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-plugins: - - jekyll-sitemap - -github: - repository_url: https://github.com/koenkk/zigbee2mqtt \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/devices/docs/_includes/anchor_headings.html b/devices/docs/_includes/anchor_headings.html deleted file mode 100644 index 21e2d047..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/_includes/anchor_headings.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,105 +0,0 @@ -{% capture headingsWorkspace %} - {% comment %} - Version 1.0.4 - https://github.com/allejo/jekyll-anchor-headings - - "Be the pull request you wish to see in the world." ~Ben Balter - - Usage: - {% include anchor_headings.html html=content %} - - Parameters: - * html (string) - the HTML of compiled markdown generated by kramdown in Jekyll - - Optional Parameters: - * beforeHeading (bool) : false - Set to true if the anchor should be placed _before_ the heading's content - * anchorAttrs (string) : '' - Any custom HTML attributes that will be added to the `` tag; you may NOT use `href`, `class` or `title` - * anchorBody (string) : '' - The content that will be placed inside the anchor; the `%heading%` placeholder is available - * anchorClass (string) : '' - The class(es) that will be used for each anchor. Separate multiple classes with a space - * anchorTitle (string) : '' - The `title` attribute that will be used for anchors - * h_min (int) : 1 - The minimum header level to build an anchor for; any header lower than this value will be ignored - * h_max (int) : 6 - The maximum header level to build an anchor for; any header greater than this value will be ignored - * bodyPrefix (string) : '' - Anything that should be inserted inside of the heading tag _before_ its anchor and content - * bodySuffix (string) : '' - Anything that should be inserted inside of the heading tag _after_ its anchor and content - - Output: - The original HTML with the addition of anchors inside of all of the h1-h6 headings. - {% endcomment %} - - {% assign minHeader = include.h_min | default: 1 %} - {% assign maxHeader = include.h_max | default: 6 %} - {% assign beforeHeading = include.beforeHeading %} - {% assign nodes = include.html | split: ' - {% if headerLevel == 0 %} - {% if nextChar != '<' and nextChar != '' %} - {% capture node %}' | first }}>{% endcapture %} - {% assign header = _workspace[0] | replace: _hAttrToStrip, '' %} - - - {% capture anchor %}{% endcapture %} - - {% if html_id and headerLevel >= minHeader and headerLevel <= maxHeader %} - {% capture anchor %}href="#{{ html_id }}"{% endcapture %} - - {% if include.anchorClass %} - {% capture anchor %}{{ anchor }} class="{{ include.anchorClass }}"{% endcapture %} - {% endif %} - - {% if include.anchorTitle %} - {% capture anchor %}{{ anchor }} title="{{ include.anchorTitle | replace: '%heading%', header }}"{% endcapture %} - {% endif %} - - {% if include.anchorAttrs %} - {% capture anchor %}{{ anchor }} {{ include.anchorAttrs }}{% endcapture %} - {% endif %} - - {% capture anchor %}{{ include.anchorBody | replace: '%heading%', header | default: '' }}{% endcapture %} - - - {% if beforeHeading %} - {% capture anchor %}{{ anchor }} {% endcapture %} - {% else %} - {% capture anchor %} {{ anchor }}{% endcapture %} - {% endif %} - {% endif %} - - {% capture new_heading %} - - - - - {% if site.google_analytics %} - - - {% endif %} - - -{% seo %} - - - - - - - - -
- {% include anchor_headings.html html=content anchorClass='anchor-hash' anchorBody='#'%} - - -
- - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/devices/docs/assets/css/style.scss b/devices/docs/assets/css/style.scss deleted file mode 100644 index 8bee250e..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/assets/css/style.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ ---- ---- - -@import "{{ site.theme }}"; - -.anchor-hash { - opacity: 0.2; - - &:hover { - opacity: 1; - } - } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/046677476816.md b/devices/docs/devices/046677476816.md deleted file mode 100644 index 15d3875b..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/046677476816.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 046677476816 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 046677476816 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/046677476816.md)* - -# Philips 046677476816 - -| Model | 046677476816 | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue white PAR38 outdoor | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 046677476816](./assets/devices/046677476816.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/046677551780.md b/devices/docs/devices/046677551780.md deleted file mode 100644 index ae57be21..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/046677551780.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 046677551780 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 046677551780 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/046677551780.md)* - -# Philips 046677551780 - -| Model | 046677551780 | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue white filament Edison ST19 LED | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 046677551780](./assets/devices/046677551780.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/046677552343.md b/devices/docs/devices/046677552343.md deleted file mode 100644 index 28d6022a..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/046677552343.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,50 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 046677552343 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 046677552343 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/046677552343.md)* - -# Philips 046677552343 - -| Model | 046677552343 | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue smart plug bluetooth | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![Philips 046677552343](./assets/devices/046677552343.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/064873.md b/devices/docs/devices/064873.md deleted file mode 100644 index 37b0a43d..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/064873.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Legrand 064873 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Legrand 064873 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/064873.md)* - -# Legrand 064873 - -| Model | 064873 | -| Vendor | Legrand | -| Description | Home & away switch / master switch | -| Supports | action | -| Picture | ![Legrand 064873](./assets/devices/064873.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/064888.md b/devices/docs/devices/064888.md deleted file mode 100644 index 450a1251..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/064888.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Legrand 064888 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Legrand 064888 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/064888.md)* - -# Legrand 064888 - -| Model | 064888 | -| Vendor | Legrand | -| Description | Wired micromodule switch | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![Legrand 064888](./assets/devices/064888.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/067771.md b/devices/docs/devices/067771.md deleted file mode 100644 index 3e82e9fd..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/067771.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Legrand 067771 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Legrand 067771 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/067771.md)* - -# Legrand 067771 - -| Model | 067771 | -| Vendor | Legrand | -| Description | Wired switch without neutral | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![Legrand 067771](./assets/devices/067771.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/067773.md b/devices/docs/devices/067773.md deleted file mode 100644 index 184d41d9..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/067773.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Legrand 067773 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Legrand 067773 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/067773.md)* - -# Legrand 067773 - -| Model | 067773 | -| Vendor | Legrand | -| Description | Wireless remote switch | -| Supports | action | -| Picture | ![Legrand 067773](./assets/devices/067773.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/067775.md b/devices/docs/devices/067775.md deleted file mode 100644 index 344c5d08..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/067775.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Legrand 067775 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Legrand 067775 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/067775.md)* - -# Legrand 067775 - -| Model | 067775 | -| Vendor | Legrand | -| Description | Power socket with power consumption monitoring | -| Supports | on/off, power measurement | -| Picture | ![Legrand 067775](./assets/devices/067775.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/067776.md b/devices/docs/devices/067776.md deleted file mode 100644 index f28166d4..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/067776.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Legrand 067776 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Legrand 067776 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/067776.md)* - -# Legrand 067776 - -| Model | 067776 | -| Vendor | Legrand | -| Description | Netatmo wired shutter switch | -| Supports | open, close, stop, position, tilt | -| Picture | ![Legrand 067776](./assets/devices/067776.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/07004D.md b/devices/docs/devices/07004D.md deleted file mode 100644 index c5532425..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/07004D.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Immax 07004D control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Immax 07004D via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/07004D.md)* - -# Immax 07004D - -| Model | 07004D | -| Vendor | Immax | -| Description | Neo SMART LED E27 8,5W color, dimmable, Zigbee 3.0 | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy | -| Picture | ![Immax 07004D](./assets/devices/07004D.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/07005B.md b/devices/docs/devices/07005B.md deleted file mode 100644 index 5b828d72..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/07005B.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Immax 07005B control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Immax 07005B via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/07005B.md)* - -# Immax 07005B - -| Model | 07005B | -| Vendor | Immax | -| Description | Neo SMART LED E14 5W warm white, dimmable, Zigbee 3.0 | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![Immax 07005B](./assets/devices/07005B.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/07045L.md b/devices/docs/devices/07045L.md deleted file mode 100644 index 1d98d665..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/07045L.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Immax 07045L control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Immax 07045L via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/07045L.md)* - -# Immax 07045L - -| Model | 07045L | -| Vendor | Immax | -| Description | Magnetic contact sensor | -| Supports | contact, tamper | -| Picture | ![Immax 07045L](./assets/devices/07045L.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/07046L.md b/devices/docs/devices/07046L.md deleted file mode 100644 index 22b69cf7..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/07046L.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Immax 07046L control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Immax 07046L via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/07046L.md)* - -# Immax 07046L - -| Model | 07046L | -| Vendor | Immax | -| Description | 4-Touch single click buttons | -| Supports | action | -| Picture | ![Immax 07046L](./assets/devices/07046L.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/07048L.md b/devices/docs/devices/07048L.md deleted file mode 100644 index 183001f2..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/07048L.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Immax 07048L control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Immax 07048L via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/07048L.md)* - -# Immax 07048L - -| Model | 07048L | -| Vendor | Immax | -| Description | NEO SMART plug | -| Supports | on/off, power and energy measurement | -| Picture | ![Immax 07048L](./assets/devices/07048L.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/100.110.39.md b/devices/docs/devices/100.110.39.md deleted file mode 100644 index 1c01f40b..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/100.110.39.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Paul Neuhaus 100.110.39 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Paul Neuhaus 100.110.39 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/100.110.39.md)* - -# Paul Neuhaus 100.110.39 - -| Model | 100.110.39 | -| Vendor | Paul Neuhaus | -| Description | Q-FLAG LED Panel, Smart-Home RGBW | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy | -| Picture | ![Paul Neuhaus 100.110.39](./assets/devices/100.110.39.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/100.110.51.md b/devices/docs/devices/100.110.51.md deleted file mode 100644 index 6453d5dc..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/100.110.51.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Paul Neuhaus 100.110.51 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Paul Neuhaus 100.110.51 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/100.110.51.md)* - -# Paul Neuhaus 100.110.51 - -| Model | 100.110.51 | -| Vendor | Paul Neuhaus | -| Description | Q-FLAG LED panel, Smart-Home CCT | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature | -| Picture | ![Paul Neuhaus 100.110.51](./assets/devices/100.110.51.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/100.424.11.md b/devices/docs/devices/100.424.11.md deleted file mode 100644 index a8dfcb05..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/100.424.11.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Paul Neuhaus 100.424.11 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Paul Neuhaus 100.424.11 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/100.424.11.md)* - -# Paul Neuhaus 100.424.11 - -| Model | 100.424.11 | -| Vendor | Paul Neuhaus | -| Description | Q-INIGO LED ceiling light | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature | -| Picture | ![Paul Neuhaus 100.424.11](./assets/devices/100.424.11.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/100.425.90.md b/devices/docs/devices/100.425.90.md deleted file mode 100644 index 6d77ab44..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/100.425.90.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Paul Neuhaus 100.425.90 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Paul Neuhaus 100.425.90 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/100.425.90.md)* - -# Paul Neuhaus 100.425.90 - -| Model | 100.425.90 | -| Vendor | Paul Neuhaus | -| Description | Q-PLUG adapter plug with night orientation light | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![Paul Neuhaus 100.425.90](./assets/devices/100.425.90.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/10011725.md b/devices/docs/devices/10011725.md deleted file mode 100644 index ddc83412..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/10011725.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "HORNBACH 10011725 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your HORNBACH 10011725 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/10011725.md)* - -# HORNBACH 10011725 - -| Model | 10011725 | -| Vendor | HORNBACH | -| Description | FLAIR Viyu Smarte LED bulb RGB E27 | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy | -| Picture | ![HORNBACH 10011725](./assets/devices/10011725.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/12031.md b/devices/docs/devices/12031.md deleted file mode 100644 index 53a14c1b..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/12031.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Lupus 12031 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Lupus 12031 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/12031.md)* - -# Lupus 12031 - -| Model | 12031 | -| Vendor | Lupus | -| Description | Roller shutter | -| Supports | open/close | -| Picture | ![Lupus 12031](./assets/devices/12031.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/12050.md b/devices/docs/devices/12050.md deleted file mode 100644 index 90043cb0..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/12050.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Lupus 12050 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Lupus 12050 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/12050.md)* - -# Lupus 12050 - -| Model | 12050 | -| Vendor | Lupus | -| Description | LUPUSEC mains socket with power meter | -| Supports | on/off, power measurement | -| Picture | ![Lupus 12050](./assets/devices/12050.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/12126.md b/devices/docs/devices/12126.md deleted file mode 100644 index 5ca6d750..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/12126.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Lupus 12126 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Lupus 12126 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/12126.md)* - -# Lupus 12126 - -| Model | 12126 | -| Vendor | Lupus | -| Description | 1 chanel relay | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![Lupus 12126](./assets/devices/12126.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/1402755.md b/devices/docs/devices/1402755.md deleted file mode 100644 index 81ae8206..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/1402755.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Namron 1402755 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Namron 1402755 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/1402755.md)* - -# Namron 1402755 - -| Model | 1402755 | -| Vendor | Namron | -| Description | ZigBee LED dimmer | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![Namron 1402755](./assets/devices/1402755.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/1613V.md b/devices/docs/devices/1613V.md deleted file mode 100644 index ffa566e4..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/1613V.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Hive 1613V control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Hive 1613V via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/1613V.md)* - -# Hive 1613V - -| Model | 1613V | -| Vendor | Hive | -| Description | Active plug | -| Supports | on/off, power measurement | -| Picture | ![Hive 1613V](./assets/devices/1613V.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/1741830P7.md b/devices/docs/devices/1741830P7.md deleted file mode 100644 index 38a2bce6..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/1741830P7.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 1741830P7 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 1741830P7 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/1741830P7.md)* - -# Philips 1741830P7 - -| Model | 1741830P7 | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue Lily outdoor spot light | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 1741830P7](./assets/devices/1741830P7.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/1742930P7.md b/devices/docs/devices/1742930P7.md deleted file mode 100644 index 797e8fc0..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/1742930P7.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 1742930P7 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 1742930P7 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/1742930P7.md)* - -# Philips 1742930P7 - -| Model | 1742930P7 | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue outdoor Impress wall lamp | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 1742930P7](./assets/devices/1742930P7.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/1743230P7.md b/devices/docs/devices/1743230P7.md deleted file mode 100644 index 56f404fe..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/1743230P7.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 1743230P7 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 1743230P7 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/1743230P7.md)* - -# Philips 1743230P7 - -| Model | 1743230P7 | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue outdoor Impress lantern | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 1743230P7](./assets/devices/1743230P7.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/17435_30_P7.md b/devices/docs/devices/17435_30_P7.md deleted file mode 100644 index 22d5e4e8..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/17435_30_P7.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 17435/30/P7 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 17435/30/P7 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/17435_30_P7.md)* - -# Philips 17435/30/P7 - -| Model | 17435/30/P7 | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue Discover white and color ambiance flood light | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color xy, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 17435/30/P7](./assets/devices/17435-30-P7.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/17436_30_P7.md b/devices/docs/devices/17436_30_P7.md deleted file mode 100644 index 7fd17988..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/17436_30_P7.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 17436/30/P7 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 17436/30/P7 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/17436_30_P7.md)* - -# Philips 17436/30/P7 - -| Model | 17436/30/P7 | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue Welcome white flood light | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 17436/30/P7](./assets/devices/17436-30-P7.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/1TST-EU.md b/devices/docs/devices/1TST-EU.md deleted file mode 100644 index b4e4fd63..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/1TST-EU.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,187 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "eCozy 1TST-EU control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your eCozy 1TST-EU via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/1TST-EU.md)* - -# eCozy 1TST-EU - -| Model | 1TST-EU | -| Vendor | eCozy | -| Description | Smart heating thermostat | -| Supports | temperature, occupancy, un-/occupied heating, schedule | -| Picture | ![eCozy 1TST-EU](./assets/devices/1TST-EU.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Controlling -Get local temperature in degrees Celsius (in the range 0x954d to 0x7fff, i.e. -273.15°C to 327.67 ºC) -```json -{ - "local_temperature": "" -} -``` - -Get or set offset added to/subtracted from the actual displayed room temperature to NUMBER, in steps of 0.1°C -```js -{ - "local_temperature_calibration": "NUMBER" // Possible values: –2.5 to +2.5; leave empty to read -} -``` - -Set temperature display mode -```js -{ - "temperature_display_mode": "" // Possible values: 0 to set °C or 1 so set °F -} -``` - -Get room occupancy. Specifies whether the heated/cooled space is occupied or not. If 1, the space is occupied, -else it is unoccupied. -```json -{ - "thermostat_occupancy": "" -} -``` - -Get or set occupied heating setpoint to NUMBER in degrees Celsius. -```js -{ - "occupied_heating_setpoint": "NUMBER" // Possible values: MinHeatSetpointLimit to MaxHeatSetpointLimit, i.e. 7 to 30 by default; leave empty to read -} -``` - -Get or set unoccupied heating setpoint to NUMBER in degrees Celsius -```js -{ - "unoccupied_heating_setpoint": "NUMBER" // Possible values: MinHeatSetpointLimit to MaxHeatSetpointLimit, i.e. 7 to 30 by default; leave empty to read -} -``` - -Increase or decrease heating setpoint by NUMBER degrees in °C. -```js -{ - "setpoint_raise_lower": { - "mode": "0x00", // Possible values: see table below - "amount": "NUMBER" // Possible values: signed 8-bit integer that specifies the amount the setpoint(s) are to be increased (or decreased) by, in steps of 0.1°C - } -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -0x00 | Heat (adjust Heat Setpoint) -0x01 | Cool (adjust Cool Setpoint) -0x02 | Both (adjust Heat Setpoint and Cool Setpoint) - -Get or set whether the local temperature, outdoor temperature and occupancy are being sensed by internal sensors or remote networked sensors -```js -{ - "remote_sensing": "NUMBER" // Possible values: see table below; leave empty to read -} -``` - -Bit Number | Description ------------|----------------------------------------- -0 | 0 – local temperature sensed internally
1 – local temperature sensed remotely -1 | 0 – outdoor temperature sensed internally
1 – outdoor temperature sensed remotely -2 | 0 – occupancy sensed internally
1 – occupancy sensed remotely - -Get or set control sequence of operation -```js -{ - "control_sequence_of_operation": "VALUE" // Possible values: see table below; leave empty to read -} -``` - -Values | Possible Values of SystemMode -------------------------------------------|------------------------------------- -`cooling only` | Heat and Emergency are not possible -`cooling with reheat` | Heat and Emergency are not possible -`heating only` | Cool and precooling are not possible -`heating with reheat` | Cool and precooling are not possible -`cooling and heating 4-pipes` | All modes are possible -`cooling and heating 4-pipes with reheat` | All modes are possible - -Get or set system mode -```js -{ - "system_mode": "VALUE" // Possible values: see table below; leave empty to read -} -``` - -Values | ---------------------| -`off` | -`auto` | -`cool` | -`heat` | -`emergency heating` | -`precooling` | -`fan only` | -`dry` | -`sleep` | - -Get running state -```js -{ - "running_state": "" // leave empty when reading -} -``` -Possible values: - -Values | --------| -`off` | -`cool` | -`heat` | - -Valve position / heating demand -``` -{ - "pi_heating_demand": 0 // leave empty when reading -} -``` -Will report the valve position or heating amount depending on device. 0=min, 255=max - -Get or set weekly schedule -```js -{ - "weekly_schedule": { - "TemperatureSetpointHold": "0x00", // 0x00 setpoint hold off or 0x01 on - "TemperatureSetpointHoldDuration": "0xffff", // 0xffff to 0x05a0 - "ThermostatProgrammingOperationMode": "00xxxxxx" //see table below - } // leave empty to read -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 | 0 – Simple/setpoint mode. This mode means the thermostat setpoint is altered only by manual up/down changes at the thermostat or remotely, not by internal schedule programming.
1 – Schedule programming mode. This enables or disables any programmed weekly schedule configurations.
Note: It does not clear or delete previous weekly schedule programming configurations. -1 | 0 - Auto/recovery mode set to OFF
1 – Auto/recovery mode set to ON -2 | 0 – Economy/EnergyStar mode set to OFF
1 – Economy/EnergyStar mode set to ON - -Clear weekly schedule -```json -{ - "clear_weekly_schedule": "" -} -``` - - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/22670.md b/devices/docs/devices/22670.md deleted file mode 100644 index fc518c5c..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/22670.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "GE 22670 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your GE 22670 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/22670.md)* - -# GE 22670 - -| Model | 22670 | -| Vendor | GE | -| Description | Link smart LED light bulb, A19/BR30 soft white (2700K) | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![GE 22670](./assets/devices/22670.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/2430-100.md b/devices/docs/devices/2430-100.md deleted file mode 100644 index 4d184826..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/2430-100.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Gira 2430-100 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Gira 2430-100 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/2430-100.md)* - -# Gira 2430-100 - -| Model | 2430-100 | -| Vendor | Gira | -| Description | ZigBee Light Link wall transmitter | -| Supports | action | -| Picture | ![Gira 2430-100](./assets/devices/2430-100.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/2AJZ4KPBS.md b/devices/docs/devices/2AJZ4KPBS.md deleted file mode 100644 index cca89a95..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/2AJZ4KPBS.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Konke 2AJZ4KPBS control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Konke 2AJZ4KPBS via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/2AJZ4KPBS.md)* - -# Konke 2AJZ4KPBS - -| Model | 2AJZ4KPBS | -| Vendor | Konke | -| Description | Motion sensor | -| Supports | occupancy | -| Picture | ![Konke 2AJZ4KPBS](./assets/devices/2AJZ4KPBS.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Important -Konke devices only work on Zigbee channel 15, 20 and 25. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/2AJZ4KPDR.md b/devices/docs/devices/2AJZ4KPDR.md deleted file mode 100644 index f5bab649..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/2AJZ4KPDR.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Konke 2AJZ4KPDR control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Konke 2AJZ4KPDR via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/2AJZ4KPDR.md)* - -# Konke 2AJZ4KPDR - -| Model | 2AJZ4KPDR | -| Vendor | Konke | -| Description | Contact sensor | -| Supports | contact | -| Picture | ![Konke 2AJZ4KPDR](./assets/devices/2AJZ4KPDR.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Important -Konke devices only work on Zigbee channel 15, 20 and 25. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/2AJZ4KPFT.md b/devices/docs/devices/2AJZ4KPFT.md deleted file mode 100644 index ee1ed134..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/2AJZ4KPFT.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Konke 2AJZ4KPFT control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Konke 2AJZ4KPFT via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/2AJZ4KPFT.md)* - -# Konke 2AJZ4KPFT - -| Model | 2AJZ4KPFT | -| Vendor | Konke | -| Description | Temperature and humidity sensor | -| Supports | temperature and humidity | -| Picture | ![Konke 2AJZ4KPFT](./assets/devices/2AJZ4KPFT.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `temperature_precision`: Controls the precision of `temperature` values, -e.g. `0`, `1` or `2`; default `2`. -* `temperature_calibration`: Allows to manually calibrate temperature values, -e.g. `1` would add 1 degree to the temperature reported by the device; default `0`. - - -* `humidity_precision`: Controls the precision of `humidity` values, e.g. `0`, `1` or `2`; default `2`. - - -### Important -Konke devices only work on Zigbee channel 15, 20 and 25. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/2AJZ4KPKEY.md b/devices/docs/devices/2AJZ4KPKEY.md deleted file mode 100644 index e59e67d7..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/2AJZ4KPKEY.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Konke 2AJZ4KPKEY control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Konke 2AJZ4KPKEY via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/2AJZ4KPKEY.md)* - -# Konke 2AJZ4KPKEY - -| Model | 2AJZ4KPKEY | -| Vendor | Konke | -| Description | Multi-function button | -| Supports | single, double and long click | -| Picture | ![Konke 2AJZ4KPKEY](./assets/devices/2AJZ4KPKEY.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Important -Konke devices only work on Zigbee channel 15, 20 and 25. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/3115331PH.md b/devices/docs/devices/3115331PH.md deleted file mode 100644 index 49b4113b..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/3115331PH.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 3115331PH control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 3115331PH via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/3115331PH.md)* - -# Philips 3115331PH - -| Model | 3115331PH | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Phoenix light | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 3115331PH](./assets/devices/3115331PH.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/316GLEDRF.md b/devices/docs/devices/316GLEDRF.md deleted file mode 100644 index 1d5438c5..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/316GLEDRF.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "ELKO 316GLEDRF control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your ELKO 316GLEDRF via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/316GLEDRF.md)* - -# ELKO 316GLEDRF - -| Model | 316GLEDRF | -| Vendor | ELKO | -| Description | ZigBee in-wall smart dimmer | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![ELKO 316GLEDRF](./assets/devices/316GLEDRF.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/3210-L.md b/devices/docs/devices/3210-L.md deleted file mode 100644 index fb0e97ff..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/3210-L.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Iris 3210-L control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Iris 3210-L via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/3210-L.md)* - -# Iris 3210-L - -| Model | 3210-L | -| Vendor | Iris | -| Description | Smart plug | -| Supports | on/off, power measurement | -| Picture | ![Iris 3210-L](./assets/devices/3210-L.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/3216131P5.md b/devices/docs/devices/3216131P5.md deleted file mode 100644 index 43d5a6c6..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/3216131P5.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 3216131P5 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 3216131P5 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/3216131P5.md)* - -# Philips 3216131P5 - -| Model | 3216131P5 | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue white ambiance Aurelle square panel light | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 3216131P5](./assets/devices/3216131P5.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/3216231P5.md b/devices/docs/devices/3216231P5.md deleted file mode 100644 index 2f5e862f..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/3216231P5.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 3216231P5 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 3216231P5 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/3216231P5.md)* - -# Philips 3216231P5 - -| Model | 3216231P5 | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue white ambiance Aurelle rectangle panel light | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 3216231P5](./assets/devices/3216231P5.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/3216331P5.md b/devices/docs/devices/3216331P5.md deleted file mode 100644 index c76b71ca..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/3216331P5.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 3216331P5 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 3216331P5 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/3216331P5.md)* - -# Philips 3216331P5 - -| Model | 3216331P5 | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue white ambiance Aurelle rectangle panel light | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 3216331P5](./assets/devices/3216331P5.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/3216431P5.md b/devices/docs/devices/3216431P5.md deleted file mode 100644 index 4e29b20c..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/3216431P5.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 3216431P5 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 3216431P5 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/3216431P5.md)* - -# Philips 3216431P5 - -| Model | 3216431P5 | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue white ambiance Aurelle round panel light | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 3216431P5](./assets/devices/3216431P5.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/324131092621.md b/devices/docs/devices/324131092621.md deleted file mode 100644 index db5eacc2..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/324131092621.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 324131092621 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 324131092621 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/324131092621.md)* - -# Philips 324131092621 - -| Model | 324131092621 | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue dimmer switch | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, up/down/hold/release, click count | -| Picture | ![Philips 324131092621](./assets/devices/324131092621.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory reset the Hue dimmer switch by pressing and holding the setup button on the back for 10 seconds. - -Restart the Hue dimmer switch by holding all 4 buttons of the Hue dimmer switch. -You can let go when the light on the front flashes red/green briefly. - -Use the Hue dimmer switch to factory reset a Hue light bulb see -[HOWTO: Factory reset a Hue bulb](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. -This method also works for Philips Hue Lightstrips. -Hue dimmer switch can also be used to factory reset Ikea Trådfri light bulbs using the same method described above. - -### Binding -If you want to bind the dimmer to a (Hue) lamp you'll have to *[bind it to the lamp through MQTT](../information/binding.html)* and unbind it from the coordinator. Use the dimmer as source and coordinator as target for that. - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -### Binding -If you want to bind the dimmer to a (Hue) lamp you'll have to *[bind it to the lamp through MQTT](../information/binding.html)* and unbind it from the coordinator. Use the dimmer as source and coordinator as target for that. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/3261030P7.md b/devices/docs/devices/3261030P7.md deleted file mode 100644 index a1e3a4b4..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/3261030P7.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 3261030P7 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 3261030P7 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/3261030P7.md)* - -# Philips 3261030P7 - -| Model | 3261030P7 | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue Being | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 3261030P7](./assets/devices/3261030P7.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/3261331P7.md b/devices/docs/devices/3261331P7.md deleted file mode 100644 index ae48637a..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/3261331P7.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 3261331P7 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 3261331P7 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/3261331P7.md)* - -# Philips 3261331P7 - -| Model | 3261331P7 | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue white ambiance Still | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 3261331P7](./assets/devices/3261331P7.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/3300-P.md b/devices/docs/devices/3300-P.md deleted file mode 100644 index bd53037b..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/3300-P.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "PEQ 3300-P control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your PEQ 3300-P via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/3300-P.md)* - -# PEQ 3300-P - -| Model | 3300-P | -| Vendor | PEQ | -| Description | Door & window contact sensor | -| Supports | contact, temperature | -| Picture | ![PEQ 3300-P](./assets/devices/3300-P.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `temperature_precision`: Controls the precision of `temperature` values, -e.g. `0`, `1` or `2`; default `2`. -* `temperature_calibration`: Allows to manually calibrate temperature values, -e.g. `1` would add 1 degree to the temperature reported by the device; default `0`. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/3300-S.md b/devices/docs/devices/3300-S.md deleted file mode 100644 index 6e843163..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/3300-S.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "SmartThings 3300-S control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your SmartThings 3300-S via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/3300-S.md)* - -# SmartThings 3300-S - -| Model | 3300-S | -| Vendor | SmartThings | -| Description | Door sensor | -| Supports | contact and temperature | -| Picture | ![SmartThings 3300-S](./assets/devices/3300-S.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `temperature_precision`: Controls the precision of `temperature` values, -e.g. `0`, `1` or `2`; default `2`. -* `temperature_calibration`: Allows to manually calibrate temperature values, -e.g. `1` would add 1 degree to the temperature reported by the device; default `0`. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/3305-S.md b/devices/docs/devices/3305-S.md deleted file mode 100644 index 9202a302..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/3305-S.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "SmartThings 3305-S control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your SmartThings 3305-S via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/3305-S.md)* - -# SmartThings 3305-S - -| Model | 3305-S | -| Vendor | SmartThings | -| Description | Motion sensor (2014 model) | -| Supports | occupancy and temperature | -| Picture | ![SmartThings 3305-S](./assets/devices/3305-S.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `temperature_precision`: Controls the precision of `temperature` values, -e.g. `0`, `1` or `2`; default `2`. -* `temperature_calibration`: Allows to manually calibrate temperature values, -e.g. `1` would add 1 degree to the temperature reported by the device; default `0`. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/3306431P7.md b/devices/docs/devices/3306431P7.md deleted file mode 100644 index f556eb09..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/3306431P7.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 3306431P7 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 3306431P7 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/3306431P7.md)* - -# Philips 3306431P7 - -| Model | 3306431P7 | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue Struana | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 3306431P7](./assets/devices/3306431P7.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/3310-S.md b/devices/docs/devices/3310-S.md deleted file mode 100644 index 73f3ccfb..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/3310-S.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "SmartThings 3310-S control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your SmartThings 3310-S via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/3310-S.md)* - -# SmartThings 3310-S - -| Model | 3310-S | -| Vendor | SmartThings | -| Description | Temperature and humidity sensor | -| Supports | temperature | -| Picture | ![SmartThings 3310-S](./assets/devices/3310-S.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `temperature_precision`: Controls the precision of `temperature` values, -e.g. `0`, `1` or `2`; default `2`. -* `temperature_calibration`: Allows to manually calibrate temperature values, -e.g. `1` would add 1 degree to the temperature reported by the device; default `0`. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/3315-G.md b/devices/docs/devices/3315-G.md deleted file mode 100644 index 2276b5a3..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/3315-G.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "SmartThings 3315-G control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your SmartThings 3315-G via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/3315-G.md)* - -# SmartThings 3315-G - -| Model | 3315-G | -| Vendor | SmartThings | -| Description | Water sensor | -| Supports | water and temperature | -| Picture | ![SmartThings 3315-G](./assets/devices/3315-G.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `temperature_precision`: Controls the precision of `temperature` values, -e.g. `0`, `1` or `2`; default `2`. -* `temperature_calibration`: Allows to manually calibrate temperature values, -e.g. `1` would add 1 degree to the temperature reported by the device; default `0`. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/3315-S.md b/devices/docs/devices/3315-S.md deleted file mode 100644 index b6ba3c82..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/3315-S.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "SmartThings 3315-S control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your SmartThings 3315-S via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/3315-S.md)* - -# SmartThings 3315-S - -| Model | 3315-S | -| Vendor | SmartThings | -| Description | Water sensor | -| Supports | water and temperature | -| Picture | ![SmartThings 3315-S](./assets/devices/3315-S.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `temperature_precision`: Controls the precision of `temperature` values, -e.g. `0`, `1` or `2`; default `2`. -* `temperature_calibration`: Allows to manually calibrate temperature values, -e.g. `1` would add 1 degree to the temperature reported by the device; default `0`. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/3320-L.md b/devices/docs/devices/3320-L.md deleted file mode 100644 index 1ddb2f6d..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/3320-L.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Iris 3320-L control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Iris 3320-L via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/3320-L.md)* - -# Iris 3320-L - -| Model | 3320-L | -| Vendor | Iris | -| Description | Contact and temperature sensor | -| Supports | contact and temperature | -| Picture | ![Iris 3320-L](./assets/devices/3320-L.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `temperature_precision`: Controls the precision of `temperature` values, -e.g. `0`, `1` or `2`; default `2`. -* `temperature_calibration`: Allows to manually calibrate temperature values, -e.g. `1` would add 1 degree to the temperature reported by the device; default `0`. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/3321-S.md b/devices/docs/devices/3321-S.md deleted file mode 100644 index 561e8cd3..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/3321-S.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "SmartThings 3321-S control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your SmartThings 3321-S via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/3321-S.md)* - -# SmartThings 3321-S - -| Model | 3321-S | -| Vendor | SmartThings | -| Description | Multi Sensor (2015 model) | -| Supports | contact and temperature | -| Picture | ![SmartThings 3321-S](./assets/devices/3321-S.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `temperature_precision`: Controls the precision of `temperature` values, -e.g. `0`, `1` or `2`; default `2`. -* `temperature_calibration`: Allows to manually calibrate temperature values, -e.g. `1` would add 1 degree to the temperature reported by the device; default `0`. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/3323-G.md b/devices/docs/devices/3323-G.md deleted file mode 100644 index 43bfbca2..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/3323-G.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Centralite 3323-G control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Centralite 3323-G via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/3323-G.md)* - -# Centralite 3323-G - -| Model | 3323-G | -| Vendor | Centralite | -| Description | Micro-door sensor | -| Supports | contact, temperature | -| Picture | ![Centralite 3323-G](./assets/devices/3323-G.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `temperature_precision`: Controls the precision of `temperature` values, -e.g. `0`, `1` or `2`; default `2`. -* `temperature_calibration`: Allows to manually calibrate temperature values, -e.g. `1` would add 1 degree to the temperature reported by the device; default `0`. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/3325-S.md b/devices/docs/devices/3325-S.md deleted file mode 100644 index b8eee720..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/3325-S.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "SmartThings 3325-S control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your SmartThings 3325-S via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/3325-S.md)* - -# SmartThings 3325-S - -| Model | 3325-S | -| Vendor | SmartThings | -| Description | Motion sensor (2015 model) | -| Supports | occupancy and temperature | -| Picture | ![SmartThings 3325-S](./assets/devices/3325-S.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `temperature_precision`: Controls the precision of `temperature` values, -e.g. `0`, `1` or `2`; default `2`. -* `temperature_calibration`: Allows to manually calibrate temperature values, -e.g. `1` would add 1 degree to the temperature reported by the device; default `0`. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/3326-L.md b/devices/docs/devices/3326-L.md deleted file mode 100644 index 4001bdee..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/3326-L.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Iris 3326-L control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Iris 3326-L via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/3326-L.md)* - -# Iris 3326-L - -| Model | 3326-L | -| Vendor | Iris | -| Description | Motion and temperature sensor | -| Supports | occupancy and temperature | -| Picture | ![Iris 3326-L](./assets/devices/3326-L.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `temperature_precision`: Controls the precision of `temperature` values, -e.g. `0`, `1` or `2`; default `2`. -* `temperature_calibration`: Allows to manually calibrate temperature values, -e.g. `1` would add 1 degree to the temperature reported by the device; default `0`. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/3402831P7.md b/devices/docs/devices/3402831P7.md deleted file mode 100644 index 802a979b..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/3402831P7.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 3402831P7 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 3402831P7 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/3402831P7.md)* - -# Philips 3402831P7 - -| Model | 3402831P7 | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue white ambiance bathroom mirror light Adore | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 3402831P7](./assets/devices/3402831P7.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/3435011P7.md b/devices/docs/devices/3435011P7.md deleted file mode 100644 index ad815779..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/3435011P7.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 3435011P7 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 3435011P7 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/3435011P7.md)* - -# Philips 3435011P7 - -| Model | 3435011P7 | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue white ambiance bathroom ceiling light Adore | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 3435011P7](./assets/devices/3435011P7.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/371000001.md b/devices/docs/devices/371000001.md deleted file mode 100644 index adc2fb8b..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/371000001.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Paulmann 371000001 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Paulmann 371000001 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/371000001.md)* - -# Paulmann 371000001 - -| Model | 371000001 | -| Vendor | Paulmann | -| Description | SmartHome led spot tuneable white | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature | -| Picture | ![Paulmann 371000001](./assets/devices/371000001.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/3RSS007Z.md b/devices/docs/devices/3RSS007Z.md deleted file mode 100644 index d5e1074a..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/3RSS007Z.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Third Reality 3RSS007Z control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Third Reality 3RSS007Z via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/3RSS007Z.md)* - -# Third Reality 3RSS007Z - -| Model | 3RSS007Z | -| Vendor | Third Reality | -| Description | Smart light switch | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![Third Reality 3RSS007Z](./assets/devices/3RSS007Z.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/3RSS008Z.md b/devices/docs/devices/3RSS008Z.md deleted file mode 100644 index 75cb22ba..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/3RSS008Z.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Third Reality 3RSS008Z control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Third Reality 3RSS008Z via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/3RSS008Z.md)* - -# Third Reality 3RSS008Z - -| Model | 3RSS008Z | -| Vendor | Third Reality | -| Description | RealitySwitch Plus | -| Supports | on/off, battery | -| Picture | ![Third Reality 3RSS008Z](./assets/devices/3RSS008Z.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/4000116784070.md b/devices/docs/devices/4000116784070.md deleted file mode 100644 index 4f1a4d14..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/4000116784070.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Lonsonho 4000116784070 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Lonsonho 4000116784070 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/4000116784070.md)* - -# Lonsonho 4000116784070 - -| Model | 4000116784070 | -| Vendor | Lonsonho | -| Description | Smart plug EU | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![Lonsonho 4000116784070](./assets/devices/4000116784070.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/4023330P7.md b/devices/docs/devices/4023330P7.md deleted file mode 100644 index c9adb27a..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/4023330P7.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 4023330P7 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 4023330P7 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/4023330P7.md)* - -# Philips 4023330P7 - -| Model | 4023330P7 | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue white ambiance suspension Amaze | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 4023330P7](./assets/devices/4023330P7.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/4033930P7.md b/devices/docs/devices/4033930P7.md deleted file mode 100644 index 07e01737..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/4033930P7.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 4033930P7 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 4033930P7 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/4033930P7.md)* - -# Philips 4033930P7 - -| Model | 4033930P7 | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue white ambiance suspension Fair | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 4033930P7](./assets/devices/4033930P7.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/4034031P7.md b/devices/docs/devices/4034031P7.md deleted file mode 100644 index a4590be1..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/4034031P7.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 4034031P7 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 4034031P7 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/4034031P7.md)* - -# Philips 4034031P7 - -| Model | 4034031P7 | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue Fair | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 4034031P7](./assets/devices/4034031P7.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/404000_404005_404012.md b/devices/docs/devices/404000_404005_404012.md deleted file mode 100644 index 6dabbc4b..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/404000_404005_404012.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Müller Licht 404000/404005/404012 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Müller Licht 404000/404005/404012 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/404000_404005_404012.md)* - -# Müller Licht 404000/404005/404012 - -| Model | 404000/404005/404012 | -| Vendor | Müller Licht | -| Description | Tint LED bulb GU10/E14/E27 350/470/806 lumen, dimmable, color, opal white | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy | -| Picture | ![Müller Licht 404000/404005/404012](./assets/devices/404000-404005-404012.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Turn the light bulb five times on and off. After turning it on the sixth time, -it will indicate with colors that the bulb is pairing. - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/404006_404008_404004.md b/devices/docs/devices/404006_404008_404004.md deleted file mode 100644 index e0ec4654..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/404006_404008_404004.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Müller Licht 404006/404008/404004 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Müller Licht 404006/404008/404004 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/404006_404008_404004.md)* - -# Müller Licht 404006/404008/404004 - -| Model | 404006/404008/404004 | -| Vendor | Müller Licht | -| Description | Tint LED bulb GU10/E14/E27 350/470/806 lumen, dimmable, opal white | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature | -| Picture | ![Müller Licht 404006/404008/404004](./assets/devices/404006-404008-404004.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Turn the light bulb five times on and off. After turning it on the sixth time, -it will indicate with colors that the bulb is pairing. - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/404021.md b/devices/docs/devices/404021.md deleted file mode 100644 index 1f532a7f..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/404021.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Müller Licht 404021 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Müller Licht 404021 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/404021.md)* - -# Müller Licht 404021 - -| Model | 404021 | -| Vendor | Müller Licht | -| Description | Tint smart switch | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![Müller Licht 404021](./assets/devices/404021.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/404028.md b/devices/docs/devices/404028.md deleted file mode 100644 index b9b2ee5a..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/404028.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Müller Licht 404028 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Müller Licht 404028 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/404028.md)* - -# Müller Licht 404028 - -| Model | 404028 | -| Vendor | Müller Licht | -| Description | Tint LED Panel, color, opal white | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy | -| Picture | ![Müller Licht 404028](./assets/devices/404028.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/4052899926110.md b/devices/docs/devices/4052899926110.md deleted file mode 100644 index c7c4a66a..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/4052899926110.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "OSRAM 4052899926110 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your OSRAM 4052899926110 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/4052899926110.md)* - -# OSRAM 4052899926110 - -| Model | 4052899926110 | -| Vendor | OSRAM | -| Description | Flex RGBW | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy | -| Picture | ![OSRAM 4052899926110](./assets/devices/4052899926110.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Set default power on/off transition -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support setting a default transition when turning a light on and off. -```js -{ - "osram_set_transition": 0.1, //time in seconds (integer or float) -} -``` - -### Remember current light state -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support remembering their current state in case of power loss, or if a light -is manually switched off then on. Lights will remember their respective attributes -(i.e. brightness, color, saturation, etc.). -NOTE: This must be executed everytime you make changes to a light's attributes for it to then 'remember' it. -```js -{ - "osram_remember_state": true, // true, false (boolean) -} -``` - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/4052899926158.md b/devices/docs/devices/4052899926158.md deleted file mode 100644 index f48dbf57..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/4052899926158.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,57 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "OSRAM 4052899926158 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your OSRAM 4052899926158 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/4052899926158.md)* - -# OSRAM 4052899926158 - -| Model | 4052899926158 | -| Vendor | OSRAM | -| Description | LIGHTIFY Surface Light TW | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![OSRAM 4052899926158](./assets/devices/4052899926158.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Follow instruction from [Manual reset](http://belkin.force.com/Articles/articles/en_US/Troubleshooting_and_Tutorials/Resetting-the-OSRAM-LIGHTIFY-Tunable-White-60-Bulb#a). -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - - -### Set default power on/off transition -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support setting a default transition when turning a light on and off. -```js -{ - "osram_set_transition": 0.1, //time in seconds (integer or float) -} -``` - -### Remember current light state -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support remembering their current state in case of power loss, or if a light -is manually switched off then on. Lights will remember their respective attributes -(i.e. brightness, color, saturation, etc.). -NOTE: This must be executed everytime you make changes to a light's attributes for it to then 'remember' it. -```js -{ - "osram_remember_state": true, // true, false (boolean) -} -``` - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/4058075036147.md b/devices/docs/devices/4058075036147.md deleted file mode 100644 index 75c80f76..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/4058075036147.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "OSRAM 4058075036147 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your OSRAM 4058075036147 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/4058075036147.md)* - -# OSRAM 4058075036147 - -| Model | 4058075036147 | -| Vendor | OSRAM | -| Description | Smart+ gardenpole 8.7W RGBW | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy | -| Picture | ![OSRAM 4058075036147](./assets/devices/4058075036147.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Set default power on/off transition -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support setting a default transition when turning a light on and off. -```js -{ - "osram_set_transition": 0.1, //time in seconds (integer or float) -} -``` - -### Remember current light state -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support remembering their current state in case of power loss, or if a light -is manually switched off then on. Lights will remember their respective attributes -(i.e. brightness, color, saturation, etc.). -NOTE: This must be executed everytime you make changes to a light's attributes for it to then 'remember' it. -```js -{ - "osram_remember_state": true, // true, false (boolean) -} -``` - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/4058075036185.md b/devices/docs/devices/4058075036185.md deleted file mode 100644 index 726469cc..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/4058075036185.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "OSRAM 4058075036185 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your OSRAM 4058075036185 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/4058075036185.md)* - -# OSRAM 4058075036185 - -| Model | 4058075036185 | -| Vendor | OSRAM | -| Description | Outdoor Flex RGBW | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy | -| Picture | ![OSRAM 4058075036185](./assets/devices/4058075036185.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Set default power on/off transition -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support setting a default transition when turning a light on and off. -```js -{ - "osram_set_transition": 0.1, //time in seconds (integer or float) -} -``` - -### Remember current light state -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support remembering their current state in case of power loss, or if a light -is manually switched off then on. Lights will remember their respective attributes -(i.e. brightness, color, saturation, etc.). -NOTE: This must be executed everytime you make changes to a light's attributes for it to then 'remember' it. -```js -{ - "osram_remember_state": true, // true, false (boolean) -} -``` - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/4058075047853.md b/devices/docs/devices/4058075047853.md deleted file mode 100644 index 239b1cfb..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/4058075047853.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "OSRAM 4058075047853 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your OSRAM 4058075047853 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/4058075047853.md)* - -# OSRAM 4058075047853 - -| Model | 4058075047853 | -| Vendor | OSRAM | -| Description | Smart+ gardenpole 4W RGBW | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy | -| Picture | ![OSRAM 4058075047853](./assets/devices/4058075047853.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Set default power on/off transition -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support setting a default transition when turning a light on and off. -```js -{ - "osram_set_transition": 0.1, //time in seconds (integer or float) -} -``` - -### Remember current light state -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support remembering their current state in case of power loss, or if a light -is manually switched off then on. Lights will remember their respective attributes -(i.e. brightness, color, saturation, etc.). -NOTE: This must be executed everytime you make changes to a light's attributes for it to then 'remember' it. -```js -{ - "osram_remember_state": true, // true, false (boolean) -} -``` - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/4058075816718.md b/devices/docs/devices/4058075816718.md deleted file mode 100644 index da12929f..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/4058075816718.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,57 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "OSRAM 4058075816718 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your OSRAM 4058075816718 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/4058075816718.md)* - -# OSRAM 4058075816718 - -| Model | 4058075816718 | -| Vendor | OSRAM | -| Description | SMART+ outdoor wall lantern RGBW | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy | -| Picture | ![OSRAM 4058075816718](./assets/devices/4058075816718.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Follow instruction from [Manual reset](http://belkin.force.com/Articles/articles/en_US/Troubleshooting_and_Tutorials/Resetting-the-OSRAM-LIGHTIFY-Tunable-White-60-Bulb#a). -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - - -### Set default power on/off transition -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support setting a default transition when turning a light on and off. -```js -{ - "osram_set_transition": 0.1, //time in seconds (integer or float) -} -``` - -### Remember current light state -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support remembering their current state in case of power loss, or if a light -is manually switched off then on. Lights will remember their respective attributes -(i.e. brightness, color, saturation, etc.). -NOTE: This must be executed everytime you make changes to a light's attributes for it to then 'remember' it. -```js -{ - "osram_remember_state": true, // true, false (boolean) -} -``` - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/4058075816732.md b/devices/docs/devices/4058075816732.md deleted file mode 100644 index 403a8d76..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/4058075816732.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "OSRAM 4058075816732 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your OSRAM 4058075816732 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/4058075816732.md)* - -# OSRAM 4058075816732 - -| Model | 4058075816732 | -| Vendor | OSRAM | -| Description | SMART+ outdoor lantern RGBW | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy | -| Picture | ![OSRAM 4058075816732](./assets/devices/4058075816732.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Set default power on/off transition -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support setting a default transition when turning a light on and off. -```js -{ - "osram_set_transition": 0.1, //time in seconds (integer or float) -} -``` - -### Remember current light state -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support remembering their current state in case of power loss, or if a light -is manually switched off then on. Lights will remember their respective attributes -(i.e. brightness, color, saturation, etc.). -NOTE: This must be executed everytime you make changes to a light's attributes for it to then 'remember' it. -```js -{ - "osram_remember_state": true, // true, false (boolean) -} -``` - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/4058075816794.md b/devices/docs/devices/4058075816794.md deleted file mode 100644 index d860c84d..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/4058075816794.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,57 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "OSRAM 4058075816794 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your OSRAM 4058075816794 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/4058075816794.md)* - -# OSRAM 4058075816794 - -| Model | 4058075816794 | -| Vendor | OSRAM | -| Description | Smart+ Ceiling TW | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature | -| Picture | ![OSRAM 4058075816794](./assets/devices/4058075816794.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Follow instruction from [Manual reset](http://belkin.force.com/Articles/articles/en_US/Troubleshooting_and_Tutorials/Resetting-the-OSRAM-LIGHTIFY-Tunable-White-60-Bulb#a). -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - - -### Set default power on/off transition -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support setting a default transition when turning a light on and off. -```js -{ - "osram_set_transition": 0.1, //time in seconds (integer or float) -} -``` - -### Remember current light state -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support remembering their current state in case of power loss, or if a light -is manually switched off then on. Lights will remember their respective attributes -(i.e. brightness, color, saturation, etc.). -NOTE: This must be executed everytime you make changes to a light's attributes for it to then 'remember' it. -```js -{ - "osram_remember_state": true, // true, false (boolean) -} -``` - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/4090130P7.md b/devices/docs/devices/4090130P7.md deleted file mode 100644 index 6e9d518a..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/4090130P7.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 4090130P7 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 4090130P7 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/4090130P7.md)* - -# Philips 4090130P7 - -| Model | 4090130P7 | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue Sana | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 4090130P7](./assets/devices/4090130P7.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/4090331P9.md b/devices/docs/devices/4090331P9.md deleted file mode 100644 index 8992f093..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/4090331P9.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 4090331P9 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 4090331P9 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/4090331P9.md)* - -# Philips 4090331P9 - -| Model | 4090331P9 | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue Ensis | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 4090331P9](./assets/devices/4090331P9.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/4090531P7.md b/devices/docs/devices/4090531P7.md deleted file mode 100644 index 80b92af0..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/4090531P7.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 4090531P7 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 4090531P7 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/4090531P7.md)* - -# Philips 4090531P7 - -| Model | 4090531P7 | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue Flourish white and color ambiance ceiling light | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 4090531P7](./assets/devices/4090531P7.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/4090631P7.md b/devices/docs/devices/4090631P7.md deleted file mode 100644 index 82c624ed..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/4090631P7.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 4090631P7 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 4090631P7 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/4090631P7.md)* - -# Philips 4090631P7 - -| Model | 4090631P7 | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue Flourish white and color ambiance pendant light | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 4090631P7](./assets/devices/4090631P7.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/4096730U7.md b/devices/docs/devices/4096730U7.md deleted file mode 100644 index f7dcdc6d..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/4096730U7.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 4096730U7 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 4096730U7 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/4096730U7.md)* - -# Philips 4096730U7 - -| Model | 4096730U7 | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue Cher ceiling light | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 4096730U7](./assets/devices/4096730U7.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/421786.md b/devices/docs/devices/421786.md deleted file mode 100644 index 902988e6..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/421786.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Calex 421786 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Calex 421786 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/421786.md)* - -# Calex 421786 - -| Model | 421786 | -| Vendor | Calex | -| Description | LED A60 Zigbee GLS-lamp | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![Calex 421786](./assets/devices/421786.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/421792.md b/devices/docs/devices/421792.md deleted file mode 100644 index 3bd1a26b..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/421792.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Calex 421792 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Calex 421792 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/421792.md)* - -# Calex 421792 - -| Model | 421792 | -| Vendor | Calex | -| Description | LED A60 Zigbee RGB lamp | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy | -| Picture | ![Calex 421792](./assets/devices/421792.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/4256251-RZHAC.md b/devices/docs/devices/4256251-RZHAC.md deleted file mode 100644 index 08aea663..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/4256251-RZHAC.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Centralite 4256251-RZHAC control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Centralite 4256251-RZHAC via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/4256251-RZHAC.md)* - -# Centralite 4256251-RZHAC - -| Model | 4256251-RZHAC | -| Vendor | Centralite | -| Description | White Swiss power outlet switch with power meter | -| Supports | switch and power meter | -| Picture | ![Centralite 4256251-RZHAC](./assets/devices/4256251-RZHAC.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/4257050-ZHAC.md b/devices/docs/devices/4257050-ZHAC.md deleted file mode 100644 index d1977e78..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/4257050-ZHAC.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Centralite 4257050-ZHAC control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Centralite 4257050-ZHAC via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/4257050-ZHAC.md)* - -# Centralite 4257050-ZHAC - -| Model | 4257050-ZHAC | -| Vendor | Centralite | -| Description | 3-Series smart dimming outlet | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, power measurement | -| Picture | ![Centralite 4257050-ZHAC](./assets/devices/4257050-ZHAC.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/433714.md b/devices/docs/devices/433714.md deleted file mode 100644 index e65a107b..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/433714.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 433714 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 433714 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/433714.md)* - -# Philips 433714 - -| Model | 433714 | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue Lux A19 bulb E27 | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 433714](./assets/devices/433714.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/44435.md b/devices/docs/devices/44435.md deleted file mode 100644 index ae9f664c..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/44435.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Müller Licht 44435 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Müller Licht 44435 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/44435.md)* - -# Müller Licht 44435 - -| Model | 44435 | -| Vendor | Müller Licht | -| Description | Tint LED Stripe, color, opal white | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy | -| Picture | ![Müller Licht 44435](./assets/devices/44435.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/4503848C5.md b/devices/docs/devices/4503848C5.md deleted file mode 100644 index 9f11a12d..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/4503848C5.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 4503848C5 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 4503848C5 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/4503848C5.md)* - -# Philips 4503848C5 - -| Model | 4503848C5 | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue White ambiance Muscari pendant light | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 4503848C5](./assets/devices/4503848C5.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/4512700.md b/devices/docs/devices/4512700.md deleted file mode 100644 index 7e5b7bf0..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/4512700.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Namron 4512700 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Namron 4512700 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/4512700.md)* - -# Namron 4512700 - -| Model | 4512700 | -| Vendor | Namron | -| Description | ZigBee dimmer 400W | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![Namron 4512700](./assets/devices/4512700.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/4512702.md b/devices/docs/devices/4512702.md deleted file mode 100644 index aa657660..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/4512702.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Namron 4512702 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Namron 4512702 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/4512702.md)* - -# Namron 4512702 - -| Model | 4512702 | -| Vendor | Namron | -| Description | Zigbee 1 channel switch K4 | -| Supports | action | -| Picture | ![Namron 4512702](./assets/devices/4512702.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/4512703.md b/devices/docs/devices/4512703.md deleted file mode 100644 index 80ed5e7f..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/4512703.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Namron 4512703 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Namron 4512703 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/4512703.md)* - -# Namron 4512703 - -| Model | 4512703 | -| Vendor | Namron | -| Description | Zigbee 4 channel switch K8 | -| Supports | action | -| Picture | ![Namron 4512703](./assets/devices/4512703.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/4512704.md b/devices/docs/devices/4512704.md deleted file mode 100644 index 3b2b7b43..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/4512704.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Namron 4512704 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Namron 4512704 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/4512704.md)* - -# Namron 4512704 - -| Model | 4512704 | -| Vendor | Namron | -| Description | Zigbee switch 400W | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![Namron 4512704](./assets/devices/4512704.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/45852GE.md b/devices/docs/devices/45852GE.md deleted file mode 100644 index 4e6c8054..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/45852GE.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "GE 45852GE control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your GE 45852GE via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/45852GE.md)* - -# GE 45852GE - -| Model | 45852GE | -| Vendor | GE | -| Description | ZigBee plug-in smart dimmer | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![GE 45852GE](./assets/devices/45852GE.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/45853GE.md b/devices/docs/devices/45853GE.md deleted file mode 100644 index ed7d537c..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/45853GE.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "GE 45853GE control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your GE 45853GE via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/45853GE.md)* - -# GE 45853GE - -| Model | 45853GE | -| Vendor | GE | -| Description | Plug-in smart switch | -| Supports | on/off, power measurement | -| Picture | ![GE 45853GE](./assets/devices/45853GE.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/45856GE.md b/devices/docs/devices/45856GE.md deleted file mode 100644 index 1b529ba7..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/45856GE.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "GE 45856GE control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your GE 45856GE via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/45856GE.md)* - -# GE 45856GE - -| Model | 45856GE | -| Vendor | GE | -| Description | In-wall smart switch | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![GE 45856GE](./assets/devices/45856GE.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/45857GE.md b/devices/docs/devices/45857GE.md deleted file mode 100644 index 01b14a5a..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/45857GE.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "GE 45857GE control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your GE 45857GE via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/45857GE.md)* - -# GE 45857GE - -| Model | 45857GE | -| Vendor | GE | -| Description | ZigBee in-wall smart dimmer | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![GE 45857GE](./assets/devices/45857GE.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/464800.md b/devices/docs/devices/464800.md deleted file mode 100644 index 8aa17ae4..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/464800.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 464800 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 464800 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/464800.md)* - -# Philips 464800 - -| Model | 464800 | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue white ambiance BR30 flood light | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 464800](./assets/devices/464800.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/4713407.md b/devices/docs/devices/4713407.md deleted file mode 100644 index a16f795f..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/4713407.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Airam 4713407 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Airam 4713407 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/4713407.md)* - -# Airam 4713407 - -| Model | 4713407 | -| Vendor | Airam | -| Description | LED OP A60 ZB 9W/827 E27 | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![Airam 4713407](./assets/devices/4713407.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -1. Turn bulb on. -2. Turn power off for 2 seconds. -3. Turn power on for 1 second. -4. Repeat turning off and turning on six times. -5. Bulb will flash and is now reset. - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/500.48.md b/devices/docs/devices/500.48.md deleted file mode 100644 index 0f103356..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/500.48.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Paulmann 500.48 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Paulmann 500.48 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/500.48.md)* - -# Paulmann 500.48 - -| Model | 500.48 | -| Vendor | Paulmann | -| Description | SmartHome Zigbee YourLED dim/switch controller max. 60 W | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![Paulmann 500.48](./assets/devices/500.48.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/50043.md b/devices/docs/devices/50043.md deleted file mode 100644 index c18c62e6..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/50043.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Paulmann 50043 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Paulmann 50043 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/50043.md)* - -# Paulmann 50043 - -| Model | 50043 | -| Vendor | Paulmann | -| Description | SmartHome Zigbee Cephei Switch Controller | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![Paulmann 50043](./assets/devices/50043.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/50044_50045.md b/devices/docs/devices/50044_50045.md deleted file mode 100644 index 376d5dda..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/50044_50045.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Paulmann 50044/50045 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Paulmann 50044/50045 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/50044_50045.md)* - -# Paulmann 50044/50045 - -| Model | 50044/50045 | -| Vendor | Paulmann | -| Description | SmartHome Zigbee Dimmer or LED-stripe | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![Paulmann 50044/50045](./assets/devices/50044-50045.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/50049.md b/devices/docs/devices/50049.md deleted file mode 100644 index 9778346e..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/50049.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Paulmann 50049 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Paulmann 50049 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/50049.md)* - -# Paulmann 50049 - -| Model | 50049 | -| Vendor | Paulmann | -| Description | SmartHome Yourled RGB Controller | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy | -| Picture | ![Paulmann 50049](./assets/devices/50049.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/50064.md b/devices/docs/devices/50064.md deleted file mode 100644 index 853d9c90..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/50064.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Paulmann 50064 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Paulmann 50064 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/50064.md)* - -# Paulmann 50064 - -| Model | 50064 | -| Vendor | Paulmann | -| Description | SmartHome led spot | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature | -| Picture | ![Paulmann 50064](./assets/devices/50064.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/511.012.md b/devices/docs/devices/511.012.md deleted file mode 100644 index 3f2f5cca..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/511.012.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Iluminize 511.012 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Iluminize 511.012 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/511.012.md)* - -# Iluminize 511.012 - -| Model | 511.012 | -| Vendor | Iluminize | -| Description | Zigbee LED-Controller | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![Iluminize 511.012](./assets/devices/511.012.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/511.10.md b/devices/docs/devices/511.10.md deleted file mode 100644 index 2907f613..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/511.10.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Iluminize 511.10 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Iluminize 511.10 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/511.10.md)* - -# Iluminize 511.10 - -| Model | 511.10 | -| Vendor | Iluminize | -| Description | Zigbee LED-Controller | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![Iluminize 511.10](./assets/devices/511.10.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/511.201.md b/devices/docs/devices/511.201.md deleted file mode 100644 index 9717ac42..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/511.201.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Iluminize 511.201 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Iluminize 511.201 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/511.201.md)* - -# Iluminize 511.201 - -| Model | 511.201 | -| Vendor | Iluminize | -| Description | ZigBee 3.0 Dimm-Aktor mini 1x 230V | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![Iluminize 511.201](./assets/devices/511.201.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/511.202.md b/devices/docs/devices/511.202.md deleted file mode 100644 index ba2f1d6e..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/511.202.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Iluminize 511.202 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Iluminize 511.202 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/511.202.md)* - -# Iluminize 511.202 - -| Model | 511.202 | -| Vendor | Iluminize | -| Description | Zigbee 3.0 Schalt-Aktor mini 1x230V, 200W/400W | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![Iluminize 511.202](./assets/devices/511.202.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/53170161.md b/devices/docs/devices/53170161.md deleted file mode 100644 index 607ea533..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/53170161.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Commercial Electric 53170161 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Commercial Electric 53170161 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/53170161.md)* - -# Commercial Electric 53170161 - -| Model | 53170161 | -| Vendor | Commercial Electric | -| Description | Matte White Recessed Retrofit Smart Led Downlight - 4 Inch | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature | -| Picture | ![Commercial Electric 53170161](./assets/devices/53170161.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/54668161.md b/devices/docs/devices/54668161.md deleted file mode 100644 index 1ad1ce64..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/54668161.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Hampton Bay 54668161 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Hampton Bay 54668161 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/54668161.md)* - -# Hampton Bay 54668161 - -| Model | 54668161 | -| Vendor | Hampton Bay | -| Description | 12 in. LED smart puff | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature | -| Picture | ![Hampton Bay 54668161](./assets/devices/54668161.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/548727.md b/devices/docs/devices/548727.md deleted file mode 100644 index b40ea11b..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/548727.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 548727 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 548727 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/548727.md)* - -# Philips 548727 - -| Model | 548727 | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue White and Color Ambiance BR30 with bluetooth | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 548727](./assets/devices/548727.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/5900131C5.md b/devices/docs/devices/5900131C5.md deleted file mode 100644 index c86cca01..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/5900131C5.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 5900131C5 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 5900131C5 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/5900131C5.md)* - -# Philips 5900131C5 - -| Model | 5900131C5 | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue Aphelion downlight | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 5900131C5](./assets/devices/5900131C5.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/595UGR22.md b/devices/docs/devices/595UGR22.md deleted file mode 100644 index 0b796c8f..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/595UGR22.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "OSRAM 595UGR22 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your OSRAM 595UGR22 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/595UGR22.md)* - -# OSRAM 595UGR22 - -| Model | 595UGR22 | -| Vendor | OSRAM | -| Description | OSRAM LED panel TW 595 UGR22 | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature | -| Picture | ![OSRAM 595UGR22](./assets/devices/595UGR22.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Set default power on/off transition -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support setting a default transition when turning a light on and off. -```js -{ - "osram_set_transition": 0.1, //time in seconds (integer or float) -} -``` - -### Remember current light state -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support remembering their current state in case of power loss, or if a light -is manually switched off then on. Lights will remember their respective attributes -(i.e. brightness, color, saturation, etc.). -NOTE: This must be executed everytime you make changes to a light's attributes for it to then 'remember' it. -```js -{ - "osram_remember_state": true, // true, false (boolean) -} -``` - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/66492-001.md b/devices/docs/devices/66492-001.md deleted file mode 100644 index b4c44624..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/66492-001.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Kwikset 66492-001 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Kwikset 66492-001 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/66492-001.md)* - -# Kwikset 66492-001 - -| Model | 66492-001 | -| Vendor | Kwikset | -| Description | Home connect smart lock conversion kit | -| Supports | lock/unlock, battery | -| Picture | ![Kwikset 66492-001](./assets/devices/66492-001.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/6717-84.md b/devices/docs/devices/6717-84.md deleted file mode 100644 index 912c9b4f..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/6717-84.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Busch-Jaeger 6717-84 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Busch-Jaeger 6717-84 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/6717-84.md)* - -# Busch-Jaeger 6717-84 - -| Model | 6717-84 | -| Vendor | Busch-Jaeger | -| Description | Adaptor plug | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![Busch-Jaeger 6717-84](./assets/devices/6717-84.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/67200BL.md b/devices/docs/devices/67200BL.md deleted file mode 100644 index ccbaf589..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/67200BL.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Anchor 67200BL control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Anchor 67200BL via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/67200BL.md)* - -# Anchor 67200BL - -| Model | 67200BL | -| Vendor | Anchor | -| Description | Vetaar smart plug | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![Anchor 67200BL](./assets/devices/67200BL.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/6735_6736_6737.md b/devices/docs/devices/6735_6736_6737.md deleted file mode 100644 index f35a8153..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/6735_6736_6737.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Busch-Jaeger 6735/6736/6737 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Busch-Jaeger 6735/6736/6737 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/6735_6736_6737.md)* - -# Busch-Jaeger 6735/6736/6737 - -| Model | 6735/6736/6737 | -| Vendor | Busch-Jaeger | -| Description | Zigbee Light Link power supply/relay/dimmer | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![Busch-Jaeger 6735/6736/6737](./assets/devices/6735-6736-6737.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/6ARCZABZH.md b/devices/docs/devices/6ARCZABZH.md deleted file mode 100644 index fb1814ae..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/6ARCZABZH.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Leedarson 6ARCZABZH control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Leedarson 6ARCZABZH via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/6ARCZABZH.md)* - -# Leedarson 6ARCZABZH - -| Model | 6ARCZABZH | -| Vendor | Leedarson | -| Description | 4-Key Remote Controller | -| Supports | on/off, brightness up/down and click/hold/release, cct | -| Picture | ![Leedarson 6ARCZABZH](./assets/devices/6ARCZABZH.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/7099860PH.md b/devices/docs/devices/7099860PH.md deleted file mode 100644 index c979b783..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/7099860PH.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 7099860PH control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 7099860PH via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/7099860PH.md)* - -# Philips 7099860PH - -| Model | 7099860PH | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | LivingColors Aura | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color xy, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 7099860PH](./assets/devices/7099860PH.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/7099930PH.md b/devices/docs/devices/7099930PH.md deleted file mode 100644 index abafa4da..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/7099930PH.