"Free and Open Source Software history is full of personalities that have contributed to shape the world we live in. In this activity pairs of students select a company or person with a strong history in FOSS and detail their contributions in a 30 minutes presentation followed by a 10 minutes guided discussion.
All presentations will be open to the general public, recorded and must be presented in english. The discussions will not be recorded. After presenting students can create a PR with the skill FLOSS research and upload a PDF of their presentations to the apresentacoes/2023/
Register your choice of personality/company and time slot for the presentation at the Github Discussions thread. You can accept one of the suggestions below or propose a different one.
The following presentation slots are available on a first-come first-served queue.
This meeting does not have practical activities.
"},{"location":"lessons/12-licenses/slides/","title":"Licen\u00e7as de software","text":""},{"location":"lessons/12-licenses/slides/#desenvolvimento-aberto","title":"Desenvolvimento Aberto","text":""},{"location":"lessons/12-licenses/slides/#licencas-de-software","title":"Licen\u00e7as de Software","text":""},{"location":"lessons/12-licenses/slides/#20232-igor-montagner-igorsm1insperedubr","title":"2023/2: Igor Montagner ( igorsm1@insper.edu.br) )","text":""},{"location":"lessons/12-licenses/slides/#ate-agora","title":"At\u00e9 agora","text":"### Conte\u00fado t\u00e9cnico: ferramentas, fluxos de trabalho, etc
"},{"location":"lessons/12-licenses/slides/#hoje","title":"Hoje","text":""},{"location":"lessons/12-licenses/slides/#licencas-de-software_1","title":"Licen\u00e7as de software","text":""},{"location":"lessons/12-licenses/slides/#licencas-de-software_2","title":"Licen\u00e7as de software","text":"Escrever software \u00e9 considerado um trabalho intelectual, estando ent\u00e3o sujeito \u00e0s leis de direitos autorais.
N\u00e3o \u00e9 necess\u00e1rio registro. N\u00e3o vale para ideias.
O dono dos direitos autorais (patrimoniais) pode controlar:
De quem \u00e9 o c\u00f3digo nos seguintes cen\u00e1rios?
"},{"location":"lessons/12-licenses/slides/#um-funcionario-trabalhando-para-uma-empresa-produz-sotfware-durante-o-expediente","title":"Um funcion\u00e1rio trabalhando para uma empresa produz sotfware durante o expediente.","text":""},{"location":"lessons/12-licenses/slides/#por-que-isto-e-importante_2","title":"Por que isto \u00e9 importante?","text":"De quem \u00e9 o c\u00f3digo nos seguintes cen\u00e1rios?
"},{"location":"lessons/12-licenses/slides/#um-funcionario-trabalhando-para-uma-empresa-produz-sotfware-fora-do-expediente-e-decide-lancar-um-produto-nao-relacionado","title":"Um funcion\u00e1rio trabalhando para uma empresa produz sotfware fora do expediente e decide lan\u00e7ar um produto n\u00e3o relacionado.","text":""},{"location":"lessons/12-licenses/slides/#por-que-isto-e-importante_3","title":"Por que isto \u00e9 importante?","text":"De quem \u00e9 o c\u00f3digo nos seguintes cen\u00e1rios?
"},{"location":"lessons/12-licenses/slides/#um-funcionario-trabalhando-para-uma-empresa-produz-sotfware-fora-do-expediente-e-decide-lancar-um-produto-concorrente","title":"Um funcion\u00e1rio trabalhando para uma empresa produz sotfware fora do expediente e decide lan\u00e7ar um produto concorrente.","text":""},{"location":"lessons/12-licenses/slides/#por-que-isto-e-importante_4","title":"Por que isto \u00e9 importante?","text":"De quem \u00e9 o c\u00f3digo nos seguintes cen\u00e1rios?
"},{"location":"lessons/12-licenses/slides/#um-programador-faz-um-freelance-e-entrega-um-projeto-para-uma-empresa-ele-pode-reutilzar-parte-do-codigo-em-outros-projetos-para-outras-empresas","title":"Um programador faz um freelance e entrega um projeto para uma empresa. Ele pode reutilzar parte do c\u00f3digo em outros projetos (para outras empresas)?","text":""},{"location":"lessons/12-licenses/slides/#por-que-isto-e-importante_5","title":"Por que isto \u00e9 importante?","text":"De quem \u00e9 o c\u00f3digo nos seguintes cen\u00e1rios?