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 7099930PH control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 7099930PH via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/7099930PH.md)* - -# Philips 7099930PH - -| Model | 7099930PH | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue Iris (Generation 2) | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color xy, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 7099930PH](./assets/devices/7099930PH.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/7146060PH.md b/devices/docs/devices/7146060PH.md deleted file mode 100644 index 3bb57342..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/7146060PH.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,86 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 7146060PH control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 7146060PH via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/7146060PH.md)* - -# Philips 7146060PH - -| Model | 7146060PH | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue Go | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 7146060PH](./assets/devices/7146060PH.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -For the 7146060PH (Philips Hue Go), **the power cord has to be connected**, -after the blinking light (**INSTEAD** of step four in the video), -press and keep holding the button on the bottom until the device is paired (+- 60 seconds). -While holding the button the Hue Go will give you a nice light show :smile:. - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/71831.md b/devices/docs/devices/71831.md deleted file mode 100644 index 5bb1fa71..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/71831.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Sylvania 71831 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Sylvania 71831 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/71831.md)* - -# Sylvania 71831 - -| Model | 71831 | -| Vendor | Sylvania | -| Description | Smart Home adjustable white A19 LED bulb | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature | -| Picture | ![Sylvania 71831](./assets/devices/71831.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Set default power on/off transition -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support setting a default transition when turning a light on and off. -```js -{ - "osram_set_transition": 0.1, //time in seconds (integer or float) -} -``` - -### Remember current light state -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support remembering their current state in case of power loss, or if a light -is manually switched off then on. Lights will remember their respective attributes -(i.e. brightness, color, saturation, etc.). -NOTE: This must be executed everytime you make changes to a light's attributes for it to then 'remember' it. -```js -{ - "osram_remember_state": true, // true, false (boolean) -} -``` - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/7199960PH.md b/devices/docs/devices/7199960PH.md deleted file mode 100644 index 9dd7c72f..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/7199960PH.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,99 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 7199960PH control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 7199960PH via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/7199960PH.md)* - -# Philips 7199960PH - -| Model | 7199960PH | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue Iris | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color xy, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 7199960PH](./assets/devices/7199960PH.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Philips LivingColors IRIS and Philips LivingColors Bloom Devices that comes with -Philips (HUE) Remote Gen 2 (Touch Wheel) or Gen 3 (Round Click Wheel) can be paired via Zigbee. -Devices with Gen 1 Remote don't use Zigbee and can not be paired. -The Philips LivingColors Remote can not be paired via Zigbee because it only support ZigBee Light Link (ZLL). - -To Pair hold Button ON and Bottom Left Key (Favorite 1) on the Remote in Front of the Device until -the Device Light blinks and lights Orange. If connection was succesfull the Device Light will light Green. - -**WARNING**: If you pair your Device to a Zigbee Network which is not using a ZLL Channel -you can't reset the Device with the Philips LivingColors Remote Gen 3. -The Gen 3 Remote will only try ZLL Channels to find the Device! Maybe it's possible to reset -the Device with a Philips LivingColors Remote Gen 2 as it should try all Zigbee Channels to find the Device. - -[Philips LivingColors Bloom Manual](https://www.download.p4c.philips.com/files/7/7099760pu/7099760pu_dfu_eng.pdf) - -[Philips LivingColors Iris Manual](https://www.download.p4c.philips.com/files/7/7099930ph/7099930ph_dfu_eng.pdf) - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/72567.md b/devices/docs/devices/72567.md deleted file mode 100644 index 0a73c657..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/72567.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Sylvania 72567 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Sylvania 72567 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/72567.md)* - -# Sylvania 72567 - -| Model | 72567 | -| Vendor | Sylvania | -| Description | SMART+ Zigbee adjustable white edge-lit flush mount light | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature | -| Picture | ![Sylvania 72567](./assets/devices/72567.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Set default power on/off transition -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support setting a default transition when turning a light on and off. -```js -{ - "osram_set_transition": 0.1, //time in seconds (integer or float) -} -``` - -### Remember current light state -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support remembering their current state in case of power loss, or if a light -is manually switched off then on. Lights will remember their respective attributes -(i.e. brightness, color, saturation, etc.). -NOTE: This must be executed everytime you make changes to a light's attributes for it to then 'remember' it. -```js -{ - "osram_remember_state": true, // true, false (boolean) -} -``` - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/72569.md b/devices/docs/devices/72569.md deleted file mode 100644 index e9dd259c..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/72569.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Sylvania 72569 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Sylvania 72569 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/72569.md)* - -# Sylvania 72569 - -| Model | 72569 | -| Vendor | Sylvania | -| Description | SMART+ Zigbee adjustable white edge-lit under cabinet light | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature | -| Picture | ![Sylvania 72569](./assets/devices/72569.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Set default power on/off transition -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support setting a default transition when turning a light on and off. -```js -{ - "osram_set_transition": 0.1, //time in seconds (integer or float) -} -``` - -### Remember current light state -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support remembering their current state in case of power loss, or if a light -is manually switched off then on. Lights will remember their respective attributes -(i.e. brightness, color, saturation, etc.). -NOTE: This must be executed everytime you make changes to a light's attributes for it to then 'remember' it. -```js -{ - "osram_remember_state": true, // true, false (boolean) -} -``` - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/72922-A.md b/devices/docs/devices/72922-A.md deleted file mode 100644 index fc05329e..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/72922-A.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Sylvania 72922-A control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Sylvania 72922-A via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/72922-A.md)* - -# Sylvania 72922-A - -| Model | 72922-A | -| Vendor | Sylvania | -| Description | SMART+ Smart Plug | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![Sylvania 72922-A](./assets/devices/72922-A.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/7299355PH.md b/devices/docs/devices/7299355PH.md deleted file mode 100644 index 0945ec31..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/7299355PH.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 7299355PH control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 7299355PH via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/7299355PH.md)* - -# Philips 7299355PH - -| Model | 7299355PH | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue white and color ambiance LightStrip | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color xy, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 7299355PH](./assets/devices/7299355PH.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/7299760PH.md b/devices/docs/devices/7299760PH.md deleted file mode 100644 index abd8f1c9..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/7299760PH.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,99 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 7299760PH control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 7299760PH via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/7299760PH.md)* - -# Philips 7299760PH - -| Model | 7299760PH | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue Bloom | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color xy, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 7299760PH](./assets/devices/7299760PH.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Philips LivingColors IRIS and Philips LivingColors Bloom Devices that comes with -Philips (HUE) Remote Gen 2 (Touch Wheel) or Gen 3 (Round Click Wheel) can be paired via Zigbee. -Devices with Gen 1 Remote don't use Zigbee and can not be paired. -The Philips LivingColors Remote can not be paired via Zigbee because it only support ZigBee Light Link (ZLL). - -To Pair hold Button ON and Bottom Left Key (Favorite 1) on the Remote in Front of the Device until -the Device Light blinks and lights Orange. If connection was succesfull the Device Light will light Green. - -**WARNING**: If you pair your Device to a Zigbee Network which is not using a ZLL Channel -you can't reset the Device with the Philips LivingColors Remote Gen 3. -The Gen 3 Remote will only try ZLL Channels to find the Device! Maybe it's possible to reset -the Device with a Philips LivingColors Remote Gen 2 as it should try all Zigbee Channels to find the Device. - -[Philips LivingColors Bloom Manual](https://www.download.p4c.philips.com/files/7/7099760pu/7099760pu_dfu_eng.pdf) - -[Philips LivingColors Iris Manual](https://www.download.p4c.philips.com/files/7/7099930ph/7099930ph_dfu_eng.pdf) - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/73693.md b/devices/docs/devices/73693.md deleted file mode 100644 index 3b068ddf..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/73693.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Sylvania 73693 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Sylvania 73693 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/73693.md)* - -# Sylvania 73693 - -| Model | 73693 | -| Vendor | Sylvania | -| Description | LIGHTIFY LED RGBW A19 | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy | -| Picture | ![Sylvania 73693](./assets/devices/73693.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Set default power on/off transition -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support setting a default transition when turning a light on and off. -```js -{ - "osram_set_transition": 0.1, //time in seconds (integer or float) -} -``` - -### Remember current light state -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support remembering their current state in case of power loss, or if a light -is manually switched off then on. Lights will remember their respective attributes -(i.e. brightness, color, saturation, etc.). -NOTE: This must be executed everytime you make changes to a light's attributes for it to then 'remember' it. -```js -{ - "osram_remember_state": true, // true, false (boolean) -} -``` - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/73739.md b/devices/docs/devices/73739.md deleted file mode 100644 index 1e16819b..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/73739.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Sylvania 73739 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Sylvania 73739 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/73739.md)* - -# Sylvania 73739 - -| Model | 73739 | -| Vendor | Sylvania | -| Description | LIGHTIFY LED RGBW BR30 | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy | -| Picture | ![Sylvania 73739](./assets/devices/73739.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Set default power on/off transition -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support setting a default transition when turning a light on and off. -```js -{ - "osram_set_transition": 0.1, //time in seconds (integer or float) -} -``` - -### Remember current light state -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support remembering their current state in case of power loss, or if a light -is manually switched off then on. Lights will remember their respective attributes -(i.e. brightness, color, saturation, etc.). -NOTE: This must be executed everytime you make changes to a light's attributes for it to then 'remember' it. -```js -{ - "osram_remember_state": true, // true, false (boolean) -} -``` - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/73740.md b/devices/docs/devices/73740.md deleted file mode 100644 index 71f43e42..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/73740.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Sylvania 73740 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Sylvania 73740 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/73740.md)* - -# Sylvania 73740 - -| Model | 73740 | -| Vendor | Sylvania | -| Description | LIGHTIFY LED adjustable white BR30 | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature | -| Picture | ![Sylvania 73740](./assets/devices/73740.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Set default power on/off transition -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support setting a default transition when turning a light on and off. -```js -{ - "osram_set_transition": 0.1, //time in seconds (integer or float) -} -``` - -### Remember current light state -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support remembering their current state in case of power loss, or if a light -is manually switched off then on. Lights will remember their respective attributes -(i.e. brightness, color, saturation, etc.). -NOTE: This must be executed everytime you make changes to a light's attributes for it to then 'remember' it. -```js -{ - "osram_remember_state": true, // true, false (boolean) -} -``` - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/73741.md b/devices/docs/devices/73741.md deleted file mode 100644 index ff304fdb..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/73741.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Sylvania 73741 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Sylvania 73741 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/73741.md)* - -# Sylvania 73741 - -| Model | 73741 | -| Vendor | Sylvania | -| Description | LIGHTIFY LED adjustable color RT 5/6 | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy | -| Picture | ![Sylvania 73741](./assets/devices/73741.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Set default power on/off transition -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support setting a default transition when turning a light on and off. -```js -{ - "osram_set_transition": 0.1, //time in seconds (integer or float) -} -``` - -### Remember current light state -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support remembering their current state in case of power loss, or if a light -is manually switched off then on. Lights will remember their respective attributes -(i.e. brightness, color, saturation, etc.). -NOTE: This must be executed everytime you make changes to a light's attributes for it to then 'remember' it. -```js -{ - "osram_remember_state": true, // true, false (boolean) -} -``` - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/73742.md b/devices/docs/devices/73742.md deleted file mode 100644 index 02b89085..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/73742.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Sylvania 73742 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Sylvania 73742 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/73742.md)* - -# Sylvania 73742 - -| Model | 73742 | -| Vendor | Sylvania | -| Description | LIGHTIFY LED adjustable white RT 5/6 | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature | -| Picture | ![Sylvania 73742](./assets/devices/73742.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Set default power on/off transition -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support setting a default transition when turning a light on and off. -```js -{ - "osram_set_transition": 0.1, //time in seconds (integer or float) -} -``` - -### Remember current light state -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support remembering their current state in case of power loss, or if a light -is manually switched off then on. Lights will remember their respective attributes -(i.e. brightness, color, saturation, etc.). -NOTE: This must be executed everytime you make changes to a light's attributes for it to then 'remember' it. -```js -{ - "osram_remember_state": true, // true, false (boolean) -} -``` - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/73743.md b/devices/docs/devices/73743.md deleted file mode 100644 index 88c567a6..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/73743.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Sylvania 73743 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Sylvania 73743 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/73743.md)* - -# Sylvania 73743 - -| Model | 73743 | -| Vendor | Sylvania | -| Description | Lightify Smart Dimming Switch | -| Supports | up, down and hold/release | -| Picture | ![Sylvania 73743](./assets/devices/73743.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/74282.md b/devices/docs/devices/74282.md deleted file mode 100644 index 12e99659..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/74282.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Sylvania 74282 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Sylvania 74282 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/74282.md)* - -# Sylvania 74282 - -| Model | 74282 | -| Vendor | Sylvania | -| Description | Smart Home adjustable white MR16 LED bulb | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature | -| Picture | ![Sylvania 74282](./assets/devices/74282.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Set default power on/off transition -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support setting a default transition when turning a light on and off. -```js -{ - "osram_set_transition": 0.1, //time in seconds (integer or float) -} -``` - -### Remember current light state -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support remembering their current state in case of power loss, or if a light -is manually switched off then on. Lights will remember their respective attributes -(i.e. brightness, color, saturation, etc.). -NOTE: This must be executed everytime you make changes to a light's attributes for it to then 'remember' it. -```js -{ - "osram_remember_state": true, // true, false (boolean) -} -``` - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/74283.md b/devices/docs/devices/74283.md deleted file mode 100644 index 3788d962..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/74283.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Sylvania 74283 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Sylvania 74283 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/74283.md)* - -# Sylvania 74283 - -| Model | 74283 | -| Vendor | Sylvania | -| Description | LIGHTIFY LED soft white dimmable A19 | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![Sylvania 74283](./assets/devices/74283.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Set default power on/off transition -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support setting a default transition when turning a light on and off. -```js -{ - "osram_set_transition": 0.1, //time in seconds (integer or float) -} -``` - -### Remember current light state -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support remembering their current state in case of power loss, or if a light -is manually switched off then on. Lights will remember their respective attributes -(i.e. brightness, color, saturation, etc.). -NOTE: This must be executed everytime you make changes to a light's attributes for it to then 'remember' it. -```js -{ - "osram_remember_state": true, // true, false (boolean) -} -``` - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/74580.md b/devices/docs/devices/74580.md deleted file mode 100644 index df9b812f..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/74580.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Sylvania 74580 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Sylvania 74580 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/74580.md)* - -# Sylvania 74580 - -| Model | 74580 | -| Vendor | Sylvania | -| Description | Smart Home soft white PAR38 outdoor bulb | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![Sylvania 74580](./assets/devices/74580.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Set default power on/off transition -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support setting a default transition when turning a light on and off. -```js -{ - "osram_set_transition": 0.1, //time in seconds (integer or float) -} -``` - -### Remember current light state -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support remembering their current state in case of power loss, or if a light -is manually switched off then on. Lights will remember their respective attributes -(i.e. brightness, color, saturation, etc.). -NOTE: This must be executed everytime you make changes to a light's attributes for it to then 'remember' it. -```js -{ - "osram_remember_state": true, // true, false (boolean) -} -``` - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/74696.md b/devices/docs/devices/74696.md deleted file mode 100644 index 5737e115..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/74696.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Sylvania 74696 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Sylvania 74696 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/74696.md)* - -# Sylvania 74696 - -| Model | 74696 | -| Vendor | Sylvania | -| Description | LIGHTIFY LED soft white dimmable A19 | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![Sylvania 74696](./assets/devices/74696.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Set default power on/off transition -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support setting a default transition when turning a light on and off. -```js -{ - "osram_set_transition": 0.1, //time in seconds (integer or float) -} -``` - -### Remember current light state -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support remembering their current state in case of power loss, or if a light -is manually switched off then on. Lights will remember their respective attributes -(i.e. brightness, color, saturation, etc.). -NOTE: This must be executed everytime you make changes to a light's attributes for it to then 'remember' it. -```js -{ - "osram_remember_state": true, // true, false (boolean) -} -``` - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/7602031P7.md b/devices/docs/devices/7602031P7.md deleted file mode 100644 index 7cfe82d1..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/7602031P7.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 7602031P7 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 7602031P7 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/7602031P7.md)* - -# Philips 7602031P7 - -| Model | 7602031P7 | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue Go with Bluetooth | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 7602031P7](./assets/devices/7602031P7.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/798.09.md b/devices/docs/devices/798.09.md deleted file mode 100644 index 3715e43a..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/798.09.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Paulmann 798.09 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Paulmann 798.09 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/798.09.md)* - -# Paulmann 798.09 - -| Model | 798.09 | -| Vendor | Paulmann | -| Description | LED panel Amaris 595x595mm 35W matt white | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy | -| Picture | ![Paulmann 798.09](./assets/devices/798.09.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/798.15.md b/devices/docs/devices/798.15.md deleted file mode 100644 index 5d46e04c..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/798.15.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Paulmann 798.15 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Paulmann 798.15 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/798.15.md)* - -# Paulmann 798.15 - -| Model | 798.15 | -| Vendor | Paulmann | -| Description | SmartHome Zigbee Pendulum Light Aptare | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![Paulmann 798.15](./assets/devices/798.15.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/81809.md b/devices/docs/devices/81809.md deleted file mode 100644 index 72bbcc51..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/81809.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "AduroSmart 81809 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your AduroSmart 81809 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/81809.md)* - -# AduroSmart 81809 - -| Model | 81809 | -| Vendor | AduroSmart | -| Description | ERIA colors and white shades smart light bulb A19 | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy | -| Picture | ![AduroSmart 81809](./assets/devices/81809.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/81825.md b/devices/docs/devices/81825.md deleted file mode 100644 index 3b9d0213..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/81825.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "AduroSmart 81825 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your AduroSmart 81825 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/81825.md)* - -# AduroSmart 81825 - -| Model | 81825 | -| Vendor | AduroSmart | -| Description | ERIA smart wireless dimming switch | -| Supports | on, off, up, down | -| Picture | ![AduroSmart 81825](./assets/devices/81825.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/8195-55.md b/devices/docs/devices/8195-55.md deleted file mode 100644 index 1f068032..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/8195-55.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Paul Neuhaus 8195-55 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Paul Neuhaus 8195-55 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/8195-55.md)* - -# Paul Neuhaus 8195-55 - -| Model | 8195-55 | -| Vendor | Paul Neuhaus | -| Description | Q-Inigo ceiling light, Smart-Home | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature | -| Picture | ![Paul Neuhaus 8195-55](./assets/devices/8195-55.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/8718696167991.md b/devices/docs/devices/8718696167991.md deleted file mode 100644 index 51a20abd..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/8718696167991.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 8718696167991 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 8718696167991 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/8718696167991.md)* - -# Philips 8718696167991 - -| Model | 8718696167991 | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue Calla outdoor | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 8718696167991](./assets/devices/8718696167991.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/8718696170625.md b/devices/docs/devices/8718696170625.md deleted file mode 100644 index 717e1f9f..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/8718696170625.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 8718696170625 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 8718696170625 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/8718696170625.md)* - -# Philips 8718696170625 - -| Model | 8718696170625 | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue Fuzo outdoor wall light | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 8718696170625](./assets/devices/8718696170625.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/8718696449691.md b/devices/docs/devices/8718696449691.md deleted file mode 100644 index b5c87f83..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/8718696449691.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 8718696449691 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 8718696449691 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/8718696449691.md)* - -# Philips 8718696449691 - -| Model | 8718696449691 | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue White Single bulb B22 | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 8718696449691](./assets/devices/8718696449691.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/8718696485880.md b/devices/docs/devices/8718696485880.md deleted file mode 100644 index d0aa126d..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/8718696485880.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 8718696485880 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 8718696485880 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/8718696485880.md)* - -# Philips 8718696485880 - -| Model | 8718696485880 | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue white and color ambiance GU10 | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 8718696485880](./assets/devices/8718696485880.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/8718696548738.md b/devices/docs/devices/8718696548738.md deleted file mode 100644 index d0677816..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/8718696548738.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 8718696548738 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 8718696548738 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/8718696548738.md)* - -# Philips 8718696548738 - -| Model | 8718696548738 | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue white ambiance E26/E27 | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 8718696548738](./assets/devices/8718696548738.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/8718696598283.md b/devices/docs/devices/8718696598283.md deleted file mode 100644 index 7cbd8999..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/8718696598283.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 8718696598283 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 8718696598283 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/8718696598283.md)* - -# Philips 8718696598283 - -| Model | 8718696598283 | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue white ambiance GU10 | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 8718696598283](./assets/devices/8718696598283.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/8718696695203.md b/devices/docs/devices/8718696695203.md deleted file mode 100644 index 87cde9f4..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/8718696695203.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 8718696695203 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 8718696695203 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/8718696695203.md)* - -# Philips 8718696695203 - -| Model | 8718696695203 | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue white ambiance E14 | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 8718696695203](./assets/devices/8718696695203.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/8718699673147.md b/devices/docs/devices/8718699673147.md deleted file mode 100644 index 3a97672c..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/8718699673147.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 8718699673147 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 8718699673147 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/8718699673147.md)* - -# Philips 8718699673147 - -| Model | 8718699673147 | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue white A60 bulb E27 bluetooth | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 8718699673147](./assets/devices/8718699673147.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/8718699688820.md b/devices/docs/devices/8718699688820.md deleted file mode 100644 index de396c0a..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/8718699688820.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 8718699688820 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 8718699688820 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/8718699688820.md)* - -# Philips 8718699688820 - -| Model | 8718699688820 | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue Filament Standard A60/E27 bluetooth | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 8718699688820](./assets/devices/8718699688820.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/8718699688882.md b/devices/docs/devices/8718699688882.md deleted file mode 100644 index ca1427ce..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/8718699688882.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 8718699688882 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 8718699688882 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/8718699688882.md)* - -# Philips 8718699688882 - -| Model | 8718699688882 | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue white Filament bulb G93 E27 bluetooth | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 8718699688882](./assets/devices/8718699688882.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/8718699693985.md b/devices/docs/devices/8718699693985.md deleted file mode 100644 index f76cb7c5..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/8718699693985.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 8718699693985 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 8718699693985 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/8718699693985.md)* - -# Philips 8718699693985 - -| Model | 8718699693985 | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue smart button | -| Supports | action | -| Picture | ![Philips 8718699693985](./assets/devices/8718699693985.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/900008-WW.md b/devices/docs/devices/900008-WW.md deleted file mode 100644 index 14c49415..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/900008-WW.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "ilux 900008-WW control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your ilux 900008-WW via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/900008-WW.md)* - -# ilux 900008-WW - -| Model | 900008-WW | -| Vendor | ilux | -| Description | Dimmable A60 E27 LED Bulb | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![ilux 900008-WW](./assets/devices/900008-WW.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/902010_24.md b/devices/docs/devices/902010_24.md deleted file mode 100644 index a288e525..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/902010_24.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Bitron 902010/24 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Bitron 902010/24 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/902010_24.md)* - -# Bitron 902010/24 - -| Model | 902010/24 | -| Vendor | Bitron | -| Description | Optical smoke detector (hardware version v1) | -| Supports | smoke, tamper and battery | -| Picture | ![Bitron 902010/24](./assets/devices/902010-24.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/915005106701.md b/devices/docs/devices/915005106701.md deleted file mode 100644 index 3f9fe2a1..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/915005106701.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 915005106701 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 915005106701 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/915005106701.md)* - -# Philips 915005106701 - -| Model | 915005106701 | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue white and color ambiance LightStrip plus | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 915005106701](./assets/devices/915005106701.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/915005587401.md b/devices/docs/devices/915005587401.md deleted file mode 100644 index b9821f6a..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/915005587401.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 915005587401 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 915005587401 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/915005587401.md)* - -# Philips 915005587401 - -| Model | 915005587401 | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue white ambiance Adore light | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 915005587401](./assets/devices/915005587401.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/915005733701.md b/devices/docs/devices/915005733701.md deleted file mode 100644 index 2e668025..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/915005733701.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 915005733701 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 915005733701 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/915005733701.md)* - -# Philips 915005733701 - -| Model | 915005733701 | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue White and color ambiance Play Lightbar | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 915005733701](./assets/devices/915005733701.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/9290002579A.md b/devices/docs/devices/9290002579A.md deleted file mode 100644 index 4fe2867a..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/9290002579A.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 9290002579A control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 9290002579A via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/9290002579A.md)* - -# Philips 9290002579A - -| Model | 9290002579A | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue white and color ambiance BR30 | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 9290002579A](./assets/devices/9290002579A.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/9290011370.md b/devices/docs/devices/9290011370.md deleted file mode 100644 index c777c8d3..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/9290011370.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 9290011370 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 9290011370 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/9290011370.md)* - -# Philips 9290011370 - -| Model | 9290011370 | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue white A60 bulb E27 | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 9290011370](./assets/devices/9290011370.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/9290011370B.md b/devices/docs/devices/9290011370B.md deleted file mode 100644 index d268d7a6..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/9290011370B.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 9290011370B control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 9290011370B via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/9290011370B.md)* - -# Philips 9290011370B - -| Model | 9290011370B | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue white A60 bulb E27 | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 9290011370B](./assets/devices/9290011370B.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/9290011998B.md b/devices/docs/devices/9290011998B.md deleted file mode 100644 index c257c4c2..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/9290011998B.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 9290011998B control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 9290011998B via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/9290011998B.md)* - -# Philips 9290011998B - -| Model | 9290011998B | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue white ambiance E26 | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 9290011998B](./assets/devices/9290011998B.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/9290012573A.md b/devices/docs/devices/9290012573A.md deleted file mode 100644 index c4739503..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/9290012573A.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 9290012573A control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 9290012573A via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/9290012573A.md)* - -# Philips 9290012573A - -| Model | 9290012573A | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue white and color ambiance E26/E27/E14 | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 9290012573A](./assets/devices/9290012573A.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/9290012607.md b/devices/docs/devices/9290012607.md deleted file mode 100644 index 21f18b0f..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/9290012607.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,61 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 9290012607 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 9290012607 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/9290012607.md)* - -# Philips 9290012607 - -| Model | 9290012607 | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue motion sensor | -| Supports | occupancy, temperature, illuminance | -| Picture | ![Philips 9290012607](./assets/devices/9290012607.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Press and hold the setup button on the rear of the device for +- 10 seconds (until the green light goes solid) -to initiate pairing. Please note that the pairing indicator light is below the main sensor -(as oppose to the obvious indicator above the main sensor). - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `illuminance_calibration`: Allows to manually calibrate illuminance values, -e.g. `95` would take 95% to the illuminance reported by the device; default `100`. - - -* `temperature_precision`: Controls the precision of `temperature` values, -e.g. `0`, `1` or `2`; default `2`. -* `temperature_calibration`: Allows to manually calibrate temperature values, -e.g. `1` would add 1 degree to the temperature reported by the device; default `0`. - - -### Motion sensitivity -The motion sensitivity can be changed by publishing to `zigbee2mqtt/[FRIENDLY_NAME]/set` -`{"motion_sensitivity": "SENSITIVITY"}` where `SENSITVITIY` is one of the following -values: `low`, `medium`, `high` (default). - -### Occupany timeout -Sets the sensors timeout between last motion detected and sensor reports occupance false -```js -{ - // Value >= 0, - // 0 - 10: 10sec (min possible timeout) - // > 10: timeout in sec - // (must be written to (default) endpoint 2) - "occupancy_timeout": 0, -} -``` - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/9290018187B.md b/devices/docs/devices/9290018187B.md deleted file mode 100644 index 31ecc1c4..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/9290018187B.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 9290018187B control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 9290018187B via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/9290018187B.md)* - -# Philips 9290018187B - -| Model | 9290018187B | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue white and color ambiance LightStrip Outdoor | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 9290018187B](./assets/devices/9290018187B.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/9290018195.md b/devices/docs/devices/9290018195.md deleted file mode 100644 index b4087fc5..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/9290018195.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 9290018195 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 9290018195 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/9290018195.md)* - -# Philips 9290018195 - -| Model | 9290018195 | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue white GU10 | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 9290018195](./assets/devices/9290018195.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/9290018215.md b/devices/docs/devices/9290018215.md deleted file mode 100644 index 618e5bc5..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/9290018215.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 9290018215 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 9290018215 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/9290018215.md)* - -# Philips 9290018215 - -| Model | 9290018215 | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue white A19 bulb E26 bluetooth | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 9290018215](./assets/devices/9290018215.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/929001953101.md b/devices/docs/devices/929001953101.md deleted file mode 100644 index a8d4d1fc..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/929001953101.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 929001953101 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 929001953101 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/929001953101.md)* - -# Philips 929001953101 - -| Model | 929001953101 | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue White and Color Ambiance GU10 | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 929001953101](./assets/devices/929001953101.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/929001953301.md b/devices/docs/devices/929001953301.md deleted file mode 100644 index 5c79b658..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/929001953301.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 929001953301 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 929001953301 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/929001953301.md)* - -# Philips 929001953301 - -| Model | 929001953301 | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue white ambiance GU10 with Bluetooth | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 929001953301](./assets/devices/929001953301.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/9290019758.md b/devices/docs/devices/9290019758.md deleted file mode 100644 index 4f47e07a..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/9290019758.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,61 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 9290019758 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 9290019758 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/9290019758.md)* - -# Philips 9290019758 - -| Model | 9290019758 | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue motion outdoor sensor | -| Supports | occupancy, temperature, illuminance | -| Picture | ![Philips 9290019758](./assets/devices/9290019758.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Press and hold the setup button on the rear of the device for +- 10 seconds (until the green light goes solid) -to initiate pairing. Please note that the pairing indicator light is below the main sensor -(as oppose to the obvious indicator above the main sensor). - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `illuminance_calibration`: Allows to manually calibrate illuminance values, -e.g. `95` would take 95% to the illuminance reported by the device; default `100`. - - -* `temperature_precision`: Controls the precision of `temperature` values, -e.g. `0`, `1` or `2`; default `2`. -* `temperature_calibration`: Allows to manually calibrate temperature values, -e.g. `1` would add 1 degree to the temperature reported by the device; default `0`. - - -### Motion sensitivity -The motion sensitivity can be changed by publishing to `zigbee2mqtt/[FRIENDLY_NAME]/set` -`{"motion_sensitivity": "SENSITIVITY"}` where `SENSITVITIY` is one of the following -values: `low`, `medium`, `high` (default). - -### Occupany timeout -Sets the sensors timeout between last motion detected and sensor reports occupance false -```js -{ - // Value >= 0, - // 0 - 10: 10sec (min possible timeout) - // > 10: timeout in sec - // (must be written to (default) endpoint 2) - "occupancy_timeout": 0, -} -``` - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/9290020399.md b/devices/docs/devices/9290020399.md deleted file mode 100644 index 6f9257f9..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/9290020399.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 9290020399 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 9290020399 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/9290020399.md)* - -# Philips 9290020399 - -| Model | 9290020399 | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue white E14 | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 9290020399](./assets/devices/9290020399.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/9290022166.md b/devices/docs/devices/9290022166.md deleted file mode 100644 index 8447b7cc..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/9290022166.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 9290022166 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 9290022166 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/9290022166.md)* - -# Philips 9290022166 - -| Model | 9290022166 | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue white and color ambiance E26/E27 | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 9290022166](./assets/devices/9290022166.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/9290022167.md b/devices/docs/devices/9290022167.md deleted file mode 100644 index 4e7c2224..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/9290022167.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 9290022167 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 9290022167 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/9290022167.md)* - -# Philips 9290022167 - -| Model | 9290022167 | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue white ambiance E26 with Bluetooth | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 9290022167](./assets/devices/9290022167.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/9290022169.md b/devices/docs/devices/9290022169.md deleted file mode 100644 index d65b6416..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/9290022169.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 9290022169 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 9290022169 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/9290022169.md)* - -# Philips 9290022169 - -| Model | 9290022169 | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue white ambiance E27 with Bluetooth | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 9290022169](./assets/devices/9290022169.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/929002240401.md b/devices/docs/devices/929002240401.md deleted file mode 100644 index 8d32901c..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/929002240401.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,50 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 929002240401 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 929002240401 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/929002240401.md)* - -# Philips 929002240401 - -| Model | 929002240401 | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue smart plug - EU | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![Philips 929002240401](./assets/devices/929002240401.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/9290022411.md b/devices/docs/devices/9290022411.md deleted file mode 100644 index 5e4a1b55..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/9290022411.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 9290022411 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 9290022411 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/9290022411.md)* - -# Philips 9290022411 - -| Model | 9290022411 | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | White single filament bulb A19 E26 with Bluetooth | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 9290022411](./assets/devices/9290022411.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/929002241201.md b/devices/docs/devices/929002241201.md deleted file mode 100644 index 0d6ab5b7..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/929002241201.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 929002241201 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 929002241201 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/929002241201.md)* - -# Philips 929002241201 - -| Model | 929002241201 | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue white filament Edison E27 LED | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 929002241201](./assets/devices/929002241201.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/929002277501.md b/devices/docs/devices/929002277501.md deleted file mode 100644 index df2b1466..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/929002277501.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips 929002277501 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips 929002277501 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/929002277501.md)* - -# Philips 929002277501 - -| Model | 929002277501 | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue white A19 bulb E26 bluetooth | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips 929002277501](./assets/devices/929002277501.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/93999.md b/devices/docs/devices/93999.md deleted file mode 100644 index 9fc3165e..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/93999.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Paulmann 93999 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Paulmann 93999 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/93999.md)* - -# Paulmann 93999 - -| Model | 93999 | -| Vendor | Paulmann | -| Description | Plug Shine Zigbee controller | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![Paulmann 93999](./assets/devices/93999.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/98425031.md b/devices/docs/devices/98425031.md deleted file mode 100644 index 8fa68fde..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/98425031.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Nordtronic 98425031 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Nordtronic 98425031 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/98425031.md)* - -# Nordtronic 98425031 - -| Model | 98425031 | -| Vendor | Nordtronic | -| Description | Box Dimmer 2.0 | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![Nordtronic 98425031](./assets/devices/98425031.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/99432.md b/devices/docs/devices/99432.md deleted file mode 100644 index 7dfd5a30..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/99432.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Hampton Bay 99432 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Hampton Bay 99432 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/99432.md)* - -# Hampton Bay 99432 - -| Model | 99432 | -| Vendor | Hampton Bay | -| Description | Universal wink enabled white ceiling fan premier remote control | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, fan_mode and fan_state | -| Picture | ![Hampton Bay 99432](./assets/devices/99432.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/9GED18000-009.md b/devices/docs/devices/9GED18000-009.md deleted file mode 100644 index f3488c7c..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/9GED18000-009.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Weiser 9GED18000-009 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Weiser 9GED18000-009 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/9GED18000-009.md)* - -# Weiser 9GED18000-009 - -| Model | 9GED18000-009 | -| Vendor | Weiser | -| Description | SmartCode 10 | -| Supports | lock/unlock, battery | -| Picture | ![Weiser 9GED18000-009](./assets/devices/9GED18000-009.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/9GED21500-005.md b/devices/docs/devices/9GED21500-005.md deleted file mode 100644 index 94912866..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/9GED21500-005.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Weiser 9GED21500-005 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Weiser 9GED21500-005 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/9GED21500-005.md)* - -# Weiser 9GED21500-005 - -| Model | 9GED21500-005 | -| Vendor | Weiser | -| Description | SmartCode 10 Touch | -| Supports | lock/unlock, battery | -| Picture | ![Weiser 9GED21500-005](./assets/devices/9GED21500-005.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/A6121.md b/devices/docs/devices/A6121.md deleted file mode 100644 index 4ad9fc74..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/A6121.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Xiaomi A6121 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Xiaomi A6121 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/A6121.md)* - -# Xiaomi A6121 - -| Model | A6121 | -| Vendor | Xiaomi | -| Description | Vima Smart Lock | -| Supports | inserted, forgotten, key error | -| Picture | ![Xiaomi A6121](./assets/devices/A6121.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/A806S-Q1R.md b/devices/docs/devices/A806S-Q1R.md deleted file mode 100644 index c7417638..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/A806S-Q1R.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Leedarson A806S-Q1R control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Leedarson A806S-Q1R via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/A806S-Q1R.md)* - -# Leedarson A806S-Q1R - -| Model | A806S-Q1R | -| Vendor | Leedarson | -| Description | LED E27 tunable white | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![Leedarson A806S-Q1R](./assets/devices/A806S-Q1R.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/A9A19A60WESDZ02.md b/devices/docs/devices/A9A19A60WESDZ02.md deleted file mode 100644 index 98b0494b..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/A9A19A60WESDZ02.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "EcoSmart A9A19A60WESDZ02 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your EcoSmart A9A19A60WESDZ02 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/A9A19A60WESDZ02.md)* - -# EcoSmart A9A19A60WESDZ02 - -| Model | A9A19A60WESDZ02 | -| Vendor | EcoSmart | -| Description | Tuneable white (A19) | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature | -| Picture | ![EcoSmart A9A19A60WESDZ02](./assets/devices/A9A19A60WESDZ02.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/AA68199.md b/devices/docs/devices/AA68199.md deleted file mode 100644 index b02e64c1..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/AA68199.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,57 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "OSRAM AA68199 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your OSRAM AA68199 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/AA68199.md)* - -# OSRAM AA68199 - -| Model | AA68199 | -| Vendor | OSRAM | -| Description | LIGHTIFY LED PAR16 50 GU10 tunable white | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature | -| Picture | ![OSRAM AA68199](./assets/devices/AA68199.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Follow instruction from [Manual reset](http://belkin.force.com/Articles/articles/en_US/Troubleshooting_and_Tutorials/Resetting-the-OSRAM-LIGHTIFY-Tunable-White-60-Bulb#a). -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - - -### Set default power on/off transition -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support setting a default transition when turning a light on and off. -```js -{ - "osram_set_transition": 0.1, //time in seconds (integer or float) -} -``` - -### Remember current light state -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support remembering their current state in case of power loss, or if a light -is manually switched off then on. Lights will remember their respective attributes -(i.e. brightness, color, saturation, etc.). -NOTE: This must be executed everytime you make changes to a light's attributes for it to then 'remember' it. -```js -{ - "osram_remember_state": true, // true, false (boolean) -} -``` - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/AA69697.md b/devices/docs/devices/AA69697.md deleted file mode 100644 index d32d7a70..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/AA69697.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,57 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "OSRAM AA69697 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your OSRAM AA69697 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/AA69697.md)* - -# OSRAM AA69697 - -| Model | AA69697 | -| Vendor | OSRAM | -| Description | Classic A60 RGBW | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy | -| Picture | ![OSRAM AA69697](./assets/devices/AA69697.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Follow instruction from [Manual reset](http://belkin.force.com/Articles/articles/en_US/Troubleshooting_and_Tutorials/Resetting-the-OSRAM-LIGHTIFY-Tunable-White-60-Bulb#a). -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - - -### Set default power on/off transition -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support setting a default transition when turning a light on and off. -```js -{ - "osram_set_transition": 0.1, //time in seconds (integer or float) -} -``` - -### Remember current light state -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support remembering their current state in case of power loss, or if a light -is manually switched off then on. Lights will remember their respective attributes -(i.e. brightness, color, saturation, etc.). -NOTE: This must be executed everytime you make changes to a light's attributes for it to then 'remember' it. -```js -{ - "osram_remember_state": true, // true, false (boolean) -} -``` - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/AA70155.md b/devices/docs/devices/AA70155.md deleted file mode 100644 index 7fd14358..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/AA70155.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,57 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "OSRAM AA70155 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your OSRAM AA70155 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/AA70155.md)* - -# OSRAM AA70155 - -| Model | AA70155 | -| Vendor | OSRAM | -| Description | LIGHTIFY LED A19 tunable white / Classic A60 TW | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature | -| Picture | ![OSRAM AA70155](./assets/devices/AA70155.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Follow instruction from [Manual reset](http://belkin.force.com/Articles/articles/en_US/Troubleshooting_and_Tutorials/Resetting-the-OSRAM-LIGHTIFY-Tunable-White-60-Bulb#a). -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - - -### Set default power on/off transition -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support setting a default transition when turning a light on and off. -```js -{ - "osram_set_transition": 0.1, //time in seconds (integer or float) -} -``` - -### Remember current light state -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support remembering their current state in case of power loss, or if a light -is manually switched off then on. Lights will remember their respective attributes -(i.e. brightness, color, saturation, etc.). -NOTE: This must be executed everytime you make changes to a light's attributes for it to then 'remember' it. -```js -{ - "osram_remember_state": true, // true, false (boolean) -} -``` - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/AB3257001NJ.md b/devices/docs/devices/AB3257001NJ.md deleted file mode 100644 index ca322b74..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/AB3257001NJ.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "OSRAM AB3257001NJ control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your OSRAM AB3257001NJ via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/AB3257001NJ.md)* - -# OSRAM AB3257001NJ - -| Model | AB3257001NJ | -| Vendor | OSRAM | -| Description | Smart+ plug | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![OSRAM AB3257001NJ](./assets/devices/AB3257001NJ.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -For the OSRAM Smart+ plug (AB3257001NJ) hold the on/off button until your hear a click (+- 10 seconds). - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/AB32840.md b/devices/docs/devices/AB32840.md deleted file mode 100644 index 16de1988..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/AB32840.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,57 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "OSRAM AB32840 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your OSRAM AB32840 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/AB32840.md)* - -# OSRAM AB32840 - -| Model | AB32840 | -| Vendor | OSRAM | -| Description | LIGHTIFY LED Classic B40 tunable white | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature | -| Picture | ![OSRAM AB32840](./assets/devices/AB32840.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Follow instruction from [Manual reset](http://belkin.force.com/Articles/articles/en_US/Troubleshooting_and_Tutorials/Resetting-the-OSRAM-LIGHTIFY-Tunable-White-60-Bulb#a). -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - - -### Set default power on/off transition -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support setting a default transition when turning a light on and off. -```js -{ - "osram_set_transition": 0.1, //time in seconds (integer or float) -} -``` - -### Remember current light state -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support remembering their current state in case of power loss, or if a light -is manually switched off then on. Lights will remember their respective attributes -(i.e. brightness, color, saturation, etc.). -NOTE: This must be executed everytime you make changes to a light's attributes for it to then 'remember' it. -```js -{ - "osram_remember_state": true, // true, false (boolean) -} -``` - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/AB35996.md b/devices/docs/devices/AB35996.md deleted file mode 100644 index 2cf04c51..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/AB35996.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,57 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "OSRAM AB35996 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your OSRAM AB35996 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/AB35996.md)* - -# OSRAM AB35996 - -| Model | AB35996 | -| Vendor | OSRAM | -| Description | Smart+ Spot GU10 Multicolor | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy | -| Picture | ![OSRAM AB35996](./assets/devices/AB35996.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Follow instruction from [Manual reset](http://belkin.force.com/Articles/articles/en_US/Troubleshooting_and_Tutorials/Resetting-the-OSRAM-LIGHTIFY-Tunable-White-60-Bulb#a). -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - - -### Set default power on/off transition -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support setting a default transition when turning a light on and off. -```js -{ - "osram_set_transition": 0.1, //time in seconds (integer or float) -} -``` - -### Remember current light state -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support remembering their current state in case of power loss, or if a light -is manually switched off then on. Lights will remember their respective attributes -(i.e. brightness, color, saturation, etc.). -NOTE: This must be executed everytime you make changes to a light's attributes for it to then 'remember' it. -```js -{ - "osram_remember_state": true, // true, false (boolean) -} -``` - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/AB401130055.md b/devices/docs/devices/AB401130055.md deleted file mode 100644 index 2e481a7d..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/AB401130055.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,57 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "OSRAM AB401130055 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your OSRAM AB401130055 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/AB401130055.md)* - -# OSRAM AB401130055 - -| Model | AB401130055 | -| Vendor | OSRAM | -| Description | LIGHTIFY Surface Light LED Tunable White | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature | -| Picture | ![OSRAM AB401130055](./assets/devices/AB401130055.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Follow instruction from [Manual reset](http://belkin.force.com/Articles/articles/en_US/Troubleshooting_and_Tutorials/Resetting-the-OSRAM-LIGHTIFY-Tunable-White-60-Bulb#a). -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - - -### Set default power on/off transition -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support setting a default transition when turning a light on and off. -```js -{ - "osram_set_transition": 0.1, //time in seconds (integer or float) -} -``` - -### Remember current light state -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support remembering their current state in case of power loss, or if a light -is manually switched off then on. Lights will remember their respective attributes -(i.e. brightness, color, saturation, etc.). -NOTE: This must be executed everytime you make changes to a light's attributes for it to then 'remember' it. -```js -{ - "osram_remember_state": true, // true, false (boolean) -} -``` - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/AC01353010G.md b/devices/docs/devices/AC01353010G.md deleted file mode 100644 index 845db93b..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/AC01353010G.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "OSRAM AC01353010G control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your OSRAM AC01353010G via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/AC01353010G.md)* - -# OSRAM AC01353010G - -| Model | AC01353010G | -| Vendor | OSRAM | -| Description | SMART+ Motion Sensor | -| Supports | occupancy, tamper and temperature | -| Picture | ![OSRAM AC01353010G](./assets/devices/AC01353010G.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `temperature_precision`: Controls the precision of `temperature` values, -e.g. `0`, `1` or `2`; default `2`. -* `temperature_calibration`: Allows to manually calibrate temperature values, -e.g. `1` would add 1 degree to the temperature reported by the device; default `0`. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/AC0251100NJ_AC0251700NJ.md b/devices/docs/devices/AC0251100NJ_AC0251700NJ.md deleted file mode 100644 index fb4eaefb..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/AC0251100NJ_AC0251700NJ.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "OSRAM AC0251100NJ/AC0251700NJ control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your OSRAM AC0251100NJ/AC0251700NJ via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/AC0251100NJ_AC0251700NJ.md)* - -# OSRAM AC0251100NJ/AC0251700NJ - -| Model | AC0251100NJ/AC0251700NJ | -| Vendor | OSRAM | -| Description | Smart+ switch mini | -| Supports | circle, up, down and hold/release | -| Picture | ![OSRAM AC0251100NJ/AC0251700NJ](./assets/devices/AC0251100NJ-AC0251700NJ.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -For the OSRAM Smart+ Switch Mini (AC0251100NJ/AC0251700NJ) hold the Middle and Arrow Down Buttons for 10 Seconds -to Reset the Device. Hold the Middle and Arrow Up Buttons for 3 Seconds to connect. -If the Switch is connected hold Middle and Arrow Up Buttons for 3 Seconds to disconnect. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/AC0363900NJ.md b/devices/docs/devices/AC0363900NJ.md deleted file mode 100644 index b062de8d..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/AC0363900NJ.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "OSRAM AC0363900NJ control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your OSRAM AC0363900NJ via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/AC0363900NJ.md)* - -# OSRAM AC0363900NJ - -| Model | AC0363900NJ | -| Vendor | OSRAM | -| Description | Smart+ mini gardenpole RGBW | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy | -| Picture | ![OSRAM AC0363900NJ](./assets/devices/AC0363900NJ.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Set default power on/off transition -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support setting a default transition when turning a light on and off. -```js -{ - "osram_set_transition": 0.1, //time in seconds (integer or float) -} -``` - -### Remember current light state -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support remembering their current state in case of power loss, or if a light -is manually switched off then on. Lights will remember their respective attributes -(i.e. brightness, color, saturation, etc.). -NOTE: This must be executed everytime you make changes to a light's attributes for it to then 'remember' it. -```js -{ - "osram_remember_state": true, // true, false (boolean) -} -``` - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/AC03641.md b/devices/docs/devices/AC03641.md deleted file mode 100644 index 2157f1a6..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/AC03641.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,57 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "OSRAM AC03641 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your OSRAM AC03641 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/AC03641.md)* - -# OSRAM AC03641 - -| Model | AC03641 | -| Vendor | OSRAM | -| Description | LIGHTIFY LED Classic A60 clear | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![OSRAM AC03641](./assets/devices/AC03641.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Follow instruction from [Manual reset](http://belkin.force.com/Articles/articles/en_US/Troubleshooting_and_Tutorials/Resetting-the-OSRAM-LIGHTIFY-Tunable-White-60-Bulb#a). -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - - -### Set default power on/off transition -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support setting a default transition when turning a light on and off. -```js -{ - "osram_set_transition": 0.1, //time in seconds (integer or float) -} -``` - -### Remember current light state -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support remembering their current state in case of power loss, or if a light -is manually switched off then on. Lights will remember their respective attributes -(i.e. brightness, color, saturation, etc.). -NOTE: This must be executed everytime you make changes to a light's attributes for it to then 'remember' it. -```js -{ - "osram_remember_state": true, // true, false (boolean) -} -``` - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/AC03642.md b/devices/docs/devices/AC03642.md deleted file mode 100644 index f74a73e8..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/AC03642.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,57 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "OSRAM AC03642 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your OSRAM AC03642 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/AC03642.md)* - -# OSRAM AC03642 - -| Model | AC03642 | -| Vendor | OSRAM | -| Description | SMART+ CLASSIC A 60 TW | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature | -| Picture | ![OSRAM AC03642](./assets/devices/AC03642.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Follow instruction from [Manual reset](http://belkin.force.com/Articles/articles/en_US/Troubleshooting_and_Tutorials/Resetting-the-OSRAM-LIGHTIFY-Tunable-White-60-Bulb#a). -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - - -### Set default power on/off transition -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support setting a default transition when turning a light on and off. -```js -{ - "osram_set_transition": 0.1, //time in seconds (integer or float) -} -``` - -### Remember current light state -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support remembering their current state in case of power loss, or if a light -is manually switched off then on. Lights will remember their respective attributes -(i.e. brightness, color, saturation, etc.). -NOTE: This must be executed everytime you make changes to a light's attributes for it to then 'remember' it. -```js -{ - "osram_remember_state": true, // true, false (boolean) -} -``` - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/AC03645.md b/devices/docs/devices/AC03645.md deleted file mode 100644 index c5c2dbc2..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/AC03645.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,57 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "OSRAM AC03645 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your OSRAM AC03645 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/AC03645.md)* - -# OSRAM AC03645 - -| Model | AC03645 | -| Vendor | OSRAM | -| Description | LIGHTIFY LED CLA60 E27 RGBW | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy | -| Picture | ![OSRAM AC03645](./assets/devices/AC03645.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Follow instruction from [Manual reset](http://belkin.force.com/Articles/articles/en_US/Troubleshooting_and_Tutorials/Resetting-the-OSRAM-LIGHTIFY-Tunable-White-60-Bulb#a). -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - - -### Set default power on/off transition -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support setting a default transition when turning a light on and off. -```js -{ - "osram_set_transition": 0.1, //time in seconds (integer or float) -} -``` - -### Remember current light state -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support remembering their current state in case of power loss, or if a light -is manually switched off then on. Lights will remember their respective attributes -(i.e. brightness, color, saturation, etc.). -NOTE: This must be executed everytime you make changes to a light's attributes for it to then 'remember' it. -```js -{ - "osram_remember_state": true, // true, false (boolean) -} -``` - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/AC03647.md b/devices/docs/devices/AC03647.md deleted file mode 100644 index 1740e237..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/AC03647.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "OSRAM AC03647 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your OSRAM AC03647 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/AC03647.md)* - -# OSRAM AC03647 - -| Model | AC03647 | -| Vendor | OSRAM | -| Description | SMART+ LED CLASSIC E27 RGBW | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy | -| Picture | ![OSRAM AC03647](./assets/devices/AC03647.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Set default power on/off transition -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support setting a default transition when turning a light on and off. -```js -{ - "osram_set_transition": 0.1, //time in seconds (integer or float) -} -``` - -### Remember current light state -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support remembering their current state in case of power loss, or if a light -is manually switched off then on. Lights will remember their respective attributes -(i.e. brightness, color, saturation, etc.). -NOTE: This must be executed everytime you make changes to a light's attributes for it to then 'remember' it. -```js -{ - "osram_remember_state": true, // true, false (boolean) -} -``` - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/AC03648.md b/devices/docs/devices/AC03648.md deleted file mode 100644 index 8160f20b..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/AC03648.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,57 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "OSRAM AC03648 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your OSRAM AC03648 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/AC03648.md)* - -# OSRAM AC03648 - -| Model | AC03648 | -| Vendor | OSRAM | -| Description | SMART+ spot GU5.3 tunable white | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature | -| Picture | ![OSRAM AC03648](./assets/devices/AC03648.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Follow instruction from [Manual reset](http://belkin.force.com/Articles/articles/en_US/Troubleshooting_and_Tutorials/Resetting-the-OSRAM-LIGHTIFY-Tunable-White-60-Bulb#a). -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - - -### Set default power on/off transition -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support setting a default transition when turning a light on and off. -```js -{ - "osram_set_transition": 0.1, //time in seconds (integer or float) -} -``` - -### Remember current light state -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support remembering their current state in case of power loss, or if a light -is manually switched off then on. Lights will remember their respective attributes -(i.e. brightness, color, saturation, etc.). -NOTE: This must be executed everytime you make changes to a light's attributes for it to then 'remember' it. -```js -{ - "osram_remember_state": true, // true, false (boolean) -} -``` - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/AC08559.md b/devices/docs/devices/AC08559.md deleted file mode 100644 index e5eea0b2..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/AC08559.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "OSRAM AC08559 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your OSRAM AC08559 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/AC08559.md)* - -# OSRAM AC08559 - -| Model | AC08559 | -| Vendor | OSRAM | -| Description | SMART+ Spot GU10 Multicolor | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy | -| Picture | ![OSRAM AC08559](./assets/devices/AC08559.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Set default power on/off transition -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support setting a default transition when turning a light on and off. -```js -{ - "osram_set_transition": 0.1, //time in seconds (integer or float) -} -``` - -### Remember current light state -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support remembering their current state in case of power loss, or if a light -is manually switched off then on. Lights will remember their respective attributes -(i.e. brightness, color, saturation, etc.). -NOTE: This must be executed everytime you make changes to a light's attributes for it to then 'remember' it. -```js -{ - "osram_remember_state": true, // true, false (boolean) -} -``` - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/AC08560.md b/devices/docs/devices/AC08560.md deleted file mode 100644 index bdcbf512..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/AC08560.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "OSRAM AC08560 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your OSRAM AC08560 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/AC08560.md)* - -# OSRAM AC08560 - -| Model | AC08560 | -| Vendor | OSRAM | -| Description | SMART+ LED PAR16 GU10 | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![OSRAM AC08560](./assets/devices/AC08560.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Set default power on/off transition -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support setting a default transition when turning a light on and off. -```js -{ - "osram_set_transition": 0.1, //time in seconds (integer or float) -} -``` - -### Remember current light state -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support remembering their current state in case of power loss, or if a light -is manually switched off then on. Lights will remember their respective attributes -(i.e. brightness, color, saturation, etc.). -NOTE: This must be executed everytime you make changes to a light's attributes for it to then 'remember' it. -```js -{ - "osram_remember_state": true, // true, false (boolean) -} -``` - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/AC08562.md b/devices/docs/devices/AC08562.md deleted file mode 100644 index d896ad58..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/AC08562.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,57 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "OSRAM AC08562 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your OSRAM AC08562 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/AC08562.md)* - -# OSRAM AC08562 - -| Model | AC08562 | -| Vendor | OSRAM | -| Description | SMART+ Candle E14 Dimmable White | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![OSRAM AC08562](./assets/devices/AC08562.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Follow instruction from [Manual reset](http://belkin.force.com/Articles/articles/en_US/Troubleshooting_and_Tutorials/Resetting-the-OSRAM-LIGHTIFY-Tunable-White-60-Bulb#a). -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - - -### Set default power on/off transition -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support setting a default transition when turning a light on and off. -```js -{ - "osram_set_transition": 0.1, //time in seconds (integer or float) -} -``` - -### Remember current light state -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support remembering their current state in case of power loss, or if a light -is manually switched off then on. Lights will remember their respective attributes -(i.e. brightness, color, saturation, etc.). -NOTE: This must be executed everytime you make changes to a light's attributes for it to then 'remember' it. -```js -{ - "osram_remember_state": true, // true, false (boolean) -} -``` - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/AC10691.md b/devices/docs/devices/AC10691.md deleted file mode 100644 index 4ed5db8d..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/AC10691.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "OSRAM AC10691 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your OSRAM AC10691 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/AC10691.md)* - -# OSRAM AC10691 - -| Model | AC10691 | -| Vendor | OSRAM | -| Description | Smart+ plug | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![OSRAM AC10691](./assets/devices/AC10691.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/AC10786-DIM.md b/devices/docs/devices/AC10786-DIM.md deleted file mode 100644 index 74703bfa..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/AC10786-DIM.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "OSRAM AC10786-DIM control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your OSRAM AC10786-DIM via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/AC10786-DIM.md)* - -# OSRAM AC10786-DIM - -| Model | AC10786-DIM | -| Vendor | OSRAM | -| Description | SMART+ classic E27 dimmable | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![OSRAM AC10786-DIM](./assets/devices/AC10786-DIM.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Set default power on/off transition -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support setting a default transition when turning a light on and off. -```js -{ - "osram_set_transition": 0.1, //time in seconds (integer or float) -} -``` - -### Remember current light state -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support remembering their current state in case of power loss, or if a light -is manually switched off then on. Lights will remember their respective attributes -(i.e. brightness, color, saturation, etc.). -NOTE: This must be executed everytime you make changes to a light's attributes for it to then 'remember' it. -```js -{ - "osram_remember_state": true, // true, false (boolean) -} -``` - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/AC10787.md b/devices/docs/devices/AC10787.md deleted file mode 100644 index 9761fc90..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/AC10787.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "OSRAM AC10787 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your OSRAM AC10787 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/AC10787.md)* - -# OSRAM AC10787 - -| Model | AC10787 | -| Vendor | OSRAM | -| Description | SMART+ classic E27 TW | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature | -| Picture | ![OSRAM AC10787](./assets/devices/AC10787.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Set default power on/off transition -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support setting a default transition when turning a light on and off. -```js -{ - "osram_set_transition": 0.1, //time in seconds (integer or float) -} -``` - -### Remember current light state -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support remembering their current state in case of power loss, or if a light -is manually switched off then on. Lights will remember their respective attributes -(i.e. brightness, color, saturation, etc.). -NOTE: This must be executed everytime you make changes to a light's attributes for it to then 'remember' it. -```js -{ - "osram_remember_state": true, // true, false (boolean) -} -``` - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/AIRAM-CTR.U.md b/devices/docs/devices/AIRAM-CTR.U.md deleted file mode 100644 index e7362521..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/AIRAM-CTR.U.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,43 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Airam AIRAM-CTR.U control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Airam AIRAM-CTR.U via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/AIRAM-CTR.U.md)* - -# Airam AIRAM-CTR.U - -| Model | AIRAM-CTR.U | -| Vendor | Airam | -| Description | CTR.U remote | -| Supports | on/off, brightness up/down and click/hold/release | -| Picture | ![Airam AIRAM-CTR.U](./assets/devices/AIRAM-CTR.U.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Hold small reset button pressed (located under battery cover on the backside of remote) for 4 -seconds and device will reset and will attempt to join network. -Keep clicking any button on the frontside of the device to keep device awake while pairing. -You should be clicking every two seconds until pairing is complete. - -Device seems to join network also when it is paired directly to Airam bulb (which is joined to network already) -(https://www.zigbee2mqtt.io/devices/4713407.html) by keeping ON and DIM buttons pressed while holding remote -within 5 centimeters away from Airam bulb. - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/AL-PIR02.md b/devices/docs/devices/AL-PIR02.md deleted file mode 100644 index cd415d20..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/AL-PIR02.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Sercomm AL-PIR02 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Sercomm AL-PIR02 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/AL-PIR02.md)* - -# Sercomm AL-PIR02 - -| Model | AL-PIR02 | -| Vendor | Sercomm | -| Description | PIR motion sensor | -| Supports | occupancy | -| Picture | ![Sercomm AL-PIR02](./assets/devices/AL-PIR02.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/AV2010_21A.md b/devices/docs/devices/AV2010_21A.md deleted file mode 100644 index bc8cdee8..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/AV2010_21A.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Bitron AV2010/21A control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Bitron AV2010/21A via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/AV2010_21A.md)* - -# Bitron AV2010/21A - -| Model | AV2010/21A | -| Vendor | Bitron | -| Description | Compact magnetic contact sensor | -| Supports | contact, tamper | -| Picture | ![Bitron AV2010/21A](./assets/devices/AV2010-21A.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/AV2010_22.md b/devices/docs/devices/AV2010_22.md deleted file mode 100644 index b60754b6..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/AV2010_22.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,31 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Bitron AV2010/22 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Bitron AV2010/22 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/AV2010_22.md)* - -# Bitron AV2010/22 - -| Model | AV2010/22 | -| Vendor | Bitron | -| Description | Wireless motion detector | -| Supports | occupancy | -| Picture | ![Bitron AV2010/22](./assets/devices/AV2010-22.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - -* `occupancy_timeout`: Timeout (in seconds) after the `occupancy: false` message is sent. -If not set, the timeout is `90` seconds. -When set to `0` no `occupancy: false` is send. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/AV2010_24A.md b/devices/docs/devices/AV2010_24A.md deleted file mode 100644 index bb6a6b45..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/AV2010_24A.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Bitron AV2010/24A control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Bitron AV2010/24A via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/AV2010_24A.md)* - -# Bitron AV2010/24A - -| Model | AV2010/24A | -| Vendor | Bitron | -| Description | Optical smoke detector (hardware version v2) | -| Supports | smoke, tamper and battery | -| Picture | ![Bitron AV2010/24A](./assets/devices/AV2010-24A.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/AV2010_25.md b/devices/docs/devices/AV2010_25.md deleted file mode 100644 index 630b16d3..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/AV2010_25.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Bitron AV2010/25 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Bitron AV2010/25 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/AV2010_25.md)* - -# Bitron AV2010/25 - -| Model | AV2010/25 | -| Vendor | Bitron | -| Description | Video wireless socket | -| Supports | on/off, power measurement | -| Picture | ![Bitron AV2010/25](./assets/devices/AV2010-25.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/AV2010_32.md b/devices/docs/devices/AV2010_32.md deleted file mode 100644 index 59e2a708..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/AV2010_32.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,187 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Bitron AV2010/32 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Bitron AV2010/32 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/AV2010_32.md)* - -# Bitron AV2010/32 - -| Model | AV2010/32 | -| Vendor | Bitron | -| Description | Wireless wall thermostat with relay | -| Supports | temperature, heating/cooling system control | -| Picture | ![Bitron AV2010/32](./assets/devices/AV2010-32.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Controlling -Get local temperature in degrees Celsius (in the range 0x954d to 0x7fff, i.e. -273.15°C to 327.67 ºC) -```json -{ - "local_temperature": "" -} -``` - -Get or set offset added to/subtracted from the actual displayed room temperature to NUMBER, in steps of 0.1°C -```js -{ - "local_temperature_calibration": "NUMBER" // Possible values: –2.5 to +2.5; leave empty to read -} -``` - -Set temperature display mode -```js -{ - "temperature_display_mode": "" // Possible values: 0 to set °C or 1 so set °F -} -``` - -Get room occupancy. Specifies whether the heated/cooled space is occupied or not. If 1, the space is occupied, -else it is unoccupied. -```json -{ - "thermostat_occupancy": "" -} -``` - -Get or set occupied heating setpoint to NUMBER in degrees Celsius. -```js -{ - "occupied_heating_setpoint": "NUMBER" // Possible values: MinHeatSetpointLimit to MaxHeatSetpointLimit, i.e. 7 to 30 by default; leave empty to read -} -``` - -Get or set unoccupied heating setpoint to NUMBER in degrees Celsius -```js -{ - "unoccupied_heating_setpoint": "NUMBER" // Possible values: MinHeatSetpointLimit to MaxHeatSetpointLimit, i.e. 7 to 30 by default; leave empty to read -} -``` - -Increase or decrease heating setpoint by NUMBER degrees in °C. -```js -{ - "setpoint_raise_lower": { - "mode": "0x00", // Possible values: see table below - "amount": "NUMBER" // Possible values: signed 8-bit integer that specifies the amount the setpoint(s) are to be increased (or decreased) by, in steps of 0.1°C - } -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -0x00 | Heat (adjust Heat Setpoint) -0x01 | Cool (adjust Cool Setpoint) -0x02 | Both (adjust Heat Setpoint and Cool Setpoint) - -Get or set whether the local temperature, outdoor temperature and occupancy are being sensed by internal sensors or remote networked sensors -```js -{ - "remote_sensing": "NUMBER" // Possible values: see table below; leave empty to read -} -``` - -Bit Number | Description ------------|----------------------------------------- -0 | 0 – local temperature sensed internally
1 – local temperature sensed remotely -1 | 0 – outdoor temperature sensed internally
1 – outdoor temperature sensed remotely -2 | 0 – occupancy sensed internally
1 – occupancy sensed remotely - -Get or set control sequence of operation -```js -{ - "control_sequence_of_operation": "VALUE" // Possible values: see table below; leave empty to read -} -``` - -Values | Possible Values of SystemMode -------------------------------------------|------------------------------------- -`cooling only` | Heat and Emergency are not possible -`cooling with reheat` | Heat and Emergency are not possible -`heating only` | Cool and precooling are not possible -`heating with reheat` | Cool and precooling are not possible -`cooling and heating 4-pipes` | All modes are possible -`cooling and heating 4-pipes with reheat` | All modes are possible - -Get or set system mode -```js -{ - "system_mode": "VALUE" // Possible values: see table below; leave empty to read -} -``` - -Values | ---------------------| -`off` | -`auto` | -`cool` | -`heat` | -`emergency heating` | -`precooling` | -`fan only` | -`dry` | -`sleep` | - -Get running state -```js -{ - "running_state": "" // leave empty when reading -} -``` -Possible values: - -Values | --------| -`off` | -`cool` | -`heat` | - -Valve position / heating demand -``` -{ - "pi_heating_demand": 0 // leave empty when reading -} -``` -Will report the valve position or heating amount depending on device. 0=min, 255=max - -Get or set weekly schedule -```js -{ - "weekly_schedule": { - "TemperatureSetpointHold": "0x00", // 0x00 setpoint hold off or 0x01 on - "TemperatureSetpointHoldDuration": "0xffff", // 0xffff to 0x05a0 - "ThermostatProgrammingOperationMode": "00xxxxxx" //see table below - } // leave empty to read -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 | 0 – Simple/setpoint mode. This mode means the thermostat setpoint is altered only by manual up/down changes at the thermostat or remotely, not by internal schedule programming.
1 – Schedule programming mode. This enables or disables any programmed weekly schedule configurations.
Note: It does not clear or delete previous weekly schedule programming configurations. -1 | 0 - Auto/recovery mode set to OFF
1 – Auto/recovery mode set to ON -2 | 0 – Economy/EnergyStar mode set to OFF
1 – Economy/EnergyStar mode set to ON - -Clear weekly schedule -```json -{ - "clear_weekly_schedule": "" -} -``` - - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/AV2010_34.md b/devices/docs/devices/AV2010_34.md deleted file mode 100644 index ea00be2b..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/AV2010_34.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Bitron AV2010/34 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Bitron AV2010/34 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/AV2010_34.md)* - -# Bitron AV2010/34 - -| Model | AV2010/34 | -| Vendor | Bitron | -| Description | 4-Touch single click buttons | -| Supports | click | -| Picture | ![Bitron AV2010/34](./assets/devices/AV2010-34.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/Aj_Zigbee_Led_Strip.md b/devices/docs/devices/Aj_Zigbee_Led_Strip.md deleted file mode 100644 index 87b1e971..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/Aj_Zigbee_Led_Strip.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Ajax Online Aj_Zigbee_Led_Strip control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Ajax Online Aj_Zigbee_Led_Strip via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/Aj_Zigbee_Led_Strip.md)* - -# Ajax Online Aj_Zigbee_Led_Strip - -| Model | Aj_Zigbee_Led_Strip | -| Vendor | Ajax Online | -| Description | LED Strip | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color xy | -| Picture | ![Ajax Online Aj_Zigbee_Led_Strip](./assets/devices/Aj_Zigbee_Led_Strip.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/B00TN589ZG.md b/devices/docs/devices/B00TN589ZG.md deleted file mode 100644 index 379496cb..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/B00TN589ZG.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "CREE B00TN589ZG control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your CREE B00TN589ZG via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/B00TN589ZG.md)* - -# CREE B00TN589ZG - -| Model | B00TN589ZG | -| Vendor | CREE | -| Description | Connected bulb | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![CREE B00TN589ZG](./assets/devices/B00TN589ZG.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/B01M7Y8BP9.md b/devices/docs/devices/B01M7Y8BP9.md deleted file mode 100644 index 3db542bf..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/B01M7Y8BP9.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Securifi B01M7Y8BP9 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Securifi B01M7Y8BP9 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/B01M7Y8BP9.md)* - -# Securifi B01M7Y8BP9 - -| Model | B01M7Y8BP9 | -| Vendor | Securifi | -| Description | Almond Click multi-function button | -| Supports | single, double and long click | -| Picture | ![Securifi B01M7Y8BP9](./assets/devices/B01M7Y8BP9.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/B07KG5KF5R.md b/devices/docs/devices/B07KG5KF5R.md deleted file mode 100644 index 075793be..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/B07KG5KF5R.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "GMY Smart Bulb B07KG5KF5R control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your GMY Smart Bulb B07KG5KF5R via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/B07KG5KF5R.md)* - -# GMY Smart Bulb B07KG5KF5R - -| Model | B07KG5KF5R | -| Vendor | GMY Smart Bulb | -| Description | GMY Smart bulb, 470lm, vintage dimmable, 2700-6500k, E27 | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature | -| Picture | ![GMY Smart Bulb B07KG5KF5R](./assets/devices/B07KG5KF5R.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/BASICZBR3.md b/devices/docs/devices/BASICZBR3.md deleted file mode 100644 index acccea9d..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/BASICZBR3.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "SONOFF BASICZBR3 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your SONOFF BASICZBR3 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/BASICZBR3.md)* - -# SONOFF BASICZBR3 - -| Model | BASICZBR3 | -| Vendor | SONOFF | -| Description | Zigbee smart switch | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![SONOFF BASICZBR3](./assets/devices/BASICZBR3.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -If brand new, when powered on it will attempt to pair to Zigbee2mqtt automatically. If not (or if has been paired before and needs to be re-paired) - press and hold the (relay) button on the top for about 5 seconds until the relay cliks and the red LED flashes several times. The device will then go into pairing mode and the blue LED will begin to flash. When connected, the blue LED will turn on solid. It should then be connected to Zigbee2mqtt. Pressing the button should activate the relay on/off as normal, and the red LED will be on/off. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/BDHM8E27W70-I1.md b/devices/docs/devices/BDHM8E27W70-I1.md deleted file mode 100644 index a148c9e1..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/BDHM8E27W70-I1.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "GS BDHM8E27W70-I1 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your GS BDHM8E27W70-I1 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/BDHM8E27W70-I1.md)* - -# GS BDHM8E27W70-I1 - -| Model | BDHM8E27W70-I1 | -| Vendor | GS | -| Description | Active light, warm to cool white (E27 & B22) | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature | -| Picture | ![GS BDHM8E27W70-I1](./assets/devices/BDHM8E27W70-I1.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/BF_263.md b/devices/docs/devices/BF_263.md deleted file mode 100644 index bd75c478..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/BF_263.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Innr BF 263 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Innr BF 263 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/BF_263.md)* - -# Innr BF 263 - -| Model | BF 263 | -| Vendor | Innr | -| Description | B22 filament bulb dimmable | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![Innr BF 263](./assets/devices/BF-263.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory reset the light bulb ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zkpZSv84H4)). - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/BW-IS2.md b/devices/docs/devices/BW-IS2.md deleted file mode 100644 index d1ae4812..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/BW-IS2.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "BlitzWolf BW-IS2 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your BlitzWolf BW-IS2 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/BW-IS2.md)* - -# BlitzWolf BW-IS2 - -| Model | BW-IS2 | -| Vendor | BlitzWolf | -| Description | Rechargeable Zigbee contact sensor | -| Supports | contact | -| Picture | ![BlitzWolf BW-IS2](./assets/devices/BW-IS2.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/BW-IS3.md b/devices/docs/devices/BW-IS3.md deleted file mode 100644 index 618af846..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/BW-IS3.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "BlitzWolf BW-IS3 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your BlitzWolf BW-IS3 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/BW-IS3.md)* - -# BlitzWolf BW-IS3 - -| Model | BW-IS3 | -| Vendor | BlitzWolf | -| Description | Rechargeable Zigbee PIR motion sensor | -| Supports | occupancy | -| Picture | ![BlitzWolf BW-IS3](./assets/devices/BW-IS3.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/BY_165.md b/devices/docs/devices/BY_165.md deleted file mode 100644 index 47363308..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/BY_165.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Innr BY 165 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Innr BY 165 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/BY_165.md)* - -# Innr BY 165 - -| Model | BY 165 | -| Vendor | Innr | -| Description | B22 bulb dimmable | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![Innr BY 165](./assets/devices/BY-165.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory reset the light bulb ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zkpZSv84H4)). - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/BY_178_T.md b/devices/docs/devices/BY_178_T.md deleted file mode 100644 index ecb44f0e..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/BY_178_T.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Innr BY 178 T control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Innr BY 178 T via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/BY_178_T.md)* - -# Innr BY 178 T - -| Model | BY 178 T | -| Vendor | Innr | -| Description | Smart bulb tunable white B22 | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature | -| Picture | ![Innr BY 178 T](./assets/devices/BY-178-T.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory reset the light bulb ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zkpZSv84H4)). - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/BY_185_C.md b/devices/docs/devices/BY_185_C.md deleted file mode 100644 index edf170cb..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/BY_185_C.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Innr BY 185 C control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Innr BY 185 C via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/BY_185_C.md)* - -# Innr BY 185 C - -| Model | BY 185 C | -| Vendor | Innr | -| Description | B22 bulb RGBW | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy | -| Picture | ![Innr BY 185 C](./assets/devices/BY-185-C.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory reset the light bulb ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zkpZSv84H4)). - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/BY_285_C.md b/devices/docs/devices/BY_285_C.md deleted file mode 100644 index 0e1de257..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/BY_285_C.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Innr BY 285 C control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Innr BY 285 C via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/BY_285_C.md)* - -# Innr BY 285 C - -| Model | BY 285 C | -| Vendor | Innr | -| Description | B22 bulb RGBW | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy | -| Picture | ![Innr BY 285 C](./assets/devices/BY-285-C.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory reset the light bulb ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zkpZSv84H4)). - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/C4.md b/devices/docs/devices/C4.md deleted file mode 100644 index 277eb929..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/C4.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Ubisys C4 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Ubisys C4 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/C4.md)* - -# Ubisys C4 - -| Model | C4 | -| Vendor | Ubisys | -| Description | Control unit C4 | -| Supports | action | -| Picture | ![Ubisys C4](./assets/devices/C4.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/CC2530.ROUTER.md b/devices/docs/devices/CC2530.ROUTER.md deleted file mode 100644 index a99e8845..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/CC2530.ROUTER.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Custom devices (DiY) CC2530.ROUTER control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Custom devices (DiY) CC2530.ROUTER via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/CC2530.ROUTER.md)* - -# Custom devices (DiY) CC2530.ROUTER - -| Model | CC2530.ROUTER | -| Vendor | Custom devices (DiY) | -| Description | [CC2530 router](http://ptvo.info/cc2530-based-zigbee-coordinator-and-router-112/) | -| Supports | state, description, type, rssi | -| Picture | ![Custom devices (DiY) CC2530.ROUTER](./assets/devices/CC2530.ROUTER.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -At first boot it will automatically be in pairing mode and join your network. -To reset it into pairing mode power-cycle it three times as follows: - -1) power on -2) wait 2sec -3) power off -4) repeat above steps 2 further times -5) power on and wait for it to join your network - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/CR11S8UZ.md b/devices/docs/devices/CR11S8UZ.md deleted file mode 100644 index 925f38d8..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/CR11S8UZ.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "ORVIBO CR11S8UZ control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your ORVIBO CR11S8UZ via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/CR11S8UZ.md)* - -# ORVIBO CR11S8UZ - -| Model | CR11S8UZ | -| Vendor | ORVIBO | -| Description | Smart sticker switch | -| Supports | click, hold, release | -| Picture | ![ORVIBO CR11S8UZ](./assets/devices/CR11S8UZ.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/CR701-YZ.md b/devices/docs/devices/CR701-YZ.md deleted file mode 100644 index 9338e2a9..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/CR701-YZ.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Oujiabao CR701-YZ control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Oujiabao CR701-YZ via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/CR701-YZ.md)* - -# Oujiabao CR701-YZ - -| Model | CR701-YZ | -| Vendor | Oujiabao | -| Description | Gas and carbon monoxide alarm | -| Supports | gas and carbon monoxide | -| Picture | ![Oujiabao CR701-YZ](./assets/devices/CR701-YZ.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/D1.md b/devices/docs/devices/D1.md deleted file mode 100644 index 49c3a88b..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/D1.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Ubisys D1 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Ubisys D1 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/D1.md)* - -# Ubisys D1 - -| Model | D1 | -| Vendor | Ubisys | -| Description | Universal dimmer D1 | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, power measurement | -| Picture | ![Ubisys D1](./assets/devices/D1.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/D1531.md b/devices/docs/devices/D1531.md deleted file mode 100644 index 0182feea..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/D1531.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "EcoSmart D1531 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your EcoSmart D1531 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/D1531.md)* - -# EcoSmart D1531 - -| Model | D1531 | -| Vendor | EcoSmart | -| Description | A19 bright white bulb | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![EcoSmart D1531](./assets/devices/D1531.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/D1532.md b/devices/docs/devices/D1532.md deleted file mode 100644 index 6b9b4f79..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/D1532.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "EcoSmart D1532 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your EcoSmart D1532 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/D1532.md)* - -# EcoSmart D1532 - -| Model | D1532 | -| Vendor | EcoSmart | -| Description | A19 soft white bulb | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![EcoSmart D1532](./assets/devices/D1532.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/D1533.md b/devices/docs/devices/D1533.md deleted file mode 100644 index cd54dc1c..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/D1533.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "EcoSmart D1533 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your EcoSmart D1533 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/D1533.md)* - -# EcoSmart D1533 - -| Model | D1533 | -| Vendor | EcoSmart | -| Description | PAR20 bright white bulb | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![EcoSmart D1533](./assets/devices/D1533.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/D1542.md b/devices/docs/devices/D1542.md deleted file mode 100644 index b28a190d..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/D1542.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "EcoSmart D1542 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your EcoSmart D1542 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/D1542.md)* - -# EcoSmart D1542 - -| Model | D1542 | -| Vendor | EcoSmart | -| Description | GU10 adjustable white bulb | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature | -| Picture | ![EcoSmart D1542](./assets/devices/D1542.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/D1821.md b/devices/docs/devices/D1821.md deleted file mode 100644 index cd68c341..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/D1821.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "EcoSmart D1821 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your EcoSmart D1821 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/D1821.md)* - -# EcoSmart D1821 - -| Model | D1821 | -| Vendor | EcoSmart | -| Description | A19 RGB bulb | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy | -| Picture | ![EcoSmart D1821](./assets/devices/D1821.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/DIYRuZ_KEYPAD20.md b/devices/docs/devices/DIYRuZ_KEYPAD20.md deleted file mode 100644 index c8bce6e0..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/DIYRuZ_KEYPAD20.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "DIYRuZ DIYRuZ_KEYPAD20 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your DIYRuZ DIYRuZ_KEYPAD20 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/DIYRuZ_KEYPAD20.md)* - -# DIYRuZ DIYRuZ_KEYPAD20 - -| Model | DIYRuZ_KEYPAD20 | -| Vendor | DIYRuZ | -| Description | [DiY 20 button keypad](http://modkam.ru/?p=1114) | -| Supports | click | -| Picture | ![DIYRuZ DIYRuZ_KEYPAD20](./assets/devices/DIYRuZ_KEYPAD20.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/DIYRuZ_R4_5.md b/devices/docs/devices/DIYRuZ_R4_5.md deleted file mode 100644 index b98591a9..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/DIYRuZ_R4_5.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "DIYRuZ DIYRuZ_R4_5 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your DIYRuZ DIYRuZ_R4_5 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/DIYRuZ_R4_5.md)* - -# DIYRuZ DIYRuZ_R4_5 - -| Model | DIYRuZ_R4_5 | -| Vendor | DIYRuZ | -| Description | [DiY 4 Relays + 4 switches + 1 buzzer](http://modkam.ru/?p=1054) | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![DIYRuZ DIYRuZ_R4_5](./assets/devices/DIYRuZ_R4_5.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/DIYRuZ_magnet.md b/devices/docs/devices/DIYRuZ_magnet.md deleted file mode 100644 index 771d775b..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/DIYRuZ_magnet.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "DIYRuZ DIYRuZ_magnet control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your DIYRuZ DIYRuZ_magnet via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/DIYRuZ_magnet.md)* - -# DIYRuZ DIYRuZ_magnet - -| Model | DIYRuZ_magnet | -| Vendor | DIYRuZ | -| Description | [DIYRuZ contact sensor](https://modkam.ru/?p=1220) | -| Supports | contact | -| Picture | ![DIYRuZ DIYRuZ_magnet](./assets/devices/DIYRuZ_magnet.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/DIYRuZ_rspm.md b/devices/docs/devices/DIYRuZ_rspm.md deleted file mode 100644 index 7792c415..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/DIYRuZ_rspm.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "DIYRuZ DIYRuZ_rspm control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your DIYRuZ DIYRuZ_rspm via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/DIYRuZ_rspm.md)* - -# DIYRuZ DIYRuZ_rspm - -| Model | DIYRuZ_rspm | -| Vendor | DIYRuZ | -| Description | [DIYRuZ relay switch power meter](https://modkam.ru/?p=1309) | -| Supports | relay, switch, adc | -| Picture | ![DIYRuZ DIYRuZ_rspm](./assets/devices/DIYRuZ_rspm.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/DJT11LM.md b/devices/docs/devices/DJT11LM.md deleted file mode 100644 index c669961f..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/DJT11LM.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Xiaomi DJT11LM control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Xiaomi DJT11LM via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/DJT11LM.md)* - -# Xiaomi DJT11LM - -| Model | DJT11LM | -| Vendor | Xiaomi | -| Description | Aqara vibration sensor | -| Supports | drop, tilt and touch | -| Picture | ![Xiaomi DJT11LM](./assets/devices/DJT11LM.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Press the reset button for about 5 seconds. The LED lights up 3 times. -Then press the button again every 2 seconds (maximum 20 times). - -*NOTE: When you fail to pair a device, try replacing the battery, this could solve the problem.* - -### Meaning of `strength` value -The `strength` value, which is reported every 300 seconds after vibration is detected, is the max strength measured during a period of 300 second. - - -### Sensitivity -The sensitivity can be changed by publishing to `zigbee2mqtt/[FRIENDLY_NAME]/set` -`{"sensitivity": "SENSITIVITY"}` where `SENSITVITIY` is one of the following -values: `low`, `medium`, `high`. - - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/DL15S-1BZ.md b/devices/docs/devices/DL15S-1BZ.md deleted file mode 100644 index e04de7b4..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/DL15S-1BZ.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Leviton DL15S-1BZ control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Leviton DL15S-1BZ via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/DL15S-1BZ.md)* - -# Leviton DL15S-1BZ - -| Model | DL15S-1BZ | -| Vendor | Leviton | -| Description | Lumina RF 15A switch, 120/277V | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![Leviton DL15S-1BZ](./assets/devices/DL15S-1BZ.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -To pair this device, hold the ON for few seconds until the red light is blinking. After that, simple tap once on the ON again to start the pairing process. - -Note: This device doesn't support Zigbee channels 25 & 26. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/DL_110_N.md b/devices/docs/devices/DL_110_N.md deleted file mode 100644 index e77862db..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/DL_110_N.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Innr DL 110 N control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Innr DL 110 N via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/DL_110_N.md)* - -# Innr DL 110 N - -| Model | DL 110 N | -| Vendor | Innr | -| Description | Spot narrow | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![Innr DL 110 N](./assets/devices/DL-110-N.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory reset the light bulb ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zkpZSv84H4)). - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/DL_110_W.md b/devices/docs/devices/DL_110_W.md deleted file mode 100644 index bd70d5cd..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/DL_110_W.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Innr DL 110 W control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Innr DL 110 W via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/DL_110_W.md)* - -# Innr DL 110 W - -| Model | DL 110 W | -| Vendor | Innr | -| Description | Spot wide | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![Innr DL 110 W](./assets/devices/DL-110-W.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory reset the light bulb ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zkpZSv84H4)). - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/DNCKATSW001.md b/devices/docs/devices/DNCKATSW001.md deleted file mode 100644 index f1400d54..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/DNCKATSW001.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Custom devices (DiY) DNCKATSW001 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Custom devices (DiY) DNCKATSW001 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/DNCKATSW001.md)* - -# Custom devices (DiY) DNCKATSW001 - -| Model | DNCKATSW001 | -| Vendor | Custom devices (DiY) | -| Description | [DNCKAT single key wired wall light switch](https://github.com/dzungpv/dnckatsw00x/) | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![Custom devices (DiY) DNCKATSW001](./assets/devices/DNCKATSW001.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/DNCKATSW002.md b/devices/docs/devices/DNCKATSW002.md deleted file mode 100644 index 5f6d3f11..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/DNCKATSW002.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Custom devices (DiY) DNCKATSW002 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Custom devices (DiY) DNCKATSW002 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/DNCKATSW002.md)* - -# Custom devices (DiY) DNCKATSW002 - -| Model | DNCKATSW002 | -| Vendor | Custom devices (DiY) | -| Description | [DNCKAT double key wired wall light switch](https://github.com/dzungpv/dnckatsw00x/) | -| Supports | hold/release, on/off | -| Picture | ![Custom devices (DiY) DNCKATSW002](./assets/devices/DNCKATSW002.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/DNCKATSW003.md b/devices/docs/devices/DNCKATSW003.md deleted file mode 100644 index 4827b79d..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/DNCKATSW003.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Custom devices (DiY) DNCKATSW003 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Custom devices (DiY) DNCKATSW003 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/DNCKATSW003.md)* - -# Custom devices (DiY) DNCKATSW003 - -| Model | DNCKATSW003 | -| Vendor | Custom devices (DiY) | -| Description | [DNCKAT triple key wired wall light switch](https://github.com/dzungpv/dnckatsw00x/) | -| Supports | hold/release, on/off | -| Picture | ![Custom devices (DiY) DNCKATSW003](./assets/devices/DNCKATSW003.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/DNCKATSW004.md b/devices/docs/devices/DNCKATSW004.md deleted file mode 100644 index 3a68dcb4..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/DNCKATSW004.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Custom devices (DiY) DNCKATSW004 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Custom devices (DiY) DNCKATSW004 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/DNCKATSW004.md)* - -# Custom devices (DiY) DNCKATSW004 - -| Model | DNCKATSW004 | -| Vendor | Custom devices (DiY) | -| Description | [DNCKAT quadruple key wired wall light switch](https://github.com/dzungpv/dnckatsw00x/) | -| Supports | hold/release, on/off | -| Picture | ![Custom devices (DiY) DNCKATSW004](./assets/devices/DNCKATSW004.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/DTB190502A1.md b/devices/docs/devices/DTB190502A1.md deleted file mode 100644 index 3ed3faeb..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/DTB190502A1.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Custom devices (DiY) DTB190502A1 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Custom devices (DiY) DTB190502A1 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/DTB190502A1.md)* - -# Custom devices (DiY) DTB190502A1 - -| Model | DTB190502A1 | -| Vendor | Custom devices (DiY) | -| Description | [CC2530 based IO Board https://databyte.ch/?portfolio=zigbee-erstes-board-dtb190502a) | -| Supports | switch, buttons | -| Picture | ![Custom devices (DiY) DTB190502A1](./assets/devices/DTB190502A1.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/E11-G13.md b/devices/docs/devices/E11-G13.md deleted file mode 100644 index eb0f2ccc..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/E11-G13.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Sengled E11-G13 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Sengled E11-G13 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/E11-G13.md)* - -# Sengled E11-G13 - -| Model | E11-G13 | -| Vendor | Sengled | -| Description | Element Classic (A19) | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![Sengled E11-G13](./assets/devices/E11-G13.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/E11-G23_E11-G33.md b/devices/docs/devices/E11-G23_E11-G33.md deleted file mode 100644 index 6b9c51bc..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/E11-G23_E11-G33.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Sengled E11-G23/E11-G33 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Sengled E11-G23/E11-G33 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/E11-G23_E11-G33.md)* - -# Sengled E11-G23/E11-G33 - -| Model | E11-G23/E11-G33 | -| Vendor | Sengled | -| Description | Element Classic (A60) | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![Sengled E11-G23/E11-G33](./assets/devices/E11-G23-E11-G33.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/E11-N1EA.md b/devices/docs/devices/E11-N1EA.md deleted file mode 100644 index 539892ee..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/E11-N1EA.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Sengled E11-N1EA control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Sengled E11-N1EA via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/E11-N1EA.md)* - -# Sengled E11-N1EA - -| Model | E11-N1EA | -| Vendor | Sengled | -| Description | Element Plus Color (A19) | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy | -| Picture | ![Sengled E11-N1EA](./assets/devices/E11-N1EA.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/E11-U2E.md b/devices/docs/devices/E11-U2E.md deleted file mode 100644 index 1357a88e..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/E11-U2E.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Sengled E11-U2E control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Sengled E11-U2E via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/E11-U2E.md)* - -# Sengled E11-U2E - -| Model | E11-U2E | -| Vendor | Sengled | -| Description | Element color plus E27 | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy | -| Picture | ![Sengled E11-U2E](./assets/devices/E11-U2E.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/E12-N14.md b/devices/docs/devices/E12-N14.md deleted file mode 100644 index b77a37fb..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/E12-N14.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Sengled E12-N14 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Sengled E12-N14 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/E12-N14.md)* - -# Sengled E12-N14 - -| Model | E12-N14 | -| Vendor | Sengled | -| Description | Element Classic (BR30) | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![Sengled E12-N14](./assets/devices/E12-N14.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/E1524_E1810.md b/devices/docs/devices/E1524_E1810.md deleted file mode 100644 index 20bbdd06..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/E1524_E1810.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,65 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "IKEA E1524/E1810 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your IKEA E1524/E1810 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/E1524_E1810.md)* - -# IKEA E1524/E1810 - -| Model | E1524/E1810 | -| Vendor | IKEA | -| Description | TRADFRI remote control | -| Supports | toggle, arrow left/right click/hold/release, brightness up/down click/hold/release | -| Picture | ![IKEA E1524/E1810](./assets/devices/E1524-E1810.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Pair the remote to Zigbee2mqtt by holding it close to the coordinator and -pressing the inside button, next to the CR2032 battery, 4 times. -The red light on the (front of the) remote will now flash a few times. - - -### Binding -The remote can be bound to groups using [binding](../information/binding) since firmware 2.3.014. -It can only be bound to 1 group at a time. Use the group name as `TARGET_DEVICE_FRIENDLY_NAME`. -By default this remote is bound to the default bind group which you first have to unbind it from. -This can be done by sending to `zigbee2mqtt/bridge/unbind/[DEVICE_FRIENLDY_NAME]]` payload `default_bind_group`. - -#### Note -This device with old firmware < 2.3.014 does not support binding (limitation of the device). A workaround is to first -get the group ID where the remote is sending it's commands to and add bulbs to the -same group ([discussion](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/782#issuecomment-514526256)). - -1. Pair the IKEA TRADRI remote control to Zigbee2mqtt. -2. Enable debug logging (log_level: debug) ([documentation](../information/configuration.md)). -3. You will get log output like this: `10/3/2019, 9:28:02 AM - debug: Received Zigbee message from '0x90fd9ffffe90d778' -of type 'commandToggle' with data '{}' from endpoint 1 with groupID 57173`. -4. Retrieve the group from the log output, which is `57173` in the above example. -5. Add this group to `configuration.yaml` and add your device (e.g.) bulb to this group. -([documentation](../information/groups.md)). - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -### Toggle button -When clicking the middle (center) button on the remote it will send a `{"click": "toggle"}`, when holding it -it will **also** send a `{"click": "toggle_hold"}`. It is not possible to skip the `toggle` when the button is hold. -Also the remote won't send anything when the button is released. -See [link](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/2077#issuecomment-538691885) for more details. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/E1525_E1745.md b/devices/docs/devices/E1525_E1745.md deleted file mode 100644 index cd7bc597..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/E1525_E1745.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "IKEA E1525/E1745 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your IKEA E1525/E1745 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/E1525_E1745.md)* - -# IKEA E1525/E1745 - -| Model | E1525/E1745 | -| Vendor | IKEA | -| Description | TRADFRI motion sensor | -| Supports | occupancy | -| Picture | ![IKEA E1525/E1745](./assets/devices/E1525-E1745.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Pair the sensor to Zigbee2mqtt by pressing the pair button 4 times in a row. -The red light on the front side should flash a few times and the turn off. -After a few seconds it turns back on and pulsate. When connected, the light turns off. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/E1603_E1702.md b/devices/docs/devices/E1603_E1702.md deleted file mode 100644 index b8f53593..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/E1603_E1702.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "IKEA E1603/E1702 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your IKEA E1603/E1702 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/E1603_E1702.md)* - -# IKEA E1603/E1702 - -| Model | E1603/E1702 | -| Vendor | IKEA | -| Description | TRADFRI control outlet | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![IKEA E1603/E1702](./assets/devices/E1603-E1702.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -The TRADFRI control outlet also acts as a Zigbee router. - - -### Pairing -To factory reset the TRADFRI control outlet, press and hold the reset button -(pinhole underneath the light, located at the top (bottom if UK) of the outlet) with a -paperclip until the white light starts fading. Hold onto the button for a -few more seconds, then release. After this, the outlet will automatically connect. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/E1743.md b/devices/docs/devices/E1743.md deleted file mode 100644 index 64c0095a..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/E1743.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,47 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "IKEA E1743 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your IKEA E1743 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/E1743.md)* - -# IKEA E1743 - -| Model | E1743 | -| Vendor | IKEA | -| Description | TRADFRI ON/OFF switch | -| Supports | on, off, brightness up/down/stop | -| Picture | ![IKEA E1743](./assets/devices/E1743.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Pair the switch to Zigbee2mqtt by pressing the pair button (found under the back cover next to the battery) -4 times in a row. The red light on the front side should flash a few times and the turn off -(it's more visible to see the light from the back). After a few seconds it turns back on and pulsate. -When connected, the light turns off. - - -### Binding -The E1743 can be bound to groups using [binding](../information/binding). -It can only be bound to 1 group at a time and cannot be bound to a device. - -By default this remote is bound to the default bind group which you first have to unbind it from. -This can be done by sending to `zigbee2mqtt/bridge/unbind/[DEVICE_FRIENLDY_NAME]]` payload `default_bind_group`. - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/E1744.md b/devices/docs/devices/E1744.md deleted file mode 100644 index 35a93c89..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/E1744.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,56 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "IKEA E1744 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your IKEA E1744 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/E1744.md)* - -# IKEA E1744 - -| Model | E1744 | -| Vendor | IKEA | -| Description | SYMFONISK sound controller | -| Supports | volume up/down, play/pause, skip forward/backward | -| Picture | ![IKEA E1744](./assets/devices/E1744.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Press the button on the device 4 times (until the red light turns on). - - -### Recommendation -This device sends multiple messages in short time period with the same payload. It's worth setting `debounce` option with `debounce_ignore: - action` to throttle them without loosing unique action payloads. - -E.g. (devices.yaml) - -{% raw %} -```yaml -'0xabc457fffe679xyz': - friendly_name: my_remote - debounce: 0.5 - debounce_ignore: - - action -``` -{% endraw %} - -To find optimal "smoothness" play with debounce time or if you need all unique rotation steps consider adding `brightness` to `debounce_ignore` option - -{% raw %} -```yaml -'0xabc457fffe679xyz': - friendly_name: my_remote - debounce: 0.1 - debounce_ignore: - - action - - brightness -``` -{% endraw %} - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/E1746.md b/devices/docs/devices/E1746.md deleted file mode 100644 index cee01c0c..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/E1746.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "IKEA E1746 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your IKEA E1746 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/E1746.md)* - -# IKEA E1746 - -| Model | E1746 | -| Vendor | IKEA | -| Description | TRADFRI signal repeater | -| Supports | linkquality | -| Picture | ![IKEA E1746](./assets/devices/E1746.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Push the reset button of the device with a paperclip for 5 seconds. -While pairing the LED is flashing/dimming slowly. Once the pairing is finished, the LED stays on. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/E1757.md b/devices/docs/devices/E1757.md deleted file mode 100644 index bcbdfc72..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/E1757.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "IKEA E1757 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your IKEA E1757 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/E1757.md)* - -# IKEA E1757 - -| Model | E1757 | -| Vendor | IKEA | -| Description | FYRTUR roller blind | -| Supports | open, close, stop, position | -| Picture | ![IKEA E1757](./assets/devices/E1757.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Short press both buttons on the blind (next to battery lid) for 5 seconds, until a white light between both buttons is turned on. -The device is now awake and ready to pair for 2 minutes. - -Keep the CC2531 USB sniffer very close to the blind battery lid, until the white light is turned off (this should mean the pairing is successful). - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/E1766.md b/devices/docs/devices/E1766.md deleted file mode 100644 index 98b0569b..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/E1766.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "IKEA E1766 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your IKEA E1766 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/E1766.md)* - -# IKEA E1766 - -| Model | E1766 | -| Vendor | IKEA | -| Description | TRADFRI open/close remote | -| Supports | click | -| Picture | ![IKEA E1766](./assets/devices/E1766.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Open the back cover of the remote and find the pairing button. -Reset the remote with 4 short pushes on the pairing button on the back (within 5 seconds) and a red light will shine steadily on the remote. - -Now keep the CC2531 USB sniffer very close to the remote for pairing (red light will stop shinning when done). - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/E1926.md b/devices/docs/devices/E1926.md deleted file mode 100644 index 60fb45e7..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/E1926.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "IKEA E1926 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your IKEA E1926 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/E1926.md)* - -# IKEA E1926 - -| Model | E1926 | -| Vendor | IKEA | -| Description | KADRILJ roller blind | -| Supports | open, close, stop, position | -| Picture | ![IKEA E1926](./assets/devices/E1926.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Short press both buttons on the blind (next to battery lid) for 5 seconds, until a white light between both buttons is turned on. -The device is now awake and ready to pair for 2 minutes. - -Keep the CC2531 USB sniffer very close to the blind battery lid, until the white light is turned off (this should mean the pairing is successful). - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/E1ACA4ABE38A.md b/devices/docs/devices/E1ACA4ABE38A.md deleted file mode 100644 index 045bbf31..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/E1ACA4ABE38A.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Sengled E1ACA4ABE38A control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Sengled E1ACA4ABE38A via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/E1ACA4ABE38A.md)* - -# Sengled E1ACA4ABE38A - -| Model | E1ACA4ABE38A | -| Vendor | Sengled | -| Description | Element downlight smart LED bulb | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![Sengled E1ACA4ABE38A](./assets/devices/E1ACA4ABE38A.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/E1C-NB6.md b/devices/docs/devices/E1C-NB6.md deleted file mode 100644 index 21286ee0..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/E1C-NB6.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Sengled E1C-NB6 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Sengled E1C-NB6 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/E1C-NB6.md)* - -# Sengled E1C-NB6 - -| Model | E1C-NB6 | -| Vendor | Sengled | -| Description | Smart plug | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![Sengled E1C-NB6](./assets/devices/E1C-NB6.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/E1D-G73WNA.md b/devices/docs/devices/E1D-G73WNA.md deleted file mode 100644 index be93c681..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/E1D-G73WNA.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Sengled E1D-G73WNA control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Sengled E1D-G73WNA via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/E1D-G73WNA.md)* - -# Sengled E1D-G73WNA - -| Model | E1D-G73WNA | -| Vendor | Sengled | -| Description | Smart window and door sensor | -| Supports | contact | -| Picture | ![Sengled E1D-G73WNA](./assets/devices/E1D-G73WNA.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/Eco-Dim.07.md b/devices/docs/devices/Eco-Dim.07.md deleted file mode 100644 index df1909c2..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/Eco-Dim.07.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "EcoDim Eco-Dim.07 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your EcoDim Eco-Dim.07 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/Eco-Dim.07.md)* - -# EcoDim Eco-Dim.07 - -| Model | Eco-Dim.07 | -| Vendor | EcoDim | -| Description | Zigbee & Z-wave dimmer | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![EcoDim Eco-Dim.07](./assets/devices/Eco-Dim.07.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/F-APP-UK-V2.md b/devices/docs/devices/F-APP-UK-V2.md deleted file mode 100644 index 099918f1..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/F-APP-UK-V2.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "SmartThings F-APP-UK-V2 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your SmartThings F-APP-UK-V2 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/F-APP-UK-V2.md)* - -# SmartThings F-APP-UK-V2 - -| Model | F-APP-UK-V2 | -| Vendor | SmartThings | -| Description | Zigbee Outlet UK with power meter | -| Supports | on/off, power measurement | -| Picture | ![SmartThings F-APP-UK-V2](./assets/devices/F-APP-UK-V2.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/F-MLT-US-2.md b/devices/docs/devices/F-MLT-US-2.md deleted file mode 100644 index 9ba54679..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/F-MLT-US-2.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "SmartThings F-MLT-US-2 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your SmartThings F-MLT-US-2 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/F-MLT-US-2.md)* - -# SmartThings F-MLT-US-2 - -| Model | F-MLT-US-2 | -| Vendor | SmartThings | -| Description | Multipurpose sensor (2016 model) | -| Supports | contact | -| Picture | ![SmartThings F-MLT-US-2](./assets/devices/F-MLT-US-2.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/F7C033.md b/devices/docs/devices/F7C033.md deleted file mode 100644 index 3fc1aeac..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/F7C033.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Belkin F7C033 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Belkin F7C033 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/F7C033.md)* - -# Belkin F7C033 - -| Model | F7C033 | -| Vendor | Belkin | -| Description | WeMo smart LED bulb | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![Belkin F7C033](./assets/devices/F7C033.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -[Resetting or Restoring the Wemo® Smart LED Bulb, F7C033](http://www.belkin.com/us/support-article?articleNum=116178) - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/FL_130_C.md b/devices/docs/devices/FL_130_C.md deleted file mode 100644 index 4a2221ef..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/FL_130_C.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Innr FL 130 C control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Innr FL 130 C via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/FL_130_C.md)* - -# Innr FL 130 C - -| Model | FL 130 C | -| Vendor | Innr | -| Description | Color Flex LED strip | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy | -| Picture | ![Innr FL 130 C](./assets/devices/FL-130-C.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory reset the light bulb ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zkpZSv84H4)). - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/GD-CZ-006.md b/devices/docs/devices/GD-CZ-006.md deleted file mode 100644 index 71f07b43..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/GD-CZ-006.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Gledopto GD-CZ-006 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Gledopto GD-CZ-006 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/GD-CZ-006.md)* - -# Gledopto GD-CZ-006 - -| Model | GD-CZ-006 | -| Vendor | Gledopto | -| Description | Zigbee LED Driver | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![Gledopto GD-CZ-006](./assets/devices/GD-CZ-006.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -1. Switch on your device. -2. Now switch off and on within 2 seconds. -3. Repeat off/on four times. -4. Reset is done when the device is switched on in the fifth time and the light stays on after blinking 4 times - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/GDKES-01TZXD.md b/devices/docs/devices/GDKES-01TZXD.md deleted file mode 100644 index 0667250a..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/GDKES-01TZXD.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "TUYATEC GDKES-01TZXD control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your TUYATEC GDKES-01TZXD via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/GDKES-01TZXD.md)* - -# TUYATEC GDKES-01TZXD - -| Model | GDKES-01TZXD | -| Vendor | TUYATEC | -| Description | Smart light switch - 1 gang without neutral wire | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![TUYATEC GDKES-01TZXD](./assets/devices/GDKES-01TZXD.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/GDKES-02TZXD.md b/devices/docs/devices/GDKES-02TZXD.md deleted file mode 100644 index 2803666c..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/GDKES-02TZXD.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "TUYATEC GDKES-02TZXD control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your TUYATEC GDKES-02TZXD via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/GDKES-02TZXD.md)* - -# TUYATEC GDKES-02TZXD - -| Model | GDKES-02TZXD | -| Vendor | TUYATEC | -| Description | Smart light switch - 2 gang without neutral wire | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![TUYATEC GDKES-02TZXD](./assets/devices/GDKES-02TZXD.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/GDKES-03TZXD.md b/devices/docs/devices/GDKES-03TZXD.md deleted file mode 100644 index 2cbddce1..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/GDKES-03TZXD.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "TUYATEC GDKES-03TZXD control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your TUYATEC GDKES-03TZXD via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/GDKES-03TZXD.md)* - -# TUYATEC GDKES-03TZXD - -| Model | GDKES-03TZXD | -| Vendor | TUYATEC | -| Description | Smart light switch - 3 gang without neutral wire | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![TUYATEC GDKES-03TZXD](./assets/devices/GDKES-03TZXD.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/GL-B-001Z.md b/devices/docs/devices/GL-B-001Z.md deleted file mode 100644 index a5925378..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/GL-B-001Z.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Gledopto GL-B-001Z control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Gledopto GL-B-001Z via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/GL-B-001Z.md)* - -# Gledopto GL-B-001Z - -| Model | GL-B-001Z | -| Vendor | Gledopto | -| Description | Smart 4W E14 RGB / CCT LED bulb | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color | -| Picture | ![Gledopto GL-B-001Z](./assets/devices/GL-B-001Z.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -1. Switch on your device. -2. Now switch off and on within 2 seconds. -3. Repeat off/on four times. -4. Reset is done when the device is switched on in the fifth time and the light stays on after blinking 4 times - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/GL-B-007Z.md b/devices/docs/devices/GL-B-007Z.md deleted file mode 100644 index db367790..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/GL-B-007Z.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Gledopto GL-B-007Z control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Gledopto GL-B-007Z via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/GL-B-007Z.md)* - -# Gledopto GL-B-007Z - -| Model | GL-B-007Z | -| Vendor | Gledopto | -| Description | Smart 6W E27 RGB / CCT LED bulb | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color | -| Picture | ![Gledopto GL-B-007Z](./assets/devices/GL-B-007Z.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -1. Switch on your device. -2. Now switch off and on within 2 seconds. -3. Repeat off/on four times. -4. Reset is done when the device is switched on in the fifth time and the light stays on after blinking 4 times - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/GL-B-007ZS.md b/devices/docs/devices/GL-B-007ZS.md deleted file mode 100644 index b55badc6..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/GL-B-007ZS.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Gledopto GL-B-007ZS control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Gledopto GL-B-007ZS via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/GL-B-007ZS.md)* - -# Gledopto GL-B-007ZS - -| Model | GL-B-007ZS | -| Vendor | Gledopto | -| Description | Smart+ 6W E27 RGB / CCT LED bulb | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color | -| Picture | ![Gledopto GL-B-007ZS](./assets/devices/GL-B-007ZS.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -1. Switch on your device. -2. Now switch off and on within 2 seconds. -3. Repeat off/on four times. -4. Reset is done when the device is switched on in the fifth time and the light stays on after blinking 4 times - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/GL-B-008Z.md b/devices/docs/devices/GL-B-008Z.md deleted file mode 100644 index 07dbf9ad..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/GL-B-008Z.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Gledopto GL-B-008Z control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Gledopto GL-B-008Z via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/GL-B-008Z.md)* - -# Gledopto GL-B-008Z - -| Model | GL-B-008Z | -| Vendor | Gledopto | -| Description | Smart 12W E27 RGB / CCT LED bulb | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color | -| Picture | ![Gledopto GL-B-008Z](./assets/devices/GL-B-008Z.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -1. Switch on your device. -2. Now switch off and on within 2 seconds. -3. Repeat off/on four times. -4. Reset is done when the device is switched on in the fifth time and the light stays on after blinking 4 times - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/GL-B-008ZS.md b/devices/docs/devices/GL-B-008ZS.md deleted file mode 100644 index dae137dd..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/GL-B-008ZS.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Gledopto GL-B-008ZS control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Gledopto GL-B-008ZS via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/GL-B-008ZS.md)* - -# Gledopto GL-B-008ZS - -| Model | GL-B-008ZS | -| Vendor | Gledopto | -| Description | Smart 12W E27 RGB / CW LED bulb | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color | -| Picture | ![Gledopto GL-B-008ZS](./assets/devices/GL-B-008ZS.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -1. Switch on your device. -2. Now switch off and on within 2 seconds. -3. Repeat off/on four times. -4. Reset is done when the device is switched on in the fifth time and the light stays on after blinking 4 times - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/GL-C-006.md b/devices/docs/devices/GL-C-006.md deleted file mode 100644 index 6b588808..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/GL-C-006.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Gledopto GL-C-006 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Gledopto GL-C-006 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/GL-C-006.md)* - -# Gledopto GL-C-006 - -| Model | GL-C-006 | -| Vendor | Gledopto | -| Description | Zigbee LED controller WW/CW | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature | -| Picture | ![Gledopto GL-C-006](./assets/devices/GL-C-006.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -1. Switch on your device. -2. Now switch off and on within 2 seconds. -3. Repeat off/on four times. -4. Reset is done when the device is switched on in the fifth time and the light stays on after blinking 4 times - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/GL-C-007.md b/devices/docs/devices/GL-C-007.md deleted file mode 100644 index 83849beb..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/GL-C-007.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Gledopto GL-C-007 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Gledopto GL-C-007 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/GL-C-007.md)* - -# Gledopto GL-C-007 - -| Model | GL-C-007 | -| Vendor | Gledopto | -| Description | Zigbee LED controller RGBW | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color, white | -| Picture | ![Gledopto GL-C-007](./assets/devices/GL-C-007.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -1. Switch on your device. -2. Now switch off and on within 2 seconds. -3. Repeat off/on four times. -4. Reset is done when the device is switched on in the fifth time and the light stays on after blinking 4 times - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/GL-C-007S.md b/devices/docs/devices/GL-C-007S.md deleted file mode 100644 index f593c1b9..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/GL-C-007S.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Gledopto GL-C-007S control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Gledopto GL-C-007S via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/GL-C-007S.md)* - -# Gledopto GL-C-007S - -| Model | GL-C-007S | -| Vendor | Gledopto | -| Description | Zigbee LED controller RGBW plus model | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color, white | -| Picture | ![Gledopto GL-C-007S](./assets/devices/GL-C-007S.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -1. Switch on your device. -2. Now switch off and on within 2 seconds. -3. Repeat off/on four times. -4. Reset is done when the device is switched on in the fifth time and the light stays on after blinking 4 times - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/GL-C-007_GL-C-008.md b/devices/docs/devices/GL-C-007_GL-C-008.md deleted file mode 100644 index 079557f2..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/GL-C-007_GL-C-008.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Gledopto GL-C-007/GL-C-008 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Gledopto GL-C-007/GL-C-008 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/GL-C-007_GL-C-008.md)* - -# Gledopto GL-C-007/GL-C-008 - -| Model | GL-C-007/GL-C-008 | -| Vendor | Gledopto | -| Description | Zigbee LED controller RGB + CCT or RGBW | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature or white, color | -| Picture | ![Gledopto GL-C-007/GL-C-008](./assets/devices/GL-C-007-GL-C-008.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -1. Switch on your device. -2. Now switch off and on within 2 seconds. -3. Repeat off/on four times. -4. Reset is done when the device is switched on in the fifth time and the light stays on after blinking 4 times - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/GL-C-008.md b/devices/docs/devices/GL-C-008.md deleted file mode 100644 index a7a54875..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/GL-C-008.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Gledopto GL-C-008 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Gledopto GL-C-008 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/GL-C-008.md)* - -# Gledopto GL-C-008 - -| Model | GL-C-008 | -| Vendor | Gledopto | -| Description | Zigbee LED controller RGB + CCT | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color | -| Picture | ![Gledopto GL-C-008](./assets/devices/GL-C-008.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -1. Switch on your device. -2. Now switch off and on within 2 seconds. -3. Repeat off/on four times. -4. Reset is done when the device is switched on in the fifth time and the light stays on after blinking 4 times - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/GL-C-008S.md b/devices/docs/devices/GL-C-008S.md deleted file mode 100644 index 332bd18d..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/GL-C-008S.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Gledopto GL-C-008S control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Gledopto GL-C-008S via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/GL-C-008S.md)* - -# Gledopto GL-C-008S - -| Model | GL-C-008S | -| Vendor | Gledopto | -| Description | Zigbee LED controller RGB + CCT plus model | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color | -| Picture | ![Gledopto GL-C-008S](./assets/devices/GL-C-008S.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -1. Switch on your device. -2. Now switch off and on within 2 seconds. -3. Repeat off/on four times. -4. Reset is done when the device is switched on in the fifth time and the light stays on after blinking 4 times - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/GL-C-009.md b/devices/docs/devices/GL-C-009.md deleted file mode 100644 index 9bc8d636..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/GL-C-009.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Gledopto GL-C-009 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Gledopto GL-C-009 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/GL-C-009.md)* - -# Gledopto GL-C-009 - -| Model | GL-C-009 | -| Vendor | Gledopto | -| Description | Zigbee LED controller dimmer | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![Gledopto GL-C-009](./assets/devices/GL-C-009.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -1. Switch on your device. -2. Now switch off and on within 2 seconds. -3. Repeat off/on four times. -4. Reset is done when the device is switched on in the fifth time and the light stays on after blinking 4 times - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/GL-D-003Z.md b/devices/docs/devices/GL-D-003Z.md deleted file mode 100644 index 1de335e6..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/GL-D-003Z.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Gledopto GL-D-003Z control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Gledopto GL-D-003Z via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/GL-D-003Z.md)* - -# Gledopto GL-D-003Z - -| Model | GL-D-003Z | -| Vendor | Gledopto | -| Description | LED RGB + CCT downlight | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color | -| Picture | ![Gledopto GL-D-003Z](./assets/devices/GL-D-003Z.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -1. Switch on your device. -2. Now switch off and on within 2 seconds. -3. Repeat off/on four times. -4. Reset is done when the device is switched on in the fifth time and the light stays on after blinking 4 times - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/GL-D-003ZS.md b/devices/docs/devices/GL-D-003ZS.md deleted file mode 100644 index 92ca1117..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/GL-D-003ZS.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Gledopto GL-D-003ZS control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Gledopto GL-D-003ZS via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/GL-D-003ZS.md)* - -# Gledopto GL-D-003ZS - -| Model | GL-D-003ZS | -| Vendor | Gledopto | -| Description | Smart+ 6W LED spot | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color | -| Picture | ![Gledopto GL-D-003ZS](./assets/devices/GL-D-003ZS.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -1. Switch on your device. -2. Now switch off and on within 2 seconds. -3. Repeat off/on four times. -4. Reset is done when the device is switched on in the fifth time and the light stays on after blinking 4 times - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/GL-D-004ZS.md b/devices/docs/devices/GL-D-004ZS.md deleted file mode 100644 index 293f5ab5..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/GL-D-004ZS.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Gledopto GL-D-004ZS control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Gledopto GL-D-004ZS via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/GL-D-004ZS.md)* - -# Gledopto GL-D-004ZS - -| Model | GL-D-004ZS | -| Vendor | Gledopto | -| Description | LED RGB + CCT downlight plus version 9W | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color | -| Picture | ![Gledopto GL-D-004ZS](./assets/devices/GL-D-004ZS.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -1. Switch on your device. -2. Now switch off and on within 2 seconds. -3. Repeat off/on four times. -4. Reset is done when the device is switched on in the fifth time and the light stays on after blinking 4 times - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/GL-D-005Z.md b/devices/docs/devices/GL-D-005Z.md deleted file mode 100644 index f8006788..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/GL-D-005Z.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Gledopto GL-D-005Z control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Gledopto GL-D-005Z via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/GL-D-005Z.md)* - -# Gledopto GL-D-005Z - -| Model | GL-D-005Z | -| Vendor | Gledopto | -| Description | LED RGB + CCT downlight | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color | -| Picture | ![Gledopto GL-D-005Z](./assets/devices/GL-D-005Z.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -1. Switch on your device. -2. Now switch off and on within 2 seconds. -3. Repeat off/on four times. -4. Reset is done when the device is switched on in the fifth time and the light stays on after blinking 4 times - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/GL-FL-004TZ.md b/devices/docs/devices/GL-FL-004TZ.md deleted file mode 100644 index b00ed829..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/GL-FL-004TZ.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Gledopto GL-FL-004TZ control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Gledopto GL-FL-004TZ via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/GL-FL-004TZ.md)* - -# Gledopto GL-FL-004TZ - -| Model | GL-FL-004TZ | -| Vendor | Gledopto | -| Description | Zigbee 10W floodlight RGB CCT | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color | -| Picture | ![Gledopto GL-FL-004TZ](./assets/devices/GL-FL-004TZ.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -1. Switch on your device. -2. Now switch off and on within 2 seconds. -3. Repeat off/on four times. -4. Reset is done when the device is switched on in the fifth time and the light stays on after blinking 4 times - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/GL-G-001Z.md b/devices/docs/devices/GL-G-001Z.md deleted file mode 100644 index d94dcdb0..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/GL-G-001Z.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Gledopto GL-G-001Z control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Gledopto GL-G-001Z via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/GL-G-001Z.md)* - -# Gledopto GL-G-001Z - -| Model | GL-G-001Z | -| Vendor | Gledopto | -| Description | Smart garden lamp | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color | -| Picture | ![Gledopto GL-G-001Z](./assets/devices/GL-G-001Z.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -1. Switch on your device. -2. Now switch off and on within 2 seconds. -3. Repeat off/on four times. -4. Reset is done when the device is switched on in the fifth time and the light stays on after blinking 4 times - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/GL-G-007Z.md b/devices/docs/devices/GL-G-007Z.md deleted file mode 100644 index 9e5c002f..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/GL-G-007Z.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Gledopto GL-G-007Z control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Gledopto GL-G-007Z via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/GL-G-007Z.md)* - -# Gledopto GL-G-007Z - -| Model | GL-G-007Z | -| Vendor | Gledopto | -| Description | Smart garden lamp 9W RGB / CCT | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color | -| Picture | ![Gledopto GL-G-007Z](./assets/devices/GL-G-007Z.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -1. Switch on your device. -2. Now switch off and on within 2 seconds. -3. Repeat off/on four times. -4. Reset is done when the device is switched on in the fifth time and the light stays on after blinking 4 times - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/GL-MC-001.md b/devices/docs/devices/GL-MC-001.md deleted file mode 100644 index 17fd3540..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/GL-MC-001.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Gledopto GL-MC-001 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Gledopto GL-MC-001 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/GL-MC-001.md)* - -# Gledopto GL-MC-001 - -| Model | GL-MC-001 | -| Vendor | Gledopto | -| Description | Zigbee USB mini LED controller RGB + CCT | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color | -| Picture | ![Gledopto GL-MC-001](./assets/devices/GL-MC-001.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -1. Switch on your device. -2. Now switch off and on within 2 seconds. -3. Repeat off/on four times. -4. Reset is done when the device is switched on in the fifth time and the light stays on after blinking 4 times - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/GL-S-003Z.md b/devices/docs/devices/GL-S-003Z.md deleted file mode 100644 index 4e5a41ca..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/GL-S-003Z.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Gledopto GL-S-003Z control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Gledopto GL-S-003Z via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/GL-S-003Z.md)* - -# Gledopto GL-S-003Z - -| Model | GL-S-003Z | -| Vendor | Gledopto | -| Description | Smart RGBW GU10 | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color, white | -| Picture | ![Gledopto GL-S-003Z](./assets/devices/GL-S-003Z.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -1. Switch on your device. -2. Now switch off and on within 2 seconds. -3. Repeat off/on four times. -4. Reset is done when the device is switched on in the fifth time and the light stays on after blinking 4 times - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/GL-S-004Z.md b/devices/docs/devices/GL-S-004Z.md deleted file mode 100644 index 36034776..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/GL-S-004Z.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Gledopto GL-S-004Z control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Gledopto GL-S-004Z via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/GL-S-004Z.md)* - -# Gledopto GL-S-004Z - -| Model | GL-S-004Z | -| Vendor | Gledopto | -| Description | Zigbee Smart WW/CW GU10 | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature | -| Picture | ![Gledopto GL-S-004Z](./assets/devices/GL-S-004Z.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -1. Switch on your device. -2. Now switch off and on within 2 seconds. -3. Repeat off/on four times. -4. Reset is done when the device is switched on in the fifth time and the light stays on after blinking 4 times - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/GL-S-005Z.md b/devices/docs/devices/GL-S-005Z.md deleted file mode 100644 index 82e148a0..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/GL-S-005Z.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Gledopto GL-S-005Z control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Gledopto GL-S-005Z via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/GL-S-005Z.md)* - -# Gledopto GL-S-005Z - -| Model | GL-S-005Z | -| Vendor | Gledopto | -| Description | Smart RGBW MR16 | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color, white | -| Picture | ![Gledopto GL-S-005Z](./assets/devices/GL-S-005Z.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -1. Switch on your device. -2. Now switch off and on within 2 seconds. -3. Repeat off/on four times. -4. Reset is done when the device is switched on in the fifth time and the light stays on after blinking 4 times - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/GL-S-007Z.md b/devices/docs/devices/GL-S-007Z.md deleted file mode 100644 index c1950011..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/GL-S-007Z.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Gledopto GL-S-007Z control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Gledopto GL-S-007Z via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/GL-S-007Z.md)* - -# Gledopto GL-S-007Z - -| Model | GL-S-007Z | -| Vendor | Gledopto | -| Description | Smart RGBW GU10 | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color, white | -| Picture | ![Gledopto GL-S-007Z](./assets/devices/GL-S-007Z.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -1. Switch on your device. -2. Now switch off and on within 2 seconds. -3. Repeat off/on four times. -4. Reset is done when the device is switched on in the fifth time and the light stays on after blinking 4 times - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/GL-S-007ZS.md b/devices/docs/devices/GL-S-007ZS.md deleted file mode 100644 index c035fc6b..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/GL-S-007ZS.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Gledopto GL-S-007ZS control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Gledopto GL-S-007ZS via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/GL-S-007ZS.md)* - -# Gledopto GL-S-007ZS - -| Model | GL-S-007ZS | -| Vendor | Gledopto | -| Description | Smart RGB+CCT GU10 | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color, color temperature | -| Picture | ![Gledopto GL-S-007ZS](./assets/devices/GL-S-007ZS.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -1. Switch on your device. -2. Now switch off and on within 2 seconds. -3. Repeat off/on four times. -4. Reset is done when the device is switched on in the fifth time and the light stays on after blinking 4 times - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/GL-S-008Z.md b/devices/docs/devices/GL-S-008Z.md deleted file mode 100644 index 8ff06765..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/GL-S-008Z.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Gledopto GL-S-008Z control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Gledopto GL-S-008Z via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/GL-S-008Z.md)* - -# Gledopto GL-S-008Z - -| Model | GL-S-008Z | -| Vendor | Gledopto | -| Description | Soposh dual white and color | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color | -| Picture | ![Gledopto GL-S-008Z](./assets/devices/GL-S-008Z.