"},{"location":"lessons/12-licenses/slides/#um-prestador-de-servicos-contratado-como-empresa-via-cnpj-participa-de-um-projeto-terceirizado-junto-com-outros-pjs","title":"Um prestador de servi\u00e7os (contratado como empresa via CNPJ) participa de um projeto terceirizado, junto com outros PJs.","text":""},{"location":"lessons/12-licenses/slides/#por-que-isto-e-importante_6","title":"Por que isto \u00e9 importante?","text":"Nenhum dos casos acima tem respostas fixas. Tudo depende de um monte de fatores jur\u00eddicos e do qu\u00ea cada um assinou. Alguns guias interessantes:
Fontes 1 2
"},{"location":"lessons/12-licenses/slides/#contexto-2-projetos-open-source","title":"Contexto 2: projetos open source","text":"Contributor License Agreement \u00e9 um documento de cess\u00e3o de copyright (direitos de explora\u00e7\u00e3o comercial).
End User License Agreement (EULA): Termo usado para aquelas condi\u00e7\u00f5es que (n\u00e3o lemos) aceitamos ao instalar software propriet\u00e1rio ou nos registramos em um site/servi\u00e7o.
"},{"location":"lessons/12-licenses/slides/#_1","title":"Licen\u00e7as de software","text":"Ignorado por aproximadamente 90% dos usu\u00e1rios (fonte)
"},{"location":"lessons/12-licenses/slides/#end-user-license-agreement","title":"End User License Agreement","text":"E por algumas empresas... Fonte
"},{"location":"lessons/12-licenses/slides/#end-user-license-agreement_1","title":"End User License Agreement","text":"Restri\u00e7\u00f5es t\u00edpicas encontradas em EULAs:
Informa\u00e7\u00f5es t\u00edpicas encontradas em EULAs de servi\u00e7os:
Legal Nature - EULA
"},{"location":"lessons/12-licenses/slides/#eula-aws","title":"EULA (AWS)","text":"fonte: https://aws.amazon.com/service-terms/
"},{"location":"lessons/12-licenses/slides/#um-pouco-de-historia","title":"Um pouco de hist\u00f3ria","text":""},{"location":"lessons/12-licenses/slides/#um-pouco-de-historia-1985","title":"Um pouco de hist\u00f3ria - 1985","text":"Leitura complementar: Free Software, Free Society: Selected Essays of Richard M. Stallman.
"},{"location":"lessons/12-licenses/slides/#um-pouco-de-historia_2","title":"Um pouco de hist\u00f3ria","text":"Leitura complementar: Just for Fun: The Story of an Accidental Revolutionary, Linus Torvalds and David Diamond
"},{"location":"lessons/12-licenses/slides/#licencas-de-software-livre","title":"Licen\u00e7as de software (livre)","text":"Criadas pela Free Software Foundation visando garantir 4 liberdades para um usu\u00e1rio ao usar um software:
Distribuir os fontes \u00e9 pr\u00e9-requisito dos itens 1 e 3!
Chamadas tamb\u00e9m de rec\u00edprocas.
"},{"location":"lessons/12-licenses/slides/#licencas-de-software-livre_1","title":"Licen\u00e7as de software (livre)","text":""},{"location":"lessons/12-licenses/slides/#licencas-de-software-livre-reciprocas","title":"Licen\u00e7as de software livre - rec\u00edprocas","text":"Mais associadas a Open Source Iniciative, s\u00e3o consideradas menos \"ideol\u00f3gicas\".
Exemplos: MIT, BSD
"},{"location":"lessons/12-licenses/slides/#desenvolvimento-aberto_1","title":"Desenvolvimento Aberto","text":""},{"location":"lessons/12-licenses/slides/#licencas-de-software_3","title":"Licen\u00e7as de Software","text":""},{"location":"lessons/12-licenses/slides/#20232-igor-montagner-igorsm1insperedubr_1","title":"2023/2: Igor Montagner ( igorsm1@insper.edu.br) )","text":""},{"location":"plugins/notification/","title":"Toast Notifications","text":"This page illustrates how to create toast (or snackbar) notifications. This is intended for plugin development and probably shouldn't be called directly from the markdown content.
In your plugin, whenever you want to show a toast notification, just call notification.toast()
notification.toast(\"Go crazy!\", { bgColor: \"#FFFF00\", color: \"#ff4498\" });\nnotification.toast('bgColor \"danger\"', { bgColor: \"danger\" });\nnotification.toast(\"Notification with click event (reload page)\", {\n onClick: () => window.location.reload(),\n});\nnotification.toast(\"Toasts have an optional timeout argument\", {\n timeout: 3000,\n});\n
The following values are accepted for bgColor