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -1. Switch on your device. -2. Now switch off and on within 2 seconds. -3. Repeat off/on four times. -4. Reset is done when the device is switched on in the fifth time and the light stays on after blinking 4 times - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/GL-W-001Z.md b/devices/docs/devices/GL-W-001Z.md deleted file mode 100644 index d2ad7e5b..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/GL-W-001Z.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Gledopto GL-W-001Z control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Gledopto GL-W-001Z via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/GL-W-001Z.md)* - -# Gledopto GL-W-001Z - -| Model | GL-W-001Z | -| Vendor | Gledopto | -| Description | Zigbee ON/OFF Wall Switch | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![Gledopto GL-W-001Z](./assets/devices/GL-W-001Z.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -1. Switch on your device. -2. Now switch off and on within 2 seconds. -3. Repeat off/on four times. -4. Reset is done when the device is switched on in the fifth time and the light stays on after blinking 4 times - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/GLSK3ZB-1711.md b/devices/docs/devices/GLSK3ZB-1711.md deleted file mode 100644 index e0d67825..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/GLSK3ZB-1711.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Hej GLSK3ZB-1711 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Hej GLSK3ZB-1711 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/GLSK3ZB-1711.md)* - -# Hej GLSK3ZB-1711 - -| Model | GLSK3ZB-1711 | -| Vendor | Hej | -| Description | Goqual 1 gang Switch | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![Hej GLSK3ZB-1711](./assets/devices/GLSK3ZB-1711.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/GLSK3ZB-1712.md b/devices/docs/devices/GLSK3ZB-1712.md deleted file mode 100644 index 3b999ec7..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/GLSK3ZB-1712.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Hej GLSK3ZB-1712 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Hej GLSK3ZB-1712 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/GLSK3ZB-1712.md)* - -# Hej GLSK3ZB-1712 - -| Model | GLSK3ZB-1712 | -| Vendor | Hej | -| Description | Goqual 2 gang Switch | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![Hej GLSK3ZB-1712](./assets/devices/GLSK3ZB-1712.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/GLSK3ZB-1713.md b/devices/docs/devices/GLSK3ZB-1713.md deleted file mode 100644 index cff7a92b..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/GLSK3ZB-1713.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Hej GLSK3ZB-1713 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Hej GLSK3ZB-1713 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/GLSK3ZB-1713.md)* - -# Hej GLSK3ZB-1713 - -| Model | GLSK3ZB-1713 | -| Vendor | Hej | -| Description | Goqual 3 gang Switch | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![Hej GLSK3ZB-1713](./assets/devices/GLSK3ZB-1713.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/GLSK6ZB-1714.md b/devices/docs/devices/GLSK6ZB-1714.md deleted file mode 100644 index 44b1bc62..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/GLSK6ZB-1714.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Hej GLSK6ZB-1714 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Hej GLSK6ZB-1714 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/GLSK6ZB-1714.md)* - -# Hej GLSK6ZB-1714 - -| Model | GLSK6ZB-1714 | -| Vendor | Hej | -| Description | Goqual 4 gang Switch | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![Hej GLSK6ZB-1714](./assets/devices/GLSK6ZB-1714.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/GLSK6ZB-1715.md b/devices/docs/devices/GLSK6ZB-1715.md deleted file mode 100644 index 47e3d674..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/GLSK6ZB-1715.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Hej GLSK6ZB-1715 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Hej GLSK6ZB-1715 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/GLSK6ZB-1715.md)* - -# Hej GLSK6ZB-1715 - -| Model | GLSK6ZB-1715 | -| Vendor | Hej | -| Description | Goqual 5 gang Switch | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![Hej GLSK6ZB-1715](./assets/devices/GLSK6ZB-1715.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/GLSK6ZB-1716.md b/devices/docs/devices/GLSK6ZB-1716.md deleted file mode 100644 index ada00de7..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/GLSK6ZB-1716.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Hej GLSK6ZB-1716 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Hej GLSK6ZB-1716 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/GLSK6ZB-1716.md)* - -# Hej GLSK6ZB-1716 - -| Model | GLSK6ZB-1716 | -| Vendor | Hej | -| Description | Goqual 6 gang Switch | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![Hej GLSK6ZB-1716](./assets/devices/GLSK6ZB-1716.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/GP-LBU019BBAWU.md b/devices/docs/devices/GP-LBU019BBAWU.md deleted file mode 100644 index 48ce0e3d..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/GP-LBU019BBAWU.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "SmartThings GP-LBU019BBAWU control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your SmartThings GP-LBU019BBAWU via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/GP-LBU019BBAWU.md)* - -# SmartThings GP-LBU019BBAWU - -| Model | GP-LBU019BBAWU | -| Vendor | SmartThings | -| Description | Smart bulb | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![SmartThings GP-LBU019BBAWU](./assets/devices/GP-LBU019BBAWU.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/GP-WOU019BBDWG.md b/devices/docs/devices/GP-WOU019BBDWG.md deleted file mode 100644 index e26a5643..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/GP-WOU019BBDWG.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "SmartThings GP-WOU019BBDWG control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your SmartThings GP-WOU019BBDWG via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/GP-WOU019BBDWG.md)* - -# SmartThings GP-WOU019BBDWG - -| Model | GP-WOU019BBDWG | -| Vendor | SmartThings | -| Description | Outlet with power meter | -| Supports | on/off, power measurement | -| Picture | ![SmartThings GP-WOU019BBDWG](./assets/devices/GP-WOU019BBDWG.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/GR-ZB01-W.md b/devices/docs/devices/GR-ZB01-W.md deleted file mode 100644 index aa30a17e..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/GR-ZB01-W.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "AXIS GR-ZB01-W control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your AXIS GR-ZB01-W via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/GR-ZB01-W.md)* - -# AXIS GR-ZB01-W - -| Model | GR-ZB01-W | -| Vendor | AXIS | -| Description | Gear window shade motor | -| Supports | open, close, position, battery | -| Picture | ![AXIS GR-ZB01-W](./assets/devices/GR-ZB01-W.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/GZCGQ01LM.md b/devices/docs/devices/GZCGQ01LM.md deleted file mode 100644 index 64d57e21..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/GZCGQ01LM.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,31 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Xiaomi GZCGQ01LM control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Xiaomi GZCGQ01LM via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/GZCGQ01LM.md)* - -# Xiaomi GZCGQ01LM - -| Model | GZCGQ01LM | -| Vendor | Xiaomi | -| Description | MiJia light intensity sensor | -| Supports | illuminance | -| Picture | ![Xiaomi GZCGQ01LM](./assets/devices/GZCGQ01LM.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `illuminance_calibration`: Allows to manually calibrate illuminance values, -e.g. `95` would take 95% to the illuminance reported by the device; default `100`. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/HALIGHTDIMWWB22.md b/devices/docs/devices/HALIGHTDIMWWB22.md deleted file mode 100644 index 9613944d..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/HALIGHTDIMWWB22.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Hive HALIGHTDIMWWB22 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Hive HALIGHTDIMWWB22 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/HALIGHTDIMWWB22.md)* - -# Hive HALIGHTDIMWWB22 - -| Model | HALIGHTDIMWWB22 | -| Vendor | Hive | -| Description | Active smart bulb white LED (B22) | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![Hive HALIGHTDIMWWB22](./assets/devices/HALIGHTDIMWWB22.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Follow instructions from -[How do I reset my Hive Active Light?](https://www.hivehome.com/ca/support/Help_installing_Hive/HIH_Hive_Active_Light/How-do-I-reset-my-Hive-Active-Light). After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/HALIGHTDIMWWE27.md b/devices/docs/devices/HALIGHTDIMWWE27.md deleted file mode 100644 index e61efcd8..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/HALIGHTDIMWWE27.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Hive HALIGHTDIMWWE27 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Hive HALIGHTDIMWWE27 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/HALIGHTDIMWWE27.md)* - -# Hive HALIGHTDIMWWE27 - -| Model | HALIGHTDIMWWE27 | -| Vendor | Hive | -| Description | Active smart bulb white LED (E27) | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![Hive HALIGHTDIMWWE27](./assets/devices/HALIGHTDIMWWE27.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Follow instructions from -[How do I reset my Hive Active Light?](https://www.hivehome.com/ca/support/Help_installing_Hive/HIH_Hive_Active_Light/How-do-I-reset-my-Hive-Active-Light). After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/HEIMAN-M1.md b/devices/docs/devices/HEIMAN-M1.md deleted file mode 100644 index 1b467aa3..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/HEIMAN-M1.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "HEIMAN HEIMAN-M1 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your HEIMAN HEIMAN-M1 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/HEIMAN-M1.md)* - -# HEIMAN HEIMAN-M1 - -| Model | HEIMAN-M1 | -| Vendor | HEIMAN | -| Description | Door sensor | -| Supports | contact | -| Picture | ![HEIMAN HEIMAN-M1](./assets/devices/HEIMAN-M1.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/HGZB-01A.md b/devices/docs/devices/HGZB-01A.md deleted file mode 100644 index 7bd17d74..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/HGZB-01A.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Nue / 3A HGZB-01A control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Nue / 3A HGZB-01A via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/HGZB-01A.md)* - -# Nue / 3A HGZB-01A - -| Model | HGZB-01A | -| Vendor | Nue / 3A | -| Description | Smart in-wall switch | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![Nue / 3A HGZB-01A](./assets/devices/HGZB-01A.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/HGZB-02A.md b/devices/docs/devices/HGZB-02A.md deleted file mode 100644 index 7923218c..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/HGZB-02A.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Nue / 3A HGZB-02A control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Nue / 3A HGZB-02A via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/HGZB-02A.md)* - -# Nue / 3A HGZB-02A - -| Model | HGZB-02A | -| Vendor | Nue / 3A | -| Description | Smart light controller | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![Nue / 3A HGZB-02A](./assets/devices/HGZB-02A.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/HGZB-02S.md b/devices/docs/devices/HGZB-02S.md deleted file mode 100644 index 43e32486..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/HGZB-02S.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Nue / 3A HGZB-02S control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Nue / 3A HGZB-02S via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/HGZB-02S.md)* - -# Nue / 3A HGZB-02S - -| Model | HGZB-02S | -| Vendor | Nue / 3A | -| Description | Smart 2 key scene wall switch | -| Supports | on/off, click | -| Picture | ![Nue / 3A HGZB-02S](./assets/devices/HGZB-02S.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/HGZB-042.md b/devices/docs/devices/HGZB-042.md deleted file mode 100644 index cf304a24..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/HGZB-042.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Nue / 3A HGZB-042 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Nue / 3A HGZB-042 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/HGZB-042.md)* - -# Nue / 3A HGZB-042 - -| Model | HGZB-042 | -| Vendor | Nue / 3A | -| Description | Smart light switch - 2 gang | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![Nue / 3A HGZB-042](./assets/devices/HGZB-042.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/HGZB-043.md b/devices/docs/devices/HGZB-043.md deleted file mode 100644 index 5009d32a..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/HGZB-043.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Nue / 3A HGZB-043 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Nue / 3A HGZB-043 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/HGZB-043.md)* - -# Nue / 3A HGZB-043 - -| Model | HGZB-043 | -| Vendor | Nue / 3A | -| Description | Smart light switch - 3 gang | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![Nue / 3A HGZB-043](./assets/devices/HGZB-043.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/HGZB-045.md b/devices/docs/devices/HGZB-045.md deleted file mode 100644 index 0dd4e14d..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/HGZB-045.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Nue / 3A HGZB-045 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Nue / 3A HGZB-045 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/HGZB-045.md)* - -# Nue / 3A HGZB-045 - -| Model | HGZB-045 | -| Vendor | Nue / 3A | -| Description | Smart 4 key scene wall switch | -| Supports | on/off, click | -| Picture | ![Nue / 3A HGZB-045](./assets/devices/HGZB-045.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/HGZB-04D___HGZB-4D-UK.md b/devices/docs/devices/HGZB-04D___HGZB-4D-UK.md deleted file mode 100644 index d7762654..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/HGZB-04D___HGZB-4D-UK.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Nue / 3A HGZB-04D / HGZB-4D-UK control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Nue / 3A HGZB-04D / HGZB-4D-UK via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/HGZB-04D___HGZB-4D-UK.md)* - -# Nue / 3A HGZB-04D / HGZB-4D-UK - -| Model | HGZB-04D / HGZB-4D-UK | -| Vendor | Nue / 3A | -| Description | Smart dimmer wall switch | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![Nue / 3A HGZB-04D / HGZB-4D-UK](./assets/devices/HGZB-04D---HGZB-4D-UK.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/HGZB-06A.md b/devices/docs/devices/HGZB-06A.md deleted file mode 100644 index ddf90f60..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/HGZB-06A.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Nue / 3A HGZB-06A control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Nue / 3A HGZB-06A via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/HGZB-06A.md)* - -# Nue / 3A HGZB-06A - -| Model | HGZB-06A | -| Vendor | Nue / 3A | -| Description | Smart 7W E27 light bulb | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy | -| Picture | ![Nue / 3A HGZB-06A](./assets/devices/HGZB-06A.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/HGZB-07A.md b/devices/docs/devices/HGZB-07A.md deleted file mode 100644 index 213d8e68..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/HGZB-07A.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Smart Home Pty HGZB-07A control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Smart Home Pty HGZB-07A via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/HGZB-07A.md)* - -# Smart Home Pty HGZB-07A - -| Model | HGZB-07A | -| Vendor | Smart Home Pty | -| Description | RGBW Downlight | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy | -| Picture | ![Smart Home Pty HGZB-07A](./assets/devices/HGZB-07A.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/HGZB-1S.md b/devices/docs/devices/HGZB-1S.md deleted file mode 100644 index 92e490b3..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/HGZB-1S.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Nue / 3A HGZB-1S control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Nue / 3A HGZB-1S via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/HGZB-1S.md)* - -# Nue / 3A HGZB-1S - -| Model | HGZB-1S | -| Vendor | Nue / 3A | -| Description | Smart 1 key scene wall switch | -| Supports | on/off, click | -| Picture | ![Nue / 3A HGZB-1S](./assets/devices/HGZB-1S.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/HGZB-20-DE.md b/devices/docs/devices/HGZB-20-DE.md deleted file mode 100644 index fe8b32b9..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/HGZB-20-DE.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Smart Home Pty HGZB-20-DE control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Smart Home Pty HGZB-20-DE via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/HGZB-20-DE.md)* - -# Smart Home Pty HGZB-20-DE - -| Model | HGZB-20-DE | -| Vendor | Smart Home Pty | -| Description | Power plug | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![Smart Home Pty HGZB-20-DE](./assets/devices/HGZB-20-DE.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/HGZB-20-UK.md b/devices/docs/devices/HGZB-20-UK.md deleted file mode 100644 index 05c721d5..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/HGZB-20-UK.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Nue / 3A HGZB-20-UK control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Nue / 3A HGZB-20-UK via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/HGZB-20-UK.md)* - -# Nue / 3A HGZB-20-UK - -| Model | HGZB-20-UK | -| Vendor | Nue / 3A | -| Description | Power plug | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![Nue / 3A HGZB-20-UK](./assets/devices/HGZB-20-UK.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/HGZB-20A.md b/devices/docs/devices/HGZB-20A.md deleted file mode 100644 index bc9e188a..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/HGZB-20A.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Nue / 3A HGZB-20A control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Nue / 3A HGZB-20A via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/HGZB-20A.md)* - -# Nue / 3A HGZB-20A - -| Model | HGZB-20A | -| Vendor | Nue / 3A | -| Description | Power plug | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![Nue / 3A HGZB-20A](./assets/devices/HGZB-20A.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/HGZB-41.md b/devices/docs/devices/HGZB-41.md deleted file mode 100644 index 86871bfa..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/HGZB-41.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Nue / 3A HGZB-41 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Nue / 3A HGZB-41 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/HGZB-41.md)* - -# Nue / 3A HGZB-41 - -| Model | HGZB-41 | -| Vendor | Nue / 3A | -| Description | Smart one gang wall switch | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![Nue / 3A HGZB-41](./assets/devices/HGZB-41.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Reset of device is done by holding button for 20 secs until it starts to flash green. It will now automatically pair. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/HGZB-42-UK___HGZB-41___HGZB-41-UK.md b/devices/docs/devices/HGZB-42-UK___HGZB-41___HGZB-41-UK.md deleted file mode 100644 index 8567bae8..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/HGZB-42-UK___HGZB-41___HGZB-41-UK.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Nue / 3A HGZB-42-UK / HGZB-41 / HGZB-41-UK control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Nue / 3A HGZB-42-UK / HGZB-41 / HGZB-41-UK via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/HGZB-42-UK___HGZB-41___HGZB-41-UK.md)* - -# Nue / 3A HGZB-42-UK / HGZB-41 / HGZB-41-UK - -| Model | HGZB-42-UK / HGZB-41 / HGZB-41-UK | -| Vendor | Nue / 3A | -| Description | Smart switch 1 or 2 gang | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![Nue / 3A HGZB-42-UK / HGZB-41 / HGZB-41-UK](./assets/devices/HGZB-42-UK---HGZB-41---HGZB-41-UK.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/HGZB-42.md b/devices/docs/devices/HGZB-42.md deleted file mode 100644 index 84c663bb..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/HGZB-42.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Nue / 3A HGZB-42 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Nue / 3A HGZB-42 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/HGZB-42.md)* - -# Nue / 3A HGZB-42 - -| Model | HGZB-42 | -| Vendor | Nue / 3A | -| Description | Smart light switch - 2 gang v2.0 | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![Nue / 3A HGZB-42](./assets/devices/HGZB-42.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/HGZB-43.md b/devices/docs/devices/HGZB-43.md deleted file mode 100644 index 3cafa556..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/HGZB-43.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Nue / 3A HGZB-43 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Nue / 3A HGZB-43 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/HGZB-43.md)* - -# Nue / 3A HGZB-43 - -| Model | HGZB-43 | -| Vendor | Nue / 3A | -| Description | Smart light switch - 3 gang v2.0 | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![Nue / 3A HGZB-43](./assets/devices/HGZB-43.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/HGZB-DLC4-N12B.md b/devices/docs/devices/HGZB-DLC4-N12B.md deleted file mode 100644 index df34b053..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/HGZB-DLC4-N12B.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Nue / 3A HGZB-DLC4-N12B control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Nue / 3A HGZB-DLC4-N12B via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/HGZB-DLC4-N12B.md)* - -# Nue / 3A HGZB-DLC4-N12B - -| Model | HGZB-DLC4-N12B | -| Vendor | Nue / 3A | -| Description | RGB LED downlight | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy | -| Picture | ![Nue / 3A HGZB-DLC4-N12B](./assets/devices/HGZB-DLC4-N12B.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/HLC610-Z.md b/devices/docs/devices/HLC610-Z.md deleted file mode 100644 index 2b32f9f1..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/HLC610-Z.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Shenzhen Homa HLC610-Z control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Shenzhen Homa HLC610-Z via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/HLC610-Z.md)* - -# Shenzhen Homa HLC610-Z - -| Model | HLC610-Z | -| Vendor | Shenzhen Homa | -| Description | Wireless dimmable controller | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![Shenzhen Homa HLC610-Z](./assets/devices/HLC610-Z.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/HLC821-Z-SC.md b/devices/docs/devices/HLC821-Z-SC.md deleted file mode 100644 index dc8b6e3b..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/HLC821-Z-SC.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Shenzhen Homa HLC821-Z-SC control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Shenzhen Homa HLC821-Z-SC via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/HLC821-Z-SC.md)* - -# Shenzhen Homa HLC821-Z-SC - -| Model | HLC821-Z-SC | -| Vendor | Shenzhen Homa | -| Description | ZigBee AC phase-cut dimmer | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![Shenzhen Homa HLC821-Z-SC](./assets/devices/HLC821-Z-SC.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/HLD812-Z-SC.md b/devices/docs/devices/HLD812-Z-SC.md deleted file mode 100644 index 613fe684..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/HLD812-Z-SC.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Shenzhen Homa HLD812-Z-SC control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Shenzhen Homa HLD812-Z-SC via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/HLD812-Z-SC.md)* - -# Shenzhen Homa HLD812-Z-SC - -| Model | HLD812-Z-SC | -| Vendor | Shenzhen Homa | -| Description | Smart LED driver | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![Shenzhen Homa HLD812-Z-SC](./assets/devices/HLD812-Z-SC.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/HM-900SW_1.md b/devices/docs/devices/HM-900SW_1.md deleted file mode 100644 index 08d5759d..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/HM-900SW_1.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "HEIMAN HM-900SW_1 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your HEIMAN HM-900SW_1 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/HM-900SW_1.md)* - -# HEIMAN HM-900SW_1 - -| Model | HM-900SW_1 | -| Vendor | HEIMAN | -| Description | Smart switch - 1 gang with neutral wire | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![HEIMAN HM-900SW_1](./assets/devices/HM-900SW_1.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/HM-900SW_2.md b/devices/docs/devices/HM-900SW_2.md deleted file mode 100644 index 07d012db..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/HM-900SW_2.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "HEIMAN HM-900SW_2 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your HEIMAN HM-900SW_2 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/HM-900SW_2.md)* - -# HEIMAN HM-900SW_2 - -| Model | HM-900SW_2 | -| Vendor | HEIMAN | -| Description | Smart switch - 2 gang with neutral wire | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![HEIMAN HM-900SW_2](./assets/devices/HM-900SW_2.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/HM-900SW_3.md b/devices/docs/devices/HM-900SW_3.md deleted file mode 100644 index 4f223268..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/HM-900SW_3.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "HEIMAN HM-900SW_3 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your HEIMAN HM-900SW_3 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/HM-900SW_3.md)* - -# HEIMAN HM-900SW_3 - -| Model | HM-900SW_3 | -| Vendor | HEIMAN | -| Description | Smart switch - 3 gang with neutral wire | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![HEIMAN HM-900SW_3](./assets/devices/HM-900SW_3.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/HS1-WL-E.md b/devices/docs/devices/HS1-WL-E.md deleted file mode 100644 index c3f19668..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/HS1-WL-E.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "HEIMAN HS1-WL-E control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your HEIMAN HS1-WL-E via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/HS1-WL-E.md)* - -# HEIMAN HS1-WL-E - -| Model | HS1-WL-E | -| Vendor | HEIMAN | -| Description | Water leakage sensor | -| Supports | water leak | -| Picture | ![HEIMAN HS1-WL-E](./assets/devices/HS1-WL-E.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/HS1CA-E.md b/devices/docs/devices/HS1CA-E.md deleted file mode 100644 index 2217f142..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/HS1CA-E.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "HEIMAN HS1CA-E control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your HEIMAN HS1CA-E via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/HS1CA-E.md)* - -# HEIMAN HS1CA-E - -| Model | HS1CA-E | -| Vendor | HEIMAN | -| Description | Smart carbon monoxide sensor | -| Supports | carbon monoxide | -| Picture | ![HEIMAN HS1CA-E](./assets/devices/HS1CA-E.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/HS1CA-M.md b/devices/docs/devices/HS1CA-M.md deleted file mode 100644 index 50a57782..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/HS1CA-M.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "HEIMAN HS1CA-M control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your HEIMAN HS1CA-M via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/HS1CA-M.md)* - -# HEIMAN HS1CA-M - -| Model | HS1CA-M | -| Vendor | HEIMAN | -| Description | Smart carbon monoxide sensor | -| Supports | carbon monoxide | -| Picture | ![HEIMAN HS1CA-M](./assets/devices/HS1CA-M.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/HS1CG-M.md b/devices/docs/devices/HS1CG-M.md deleted file mode 100644 index 0a881b64..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/HS1CG-M.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "HEIMAN HS1CG-M control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your HEIMAN HS1CG-M via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/HS1CG-M.md)* - -# HEIMAN HS1CG-M - -| Model | HS1CG-M | -| Vendor | HEIMAN | -| Description | Combustible gas sensor | -| Supports | gas | -| Picture | ![HEIMAN HS1CG-M](./assets/devices/HS1CG-M.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/HS1CG_M.md b/devices/docs/devices/HS1CG_M.md deleted file mode 100644 index 4da36f54..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/HS1CG_M.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "HEIMAN HS1CG_M control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your HEIMAN HS1CG_M via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/HS1CG_M.md)* - -# HEIMAN HS1CG_M - -| Model | HS1CG_M | -| Vendor | HEIMAN | -| Description | Combustible gas sensor | -| Supports | gas | -| Picture | ![HEIMAN HS1CG_M](./assets/devices/HS1CG_M.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/HS1DS-E.md b/devices/docs/devices/HS1DS-E.md deleted file mode 100644 index 07384812..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/HS1DS-E.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "HEIMAN HS1DS-E control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your HEIMAN HS1DS-E via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/HS1DS-E.md)* - -# HEIMAN HS1DS-E - -| Model | HS1DS-E | -| Vendor | HEIMAN | -| Description | Door sensor | -| Supports | contact | -| Picture | ![HEIMAN HS1DS-E](./assets/devices/HS1DS-E.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/HS1DS_HS3DS.md b/devices/docs/devices/HS1DS_HS3DS.md deleted file mode 100644 index 3ff0b2dd..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/HS1DS_HS3DS.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "HEIMAN HS1DS/HS3DS control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your HEIMAN HS1DS/HS3DS via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/HS1DS_HS3DS.md)* - -# HEIMAN HS1DS/HS3DS - -| Model | HS1DS/HS3DS | -| Vendor | HEIMAN | -| Description | Door sensor | -| Supports | contact | -| Picture | ![HEIMAN HS1DS/HS3DS](./assets/devices/HS1DS-HS3DS.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/HS1EB.md b/devices/docs/devices/HS1EB.md deleted file mode 100644 index e80baff0..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/HS1EB.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "HEIMAN HS1EB control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your HEIMAN HS1EB via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/HS1EB.md)* - -# HEIMAN HS1EB - -| Model | HS1EB | -| Vendor | HEIMAN | -| Description | Smart emergency button | -| Supports | click | -| Picture | ![HEIMAN HS1EB](./assets/devices/HS1EB.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/HS1HT.md b/devices/docs/devices/HS1HT.md deleted file mode 100644 index 657d77cc..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/HS1HT.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "HEIMAN HS1HT control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your HEIMAN HS1HT via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/HS1HT.md)* - -# HEIMAN HS1HT - -| Model | HS1HT | -| Vendor | HEIMAN | -| Description | Smart temperature & humidity Sensor | -| Supports | temperature and humidity | -| Picture | ![HEIMAN HS1HT](./assets/devices/HS1HT.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `temperature_precision`: Controls the precision of `temperature` values, -e.g. `0`, `1` or `2`; default `2`. -* `temperature_calibration`: Allows to manually calibrate temperature values, -e.g. `1` would add 1 degree to the temperature reported by the device; default `0`. - - -* `humidity_precision`: Controls the precision of `humidity` values, e.g. `0`, `1` or `2`; default `2`. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/HS1SA-M.md b/devices/docs/devices/HS1SA-M.md deleted file mode 100644 index aa5eafac..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/HS1SA-M.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "HEIMAN HS1SA-M control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your HEIMAN HS1SA-M via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/HS1SA-M.md)* - -# HEIMAN HS1SA-M - -| Model | HS1SA-M | -| Vendor | HEIMAN | -| Description | Smoke detector | -| Supports | smoke | -| Picture | ![HEIMAN HS1SA-M](./assets/devices/HS1SA-M.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Important -There are 3 versions of this device: Standalone, Zigbee and Z-wave. These are visualy identical. Make sure to get the correct version that will work with zigbee2mqtt: - -Supported: -- **HS1SA-M : Zigbee** - -Unsupported: -- HS1SA : Standalone -- HS1SA-Z : Z-wave - -The product code should end in *-M* for the Zigbee version. The label inside the battery compartment should also show the Zigbee logo. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/HS1WL_HS3WL.md b/devices/docs/devices/HS1WL_HS3WL.md deleted file mode 100644 index 2b25f2d5..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/HS1WL_HS3WL.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "HEIMAN HS1WL/HS3WL control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your HEIMAN HS1WL/HS3WL via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/HS1WL_HS3WL.md)* - -# HEIMAN HS1WL/HS3WL - -| Model | HS1WL/HS3WL | -| Vendor | HEIMAN | -| Description | Water leakage sensor | -| Supports | water leak | -| Picture | ![HEIMAN HS1WL/HS3WL](./assets/devices/HS1WL-HS3WL.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/HS2ESK-E.md b/devices/docs/devices/HS2ESK-E.md deleted file mode 100644 index 60755fcd..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/HS2ESK-E.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "HEIMAN HS2ESK-E control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your HEIMAN HS2ESK-E via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/HS2ESK-E.md)* - -# HEIMAN HS2ESK-E - -| Model | HS2ESK-E | -| Vendor | HEIMAN | -| Description | Smart in wall plug | -| Supports | on/off, power measurement | -| Picture | ![HEIMAN HS2ESK-E](./assets/devices/HS2ESK-E.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/HS2SK.md b/devices/docs/devices/HS2SK.md deleted file mode 100644 index 2f8793f0..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/HS2SK.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "HEIMAN HS2SK control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your HEIMAN HS2SK via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/HS2SK.md)* - -# HEIMAN HS2SK - -| Model | HS2SK | -| Vendor | HEIMAN | -| Description | Smart metering plug | -| Supports | on/off, power measurement | -| Picture | ![HEIMAN HS2SK](./assets/devices/HS2SK.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/HS2WD-E.md b/devices/docs/devices/HS2WD-E.md deleted file mode 100644 index aa12e865..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/HS2WD-E.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "HEIMAN HS2WD-E control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your HEIMAN HS2WD-E via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/HS2WD-E.md)* - -# HEIMAN HS2WD-E - -| Model | HS2WD-E | -| Vendor | HEIMAN | -| Description | Smart siren | -| Supports | warning | -| Picture | ![HEIMAN HS2WD-E](./assets/devices/HS2WD-E.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Triggering the alarm -The alarm can be trigged by publishing to `zigbee2mqtt/[FRIENDLY_NAME]/set` message -`{"warning": {"duration": 10, "mode": "emergency", "strobe": false}}`. - -Where: -- `duration`: the number of seconds the alarm will be on (max is 1800 seconds) -- `mode`: `stop` or `emergency` -- `strobe`: `true` or `false` will let the strobe flash once during the alarm - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/HS3CG.md b/devices/docs/devices/HS3CG.md deleted file mode 100644 index 850c5796..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/HS3CG.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "HEIMAN HS3CG control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your HEIMAN HS3CG via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/HS3CG.md)* - -# HEIMAN HS3CG - -| Model | HS3CG | -| Vendor | HEIMAN | -| Description | Combustible gas sensor | -| Supports | gas | -| Picture | ![HEIMAN HS3CG](./assets/devices/HS3CG.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/HS3MS.md b/devices/docs/devices/HS3MS.md deleted file mode 100644 index 6ee00a0c..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/HS3MS.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "HEIMAN HS3MS control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your HEIMAN HS3MS via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/HS3MS.md)* - -# HEIMAN HS3MS - -| Model | HS3MS | -| Vendor | HEIMAN | -| Description | Smart motion sensor | -| Supports | occupancy | -| Picture | ![HEIMAN HS3MS](./assets/devices/HS3MS.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/HS3SA.md b/devices/docs/devices/HS3SA.md deleted file mode 100644 index c3d763d1..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/HS3SA.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "HEIMAN HS3SA control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your HEIMAN HS3SA via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/HS3SA.md)* - -# HEIMAN HS3SA - -| Model | HS3SA | -| Vendor | HEIMAN | -| Description | Smoke detector | -| Supports | smoke | -| Picture | ![HEIMAN HS3SA](./assets/devices/HS3SA.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/HSIO18008.md b/devices/docs/devices/HSIO18008.md deleted file mode 100644 index a9d92a82..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/HSIO18008.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Piri HSIO18008 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Piri HSIO18008 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/HSIO18008.md)* - -# Piri HSIO18008 - -| Model | HSIO18008 | -| Vendor | Piri | -| Description | Combustible gas sensor | -| Supports | gas | -| Picture | ![Piri HSIO18008](./assets/devices/HSIO18008.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/HV-GSCXZB269.md b/devices/docs/devices/HV-GSCXZB269.md deleted file mode 100644 index a40c7c3a..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/HV-GSCXZB269.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Hive HV-GSCXZB269 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Hive HV-GSCXZB269 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/HV-GSCXZB269.md)* - -# Hive HV-GSCXZB269 - -| Model | HV-GSCXZB269 | -| Vendor | Hive | -| Description | Active light cool to warm white (E26) | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature | -| Picture | ![Hive HV-GSCXZB269](./assets/devices/HV-GSCXZB269.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/HV-GSCXZB279_HV-GSCXZB229.md b/devices/docs/devices/HV-GSCXZB279_HV-GSCXZB229.md deleted file mode 100644 index ccf2f5d9..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/HV-GSCXZB279_HV-GSCXZB229.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Hive HV-GSCXZB279_HV-GSCXZB229 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Hive HV-GSCXZB279_HV-GSCXZB229 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/HV-GSCXZB279_HV-GSCXZB229.md)* - -# Hive HV-GSCXZB279_HV-GSCXZB229 - -| Model | HV-GSCXZB279_HV-GSCXZB229 | -| Vendor | Hive | -| Description | Active light, warm to cool white (E27 & B22) | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature | -| Picture | ![Hive HV-GSCXZB279_HV-GSCXZB229](./assets/devices/HV-GSCXZB279_HV-GSCXZB229.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/HV-GUCXZB5.md b/devices/docs/devices/HV-GUCXZB5.md deleted file mode 100644 index f06233ee..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/HV-GUCXZB5.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Hive HV-GUCXZB5 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Hive HV-GUCXZB5 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/HV-GUCXZB5.md)* - -# Hive HV-GUCXZB5 - -| Model | HV-GUCXZB5 | -| Vendor | Hive | -| Description | Active light, warm to cool white (GU10) | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature | -| Picture | ![Hive HV-GUCXZB5](./assets/devices/HV-GUCXZB5.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/ICPSHC24-10EU-IL-1.md b/devices/docs/devices/ICPSHC24-10EU-IL-1.md deleted file mode 100644 index c0fe43c1..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/ICPSHC24-10EU-IL-1.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "IKEA ICPSHC24-10EU-IL-1 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your IKEA ICPSHC24-10EU-IL-1 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/ICPSHC24-10EU-IL-1.md)* - -# IKEA ICPSHC24-10EU-IL-1 - -| Model | ICPSHC24-10EU-IL-1 | -| Vendor | IKEA | -| Description | TRADFRI driver for wireless control (10 watt) | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![IKEA ICPSHC24-10EU-IL-1](./assets/devices/ICPSHC24-10EU-IL-1.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -To factory reset the TRADFRI drivers use a -small pin or paperclip to push the reset button once. - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/ICPSHC24-30EU-IL-1.md b/devices/docs/devices/ICPSHC24-30EU-IL-1.md deleted file mode 100644 index d7ace25e..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/ICPSHC24-30EU-IL-1.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "IKEA ICPSHC24-30EU-IL-1 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your IKEA ICPSHC24-30EU-IL-1 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/ICPSHC24-30EU-IL-1.md)* - -# IKEA ICPSHC24-30EU-IL-1 - -| Model | ICPSHC24-30EU-IL-1 | -| Vendor | IKEA | -| Description | TRADFRI driver for wireless control (30 watt) | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![IKEA ICPSHC24-30EU-IL-1](./assets/devices/ICPSHC24-30EU-IL-1.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -To factory reset the TRADFRI drivers use a -small pin or paperclip to push the reset button once. - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/ICTC-G-1.md b/devices/docs/devices/ICTC-G-1.md deleted file mode 100644 index b7a7f3bc..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/ICTC-G-1.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,71 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "IKEA ICTC-G-1 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your IKEA ICTC-G-1 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/ICTC-G-1.md)* - -# IKEA ICTC-G-1 - -| Model | ICTC-G-1 | -| Vendor | IKEA | -| Description | TRADFRI wireless dimmer | -| Supports | brightness [0-255] (quick rotate for instant 0/255), action | -| Picture | ![IKEA ICTC-G-1](./assets/devices/ICTC-G-1.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Recommendation -This device sends multiple messages in short time period with the same payload. It's worth setting `debounce` option with `debounce_ignore: - action` to throttle them without loosing unique action payloads. - -E.g. (devices.yaml) - -{% raw %} -```yaml -'0xabc457fffe679xyz': - friendly_name: my_remote - debounce: 0.5 - debounce_ignore: - - action -``` -{% endraw %} - -To find optimal "smoothness" play with debounce time or if you need all unique rotation steps consider adding `brightness` to `debounce_ignore` option - -{% raw %} -```yaml -'0xabc457fffe679xyz': - friendly_name: my_remote - debounce: 0.1 - debounce_ignore: - - action - - brightness -``` -{% endraw %} - - -### Pairing -To factory reset the TRADFRI wireless dimmer (ICTC-G-1) press the button -4 times (so the red lights starts blinking). -After the blinks you might be willing to rotate the dimmer -like you are trying to control your lights. It will prevent the device -from going to sleep and ensure successful pairing. In case the dimmer was -recognized but no actions seems to be detected, try to restart the zigbee2mqtt. -See [IKEA TRADFRI wireless dimmer (ICTC-G-1) not pairing](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/620). - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/ICZB-B1FC60_B3FC64_B2FC95_B2FC125.md b/devices/docs/devices/ICZB-B1FC60_B3FC64_B2FC95_B2FC125.md deleted file mode 100644 index 26d3eee8..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/ICZB-B1FC60_B3FC64_B2FC95_B2FC125.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "iCasa ICZB-B1FC60/B3FC64/B2FC95/B2FC125 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your iCasa ICZB-B1FC60/B3FC64/B2FC95/B2FC125 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/ICZB-B1FC60_B3FC64_B2FC95_B2FC125.md)* - -# iCasa ICZB-B1FC60/B3FC64/B2FC95/B2FC125 - -| Model | ICZB-B1FC60/B3FC64/B2FC95/B2FC125 | -| Vendor | iCasa | -| Description | Zigbee 3.0 Filament Lamp 60/64/95/125 mm, 806 lumen, dimmable, clear | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature | -| Picture | ![iCasa ICZB-B1FC60/B3FC64/B2FC95/B2FC125](./assets/devices/ICZB-B1FC60-B3FC64-B2FC95-B2FC125.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/ICZB-IW11D.md b/devices/docs/devices/ICZB-IW11D.md deleted file mode 100644 index 3b84613a..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/ICZB-IW11D.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "iCasa ICZB-IW11D control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your iCasa ICZB-IW11D via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/ICZB-IW11D.md)* - -# iCasa ICZB-IW11D - -| Model | ICZB-IW11D | -| Vendor | iCasa | -| Description | ZigBee AC dimmer | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![iCasa ICZB-IW11D](./assets/devices/ICZB-IW11D.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/ICZB-IW11SW.md b/devices/docs/devices/ICZB-IW11SW.md deleted file mode 100644 index b0f3e414..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/ICZB-IW11SW.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "iCasa ICZB-IW11SW control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your iCasa ICZB-IW11SW via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/ICZB-IW11SW.md)* - -# iCasa ICZB-IW11SW - -| Model | ICZB-IW11SW | -| Vendor | iCasa | -| Description | Zigbee 3.0 AC switch | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![iCasa ICZB-IW11SW](./assets/devices/ICZB-IW11SW.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/ICZB-KPD14S.md b/devices/docs/devices/ICZB-KPD14S.md deleted file mode 100644 index 77ac2c0b..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/ICZB-KPD14S.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "iCasa ICZB-KPD14S control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your iCasa ICZB-KPD14S via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/ICZB-KPD14S.md)* - -# iCasa ICZB-KPD14S - -| Model | ICZB-KPD14S | -| Vendor | iCasa | -| Description | Zigbee 3.0 Keypad Pulse 4S | -| Supports | click, action, brightness, scenes | -| Picture | ![iCasa ICZB-KPD14S](./assets/devices/ICZB-KPD14S.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/ICZB-KPD18S.md b/devices/docs/devices/ICZB-KPD18S.md deleted file mode 100644 index 5a7a28aa..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/ICZB-KPD18S.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "iCasa ICZB-KPD18S control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your iCasa ICZB-KPD18S via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/ICZB-KPD18S.md)* - -# iCasa ICZB-KPD18S - -| Model | ICZB-KPD18S | -| Vendor | iCasa | -| Description | Zigbee 3.0 Keypad Pulse 8S | -| Supports | click, action, brightness, scenes | -| Picture | ![iCasa ICZB-KPD18S](./assets/devices/ICZB-KPD18S.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/ICZB-R11D.md b/devices/docs/devices/ICZB-R11D.md deleted file mode 100644 index 81669f2b..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/ICZB-R11D.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "iCasa ICZB-R11D control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your iCasa ICZB-R11D via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/ICZB-R11D.md)* - -# iCasa ICZB-R11D - -| Model | ICZB-R11D | -| Vendor | iCasa | -| Description | Zigbee AC dimmer | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![iCasa ICZB-R11D](./assets/devices/ICZB-R11D.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/IM6001-BTP01.md b/devices/docs/devices/IM6001-BTP01.md deleted file mode 100644 index 04f41cbd..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/IM6001-BTP01.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "SmartThings IM6001-BTP01 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your SmartThings IM6001-BTP01 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/IM6001-BTP01.md)* - -# SmartThings IM6001-BTP01 - -| Model | IM6001-BTP01 | -| Vendor | SmartThings | -| Description | Button | -| Supports | single, double and hold click, temperature | -| Picture | ![SmartThings IM6001-BTP01](./assets/devices/IM6001-BTP01.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `temperature_precision`: Controls the precision of `temperature` values, -e.g. `0`, `1` or `2`; default `2`. -* `temperature_calibration`: Allows to manually calibrate temperature values, -e.g. `1` would add 1 degree to the temperature reported by the device; default `0`. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/IM6001-MPP01.md b/devices/docs/devices/IM6001-MPP01.md deleted file mode 100644 index c205ed52..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/IM6001-MPP01.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "SmartThings IM6001-MPP01 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your SmartThings IM6001-MPP01 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/IM6001-MPP01.md)* - -# SmartThings IM6001-MPP01 - -| Model | IM6001-MPP01 | -| Vendor | SmartThings | -| Description | Multipurpose sensor (2018 model) | -| Supports | contact | -| Picture | ![SmartThings IM6001-MPP01](./assets/devices/IM6001-MPP01.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -When pairing, make sure to keep the sensor awake for 20 seconds by openinig and closing the contact -every second. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/IM6001-MTP01.md b/devices/docs/devices/IM6001-MTP01.md deleted file mode 100644 index 56cc40a8..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/IM6001-MTP01.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "SmartThings IM6001-MTP01 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your SmartThings IM6001-MTP01 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/IM6001-MTP01.md)* - -# SmartThings IM6001-MTP01 - -| Model | IM6001-MTP01 | -| Vendor | SmartThings | -| Description | Motion sensor (2018 model) | -| Supports | occupancy and temperature | -| Picture | ![SmartThings IM6001-MTP01](./assets/devices/IM6001-MTP01.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `temperature_precision`: Controls the precision of `temperature` values, -e.g. `0`, `1` or `2`; default `2`. -* `temperature_calibration`: Allows to manually calibrate temperature values, -e.g. `1` would add 1 degree to the temperature reported by the device; default `0`. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/IM6001-OTP05.md b/devices/docs/devices/IM6001-OTP05.md deleted file mode 100644 index baca9a91..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/IM6001-OTP05.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "SmartThings IM6001-OTP05 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your SmartThings IM6001-OTP05 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/IM6001-OTP05.md)* - -# SmartThings IM6001-OTP05 - -| Model | IM6001-OTP05 | -| Vendor | SmartThings | -| Description | Outlet | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![SmartThings IM6001-OTP05](./assets/devices/IM6001-OTP05.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/IM6001-WLP01.md b/devices/docs/devices/IM6001-WLP01.md deleted file mode 100644 index 34545d7c..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/IM6001-WLP01.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "SmartThings IM6001-WLP01 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your SmartThings IM6001-WLP01 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/IM6001-WLP01.md)* - -# SmartThings IM6001-WLP01 - -| Model | IM6001-WLP01 | -| Vendor | SmartThings | -| Description | Water leak sensor (2018 model) | -| Supports | water leak and temperature | -| Picture | ![SmartThings IM6001-WLP01](./assets/devices/IM6001-WLP01.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `temperature_precision`: Controls the precision of `temperature` values, -e.g. `0`, `1` or `2`; default `2`. -* `temperature_calibration`: Allows to manually calibrate temperature values, -e.g. `1` would add 1 degree to the temperature reported by the device; default `0`. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/ISW-ZPR1-WP13.md b/devices/docs/devices/ISW-ZPR1-WP13.md deleted file mode 100644 index bdcd3284..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/ISW-ZPR1-WP13.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Bosch ISW-ZPR1-WP13 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Bosch ISW-ZPR1-WP13 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/ISW-ZPR1-WP13.md)* - -# Bosch ISW-ZPR1-WP13 - -| Model | ISW-ZPR1-WP13 | -| Vendor | Bosch | -| Description | Motion sensor | -| Supports | occupancy and temperature | -| Picture | ![Bosch ISW-ZPR1-WP13](./assets/devices/ISW-ZPR1-WP13.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `temperature_precision`: Controls the precision of `temperature` values, -e.g. `0`, `1` or `2`; default `2`. -* `temperature_calibration`: Allows to manually calibrate temperature values, -e.g. `1` would add 1 degree to the temperature reported by the device; default `0`. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/J1.md b/devices/docs/devices/J1.md deleted file mode 100644 index 07a66c40..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/J1.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,105 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Ubisys J1 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Ubisys J1 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/J1.md)* - -# Ubisys J1 - -| Model | J1 | -| Vendor | Ubisys | -| Description | Shutter control J1 | -| Supports | open, close, stop, position, tilt | -| Picture | ![Ubisys J1](./assets/devices/J1.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Configuration of device attributes -By publishing to `zigbee2mqtt/[FRIENDLY_NAME]/set` various device attributes can be configured: -```json -{ - "configure_j1": { - "windowCoveringType": xxx, - "configStatus": xxx, - "installedOpenLimitLiftCm": xxx, - "installedClosedLimitLiftCm": xxx, - "installedOpenLimitTiltDdegree": xxx, - "installedClosedLimitTiltDdegree": xxx, - "turnaroundGuardTime": xxx, - "liftToTiltTransitionSteps": xxx, - "totalSteps": xxx, - "liftToTiltTransitionSteps2": xxx, - "totalSteps2": xxx, - "additionalSteps": xxx, - "inactivePowerThreshold": xxx, - "startupSteps": xxx, - "totalSteps": xxx, - "totalSteps2": xxx - } -} -``` -For further details on these attributes please take a look at the -[ubisys J1 technical reference manual](https://www.ubisys.de/wp-content/uploads/ubisys-j1-technical-reference.pdf), -chapter "7.2.5. Window Covering Cluster (Server)". - -As an alternative to the attributes listed above, the following properties may be used for convenience: -* `open_to_closed_s`: corresponds to `totalSteps`, but takes value in seconds instead of in full AC waves -* `closed_to_open_s`: ditto for `totalSteps2`, -* `lift_to_tilt_transition_ms`: sets both `liftToTiltTransitionSteps` and `liftToTiltTransitionSteps2` -(they shall both be equal according to ubisys manual), but takes value in *milli*seconds instead of in full AC waves -* `steps_per_second`: factor to be used for conversion, defaults to 50 full AC waves per second if not provided - -By publishing to `zigbee2mqtt/[FRIENDLY_NAME]/get/configure_j1` the values of the configuration attributes can -also be read back from the device and be printed to the normal zigbee2mqtt log. - -### Calibration -By publishing `{"configure_j1": {"calibrate": 1}}` to `zigbee2mqtt/[FRIENDLY_NAME]/set` the device can also be -calibrated after installation to support more advanced positioning features -(i.e. go to lift percentage / go to tilt percentage). This can be combined with setting attributes as shown above, -for example: -```json -{ - "configure_j1": { - "calibrate" : 1, - "windowCoveringType": 8, - "lift_to_tilt_transition_ms": 1600 - } -} -``` -The calibration procedure will move the shutter up and down several times and the current stage of the -calibration process will again be logged to the normal zigbee2mqtt log for the user to get some feedback. -For details on the calibration procedure please again take a look at -the [ubisys J1 technical reference manual](https://www.ubisys.de/wp-content/uploads/ubisys-j1-technical-reference.pdf), -chapter " Calibration". -Please note that tilt transition steps cannot be determined automatically and must therefore be -configured manually for the device to also support "go to tilt percentage". One possibility to determine the -correct value is to take a video of the blinds moving from 0 to 100 percent tilt and then getting the exact timing -from the video by playing it slow motion. - -### Home Assistant cover features when using [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) -The cover will be offered to Home Assistant as supporting lift and tilt by default, but for covers with reduced -functionality this can be passed along to Home Assistant by disabling some of the topics in `configuration.yaml`, -for example: -```yaml -'0x001fee0000001234': - friendly_name: cover_not_supporting_tilt' - homeassistant: - tilt_command_topic: null - tilt_status_topic: null -'0x001fee0000001234': - friendly_name: cover_supporting_neither_lift_nor_tilt' - homeassistant: - set_position_topic: null - position_topic: null - tilt_command_topic: null - tilt_status_topic: null -``` - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/JTQJ-BF-01LM_BW.md b/devices/docs/devices/JTQJ-BF-01LM_BW.md deleted file mode 100644 index f080fd5d..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/JTQJ-BF-01LM_BW.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Xiaomi JTQJ-BF-01LM/BW control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Xiaomi JTQJ-BF-01LM/BW via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/JTQJ-BF-01LM_BW.md)* - -# Xiaomi JTQJ-BF-01LM/BW - -| Model | JTQJ-BF-01LM/BW | -| Vendor | Xiaomi | -| Description | MiJia gas leak detector | -| Supports | gas | -| Picture | ![Xiaomi JTQJ-BF-01LM/BW](./assets/devices/JTQJ-BF-01LM-BW.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Plug the device in and wait for around 5mins, while it performs its self-tests. -A successful self-test is indicated by couple of beeps and a steady green led. -Now the device is ready for pairing. To initiate pairing quickly press the button three times in a row. - - -### Sensitivity -The sensitivity can be changed by publishing to `zigbee2mqtt/[FRIENDLY_NAME]/set` -`{"sensitivity": "SENSITIVITY"}` where `SENSITVITIY` is one of the following -values: `low`, `medium`, `high`. - -### Self-test -A self-test can be trigged by publishing to `zigbee2mqtt/[FRIENDLY_NAME]/set` -`{"selftest": ""}`. -If the selftest is executed succesfully you will hear the device beep in 30 seconds. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/JTYJ-GD-01LM_BW.md b/devices/docs/devices/JTYJ-GD-01LM_BW.md deleted file mode 100644 index c9c05d3c..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/JTYJ-GD-01LM_BW.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Xiaomi JTYJ-GD-01LM/BW control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Xiaomi JTYJ-GD-01LM/BW via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/JTYJ-GD-01LM_BW.md)* - -# Xiaomi JTYJ-GD-01LM/BW - -| Model | JTYJ-GD-01LM/BW | -| Vendor | Xiaomi | -| Description | MiJia Honeywell smoke detector | -| Supports | smoke | -| Picture | ![Xiaomi JTYJ-GD-01LM/BW](./assets/devices/JTYJ-GD-01LM-BW.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Plug the device in and wait for around 5mins, while it performs its self-tests. -A successful self-test is indicated by couple of beeps and a steady green led. -Now the device is ready for pairing. To initiate pairing quickly press the button three times in a row. - - -### Sensitivity -The sensitivity can be changed by publishing to `zigbee2mqtt/[FRIENDLY_NAME]/set` -`{"sensitivity": "SENSITIVITY"}` where `SENSITVITIY` is one of the following -values: `low`, `medium`, `high`. - -### Self-test -A self-test can be trigged by publishing to `zigbee2mqtt/[FRIENDLY_NAME]/set` -`{"selftest": ""}`. -If the selftest is executed succesfully you will hear the device beep in 30 seconds. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/K2RGBW01.md b/devices/docs/devices/K2RGBW01.md deleted file mode 100644 index 987fc932..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/K2RGBW01.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "JIAWEN K2RGBW01 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your JIAWEN K2RGBW01 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/K2RGBW01.md)* - -# JIAWEN K2RGBW01 - -| Model | K2RGBW01 | -| Vendor | JIAWEN | -| Description | Wireless Bulb E27 9W RGBW | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy | -| Picture | ![JIAWEN K2RGBW01](./assets/devices/K2RGBW01.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/K4003C.md b/devices/docs/devices/K4003C.md deleted file mode 100644 index c40677ce..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/K4003C.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "BTicino K4003C control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your BTicino K4003C via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/K4003C.md)* - -# BTicino K4003C - -| Model | K4003C | -| Vendor | BTicino | -| Description | Light switch with neutral | -| Supports | on/off, led color | -| Picture | ![BTicino K4003C](./assets/devices/K4003C.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/KS-SM001.md b/devices/docs/devices/KS-SM001.md deleted file mode 100644 index c889c116..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/KS-SM001.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Ksentry Electronics KS-SM001 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Ksentry Electronics KS-SM001 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/KS-SM001.md)* - -# Ksentry Electronics KS-SM001 - -| Model | KS-SM001 | -| Vendor | Ksentry Electronics | -| Description | [Zigbee OnOff Controller](http://ksentry.manufacturer.globalsources.com/si/6008837134660/pdtl/ZigBee-module/1162731630/zigbee-on-off-controller-modules.htm) | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![Ksentry Electronics KS-SM001](./assets/devices/KS-SM001.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/L1527.md b/devices/docs/devices/L1527.md deleted file mode 100644 index 3bb4676c..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/L1527.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "IKEA L1527 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your IKEA L1527 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/L1527.md)* - -# IKEA L1527 - -| Model | L1527 | -| Vendor | IKEA | -| Description | FLOALT LED light panel, dimmable, white spectrum (30x30 cm) | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature | -| Picture | ![IKEA L1527](./assets/devices/L1527.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory reset the light bulb ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npxOrPxVfe0)). -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -While pairing, keep the bulb close the the CC2531 USB sniffer. - -What works is to use (very) short “on’s” and a little bit longer “off’s”. -Start with bulb on, then off, and then 6 “on’s”, where you kill the light as soon as the bulb shows signs of turning on. - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/L1528.md b/devices/docs/devices/L1528.md deleted file mode 100644 index 435ffe14..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/L1528.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "IKEA L1528 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your IKEA L1528 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/L1528.md)* - -# IKEA L1528 - -| Model | L1528 | -| Vendor | IKEA | -| Description | FLOALT LED light panel, dimmable, white spectrum (30x90 cm) | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature | -| Picture | ![IKEA L1528](./assets/devices/L1528.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory reset the light bulb ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npxOrPxVfe0)). -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -While pairing, keep the bulb close the the CC2531 USB sniffer. - -What works is to use (very) short “on’s” and a little bit longer “off’s”. -Start with bulb on, then off, and then 6 “on’s”, where you kill the light as soon as the bulb shows signs of turning on. - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/L1529.md b/devices/docs/devices/L1529.md deleted file mode 100644 index 13615c59..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/L1529.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "IKEA L1529 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your IKEA L1529 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/L1529.md)* - -# IKEA L1529 - -| Model | L1529 | -| Vendor | IKEA | -| Description | FLOALT LED light panel, dimmable, white spectrum (60x60 cm) | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature | -| Picture | ![IKEA L1529](./assets/devices/L1529.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory reset the light bulb ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npxOrPxVfe0)). -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -While pairing, keep the bulb close the the CC2531 USB sniffer. - -What works is to use (very) short “on’s” and a little bit longer “off’s”. -Start with bulb on, then off, and then 6 “on’s”, where you kill the light as soon as the bulb shows signs of turning on. - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/L1531.md b/devices/docs/devices/L1531.md deleted file mode 100644 index 9a7d4d92..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/L1531.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "IKEA L1531 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your IKEA L1531 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/L1531.md)* - -# IKEA L1531 - -| Model | L1531 | -| Vendor | IKEA | -| Description | SURTE door light panel, dimmable, white spectrum (38x64 cm) | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature | -| Picture | ![IKEA L1531](./assets/devices/L1531.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory reset the light bulb ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npxOrPxVfe0)). -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -While pairing, keep the bulb close the the CC2531 USB sniffer. - -What works is to use (very) short “on’s” and a little bit longer “off’s”. -Start with bulb on, then off, and then 6 “on’s”, where you kill the light as soon as the bulb shows signs of turning on. - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/LED1536G5.md b/devices/docs/devices/LED1536G5.md deleted file mode 100644 index 28d2c1ab..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/LED1536G5.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "IKEA LED1536G5 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your IKEA LED1536G5 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/LED1536G5.md)* - -# IKEA LED1536G5 - -| Model | LED1536G5 | -| Vendor | IKEA | -| Description | TRADFRI LED bulb E12/E14 400 lumen, dimmable, white spectrum, opal white | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature | -| Picture | ![IKEA LED1536G5](./assets/devices/LED1536G5.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory reset the light bulb ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npxOrPxVfe0)). -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -While pairing, keep the bulb close the the CC2531 USB sniffer. - -What works is to use (very) short “on’s” and a little bit longer “off’s”. -Start with bulb on, then off, and then 6 “on’s”, where you kill the light as soon as the bulb shows signs of turning on. - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/LED1537R6.md b/devices/docs/devices/LED1537R6.md deleted file mode 100644 index 57c092f4..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/LED1537R6.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "IKEA LED1537R6 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your IKEA LED1537R6 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/LED1537R6.md)* - -# IKEA LED1537R6 - -| Model | LED1537R6 | -| Vendor | IKEA | -| Description | TRADFRI LED bulb GU10 400 lumen, dimmable, white spectrum | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature | -| Picture | ![IKEA LED1537R6](./assets/devices/LED1537R6.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory reset the light bulb ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npxOrPxVfe0)). -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -While pairing, keep the bulb close the the CC2531 USB sniffer. - -What works is to use (very) short “on’s” and a little bit longer “off’s”. -Start with bulb on, then off, and then 6 “on’s”, where you kill the light as soon as the bulb shows signs of turning on. - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/LED1545G12.md b/devices/docs/devices/LED1545G12.md deleted file mode 100644 index d8bf23e9..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/LED1545G12.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "IKEA LED1545G12 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your IKEA LED1545G12 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/LED1545G12.md)* - -# IKEA LED1545G12 - -| Model | LED1545G12 | -| Vendor | IKEA | -| Description | TRADFRI LED bulb E26/E27 980 lumen, dimmable, white spectrum, opal white | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature | -| Picture | ![IKEA LED1545G12](./assets/devices/LED1545G12.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory reset the light bulb ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npxOrPxVfe0)). -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -While pairing, keep the bulb close the the CC2531 USB sniffer. - -What works is to use (very) short “on’s” and a little bit longer “off’s”. -Start with bulb on, then off, and then 6 “on’s”, where you kill the light as soon as the bulb shows signs of turning on. - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/LED1546G12.md b/devices/docs/devices/LED1546G12.md deleted file mode 100644 index b0be4d4d..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/LED1546G12.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "IKEA LED1546G12 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your IKEA LED1546G12 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/LED1546G12.md)* - -# IKEA LED1546G12 - -| Model | LED1546G12 | -| Vendor | IKEA | -| Description | TRADFRI LED bulb E26/E27 950 lumen, dimmable, white spectrum, clear | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature | -| Picture | ![IKEA LED1546G12](./assets/devices/LED1546G12.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory reset the light bulb ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npxOrPxVfe0)). -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -While pairing, keep the bulb close the the CC2531 USB sniffer. - -What works is to use (very) short “on’s” and a little bit longer “off’s”. -Start with bulb on, then off, and then 6 “on’s”, where you kill the light as soon as the bulb shows signs of turning on. - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/LED1622G12.md b/devices/docs/devices/LED1622G12.md deleted file mode 100644 index 33db5589..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/LED1622G12.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "IKEA LED1622G12 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your IKEA LED1622G12 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/LED1622G12.md)* - -# IKEA LED1622G12 - -| Model | LED1622G12 | -| Vendor | IKEA | -| Description | TRADFRI LED bulb E26 1000 lumen, dimmable, opal white | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![IKEA LED1622G12](./assets/devices/LED1622G12.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory reset the light bulb ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npxOrPxVfe0)). -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -While pairing, keep the bulb close the the CC2531 USB sniffer. - -What works is to use (very) short “on’s” and a little bit longer “off’s”. -Start with bulb on, then off, and then 6 “on’s”, where you kill the light as soon as the bulb shows signs of turning on. - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/LED1623G12.md b/devices/docs/devices/LED1623G12.md deleted file mode 100644 index 5d4f716d..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/LED1623G12.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "IKEA LED1623G12 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your IKEA LED1623G12 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/LED1623G12.md)* - -# IKEA LED1623G12 - -| Model | LED1623G12 | -| Vendor | IKEA | -| Description | TRADFRI LED bulb E27 1000 lumen, dimmable, opal white | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![IKEA LED1623G12](./assets/devices/LED1623G12.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory reset the light bulb ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npxOrPxVfe0)). -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -While pairing, keep the bulb close the the CC2531 USB sniffer. - -What works is to use (very) short “on’s” and a little bit longer “off’s”. -Start with bulb on, then off, and then 6 “on’s”, where you kill the light as soon as the bulb shows signs of turning on. - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/LED1624G9.md b/devices/docs/devices/LED1624G9.md deleted file mode 100644 index 94492aa1..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/LED1624G9.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "IKEA LED1624G9 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your IKEA LED1624G9 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/LED1624G9.md)* - -# IKEA LED1624G9 - -| Model | LED1624G9 | -| Vendor | IKEA | -| Description | TRADFRI LED bulb E14/E26/E27 600 lumen, dimmable, color, opal white | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color xy | -| Picture | ![IKEA LED1624G9](./assets/devices/LED1624G9.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory reset the light bulb ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npxOrPxVfe0)). -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -While pairing, keep the bulb close the the CC2531 USB sniffer. - -What works is to use (very) short “on’s” and a little bit longer “off’s”. -Start with bulb on, then off, and then 6 “on’s”, where you kill the light as soon as the bulb shows signs of turning on. - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/LED1649C5.md b/devices/docs/devices/LED1649C5.md deleted file mode 100644 index 2cdecefb..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/LED1649C5.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "IKEA LED1649C5 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your IKEA LED1649C5 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/LED1649C5.md)* - -# IKEA LED1649C5 - -| Model | LED1649C5 | -| Vendor | IKEA | -| Description | TRADFRI LED bulb E12/E14/E17 400 lumen, dimmable warm white, chandelier opal | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![IKEA LED1649C5](./assets/devices/LED1649C5.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory reset the light bulb ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npxOrPxVfe0)). -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -While pairing, keep the bulb close the the CC2531 USB sniffer. - -What works is to use (very) short “on’s” and a little bit longer “off’s”. -Start with bulb on, then off, and then 6 “on’s”, where you kill the light as soon as the bulb shows signs of turning on. - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/LED1650R5.md b/devices/docs/devices/LED1650R5.md deleted file mode 100644 index 9e9d03f8..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/LED1650R5.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "IKEA LED1650R5 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your IKEA LED1650R5 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/LED1650R5.md)* - -# IKEA LED1650R5 - -| Model | LED1650R5 | -| Vendor | IKEA | -| Description | TRADFRI LED bulb GU10 400 lumen, dimmable | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![IKEA LED1650R5](./assets/devices/LED1650R5.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory reset the light bulb ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npxOrPxVfe0)). -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -While pairing, keep the bulb close the the CC2531 USB sniffer. - -What works is to use (very) short “on’s” and a little bit longer “off’s”. -Start with bulb on, then off, and then 6 “on’s”, where you kill the light as soon as the bulb shows signs of turning on. - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/LED1732G11.md b/devices/docs/devices/LED1732G11.md deleted file mode 100644 index e8b96306..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/LED1732G11.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "IKEA LED1732G11 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your IKEA LED1732G11 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/LED1732G11.md)* - -# IKEA LED1732G11 - -| Model | LED1732G11 | -| Vendor | IKEA | -| Description | TRADFRI LED bulb E27 1000 lumen, dimmable, white spectrum, opal white | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature | -| Picture | ![IKEA LED1732G11](./assets/devices/LED1732G11.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory reset the light bulb ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npxOrPxVfe0)). -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -While pairing, keep the bulb close the the CC2531 USB sniffer. - -What works is to use (very) short “on’s” and a little bit longer “off’s”. -Start with bulb on, then off, and then 6 “on’s”, where you kill the light as soon as the bulb shows signs of turning on. - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/LED1733G7.md b/devices/docs/devices/LED1733G7.md deleted file mode 100644 index 9ab06dcf..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/LED1733G7.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "IKEA LED1733G7 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your IKEA LED1733G7 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/LED1733G7.md)* - -# IKEA LED1733G7 - -| Model | LED1733G7 | -| Vendor | IKEA | -| Description | TRADFRI LED bulb E14 600 lumen, dimmable, white spectrum, opal white | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature | -| Picture | ![IKEA LED1733G7](./assets/devices/LED1733G7.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory reset the light bulb ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npxOrPxVfe0)). -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -While pairing, keep the bulb close the the CC2531 USB sniffer. - -What works is to use (very) short “on’s” and a little bit longer “off’s”. -Start with bulb on, then off, and then 6 “on’s”, where you kill the light as soon as the bulb shows signs of turning on. - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/LED1736G9.md b/devices/docs/devices/LED1736G9.md deleted file mode 100644 index 5bfeab62..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/LED1736G9.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "IKEA LED1736G9 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your IKEA LED1736G9 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/LED1736G9.md)* - -# IKEA LED1736G9 - -| Model | LED1736G9 | -| Vendor | IKEA | -| Description | TRADFRI LED bulb E27 806 lumen, dimmable, white spectrum, clear | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature | -| Picture | ![IKEA LED1736G9](./assets/devices/LED1736G9.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory reset the light bulb ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npxOrPxVfe0)). -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -While pairing, keep the bulb close the the CC2531 USB sniffer. - -What works is to use (very) short “on’s” and a little bit longer “off’s”. -Start with bulb on, then off, and then 6 “on’s”, where you kill the light as soon as the bulb shows signs of turning on. - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/LED1738G7.md b/devices/docs/devices/LED1738G7.md deleted file mode 100644 index 74fde049..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/LED1738G7.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "IKEA LED1738G7 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your IKEA LED1738G7 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/LED1738G7.md)* - -# IKEA LED1738G7 - -| Model | LED1738G7 | -| Vendor | IKEA | -| Description | TRADFRI LED bulb E12 600 lumen, dimmable, white spectrum, opal white | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature | -| Picture | ![IKEA LED1738G7](./assets/devices/LED1738G7.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory reset the light bulb ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npxOrPxVfe0)). -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -While pairing, keep the bulb close the the CC2531 USB sniffer. - -What works is to use (very) short “on’s” and a little bit longer “off’s”. -Start with bulb on, then off, and then 6 “on’s”, where you kill the light as soon as the bulb shows signs of turning on. - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/LED1836G9.md b/devices/docs/devices/LED1836G9.md deleted file mode 100644 index 1c32b9e8..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/LED1836G9.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "IKEA LED1836G9 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your IKEA LED1836G9 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/LED1836G9.md)* - -# IKEA LED1836G9 - -| Model | LED1836G9 | -| Vendor | IKEA | -| Description | TRADFRI LED bulb E26/E27 806 lumen, dimmable, warm white | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![IKEA LED1836G9](./assets/devices/LED1836G9.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory reset the light bulb ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npxOrPxVfe0)). -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -While pairing, keep the bulb close the the CC2531 USB sniffer. - -What works is to use (very) short “on’s” and a little bit longer “off’s”. -Start with bulb on, then off, and then 6 “on’s”, where you kill the light as soon as the bulb shows signs of turning on. - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/LED1837R5.md b/devices/docs/devices/LED1837R5.md deleted file mode 100644 index 9738b79d..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/LED1837R5.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "IKEA LED1837R5 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your IKEA LED1837R5 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/LED1837R5.md)* - -# IKEA LED1837R5 - -| Model | LED1837R5 | -| Vendor | IKEA | -| Description | TRADFRI LED bulb GU10 400 lumen, dimmable | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![IKEA LED1837R5](./assets/devices/LED1837R5.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory reset the light bulb ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npxOrPxVfe0)). -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -While pairing, keep the bulb close the the CC2531 USB sniffer. - -What works is to use (very) short “on’s” and a little bit longer “off’s”. -Start with bulb on, then off, and then 6 “on’s”, where you kill the light as soon as the bulb shows signs of turning on. - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/LED1842G3.md b/devices/docs/devices/LED1842G3.md deleted file mode 100644 index 4581f269..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/LED1842G3.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "IKEA LED1842G3 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your IKEA LED1842G3 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/LED1842G3.md)* - -# IKEA LED1842G3 - -| Model | LED1842G3 | -| Vendor | IKEA | -| Description | TRADFRI LED bulb E27 WW clear 250 lumen, dimmable | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![IKEA LED1842G3](./assets/devices/LED1842G3.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory reset the light bulb ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npxOrPxVfe0)). -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -While pairing, keep the bulb close the the CC2531 USB sniffer. - -What works is to use (very) short “on’s” and a little bit longer “off’s”. -Start with bulb on, then off, and then 6 “on’s”, where you kill the light as soon as the bulb shows signs of turning on. - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/LED1903C5.md b/devices/docs/devices/LED1903C5.md deleted file mode 100644 index 15d76bf7..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/LED1903C5.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "IKEA LED1903C5 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your IKEA LED1903C5 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/LED1903C5.md)* - -# IKEA LED1903C5 - -| Model | LED1903C5 | -| Vendor | IKEA | -| Description | TRADFRI bulb E14 WS 470 lumen, dimmable, white spectrum, opal white | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature | -| Picture | ![IKEA LED1903C5](./assets/devices/LED1903C5.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory reset the light bulb ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npxOrPxVfe0)). -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -While pairing, keep the bulb close the the CC2531 USB sniffer. - -What works is to use (very) short “on’s” and a little bit longer “off’s”. -Start with bulb on, then off, and then 6 “on’s”, where you kill the light as soon as the bulb shows signs of turning on. - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/LH-32ZB.md b/devices/docs/devices/LH-32ZB.md deleted file mode 100644 index c87d78b8..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/LH-32ZB.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "iHORN LH-32ZB control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your iHORN LH-32ZB via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/LH-32ZB.md)* - -# iHORN LH-32ZB - -| Model | LH-32ZB | -| Vendor | iHORN | -| Description | Temperature & humidity sensor | -| Supports | temperature and humidity | -| Picture | ![iHORN LH-32ZB](./assets/devices/LH-32ZB.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `temperature_precision`: Controls the precision of `temperature` values, -e.g. `0`, `1` or `2`; default `2`. -* `temperature_calibration`: Allows to manually calibrate temperature values, -e.g. `1` would add 1 degree to the temperature reported by the device; default `0`. - - -* `humidity_precision`: Controls the precision of `humidity` values, e.g. `0`, `1` or `2`; default `2`. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/LH-992ZB.md b/devices/docs/devices/LH-992ZB.md deleted file mode 100644 index 8db87c25..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/LH-992ZB.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "iHORN LH-992ZB control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your iHORN LH-992ZB via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/LH-992ZB.md)* - -# iHORN LH-992ZB - -| Model | LH-992ZB | -| Vendor | iHORN | -| Description | Motion sensor | -| Supports | occupancy | -| Picture | ![iHORN LH-992ZB](./assets/devices/LH-992ZB.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/LH07321.md b/devices/docs/devices/LH07321.md deleted file mode 100644 index 3ca00b96..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/LH07321.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Konke LH07321 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Konke LH07321 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/LH07321.md)* - -# Konke LH07321 - -| Model | LH07321 | -| Vendor | Konke | -| Description | Water detector | -| Supports | water_leak | -| Picture | ![Konke LH07321](./assets/devices/LH07321.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Important -Konke devices only work on Zigbee channel 15, 20 and 25. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/LLKZMK11LM.md b/devices/docs/devices/LLKZMK11LM.md deleted file mode 100644 index e003d91d..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/LLKZMK11LM.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Xiaomi LLKZMK11LM control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Xiaomi LLKZMK11LM via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/LLKZMK11LM.md)* - -# Xiaomi LLKZMK11LM - -| Model | LLKZMK11LM | -| Vendor | Xiaomi | -| Description | Aqara wireless relay controller | -| Supports | on/off, power measurement | -| Picture | ![Xiaomi LLKZMK11LM](./assets/devices/LLKZMK11LM.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Interlock -This option allows to inter connect the relays which will make sure that only one relay is on at a time. To do this publish to `zigbee2mqtt/[FRIENDLY_NAME]/set` payload `{"interlock": true}` or `{"interlock": false}`. By default this option is `false`. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/LS12128.md b/devices/docs/devices/LS12128.md deleted file mode 100644 index 501123bd..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/LS12128.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Lupus LS12128 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Lupus LS12128 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/LS12128.md)* - -# Lupus LS12128 - -| Model | LS12128 | -| Vendor | Lupus | -| Description | Roller shutter | -| Supports | open/close | -| Picture | ![Lupus LS12128](./assets/devices/LS12128.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/LTFY004.md b/devices/docs/devices/LTFY004.md deleted file mode 100644 index 758bf40b..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/LTFY004.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Sylvania LTFY004 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Sylvania LTFY004 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/LTFY004.md)* - -# Sylvania LTFY004 - -| Model | LTFY004 | -| Vendor | Sylvania | -| Description | LIGHTIFY LED gardenspot mini RGB | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color xy | -| Picture | ![Sylvania LTFY004](./assets/devices/LTFY004.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Set default power on/off transition -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support setting a default transition when turning a light on and off. -```js -{ - "osram_set_transition": 0.1, //time in seconds (integer or float) -} -``` - -### Remember current light state -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support remembering their current state in case of power loss, or if a light -is manually switched off then on. Lights will remember their respective attributes -(i.e. brightness, color, saturation, etc.). -NOTE: This must be executed everytime you make changes to a light's attributes for it to then 'remember' it. -```js -{ - "osram_remember_state": true, // true, false (boolean) -} -``` - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/LVS-SC7.md b/devices/docs/devices/LVS-SC7.md deleted file mode 100644 index 75a9c755..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/LVS-SC7.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "LivingWise LVS-SC7 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your LivingWise LVS-SC7 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/LVS-SC7.md)* - -# LivingWise LVS-SC7 - -| Model | LVS-SC7 | -| Vendor | LivingWise | -| Description | Scene controller | -| Supports | action | -| Picture | ![LivingWise LVS-SC7](./assets/devices/LVS-SC7.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/LVS-SM10ZW.md b/devices/docs/devices/LVS-SM10ZW.md deleted file mode 100644 index c70c3208..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/LVS-SM10ZW.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "LivingWise LVS-SM10ZW control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your LivingWise LVS-SM10ZW via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/LVS-SM10ZW.md)* - -# LivingWise LVS-SM10ZW - -| Model | LVS-SM10ZW | -| Vendor | LivingWise | -| Description | Door or window contact switch | -| Supports | contact | -| Picture | ![LivingWise LVS-SM10ZW](./assets/devices/LVS-SM10ZW.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/LVS-SN10ZW_SN11.md b/devices/docs/devices/LVS-SN10ZW_SN11.md deleted file mode 100644 index 6b1c7bf7..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/LVS-SN10ZW_SN11.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "LivingWise LVS-SN10ZW_SN11 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your LivingWise LVS-SN10ZW_SN11 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/LVS-SN10ZW_SN11.md)* - -# LivingWise LVS-SN10ZW_SN11 - -| Model | LVS-SN10ZW_SN11 | -| Vendor | LivingWise | -| Description | Occupancy sensor | -| Supports | occupancy | -| Picture | ![LivingWise LVS-SN10ZW_SN11](./assets/devices/LVS-SN10ZW_SN11.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/LVS-ZB15R.md b/devices/docs/devices/LVS-ZB15R.md deleted file mode 100644 index bab2874d..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/LVS-ZB15R.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "LivingWise LVS-ZB15R control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your LivingWise LVS-ZB15R via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/LVS-ZB15R.md)* - -# LivingWise LVS-ZB15R - -| Model | LVS-ZB15R | -| Vendor | LivingWise | -| Description | Zigbee smart outlet | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![LivingWise LVS-ZB15R](./assets/devices/LVS-ZB15R.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/LVS-ZB15S.md b/devices/docs/devices/LVS-ZB15S.md deleted file mode 100644 index 5bc17513..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/LVS-ZB15S.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "LivingWise LVS-ZB15S control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your LivingWise LVS-ZB15S via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/LVS-ZB15S.md)* - -# LivingWise LVS-ZB15S - -| Model | LVS-ZB15S | -| Vendor | LivingWise | -| Description | ZigBee smart in-wall switch | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![LivingWise LVS-ZB15S](./assets/devices/LVS-ZB15S.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/LVS-ZB500D.md b/devices/docs/devices/LVS-ZB500D.md deleted file mode 100644 index 8375f1db..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/LVS-ZB500D.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "LivingWise LVS-ZB500D control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your LivingWise LVS-ZB500D via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/LVS-ZB500D.md)* - -# LivingWise LVS-ZB500D - -| Model | LVS-ZB500D | -| Vendor | LivingWise | -| Description | ZigBee smart dimmer switch | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![LivingWise LVS-ZB500D](./assets/devices/LVS-ZB500D.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/LWG004.md b/devices/docs/devices/LWG004.md deleted file mode 100644 index 56382633..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/LWG004.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Philips LWG004 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Philips LWG004 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/LWG004.md)* - -# Philips LWG004 - -| Model | LWG004 | -| Vendor | Philips | -| Description | Hue white GU10 bluetooth | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, power-on behavior | -| Picture | ![Philips LWG004](./assets/devices/LWG004.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory resetting a Hue bulb can be accomplished in 4 ways. -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -#### Touchlink factory reset -See [Touchlink](../information/touchlink) - -#### Hue bridge -When the bulb is still connected to the Hue bridge, you can simply factory reset the bulb -by removing it from the bridge via the Hue app. - -#### Hue dimmer switch -[VIDEO: Factory reset a Hue bulb with Hue dimmer switch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlEAELiJKs). - -#### TRADFRI remote control -This may also be possible with the -[Tradfri Remote Control](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/images/products/tradfri-remote-control__0489469_PE623665_S4.JPG) -by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom of the remote (next to the battery). -[This may not always work](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/296#issuecomment-416923751). - - -### Power-on behavior -Allows to set the power-on behavior of the plug/bulb. -Note that this requires at least November/December '18 firmware update of the device. -```js -{ - "hue_power_on_behavior": "on", // default, on, off, recover - "hue_power_on_brightness": 125, // same values as brightness - "hue_power_on_color_temperature": 280, // same values as color_temp - "hue_power_on_color": "#0000FF", // color in hex notation, e.g. #0000FF = blue - -} -``` - -Attribute Value | Description -----------------|----------------------------------------------- -default | reset to factory default value -on | bulb on after power loss with configured brightness, color-temperature and color -off | bulb off after power loss -recover | last running state after power loss - -Rules: -- `hue_power_on_behavior` value always has to be provided -- `hue_power_on_brightness`, `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` can only be provided when `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on` -- `hue_power_on_color_temperature` and `hue_power_on_color` cannot be provided together, only one can be set -- When setting `hue_power_on_behavior` = `on`, any not provided values will be reset to their factory defaults - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/LXZB-02A.md b/devices/docs/devices/LXZB-02A.md deleted file mode 100644 index 356b01d8..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/LXZB-02A.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Nue / 3A LXZB-02A control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Nue / 3A LXZB-02A via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/LXZB-02A.md)* - -# Nue / 3A LXZB-02A - -| Model | LXZB-02A | -| Vendor | Nue / 3A | -| Description | Smart light controller | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![Nue / 3A LXZB-02A](./assets/devices/LXZB-02A.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/LXZB-12A.md b/devices/docs/devices/LXZB-12A.md deleted file mode 100644 index 05a96db2..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/LXZB-12A.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Zemismart LXZB-12A control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Zemismart LXZB-12A via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/LXZB-12A.md)* - -# Zemismart LXZB-12A - -| Model | LXZB-12A | -| Vendor | Zemismart | -| Description | RGB LED downlight | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy | -| Picture | ![Zemismart LXZB-12A](./assets/devices/LXZB-12A.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/LZL4BWHL01.md b/devices/docs/devices/LZL4BWHL01.md deleted file mode 100644 index d912f45f..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/LZL4BWHL01.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Lutron LZL4BWHL01 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Lutron LZL4BWHL01 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/LZL4BWHL01.md)* - -# Lutron LZL4BWHL01 - -| Model | LZL4BWHL01 | -| Vendor | Lutron | -| Description | Connected bulb remote control | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![Lutron LZL4BWHL01](./assets/devices/LZL4BWHL01.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/LifeControl_Door_Sensor.md b/devices/docs/devices/LifeControl_Door_Sensor.md deleted file mode 100644 index c5e2ff1f..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/LifeControl_Door_Sensor.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "LifeControl LifeControl_Door_Sensor control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your LifeControl LifeControl_Door_Sensor via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/LifeControl_Door_Sensor.md)* - -# LifeControl LifeControl_Door_Sensor - -| Model | LifeControl_Door_Sensor | -| Vendor | LifeControl | -| Description | Door sensor | -| Supports | contact | -| Picture | ![LifeControl LifeControl_Door_Sensor](./assets/devices/LifeControl_Door_Sensor.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/LifeControl_Leak_Sensor.md b/devices/docs/devices/LifeControl_Leak_Sensor.md deleted file mode 100644 index f637cacd..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/LifeControl_Leak_Sensor.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "LifeControl LifeControl_Leak_Sensor control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your LifeControl LifeControl_Leak_Sensor via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/LifeControl_Leak_Sensor.md)* - -# LifeControl LifeControl_Leak_Sensor - -| Model | LifeControl_Leak_Sensor | -| Vendor | LifeControl | -| Description | Water leak switch | -| Supports | water leak | -| Picture | ![LifeControl LifeControl_Leak_Sensor](./assets/devices/LifeControl_Leak_Sensor.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/LifeControl_RGB_Led.md b/devices/docs/devices/LifeControl_RGB_Led.md deleted file mode 100644 index 5768c98d..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/LifeControl_RGB_Led.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "LifeControl LifeControl_RGB_Led control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your LifeControl LifeControl_RGB_Led via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/LifeControl_RGB_Led.md)* - -# LifeControl LifeControl_RGB_Led - -| Model | LifeControl_RGB_Led | -| Vendor | LifeControl | -| Description | RGB LED lamp | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy | -| Picture | ![LifeControl LifeControl_RGB_Led](./assets/devices/LifeControl_RGB_Led.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/M350STW1.md b/devices/docs/devices/M350STW1.md deleted file mode 100644 index d4be2042..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/M350STW1.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Leedarson M350STW1 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Leedarson M350STW1 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/M350STW1.md)* - -# Leedarson M350STW1 - -| Model | M350STW1 | -| Vendor | Leedarson | -| Description | LED PAR16 50 GU10 | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![Leedarson M350STW1](./assets/devices/M350STW1.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/MCCGQ01LM.md b/devices/docs/devices/MCCGQ01LM.md deleted file mode 100644 index ddb1b7dd..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/MCCGQ01LM.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Xiaomi MCCGQ01LM control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Xiaomi MCCGQ01LM via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/MCCGQ01LM.md)* - -# Xiaomi MCCGQ01LM - -| Model | MCCGQ01LM | -| Vendor | Xiaomi | -| Description | MiJia door & window contact sensor | -| Supports | contact | -| Picture | ![Xiaomi MCCGQ01LM](./assets/devices/MCCGQ01LM.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Press and hold the reset button on the device for +- 5 seconds (until the blue light starts blinking). -After this the device will automatically join. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/MCCGQ11LM.md b/devices/docs/devices/MCCGQ11LM.md deleted file mode 100644 index 6592cc4c..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/MCCGQ11LM.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Xiaomi MCCGQ11LM control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Xiaomi MCCGQ11LM via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/MCCGQ11LM.md)* - -# Xiaomi MCCGQ11LM - -| Model | MCCGQ11LM | -| Vendor | Xiaomi | -| Description | Aqara door & window contact sensor | -| Supports | contact | -| Picture | ![Xiaomi MCCGQ11LM](./assets/devices/MCCGQ11LM.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Press and hold the reset button on the device for +- 5 seconds (until the blue light starts blinking). -After this the device will automatically join. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/MCT-340_E.md b/devices/docs/devices/MCT-340_E.md deleted file mode 100644 index 6f1a4815..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/MCT-340_E.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Visonic MCT-340 E control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Visonic MCT-340 E via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/MCT-340_E.md)* - -# Visonic MCT-340 E - -| Model | MCT-340 E | -| Vendor | Visonic | -| Description | Magnetic door & window contact sensor | -| Supports | contact, temperature | -| Picture | ![Visonic MCT-340 E](./assets/devices/MCT-340-E.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `temperature_precision`: Controls the precision of `temperature` values, -e.g. `0`, `1` or `2`; default `2`. -* `temperature_calibration`: Allows to manually calibrate temperature values, -e.g. `1` would add 1 degree to the temperature reported by the device; default `0`. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/MCT-340_SMA.md b/devices/docs/devices/MCT-340_SMA.md deleted file mode 100644 index 60d9383e..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/MCT-340_SMA.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Visonic MCT-340 SMA control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Visonic MCT-340 SMA via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/MCT-340_SMA.md)* - -# Visonic MCT-340 SMA - -| Model | MCT-340 SMA | -| Vendor | Visonic | -| Description | Magnetic door & window contact sensor | -| Supports | contact, temperature | -| Picture | ![Visonic MCT-340 SMA](./assets/devices/MCT-340-SMA.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `temperature_precision`: Controls the precision of `temperature` values, -e.g. `0`, `1` or `2`; default `2`. -* `temperature_calibration`: Allows to manually calibrate temperature values, -e.g. `1` would add 1 degree to the temperature reported by the device; default `0`. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/MCT-350_SMA.md b/devices/docs/devices/MCT-350_SMA.md deleted file mode 100644 index c54c0967..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/MCT-350_SMA.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Visonic MCT-350 SMA control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Visonic MCT-350 SMA via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/MCT-350_SMA.md)* - -# Visonic MCT-350 SMA - -| Model | MCT-350 SMA | -| Vendor | Visonic | -| Description | Magnetic door & window contact sensor | -| Supports | contact | -| Picture | ![Visonic MCT-350 SMA](./assets/devices/MCT-350-SMA.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/MCT-370_SMA.md b/devices/docs/devices/MCT-370_SMA.md deleted file mode 100644 index 50481f88..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/MCT-370_SMA.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Visonic MCT-370 SMA control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Visonic MCT-370 SMA via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/MCT-370_SMA.md)* - -# Visonic MCT-370 SMA - -| Model | MCT-370 SMA | -| Vendor | Visonic | -| Description | Magnetic door & window contact sensor | -| Supports | contact | -| Picture | ![Visonic MCT-370 SMA](./assets/devices/MCT-370-SMA.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/MEAZON_BIZY_PLUG.md b/devices/docs/devices/MEAZON_BIZY_PLUG.md deleted file mode 100644 index d84329e9..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/MEAZON_BIZY_PLUG.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Meazon MEAZON_BIZY_PLUG control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Meazon MEAZON_BIZY_PLUG via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/MEAZON_BIZY_PLUG.md)* - -# Meazon MEAZON_BIZY_PLUG - -| Model | MEAZON_BIZY_PLUG | -| Vendor | Meazon | -| Description | Bizy plug meter | -| Supports | on/off, power, energy measurement and temperature | -| Picture | ![Meazon MEAZON_BIZY_PLUG](./assets/devices/MEAZON_BIZY_PLUG.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `temperature_precision`: Controls the precision of `temperature` values, -e.g. `0`, `1` or `2`; default `2`. -* `temperature_calibration`: Allows to manually calibrate temperature values, -e.g. `1` would add 1 degree to the temperature reported by the device; default `0`. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/MEAZON_DINRAIL.md b/devices/docs/devices/MEAZON_DINRAIL.md deleted file mode 100644 index d51fdabb..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/MEAZON_DINRAIL.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Meazon MEAZON_DINRAIL control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Meazon MEAZON_DINRAIL via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/MEAZON_DINRAIL.md)* - -# Meazon MEAZON_DINRAIL - -| Model | MEAZON_DINRAIL | -| Vendor | Meazon | -| Description | DinRail 1-phase meter | -| Supports | on/off, power, energy measurement and temperature | -| Picture | ![Meazon MEAZON_DINRAIL](./assets/devices/MEAZON_DINRAIL.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `temperature_precision`: Controls the precision of `temperature` values, -e.g. `0`, `1` or `2`; default `2`. -* `temperature_calibration`: Allows to manually calibrate temperature values, -e.g. `1` would add 1 degree to the temperature reported by the device; default `0`. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/MFKZQ01LM.md b/devices/docs/devices/MFKZQ01LM.md deleted file mode 100644 index f917288d..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/MFKZQ01LM.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Xiaomi MFKZQ01LM control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Xiaomi MFKZQ01LM via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/MFKZQ01LM.md)* - -# Xiaomi MFKZQ01LM - -| Model | MFKZQ01LM | -| Vendor | Xiaomi | -| Description | Mi/Aqara smart home cube | -| Supports | shake, wakeup, fall, tap, slide, flip180, flip90, rotate_left and rotate_right | -| Picture | ![Xiaomi MFKZQ01LM](./assets/devices/MFKZQ01LM.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Press and hold the reset button on the device for +- 5 seconds (until the blue light starts blinking). -After this the device will automatically join. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/MG-AUWS01.md b/devices/docs/devices/MG-AUWS01.md deleted file mode 100644 index cf0250f6..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/MG-AUWS01.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Nue / 3A MG-AUWS01 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Nue / 3A MG-AUWS01 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/MG-AUWS01.md)* - -# Nue / 3A MG-AUWS01 - -| Model | MG-AUWS01 | -| Vendor | Nue / 3A | -| Description | Smart Double GPO | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![Nue / 3A MG-AUWS01](./assets/devices/MG-AUWS01.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/MKS-CM-W5.md b/devices/docs/devices/MKS-CM-W5.md deleted file mode 100644 index 33c5a063..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/MKS-CM-W5.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Norklmes MKS-CM-W5 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Norklmes MKS-CM-W5 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/MKS-CM-W5.md)* - -# Norklmes MKS-CM-W5 - -| Model | MKS-CM-W5 | -| Vendor | Norklmes | -| Description | 1, 2, 3 or 4 gang switch | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![Norklmes MKS-CM-W5](./assets/devices/MKS-CM-W5.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/ML-ST-D200.md b/devices/docs/devices/ML-ST-D200.md deleted file mode 100644 index 07469326..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/ML-ST-D200.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "M-ELEC ML-ST-D200 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your M-ELEC ML-ST-D200 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/ML-ST-D200.md)* - -# M-ELEC ML-ST-D200 - -| Model | ML-ST-D200 | -| Vendor | M-ELEC | -| Description | Stitchy Dim switchable wall module | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![M-ELEC ML-ST-D200](./assets/devices/ML-ST-D200.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/MLI-404011.md b/devices/docs/devices/MLI-404011.md deleted file mode 100644 index c02450fb..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/MLI-404011.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Müller Licht MLI-404011 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Müller Licht MLI-404011 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/MLI-404011.md)* - -# Müller Licht MLI-404011 - -| Model | MLI-404011 | -| Vendor | Müller Licht | -| Description | Tint remote control | -| Supports | toggle, brightness, other buttons are not supported yet! | -| Picture | ![Müller Licht MLI-404011](./assets/devices/MLI-404011.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Remove the battery cover and use the cover to press the button above the batteries. -Press and hold this button for 10-20 seconds and release the button. -After that the remote should show up as a paired device. - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/MP-841.md b/devices/docs/devices/MP-841.md deleted file mode 100644 index 2ccd8b7d..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/MP-841.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Visonic MP-841 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Visonic MP-841 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/MP-841.md)* - -# Visonic MP-841 - -| Model | MP-841 | -| Vendor | Visonic | -| Description | Motion sensor | -| Supports | occupancy | -| Picture | ![Visonic MP-841](./assets/devices/MP-841.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/Mega23M12.md b/devices/docs/devices/Mega23M12.md deleted file mode 100644 index 09259cf9..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/Mega23M12.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Dresden Elektronik Mega23M12 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Dresden Elektronik Mega23M12 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/Mega23M12.md)* - -# Dresden Elektronik Mega23M12 - -| Model | Mega23M12 | -| Vendor | Dresden Elektronik | -| Description | ZigBee Light Link wireless electronic ballast | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy | -| Picture | ![Dresden Elektronik Mega23M12](./assets/devices/Mega23M12.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/N2G-SP.md b/devices/docs/devices/N2G-SP.md deleted file mode 100644 index 3873dfb1..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/N2G-SP.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "NET2GRID N2G-SP control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your NET2GRID N2G-SP via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/N2G-SP.md)* - -# NET2GRID N2G-SP - -| Model | N2G-SP | -| Vendor | NET2GRID | -| Description | White Net2Grid power outlet switch with power meter | -| Supports | on/off, power measurement | -| Picture | ![NET2GRID N2G-SP](./assets/devices/N2G-SP.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/NCZ-3011-HA.md b/devices/docs/devices/NCZ-3011-HA.md deleted file mode 100644 index 5e509a53..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/NCZ-3011-HA.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Nyce NCZ-3011-HA control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Nyce NCZ-3011-HA via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/NCZ-3011-HA.md)* - -# Nyce NCZ-3011-HA - -| Model | NCZ-3011-HA | -| Vendor | Nyce | -| Description | Door/window sensor | -| Supports | motion, humidity and temperature | -| Picture | ![Nyce NCZ-3011-HA](./assets/devices/NCZ-3011-HA.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `temperature_precision`: Controls the precision of `temperature` values, -e.g. `0`, `1` or `2`; default `2`. -* `temperature_calibration`: Allows to manually calibrate temperature values, -e.g. `1` would add 1 degree to the temperature reported by the device; default `0`. - - -* `humidity_precision`: Controls the precision of `humidity` values, e.g. `0`, `1` or `2`; default `2`. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/NCZ-3041-HA.md b/devices/docs/devices/NCZ-3041-HA.md deleted file mode 100644 index 31e8b691..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/NCZ-3041-HA.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Nyce NCZ-3041-HA control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Nyce NCZ-3041-HA via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/NCZ-3041-HA.md)* - -# Nyce NCZ-3041-HA - -| Model | NCZ-3041-HA | -| Vendor | Nyce | -| Description | Wall motion sensor | -| Supports | motion, humidity and temperature | -| Picture | ![Nyce NCZ-3041-HA](./assets/devices/NCZ-3041-HA.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `temperature_precision`: Controls the precision of `temperature` values, -e.g. `0`, `1` or `2`; default `2`. -* `temperature_calibration`: Allows to manually calibrate temperature values, -e.g. `1` would add 1 degree to the temperature reported by the device; default `0`. - - -* `humidity_precision`: Controls the precision of `humidity` values, e.g. `0`, `1` or `2`; default `2`. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/NCZ-3043-HA.md b/devices/docs/devices/NCZ-3043-HA.md deleted file mode 100644 index d5d2dd53..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/NCZ-3043-HA.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Nyce NCZ-3043-HA control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Nyce NCZ-3043-HA via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/NCZ-3043-HA.md)* - -# Nyce NCZ-3043-HA - -| Model | NCZ-3043-HA | -| Vendor | Nyce | -| Description | Ceiling motion sensor | -| Supports | motion, humidity and temperature | -| Picture | ![Nyce NCZ-3043-HA](./assets/devices/NCZ-3043-HA.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `temperature_precision`: Controls the precision of `temperature` values, -e.g. `0`, `1` or `2`; default `2`. -* `temperature_calibration`: Allows to manually calibrate temperature values, -e.g. `1` would add 1 degree to the temperature reported by the device; default `0`. - - -* `humidity_precision`: Controls the precision of `humidity` values, e.g. `0`, `1` or `2`; default `2`. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/NCZ-3045-HA.md b/devices/docs/devices/NCZ-3045-HA.md deleted file mode 100644 index 5c0f16de..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/NCZ-3045-HA.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Nyce NCZ-3045-HA control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Nyce NCZ-3045-HA via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/NCZ-3045-HA.md)* - -# Nyce NCZ-3045-HA - -| Model | NCZ-3045-HA | -| Vendor | Nyce | -| Description | Curtain motion sensor | -| Supports | motion, humidity and temperature | -| Picture | ![Nyce NCZ-3045-HA](./assets/devices/NCZ-3045-HA.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `temperature_precision`: Controls the precision of `temperature` values, -e.g. `0`, `1` or `2`; default `2`. -* `temperature_calibration`: Allows to manually calibrate temperature values, -e.g. `1` would add 1 degree to the temperature reported by the device; default `0`. - - -* `humidity_precision`: Controls the precision of `humidity` values, e.g. `0`, `1` or `2`; default `2`. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/NL08-0800.md b/devices/docs/devices/NL08-0800.md deleted file mode 100644 index 2f897ca2..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/NL08-0800.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Nanoleaf NL08-0800 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Nanoleaf NL08-0800 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/NL08-0800.md)* - -# Nanoleaf NL08-0800 - -| Model | NL08-0800 | -| Vendor | Nanoleaf | -| Description | Smart Ivy Bulb E27 | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![Nanoleaf NL08-0800](./assets/devices/NL08-0800.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/PLUG_EDP_RE_DY.md b/devices/docs/devices/PLUG_EDP_RE_DY.md deleted file mode 100644 index cde2442d..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/PLUG_EDP_RE_DY.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "EDP PLUG EDP RE:DY control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your EDP PLUG EDP RE:DY via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/PLUG_EDP_RE_DY.md)* - -# EDP PLUG EDP RE:DY - -| Model | PLUG EDP RE:DY | -| Vendor | EDP | -| Description | re:dy plug | -| Supports | on/off, power measurement | -| Picture | ![EDP PLUG EDP RE:DY](./assets/devices/PLUG-EDP-RE-DY.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory reset the plug (hold the switch button for >10sec). After resetting the switch will automatically connect. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/PL_110.md b/devices/docs/devices/PL_110.md deleted file mode 100644 index 298e65cc..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/PL_110.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Innr PL 110 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Innr PL 110 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/PL_110.md)* - -# Innr PL 110 - -| Model | PL 110 | -| Vendor | Innr | -| Description | Puck Light | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![Innr PL 110](./assets/devices/PL-110.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory reset the light bulb ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zkpZSv84H4)). - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/PM-B430-ZB.md b/devices/docs/devices/PM-B430-ZB.md deleted file mode 100644 index 302a1c90..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/PM-B430-ZB.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Dawon DNS PM-B430-ZB control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Dawon DNS PM-B430-ZB via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/PM-B430-ZB.md)* - -# Dawon DNS PM-B430-ZB - -| Model | PM-B430-ZB | -| Vendor | Dawon DNS | -| Description | IOT smart plug 10A | -| Supports | on/off, power and energy measurement | -| Picture | ![Dawon DNS PM-B430-ZB](./assets/devices/PM-B430-ZB.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/PM-B530-ZB.md b/devices/docs/devices/PM-B530-ZB.md deleted file mode 100644 index ee5ce654..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/PM-B530-ZB.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Dawon DNS PM-B530-ZB control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Dawon DNS PM-B530-ZB via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/PM-B530-ZB.md)* - -# Dawon DNS PM-B530-ZB - -| Model | PM-B530-ZB | -| Vendor | Dawon DNS | -| Description | IOT smart plug 16A | -| Supports | on/off, power and energy measurement | -| Picture | ![Dawon DNS PM-B530-ZB](./assets/devices/PM-B530-ZB.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/PM-C140-ZB.md b/devices/docs/devices/PM-C140-ZB.md deleted file mode 100644 index c75f02d7..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/PM-C140-ZB.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Dawon DNS PM-C140-ZB control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Dawon DNS PM-C140-ZB via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/PM-C140-ZB.md)* - -# Dawon DNS PM-C140-ZB - -| Model | PM-C140-ZB | -| Vendor | Dawon DNS | -| Description | IOT remote control smart buried-type outlet | -| Supports | on/off, power and energy measurement | -| Picture | ![Dawon DNS PM-C140-ZB](./assets/devices/PM-C140-ZB.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/PM-S140-ZB.md b/devices/docs/devices/PM-S140-ZB.md deleted file mode 100644 index 14cdd27c..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/PM-S140-ZB.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Dawon DNS PM-S140-ZB control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Dawon DNS PM-S140-ZB via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/PM-S140-ZB.md)* - -# Dawon DNS PM-S140-ZB - -| Model | PM-S140-ZB | -| Vendor | Dawon DNS | -| Description | IOT smart switch 1 gang | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![Dawon DNS PM-S140-ZB](./assets/devices/PM-S140-ZB.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/PM-S240-ZB.md b/devices/docs/devices/PM-S240-ZB.md deleted file mode 100644 index 1c36ae47..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/PM-S240-ZB.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Dawon DNS PM-S240-ZB control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Dawon DNS PM-S240-ZB via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/PM-S240-ZB.md)* - -# Dawon DNS PM-S240-ZB - -| Model | PM-S240-ZB | -| Vendor | Dawon DNS | -| Description | IOT smart switch 2 gang | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![Dawon DNS PM-S240-ZB](./assets/devices/PM-S240-ZB.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/PM-S340-ZB.md b/devices/docs/devices/PM-S340-ZB.md deleted file mode 100644 index 36e80642..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/PM-S340-ZB.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Dawon DNS PM-S340-ZB control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Dawon DNS PM-S340-ZB via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/PM-S340-ZB.md)* - -# Dawon DNS PM-S340-ZB - -| Model | PM-S340-ZB | -| Vendor | Dawon DNS | -| Description | IOT smart switch 3 gang | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![Dawon DNS PM-S340-ZB](./assets/devices/PM-S340-ZB.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/PP-WHT-US.md b/devices/docs/devices/PP-WHT-US.md deleted file mode 100644 index 9dbf17a8..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/PP-WHT-US.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,51 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Securifi PP-WHT-US control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Securifi PP-WHT-US via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/PP-WHT-US.md)* - -# Securifi PP-WHT-US - -| Model | PP-WHT-US | -| Vendor | Securifi | -| Description | Peanut Smart Plug | -| Supports | on/off, power measurement | -| Picture | ![Securifi PP-WHT-US](./assets/devices/PP-WHT-US.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Additional steps are required because the Peanut Smart Plug does not provide a `modelId` in its database entry, -and thus zigbee2mqtt cannot identify the product or how to handle it. - -Reset the device and initiate pairing mode by holding the pairing button -(the small button next to the on/off button) for ten seconds, releasing the button, -and unplugging the device. -When plugged back in, the front LED will be blinking red and ready to receive a pairing request. -When paired successfully, the red LED on the plug will stop blinking. - -After pairing, you must stop zigbee2mqtt and manually edit the zigbee2mqtt `database.db` file with a -text editor (note that the file may be owned by root). -Find each line where the Peanut Smart Plug is listed (look for "SecuriFi Ltd." in the `ManufName` field) -and **add** `"modelId":"PP-WHT-US",` between two existing fields. - -*For example,* change `..."manufId":4098,"manufName":"Securifi Ltd....` -to `..."manufId":4098,"modelId":"PP-WHT-US","manufName":"Securifi Ltd....` -on each line for the device. - -Save the file and restart zigbee2mqtt. - - -### Power measurements -This device only support power measurements with an up-to-date firmware on the plug which can only be done -via the original hub. In case of an older firmware you will only see 0 values in the measurements. -Discussion: https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/809 - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/PSB19-SW27.md b/devices/docs/devices/PSB19-SW27.md deleted file mode 100644 index 612a7b29..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/PSB19-SW27.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "GE PSB19-SW27 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your GE PSB19-SW27 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/PSB19-SW27.md)* - -# GE PSB19-SW27 - -| Model | PSB19-SW27 | -| Vendor | GE | -| Description | Link smart LED light bulb, A19 soft white (2700K) | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![GE PSB19-SW27](./assets/devices/PSB19-SW27.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/PSM-29ZBSR.md b/devices/docs/devices/PSM-29ZBSR.md deleted file mode 100644 index 41325bd6..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/PSM-29ZBSR.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Climax PSM-29ZBSR control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Climax PSM-29ZBSR via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/PSM-29ZBSR.md)* - -# Climax PSM-29ZBSR - -| Model | PSM-29ZBSR | -| Vendor | Climax | -| Description | Power plug | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![Climax PSM-29ZBSR](./assets/devices/PSM-29ZBSR.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/PSS-23ZBS.md b/devices/docs/devices/PSS-23ZBS.md deleted file mode 100644 index e2eccf1f..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/PSS-23ZBS.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Climax PSS-23ZBS control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Climax PSS-23ZBS via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/PSS-23ZBS.md)* - -# Climax PSS-23ZBS - -| Model | PSS-23ZBS | -| Vendor | Climax | -| Description | Power plug | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![Climax PSS-23ZBS](./assets/devices/PSS-23ZBS.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/PTAPT-WH02.md b/devices/docs/devices/PTAPT-WH02.md deleted file mode 100644 index 3bf7470a..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/PTAPT-WH02.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "GE PTAPT-WH02 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your GE PTAPT-WH02 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/PTAPT-WH02.md)* - -# GE PTAPT-WH02 - -| Model | PTAPT-WH02 | -| Vendor | GE | -| Description | Quirky smart switch | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![GE PTAPT-WH02](./assets/devices/PTAPT-WH02.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/QBCZ11LM.md b/devices/docs/devices/QBCZ11LM.md deleted file mode 100644 index 0501dfde..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/QBCZ11LM.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Xiaomi QBCZ11LM control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Xiaomi QBCZ11LM via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/QBCZ11LM.md)* - -# Xiaomi QBCZ11LM - -| Model | QBCZ11LM | -| Vendor | Xiaomi | -| Description | Aqara socket Zigbee | -| Supports | on/off, power measurement | -| Picture | ![Xiaomi QBCZ11LM](./assets/devices/QBCZ11LM.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/QBKG03LM.md b/devices/docs/devices/QBKG03LM.md deleted file mode 100644 index a0a4bf71..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/QBKG03LM.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,79 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Xiaomi QBKG03LM control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Xiaomi QBKG03LM via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/QBKG03LM.md)* - -# Xiaomi QBKG03LM - -| Model | QBKG03LM | -| Vendor | Xiaomi | -| Description | Aqara double key wired wall switch without neutral wire. Doesn't work as a router and doesn't support power meter | -| Supports | release/hold, on/off, temperature | -| Picture | ![Xiaomi QBKG03LM](./assets/devices/QBKG03LM.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Press and hold the button on the device for +- 10 seconds -(until the blue light starts blinking and stops blinking), release and wait. - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `temperature_precision`: Controls the precision of `temperature` values, -e.g. `0`, `1` or `2`; default `2`. -* `temperature_calibration`: Allows to manually calibrate temperature values, -e.g. `1` would add 1 degree to the temperature reported by the device; default `0`. - - -### Decoupled mode -Decoupled mode allows to turn wired switch into wireless button with separately controlled relay. -This might be useful to assign some custom actions to buttons and control relay remotely. -This command also allows to redefine which button controls which relay for the double switch. - -Special topics should be used: `zigbee2mqtt/[FRIENDLY_NAME]/set` to modify operation mode. - -Payload: -```js -{ - "operation_mode": { - "button": "single"|"left"|"right", - "state": "VALUE" - } -} -``` - -Values | Description -----------------------|--------------------------------------------------------- -`control_relay` | Button directly controls relay (for single switch) -`control_left_relay` | Button directly controls left relay (for double switch) -`control_right_relay` | Button directly controls right relay (for double switch) -`decoupled` | Button doesn't control any relay - -`zigbee2mqtt/[FRIENDLY_NAME]/get` to read current mode. - -Payload: -```js -{ - "operation_mode": { - "button": "single"|"left"|"right" - } -} -``` - -Response will be sent to `zigbee2mqtt/[FRIENDLY_NAME]`: -```json -{"operation_mode_right":"control_right_relay"} -``` - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/QBKG04LM.md b/devices/docs/devices/QBKG04LM.md deleted file mode 100644 index f5584f52..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/QBKG04LM.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,69 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Xiaomi QBKG04LM control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Xiaomi QBKG04LM via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/QBKG04LM.md)* - -# Xiaomi QBKG04LM - -| Model | QBKG04LM | -| Vendor | Xiaomi | -| Description | Aqara single key wired wall switch without neutral wire. Doesn't work as a router and doesn't support power meter | -| Supports | release/hold, on/off | -| Picture | ![Xiaomi QBKG04LM](./assets/devices/QBKG04LM.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Press and hold the button on the device for +- 10 seconds -(until the blue light starts blinking and stops blinking), release and wait. - - -### Decoupled mode -Decoupled mode allows to turn wired switch into wireless button with separately controlled relay. -This might be useful to assign some custom actions to buttons and control relay remotely. -This command also allows to redefine which button controls which relay for the double switch. - -Special topics should be used: `zigbee2mqtt/[FRIENDLY_NAME]/set` to modify operation mode. - -Payload: -```js -{ - "operation_mode": { - "button": "single"|"left"|"right", - "state": "VALUE" - } -} -``` - -Values | Description -----------------------|--------------------------------------------------------- -`control_relay` | Button directly controls relay (for single switch) -`control_left_relay` | Button directly controls left relay (for double switch) -`control_right_relay` | Button directly controls right relay (for double switch) -`decoupled` | Button doesn't control any relay - -`zigbee2mqtt/[FRIENDLY_NAME]/get` to read current mode. - -Payload: -```js -{ - "operation_mode": { - "button": "single"|"left"|"right" - } -} -``` - -Response will be sent to `zigbee2mqtt/[FRIENDLY_NAME]`: -```json -{"operation_mode_right":"control_right_relay"} -``` - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/QBKG11LM.md b/devices/docs/devices/QBKG11LM.md deleted file mode 100644 index 981c9c87..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/QBKG11LM.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,69 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Xiaomi QBKG11LM control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Xiaomi QBKG11LM via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/QBKG11LM.md)* - -# Xiaomi QBKG11LM - -| Model | QBKG11LM | -| Vendor | Xiaomi | -| Description | Aqara single key wired wall switch | -| Supports | on/off, power measurement | -| Picture | ![Xiaomi QBKG11LM](./assets/devices/QBKG11LM.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Press and hold the button on the device for +- 10 seconds -(until the blue light starts blinking and stops blinking), release and wait. - - -### Decoupled mode -Decoupled mode allows to turn wired switch into wireless button with separately controlled relay. -This might be useful to assign some custom actions to buttons and control relay remotely. -This command also allows to redefine which button controls which relay for the double switch. - -Special topics should be used: `zigbee2mqtt/[FRIENDLY_NAME]/set` to modify operation mode. - -Payload: -```js -{ - "operation_mode": { - "button": "single"|"left"|"right", - "state": "VALUE" - } -} -``` - -Values | Description -----------------------|--------------------------------------------------------- -`control_relay` | Button directly controls relay (for single switch) -`control_left_relay` | Button directly controls left relay (for double switch) -`control_right_relay` | Button directly controls right relay (for double switch) -`decoupled` | Button doesn't control any relay - -`zigbee2mqtt/[FRIENDLY_NAME]/get` to read current mode. - -Payload: -```js -{ - "operation_mode": { - "button": "single"|"left"|"right" - } -} -``` - -Response will be sent to `zigbee2mqtt/[FRIENDLY_NAME]`: -```json -{"operation_mode_right":"control_right_relay"} -``` - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/QBKG12LM.md b/devices/docs/devices/QBKG12LM.md deleted file mode 100644 index 1a8d596d..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/QBKG12LM.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,79 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Xiaomi QBKG12LM control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Xiaomi QBKG12LM via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/QBKG12LM.md)* - -# Xiaomi QBKG12LM - -| Model | QBKG12LM | -| Vendor | Xiaomi | -| Description | Aqara double key wired wall switch | -| Supports | on/off, power measurement, temperature | -| Picture | ![Xiaomi QBKG12LM](./assets/devices/QBKG12LM.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Press and hold the button on the device for +- 10 seconds -(until the blue light starts blinking and stops blinking), release and wait. - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `temperature_precision`: Controls the precision of `temperature` values, -e.g. `0`, `1` or `2`; default `2`. -* `temperature_calibration`: Allows to manually calibrate temperature values, -e.g. `1` would add 1 degree to the temperature reported by the device; default `0`. - - -### Decoupled mode -Decoupled mode allows to turn wired switch into wireless button with separately controlled relay. -This might be useful to assign some custom actions to buttons and control relay remotely. -This command also allows to redefine which button controls which relay for the double switch. - -Special topics should be used: `zigbee2mqtt/[FRIENDLY_NAME]/set` to modify operation mode. - -Payload: -```js -{ - "operation_mode": { - "button": "single"|"left"|"right", - "state": "VALUE" - } -} -``` - -Values | Description -----------------------|--------------------------------------------------------- -`control_relay` | Button directly controls relay (for single switch) -`control_left_relay` | Button directly controls left relay (for double switch) -`control_right_relay` | Button directly controls right relay (for double switch) -`decoupled` | Button doesn't control any relay - -`zigbee2mqtt/[FRIENDLY_NAME]/get` to read current mode. - -Payload: -```js -{ - "operation_mode": { - "button": "single"|"left"|"right" - } -} -``` - -Response will be sent to `zigbee2mqtt/[FRIENDLY_NAME]`: -```json -{"operation_mode_right":"control_right_relay"} -``` - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/RADON_TriTech_ZB.md b/devices/docs/devices/RADON_TriTech_ZB.md deleted file mode 100644 index 3ee11704..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/RADON_TriTech_ZB.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Bosch RADON TriTech ZB control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Bosch RADON TriTech ZB via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/RADON_TriTech_ZB.md)* - -# Bosch RADON TriTech ZB - -| Model | RADON TriTech ZB | -| Vendor | Bosch | -| Description | Wireless motion detector | -| Supports | occupancy and temperature | -| Picture | ![Bosch RADON TriTech ZB](./assets/devices/RADON-TriTech-ZB.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `temperature_precision`: Controls the precision of `temperature` values, -e.g. `0`, `1` or `2`; default `2`. -* `temperature_calibration`: Allows to manually calibrate temperature values, -e.g. `1` would add 1 degree to the temperature reported by the device; default `0`. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/RB_145.md b/devices/docs/devices/RB_145.md deleted file mode 100644 index 3f2c5dbc..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/RB_145.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Innr RB 145 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Innr RB 145 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/RB_145.md)* - -# Innr RB 145 - -| Model | RB 145 | -| Vendor | Innr | -| Description | E14 candle | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![Innr RB 145](./assets/devices/RB-145.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory reset the light bulb ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zkpZSv84H4)). - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/RB_148_T.md b/devices/docs/devices/RB_148_T.md deleted file mode 100644 index 0934f55c..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/RB_148_T.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Innr RB 148 T control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Innr RB 148 T via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/RB_148_T.md)* - -# Innr RB 148 T - -| Model | RB 148 T | -| Vendor | Innr | -| Description | E14 candle with white spectrum | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature | -| Picture | ![Innr RB 148 T](./assets/devices/RB-148-T.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory reset the light bulb ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zkpZSv84H4)). - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/RB_162.md b/devices/docs/devices/RB_162.md deleted file mode 100644 index ec3587db..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/RB_162.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Innr RB 162 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Innr RB 162 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/RB_162.md)* - -# Innr RB 162 - -| Model | RB 162 | -| Vendor | Innr | -| Description | E27 bulb | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![Innr RB 162](./assets/devices/RB-162.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory reset the light bulb ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zkpZSv84H4)). - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/RB_165.md b/devices/docs/devices/RB_165.md deleted file mode 100644 index c388e9e0..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/RB_165.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Innr RB 165 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Innr RB 165 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/RB_165.md)* - -# Innr RB 165 - -| Model | RB 165 | -| Vendor | Innr | -| Description | E27 bulb | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![Innr RB 165](./assets/devices/RB-165.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory reset the light bulb ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zkpZSv84H4)). - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/RB_175_W.md b/devices/docs/devices/RB_175_W.md deleted file mode 100644 index cfbfa2f5..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/RB_175_W.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Innr RB 175 W control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Innr RB 175 W via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/RB_175_W.md)* - -# Innr RB 175 W - -| Model | RB 175 W | -| Vendor | Innr | -| Description | E27 bulb warm dimming | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![Innr RB 175 W](./assets/devices/RB-175-W.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory reset the light bulb ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zkpZSv84H4)). - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/RB_178_T.md b/devices/docs/devices/RB_178_T.md deleted file mode 100644 index 476570a1..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/RB_178_T.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Innr RB 178 T control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Innr RB 178 T via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/RB_178_T.md)* - -# Innr RB 178 T - -| Model | RB 178 T | -| Vendor | Innr | -| Description | Smart bulb tunable white E27 | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature | -| Picture | ![Innr RB 178 T](./assets/devices/RB-178-T.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory reset the light bulb ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zkpZSv84H4)). - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/RB_185_C.md b/devices/docs/devices/RB_185_C.md deleted file mode 100644 index 445417fc..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/RB_185_C.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Innr RB 185 C control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Innr RB 185 C via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/RB_185_C.md)* - -# Innr RB 185 C - -| Model | RB 185 C | -| Vendor | Innr | -| Description | E27 bulb RGBW | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy | -| Picture | ![Innr RB 185 C](./assets/devices/RB-185-C.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory reset the light bulb ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zkpZSv84H4)). - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/RB_245.md b/devices/docs/devices/RB_245.md deleted file mode 100644 index be0804c1..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/RB_245.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Innr RB 245 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Innr RB 245 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/RB_245.md)* - -# Innr RB 245 - -| Model | RB 245 | -| Vendor | Innr | -| Description | E14 candle | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![Innr RB 245](./assets/devices/RB-245.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory reset the light bulb ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zkpZSv84H4)). - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/RB_248_T.md b/devices/docs/devices/RB_248_T.md deleted file mode 100644 index 5c1b1aa0..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/RB_248_T.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Innr RB 248 T control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Innr RB 248 T via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/RB_248_T.md)* - -# Innr RB 248 T - -| Model | RB 248 T | -| Vendor | Innr | -| Description | E14 candle with white spectrum | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature | -| Picture | ![Innr RB 248 T](./assets/devices/RB-248-T.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory reset the light bulb ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zkpZSv84H4)). - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/RB_250_C.md b/devices/docs/devices/RB_250_C.md deleted file mode 100644 index edf7d892..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/RB_250_C.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Innr RB 250 C control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Innr RB 250 C via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/RB_250_C.md)* - -# Innr RB 250 C - -| Model | RB 250 C | -| Vendor | Innr | -| Description | E14 bulb RGBW | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy | -| Picture | ![Innr RB 250 C](./assets/devices/RB-250-C.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory reset the light bulb ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zkpZSv84H4)). - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/RB_265.md b/devices/docs/devices/RB_265.md deleted file mode 100644 index 7a90caf5..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/RB_265.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Innr RB 265 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Innr RB 265 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/RB_265.md)* - -# Innr RB 265 - -| Model | RB 265 | -| Vendor | Innr | -| Description | E27 bulb | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![Innr RB 265](./assets/devices/RB-265.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory reset the light bulb ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zkpZSv84H4)). - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/RB_278_T.md b/devices/docs/devices/RB_278_T.md deleted file mode 100644 index 962922d7..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/RB_278_T.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Innr RB 278 T control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Innr RB 278 T via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/RB_278_T.md)* - -# Innr RB 278 T - -| Model | RB 278 T | -| Vendor | Innr | -| Description | Smart bulb tunable white E27 | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature | -| Picture | ![Innr RB 278 T](./assets/devices/RB-278-T.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory reset the light bulb ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zkpZSv84H4)). - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/RB_285_C.md b/devices/docs/devices/RB_285_C.md deleted file mode 100644 index 0b84720e..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/RB_285_C.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Innr RB 285 C control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Innr RB 285 C via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/RB_285_C.md)* - -# Innr RB 285 C - -| Model | RB 285 C | -| Vendor | Innr | -| Description | E27 bulb RGBW | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy | -| Picture | ![Innr RB 285 C](./assets/devices/RB-285-C.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory reset the light bulb ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zkpZSv84H4)). - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/RF_263.md b/devices/docs/devices/RF_263.md deleted file mode 100644 index 99b8be56..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/RF_263.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Innr RF 263 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Innr RF 263 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/RF_263.md)* - -# Innr RF 263 - -| Model | RF 263 | -| Vendor | Innr | -| Description | E27 filament bulb dimmable | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![Innr RF 263](./assets/devices/RF-263.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory reset the light bulb ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zkpZSv84H4)). - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/RF_265.md b/devices/docs/devices/RF_265.md deleted file mode 100644 index c75f4227..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/RF_265.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Innr RF 265 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Innr RF 265 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/RF_265.md)* - -# Innr RF 265 - -| Model | RF 265 | -| Vendor | Innr | -| Description | E27 bulb filament clear | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![Innr RF 265](./assets/devices/RF-265.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory reset the light bulb ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zkpZSv84H4)). - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/RH3040.md b/devices/docs/devices/RH3040.md deleted file mode 100644 index 24845950..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/RH3040.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "TUYATEC RH3040 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your TUYATEC RH3040 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/RH3040.md)* - -# TUYATEC RH3040 - -| Model | RH3040 | -| Vendor | TUYATEC | -| Description | PIR sensor | -| Supports | occupancy | -| Picture | ![TUYATEC RH3040](./assets/devices/RH3040.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/RHK06.md b/devices/docs/devices/RHK06.md deleted file mode 100644 index 00afa711..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/RHK06.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "eWeLink RHK06 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your eWeLink RHK06 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/RHK06.md)* - -# eWeLink RHK06 - -| Model | RHK06 | -| Vendor | eWeLink | -| Description | Contact sensor | -| Supports | contact | -| Picture | ![eWeLink RHK06](./assets/devices/RHK06.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/RHK07.md b/devices/docs/devices/RHK07.md deleted file mode 100644 index 585e0397..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/RHK07.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "eWeLink RHK07 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your eWeLink RHK07 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/RHK07.md)* - -# eWeLink RHK07 - -| Model | RHK07 | -| Vendor | eWeLink | -| Description | Wireless button | -| Supports | single, double, long | -| Picture | ![eWeLink RHK07](./assets/devices/RHK07.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/RHK08.md b/devices/docs/devices/RHK08.md deleted file mode 100644 index e0a39759..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/RHK08.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "eWeLink RHK08 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your eWeLink RHK08 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/RHK08.md)* - -# eWeLink RHK08 - -| Model | RHK08 | -| Vendor | eWeLink | -| Description | Temperature and humidity sensor | -| Supports | temperature and humidity | -| Picture | ![eWeLink RHK08](./assets/devices/RHK08.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `temperature_precision`: Controls the precision of `temperature` values, -e.g. `0`, `1` or `2`; default `2`. -* `temperature_calibration`: Allows to manually calibrate temperature values, -e.g. `1` would add 1 degree to the temperature reported by the device; default `0`. - - -* `humidity_precision`: Controls the precision of `humidity` values, e.g. `0`, `1` or `2`; default `2`. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/RHK09.md b/devices/docs/devices/RHK09.md deleted file mode 100644 index 693acee1..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/RHK09.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "eWeLink RHK09 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your eWeLink RHK09 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/RHK09.md)* - -# eWeLink RHK09 - -| Model | RHK09 | -| Vendor | eWeLink | -| Description | Motion sensor | -| Supports | occupancy | -| Picture | ![eWeLink RHK09](./assets/devices/RHK09.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/ROB_200-003-0.md b/devices/docs/devices/ROB_200-003-0.md deleted file mode 100644 index df1ca36e..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/ROB_200-003-0.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "ROBB ROB_200-003-0 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your ROBB ROB_200-003-0 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/ROB_200-003-0.md)* - -# ROBB ROB_200-003-0 - -| Model | ROB_200-003-0 | -| Vendor | ROBB | -| Description | Zigbee AC in wall switch | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![ROBB ROB_200-003-0](./assets/devices/ROB_200-003-0.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/ROB_200-004-0.md b/devices/docs/devices/ROB_200-004-0.md deleted file mode 100644 index 64dc2aaf..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/ROB_200-004-0.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "ROBB ROB_200-004-0 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your ROBB ROB_200-004-0 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/ROB_200-004-0.md)* - -# ROBB ROB_200-004-0 - -| Model | ROB_200-004-0 | -| Vendor | ROBB | -| Description | ZigBee AC phase-cut dimmer | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![ROBB ROB_200-004-0](./assets/devices/ROB_200-004-0.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/ROB_200-007-0.md b/devices/docs/devices/ROB_200-007-0.md deleted file mode 100644 index 61634bbf..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/ROB_200-007-0.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "ROBB ROB_200-007-0 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your ROBB ROB_200-007-0 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/ROB_200-007-0.md)* - -# ROBB ROB_200-007-0 - -| Model | ROB_200-007-0 | -| Vendor | ROBB | -| Description | Zigbee 8 button wall switch | -| Supports | action | -| Picture | ![ROBB ROB_200-007-0](./assets/devices/ROB_200-007-0.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/ROB_200-014-0.md b/devices/docs/devices/ROB_200-014-0.md deleted file mode 100644 index 47d39534..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/ROB_200-014-0.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "ROBB ROB_200-014-0 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your ROBB ROB_200-014-0 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/ROB_200-014-0.md)* - -# ROBB ROB_200-014-0 - -| Model | ROB_200-014-0 | -| Vendor | ROBB | -| Description | ZigBee AC phase-cut rotary dimmer | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![ROBB ROB_200-014-0](./assets/devices/ROB_200-014-0.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/RS_122.md b/devices/docs/devices/RS_122.md deleted file mode 100644 index 1d9fbb32..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/RS_122.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Innr RS 122 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Innr RS 122 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/RS_122.md)* - -# Innr RS 122 - -| Model | RS 122 | -| Vendor | Innr | -| Description | GU10 spot | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![Innr RS 122](./assets/devices/RS-122.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory reset the light bulb ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zkpZSv84H4)). - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/RS_125.md b/devices/docs/devices/RS_125.md deleted file mode 100644 index f001db53..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/RS_125.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Innr RS 125 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Innr RS 125 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/RS_125.md)* - -# Innr RS 125 - -| Model | RS 125 | -| Vendor | Innr | -| Description | GU10 spot | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![Innr RS 125](./assets/devices/RS-125.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory reset the light bulb ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zkpZSv84H4)). - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/RS_128_T.md b/devices/docs/devices/RS_128_T.md deleted file mode 100644 index 8cbab4b0..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/RS_128_T.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Innr RS 128 T control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Innr RS 128 T via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/RS_128_T.md)* - -# Innr RS 128 T - -| Model | RS 128 T | -| Vendor | Innr | -| Description | GU10 spot 350 lm, dimmable, white spectrum | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature | -| Picture | ![Innr RS 128 T](./assets/devices/RS-128-T.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory reset the light bulb ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zkpZSv84H4)). - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/RS_225.md b/devices/docs/devices/RS_225.md deleted file mode 100644 index 3e21ff3c..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/RS_225.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Innr RS 225 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Innr RS 225 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/RS_225.md)* - -# Innr RS 225 - -| Model | RS 225 | -| Vendor | Innr | -| Description | GU10 Spot | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![Innr RS 225](./assets/devices/RS-225.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory reset the light bulb ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zkpZSv84H4)). - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/RS_228_T.md b/devices/docs/devices/RS_228_T.md deleted file mode 100644 index 56fa5fd6..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/RS_228_T.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Innr RS 228 T control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Innr RS 228 T via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/RS_228_T.md)* - -# Innr RS 228 T - -| Model | RS 228 T | -| Vendor | Innr | -| Description | GU10 spot 350 lm, dimmable, white spectrum | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature | -| Picture | ![Innr RS 228 T](./assets/devices/RS-228-T.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory reset the light bulb ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zkpZSv84H4)). - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/RS_230_C.md b/devices/docs/devices/RS_230_C.md deleted file mode 100644 index 8cd16801..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/RS_230_C.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Innr RS 230 C control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Innr RS 230 C via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/RS_230_C.md)* - -# Innr RS 230 C - -| Model | RS 230 C | -| Vendor | Innr | -| Description | GU10 spot 350 lm, dimmable, RGBW | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy | -| Picture | ![Innr RS 230 C](./assets/devices/RS-230-C.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory reset the light bulb ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zkpZSv84H4)). - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/RTCGQ01LM.md b/devices/docs/devices/RTCGQ01LM.md deleted file mode 100644 index 06c77b8c..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/RTCGQ01LM.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,49 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Xiaomi RTCGQ01LM control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Xiaomi RTCGQ01LM via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/RTCGQ01LM.md)* - -# Xiaomi RTCGQ01LM - -| Model | RTCGQ01LM | -| Vendor | Xiaomi | -| Description | MiJia human body movement sensor | -| Supports | occupancy | -| Picture | ![Xiaomi RTCGQ01LM](./assets/devices/RTCGQ01LM.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Press and hold the reset button on the device for +- 5 seconds (until the blue light starts blinking). -After this the device will automatically join. - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - -* `no_occupancy_since`: Timeout (in seconds) after `no_occupancy_since` is send. -This indicates the time since last occupancy was detected. -For example `no_occupancy_since: [10, 60]` will send a `{"no_occupancy_since": 10}` after 10 seconds -and a `{"no_occupancy_since": 60}` after 60 seconds. -* `occupancy_timeout`: Timeout (in seconds) after the `occupancy: false` message is sent. -If not set, the timeout is `90` seconds. -When set to `0` no `occupancy: false` is send. - -**IMPORTANT**: `occupancy_timeout` should not be set to lower than 60 seconds. -The reason is this: after detecting a motion the sensor ignores any movements for -exactly 60 seconds. In case there are movements after this, a new message -(`occupancy: true`) will be sent and the sensor will go for one more minute sleep, and so on. -This is expected behaviour (see [#270](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/270#issuecomment-414999973)). -To work around this, a -[hardware modification](https://community.smartthings.com/t/making-xiaomi-motion-sensor-a-super-motion-sensor/139806) -is needed. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/RTCGQ11LM.md b/devices/docs/devices/RTCGQ11LM.md deleted file mode 100644 index 8c0fa199..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/RTCGQ11LM.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,57 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Xiaomi RTCGQ11LM control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Xiaomi RTCGQ11LM via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/RTCGQ11LM.md)* - -# Xiaomi RTCGQ11LM - -| Model | RTCGQ11LM | -| Vendor | Xiaomi | -| Description | Aqara human body movement and illuminance sensor | -| Supports | occupancy and illuminance | -| Picture | ![Xiaomi RTCGQ11LM](./assets/devices/RTCGQ11LM.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Press and hold the reset button on the device for +- 5 seconds (until the blue light starts blinking). -After this the device will automatically join. - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - -* `no_occupancy_since`: Timeout (in seconds) after `no_occupancy_since` is send. -This indicates the time since last occupancy was detected. -For example `no_occupancy_since: [10, 60]` will send a `{"no_occupancy_since": 10}` after 10 seconds -and a `{"no_occupancy_since": 60}` after 60 seconds. -* `occupancy_timeout`: Timeout (in seconds) after the `occupancy: false` message is sent. -If not set, the timeout is `90` seconds. -When set to `0` no `occupancy: false` is send. - -**IMPORTANT**: `occupancy_timeout` should not be set to lower than 60 seconds. -The reason is this: after detecting a motion the sensor ignores any movements for -exactly 60 seconds. In case there are movements after this, a new message -(`occupancy: true`) will be sent and the sensor will go for one more minute sleep, and so on. -This is expected behaviour (see [#270](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/270#issuecomment-414999973)). -To work around this, a -[hardware modification](https://community.smartthings.com/t/making-xiaomi-motion-sensor-a-super-motion-sensor/139806) -is needed. - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `illuminance_calibration`: Allows to manually calibrate illuminance values, -e.g. `95` would take 95% to the illuminance reported by the device; default `100`. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/S1.md b/devices/docs/devices/S1.md deleted file mode 100644 index 021a0dd0..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/S1.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Ubisys S1 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Ubisys S1 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/S1.md)* - -# Ubisys S1 - -| Model | S1 | -| Vendor | Ubisys | -| Description | Power switch S1 | -| Supports | on/off, power measurement | -| Picture | ![Ubisys S1](./assets/devices/S1.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/S2.md b/devices/docs/devices/S2.md deleted file mode 100644 index 2ea1f293..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/S2.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Ubisys S2 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Ubisys S2 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/S2.md)* - -# Ubisys S2 - -| Model | S2 | -| Vendor | Ubisys | -| Description | Power switch S2 | -| Supports | on/off, power measurement | -| Picture | ![Ubisys S2](./assets/devices/S2.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/S31ZB.md b/devices/docs/devices/S31ZB.md deleted file mode 100644 index cbf8b709..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/S31ZB.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "SONOFF S31ZB control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your SONOFF S31ZB via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/S31ZB.md)* - -# SONOFF S31ZB - -| Model | S31ZB | -| Vendor | SONOFF | -| Description | Zigbee smart plug (US version) | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![SONOFF S31ZB](./assets/devices/S31ZB.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/S9TSZGB_1.md b/devices/docs/devices/S9TSZGB_1.md deleted file mode 100644 index 27489a03..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/S9TSZGB_1.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Smart9 S9TSZGB_1 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Smart9 S9TSZGB_1 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/S9TSZGB_1.md)* - -# Smart9 S9TSZGB_1 - -| Model | S9TSZGB_1 | -| Vendor | Smart9 | -| Description | Touch switch (1 button) | -| Supports | action | -| Picture | ![Smart9 S9TSZGB_1](./assets/devices/S9TSZGB_1.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/S9TSZGB_3.md b/devices/docs/devices/S9TSZGB_3.md deleted file mode 100644 index e5848e43..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/S9TSZGB_3.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Smart9 S9TSZGB_3 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Smart9 S9TSZGB_3 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/S9TSZGB_3.md)* - -# Smart9 S9TSZGB_3 - -| Model | S9TSZGB_3 | -| Vendor | Smart9 | -| Description | Touch switch (3 button) | -| Supports | action | -| Picture | ![Smart9 S9TSZGB_3](./assets/devices/S9TSZGB_3.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/SA-003-Zigbee.md b/devices/docs/devices/SA-003-Zigbee.md deleted file mode 100644 index 4bcd36f5..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/SA-003-Zigbee.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "eWeLink SA-003-Zigbee control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your eWeLink SA-003-Zigbee via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/SA-003-Zigbee.md)* - -# eWeLink SA-003-Zigbee - -| Model | SA-003-Zigbee | -| Vendor | eWeLink | -| Description | Zigbee smart plug | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![eWeLink SA-003-Zigbee](./assets/devices/SA-003-Zigbee.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/SCM-5ZBS.md b/devices/docs/devices/SCM-5ZBS.md deleted file mode 100644 index 914705c5..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/SCM-5ZBS.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Climax SCM-5ZBS control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Climax SCM-5ZBS via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/SCM-5ZBS.md)* - -# Climax SCM-5ZBS - -| Model | SCM-5ZBS | -| Vendor | Climax | -| Description | Roller shutter | -| Supports | open/close | -| Picture | ![Climax SCM-5ZBS](./assets/devices/SCM-5ZBS.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/SCM-S1.md b/devices/docs/devices/SCM-S1.md deleted file mode 100644 index 3c3e0852..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/SCM-S1.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Blaupunkt SCM-S1 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Blaupunkt SCM-S1 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/SCM-S1.md)* - -# Blaupunkt SCM-S1 - -| Model | SCM-S1 | -| Vendor | Blaupunkt | -| Description | Roller shutter | -| Supports | open/close | -| Picture | ![Blaupunkt SCM-S1](./assets/devices/SCM-S1.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/SGMHM-I1.md b/devices/docs/devices/SGMHM-I1.md deleted file mode 100644 index 39844c03..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/SGMHM-I1.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "HEIMAN SGMHM-I1 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your HEIMAN SGMHM-I1 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/SGMHM-I1.md)* - -# HEIMAN SGMHM-I1 - -| Model | SGMHM-I1 | -| Vendor | HEIMAN | -| Description | Combustible gas sensor | -| Supports | gas | -| Picture | ![HEIMAN SGMHM-I1](./assets/devices/SGMHM-I1.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/SJCGQ11LM.md b/devices/docs/devices/SJCGQ11LM.md deleted file mode 100644 index 014abb23..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/SJCGQ11LM.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Xiaomi SJCGQ11LM control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Xiaomi SJCGQ11LM via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/SJCGQ11LM.md)* - -# Xiaomi SJCGQ11LM - -| Model | SJCGQ11LM | -| Vendor | Xiaomi | -| Description | Aqara water leak sensor | -| Supports | water leak true/false | -| Picture | ![Xiaomi SJCGQ11LM](./assets/devices/SJCGQ11LM.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Press and hold water logo on the device for +- 10 seconds until the blue light blinks -three times, release the water logo (the blue light will blink once more) and wait. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/SKHMP30-I1.md b/devices/docs/devices/SKHMP30-I1.md deleted file mode 100644 index 84f6d06b..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/SKHMP30-I1.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "HEIMAN SKHMP30-I1 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your HEIMAN SKHMP30-I1 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/SKHMP30-I1.md)* - -# HEIMAN SKHMP30-I1 - -| Model | SKHMP30-I1 | -| Vendor | HEIMAN | -| Description | Smart metering plug | -| Supports | on/off, power measurement | -| Picture | ![HEIMAN SKHMP30-I1](./assets/devices/SKHMP30-I1.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/SLR1b.md b/devices/docs/devices/SLR1b.md deleted file mode 100644 index 9951e69a..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/SLR1b.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Hive SLR1b control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Hive SLR1b via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/SLR1b.md)* - -# Hive SLR1b - -| Model | SLR1b | -| Vendor | Hive | -| Description | Heating thermostat | -| Supports | thermostat, occupied heating, weekly schedule | -| Picture | ![Hive SLR1b](./assets/devices/SLR1b.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/SL_110_M.md b/devices/docs/devices/SL_110_M.md deleted file mode 100644 index d32e22e6..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/SL_110_M.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Innr SL 110 M control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Innr SL 110 M via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/SL_110_M.md)* - -# Innr SL 110 M - -| Model | SL 110 M | -| Vendor | Innr | -| Description | Spot Flex medium | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![Innr SL 110 M](./assets/devices/SL-110-M.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory reset the light bulb ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zkpZSv84H4)). - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/SL_110_N.md b/devices/docs/devices/SL_110_N.md deleted file mode 100644 index a652a19d..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/SL_110_N.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Innr SL 110 N control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Innr SL 110 N via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/SL_110_N.md)* - -# Innr SL 110 N - -| Model | SL 110 N | -| Vendor | Innr | -| Description | Spot Flex narrow | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![Innr SL 110 N](./assets/devices/SL-110-N.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory reset the light bulb ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zkpZSv84H4)). - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/SL_110_W.md b/devices/docs/devices/SL_110_W.md deleted file mode 100644 index 51221d06..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/SL_110_W.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Innr SL 110 W control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Innr SL 110 W via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/SL_110_W.md)* - -# Innr SL 110 W - -| Model | SL 110 W | -| Vendor | Innr | -| Description | Spot Flex wide | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![Innr SL 110 W](./assets/devices/SL-110-W.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory reset the light bulb ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zkpZSv84H4)). - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/SM10ZW.md b/devices/docs/devices/SM10ZW.md deleted file mode 100644 index 80648ec8..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/SM10ZW.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "ORVIBO SM10ZW control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your ORVIBO SM10ZW via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/SM10ZW.md)* - -# ORVIBO SM10ZW - -| Model | SM10ZW | -| Vendor | ORVIBO | -| Description | Door or window contact switch | -| Supports | contact | -| Picture | ![ORVIBO SM10ZW](./assets/devices/SM10ZW.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/SMHM-I1.md b/devices/docs/devices/SMHM-I1.md deleted file mode 100644 index c7362b63..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/SMHM-I1.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "HEIMAN SMHM-I1 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your HEIMAN SMHM-I1 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/SMHM-I1.md)* - -# HEIMAN SMHM-I1 - -| Model | SMHM-I1 | -| Vendor | HEIMAN | -| Description | Smart motion sensor | -| Supports | occupancy | -| Picture | ![HEIMAN SMHM-I1](./assets/devices/SMHM-I1.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/SMT402.md b/devices/docs/devices/SMT402.md deleted file mode 100644 index 39a7db43..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/SMT402.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,48 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Stelpro SMT402 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Stelpro SMT402 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/SMT402.md)* - -# Stelpro SMT402 - -| Model | SMT402 | -| Vendor | Stelpro | -| Description | Maestro, line-voltage thermostat | -| Supports | temperature, humidity, outdoor temp display | -| Picture | ![Stelpro SMT402](./assets/devices/SMT402.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Setting outdoor temperature -To set _outdoor temperature_, you need to send the value to the following MQTT topic: -``` -zigbee2mqtt//set/thermostat_outdoor_temperature -``` - -If you want to automate the publishing of the outdoor temperature using Home Assistant, you may create an automation like this: - -``` yaml -- id: auto_publish_outdoor_temp - description: publish the outdoor temperature to Stelpro thermostat - trigger: - - platform: state - entity_id: sensor.outdoor_sensor_temperature - condition: [] - action: - - service: mqtt.publish - data_template: - payload: '{{ states(trigger.entity_id) }}' - topic: 'zigbee2mqtt/THERMOSTAT_FRIENDLY_NAME/set/thermostat_outdoor_temperature' -``` - -**IMPORTANT**: The outdoor temperature need to be refreshed at least each 4 hours, or the `EXT` display will be cleared on the thermostat. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/SOHM-I1.md b/devices/docs/devices/SOHM-I1.md deleted file mode 100644 index 8c685dcb..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/SOHM-I1.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "HEIMAN SOHM-I1 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your HEIMAN SOHM-I1 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/SOHM-I1.md)* - -# HEIMAN SOHM-I1 - -| Model | SOHM-I1 | -| Vendor | HEIMAN | -| Description | Door contact sensor | -| Supports | contact | -| Picture | ![HEIMAN SOHM-I1](./assets/devices/SOHM-I1.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/SP-EUC01.md b/devices/docs/devices/SP-EUC01.md deleted file mode 100644 index 235211a7..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/SP-EUC01.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Xiaomi SP-EUC01 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Xiaomi SP-EUC01 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/SP-EUC01.md)* - -# Xiaomi SP-EUC01 - -| Model | SP-EUC01 | -| Vendor | Xiaomi | -| Description | Aqara EU smart plug | -| Supports | on/off, power measurements | -| Picture | ![Xiaomi SP-EUC01](./assets/devices/SP-EUC01.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/SP600.md b/devices/docs/devices/SP600.md deleted file mode 100644 index 2f9e2227..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/SP600.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Salus SP600 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Salus SP600 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/SP600.md)* - -# Salus SP600 - -| Model | SP600 | -| Vendor | Salus | -| Description | Smart plug | -| Supports | on/off, power measurement | -| Picture | ![Salus SP600](./assets/devices/SP600.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/SPZB0001.md b/devices/docs/devices/SPZB0001.md deleted file mode 100644 index a763d6b1..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/SPZB0001.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,128 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Eurotronic SPZB0001 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Eurotronic SPZB0001 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/SPZB0001.md)* - -# Eurotronic SPZB0001 - -| Model | SPZB0001 | -| Vendor | Eurotronic | -| Description | Spirit Zigbee wireless heater thermostat | -| Supports | temperature, heating system control | -| Picture | ![Eurotronic SPZB0001](./assets/devices/SPZB0001.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -If you are having trouble pairing, reset the device. -- hold boost, +, and - (a count from 1 to 10 will be on the display) -- release ones 'rES' is displayed -- hit boot once after 'Jin' is displayed - -### Controlling -*Current heating setpoint* -```json -{ - "current_heating_setpoint": 21.5 -} -``` -Current heating setpoint is also modified when occupied or unoccupied heating setpoint is set. - -*System mode* - -The system mode will be either `off`, `auto`, or `heat`. When set to `heat` the boost host flags will be set, when using `off` the window_open hostflag will be set (and off will be displayed on the display). - -*Eurotronic host flags* - -The `eurotronic_host_flags` property contains an object with a true/false field for each host option. - -```json -{ - "eurotronic_host_flags": { - "mirror_display": false, - "boost": false, - "window_open": false, - "child_protection": true - } -} -``` - -You can toggle these flags by publishing a message to the `set` mqtt topic containing `eurotronic_host_flags`. e.g. enabling the display mirroring: -```json -{"eurotronic_host_flags": {"mirror_display": true}} -``` - -**Note that `true` or `false` do not have quotes aroud them!** - -*Eurotronic system mode* - -**This is deprecated in favor of eurotronic_host_flags, but will still work for now.** - -This is a bitmap encoded field to set several device specific features. Please remind it is not possible to set single bits, always the full bitmap is written. Bit 0 doesnt seem to be writeable, it is always reported as set, so expect your written value + 1 to be reported. - -Bit | Position ---- | -------- -0 | unknown (default 1) -1 | Mirror display -2 | Boost -3 | unknown -4 | disable window open -5 | set window open (is reported as disable window open) -6 | unknown -7 | Child protection - -Examples for eurotronic_system_mode: - -Mirror display, reported as 3 -```json -{ - "eurotronic_system_mode": 2 -} -``` -signal external window open, current_heating_setpoint will report "5", device display shows "OFF" -```json -{ - "eurotronic_system_mode": 32 -} -``` -signal external window close, will restore last current_heating_setpoint value -```json -{ - "eurotronic_system_mode": 16 -} -``` -Mirror display and set child protection. -```json -{ - "eurotronic_system_mode": 66 -} -``` - -*Eurotronic error status* -```json -{ - "eurotronic_error_status": 0 -} -``` -This field is a readonly bitmap - -Bit | Position ---- | -------- -0 | reserved -1 | reserved -2 | reserved -3 | Valve adaption failed (E1) -4 | Valve movement too slow (E2) -5 | Valve not moving/blocked (E3) -6 | reserved -7 | reserved - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/SP_120.md b/devices/docs/devices/SP_120.md deleted file mode 100644 index 6d3dbe04..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/SP_120.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Innr SP 120 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Innr SP 120 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/SP_120.md)* - -# Innr SP 120 - -| Model | SP 120 | -| Vendor | Innr | -| Description | Smart plug | -| Supports | on/off, power measurement | -| Picture | ![Innr SP 120](./assets/devices/SP-120.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/SP_222.md b/devices/docs/devices/SP_222.md deleted file mode 100644 index 9634d609..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/SP_222.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Innr SP 222 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Innr SP 222 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/SP_222.md)* - -# Innr SP 222 - -| Model | SP 222 | -| Vendor | Innr | -| Description | Smart plug | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![Innr SP 222](./assets/devices/SP-222.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/SP_224.md b/devices/docs/devices/SP_224.md deleted file mode 100644 index b2bebd0a..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/SP_224.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Innr SP 224 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Innr SP 224 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/SP_224.md)* - -# Innr SP 224 - -| Model | SP 224 | -| Vendor | Innr | -| Description | Smart plug | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![Innr SP 224](./assets/devices/SP-224.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/SR-ZG9001K4-DIM2.md b/devices/docs/devices/SR-ZG9001K4-DIM2.md deleted file mode 100644 index 54474934..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/SR-ZG9001K4-DIM2.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Sunricher SR-ZG9001K4-DIM2 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Sunricher SR-ZG9001K4-DIM2 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/SR-ZG9001K4-DIM2.md)* - -# Sunricher SR-ZG9001K4-DIM2 - -| Model | SR-ZG9001K4-DIM2 | -| Vendor | Sunricher | -| Description | ZigBee double key wall switch | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![Sunricher SR-ZG9001K4-DIM2](./assets/devices/SR-ZG9001K4-DIM2.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/ST218.md b/devices/docs/devices/ST218.md deleted file mode 100644 index bf0c7b5f..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/ST218.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Stelpro ST218 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Stelpro ST218 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/ST218.md)* - -# Stelpro ST218 - -| Model | ST218 | -| Vendor | Stelpro | -| Description | Built-in electronic thermostat | -| Supports | temperature | -| Picture | ![Stelpro ST218](./assets/devices/ST218.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/ST8AU-CON.md b/devices/docs/devices/ST8AU-CON.md deleted file mode 100644 index c586ac69..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/ST8AU-CON.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "OSRAM ST8AU-CON control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your OSRAM ST8AU-CON via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/ST8AU-CON.md)* - -# OSRAM ST8AU-CON - -| Model | ST8AU-CON | -| Vendor | OSRAM | -| Description | OSRAM SubstiTUBE T8 Advanced UO Connected | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![OSRAM ST8AU-CON](./assets/devices/ST8AU-CON.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Set default power on/off transition -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support setting a default transition when turning a light on and off. -```js -{ - "osram_set_transition": 0.1, //time in seconds (integer or float) -} -``` - -### Remember current light state -Various Osram/Sylvania LED support remembering their current state in case of power loss, or if a light -is manually switched off then on. Lights will remember their respective attributes -(i.e. brightness, color, saturation, etc.). -NOTE: This must be executed everytime you make changes to a light's attributes for it to then 'remember' it. -```js -{ - "osram_remember_state": true, // true, false (boolean) -} -``` - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/STHM-I1H.md b/devices/docs/devices/STHM-I1H.md deleted file mode 100644 index e48f2321..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/STHM-I1H.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "HEIMAN STHM-I1H control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your HEIMAN STHM-I1H via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/STHM-I1H.md)* - -# HEIMAN STHM-I1H - -| Model | STHM-I1H | -| Vendor | HEIMAN | -| Description | Heiman temperature & humidity sensor | -| Supports | temperature and humidity | -| Picture | ![HEIMAN STHM-I1H](./assets/devices/STHM-I1H.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `temperature_precision`: Controls the precision of `temperature` values, -e.g. `0`, `1` or `2`; default `2`. -* `temperature_calibration`: Allows to manually calibrate temperature values, -e.g. `1` would add 1 degree to the temperature reported by the device; default `0`. - - -* `humidity_precision`: Controls the precision of `humidity` values, e.g. `0`, `1` or `2`; default `2`. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/STS-IRM-250.md b/devices/docs/devices/STS-IRM-250.md deleted file mode 100644 index c496d30a..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/STS-IRM-250.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "SmartThings STS-IRM-250 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your SmartThings STS-IRM-250 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/STS-IRM-250.md)* - -# SmartThings STS-IRM-250 - -| Model | STS-IRM-250 | -| Vendor | SmartThings | -| Description | Motion sensor (2016 model) | -| Supports | occupancy and temperature | -| Picture | ![SmartThings STS-IRM-250](./assets/devices/STS-IRM-250.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `temperature_precision`: Controls the precision of `temperature` values, -e.g. `0`, `1` or `2`; default `2`. -* `temperature_calibration`: Allows to manually calibrate temperature values, -e.g. `1` would add 1 degree to the temperature reported by the device; default `0`. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/STS-OUT-US-2.md b/devices/docs/devices/STS-OUT-US-2.md deleted file mode 100644 index 28311aa6..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/STS-OUT-US-2.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "SmartThings STS-OUT-US-2 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your SmartThings STS-OUT-US-2 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/STS-OUT-US-2.md)* - -# SmartThings STS-OUT-US-2 - -| Model | STS-OUT-US-2 | -| Vendor | SmartThings | -| Description | Zigbee smart plug with power meter | -| Supports | on/off, power measurement | -| Picture | ![SmartThings STS-OUT-US-2](./assets/devices/STS-OUT-US-2.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/STS-PRS-251.md b/devices/docs/devices/STS-PRS-251.md deleted file mode 100644 index d33e7db0..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/STS-PRS-251.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,31 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "SmartThings STS-PRS-251 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your SmartThings STS-PRS-251 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/STS-PRS-251.md)* - -# SmartThings STS-PRS-251 - -| Model | STS-PRS-251 | -| Vendor | SmartThings | -| Description | Arrival sensor | -| Supports | presence | -| Picture | ![SmartThings STS-PRS-251](./assets/devices/STS-PRS-251.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Let the device beep. -```json -{ - "beep": 5 -} -``` - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/STS-WTR-250.md b/devices/docs/devices/STS-WTR-250.md deleted file mode 100644 index e9ce7a00..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/STS-WTR-250.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "SmartThings STS-WTR-250 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your SmartThings STS-WTR-250 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/STS-WTR-250.md)* - -# SmartThings STS-WTR-250 - -| Model | STS-WTR-250 | -| Vendor | SmartThings | -| Description | Water leak sensor (2016 model) | -| Supports | water leak | -| Picture | ![SmartThings STS-WTR-250](./assets/devices/STS-WTR-250.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/STSS-MULT-001.md b/devices/docs/devices/STSS-MULT-001.md deleted file mode 100644 index c9c861f7..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/STSS-MULT-001.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "SmartThings STSS-MULT-001 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your SmartThings STSS-MULT-001 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/STSS-MULT-001.md)* - -# SmartThings STSS-MULT-001 - -| Model | STSS-MULT-001 | -| Vendor | SmartThings | -| Description | Multipurpose sensor | -| Supports | contact | -| Picture | ![SmartThings STSS-MULT-001](./assets/devices/STSS-MULT-001.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/STZB402.md b/devices/docs/devices/STZB402.md deleted file mode 100644 index 0f8f97da..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/STZB402.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,48 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Stelpro STZB402 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Stelpro STZB402 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/STZB402.md)* - -# Stelpro STZB402 - -| Model | STZB402 | -| Vendor | Stelpro | -| Description | Ki, line-voltage thermostat | -| Supports | temperature | -| Picture | ![Stelpro STZB402](./assets/devices/STZB402.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Setting outdoor temperature -To set _outdoor temperature_, you need to send the value to the following MQTT topic: -``` -zigbee2mqtt//set/thermostat_outdoor_temperature -``` - -If you want to automate the publishing of the outdoor temperature using Home Assistant, you may create an automation like this: - -``` yaml -- id: auto_publish_outdoor_temp - description: publish the outdoor temperature to Stelpro thermostat - trigger: - - platform: state - entity_id: sensor.outdoor_sensor_temperature - condition: [] - action: - - service: mqtt.publish - data_template: - payload: '{{ states(trigger.entity_id) }}' - topic: 'zigbee2mqtt/THERMOSTAT_FRIENDLY_NAME/set/thermostat_outdoor_temperature' -``` - -**IMPORTANT**: The outdoor temperature need to be refreshed at least each 4 hours, or the `EXT` display will be cleared on the thermostat. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/ST_110.md b/devices/docs/devices/ST_110.md deleted file mode 100644 index 41ff945b..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/ST_110.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Innr ST 110 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Innr ST 110 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/ST_110.md)* - -# Innr ST 110 - -| Model | ST 110 | -| Vendor | Innr | -| Description | Strip Light | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![Innr ST 110](./assets/devices/ST-110.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory reset the light bulb ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zkpZSv84H4)). - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/SV01.md b/devices/docs/devices/SV01.md deleted file mode 100644 index 8511facc..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/SV01.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Keen Home SV01 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Keen Home SV01 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/SV01.md)* - -# Keen Home SV01 - -| Model | SV01 | -| Vendor | Keen Home | -| Description | Smart vent | -| Supports | open, close, position, temperature, pressure, battery | -| Picture | ![Keen Home SV01](./assets/devices/SV01.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `temperature_precision`: Controls the precision of `temperature` values, -e.g. `0`, `1` or `2`; default `2`. -* `temperature_calibration`: Allows to manually calibrate temperature values, -e.g. `1` would add 1 degree to the temperature reported by the device; default `0`. - - -* `pressure_precision`: Controls the precision of `pressure` values, e.g. `0` or `1`; default `1`. -* `pressure_calibration`: Allows to manually calibrate pressure values, -e.g. `1` would add 1 to the pressure reported by the device; default `0`. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/SV02.md b/devices/docs/devices/SV02.md deleted file mode 100644 index 3c8853b0..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/SV02.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Keen Home SV02 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Keen Home SV02 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/SV02.md)* - -# Keen Home SV02 - -| Model | SV02 | -| Vendor | Keen Home | -| Description | Smart vent | -| Supports | open, close, position, temperature, pressure, battery | -| Picture | ![Keen Home SV02](./assets/devices/SV02.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `temperature_precision`: Controls the precision of `temperature` values, -e.g. `0`, `1` or `2`; default `2`. -* `temperature_calibration`: Allows to manually calibrate temperature values, -e.g. `1` would add 1 degree to the temperature reported by the device; default `0`. - - -* `pressure_precision`: Controls the precision of `pressure` values, e.g. `0` or `1`; default `1`. -* `pressure_calibration`: Allows to manually calibrate pressure values, -e.g. `1` would add 1 to the pressure reported by the device; default `0`. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/SW2500ZB.md b/devices/docs/devices/SW2500ZB.md deleted file mode 100644 index a0ceeaf9..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/SW2500ZB.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Sinope SW2500ZB control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Sinope SW2500ZB via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/SW2500ZB.md)* - -# Sinope SW2500ZB - -| Model | SW2500ZB | -| Vendor | Sinope | -| Description | Zigbee smart light switch | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![Sinope SW2500ZB](./assets/devices/SW2500ZB.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/SWHM-I1.md b/devices/docs/devices/SWHM-I1.md deleted file mode 100644 index 508d5c32..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/SWHM-I1.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "HEIMAN SWHM-I1 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your HEIMAN SWHM-I1 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/SWHM-I1.md)* - -# HEIMAN SWHM-I1 - -| Model | SWHM-I1 | -| Vendor | HEIMAN | -| Description | Water leakage sensor | -| Supports | water leak | -| Picture | ![HEIMAN SWHM-I1](./assets/devices/SWHM-I1.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/SWITCH_EDP_RE_DY.md b/devices/docs/devices/SWITCH_EDP_RE_DY.md deleted file mode 100644 index 47615d70..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/SWITCH_EDP_RE_DY.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "EDP SWITCH EDP RE:DY control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your EDP SWITCH EDP RE:DY via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/SWITCH_EDP_RE_DY.md)* - -# EDP SWITCH EDP RE:DY - -| Model | SWITCH EDP RE:DY | -| Vendor | EDP | -| Description | re:dy switch | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![EDP SWITCH EDP RE:DY](./assets/devices/SWITCH-EDP-RE-DY.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/SWO-KEF1PA.md b/devices/docs/devices/SWO-KEF1PA.md deleted file mode 100644 index 604240a0..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/SWO-KEF1PA.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Swann SWO-KEF1PA control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Swann SWO-KEF1PA via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/SWO-KEF1PA.md)* - -# Swann SWO-KEF1PA - -| Model | SWO-KEF1PA | -| Vendor | Swann | -| Description | Key fob remote | -| Supports | panic, home, away, sleep | -| Picture | ![Swann SWO-KEF1PA](./assets/devices/SWO-KEF1PA.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/SWO-WDS1PA.md b/devices/docs/devices/SWO-WDS1PA.md deleted file mode 100644 index 94e0bda9..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/SWO-WDS1PA.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Swann SWO-WDS1PA control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Swann SWO-WDS1PA via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/SWO-WDS1PA.md)* - -# Swann SWO-WDS1PA - -| Model | SWO-WDS1PA | -| Vendor | Swann | -| Description | Window/door sensor | -| Supports | contact | -| Picture | ![Swann SWO-WDS1PA](./assets/devices/SWO-WDS1PA.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/SZ-DWS04.md b/devices/docs/devices/SZ-DWS04.md deleted file mode 100644 index ba6e2e7e..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/SZ-DWS04.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Sercomm SZ-DWS04 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Sercomm SZ-DWS04 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/SZ-DWS04.md)* - -# Sercomm SZ-DWS04 - -| Model | SZ-DWS04 | -| Vendor | Sercomm | -| Description | Magnetic door & window contact sensor | -| Supports | contact | -| Picture | ![Sercomm SZ-DWS04](./assets/devices/SZ-DWS04.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/SZ-ESW01-AU.md b/devices/docs/devices/SZ-ESW01-AU.md deleted file mode 100644 index e951d301..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/SZ-ESW01-AU.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Sercomm SZ-ESW01-AU control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Sercomm SZ-ESW01-AU via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/SZ-ESW01-AU.md)* - -# Sercomm SZ-ESW01-AU - -| Model | SZ-ESW01-AU | -| Vendor | Sercomm | -| Description | Telstra smart plug | -| Supports | on/off, power consumption | -| Picture | ![Sercomm SZ-ESW01-AU](./assets/devices/SZ-ESW01-AU.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Press and hold the pairing button while plugging in the device. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/SZ-ESW01.md b/devices/docs/devices/SZ-ESW01.md deleted file mode 100644 index c7a71daf..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/SZ-ESW01.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Sercomm SZ-ESW01 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Sercomm SZ-ESW01 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/SZ-ESW01.md)* - -# Sercomm SZ-ESW01 - -| Model | SZ-ESW01 | -| Vendor | Sercomm | -| Description | Telstra smart plug | -| Supports | on/off, power consumption | -| Picture | ![Sercomm SZ-ESW01](./assets/devices/SZ-ESW01.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/SZ-SRN12N.md b/devices/docs/devices/SZ-SRN12N.md deleted file mode 100644 index 8e4ac6c8..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/SZ-SRN12N.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "SmartThings SZ-SRN12N control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your SmartThings SZ-SRN12N via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/SZ-SRN12N.md)* - -# SmartThings SZ-SRN12N - -| Model | SZ-SRN12N | -| Vendor | SmartThings | -| Description | Smart siren | -| Supports | warning | -| Picture | ![SmartThings SZ-SRN12N](./assets/devices/SZ-SRN12N.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/T1820.md b/devices/docs/devices/T1820.md deleted file mode 100644 index 5124449b..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/T1820.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "IKEA T1820 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your IKEA T1820 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/T1820.md)* - -# IKEA T1820 - -| Model | T1820 | -| Vendor | IKEA | -| Description | LEPTITER Recessed spot light, dimmable, white spectrum | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature | -| Picture | ![IKEA T1820](./assets/devices/T1820.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory reset the light bulb ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npxOrPxVfe0)). -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -While pairing, keep the bulb close the the CC2531 USB sniffer. - -What works is to use (very) short “on’s” and a little bit longer “off’s”. -Start with bulb on, then off, and then 6 “on’s”, where you kill the light as soon as the bulb shows signs of turning on. - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/T1828.md b/devices/docs/devices/T1828.md deleted file mode 100644 index 85cbdb0a..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/T1828.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "IKEA T1828 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your IKEA T1828 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/T1828.md)* - -# IKEA T1828 - -| Model | T1828 | -| Vendor | IKEA | -| Description | GUNNARP panel round | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature | -| Picture | ![IKEA T1828](./assets/devices/T1828.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory reset the light bulb ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npxOrPxVfe0)). -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -While pairing, keep the bulb close the the CC2531 USB sniffer. - -What works is to use (very) short “on’s” and a little bit longer “off’s”. -Start with bulb on, then off, and then 6 “on’s”, where you kill the light as soon as the bulb shows signs of turning on. - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/T1829.md b/devices/docs/devices/T1829.md deleted file mode 100644 index f502ad36..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/T1829.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "IKEA T1829 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your IKEA T1829 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/T1829.md)* - -# IKEA T1829 - -| Model | T1829 | -| Vendor | IKEA | -| Description | GUNNARP panel 40*40 | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature | -| Picture | ![IKEA T1829](./assets/devices/T1829.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory reset the light bulb ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npxOrPxVfe0)). -After resetting the bulb will automatically connect. - -While pairing, keep the bulb close the the CC2531 USB sniffer. - -What works is to use (very) short “on’s” and a little bit longer “off’s”. -Start with bulb on, then off, and then 6 “on’s”, where you kill the light as soon as the bulb shows signs of turning on. - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/T18W3Z.md b/devices/docs/devices/T18W3Z.md deleted file mode 100644 index 0cc2953c..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/T18W3Z.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "ORVIBO T18W3Z control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your ORVIBO T18W3Z via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/T18W3Z.md)* - -# ORVIBO T18W3Z - -| Model | T18W3Z | -| Vendor | ORVIBO | -| Description | Neutral smart switch 3 gang | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![ORVIBO T18W3Z](./assets/devices/T18W3Z.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/TERNCY-PP01.md b/devices/docs/devices/TERNCY-PP01.md deleted file mode 100644 index a2121a79..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/TERNCY-PP01.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "TERNCY TERNCY-PP01 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your TERNCY TERNCY-PP01 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/TERNCY-PP01.md)* - -# TERNCY TERNCY-PP01 - -| Model | TERNCY-PP01 | -| Vendor | TERNCY | -| Description | Awareness switch | -| Supports | temperature, occupancy, illuminance, click, double click, triple click | -| Picture | ![TERNCY TERNCY-PP01](./assets/devices/TERNCY-PP01.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `illuminance_calibration`: Allows to manually calibrate illuminance values, -e.g. `95` would take 95% to the illuminance reported by the device; default `100`. - - -* `temperature_precision`: Controls the precision of `temperature` values, -e.g. `0`, `1` or `2`; default `2`. -* `temperature_calibration`: Allows to manually calibrate temperature values, -e.g. `1` would add 1 degree to the temperature reported by the device; default `0`. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/TERNCY-SD01.md b/devices/docs/devices/TERNCY-SD01.md deleted file mode 100644 index 10c18b91..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/TERNCY-SD01.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "TERNCY TERNCY-SD01 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your TERNCY TERNCY-SD01 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/TERNCY-SD01.md)* - -# TERNCY TERNCY-SD01 - -| Model | TERNCY-SD01 | -| Vendor | TERNCY | -| Description | Knob smart dimmer | -| Supports | single, double and triple click, rotate | -| Picture | ![TERNCY TERNCY-SD01](./assets/devices/TERNCY-SD01.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/TH1123ZB.md b/devices/docs/devices/TH1123ZB.md deleted file mode 100644 index 88e8998a..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/TH1123ZB.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Sinope TH1123ZB control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Sinope TH1123ZB via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/TH1123ZB.md)* - -# Sinope TH1123ZB - -| Model | TH1123ZB | -| Vendor | Sinope | -| Description | Zigbee line volt thermostat | -| Supports | local temp, units, keypad lockout, mode, state, backlight, outdoor temp, time | -| Picture | ![Sinope TH1123ZB](./assets/devices/TH1123ZB.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/TH1124ZB.md b/devices/docs/devices/TH1124ZB.md deleted file mode 100644 index 5723026c..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/TH1124ZB.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Sinope TH1124ZB control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Sinope TH1124ZB via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/TH1124ZB.md)* - -# Sinope TH1124ZB - -| Model | TH1124ZB | -| Vendor | Sinope | -| Description | Zigbee line volt thermostat | -| Supports | local temp, units, keypad lockout, mode, state, backlight, outdoor temp, time | -| Picture | ![Sinope TH1124ZB](./assets/devices/TH1124ZB.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/TH1400ZB.md b/devices/docs/devices/TH1400ZB.md deleted file mode 100644 index 975e92ba..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/TH1400ZB.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Sinope TH1400ZB control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Sinope TH1400ZB via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/TH1400ZB.md)* - -# Sinope TH1400ZB - -| Model | TH1400ZB | -| Vendor | Sinope | -| Description | Zigbee low volt thermostat | -| Supports | local temp, units, keypad lockout, mode, state, backlight, outdoor temp, time | -| Picture | ![Sinope TH1400ZB](./assets/devices/TH1400ZB.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/TH1500ZB.md b/devices/docs/devices/TH1500ZB.md deleted file mode 100644 index 4bfc89f8..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/TH1500ZB.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Sinope TH1500ZB control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Sinope TH1500ZB via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/TH1500ZB.md)* - -# Sinope TH1500ZB - -| Model | TH1500ZB | -| Vendor | Sinope | -| Description | Zigbee dual pole line volt thermostat | -| Supports | local temp, units, keypad lockout, mode, state, backlight, outdoor temp, time | -| Picture | ![Sinope TH1500ZB](./assets/devices/TH1500ZB.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/TI0001.md b/devices/docs/devices/TI0001.md deleted file mode 100644 index 0cc64dcb..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/TI0001.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Livolo TI0001 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Livolo TI0001 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/TI0001.md)* - -# Livolo TI0001 - -| Model | TI0001 | -| Vendor | Livolo | -| Description | Zigbee switch (1 and 2 gang) [work in progress](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/592) | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![Livolo TI0001](./assets/devices/TI0001.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Important -These devices can only be used on channel 26. -These devices are locked to the manufacturer's network key (ext_pan_id). -Your configuration file [data/configuration.yaml](../information/configuration) must contain the following: - -```yaml -advanced: - ext_pan_id: [33,117,141,25,0,75,18,0] - channel: 26 -``` - -Therefore these devices may not co-existence with other Zigbee devices. -Maybe, you need to add a dedicated coordinator and create a new network for Livolo. -If you decided to create a new network, you should specify another 'pan_id'. - -```yaml -advanced: - pan_id: 6756 -``` - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/TS0001.md b/devices/docs/devices/TS0001.md deleted file mode 100644 index 085574a8..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/TS0001.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "CR Smart Home TS0001 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your CR Smart Home TS0001 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/TS0001.md)* - -# CR Smart Home TS0001 - -| Model | TS0001 | -| Vendor | CR Smart Home | -| Description | Valve control | -| Supports | control | -| Picture | ![CR Smart Home TS0001](./assets/devices/TS0001.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/TS0002.md b/devices/docs/devices/TS0002.md deleted file mode 100644 index 99b0baee..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/TS0002.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "TuYa TS0002 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your TuYa TS0002 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/TS0002.md)* - -# TuYa TS0002 - -| Model | TS0002 | -| Vendor | TuYa | -| Description | 2 gang switch | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![TuYa TS0002](./assets/devices/TS0002.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/TS0042.md b/devices/docs/devices/TS0042.md deleted file mode 100644 index c261119b..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/TS0042.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "TuYa TS0042 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your TuYa TS0042 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/TS0042.md)* - -# TuYa TS0042 - -| Model | TS0042 | -| Vendor | TuYa | -| Description | Touch wall remote 2 gang | -| Supports | action | -| Picture | ![TuYa TS0042](./assets/devices/TS0042.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/TS0111.md b/devices/docs/devices/TS0111.md deleted file mode 100644 index e225ea7e..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/TS0111.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "CR Smart Home TS0111 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your CR Smart Home TS0111 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/TS0111.md)* - -# CR Smart Home TS0111 - -| Model | TS0111 | -| Vendor | CR Smart Home | -| Description | Socket | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![CR Smart Home TS0111](./assets/devices/TS0111.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/TS0201.md b/devices/docs/devices/TS0201.md deleted file mode 100644 index b7ce4777..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/TS0201.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "TuYa TS0201 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your TuYa TS0201 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/TS0201.md)* - -# TuYa TS0201 - -| Model | TS0201 | -| Vendor | TuYa | -| Description | Temperature & humidity sensor with display | -| Supports | temperature and humidity | -| Picture | ![TuYa TS0201](./assets/devices/TS0201.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `temperature_precision`: Controls the precision of `temperature` values, -e.g. `0`, `1` or `2`; default `2`. -* `temperature_calibration`: Allows to manually calibrate temperature values, -e.g. `1` would add 1 degree to the temperature reported by the device; default `0`. - - -* `humidity_precision`: Controls the precision of `humidity` values, e.g. `0`, `1` or `2`; default `2`. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/TS0202.md b/devices/docs/devices/TS0202.md deleted file mode 100644 index 6001f17d..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/TS0202.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "CR Smart Home TS0202 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your CR Smart Home TS0202 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/TS0202.md)* - -# CR Smart Home TS0202 - -| Model | TS0202 | -| Vendor | CR Smart Home | -| Description | Motion sensor | -| Supports | occupancy | -| Picture | ![CR Smart Home TS0202](./assets/devices/TS0202.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/TS0203.md b/devices/docs/devices/TS0203.md deleted file mode 100644 index 4a81c6a1..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/TS0203.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "CR Smart Home TS0203 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your CR Smart Home TS0203 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/TS0203.md)* - -# CR Smart Home TS0203 - -| Model | TS0203 | -| Vendor | CR Smart Home | -| Description | Door sensor | -| Supports | contact | -| Picture | ![CR Smart Home TS0203](./assets/devices/TS0203.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/TS0204.md b/devices/docs/devices/TS0204.md deleted file mode 100644 index 4edc1aea..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/TS0204.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "CR Smart Home TS0204 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your CR Smart Home TS0204 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/TS0204.md)* - -# CR Smart Home TS0204 - -| Model | TS0204 | -| Vendor | CR Smart Home | -| Description | Gas sensor | -| Supports | gas | -| Picture | ![CR Smart Home TS0204](./assets/devices/TS0204.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/TS0205.md b/devices/docs/devices/TS0205.md deleted file mode 100644 index dae2da9d..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/TS0205.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "CR Smart Home TS0205 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your CR Smart Home TS0205 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/TS0205.md)* - -# CR Smart Home TS0205 - -| Model | TS0205 | -| Vendor | CR Smart Home | -| Description | Smoke sensor | -| Supports | smoke | -| Picture | ![CR Smart Home TS0205](./assets/devices/TS0205.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/TS0207.md b/devices/docs/devices/TS0207.md deleted file mode 100644 index 48eb5a84..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/TS0207.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "CR Smart Home TS0207 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your CR Smart Home TS0207 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/TS0207.md)* - -# CR Smart Home TS0207 - -| Model | TS0207 | -| Vendor | CR Smart Home | -| Description | Water leak detector | -| Supports | water leak | -| Picture | ![CR Smart Home TS0207](./assets/devices/TS0207.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/TS0218.md b/devices/docs/devices/TS0218.md deleted file mode 100644 index 8440ef8f..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/TS0218.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "CR Smart Home TS0218 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your CR Smart Home TS0218 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/TS0218.md)* - -# CR Smart Home TS0218 - -| Model | TS0218 | -| Vendor | CR Smart Home | -| Description | Button | -| Supports | click | -| Picture | ![CR Smart Home TS0218](./assets/devices/TS0218.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/TT001ZAV20.md b/devices/docs/devices/TT001ZAV20.md deleted file mode 100644 index 83e6c34c..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/TT001ZAV20.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "TUYATEC TT001ZAV20 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your TUYATEC TT001ZAV20 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/TT001ZAV20.md)* - -# TUYATEC TT001ZAV20 - -| Model | TT001ZAV20 | -| Vendor | TUYATEC | -| Description | Temperature & humidity sensor | -| Supports | temperature and humidity | -| Picture | ![TUYATEC TT001ZAV20](./assets/devices/TT001ZAV20.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `temperature_precision`: Controls the precision of `temperature` values, -e.g. `0`, `1` or `2`; default `2`. -* `temperature_calibration`: Allows to manually calibrate temperature values, -e.g. `1` would add 1 degree to the temperature reported by the device; default `0`. - - -* `humidity_precision`: Controls the precision of `humidity` values, e.g. `0`, `1` or `2`; default `2`. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/TZSW22FW-L4.md b/devices/docs/devices/TZSW22FW-L4.md deleted file mode 100644 index aa980b65..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/TZSW22FW-L4.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Feibit TZSW22FW-L4 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Feibit TZSW22FW-L4 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/TZSW22FW-L4.md)* - -# Feibit TZSW22FW-L4 - -| Model | TZSW22FW-L4 | -| Vendor | Feibit | -| Description | Smart light switch - 2 gang | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![Feibit TZSW22FW-L4](./assets/devices/TZSW22FW-L4.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/U201DST600ZB.md b/devices/docs/devices/U201DST600ZB.md deleted file mode 100644 index a3f8f1ae..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/U201DST600ZB.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Schneider Electric U201DST600ZB control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Schneider Electric U201DST600ZB via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/U201DST600ZB.md)* - -# Schneider Electric U201DST600ZB - -| Model | U201DST600ZB | -| Vendor | Schneider Electric | -| Description | EZinstall3 1 gang 550W dimmer module | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![Schneider Electric U201DST600ZB](./assets/devices/U201DST600ZB.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/U201SRY2KWZB.md b/devices/docs/devices/U201SRY2KWZB.md deleted file mode 100644 index 27891613..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/U201SRY2KWZB.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Schneider Electric U201SRY2KWZB control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Schneider Electric U201SRY2KWZB via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/U201SRY2KWZB.md)* - -# Schneider Electric U201SRY2KWZB - -| Model | U201SRY2KWZB | -| Vendor | Schneider Electric | -| Description | Ulti 240V 9.1 A 1 gang relay switch impress switch module, amber LED | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![Schneider Electric U201SRY2KWZB](./assets/devices/U201SRY2KWZB.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/U202DST600ZB.md b/devices/docs/devices/U202DST600ZB.md deleted file mode 100644 index 5c956e3b..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/U202DST600ZB.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Schneider Electric U202DST600ZB control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Schneider Electric U202DST600ZB via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/U202DST600ZB.md)* - -# Schneider Electric U202DST600ZB - -| Model | U202DST600ZB | -| Vendor | Schneider Electric | -| Description | EZinstall3 2 gang 2x300W dimmer module | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![Schneider Electric U202DST600ZB](./assets/devices/U202DST600ZB.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/U202SRY2KWZB.md b/devices/docs/devices/U202SRY2KWZB.md deleted file mode 100644 index 17361e6d..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/U202SRY2KWZB.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Schneider Electric U202SRY2KWZB control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Schneider Electric U202SRY2KWZB via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/U202SRY2KWZB.md)* - -# Schneider Electric U202SRY2KWZB - -| Model | U202SRY2KWZB | -| Vendor | Schneider Electric | -| Description | Ulti 240V 9.1 A 2 gangs relay switch impress switch module, amber LED | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![Schneider Electric U202SRY2KWZB](./assets/devices/U202SRY2KWZB.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/U86K31ND6.md b/devices/docs/devices/U86K31ND6.md deleted file mode 100644 index b6a343b5..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/U86K31ND6.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Honyar U86K31ND6 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Honyar U86K31ND6 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/U86K31ND6.md)* - -# Honyar U86K31ND6 - -| Model | U86K31ND6 | -| Vendor | Honyar | -| Description | 3 gang switch | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![Honyar U86K31ND6](./assets/devices/U86K31ND6.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/U86KCJ-ZP.md b/devices/docs/devices/U86KCJ-ZP.md deleted file mode 100644 index 1ace33c0..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/U86KCJ-ZP.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "TUYATEC U86KCJ-ZP control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your TUYATEC U86KCJ-ZP via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/U86KCJ-ZP.md)* - -# TUYATEC U86KCJ-ZP - -| Model | U86KCJ-ZP | -| Vendor | TUYATEC | -| Description | Smart 6 key scene wall switch | -| Supports | action | -| Picture | ![TUYATEC U86KCJ-ZP](./assets/devices/U86KCJ-ZP.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/UC_110.md b/devices/docs/devices/UC_110.md deleted file mode 100644 index e416cf85..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/UC_110.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Innr UC 110 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Innr UC 110 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/UC_110.md)* - -# Innr UC 110 - -| Model | UC 110 | -| Vendor | Innr | -| Description | Under cabinet light | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![Innr UC 110](./assets/devices/UC-110.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory reset the light bulb ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zkpZSv84H4)). - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/UK7004240.md b/devices/docs/devices/UK7004240.md deleted file mode 100644 index 06159795..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/UK7004240.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Hive UK7004240 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Hive UK7004240 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/UK7004240.md)* - -# Hive UK7004240 - -| Model | UK7004240 | -| Vendor | Hive | -| Description | Radiator valve | -| Supports | temperature | -| Picture | ![Hive UK7004240](./assets/devices/UK7004240.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `temperature_precision`: Controls the precision of `temperature` values, -e.g. `0`, `1` or `2`; default `2`. -* `temperature_calibration`: Allows to manually calibrate temperature values, -e.g. `1` would add 1 degree to the temperature reported by the device; default `0`. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/V3-BTZB.md b/devices/docs/devices/V3-BTZB.md deleted file mode 100644 index 01a630d6..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/V3-BTZB.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Danalock V3-BTZB control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Danalock V3-BTZB via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/V3-BTZB.md)* - -# Danalock V3-BTZB - -| Model | V3-BTZB | -| Vendor | Danalock | -| Description | BT/ZB smartlock | -| Supports | lock/unlock, battery | -| Picture | ![Danalock V3-BTZB](./assets/devices/V3-BTZB.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -If pairing failed, try the followings: -- Pairing it closer to the coordinator -- Connecting the CC2531 via an USB extension cable (to avoid interference) -- Replacing the batteries of the danalock. - -### App -This device also come with an iOS app (Android as well but not tested). It is recommanded to do the setups via the app for better control of the lock. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/WPT1.md b/devices/docs/devices/WPT1.md deleted file mode 100644 index 758c19da..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/WPT1.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Hive WPT1 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Hive WPT1 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/WPT1.md)* - -# Hive WPT1 - -| Model | WPT1 | -| Vendor | Hive | -| Description | Heating thermostat remote control | -| Supports | none, communicate via thermostat | -| Picture | ![Hive WPT1](./assets/devices/WPT1.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/WSDCGQ01LM.md b/devices/docs/devices/WSDCGQ01LM.md deleted file mode 100644 index 37db5e02..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/WSDCGQ01LM.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,41 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Xiaomi WSDCGQ01LM control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Xiaomi WSDCGQ01LM via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/WSDCGQ01LM.md)* - -# Xiaomi WSDCGQ01LM - -| Model | WSDCGQ01LM | -| Vendor | Xiaomi | -| Description | MiJia temperature & humidity sensor | -| Supports | temperature and humidity | -| Picture | ![Xiaomi WSDCGQ01LM](./assets/devices/WSDCGQ01LM.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Press and hold the reset button on the device for +- 5 seconds (until the blue light starts blinking). -After this the device will automatically join. - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `temperature_precision`: Controls the precision of `temperature` values, -e.g. `0`, `1` or `2`; default `2`. -* `temperature_calibration`: Allows to manually calibrate temperature values, -e.g. `1` would add 1 degree to the temperature reported by the device; default `0`. - - -* `humidity_precision`: Controls the precision of `humidity` values, e.g. `0`, `1` or `2`; default `2`. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/WSDCGQ11LM.md b/devices/docs/devices/WSDCGQ11LM.md deleted file mode 100644 index 434ce7e2..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/WSDCGQ11LM.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,46 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Xiaomi WSDCGQ11LM control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Xiaomi WSDCGQ11LM via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/WSDCGQ11LM.md)* - -# Xiaomi WSDCGQ11LM - -| Model | WSDCGQ11LM | -| Vendor | Xiaomi | -| Description | Aqara temperature, humidity and pressure sensor | -| Supports | temperature, humidity and pressure | -| Picture | ![Xiaomi WSDCGQ11LM](./assets/devices/WSDCGQ11LM.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Press and hold the reset button on the device for +- 5 seconds (until the blue light starts blinking). -After this the device will automatically join. - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `temperature_precision`: Controls the precision of `temperature` values, -e.g. `0`, `1` or `2`; default `2`. -* `temperature_calibration`: Allows to manually calibrate temperature values, -e.g. `1` would add 1 degree to the temperature reported by the device; default `0`. - - -* `humidity_precision`: Controls the precision of `humidity` values, e.g. `0`, `1` or `2`; default `2`. - - -* `pressure_precision`: Controls the precision of `pressure` values, e.g. `0` or `1`; default `1`. -* `pressure_calibration`: Allows to manually calibrate pressure values, -e.g. `1` would add 1 to the pressure reported by the device; default `0`. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/WTR-UK-V2.md b/devices/docs/devices/WTR-UK-V2.md deleted file mode 100644 index 83162aa5..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/WTR-UK-V2.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "SmartThings WTR-UK-V2 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your SmartThings WTR-UK-V2 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/WTR-UK-V2.md)* - -# SmartThings WTR-UK-V2 - -| Model | WTR-UK-V2 | -| Vendor | SmartThings | -| Description | Water leak sensor (2015 model) | -| Supports | water and temperature | -| Picture | ![SmartThings WTR-UK-V2](./assets/devices/WTR-UK-V2.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `temperature_precision`: Controls the precision of `temperature` values, -e.g. `0`, `1` or `2`; default `2`. -* `temperature_calibration`: Allows to manually calibrate temperature values, -e.g. `1` would add 1 degree to the temperature reported by the device; default `0`. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/WV704R0A0902.md b/devices/docs/devices/WV704R0A0902.md deleted file mode 100644 index de705665..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/WV704R0A0902.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,118 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Schneider Electric WV704R0A0902 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Schneider Electric WV704R0A0902 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/WV704R0A0902.md)* - -# Schneider Electric WV704R0A0902 - -| Model | WV704R0A0902 | -| Vendor | Schneider Electric | -| Description | Wiser radiator thermostat | -| Supports | temperature, battery, keypad lock, heating demand | -| Picture | ![Schneider Electric WV704R0A0902](./assets/devices/WV704R0A0902.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device pairing/installation -To put the TRV in installation mode twist and hold the cap in the **+** direction -until the central LED flashes green. The device is ready for joining when: - -- left/right LEDs flash red/blue -- central LED shows a solid orange - -If central light shows a solid green, your TRV has been paired and is connected to the zigbee network. - -If blinking with yellow, then your TRV is not paired or can't connect to the zigbee network. If Zigbee2MQTT is running and accepting new devices the valve should join the network. Sometimes you may need to twist and hold the cap in the **+** direction for 3 seconds before it will try to join. - -**Note:** Zigbee2MQTT might not be able to correctly configure the TRV until you have [calibrated](#calibrate) it. - -If the valve is not recognized, you can turn the boost button to positive and hold it; the red light starts to blink slowly. Release the button once the red light stops blinking. - -### Calibrate -After installing the TRV twist the cap in the **-** direction and hold for -2 seconds until the blue LED lights up. - -### Device hard reset -If the device fails to pair/join the network (`red:yellow:blue` on paring mode) or you changed the network id/channel, connect to another network, bought the TRV second hand, you can perform a factory reset to start fresh. - -1. Make sure that the TRV is NOT in pairing mode. -2. Twist the cap in the **-** direction and hold till blue light turns off and then center light blinks red (about 15 seconds). -3. Release the button, you should see a `red:gree:blue` short flash; the valve will go into installation mode. - -### Controlling - -Valve sometimes fails to respond/acknowledge a setting, just send the command again. - -- Get local temperature in degrees Celsius. - ```json - { - "local_temperature": "" - } - ``` - -- Get or set occupied heating setpoint to *<temperature>* in degrees Celsius. Possible values: 7 to 30 by default; leave empty to read. - ```json - { - "occupied_heating_setpoint": "" - } - ``` - -- Get or set the keypad lock, i.e. enable/disable twist-top boost. Possible values: "unlock", "lock1". **WARNING** Setting the keypad to lock (i.e. "lock1") disables the twist-top boost button which impedes setting the valve to installation mode or hard-reseting it. - ```json - { - "keypad_lockout": "" - } - ``` - -- Get the battery level, in percentage. Possible values 0 to 100 (%). The level corresponds voltages in the range 2.2 V (0%) to 3.0 V (100%). The levels where chosen so a 0% indicates that batteries must be replaced, but the valve will still work. - ```json - { - "battery": "" - } - ``` - -- Get the battery voltage. Possible values 0.0 to 3.0 (V). This is a direct measure of the battery voltage. - ```json - { - "voltage": "" - } - ``` - -- Get the (latest) twist-top boost state. Possible values: - - | Attribute Value | Description | - | -----------------|----------------------------------------------- | - | 1 | Boost up | - | 0 | No boost | - | -1 | Boost down | - - Note that the valve will not automatically toggle the value to 0 after some time, i.e. configuration/automation logic is needed to use the value. E.g. in Home Assistant the `expire_after` setting can be used to handle this. - -- Get the valve position / heating demand. Will report the valve position or heating amount depending. Possible values 0 to 100 (%). - ```json - { - "pi_heating_demand": "" - } - ``` -- Get the valve motor state. Possible values: "Stall", others. String description of the motor state. Seems to change when the motor is moving. - ```json - { - "MOT": "" - } - ``` -- Get the Zigbee link quality. Possible values 0 to 100 (%). - ```json - { - "linkquality": "" - } - ``` - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/WXCJKG11LM.md b/devices/docs/devices/WXCJKG11LM.md deleted file mode 100644 index 4100ae99..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/WXCJKG11LM.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Xiaomi WXCJKG11LM control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Xiaomi WXCJKG11LM via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/WXCJKG11LM.md)* - -# Xiaomi WXCJKG11LM - -| Model | WXCJKG11LM | -| Vendor | Xiaomi | -| Description | Aqara Opple switch 1 band | -| Supports | action | -| Picture | ![Xiaomi WXCJKG11LM](./assets/devices/WXCJKG11LM.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Binding -By default the switch is bound to the coordinator but this device can also be used to directly control other lights and switches in the network. - -First you probably want to unbind it from the coordinator first, then you can bind it to any other device or group. (see https://www.zigbee2mqtt.io/information/binding.html ) - -As the device is sleeping by default, you need to wake it up after sending the bind/unbind command by pressing the reset button once. - -When bound to a lamp, the behavior is as follows: -- left click: turn off -- right click: turn on -- left double click: light dim down (by steps of 33%) -- right double click: light dim up (by steps of 33%) -- long left click: warm white -- long right click: cold white - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/WXCJKG12LM.md b/devices/docs/devices/WXCJKG12LM.md deleted file mode 100644 index 46e467ec..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/WXCJKG12LM.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Xiaomi WXCJKG12LM control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Xiaomi WXCJKG12LM via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/WXCJKG12LM.md)* - -# Xiaomi WXCJKG12LM - -| Model | WXCJKG12LM | -| Vendor | Xiaomi | -| Description | Aqara Opple switch 2 bands | -| Supports | action | -| Picture | ![Xiaomi WXCJKG12LM](./assets/devices/WXCJKG12LM.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/WXCJKG13LM.md b/devices/docs/devices/WXCJKG13LM.md deleted file mode 100644 index 6d2ded1d..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/WXCJKG13LM.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Xiaomi WXCJKG13LM control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Xiaomi WXCJKG13LM via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/WXCJKG13LM.md)* - -# Xiaomi WXCJKG13LM - -| Model | WXCJKG13LM | -| Vendor | Xiaomi | -| Description | Aqara Opple switch 3 bands | -| Supports | action | -| Picture | ![Xiaomi WXCJKG13LM](./assets/devices/WXCJKG13LM.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/WXKG01LM.md b/devices/docs/devices/WXKG01LM.md deleted file mode 100644 index 132cdb06..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/WXKG01LM.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Xiaomi WXKG01LM control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Xiaomi WXKG01LM via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/WXKG01LM.md)* - -# Xiaomi WXKG01LM - -| Model | WXKG01LM | -| Vendor | Xiaomi | -| Description | MiJia wireless switch | -| Supports | single, double, triple, quadruple, many, long, long_release click | -| Picture | ![Xiaomi WXKG01LM](./assets/devices/WXKG01LM.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Press and hold the reset button on the device for +- 5 seconds (until the blue light starts blinking). -After this the device will automatically join. - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - -* `long_timeout`: The WXKG01LM only reports a button press and release. -By default, Zigbee2mqtt publishes a long click when there is at -least 1000 ms between both events. It could be that due to -delays in the network the release message is received late. This causes a single -click to be identified as a long click. If you are experiencing this you can try -experimenting with this option (e.g. `long_timeout: 2000`). - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/WXKG02LM.md b/devices/docs/devices/WXKG02LM.md deleted file mode 100644 index aa23fb04..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/WXKG02LM.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Xiaomi WXKG02LM control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Xiaomi WXKG02LM via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/WXKG02LM.md)* - -# Xiaomi WXKG02LM - -| Model | WXKG02LM | -| Vendor | Xiaomi | -| Description | Aqara double key wireless wall switch | -| Supports | left, right, both click (and double, long click for left, right and both depending on model) | -| Picture | ![Xiaomi WXKG02LM](./assets/devices/WXKG02LM.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Press and hold the button on the device for +- 10 seconds -(until the blue light starts blinking and stops blinking), release and wait. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/WXKG03LM.md b/devices/docs/devices/WXKG03LM.md deleted file mode 100644 index cdcb7a56..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/WXKG03LM.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Xiaomi WXKG03LM control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Xiaomi WXKG03LM via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/WXKG03LM.md)* - -# Xiaomi WXKG03LM - -| Model | WXKG03LM | -| Vendor | Xiaomi | -| Description | Aqara single key wireless wall switch | -| Supports | single (and double, hold, release and long click depending on model) | -| Picture | ![Xiaomi WXKG03LM](./assets/devices/WXKG03LM.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Press and hold the button on the device for +- 10 seconds -(until the blue light starts blinking and stops blinking), release and wait. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/WXKG11LM.md b/devices/docs/devices/WXKG11LM.md deleted file mode 100644 index 4c192b95..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/WXKG11LM.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Xiaomi WXKG11LM control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Xiaomi WXKG11LM via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/WXKG11LM.md)* - -# Xiaomi WXKG11LM - -| Model | WXKG11LM | -| Vendor | Xiaomi | -| Description | Aqara wireless switch | -| Supports | single, double click (and triple, quadruple, hold, release depending on model) | -| Picture | ![Xiaomi WXKG11LM](./assets/devices/WXKG11LM.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Press and hold the reset button on the device for +- 5 seconds (until the blue light starts blinking). -After this the device will automatically join. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/WXKG12LM.md b/devices/docs/devices/WXKG12LM.md deleted file mode 100644 index b85862b2..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/WXKG12LM.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Xiaomi WXKG12LM control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Xiaomi WXKG12LM via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/WXKG12LM.md)* - -# Xiaomi WXKG12LM - -| Model | WXKG12LM | -| Vendor | Xiaomi | -| Description | Aqara wireless switch (with gyroscope) | -| Supports | single, double, shake, hold, release | -| Picture | ![Xiaomi WXKG12LM](./assets/devices/WXKG12LM.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Press and hold the reset button on the device for +- 5 seconds (until the blue light starts blinking). -After this the device will automatically join. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/XHS2-SE.md b/devices/docs/devices/XHS2-SE.md deleted file mode 100644 index 7364023a..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/XHS2-SE.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Sercomm XHS2-SE control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Sercomm XHS2-SE via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/XHS2-SE.md)* - -# Sercomm XHS2-SE - -| Model | XHS2-SE | -| Vendor | Sercomm | -| Description | Magnetic door & window contact sensor | -| Supports | contact, temperature | -| Picture | ![Sercomm XHS2-SE](./assets/devices/XHS2-SE.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `temperature_precision`: Controls the precision of `temperature` values, -e.g. `0`, `1` or `2`; default `2`. -* `temperature_calibration`: Allows to manually calibrate temperature values, -e.g. `1` would add 1 degree to the temperature reported by the device; default `0`. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/XVV-Mega23M12.md b/devices/docs/devices/XVV-Mega23M12.md deleted file mode 100644 index e7a07963..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/XVV-Mega23M12.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Dresden Elektronik XVV-Mega23M12 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Dresden Elektronik XVV-Mega23M12 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/XVV-Mega23M12.md)* - -# Dresden Elektronik XVV-Mega23M12 - -| Model | XVV-Mega23M12 | -| Vendor | Dresden Elektronik | -| Description | ZigBee Light Link wireless electronic ballast color temperature | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature | -| Picture | ![Dresden Elektronik XVV-Mega23M12](./assets/devices/XVV-Mega23M12.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/XY12S-15.md b/devices/docs/devices/XY12S-15.md deleted file mode 100644 index c634f5b1..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/XY12S-15.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Nue / 3A XY12S-15 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Nue / 3A XY12S-15 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/XY12S-15.md)* - -# Nue / 3A XY12S-15 - -| Model | XY12S-15 | -| Vendor | Nue / 3A | -| Description | Smart light controller RGBW | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy | -| Picture | ![Nue / 3A XY12S-15](./assets/devices/XY12S-15.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/YMF40.md b/devices/docs/devices/YMF40.md deleted file mode 100644 index e2f30c95..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/YMF40.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Yale YMF40 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Yale YMF40 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/YMF40.md)* - -# Yale YMF40 - -| Model | YMF40 | -| Vendor | Yale | -| Description | Real living lock | -| Supports | lock/unlock, battery | -| Picture | ![Yale YMF40](./assets/devices/YMF40.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/YRD210-HA-605.md b/devices/docs/devices/YRD210-HA-605.md deleted file mode 100644 index 6f1d1e07..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/YRD210-HA-605.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Yale YRD210-HA-605 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Yale YRD210-HA-605 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/YRD210-HA-605.md)* - -# Yale YRD210-HA-605 - -| Model | YRD210-HA-605 | -| Vendor | Yale | -| Description | Real living keyless push button deadbolt lock | -| Supports | lock/unlock, battery | -| Picture | ![Yale YRD210-HA-605](./assets/devices/YRD210-HA-605.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/YRD220_240_TSDB.md b/devices/docs/devices/YRD220_240_TSDB.md deleted file mode 100644 index cb9c5958..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/YRD220_240_TSDB.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Yale YRD220/240 TSDB control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Yale YRD220/240 TSDB via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/YRD220_240_TSDB.md)* - -# Yale YRD220/240 TSDB - -| Model | YRD220/240 TSDB | -| Vendor | Yale | -| Description | Lockwood keyless push button deadbolt lock | -| Supports | lock/unlock, battery | -| Picture | ![Yale YRD220/240 TSDB](./assets/devices/YRD220-240-TSDB.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/YRD226HA2619.md b/devices/docs/devices/YRD226HA2619.md deleted file mode 100644 index ed1f2b11..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/YRD226HA2619.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Yale YRD226HA2619 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Yale YRD226HA2619 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/YRD226HA2619.md)* - -# Yale YRD226HA2619 - -| Model | YRD226HA2619 | -| Vendor | Yale | -| Description | Assure lock | -| Supports | lock/unlock, battery | -| Picture | ![Yale YRD226HA2619](./assets/devices/YRD226HA2619.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/YRD226_246_TSDB.md b/devices/docs/devices/YRD226_246_TSDB.md deleted file mode 100644 index 9a1194e8..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/YRD226_246_TSDB.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Yale YRD226/246 TSDB control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Yale YRD226/246 TSDB via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/YRD226_246_TSDB.md)* - -# Yale YRD226/246 TSDB - -| Model | YRD226/246 TSDB | -| Vendor | Yale | -| Description | Assure lock | -| Supports | lock/unlock, battery | -| Picture | ![Yale YRD226/246 TSDB](./assets/devices/YRD226-246-TSDB.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/YRD256HA20BP.md b/devices/docs/devices/YRD256HA20BP.md deleted file mode 100644 index f7b098fa..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/YRD256HA20BP.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Yale YRD256HA20BP control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Yale YRD256HA20BP via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/YRD256HA20BP.md)* - -# Yale YRD256HA20BP - -| Model | YRD256HA20BP | -| Vendor | Yale | -| Description | Assure lock SL | -| Supports | lock/unlock, battery | -| Picture | ![Yale YRD256HA20BP](./assets/devices/YRD256HA20BP.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/YRD426NRSC.md b/devices/docs/devices/YRD426NRSC.md deleted file mode 100644 index 8812b95c..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/YRD426NRSC.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Yale YRD426NRSC control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Yale YRD426NRSC via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/YRD426NRSC.md)* - -# Yale YRD426NRSC - -| Model | YRD426NRSC | -| Vendor | Yale | -| Description | Assure lock | -| Supports | lock/unlock, battery | -| Picture | ![Yale YRD426NRSC](./assets/devices/YRD426NRSC.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/Z01-A19NAE26.md b/devices/docs/devices/Z01-A19NAE26.md deleted file mode 100644 index 1bbdb195..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/Z01-A19NAE26.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Sengled Z01-A19NAE26 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Sengled Z01-A19NAE26 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/Z01-A19NAE26.md)* - -# Sengled Z01-A19NAE26 - -| Model | Z01-A19NAE26 | -| Vendor | Sengled | -| Description | Element Plus (A19) | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature | -| Picture | ![Sengled Z01-A19NAE26](./assets/devices/Z01-A19NAE26.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/Z01-A60EAE27.md b/devices/docs/devices/Z01-A60EAE27.md deleted file mode 100644 index 0de3a2f8..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/Z01-A60EAE27.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Sengled Z01-A60EAE27 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Sengled Z01-A60EAE27 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/Z01-A60EAE27.md)* - -# Sengled Z01-A60EAE27 - -| Model | Z01-A60EAE27 | -| Vendor | Sengled | -| Description | Element Plus (A60) | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature | -| Picture | ![Sengled Z01-A60EAE27](./assets/devices/Z01-A60EAE27.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/Z01-CIA19NAE26.md b/devices/docs/devices/Z01-CIA19NAE26.md deleted file mode 100644 index bb72b341..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/Z01-CIA19NAE26.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Sengled Z01-CIA19NAE26 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Sengled Z01-CIA19NAE26 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/Z01-CIA19NAE26.md)* - -# Sengled Z01-CIA19NAE26 - -| Model | Z01-CIA19NAE26 | -| Vendor | Sengled | -| Description | Element Touch (A19) | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![Sengled Z01-CIA19NAE26](./assets/devices/Z01-CIA19NAE26.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/Z3-1BRL.md b/devices/docs/devices/Z3-1BRL.md deleted file mode 100644 index 4830405f..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/Z3-1BRL.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Lutron Z3-1BRL control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Lutron Z3-1BRL via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/Z3-1BRL.md)* - -# Lutron Z3-1BRL - -| Model | Z3-1BRL | -| Vendor | Lutron | -| Description | Aurora smart bulb dimmer | -| Supports | brightness | -| Picture | ![Lutron Z3-1BRL](./assets/devices/Z3-1BRL.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/Z809A.md b/devices/docs/devices/Z809A.md deleted file mode 100644 index 8ac7a16a..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/Z809A.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Netvox Z809A control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Netvox Z809A via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/Z809A.md)* - -# Netvox Z809A - -| Model | Z809A | -| Vendor | Netvox | -| Description | Power socket with power consumption monitoring | -| Supports | on/off, power measurement | -| Picture | ![Netvox Z809A](./assets/devices/Z809A.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory reset by: -- Press and hold the Binding Key for 15 seconds. The network indicator will flash green 3 times -(at the 3rd, the 10th, and the 15th second). -- After releasing the Binding Key, press the Switch Key within 2 seconds. The network indicator -will rapidly flash green. -- After fast flashes, Z809A will reboot, and the restore is completed. The socket will automatically connect now. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/Z809AF.md b/devices/docs/devices/Z809AF.md deleted file mode 100644 index a6fccbfc..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/Z809AF.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Ninja Blocks Z809AF control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Ninja Blocks Z809AF via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/Z809AF.md)* - -# Ninja Blocks Z809AF - -| Model | Z809AF | -| Vendor | Ninja Blocks | -| Description | Zigbee smart plug with power meter | -| Supports | on/off, power measurement | -| Picture | ![Ninja Blocks Z809AF](./assets/devices/Z809AF.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/ZA806SQ1TCF.md b/devices/docs/devices/ZA806SQ1TCF.md deleted file mode 100644 index 8c977062..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/ZA806SQ1TCF.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Leedarson ZA806SQ1TCF control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Leedarson ZA806SQ1TCF via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/ZA806SQ1TCF.md)* - -# Leedarson ZA806SQ1TCF - -| Model | ZA806SQ1TCF | -| Vendor | Leedarson | -| Description | LED E27 tunable white | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature | -| Picture | ![Leedarson ZA806SQ1TCF](./assets/devices/ZA806SQ1TCF.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/ZCTS-808.md b/devices/docs/devices/ZCTS-808.md deleted file mode 100644 index 6d0c2d2f..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/ZCTS-808.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Trust ZCTS-808 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Trust ZCTS-808 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/ZCTS-808.md)* - -# Trust ZCTS-808 - -| Model | ZCTS-808 | -| Vendor | Trust | -| Description | Wireless contact sensor | -| Supports | contact | -| Picture | ![Trust ZCTS-808](./assets/devices/ZCTS-808.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -When pairing the sensor with Zigbee2MQTT, -keep opening and closing the sensor (pull/insert the sensor parts next to eachother) for 10 seconds, -otherwise device will fall asleep before it gets fully configured and will not send state changes. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/ZG2835RAC.md b/devices/docs/devices/ZG2835RAC.md deleted file mode 100644 index ce153a12..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/ZG2835RAC.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Sunricher ZG2835RAC control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Sunricher ZG2835RAC via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/ZG2835RAC.md)* - -# Sunricher ZG2835RAC - -| Model | ZG2835RAC | -| Vendor | Sunricher | -| Description | ZigBee knob smart dimmer | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![Sunricher ZG2835RAC](./assets/devices/ZG2835RAC.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/ZG9101SAC-HP-Switch.md b/devices/docs/devices/ZG9101SAC-HP-Switch.md deleted file mode 100644 index ce1a2ffc..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/ZG9101SAC-HP-Switch.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Sunricher ZG9101SAC-HP-Switch control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Sunricher ZG9101SAC-HP-Switch via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/ZG9101SAC-HP-Switch.md)* - -# Sunricher ZG9101SAC-HP-Switch - -| Model | ZG9101SAC-HP-Switch | -| Vendor | Sunricher | -| Description | Zigbee AC in wall switch | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![Sunricher ZG9101SAC-HP-Switch](./assets/devices/ZG9101SAC-HP-Switch.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/ZG9101SAC-HP.md b/devices/docs/devices/ZG9101SAC-HP.md deleted file mode 100644 index 9c4c2fd0..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/ZG9101SAC-HP.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Sunricher ZG9101SAC-HP control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Sunricher ZG9101SAC-HP via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/ZG9101SAC-HP.md)* - -# Sunricher ZG9101SAC-HP - -| Model | ZG9101SAC-HP | -| Vendor | Sunricher | -| Description | ZigBee AC phase-cut dimmer | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![Sunricher ZG9101SAC-HP](./assets/devices/ZG9101SAC-HP.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/ZGRC-KEY-013.md b/devices/docs/devices/ZGRC-KEY-013.md deleted file mode 100644 index 22e904e6..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/ZGRC-KEY-013.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "RGB Genie ZGRC-KEY-013 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your RGB Genie ZGRC-KEY-013 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/ZGRC-KEY-013.md)* - -# RGB Genie ZGRC-KEY-013 - -| Model | ZGRC-KEY-013 | -| Vendor | RGB Genie | -| Description | 3 Zone remote and dimmer | -| Supports | click | -| Picture | ![RGB Genie ZGRC-KEY-013](./assets/devices/ZGRC-KEY-013.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/ZK-EU-2U.md b/devices/docs/devices/ZK-EU-2U.md deleted file mode 100644 index b6e719ce..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/ZK-EU-2U.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "MOES ZK-EU-2U control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your MOES ZK-EU-2U via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/ZK-EU-2U.md)* - -# MOES ZK-EU-2U - -| Model | ZK-EU-2U | -| Vendor | MOES | -| Description | ZigBee3.0 dual USB wireless socket plug | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![MOES ZK-EU-2U](./assets/devices/ZK-EU-2U.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/ZL1000100-CCT-US-V1A02.md b/devices/docs/devices/ZL1000100-CCT-US-V1A02.md deleted file mode 100644 index 3083d174..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/ZL1000100-CCT-US-V1A02.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Linkind ZL1000100-CCT-US-V1A02 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Linkind ZL1000100-CCT-US-V1A02 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/ZL1000100-CCT-US-V1A02.md)* - -# Linkind ZL1000100-CCT-US-V1A02 - -| Model | ZL1000100-CCT-US-V1A02 | -| Vendor | Linkind | -| Description | Zigbee LED 9W A19 bulb, dimmable & tunable | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![Linkind ZL1000100-CCT-US-V1A02](./assets/devices/ZL1000100-CCT-US-V1A02.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/ZL1000400-CCT-EU-2-V1A02.md b/devices/docs/devices/ZL1000400-CCT-EU-2-V1A02.md deleted file mode 100644 index fe313f53..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/ZL1000400-CCT-EU-2-V1A02.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Linkind ZL1000400-CCT-EU-2-V1A02 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Linkind ZL1000400-CCT-EU-2-V1A02 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/ZL1000400-CCT-EU-2-V1A02.md)* - -# Linkind ZL1000400-CCT-EU-2-V1A02 - -| Model | ZL1000400-CCT-EU-2-V1A02 | -| Vendor | Linkind | -| Description | Zigbee LED 5.4W C35 bulb E14, dimmable & tunable | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature | -| Picture | ![Linkind ZL1000400-CCT-EU-2-V1A02](./assets/devices/ZL1000400-CCT-EU-2-V1A02.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/ZLED-2709.md b/devices/docs/devices/ZLED-2709.md deleted file mode 100644 index 67625bd6..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/ZLED-2709.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Trust ZLED-2709 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Trust ZLED-2709 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/ZLED-2709.md)* - -# Trust ZLED-2709 - -| Model | ZLED-2709 | -| Vendor | Trust | -| Description | Smart Dimmable LED Bulb | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![Trust ZLED-2709](./assets/devices/ZLED-2709.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -After a factory reset the bulb will automatically connect. - -Power on and off the bulb 5 times (screw/uscrew the bulb if you don't have a physical switch) -to perform a factory reset. -As a reset confirmation the bulb will blink 4 times. - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/ZLED-TUNE9.md b/devices/docs/devices/ZLED-TUNE9.md deleted file mode 100644 index 24e1bc8d..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/ZLED-TUNE9.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Trust ZLED-TUNE9 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Trust ZLED-TUNE9 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/ZLED-TUNE9.md)* - -# Trust ZLED-TUNE9 - -| Model | ZLED-TUNE9 | -| Vendor | Trust | -| Description | Smart tunable LED bulb | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature | -| Picture | ![Trust ZLED-TUNE9](./assets/devices/ZLED-TUNE9.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/ZM-CSW032-D.md b/devices/docs/devices/ZM-CSW032-D.md deleted file mode 100644 index 2052dda3..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/ZM-CSW032-D.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Zemismart ZM-CSW032-D control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Zemismart ZM-CSW032-D via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/ZM-CSW032-D.md)* - -# Zemismart ZM-CSW032-D - -| Model | ZM-CSW032-D | -| Vendor | Zemismart | -| Description | Curtain/roller blind switch | -| Supports | open, close, stop | -| Picture | ![Zemismart ZM-CSW032-D](./assets/devices/ZM-CSW032-D.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/ZM-L03E-Z.md b/devices/docs/devices/ZM-L03E-Z.md deleted file mode 100644 index 23c18e70..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/ZM-L03E-Z.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Zemismart ZM-L03E-Z control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Zemismart ZM-L03E-Z via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/ZM-L03E-Z.md)* - -# Zemismart ZM-L03E-Z - -| Model | ZM-L03E-Z | -| Vendor | Zemismart | -| Description | Smart light switch - 3 gang with neutral wire | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![Zemismart ZM-L03E-Z](./assets/devices/ZM-L03E-Z.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/ZM350STW1TCF.md b/devices/docs/devices/ZM350STW1TCF.md deleted file mode 100644 index a55f5620..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/ZM350STW1TCF.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Leedarson ZM350STW1TCF control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Leedarson ZM350STW1TCF via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/ZM350STW1TCF.md)* - -# Leedarson ZM350STW1TCF - -| Model | ZM350STW1TCF | -| Vendor | Leedarson | -| Description | LED PAR16 50 GU10 tunable white | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature | -| Picture | ![Leedarson ZM350STW1TCF](./assets/devices/ZM350STW1TCF.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/ZNCLDJ11LM.md b/devices/docs/devices/ZNCLDJ11LM.md deleted file mode 100644 index aea4c65e..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/ZNCLDJ11LM.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Xiaomi ZNCLDJ11LM control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Xiaomi ZNCLDJ11LM via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/ZNCLDJ11LM.md)* - -# Xiaomi ZNCLDJ11LM - -| Model | ZNCLDJ11LM | -| Vendor | Xiaomi | -| Description | Aqara curtain motor | -| Supports | open, close, stop, position | -| Picture | ![Xiaomi ZNCLDJ11LM](./assets/devices/ZNCLDJ11LM.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Configuration of device attributes -By publishing to `zigbee2mqtt/[FRIENDLY_NAME]/set` various device attributes can be configured: -```json -{ - "options":{ - "reverse_direction": xxx, - "hand_open": xxx, - "reset_move": xxx - } -} -``` - -- **reverse_direction**: (`true`/`false`, default: `false`). Device can be configured to act in an opposite direction. -- **hand_open**: (`true`/`false`, default: `true`). By default motor starts rotating when you pull the curtain by hand. You can disable this behaviour. -- **reset_move**: (`true`/`false`, default: `false`). Reset the motor. When a path was cleared from obstacles. - -You can send a subset of options, all options that won't be specified will be revered to default. - -After changing `reverse_direction` you will need to fully open and fully close the curtain so the motor will redetect edges. `reverse_direction` will get new state only after this recalibration. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/ZNCLDJ12LM.md b/devices/docs/devices/ZNCLDJ12LM.md deleted file mode 100644 index 0c23d631..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/ZNCLDJ12LM.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Xiaomi ZNCLDJ12LM control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Xiaomi ZNCLDJ12LM via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/ZNCLDJ12LM.md)* - -# Xiaomi ZNCLDJ12LM - -| Model | ZNCLDJ12LM | -| Vendor | Xiaomi | -| Description | Aqara B1 curtain motor | -| Supports | open, close, stop, position | -| Picture | ![Xiaomi ZNCLDJ12LM](./assets/devices/ZNCLDJ12LM.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/ZNCZ02LM.md b/devices/docs/devices/ZNCZ02LM.md deleted file mode 100644 index 3114b82b..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/ZNCZ02LM.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Xiaomi ZNCZ02LM control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Xiaomi ZNCZ02LM via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/ZNCZ02LM.md)* - -# Xiaomi ZNCZ02LM - -| Model | ZNCZ02LM | -| Vendor | Xiaomi | -| Description | Mi power plug ZigBee | -| Supports | on/off, power measurement | -| Picture | ![Xiaomi ZNCZ02LM](./assets/devices/ZNCZ02LM.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Press and hold the button on the device for +- 10 seconds -(until the blue light starts blinking and stops blinking), release and wait. - - -### Power outage memory -This option allows the device to restore the last on/off state when it's reconnected to power. -To set this option publish to `zigbee2mqtt/[FRIENDLY_NAME]/set` payload `{"power_outage_memory": true}` (or `false`). -Now toggle the plug once with the button on it, from now on it will restore its state when reconnecting to power. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/ZNCZ03LM.md b/devices/docs/devices/ZNCZ03LM.md deleted file mode 100644 index 4b85b042..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/ZNCZ03LM.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Xiaomi ZNCZ03LM control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Xiaomi ZNCZ03LM via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/ZNCZ03LM.md)* - -# Xiaomi ZNCZ03LM - -| Model | ZNCZ03LM | -| Vendor | Xiaomi | -| Description | Mi power plug ZigBee TW | -| Supports | on/off, power measurement | -| Picture | ![Xiaomi ZNCZ03LM](./assets/devices/ZNCZ03LM.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/ZNCZ04LM.md b/devices/docs/devices/ZNCZ04LM.md deleted file mode 100644 index f3969be0..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/ZNCZ04LM.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Xiaomi ZNCZ04LM control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Xiaomi ZNCZ04LM via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/ZNCZ04LM.md)* - -# Xiaomi ZNCZ04LM - -| Model | ZNCZ04LM | -| Vendor | Xiaomi | -| Description | Mi power plug ZigBee EU | -| Supports | on/off, power measurement | -| Picture | ![Xiaomi ZNCZ04LM](./assets/devices/ZNCZ04LM.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/ZNCZ12LM.md b/devices/docs/devices/ZNCZ12LM.md deleted file mode 100644 index ad251ed5..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/ZNCZ12LM.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Xiaomi ZNCZ12LM control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Xiaomi ZNCZ12LM via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/ZNCZ12LM.md)* - -# Xiaomi ZNCZ12LM - -| Model | ZNCZ12LM | -| Vendor | Xiaomi | -| Description | Mi power plug ZigBee US | -| Supports | on/off, power measurement | -| Picture | ![Xiaomi ZNCZ12LM](./assets/devices/ZNCZ12LM.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/ZNLDP12LM.md b/devices/docs/devices/ZNLDP12LM.md deleted file mode 100644 index 5bed77c4..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/ZNLDP12LM.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Xiaomi ZNLDP12LM control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Xiaomi ZNLDP12LM via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/ZNLDP12LM.md)* - -# Xiaomi ZNLDP12LM - -| Model | ZNLDP12LM | -| Vendor | Xiaomi | -| Description | Aqara smart LED bulb | -| Supports | on/off, brightness, color temperature | -| Picture | ![Xiaomi ZNLDP12LM](./assets/devices/ZNLDP12LM.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Switch the lamp on five times until the bulb blinks several times. - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/ZNMS11LM.md b/devices/docs/devices/ZNMS11LM.md deleted file mode 100644 index 97cb9b26..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/ZNMS11LM.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Xiaomi ZNMS11LM control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Xiaomi ZNMS11LM via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/ZNMS11LM.md)* - -# Xiaomi ZNMS11LM - -| Model | ZNMS11LM | -| Vendor | Xiaomi | -| Description | Xiaomi Aqara smart lock | -| Supports | open, close, operation (reporting only) | -| Picture | ![Xiaomi ZNMS11LM](./assets/devices/ZNMS11LM.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/ZNMS12LM.md b/devices/docs/devices/ZNMS12LM.md deleted file mode 100644 index 9117536e..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/ZNMS12LM.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Xiaomi ZNMS12LM control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Xiaomi ZNMS12LM via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/ZNMS12LM.md)* - -# Xiaomi ZNMS12LM - -| Model | ZNMS12LM | -| Vendor | Xiaomi | -| Description | Aqara S2 lock | -| Supports | open, close, operation (reporting only) | -| Picture | ![Xiaomi ZNMS12LM](./assets/devices/ZNMS12LM.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/ZNMS13LM.md b/devices/docs/devices/ZNMS13LM.md deleted file mode 100644 index 1797d863..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/ZNMS13LM.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Xiaomi ZNMS13LM control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Xiaomi ZNMS13LM via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/ZNMS13LM.md)* - -# Xiaomi ZNMS13LM - -| Model | ZNMS13LM | -| Vendor | Xiaomi | -| Description | Aqara S2 lock pro | -| Supports | open, close, operation (reporting only) | -| Picture | ![Xiaomi ZNMS13LM](./assets/devices/ZNMS13LM.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/ZPIR-8000.md b/devices/docs/devices/ZPIR-8000.md deleted file mode 100644 index 0dce1630..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/ZPIR-8000.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Trust ZPIR-8000 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Trust ZPIR-8000 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/ZPIR-8000.md)* - -# Trust ZPIR-8000 - -| Model | ZPIR-8000 | -| Vendor | Trust | -| Description | Motion Sensor | -| Supports | occupancy | -| Picture | ![Trust ZPIR-8000](./assets/devices/ZPIR-8000.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/ZWLD-100.md b/devices/docs/devices/ZWLD-100.md deleted file mode 100644 index 746a506f..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/ZWLD-100.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Trust ZWLD-100 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Trust ZWLD-100 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/ZWLD-100.md)* - -# Trust ZWLD-100 - -| Model | ZWLD-100 | -| Vendor | Trust | -| Description | Water leakage detector | -| Supports | water leak | -| Picture | ![Trust ZWLD-100](./assets/devices/ZWLD-100.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/ZWallRemote0.md b/devices/docs/devices/ZWallRemote0.md deleted file mode 100644 index d4fe67b9..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/ZWallRemote0.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Custom devices (DiY) ZWallRemote0 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Custom devices (DiY) ZWallRemote0 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/ZWallRemote0.md)* - -# Custom devices (DiY) ZWallRemote0 - -| Model | ZWallRemote0 | -| Vendor | Custom devices (DiY) | -| Description | Matts Wall Switch Remote (https://github.com/mattlokes/ZWallRemote) | -| Supports | on/off | -| Picture | ![Custom devices (DiY) ZWallRemote0](./assets/devices/ZWallRemote0.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/ZYCT-202.md b/devices/docs/devices/ZYCT-202.md deleted file mode 100644 index 249b7611..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/ZYCT-202.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Trust ZYCT-202 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Trust ZYCT-202 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/ZYCT-202.md)* - -# Trust ZYCT-202 - -| Model | ZYCT-202 | -| Vendor | Trust | -| Description | Remote control | -| Supports | on, off, stop, up-press, down-press | -| Picture | ![Trust ZYCT-202](./assets/devices/ZYCT-202.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Pairing -Factory reset the remote by holding the 0 (off) button for +-20 seconds. -To establish a connection keep the remote within 2 meters from the hub. -Press and hold the smart group button (button with two bulbs) and wait until the lights, below the channels, flash. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/Zen-01-W.md b/devices/docs/devices/Zen-01-W.md deleted file mode 100644 index 5da46875..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/Zen-01-W.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Zen Zen-01-W control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Zen Zen-01-W via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/Zen-01-W.md)* - -# Zen Zen-01-W - -| Model | Zen-01-W | -| Vendor | Zen | -| Description | Thermostat | -| Supports | temperature, heating/cooling system control | -| Picture | ![Zen Zen-01-W](./assets/devices/Zen-01-W.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `temperature_precision`: Controls the precision of `temperature` values, -e.g. `0`, `1` or `2`; default `2`. -* `temperature_calibration`: Allows to manually calibrate temperature values, -e.g. `1` would add 1 degree to the temperature reported by the device; default `0`. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/ZigUP.md b/devices/docs/devices/ZigUP.md deleted file mode 100644 index ceeefe13..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/ZigUP.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Custom devices (DiY) ZigUP control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Custom devices (DiY) ZigUP via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/ZigUP.md)* - -# Custom devices (DiY) ZigUP - -| Model | ZigUP | -| Vendor | Custom devices (DiY) | -| Description | [CC2530 based ZigBee relais, switch, sensor and router](https://github.com/formtapez/ZigUP/) | -| Supports | relais, RGB-stripe, sensors, S0-counter, ADC, digital I/O | -| Picture | ![Custom devices (DiY) ZigUP](./assets/devices/ZigUP.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/gq8b1uv.md b/devices/docs/devices/gq8b1uv.md deleted file mode 100644 index be3cc1f6..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/gq8b1uv.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "TUYATEC gq8b1uv control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your TUYATEC gq8b1uv via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/gq8b1uv.md)* - -# TUYATEC gq8b1uv - -| Model | gq8b1uv | -| Vendor | TUYATEC | -| Description | Zigbee smart dimmer | -| Supports | on/off, brightness | -| Picture | ![TUYATEC gq8b1uv](./assets/devices/gq8b1uv.jpg) | - -## Notes - - -### Device type specific configuration -*[How to use device type specific configuration](../information/configuration.md)* - - -* `transition`: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, -color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to `0` (no transition). -Note that this value is overridden if a `transition` value is present in the MQTT command payload. - - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/iL07_1.md b/devices/docs/devices/iL07_1.md deleted file mode 100644 index f4763110..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/iL07_1.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Iris iL07_1 control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Iris iL07_1 via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/iL07_1.md)* - -# Iris iL07_1 - -| Model | iL07_1 | -| Vendor | Iris | -| Description | Motion Sensor | -| Supports | motion, tamper and battery | -| Picture | ![Iris iL07_1](./assets/devices/iL07_1.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/devices/ptvo.switch.md b/devices/docs/devices/ptvo.switch.md deleted file mode 100644 index eb3a9072..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/devices/ptvo.switch.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Custom devices (DiY) ptvo.switch control via MQTT" -description: "Integrate your Custom devices (DiY) ptvo.switch via Zigbee2mqtt with whatever smart home - infrastructure you are using without the vendors bridge or gateway." ---- - -*To contribute to this page, edit the following -[file](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io/blob/master/docs/devices/ptvo.switch.md)* - -# Custom devices (DiY) ptvo.switch - -| Model | ptvo.switch | -| Vendor | Custom devices (DiY) | -| Description | [Multi-channel relay switch](https://ptvo.info/zigbee-switch-configurable-firmware-router-199/) | -| Supports | hold, single, double and triple click, on/off | -| Picture | ![Custom devices (DiY) ptvo.switch](./assets/devices/ptvo.switch.jpg) | - -## Notes - -None - -## Manual Home Assistant configuration -Although Home Assistant integration through [MQTT discovery](../integration/home_assistant) is preferred, -manual integration is possible with the following configuration: diff --git a/devices/docs/favicon.ico b/devices/docs/favicon.ico deleted file mode 100755 index 9a57e1a3..00000000 Binary files a/devices/docs/favicon.ico and /dev/null differ diff --git a/devices/docs/getting_started/flashing_the_cc2531.md b/devices/docs/getting_started/flashing_the_cc2531.md deleted file mode 100755 index 88362d51..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/getting_started/flashing_the_cc2531.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,57 +0,0 @@ ---- ---- -# Flashing the firmware on the CC2531 USB stick -The CC2531 USB stick needs to be flashed with a custom firmware. This firmware can be flashed with multiple devices. The easiest but most expensive option is with the *CC Debugger* from Texas Instruments, which is described on this page. However, you can also use a *Raspberry Pi* or a MCU like the *Arduino Uno* or the cheap *ESP8266* with four dupont cables and optionally a downloader cable. Information about these methods can be found here: [Alternative firmware flashing methods](../information/alternative_flashing_methods.md). - - -*NOTE: Reflashing does not require repairing of all devices, see [What does and does not require repairing of all devices?](../information/what_does_and_doesnt_require_repairing.md)* - -## Windows -1. Install [SmartRF Flash programmer](http://www.ti.com/tool/flash-programmer) (**NOT V2**). This software is free but requires a Texas Instruments account in order to download. -2. Install the [CC debugger driver](http://www.ti.com/general/docs/lit/getliterature.tsp?baseLiteratureNumber=swrc212&fileType=zip) on your PC (Windows only). Before continuing, verify that the CC Debugger driver has been installed correctly. See [Figure 1. Verify Correct Driver Installation @ Chapter 5.1](http://www.ti.com/lit/ug/swru197h/swru197h.pdf). In case the CC Debugger is not recognized correctly [install the driver manually](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyKrxxXOvQY). -2. Connect `CC debugger --> Downloader cable CC2531 --> CC2531 USB sniffer`. -3. Connect **BOTH** the `CC2531 USB sniffer` and the `CC debugger` to your PC using USB. -3. If the light on the CC debugger is RED press set reset button on the CC debugger. The light on the CC debugger should now turn GREEN. If not use [CC debugger user guide](http://www.ti.com/lit/ug/swru197h/swru197h.pdf) to troubleshoot your problem. -![How to connect](../images/connected.jpg) -4. Download the firmware [CC2531_DEFAULT_20190608.zip](https://github.com/Koenkk/Z-Stack-firmware/raw/master/coordinator/Z-Stack_Home_1.2/bin/default/CC2531_DEFAULT_20190608.zip) -5. Start SmartRF Flash Programmer, setup as shown below and press `Perform actions`. Make sure to select the `.hex` file, not the `.bin` file! -![SmartRF Flash Programmer](../images/smartrf.png) - -## Linux or MacOS -Credits to [@Frans-Willem](https://github.com/frans-Willem) for majority of instructions. - -1. Install prerequisites for [CC-Tool](https://github.com/dashesy/cc-tool) using a package manager (e.g. [Homebrew](https://brew.sh/) for macOS) -* Ubuntu: dh-autoreconf, libusb-1.0, libboost-all-dev -* Fedora: dh-autoreconf, boost-devel, libusb1-devel, gcc-c++ -* Archlinux: dh-autoreconf, libusb, boost -* macOS: brew install autoconf automake libusb boost pkgconfig libtool -* Raspbian: dh-autoreconf, libusb-1.0-0-dev, libboost-all-dev - -2. Build cc-tool -```bash -git clone https://github.com/dashesy/cc-tool.git -cd cc-tool -./bootstrap -./configure -make -``` -3. Connect `CC debugger --> Downloader cable CC2531 --> CC2531 USB sniffer`. -4. Connect **BOTH** the `CC2531 USB sniffer` and the `CC debugger` to your PC using USB. -5. If the light on the CC debugger is RED, press the Reset button on the CC debugger. The light on the CC debugger should now turn GREEN. If not, follow the [CC debugger user guide](http://www.ti.com/lit/ug/swru197h/swru197h.pdf) to troubleshoot your problem. -![How to connect](../images/connected.jpg) -6. Download the firmware [CC2531_DEFAULT_20190608.zip](https://github.com/Koenkk/Z-Stack-firmware/raw/master/coordinator/Z-Stack_Home_1.2/bin/default/CC2531_DEFAULT_20190608.zip). -7. Flash your firmware: -``` -sudo ./cc-tool -e -w CC2531ZNP-Prod.hex -``` - -# How-to check the installed firmware version -Zigbee2mqtt will output the installed firmware version to the Zigbee2mqtt log on startup: -``` -zigbee2mqtt:info 2019-11-09T13:01:14: Coordinator firmware version: '{"type":"zStack30x","meta":{"transportrev":2,"product":2,"majorrel":2,"minorrel":7,"maintrel":2,"revision":20190425}}' -``` - -In the above example the version is `20190425`. - -# What's next? -[Running Zigbee2mqtt](running_zigbee2mqtt.md) diff --git a/devices/docs/getting_started/pairing_devices.md b/devices/docs/getting_started/pairing_devices.md deleted file mode 100755 index 98c2b15e..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/getting_started/pairing_devices.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ ---- ---- -# Allowing devices to join -Before you start, make sure that `permit_join: true` is set in your `configuration.yaml`. Otherwise new devices cannot join the network! - -It's equally important that `permit_join: false` is set in your `configuration.yaml` after initial setup is done to keep your Zigbee network safe and to avoid accidental joining of other Zigbee devices. - -# Pairing -First check if the device page ([Supported devices](../information/supported_devices.md), click on the model number) contains instructions on how to pair your device. - -If no instructions are available, the device can probably be paired by factory resetting it. - -Once you see something similar to below in the log your device is paired. -``` -zigbee2mqtt:info 2019-11-09T12:19:56: Successfully interviewed '0x00158d0001dc126a', device has successfully been paired -``` diff --git a/devices/docs/getting_started/running_zigbee2mqtt.md b/devices/docs/getting_started/running_zigbee2mqtt.md deleted file mode 100755 index 38f70f60..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/getting_started/running_zigbee2mqtt.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,212 +0,0 @@ ---- ---- -# Running Zigbee2mqtt -These instructions explain how to run Zigbee2mqtt on bare-metal Linux. - -You can also run Zigbee2mqtt in a [Docker container](../information/docker.md), as the [Hass.io Zigbee2mqtt add-on](https://github.com/danielwelch/hassio-zigbee2mqtt), in a [Python Virtual Enviroment](../information/virtual_environment.md) or even on [Windows](../information/windows.md). - -For the sake of simplicity this guide assumes running on a Raspberry Pi 3 with Raspbian Stretch Lite, but will work on any Linux machine. - -Before starting make sure you have an MQTT broker installed on your system. -There are many tutorials available on how to do this, [example](https://randomnerdtutorials.com/how-to-install-mosquitto-broker-on-raspberry-pi/). -Mosquitto is the recommended MQTT broker but others should also work fine. - -## 1. Determine location of CC2531 USB sniffer and checking user permissions -We first need to determine the location of the CC2531 USB sniffer. Connect the CC2531 USB to your Raspberry Pi. Most of the times the location of the CC2531 is `/dev/ttyACM0`. This can be verified by: - -```bash -pi@raspberry:~ $ ls -l /dev/ttyACM0 -crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 166, 0 May 16 19:15 /dev/ttyACM0 # <-- CC2531 on /dev/ttyACM0 -``` - -As an alternative, the device can also be mapped by an ID. This can be handy if you have multiple serial devices connected to your Raspberry Pi. In the example below the device location is: `/dev/serial/by-id/usb-Texas_Instruments_TI_CC2531_USB_CDC___0X00124B0018ED3DDF-if00` -```bash -pi@raspberry:/ $ ls -l /dev/serial/by-id -total 0 -lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 13 Oct 19 19:26 usb-Texas_Instruments_TI_CC2531_USB_CDC___0X00124B0018ED3DDF-if00 -> ../../ttyACM0 -``` - -## 2. Installing -```bash -# Setup Node.js repository -sudo curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_12.x | sudo -E bash - - -# NOTE: If you see the message below please follow: https://gist.github.com/Koenkk/11fe6d4845f5275a2a8791d04ea223cb. -# ## You appear to be running on ARMv6 hardware. Unfortunately this is not currently supported by the NodeSource Linux distributions. Please use the 'linux-armv6l' binary tarballs available directly from nodejs.org for Node.js 4 and later. -# IMPORTANT: In this case instead of the apt-get install mentioned below; do: sudo apt-get install -y git make g++ gcc - -# Install Node.js; -sudo apt-get install -y nodejs git make g++ gcc - -# Verify that the correct nodejs and npm (automatically installed with nodejs) -# version has been installed -node --version # Should output v12.X or v10.X -npm --version # Should output 6.X - -# Clone zigbee2mqtt repository -sudo git clone https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.git /opt/zigbee2mqtt -sudo chown -R pi:pi /opt/zigbee2mqtt - -# Install dependencies (as user "pi") -cd /opt/zigbee2mqtt -npm ci -``` - -If everything went correctly the output of `npm ci` is similar to (the number of packages and seconds is probably different on your device): -```bash -node-pre-gyp info ok -added 383 packages in 111.613s -``` - -Note that the `npm ci` produces some `warning` which can be ignored. - -## 3. Configuring -Before we can start Zigbee2mqtt we need to edit the `configuration.yaml` file. This file contains the configuration which will be used by Zigbee2mqtt. - -Open the configuration file: -```bash -nano /opt/zigbee2mqtt/data/configuration.yaml -``` - -For a basic configuration, the default settings are probably good. The only thing we need to change is the MQTT server url and authentication (if applicable). This can be done by changing the section below in your `configuration.yaml`. - -```yaml -# MQTT settings -mqtt: - # MQTT base topic for zigbee2mqtt MQTT messages - base_topic: zigbee2mqtt - # MQTT server URL - server: 'mqtt://localhost' - # MQTT server authentication, uncomment if required: - # user: my_user - # password: my_password -``` -Save the file and exit. - -## 4. Starting zigbee2mqtt -Now that we have setup everything correctly we can start zigbee2mqtt. - -```bash -cd /opt/zigbee2mqtt -npm start -``` - -When started successfully, you will see something like: -```bash -zigbee2mqtt:info 2019-11-09T13:04:01: Logging to directory: '/opt/zigbee2mqtt/data/log/2019-11-09.14-04-01' -zigbee2mqtt:info 2019-11-09T13:04:01: Starting zigbee2mqtt version 1.6.0 (commit #720e393) -zigbee2mqtt:info 2019-11-09T13:04:01: Starting zigbee-herdsman... -zigbee2mqtt:info 2019-11-09T13:04:03: zigbee-herdsman started -zigbee2mqtt:info 2019-11-09T13:04:03: Coordinator firmware version: '{"type":"zStack30x","meta":{"transportrev":2,"product":2,"majorrel":2,"minorrel":7,"maintrel":2,"revision":20190425}}' -zigbee2mqtt:info 2019-11-09T13:04:03: Currently 0 devices are joined: -zigbee2mqtt:warn 2019-11-09T13:04:03: `permit_join` set to `true` in configuration.yaml. -zigbee2mqtt:warn 2019-11-09T13:04:03: Allowing new devices to join. -zigbee2mqtt:warn 2019-11-09T13:04:03: Set `permit_join` to `false` once you joined all devices. -zigbee2mqtt:info 2019-11-09T13:04:03: Zigbee: allowing new devices to join. -zigbee2mqtt:info 2019-11-09T13:04:03: Connecting to MQTT server at mqtt://localhost -zigbee2mqtt:info 2019-11-09T13:04:03: Connected to MQTT server -``` - -Zigbee2mqtt can be stopped by pressing `CTRL + C`. - -## 5. (Optional) Running as a daemon with systemctl -To run zigbee2mqtt as daemon (in background) and start it automatically on boot we will run Zigbee2mqtt with systemctl. - -```bash -# Create a systemctl configuration file for zigbee2mqtt -sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/zigbee2mqtt.service -``` - -Add the following to this file: -``` -[Unit] -Description=zigbee2mqtt -After=network.target - -[Service] -ExecStart=/usr/bin/npm start -WorkingDirectory=/opt/zigbee2mqtt -StandardOutput=inherit -StandardError=inherit -Restart=always -User=pi - -[Install] -WantedBy=multi-user.target -``` - -Save the file and exit. - -Verify that the configuration works: -```bash -# Start zigbee2mqtt -sudo systemctl start zigbee2mqtt - -# Show status -systemctl status zigbee2mqtt.service -``` - -Output should look like: -```bash -pi@raspberry:/opt/zigbee2mqtt $ systemctl status zigbee2mqtt.service -● zigbee2mqtt.service - zigbee2mqtt - Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/zigbee2mqtt.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled) - Active: active (running) since Thu 2018-06-07 20:27:22 BST; 3s ago - Main PID: 665 (npm) - CGroup: /system.slice/zigbee2mqtt.service - ├─665 npm - ├─678 sh -c node index.js - └─679 node index.js - -Jun 07 20:27:22 raspberry systemd[1]: Started zigbee2mqtt. -Jun 07 20:27:23 raspberry npm[665]: > zigbee2mqtt@1.6.0 start /opt/zigbee2mqtt -Jun 07 20:27:23 raspberry npm[665]: > node index.js -Jun 07 20:27:24 raspberry npm[665]: zigbee2mqtt:info 2019-11-09T13:04:01: Logging to directory: '/opt/zigbee2mqtt/data/log/2019-11-09.14-04-01' -Jun 07 20:27:25 raspberry npm[665]: zigbee2mqtt:info 2019-11-09T13:04:01: Starting zigbee2mqtt version 1.6.0 (commit #720e393) -``` - -Now that everything works, we want systemctl to start zigbee2mqtt automatically on boot, this can be done by executing: -```bash -sudo systemctl enable zigbee2mqtt.service -``` - -Done! 😃 - -Some tips that can be handy later: -```bash -# Stopping zigbee2mqtt -sudo systemctl stop zigbee2mqtt - -# Starting zigbee2mqtt -sudo systemctl start zigbee2mqtt - -# View the log of zigbee2mqtt -sudo journalctl -u zigbee2mqtt.service -f -``` - -## 6. (For later) Update Zigbee2mqtt to the latest version -To update Zigbee2mqtt to the latest version, execute: - -```sh -# Stop zigbee2mqtt and go to directory -sudo systemctl stop zigbee2mqtt -cd /opt/zigbee2mqtt - -# Backup configuration -cp -R data data-backup - -# Update -git checkout HEAD -- npm-shrinkwrap.json -git pull -npm ci - -# Restore configuration -cp -R data-backup/* data -rm -rf data-backup - -# Start zigbee2mqtt -sudo systemctl start zigbee2mqtt -``` - -# What's next? -[Pairing devices](pairing_devices.md) diff --git a/devices/docs/getting_started/what_do_i_need.md b/devices/docs/getting_started/what_do_i_need.md deleted file mode 100755 index 7d64b604..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/getting_started/what_do_i_need.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ ---- ---- -# What do I need? -In order to run zigbee2mqtt we need the following hardware: - -| Name | Price | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -| CC debugger (*) | +-9$ on AliExpress | ![CC debugger](../images/cc_debugger.jpg) | -| CC2531 USB sniffer | +-5$ on AliExpress | ![CC2531 USB sniffer](../images/cc2531.jpg) | -| Downloader cable CC2531 (*) | +-2$ on AliExpress | ![Downloader cable CC2531](../images/downloader_cable.png) | -| [Supported Zigbee device(s)](../information/supported_devices.md) | - | ![Zigbee devices](../images/xiaomi_sensors.jpg) | -| PC or Raspberry Pi (*) to run bridge | - | ![Raspberry Pi](../images/pi.jpg) | -| Optional: Male to female USB extension cable ([why?](../how_tos/how_to_improve_network_range.md)) | +-2$ | ![USB extension cable](../images/usb_extension_cable.jpg) | - -(*) NOTE: It is also possible to flash the CC2531 sniffer with a Raspberry Pi or an MCU like the Arduino or ESP8266 without a CC debugger. This however requires you to buy 4 female-female Dupont cables. You will also need to bend the debug pins on your CC2531 if you don't want to buy a downloader cable too. - - -# What's next? -[Flashing the CC2531 USB stick](flashing_the_cc2531.md) diff --git a/devices/docs/how_tos/how-to-switch-to-dev-branch.md b/devices/docs/how_tos/how-to-switch-to-dev-branch.md deleted file mode 100755 index bc3e2a10..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/how_tos/how-to-switch-to-dev-branch.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ ---- ---- -# How to switch to the dev branch - -The Zigbee2mqtt dev branch contains the latest features, improvements and supported devices. -In case you want to try this, you can checkout the dev branch. - -*NOTE: This branch is a development branch! It could be less stable than the release version!* - -## Bare-metal -```bash -# Stop zigbee2mqtt and go to directory -sudo systemctl stop zigbee2mqtt -cd /opt/zigbee2mqtt - -# Backup configuration -cp -R data data-backup - -# Update -git checkout HEAD -- npm-shrinkwrap.json -git fetch -git checkout dev # Change 'dev' to 'master' to switch back to the release version -git pull -npm ci - -# Restore configuration -cp -R data-backup/* data -rm -rf data-backup - -# Start zigbee2mqtt -sudo systemctl start zigbee2mqtt -``` - -## Docker -Use Docker images postfixed with the `-dev` tag. - -## Hass.io addon -Use the `edge` version. diff --git a/devices/docs/how_tos/how_to_connect_to_a_remote_adapter.md b/devices/docs/how_tos/how_to_connect_to_a_remote_adapter.md deleted file mode 100644 index 749277d5..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/how_tos/how_to_connect_to_a_remote_adapter.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,35 +0,0 @@ -# How to connect to a remote adapter -This how-to explains how to run Zigbee2mqtt with an adapter on a remote location. -We will use ser2net for this which allows to connect to a serial port over TCP. -In this way you can e.g. setup a Raspberry Pi Zero with the adapter connected while running Zigbee2mqtt on a different system. The instructions below have to be executed on the system where the adapter is connected to. - -## 1. Install ser2net -```bash -sudo apt-get install ser2net -``` - -## 2. Configure ser2net -```bash -sudo nano /etc/ser2net.conf -``` - -Add the following entry, replace `/dev/ttyACM0` with the correct path to your adapter. - -``` -20108:raw:0:/dev/ttyACM0:115200 8DATABITS NONE 1STOPBIT -``` - -After this reboot the system. -```bash -reboot -``` - -## 3. Configure -Now edit the Zigbee2mqtt `configuration.yaml` accordingly, replace `` with the IP of your system where the adapter is connectd to. - -```yaml -serial: - port: 'tcp://' -``` - -Done! Now you can start Zigbee2mqtt. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/devices/docs/how_tos/how_to_create_a_cc2530_router.md b/devices/docs/how_tos/how_to_create_a_cc2530_router.md deleted file mode 100755 index d3c20a4b..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/how_tos/how_to_create_a_cc2530_router.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,72 +0,0 @@ ---- ---- -# How to create a CC2530 router -The CC2530 is highly suitable for serving as a router. It has an external antenna which will greatly improve the range of your Zigbee network. This tutorial will explain how to create a CC2530 router packed into a nice enclosure which can be powered via any regular outlet. - -**DISCLAIMER:** The CC2530 router will use Mains AC so there is a danger of electrocution if not installed properly. If you don't know how to install it, please call an electrician! - -![CC2530 in an enclosure](../images/cc2530_router_enclosure.jpg) - -## 1. What do I need? - -| Name | Price | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -| CC2530
CC2530 + CC2591
*The CC2530 + CC2591 is more powerful but more expensive* | +-7.50$ on AliExpress

+-15$ on AliExpress | ![CC2530](../images/cc2530.jpg)| -| HLK-PM03 | +-2.20$ on AliExpress | ![HLK-PM03](../images/HLK-PM03.jpg) | -| Enclosure (the one used has the following dimensions: 100x68x40mm) | +-2$ | ![Enclosure](../images/enclosure.jpg) | -| Power cable | +-2$ | ![Power cable](../images/power_cable.png) | -| CC debugger | - | ![CC debugger](../images/cc_debugger.jpg) | -| 8 female to female jumper wires | - | ![Jumper wires](../images/female_to_female_jumper_wires.jpg) | - -# 2. Flashing the CC2530 -The CC2530 has to be flashed with a router firmware which has to be done with a CC debugger using 6 female to female jumper wires. Pins have to connected as follows: - -### CC debugger pin layout - -
- -
- -| CC debugger | CC2530 | -| ----------- | ------ | -| 1 | GND | -| 2 | VCC | -| 3 | P2.2 | -| 4 | P2.1 | -| 7 | RST | -| 9 | VCC | - -### Pin layout of various CC2530 modules - -| Name | Pin layout | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -| CC2530 | ![CC2530 pin layout](../images/cc2530_pin_layout.png) | ![CC2530](../images/cc2530.jpg) -| Webee CC2530 + CC2591 | ![Webee CC2530 + CC2591 pin layout](../images/webee_cc2530_cc2591_pinlayout.png) | ![CC2530 + CC2591](../images/cc2530_cc2591.jpg) - -### Flashing -Now the CC2530 can be flashed using the same instructions as [Flashing the CC2531](../getting_started/flashing_the_cc2531.md). The router firmwares can be found [here](https://github.com/Koenkk/Z-Stack-firmware/tree/master/router). - -![CC debugger connected to CC2530](../images/ccdebugger_cc2530.jpg) - -# 3. Putting it in an enclosure -The following steps have to be followed: -- Drill 2 holes in the enclosure; one for the antenna, one for the power cable -- Lay a knot in the power cable; this serves as strain relief -- Solder the power cable on to the AC pins of the HLK-PM03 -- Use 2 female to female jumper wires to connect the VC+ pin of the HLK-PM03 to the VCC pin of the CC2530 and the VC- pin of the HLK-PM03 to the GND pin of the CC2530 -- Use double sided tape to fix the CC2530 and HLK-PM03 into the enclosure - -### Result - -![1](../images/router_1.jpg) - -![2](../images/router_2.jpg) - -![3](../images/router_3.jpg) - -![4](../images/router_4.jpg) - -![CC2530 in an enclosure](../images/cc2530_router_enclosure.jpg) - -# 4. Done! -Now plug the CC2530 into a power outlet where it will automatically join your Zigbee network. (don't forget to set `permit_join: true` to enable joining of new devices). Enjoy your extended Zigbee network range! :smile: diff --git a/devices/docs/how_tos/how_to_improve_network_range.md b/devices/docs/how_tos/how_to_improve_network_range.md deleted file mode 100755 index 5b3b5cd9..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/how_tos/how_to_improve_network_range.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ ---- ---- -# How to improve network range. -In case you are experiencing an unstable or bad network range you can do the following things to improve your network. - -## CC2531 -### Connect the CC2531 using an USB extension cable -The range of the CC2531 can greatly be improved when connecting it with an USB extension -cable instead of directly plugging it into the computer (e.g. Raspberry Pi). When plugged directly in the computer, the CC2531 antenna suffers from interference of radio signals and electrical components of the computer. Also be sure not to position the CC2531 too close -to any other radio transmitting devices (e.g. Wifi router). A USB extension cable of 50 cm is already enough to reduce the interference. - -### Try different orientation of the CC2531 -RF connection between the CC2531 and other devices also depends on the way it is oriented in space. You might be having very poor `linkquality` reports and intermittent ping failures but once the CC2531 is rotated a little it all can change greatly without re-locating the coordinator far away. Try to experiment with positioning and orienting the CC2531 in space while controlling the `linkquality` values reported. You might find it useful to buy a small rotating USB connector. Like this: - -![rotating USB connector](https://i.imgur.com/AI41Oxz.png) - -## Reduce Wifi interference by changing the Zigbee channel -**NOTE: Changing the Zigbee channel requires repairing of all your devices!** - -As Wifi and Zigbee both operate on the same frequency space (2.4 GHz); they can interfere with each other. By using the correct Zigbee channel interference with Wifi can (partly) be avoided. There is a good article available explaining this: https://www.metageek.com/training/resources/zigbee-wifi-coexistence.html - -To change the Zigbee channel Zigbee2mqtt uses you have to set the [`channel` in `configuration.yaml`](../information/configuration.md). - -## Adding more routers to your network -In a Zigbee network, each router will extend the range of the network ([read more about this](../information/zigbee_network.md)). Almost all AC powered devices will serve as a router. In case you are searching for a powerful router, [the CC2530 is recommended](./how_to_create_a_cc2530_router.md). diff --git a/devices/docs/how_tos/how_to_secure_network.md b/devices/docs/how_tos/how_to_secure_network.md deleted file mode 100755 index 465e67ec..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/how_tos/how_to_secure_network.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ ---- ---- -# How to secure your Zigbee network -By default your Zigbee network isn't as secured as possible. The following settings are recommeded to apply to your configuration. - -## Disable joining -To disable joining it's important that `permit_join: false` is set in your `configuration.yaml`. Otherwise rogue devices are able to join allowing them to send and receive Zigbee traffic. - -## Change Zigbee network encryption key -**Changing the network key requires repairing of all devices!** - -Zigbee2mqtt uses a known default encryption key (Zigbee Transport Key). Therefore it is recommended to use a different one. To use a different encryption key add the following to your `configuration.yaml`: - -**Do not use this exact key.** -``` -advanced: - network_key: [7, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 12, 13] -``` - -The network encryption key size is `128-bit` which is essentially 16 decimal values between `0` and `255` or 16 hexadecimal values between `0x00`and `0xFF`. - -If you need to transform your decimals to hexadecimals (or vice versa) please use a [converter](https://www.binaryhexconverter.com/decimal-to-hex-converter). Example: 92 (decimal) would become 5C (hexadecimal). - -You can generate a valid decimal key with the following command in most linux systems: -``` -dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1 count=16 2>/dev/null | od -A n -t u1 | awk '{printf "["} {for(i = 1; i< NF; i++) {printf "%s, ", $i}} {printf "%s]\n", $NF}' -``` -Please be aware that if you use the Hass.io add-on for zigbee2mqtt only decimal keys are supported. - -You can generate a valid hex key with the following command in most linux systems: -``` -dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1 count=16 2>/dev/null | od -A n -t x1 | awk '{printf "["} {for(i = 1; i< NF; i++) {printf "0x%s, ", $i}} {printf "0x%s]\n", $NF}' -``` diff --git a/devices/docs/how_tos/how_to_sniff_zigbee_traffic.md b/devices/docs/how_tos/how_to_sniff_zigbee_traffic.md deleted file mode 100755 index ba998a48..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/how_tos/how_to_sniff_zigbee_traffic.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,121 +0,0 @@ ---- ---- -# How to sniff Zigbee traffic -Sniffing Zigbee traffic can be handy sometimes. E.g. when you want to analyze the commands used by a device. - -### With CC2531 -#### Prerequisites -* Computer - * Ubuntu machine (tested with 18.10) - * Windows machine (tested with Windows 10) -* CC2531 stick - -#### 1. Flashing the CC2531 stick -The CC2531 needs to be flashed with a sniffer firmware. Flash the firmware using the instructions from [Flashing the CC2531](../getting_started/flashing_the_cc2531.md). - -##### Linux -The firmware is included with [PACKET-SNIFFER](http://www.ti.com/tool/PACKET-SNIFFER) (not **PACKET-SNIFFER-2!**). Download PACKET-SNIFFER. As the sniffer firmware is only available in the windows installer we need to extact the hex file. This would require 7zip (p7zip-full or p7zip-plugins package depending on distro) -```bash -unzip swrc045z.zip -d PACKET-SNIFFER -7z e PACKET-SNIFFER/Setup_SmartRF_Packet_Sniffer_2.18.0.exe bin/general/firmware/sniffer_fw_cc2531.hex -sudo /cc-tool -e -w /sniffer_fw_cc2531.hex -``` - -##### Windows (and possibly Ubuntu) -For Windows this firmware is included with [ZBOSS](http://zboss.dsr-wireless.com/downloads/index/zboss). Register an account and download *ZBOSS Sniffer for Windows 64-bit*. Included in the ZIP file is the firmware in subfolder `hw\CC2531 USB dongle\zboss_sniffer.hex`. Please note that ZBOSS is also available for Ubuntu. - -#### 2. Installing required tools - -##### Ubuntu -```bash -cd /opt -sudo apt-get install -y libusb-1.0-0-dev wireshark -curl -L https://github.com/homewsn/whsniff/archive/v1.1.tar.gz | tar zx -cd whsniff-1.1 -make -sudo make install -``` - -##### Windows -Download and install the latest version of [Wireshark](https://www.wireshark.org/download.html). ZBOSS itself is portable and won't need to be installed. - -#### 3. Sniffing traffic -On Ubuntu start wireshark with `sudo whsniff -c ZIGBEE_CHANNEL_NUMBER | wireshark -k -i -`. For Windows run the ZBOSS executable in `gui\zboss_sniffer.exe`, enter the path to your Wireshark executable and click on the `Start` button. For ZBOSS make sure the correct Zigbee channel is set, by default it will sniff on channel `0x0C (12)` but the default Zigbee2mqtt channel is 11 (`0x0B (11)`). - -Wireshark will start and log the Zigbee messages. As these messages are encrypted we need to add 2 encryption keys. The first one is the Trust Center link key, which is the same for (almost) every Zigbee network. The second one is the network encryption key (Transport Key). - -Add the Trust Center link key by going to to Edit -> Preferences -> Protocols -> ZigBee. Set Security Level to *AES-128 Encryption, 32-bit Integrity Protection* and click on *Edit*. Click on *+* and add `5A:69:67:42:65:65:41:6C:6C:69:61:6E:63:65:30:39` with Byte Order Normal. - -*NOTE: The Hue bridge uses a [different Trust Center link key](https://peeveeone.com/?p=166)* - -![Wireshark Trust Center link key](../images/wireshark_tclink_key.png) - -Next we need to figure out the network encryption key (Transport Key). There are two ways to do this: - -1) By default, if you haven't changed `network_key` in your `configuration.yaml` this will be `01:03:05:07:09:0B:0D:0F:00:02:04:06:08:0A:0C:0D`. If you changed your `network_key`, then convert each number into its 2-digit hexadecimal value, and combine them all with `:` between. E.g. `[1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13]` -> `01:03:05:07:09:0B:0D:0F:00:02:04:06:08:0A:0C:0D` - -2) If you don't want to manually translate the numbers, the network encryption key is also exposed when a device joins the network. Pair a new device to the network (or re-pair an existing one) and grab the message where the Info is *Device Announcement....*. Open the message and expand *ZigBee Network Layer Data* -> *ZigBee Security Header*. - -![Wireshark network key](../images/wireshark_network_key.png) - -Copy the key value, as shown above and go to Edit -> Preferences -> Protocols -> ZigBee -> Edit and add the key with Byte Order Normal. - -Now Wireshark is able to decrypt the messages. When e.g. turning on a light you will see a message similar to: - -![Wireshark packet](../images/wireshark_packet.png) - -##### Troubleshooting -If you get "couldn't run /usr/bin/dumpcap in child process: permission denied" when runnign whsniff. Check if /usr/bin/dumpcap is executable for everyone. Or `chmod 755 /usr/bin/dumpcap`. - -## With HUSBZB-1 stick -If you happen to have a spare HUSBZB-1 stick, you can also use this to sniff traffic. - -### Prerequisites -* Computer - * Ubuntu machine (tested with 18.10) - * Windows machine (tested with Windows 10) -* HUSBZB-1 stick -* Wireshark (for instructions on how to install, see the [other docs](./how_to_sniff_zigbee_traffic.md) -* Java - -### 1. Install drivers -#### Ubuntu -On linux systems, the HUSBZB-1 stick should work out of the box with no modifications. - -#### Windows -Found on https://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-reviews/RSPH6UCG0N3WK/ -1. Download Silicon Labs CP210x drivers (Amazon won't let me link this, but it should be easy to Google) -2. Extract drivers to a folder (I'll use C:\CP210x_Windows_Drivers as an example) -3. Open Windows Device Manager (Win+X, M) -4. Right-click on "Other Devices > HubZ ZigBee Com Port" (NOT Z-Wave) and select "Update driver" -5. Select "Browse my computer for driver software" -6. Select "Let me pick from a list of available drivers on my computer" -7. Leave "Show All Devices" selected and click "Next" -8. Click "Have Disk" -9. Enter the folder name where you extracted the downloaded drivers: C:\CP210x_Windows_Drivers -10. Select "Silicon Labs CP210x USB to UART Bridge" and click "Next" -11. Windows will prompt that it cannot confirm the device ID, click "Yes" to proceed. -12. Write down the com port of the ZigBee device, something like COM5 or COM6. - 1. You can find this by going to "Ports (COM & LPT)" in the device manager - -### 2. Installing required tools -Both Windows and Ubuntu use the same program for sniffing, found https://github.com/zsmartsystems/com.zsmartsystems.zigbee.sniffer. Scroll down to the bottom to download a precompiled jar file. - -#### Ubuntu -No extra software besides `ZigbeeSniffer.jar` and Wireshark is needed - -#### Windows -Download and install https://nmap.org/npcap/ and make sure you select to install the "Npcap Loopback Adapter" when installing. It shouldn't matter whether or not you use Winpcap compatibility mode. - -### 3. Sniffing traffic -In a terminal or command line, run `java -jar ZigbeeSniffer.jar -baud 57600 -flow hardware -port {PORT}`. -On Windows, `PORT` should be replaced by `COM5` or whatever you wrote down in step 1. -On linux, `PORT` will be something like `/dev/ttyUSB3` or wherever you plugged in your HUSBZB-1 device. - -Once you have the application running, you should see it connect to and start sniffing traffic on the network. - -After that, open up Wireshark and start capturing on the loopback adapater. - -Then, apply a filter `udp.port=17754` in order to filter down to only Zigbee traffic. - -Lastly, follow the steps of the CC2531 instructions above to set up your encryption keys the same. diff --git a/devices/docs/how_tos/how_to_support_new_devices.md b/devices/docs/how_tos/how_to_support_new_devices.md deleted file mode 100755 index 46b77838..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/how_tos/how_to_support_new_devices.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,160 +0,0 @@ ---- ---- -# How to support new devices -Zigbee2mqtt uses [zigbee-herdsman-converters](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee-herdsman-converters) to parse messages to and from devices. - -This page will guide you through the process of adding support for new devices to [zigbee-herdsman-converters](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee-herdsman-converters). - -In case you require any help feel free to create an [issue](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues). - -**Before** starting, first check if you devices is not already supported in the Zigbee2mqtt dev branch! This can done by checking [devices.js](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee-herdsman-converters/blob/master/devices.js). Search for example on the Zigbee model from step 1 below. - -## Instructions -### 1. Pairing the device with Zigbee2mqtt -The first step is to pair the device with zigbee2mqtt. It should be possible to pair your unsupported device out of the box because Zigbee2mqtt can pair with any zigbee device. You need to find out how to bring your device into pairing mode, most of the time via a factory reset. - -Once you successfully paired the device you will see something like: -``` -zigbee2mqtt:info 2019-11-09T12:19:56: Successfully interviewed '0x00158d0001dc126a', device has successfully been paired -zigbee2mqtt:warn 2019-11-09T12:19:56: Device '0x00158d0001dc126a' with Zigbee model 'lumi.sens' is NOT supported, please follow https://www.zigbee2mqtt.io/how_tos/how_to_support_new_devices.html -``` - -*NOTE: Make sure that `permit_join: true` is set in `configuration.yaml` otherwise new devices cannot join the network.* - -### 2. Adding your device -The next step is the to add an entry of your device to `node_modules/zigbee-herdsman-converters/devices.js`. In order to provide support for E.G. the `lumi.sens` from step 1 you would add: - -*NOTE: For Hass.io and Docker users this process is a little bit different, see below* - -```js -{ - zigbeeModel: ['lumi.sens'], // The model ID from: Device with modelID 'lumi.sens' is not supported. - model: 'WSDCGQ01LM', // Vendor model number, look on the device for a model number - vendor: 'Xiaomi', // Vendor of the device (only used for documentation and startup logging) - description: 'MiJia temperature & humidity sensor ', // Description of the device, copy from vendor site. (only used for documentation and startup logging) - supports: 'temperature and humidity', // Actions this device supports (only used for documentation) - fromZigbee: [], // We will add this later - toZigbee: [], // Should be empty, unless device can be controlled (e.g. lights, switches). -}, -``` - -Now set the Zigbee2mqtt `log_level` to `debug` by adding the following to your Zigbee2mqtt `configuration.yaml`. - -```yaml -advanced: - log_level: debug -``` - -Once finished, restart Zigbee2mqtt and trigger some actions on the device. You will see messages like: -``` -zigbee2mqtt:debug 2019-11-09T12:24:22: No converter available for 'WSDCGQ01LM' with cluster 'msTemperatureMeasurement' and type 'attributeReport' and data '{"measuredValue":2512}' -``` - -In case your device is not reporting anything, it could be that this device requires additional configuration. This can be done by adding a `configure:` section ([examples here](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee-herdsman-converters/blob/master/devices.js)). It can help to look at similar devices. - -### 3. Adding converter(s) for your device -In order to parse the messages of your zigbee device we need to add converter(s) to `node_modules/zigbee-herdsman-converters/converters/fromZigbee.js`. - -Before adding new converters, please check if you can reuse any existing one. - -For E.G. the following message -``` -zigbee2mqtt:debug 2019-11-09T12:24:22: No converter available for 'WSDCGQ01LM' with cluster 'msTemperatureMeasurement' and type 'attributeReport' and data '{"measuredValue":2512}' -``` - -You would add to `node_modules/zigbee-herdsman-converters/converters/fromZigbee.js`: -```js -xiaomi_temperature: { - cluster: 'msTemperatureMeasurement', - type: 'attributeReport', - convert: (model, msg, publish, options) => { - const temperature = parseFloat(msg.data['measuredValue']) / 100.0; - return {temperature: temperature}; - }, -}, -``` - -Now update your device in `node_modules/zigbee-herdsman-converters/devices.js` with the new converter. -```js -{ - zigbeeModel: ['lumi.sens'], - model: 'WSDCGQ01LM', - vendor: 'Xiaomi', - description: 'MiJia temperature & humidity sensor ', - supports: 'temperature and humidity', - fromZigbee: [fz.xiaomi_temperature], # <-- added here - toZigbee: [], -}, -``` - -Repeat until your device does not produce any more log messages like: `2018-5-1 18:19:41 WARN No converter available for 'WSDCGQ01LM' with....` - -### 4. (Optional) Add device to zigbee2mqtt.io documentation -This step is optional and can be skipped as the device page will automatically be generated on the next Zigbee2mqtt release. Only do it when you e.g. want to a specific pairing instructions for this device. - -1. Clone [zigbee2mqtt.io](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io) -2. Add a markdown file for your device to `docs/devices`, use the `model` property of the `devices.js` file as the filename. -3. Add a picture (`.jpg`, 150x150) to `docs/images/devices` and link it in file of the previous step. -4. Create a Pull Request to [zigbee2mqtt.io](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.io). - -On the next release of Zigbee2mqtt, the documentation will be updated and your device file will be linked in `docs/information/supported_devices.md` automatically. - -### 5. (Optional) Add home assistant configuration for your device -In order to automatically discover this device in home assistant your device needs to be added to `mapping` in `lib/extension/homeassistant.js`. - -### 6. Done! -Now it's time to submit a pull request to [zigbee-herdsman-converters](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee-herdsman-converters) so this device is supported out of the box by Zigbee2mqtt. :smiley: - -## Docker -To setup a local copy of zigbee-herdsman-converters so that you can modify e.g. `devices.js` and `fromZigbee.js`; use the following instructions: - -```bash -cd /opt -git clone https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee-herdsman-converters.git -# If you also want to add Home Assistant integration for this devices -wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/master/lib/extension/homeassistant.js -``` - -Now add the volumes to the Docker container by adding the following to your `docker run` command.: - -```bash --v /opt/zigbee-herdsman-converters:/app/node_modules/zigbee-herdsman-converters -v /opt/homeassistant.js:/app/lib/extension/homeassistant.js -``` - -Now you can start modifying e.g. `/opt/zigbee-herdsman-converters/devices.js`. Note that after each modification you need to restart the container for the changes to take effect. - -## Hass.io addon -1. Enable access to your Hass.io host following these instructions -https://developers.home-assistant.io/docs/en/hassio_debugging.html - -2. Connect to your Hass.io host: -```bash -ssh root@hassio.local -p 22222 -login -``` - -3. Identify the container ID of zigbee2mqtt using `docker ps`. Look for IMAGE dwelch2101/zigbee2mqtt-armhf and its corresponding CONTAINER ID example: **622baa375aa1** - -4. Enter the running container (replace the below container id with yours) -```bash -docker exec -it 622baa375aa1 bash -``` - -5. You are now inside the Zigbee2mqtt container, examples for opening relevant files: -```bash -vi /app/node_modules/zigbee-herdsman-converters/devices.js -vi /app/node_modules/zigbee-herdsman-converters/converters/fromZigbee.js -vi /app/node_modules/zigbee-herdsman-converters/converters/toZigbee.js -vi /app/lib/extension/homeassistant.js -``` - -6. The VI editor is installed on the image, if you are not familiar with VI you may want take a look here: - [https://www.guru99.com/the-vi-editor.html](https://www.guru99.com/the-vi-editor.html) - -7. After making required modifications restart the container for the changes to take effect: -```bash -exit -docker restart 622baa375aa1 -``` - -Be aware that changes are not persistent, any changes that recreate the Docker container will result in the changes being lost, so make sure your modifications are provided back to the project for out-of-the-box support. Also using the *Restart* button from the web interface will remove your changes. diff --git a/devices/docs/index.md b/devices/docs/index.md deleted file mode 100755 index dced8e89..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/index.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,66 +0,0 @@ ---- ---- - - -Welcome to the Zigbee2mqtt documentation! Besides the documentation, you can also get support and ask questions on the [Forum](http://zigbee2mqtt.discourse.group/) and [Discord channel](https://discord.gg/NyseBeK). In case you want to donate click the 'Sponsor' button [here](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt). - -### Getting started -* [What do I need?](getting_started/what_do_i_need.md) -* [Flashing the CC2531 USB stick](getting_started/flashing_the_cc2531.md) -* [Running Zigbee2mqtt](getting_started/running_zigbee2mqtt.md) -* [Pairing devices](getting_started/pairing_devices.md) -* [Supported devices](information/supported_devices.md) - -### Information -* [3D cases](information/3d_cases.md) -* [Availability](information/availability.md) -* [Binding](information/binding.md) -* [Configuration](information/configuration.md) -* [Debug](information/debug.md) -* [FAQ](information/FAQ.md) -* [Groups](information/groups.md) -* [MQTT topics and message structure](information/mqtt_topics_and_message_structure.md) -* [OTA updates](information/ota_updates.md) -* [Report](information/report.md) -* [Supported adapters](information/supported_adapters.md) -* [Touchlink](information/touchlink.md) -* [Zigbee network](information/zigbee_network.md) - -### Running Zigbee2mqtt on ... -Besides running Zigbee2mqtt on [bare-metal Linux](getting_started/running_zigbee2mqtt.md) it can also run on: -* [Docker](information/docker.md) -* [Hass.io (official Zigbee2mqtt add-on)](https://github.com/danielwelch/hassio-zigbee2mqtt) -* [Virtual environment](information/virtual_environment.md) -* [Windows](information/windows.md) - -### How tos -* [How to create a CC2530 router](how_tos/how_to_create_a_cc2530_router.md) -* [How to connect to a remote adapter](how_tos/how_to_connect_to_a_remote_adapter.md) -* [How to improve network range](how_tos/how_to_improve_network_range.md) -* [How to secure your Zigbee network](how_tos/how_to_secure_network.md) -* [How to sniff Zigbee traffic](how_tos/how_to_sniff_zigbee_traffic.md) -* [How to support new devices](how_tos/how_to_support_new_devices.md) -* [How to switch to the dev branch](how_tos/how-to-switch-to-dev-branch.md) - -### Integration -* [Admin Panel for Node-Red](https://github.com/ben423423n32j14e/zigbee2mqttadminpanel) -* [Domoticz](https://github.com/stas-demydiuk/domoticz-zigbee2mqtt-plugin) -* [Home Assistant](integration/home_assistant.md) -* [MQTT Explorer](https://mqtt-explorer.com) (debug tool for custom integrations) -* [Majordomo](https://github.com/directman66/majordomo-zigbee2mqtt/) (Russian) -* [Mozilla IoT WebThings Gateway via zigbee2mqtt adapter](https://github.com/kabbi/zigbee2mqtt-adapter) -* [Zigbee2MqttAssistant](https://github.com/yllibed/Zigbee2MqttAssistant) (GUI for Zigbee2Mqtt) - -### Support -* [Bugs](https://github.com/koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues) -* [Discord channel](https://discord.gg/NyseBeK) -* [Forum](http://zigbee2mqtt.discourse.group/) -* External: - * [Tweakers (Dutch)](https://gathering.tweakers.net/forum/list_messages/1901662) - * [Home Assistant forum (English)](https://community.home-assistant.io/t/zigbee2mqtt-getting-rid-of-your-proprietary-zigbee-bridges-xiaomi-hue-tradfri/52108) - * [HassioHelp (Italian)](https://hassiohelp.eu/2019/04/14/indice/#ZigBee) - * [Russian community telegram chat (Russian)](https://t.me/zigbeer) diff --git a/devices/docs/information/3d_cases.md b/devices/docs/information/3d_cases.md deleted file mode 100755 index cd831448..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/information/3d_cases.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ ---- ---- -# 3D cases - -## Raspberry Pi Zero - - Blog post about a [round case for the Raspberry Pi Zero by Jens Willmer][jwillmer-blog-post]. The files can also be found on [Thingiverse][thingiverse-jwillmer-design]. - - [Minimal Pi Zero Case by Jens Willmer][thingiverse-jwillmer-design2] - -## Raspberry Pi - - Case design for a [Raspberry Pi with hard drive and optional USB stick by Kelvin Shirley on Thingiverse][thingiverse-rpi-owncloud-design]. - -## CC2531 Zigbee dongle - - Case design for a [CC2531 Zigbee dongle][thingiverse-rpi-cc2531-dongle] - -## CC2530 Zigbee dongle - - Case design for a [CC2530 Zigbee minimal case][thingiverse-cc2530-case] - -## CC2530 + CC2591 Combination -- Case design for a [minimal case compatible with the CC2530 + CC2591 combination][thingiverse-cc2530-cc2591-case] - -## CC2531 Zigbee dongle with external antenna - - Case design for a [CC2531 Zigbee dongle with external antenna](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3731958) - -## CC1352P1, CC1352P-2 and CC2652R LaunchXL -- Case designs for [TI LaunchXL boards for CC1352P1, CC1352P-2 and CC2652R](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3928171) - -## Alternatives -A lot of different case designs can be found via the [Thingiverse search][thingiverse-search-rpi] - -[jwillmer-blog-post]: https://jwillmer.de/blog/tools/raspberry-pi-zero-cc2531-case -[thingiverse-jwillmer-design]: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3101600 -[thingiverse-jwillmer-design2]: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4163636 -[thingiverse-search-rpi]: https://www.thingiverse.com/search?q=raspberry+pi+case -[thingiverse-rpi-owncloud-design]: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1357022 -[thingiverse-rpi-cc2531-dongle]: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2803664 -[thingiverse-cc2530-case]: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3257462 -[thingiverse-cc2530-cc2591-case]: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3416548 diff --git a/devices/docs/information/FAQ.md b/devices/docs/information/FAQ.md deleted file mode 100755 index 205420bb..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/information/FAQ.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,134 +0,0 @@ ---- ---- -# Frequently asked questions - -## Why does my device not or fail to pair? -This problem can be divided in 2 categories; no logging is shown at all OR interview fails. - -### No logging is shown at all -- Make sure joining is enabled by setting `permit_join: true` in the [configuration](https://www.zigbee2mqtt.io/information/configuration.html). -- There can be too much interference, try connecting the coordinator USB through an USB extension cable. This problem occurs a lot when used in combination with a Raspberry Pi 4. -- Make sure that any other Zigbee networks/hubs are powered down. When you e.g. want to pair an IKEA bulb which was first paired to the IKEA gateway make sure to power down the IKEA gateway. If that doesn't help also try powering down all devices that are connected to the IKEA hub. -- If it's a battery powered device, try replacing the battery. -- You've hit the device limit of the coordinator, especially occurs when using the CC2531 or CC2530 in combination with the source routing firmware. Try reflashing the coordinator and immidiately pair the device after starting Zigbee2mqtt. -- Try pairing the device closer to the coordinator. -- CC2531/CC2530 coordinator only: - - Stop Zigbee2mqtt, unplug the coordinator, wait 10 seconds, plug the coordinator, start Zigbee2mqtt and try to pair the device again. - - If none of the above helps, try to reflash the coordinator (does not require repairing of already paired devices). - -### Interview fails -- Try repairing the device again for 2 or 3 times. -- This might be a Zigbee2mqtt bug, [Create a new issue](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/new) with the zigbee-herdsman debug logging attached to it. [How to enable zigbee-herdsman debug logging](https://www.zigbee2mqtt.io/information/debug.html#zigbee-herdsman-debug-logging). -- If device joins with `0x000000000000000` as `ieeeAddress` (you will see: `Starting interview of '0x0000000000000000'` in the Zigbee2mqtt log) your CC253X might be broken. [See issue #2761](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/2761). - - -## What does and does not require repairing of all devices? -### Requires repairing -You need to re-pair all you devices when: -- Changing the network key (`network_key`) in `configuration.yaml`. -- Changing the Zigbee channel (`channel`) in `configuration.yaml`. -- Swiching between a Zigbee 1.2/3.0 coordinator firmware -- Switching between adapter types (e.g. CC2531 -> CC26X2R1) - -### Doesn't require repairing -You **don't** need to re-pair your devices when: -- Updating or downgrading Zigbee2mqtt to a different version. -- Updating the coordinator (e.g. CC2530/CC2531 stick) firmware. - - This is only applicable when flashing firmware version `20190215` or later. It doesn't matter from which firmware version you come from. - - If after flashing you fail to control your devices it helps to: - - Wait a few minutes so that the Zigbee network can settle. - - Send Zigbee commands (e.g. turn on/off) to the device. - - Reboot the device (unplug and plug power). - - If all of the above doens't work, and you previously re-flashed a firmware older then `20190215` it could be that the `pan_id` has silently been changed. To fix this add to your `configuration.yaml`: - ```js - advanced: - pan_id: 0x1a63 - ``` -- Switching from CC2530/CC2531 device (physically). -- Switching the system running Zigbee2mqtt. - - When doing this, make sure to copy over the contents of the `data` directory. - -## Help, Zigbee2mqtt fails to start! -Most of the times this is caused by zigbee-herdsman not being able to communicate with your adapter (e.g. CC2531). - -### Verify that you put the correct port in configuration.yaml -Execute the following command to find out the correct path: -```bash -pi@raspberry:/ $ ls -l /dev/serial/by-id -total 0 -lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 13 Oct 19 19:26 usb-Texas_Instruments_TI_CC2531_USB_CDC___0X00124B0018ED3DDF-if00 -> ../../ttyACM0 -``` - -In this example the correct `port` would be `/dev/ttyACM0`. - -### Verify that the user you run Zigbee2mqtt as has write access to the port -This can be tested by executing: `test -w [PORT] && echo success || echo failure` (e.g. `test -w /dev/ttyACM0 && echo success || echo failure`). - -If it outputs `failure`. Assign write acces by executing: `sudo chown [USER] [PORT]` (e.g. `sudo chown pi /dev/ttyACM0`). - -You need to apply this on every reboot. To fix this you can use a 'udev' rule: - -1. `udevadm info -a -n /dev/ttyACM0 | grep 'serial'` -get the serial to your device `YOURSERIAL` - -2. Create the rule file with: -`sudo nano /etc/udev/rules.d/99-usb-serial.rules` - -3. add this line: -`SUBSYSTEM=="tty", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0451", ATTRS{idProduct}=="16a8", ATTRS{serial}=="YOURSERIAL", SYMLINK="ttyUSB.CC2531-01", OWNER="pi"` - -4. modify your zigbee2mqtt config to adjust new SYMLINK name: -`nano /opt/zigbee2mqtt/data/configuration.yaml` - -`… -serial: - port: /dev/ttyUSB.CC2531-01 -…` - -After reboot your dedvice will have the right permissions and always the same name. - -### In case of a CC2530 or CC2531 adapter, verify that don't have a CC2540 -The CC2540 can be confused easily with the CC2531 as it looks (almost) exactly the same. However, this device does not support zigbee but bluetooth. This can be verified by looking at the chip. - -### [ModemManager](https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/ModemManager/) is installed -ModemManger, which is default installed on e.g. Ubuntu, is known to cause problems. It can easily be fixed by removing ModemManager through `sudo apt-get purge modemmanager`. - -### CC1352P-2 coordinators only: press the reset button on the device -If zigbee2mqtt fails to start with a CC1352P-2 with `Error: SRSP - SYS - version after 6000ms`, you most probably have connected your device to a system that requires pressing the reset button (the one next to the USB connector) momentarily/shortly after connecting the USB cable. This issue has primarily been observed on x86 architectures only (e.g., Intel NUC, HPE Microserver, i7 laptop), see also [#2162](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/2162). The procedure has to be repeated every time the CC1352P-2 is re-connected and it's not clear yet, whether this can be fixed at all. It does not seem to occur on ARM based boards (Raspberry Pi, ODROID XU4). - -### CC2531 coordinators only: press the reset button on the device -When you plug the CC2531 in your computer, the green LED should go on. -By pressing the reset button on the CC2531 the green LED should go off. -The CC2531 has 2 buttons on it, the reset button is the one which is closest to the USB port. -Now try starting Zigbee2mqtt again. - -### CC26XR1 LaunchPad coordinators only: verify that you have the correct revision -The revision of your board can be seen in UniFlash by clicking *more info* in the top, now press *Read device info*. - -The correct revision is: **E** like shown below. - -![cc26xr1_revision](../images/cc26xr1_revision.png) - -All earlier version are not supported (these are development boards). Return this board to the seller immidiately. - -## I read that zigbee2mqtt has a limit of 20 devices, is this true? -Definitely not! Example given: the default Zigbee2mqtt CC2531 firmware indeed supports 20 devices connected **directly** to the coordinator. However, by having routers in your network the network size can be extended. Probably all AC powered devices e.g. bulbs serve as a router, you can even use another [CC2530/CC2531 as a router](../information/cc_sniffer_devices.md) (which has a limit of 21 devices). - -### Example -When using the default Zigbee2mqtt CC2531 coordinator firmware + 2 CC2531 routers your device limit will be: -- Coordinator: 15 - 2 routers = 13 -- Router 1: 21 -- Router 2: 21 -- **Device limit of 55 devices** - -## Which port should I use for CC26X2R1/CC1352P-2, /dev/ttyACM0 or /dev/ttyACM1? -The CC26X2R1 has a build in debugger. This debugger also registers a port next to the device data port. Of course this is not necessarily number 0 and 1. But normally the lowest number is the device data port and the other the debugger. - -To find the correct port, execute: -```bash -pi@raspberry:/ $ ls -l /dev/serial/by-id -total 0 -lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Jan 6 19:07 usb-Texas_Instruments_XDS110__03.00.00.05__Embed_with_CMSIS-DAP_L1100BTD-if00 -> ../../ttyACM0 -lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Jan 6 19:07 usb-Texas_Instruments_XDS110__03.00.00.05__Embed_with_CMSIS-DAP_L1100BTD-if03 -> ../../ttyACM1 -``` -The device with id ending with *if00* is for device data. Use this port in your configuration. diff --git a/devices/docs/information/alternative_flashing_methods.md b/devices/docs/information/alternative_flashing_methods.md deleted file mode 100755 index 159cc7ba..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/information/alternative_flashing_methods.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,277 +0,0 @@ ---- ---- -# Alternative flashing methods - -*NOTE: When you have already flashed the stick and paired devices to it, reflashing it requires to re-pair all your devices!* - -### With Raspberry Pi (~3min) - -1. Install [wiringPi](http://wiringpi.com/download-and-install/), if not already installed. - -2. Install [flash_cc2531](https://github.com/jmichault/flash_cc2531) : -```bash -git clone https://github.com/jmichault/flash_cc2531.git -``` -3. Connect the following pins of the debug port to the GPIO port : - * pin 1 (GND) --> pin 39 (GND) - * pin 7 (reset) --> pin 35 (GPIO24, BCM19) - * pin 3 (DC) --> pin 36 (GPIO27, BCM16) - * pin 4 (DD) --> pin 38 (GPIO28, BCM20) - - As with the arduino option above, connecting Target Voltage Sense to a 3.3v source eliminates the need to plug the device into a usb port, so optionally connect the following too: - * pin 2 (Target Voltage Sense) --> pin 1 or pin 17 (3.3v) on Raspi - -See above for the dispositions of pins on CC2531, and at [https://pinout.xyz/](https://pinout.xyz/) for pins on Raspberry. - -A downloader cable CC2531 ![](https://www.zigbee2mqtt.io/images/downloader_cable.png) and 4 Dupont line Female to Female are perfect for this purpose. If you don't want to buy a downloader cable, you need to bend the debug pins outwards to be able to connect your Dupont cables since the pins are too close together to connect the Dupont cables directly. - -Now insert the usb dongle in an USB port : - -![](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jmichault/files/master/Raspberry-CC2531.jpg) - -4. Test by running : - -```bash -cd flash_cc2531 -./cc_chipid -``` -it should return : -``` - ID = b524. -``` -If you see 0000 or ffff, something is wrong and you should probably check your wiring. - -5. Download and extract the latest firmware [CC2531_DEFAULT_20190608.zip](https://github.com/Koenkk/Z-Stack-firmware/raw/master/coordinator/Z-Stack_Home_1.2/bin/default/CC2531_DEFAULT_20190608.zip). - -```bash -cd ~/flash_cc2531 #assumming you git-cloned the program to your home directory -wget https://github.com/Koenkk/Z-Stack-firmware/raw/master/coordinator/Z-Stack_Home_1.2/bin/default/CC2531_DEFAULT_20190608.zip -unzip CC2531_DEFAULT_20190608.zip -``` - -6. Erase and flash the CC2531 : - -```bash -./cc_erase -./cc_write CC2531ZNP-Prod.hex -``` -It takes around 3 minutes. - -### Via Arduino Uno/ESP8266 with CCLoader (~3min) - -**This has been tested with a Genuine Arudino Uno, an Arduino Pro Micro - China clone, and a NodeMCU ESP8266 and is significantly faster than CCLib** - -#### Prepare the firmware -1. Download the correct firmware (in this example we'll be using the [CC2531 firmware](https://github.com/Koenkk/Z-Stack-firmware/blob/master/coordinator/Z-Stack_Home_1.2/bin/)) -1. Unpack firmware and convert the hex file to binary using `objcopy` (do not use the included binary file!) - - ***Windows***: download `objcopy.exe` as per [this](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11054534/how-to-use-install-gnu-binutils-objdump) answer from StackOverflow. - ``` - objcopy.exe --gap-fill 0xFF --pad-to 0x040000 -I ihex CC2531ZNP-Prod.hex -O binary CC2531ZNP-Prod.bin - ``` - **Linux or Bash on Ubuntu on Windows**: install the `binutils` package using your package manager - ```bash - objcopy --gap-fill 0xFF --pad-to 0x040000 -I ihex CC2531ZNP-Prod.hex -O binary /tmp/CC2531ZNP-Prod.bin - ``` - -#### Prepare CCLoader -1. Download and unpack [CCLoader](https://github.com/RedBearLab/CCLoader) -1. On Windows you can use the precompiled `CCloader.exe` -1. On Linux you have to compile `CCLoader` yourself so change directory to `CCLoader/SourceCode/Linux`, and run - ```bash - gcc main.c -o CCLoader - ``` - -#### Flashing the Arduino or ESP8266 and the CC2531 device - -1. For Arduino, leave the pins set as default in 'Arduino\CCLoader\CCLoader.ino' (lines 86-90): -``` -// Debug control pins & the indicate LED -int DD = 6; -int DC = 5; -int RESET = 4; -int LED = 13; -``` - -For ESP8266 (NodeMCU or WeMos D1 Mini) edit those pins in 'Arduino\CCLoader\CCLoader.ino' (lines 86-90) to usable pins for the ESP8266, these worked for me (note that the number is the GPIO number, not the label on the NodeMCU): -``` -// Debug control pins & the indicate LED -int DD = 14; //GPIO14=D5 on NodeMCU/WeMos D1 Mini -int DC = 4; //GPIO4=D2 on NodeMCU/WeMos D1 Mini -int RESET = 5; //GPIO5=D1 on NodeMCU/WeMos D1 Mini -int LED = 2; //GPIO2=D4 and the Blue LED on the WeMos D1 Mini and the ESP-12E module on the NodeMCU, or can use GPIO16=D0 for the other Blue LED on NodeMCU -``` - -1. Flash Arduino Uno or ESP8266 board with `Arduino\CCLoader\CCLoader.ino` (For NodeMCU on Windows: install [the Arduino IDE](https://www.arduino.cc/en/main/software), then in Preferences, add the following URL to the Additional Boards Manager URL field: http://arduino.esp8266.com/stable/package_esp8266com_index.json , then go to the Boards Manager and install the esp8266 package, then set the board to "NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E module)" or if you are using a WeMos D1 Mini set it to "LOLIN(WEMOS) D1 R2 & Mini", then set Port to the correct COM port (it was COM3 for me with a NodeMCU), then Upload the sketch.) -1. Note the COM port number or device name as this will be used later -1. Connect Arduino pins as described below to the debug header of the CC device - - | Arduino | CC Pin | CC Name | - |---|---|---| - | GND | 1 | GND | - | D4 | 7 | RESETn | - | D5 | 3 | DC (Debug Clock) | - | D6 | 4 | DD (Debug Data) | - - ![](https://www.waveshare.com/img/devkit/CC-Debugger/CC-Debugger-JTAG-Header.jpg) - - If you have a 3.3V Arduino you can optionaly connect `3.3V -> Target Voltage Sense (Pin 2)` and program the CC2531 without connecting the CC2531 to USB (in the next step). - - Connect the ESP8266 pins as described below to the debug header of the CC device - - | ESP8266 | CC Pin | CC Name | - |---|---|---| - | GND | 1 | GND | - | D1/GPIO5 | 7 | RESETn | - | D2/GPIO4 | 3 | DC (Debug Clock) | - | D5/GPIO14 | 4 | DD (Debug Data) | - - ![C2531 debug pins](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/35885181/67834765-dcab2280-faad-11e9-8755-971f0e456217.jpg) - ![CC2531 stick and NodeMCU](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/35885181/67834764-dc128c00-faad-11e9-8e06-0937e1bb6790.jpg) - -1. Connect Arduino/ESP8266 first, then within a couple seconds connect the CC2531 to USB power -1. Place the prepared `CC2531ZNP-Prod.bin` next to the executable file -1. Start the flashing process - - **Windows** - ``` - CCLoader_x86_64.exe [Number of the COM port] CC2531ZNP-Prod.bin 0 - ``` - *Example:* Arduino UNO on COM7 - ``` - CCLoader_x86_64.exe 7 CC2531ZNP-Prod.bin 0 - ``` - **Linux** - ``` - ./CCLoader [Name of the USB device] CC2531ZNP-Prod.bin 0 - ``` - *Example:* Arduino Uno on `/dev/ttyACM0` - ``` - ./CCLoader /dev/ttyACM0 CC2531ZNP-Prod.bin 0 - ``` - -It should be done in a few minutes. - -If burning fails/gets stuck at `Request sent already! Waiting for respond...` - try again, check your wiring, try using `1` instead of `0` as the last parameter. - -### Via Arduino/ESP8266 with CCLib (~3hrs) -Flashing firmware via Arduino is implemented using the project https://github.com/wavesoft/CCLib -**But with minor improvements!!!** - -[AndrewLinden](https://github.com/AndrewLinden) described that he was able to flash CC2531 using CCLib [with comments](https://github.com/wavesoft/CCLib/issues/19). - -As described [I made a fork of the CCLib library with minor changes](https://github.com/kirovilya/CCLib) for flashing firmware via Arduino: - -* Timeouts of operations -* After opening the port (I have in Windows 7) Arduino reboots and, accordingly, does not respond to requests - made a 3 seconds pause (found somewhere in internet). -* The port speed is reduced to 9600, because at another speed leaving communication errors: -`ERROR: Could not read from the serial port!` - -Flashing proccess: -1. Download and unpack the archive with the library https://github.com/kirovilya/CCLib. - -2. Flashing Arduino sketch via Arduino IDE -CCLib\Arduino\CCLib\Examples\CCLib_proxy\CCLib_proxy.ino - -**If flashing via esp8266 (wemos d1 mini), you need change connection (p. 5) and Pinout configuration in Arduino/CCLib/Examples/CCLib_proxy/CCLib_proxy.ino:** -``` -int CC_RST = 5; -int CC_DC = 4; -int CC_DD_I = 14; -int CC_DD_O = 12; -``` - -3. Install Python 2.7 or later (tested with python 2.7.13), if not installed - -4. Install pyserial 3.0.1, if not installed -`pip install -r CCLib\Python\requirements.txt` -or -`pip install pyserial==3.0.1` - -5. Connect the contacts as described https://github.com/kirovilya/CCLib#1-prepare-your-arduino-board -**But in my case, I connected completely without resistors, combined the contacts CC_DD_I and CC_DD_O together and connected to the DD pin of the DEBUG connector!** - -![](https://www.waveshare.com/img/devkit/CC-Debugger/CC-Debugger-JTAG-Header.jpg) - -I connected only 3 specified contacts and GND. During the firmware, the stick and Arduino must be connected to the USB. - -![](../images/kirovilya/IMG_20180111_193941.jpg) -![](../images/kirovilya/IMG_20180111_193923.jpg) -![](../images/kirovilya/IMG_20180110_234401.jpg) - -6. After that, try to get information about the chip - if it works, then the connection is correct (example for COM9 port - Arduino port): - -``` -C:\Projects\CCLib\Python>python cc_info.py -p COM9 -INFO: Found a CC2531 chip on COM9 - -Chip information: - Chip ID : 0xb524 - Flash size : 256 Kb - Page size : 2 Kb - SRAM size : 8 Kb - USB : Yes - -Device information: - IEEE Address : 00124b0014aa - PC : 0000 - -Debug status: - [ ] CHIP_ERASE_BUSY - [ ] PCON_IDLE - [X] CPU_HALTED - [ ] PM_ACTIVE - [ ] HALT_STATUS - [ ] DEBUG_LOCKED - [X] OSCILLATOR_STABLE - [ ] STACK_OVERFLOW - -Debug config: - [ ] SOFT_POWER_MODE - [ ] TIMERS_OFF - [X] DMA_PAUSE - [X] TIMER_SUSPEND -``` -[Another example of connection on MacOS](https://github.com/wavesoft/CCLib/issues/22#issuecomment-384452424) - -7. If everything is successful, download [the firmware](https://github.com/Koenkk/Z-Stack-firmware/blob/master/coordinator/Z-Stack_Home_1.2/bin/). -Before we flash the firmware we need to make a modification to it. Open the `.hex` -file in a text editor and **remove the second last line**. Now save the file. - -8. Start the flashing firmware (it takes a long time, about 2-3 hours): - -``` -C:\Projects\ZigBee>python cc_write_flash.py -e -p COM9 --in=CC2531ZNP-Pro-Secure_LinkKeyJoin_mod.hex -INFO: Found a CC2531 chip on COM9 - -Chip information: - Chip ID : 0xb524 - Flash size : 256 Kb - Page size : 2 Kb - SRAM size : 8 Kb - USB : Yes -Sections in CC2531ZNP-Pro-Secure_LinkKeyJoin_mod.hex: - - Addr. Size --------- ------------- - 0x0000 8176 B - 0x1ff6 10 B - 0x3fff0 1 B - 0x2000 239616 B - -This is going to ERASE and REPROGRAM the chip. Are you sure? : y - -Flashing: - - Chip erase... - - Flashing 4 memory blocks... - -> 0x0000 : 8176 bytes - Progress 100%... OK - -> 0x1ff6 : 10 bytes - Progress 100%... OK - -> 0x3fff0 : 1 bytes - Progress 100%... OK - -> 0x2000 : 239616 bytes - Progress 100%... OK - -Completed -``` diff --git a/devices/docs/information/availability.md b/devices/docs/information/availability.md deleted file mode 100755 index 5e13ce86..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/information/availability.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,47 +0,0 @@ ---- ---- -# Availability -*An ongoing discussion about this feature can be found here: https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/775* - -When the availability feature is enabled, Zigbee2mqtt will ping devices to check if they are online. -In case a devices changes it's online/offline state, Zigbee2mqtt will publish to `zigbee2mqtt/[FRIENDLY_NAME]/availability`; `online` or `offline`. - -This feature integrates well with Home Assistant as devices are marked as `unavailable` when offline. - -To enable availabilty, add the following to your `configuration.yaml`: - -```yaml -advanced: - availability_timeout: 60 -``` - -The `availability_timeout` defines the interval in seconds at which devices are pinged. -Note that only non-battery powered devices are checked for availability. -By default `availability_timeout: 0` is set, which means that this feature is disabled. - -In order to exclude devices from this feature use `availability_blacklist`, example: - -```yaml -advanced: - availability_timeout: 60 - availability_blacklist: ['my_bulb','0x000b57fffec6a5b2'] # = list of friendly names or IEEE addresses -``` - -In order to set availability check for certain devices only from this feature use `availability_whitelist`, example: - -```yaml -advanced: - availability_timeout: 60 - availability_whitelist: ['my_bulb','my_other_bulb','0x000b57fffec6a5b2'] # = list of friendly names or IEEE addresses -``` - -## Non-pingable devices -Note that not all devices can be pinged for availability (e.g. battery powered devices). -This category of devices will be marked as `unavailable` when no message has been received from them for 25 hours. - -## State retrieval -While this feature is enabled and a bulb reconnects or announces itself on the network, Zigbee2mqtt will retrieve the new state of the device. -This will make sure that e.g. a bulb is powered off and on again the state (on/off, brightness, color temperature or color) is correct. - -## Note for CC2530/CC2531 users -As this feature increases the amount of messages on the Zigbee network, it could cause stability issues when you are using a CC2531 or CC2530 as adapter. diff --git a/devices/docs/information/binding.md b/devices/docs/information/binding.md deleted file mode 100755 index f4674fe9..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/information/binding.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,43 +0,0 @@ ---- ---- -# Binding -*Ongoing discussion about this feature can be found here: * - -Zigbee has support for binding which makes it possible that devices can directly control each other without the intervention of zigbee2mqtt or any home automation software. - -## When to use this -A use case for this is e.g. the TRADFRI wireless dimmer. Binding the dimmer directly to a bulb or group has the following advantages: -- Smoothness; this will greatly improve the dimming feedback as the dimmer directly dims the bulb and thus does not have to make the MQTT/home automation software roundtrip. -- It will work even when home automation software, zigbee2mqtt or the coordinator is down. - -## Commands -Binding can be configured using the following topics: - -- `zigbee2mqtt/bridge/bind/[SOURCE_DEVICE_FRIENDLY_NAME]` with payload `TARGET_DEVICE_FRIENDLY_NAME` will bind the source device to the target device or target group. In the above example, the TRADFRI wireless dimmer would be the source device and the bulb the target device. When using a group as target, using the group's friendly name is mandatory, group ID will not work. -- `zigbee2mqtt/bridge/unbind/[SOURCE_DEVICE_FRIENDLY_NAME]` with payload `TARGET_DEVICE_FRIENDLY_NAME` will unbind the devices. - -### Binding specific endpoint -**This is not applicable for most users** - -By default, the first endpoint is taken. In case your device has multiple endpoints, e.g. `left` and `right`. The following can be done to specifcy an endpoint: -- **Source**: append the endpoint friendly name to the topic, e.g. `zigbee2mqtt/bridge/bind/my_switch/left` -- **Target**: append the endpoint friendly name to the payload, e.g. `my_switch/right` - -### Binding a remote to a group -Binding a remote to a group allows a remote to directly control a group of devices without intervention of Zigbee2mqtt. - -When we for example have an IKEA E1743 remote called `my_remote` and two bulbs called `bulb_1` and `bulb_2`, we can control the 2 bulbs with the remote by putting them in the same group and binding the remote to it. - -To do this execute the following steps: -1. Create a new group in `configuration.yaml` and give it a `friendly_name` (see [Groups](./groups)). In this example we will set the `friendly_name` to `my_group`. -2. Add the 2 bulbs to the group by sending the following two MQTT messages. - - `zigbee2mqtt/bridge/group/my_group/add` with payload `bulb_1` - - `zigbee2mqtt/bridge/group/my_group/add` with payload `bulb_2` -3. Bind the remote to the group by sending the following MQTT message. If this fails it might be because the remote is sleeping. This can be fixed by waking it up right before sending the MQTT message. To wake it up press a button on the remote. - - `zigbee2mqtt/bridge/bind/my_remote` with payload `my_group` - -## Devices -Not all devices support this, it basically comes down to the Zigbee implementation of the device itself. Check the device specific page for more info (can be reached via the supported devices page) - -## Report -When using this feature you are probably also interested in using the report feature. This allows you to get state changes when e.g. a bulb state changes by a bound dimmer. Read more about it here [Report](./report.md). diff --git a/devices/docs/information/cc_sniffer_devices.md b/devices/docs/information/cc_sniffer_devices.md deleted file mode 100644 index 311921b7..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/information/cc_sniffer_devices.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- ---- -# CC sniffer devices - -Zigbee2mqtt supports several CC2530 and CC2531 devices. Both can be used as a router or coordinator. -A discussion of these devices can be found [here](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/52). -For more information about a coordinator and routers can be found [here](zigbee_network.md). - -## How to flash -- [CC2530 based devices](http://ptvo.info/how-to-select-and-flash-cc2530-144/) -- [CC2531 based devices](../getting_started/flashing_the_cc2531.md) - -## Coordinator firmware types -The are 2 types of coordinator firmwares available, **default** and **source routing**. The pros and cons for these 2 types can be read [here](https://github.com/Koenkk/Z-Stack-firmware/tree/master/coordinator). - -## Supported devices - -| Device| Description | Firmware | Example | Link | -| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | -| **CC2531** | (_Default Option_). USB connected Zigbee sniffer based on CC2531 with PCB antenna and no RF frontend.
A very cheap option but has limited range (~30m line of sight) | [Coordinator firmware](https://github.com/Koenkk/Z-Stack-firmware/blob/master/coordinator/Z-Stack_Home_1.2/bin)

[Router firmware](https://github.com/Koenkk/Z-Stack-firmware/tree/master/router/CC2531/bin) | ![CC2531](../images/cc2531.jpg) | [Texas Instruments](http://www.ti.com/tool/cc2531emk)

[Aliexpress](http://www.aliexpress.com/w/wholesale-cc2531.html) | | -| **CC2530** | Serial connected Zigbee sniffer based on CC2530 with either PCB antenna OR external antenna, and no RF frontend.
A very cheap option with potentially increased range with external antenna (~50-60m line of sight). More difficult to connect unless paired with serial-USB | [Coordinator firmware](https://github.com/Koenkk/Z-Stack-firmware/blob/master/coordinator/Z-Stack_Home_1.2/bin)

[Router firmware](https://github.com/Koenkk/Z-Stack-firmware/tree/master/router/CC2530/bin) | ![CC2530](../images/cc2530.jpg) | [Aliexpress](http://www.aliexpress.com/wholesale?catId=0&initiative_id=SB_20181213104041&SearchText=cc2530) | -| **CC2530 + CC2591** | Serial connected Zigbee sniffer based on CC2530 with CC2591 RF frontend and external antenna.
A more expensive option with increased range (~50-60m line of sight) and higher sensitivity.
More difficult to connect unless paired with serial-USB | [Coordinator firmware](https://github.com/Koenkk/Z-Stack-firmware/blob/master/coordinator/Z-Stack_Home_1.2/bin)

[Router firmware](https://github.com/Koenkk/Z-Stack-firmware/tree/master/router/CC2530_CC2591/bin) |![CC2530 + CC2591](../images/cc2530_cc2591.jpg) | [Aliexpress](http://www.aliexpress.com/wholesale?catId=0&initiative_id=SB_20181213104521&SearchText=cc2530+cc2591) | -| **GBAN GB2530** | USB Device based on CC2530 with RFX2401 or CC2591 RF frontend and external antenna.
**Note:** With the latest firmwares you don't need to connect some CC2530 pins to GND anymore.
![GBAN GB2530-S Hardware MOD](../images/gban_gb2530_zigbee2mqtt_mod.png)

GBAN GB2530-S = CC2530 + RFX2401
GBAN GB2530-H = CC2530 + CC2591 | [Coordinator firmware (same as CC2530 + CC2591)](https://github.com/Koenkk/Z-Stack-firmware/blob/master/coordinator/Z-Stack_Home_1.2/bin)

[Router firmware (same as CC2530 + CC2591)](https://github.com/Koenkk/Z-Stack-firmware/tree/master/router/CC2530_CC2591/bin) | ![CC2530 with RFX2401](../images/cc2530_rfx2401.png) | [GBAN](http://www.gban.cn/en/product_show.asp?id=43)

[Aliexpress](http://www.aliexpress.com/wholesale?catId=0&initiative_id=SB_20181213104722&SearchText=cc2530+rf) | - - -## Required configuration for CC2530 coordinator -When using a CC2530 based device as a coordinator the following configuration is necessary: - -```yaml -advanced: - rtscts: false -``` - -## Re-pairing CC2530/CC2530 router -- CC2531 can be re-paired pressing the S2 button for 5 seconds. -- СС2530 can be re-paired if you power on/power off the device three times (power on, wait 2 seconds, power off, repeat this cycle three times). diff --git a/devices/docs/information/configuration.md b/devices/docs/information/configuration.md deleted file mode 100755 index 7f022f5f..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/information/configuration.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,254 +0,0 @@ ---- ---- -# Configuration -The following configuration options are available in `data/configuration.yaml`. - -```yaml -# Required: Home Assistant integration (MQTT discovery) (default: false) -homeassistant: false - -# Required: allow new devices to join. -# WARNING: Disable this after all devices have been paired! (default: false) -permit_join: true - -# Required: MQTT settings -mqtt: - # Required: MQTT base topic for zigbee2mqtt MQTT messages - base_topic: zigbee2mqtt - # Required: MQTT server URL (use mqtts:// for SSL/TLS connection) - server: 'mqtt://localhost:1883' - # Optional: absolute path to SSL/TLS certificate of CA used to sign server and client certificates (default: nothing) - ca: '/etc/ssl/mqtt-ca.crt' - # Optional: absolute paths to SSL/TLS key and certificate for client-authentication (default: nothing) - key: '/etc/ssl/mqtt-client.key' - cert: '/etc/ssl/mqtt-client.crt' - # Optional: MQTT server authentication user (default: nothing) - user: my_user - # Optional: MQTT server authentication password (default: nothing) - password: my_password - # Optional: MQTT client ID (default: nothing) - client_id: 'MY_CLIENT_ID' - # Optional: disable self-signed SSL certificates (default: false) - reject_unauthorized: true - # Optional: Include device information to mqtt messages (default: false) - include_device_information: true - # Optional: MQTT keepalive in seconds (default: 60) - keepalive: 60 - # Optional: MQTT protocol version (default: 4), set this to 5 if you - # use the 'retention' device specific configuration - version: 4 - -# Required: serial settings -serial: - # Required: location of the adapter (e.g. CC2531). - # To autodetect the port, set 'port: null'. - port: /dev/ttyACM0 - # Optional: disable LED of the adapter if supported (default: false) - disable_led: false - -# Optional: ban devices from the network (by ieeeAddr) (default: empty) -ban: - - '0x000b57fffec6a5b2' - -# Optional: whitelist devices from the network (by ieeeAddr) -# Note that when devices are whitelisted, all device which are not whitelisted will be removed from the network. -# (default: empty) -whitelist: - - '0x000b57fffec6a5b3' - -# Optional: advanced settings -advanced: - # Optional: ZigBee pan ID (default: shown below) - pan_id: 0x1a62 - # Optional: Zigbee extended pan ID (default: shown below) - ext_pan_id: [0xDD, 0xDD, 0xDD, 0xDD, 0xDD, 0xDD, 0xDD, 0xDD] - # Optional: ZigBee channel, changing requires re-pairing of all devices. (Note: use a ZLL channel: 11, 15, 20, or 25 to avoid Problems) - # (default: 11) - channel: 11 - # Optional: state caching, MQTT message payload will contain all attributes, not only changed ones. - # Has to be true when integrating via Home Assistant (default: true) - cache_state: true - # Optional: Logging level, options: debug, info, warn, error (default: info) - log_level: info - # Optional: Location of log directory (default: shown below) - log_directory: data/log/%TIMESTAMP% - # Optional: Log file name, can also contain timestamp, e.g.: zigbee2mqtt_%TIMESTAMP%.log (default: shown below) - log_file: log.txt - # Optional: Output location of the log (default: shown below), leave empty to supress logging (log_output: []) - log_output: - - console - - file - # Optional: Baudrate for serial port (default: shown below) - baudrate: 115200 - # Optional: RTS / CTS Hardware Flow Control for serial port (default: true) - rtscts: true - # Optional: soft reset ZNP after timeout (in seconds); 0 is disabled (default: 0) - soft_reset_timeout: 0 - # Optional: network encryption key, will improve security (Note: changing requires repairing of all devices) (default: shown below) - network_key: [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13] - # Optional: Add a last_seen attribute to MQTT messages, contains date/time of last Zigbee message - # possible values are: disable (default), ISO_8601, ISO_8601_local, epoch (default: disable) - last_seen: 'disable' - # Optional: Add an elapsed attribute to MQTT messages, contains milliseconds since the previous msg (default: false) - elapsed: false - # Optional: Availability timeout in seconds, disabled by default (0). - # When enabled, devices will be checked if they are still online. - # Only AC powered routers are checked for availability. (default: 0) - availability_timeout: 0 - # Optional: Blacklist devices from being checked for availability (default: empty) - availability_blacklist: - - DEVICE_FRIENDLY_NAME or DEVICE_IEEE_ADDRESS - # Optional: Whitelist of devices being checked for availability (default: empty) - availability_whitelist: - - DEVICE_FRIENDLY_NAME or DEVICE_IEEE_ADDRESS - # Optional: Enables report feature (see information -> report for more details) (default: false) - report: true - # Optional: Home Assistant discovery topic (default: shown below) - homeassistant_discovery_topic: 'homeassistant' - # Optional: Home Assistant status topic (default: shown below) - homeassistant_status_topic: 'hass/status' - # Optional: Home Assistant legacy triggers (default: shown below), when enabled: - # - Zigbee2mqt will send an empty 'action' or 'click' after one has been send - # - A 'sensor_action' and 'sensor_click' will be discoverd - homeassistant_legacy_triggers: true - # Optional: log timestamp format (default: shown below) - timestamp_format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss' - -# Optional: experimental options -experimental: - # Optional: MQTT output type: json, attribute or attribute_and_json (default: shown below) - # Examples when 'state' of a device is published - # json: topic: 'zigbee2mqtt/my_bulb' payload '{"state": "ON"}' - # attribute: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/my_bulb/state' payload 'ON" - # attribute_and_json: both json and attribute (see above) - output: 'json' - -# Optional: networkmap options -map_options: - graphviz: - # Optional: Colors to be used in the graphviz network map (default: shown below) - colors: - fill: - enddevice: '#fff8ce' - coordinator: '#e04e5d' - router: '#4ea3e0' - font: - coordinator: '#ffffff' - router: '#ffffff' - enddevice: '#000000' - line: - active: '#009900' - inactive: '#994444' - -# Optional: Device specific options -device_options: - # See 'Device specific configuration' below -``` - -### Specifying devices and groups in a separate file -Normally devices and groups are specified in the `configuration.yaml`, example: - -```yaml -devices: - '0x00158d0001d82999': - friendly_name: 'my_occupancy_sensor' - -groups: - '1': - friendly_name: group_1 -``` - -In case you want to specify devices and groups in a separate file, the following configuration can be used (equivalent of the above example). - -**configuration.yaml** -```yaml -devices: devices.yaml -groups: groups.yaml -``` - -**devices.yaml** -```yaml -'0x00158d0001d82999': - friendly_name: 'my_occupancy_sensor' -``` - -**groups.yaml** -```yaml -'1': - friendly_name: group_1 -``` - -### Specifying MQTT user/password and network_key in a different file -To specify the MQTT user/password and network_key in a different file, e.g `secret.yaml`, use the following configuration. - -**configuration.yaml** -```yaml -# IMPORTANT: Don't forget the quotes! -mqtt: - user: '!secret user' - password: '!secret password' -advanced: - network_key: '!secret network_key' -``` - -**secret.yaml** -```yaml -user: mqtt_user -password: mqtt_password -network_key: [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13] -``` - -## Device specific configuration -The `configuration.yaml` allows to set device specific configuration. This can also be used in combination with groups. The following options are available. - -### All devices -* `friendly_name`: Used in the MQTT topic of a device. By default this is the device ID (e.g. `0x00128d0001d9e1d2`). -* `retain`: Retain MQTT messages of this device (default `false`). -* `retention`: Sets the MQTT Message Expiry (default: not enabled). Make sure to set `mqtt.version` to `5` (see `mqtt` configuration above) -* `qos`: QoS level for MQTT messages of this device. [What is QoS?](https://www.npmjs.com/package/mqtt#about-qos) -* `homeassistant`: Allows to override values of the Home Assistant discovery payload. See example below. -* `debounce`: Debounces messages of this device. When setting e.g. `debounce: 1` and a message from a device is received, zigbee2mqtt will not immediately publish this message but combine it with other messages received in that same second of that device. This is handy for e.g. the `WSDCGQ11LM` which publishes humidity, temperature and pressure at the same time but as 3 different messages. -* `debounce_ignore` Protects unique payload values of specified payload properties from overriding within debounce time. When setting e.g. `debounce: 1` and `debounce_ignore: - action` every payload with unique `action` value will be published. This is handy for e.g. the `E1744` which publishes multiple messages in short time period after one turn and `debounce` option without `debounce_ignore` publishes only last payload with action `rotate_stop`. On the other hand `debounce: 1` with `debounce_ignore: - action` will publish all unique action messages, at least two (e.g. `action: rotate_left` and `action: rotate_stop`) -* `retrieve_state`: Retrieves the state after setting it. Should only be enabled when the [reporting feature](../information/report.md) does not work for this device. -* `filtered_attributes`: Allows to prevent certain attributes from being published. When a device would e.g. publish `{"temperature": 10, "battery": 20}` and you set `filtered_attributes: ["battery"]` it will publish `{"temperature": 10}`. - -### Device type specific -Some devices support device type specific configuration, e.g. [RTCGQ11LM](../devices/RTCGQ11LM.md). To see if your device has device type specific configuration, visit the device page by going to [Supported devices](../information/supported_devices.md) and clicking on the model number. - -#### Changing device type specific defaults -The default values used for the device specific configuration can be overriden via e.g.: - -```yaml -device_options: - occupancy_timeout: 130 - temperature_precision: 1 -``` - -### Example -``` yaml -devices: - '0x00158d0001d82999': - friendly_name: 'my_occupancy_sensor' - retain: true - qos: 1 - debounce: 0.5 - debounce_ignore: - - action - - brightness - retrieve_state: false - # Set `homeassistant: null` to skip discovery for this device - homeassistant: - # Applied to all discovered entities. - expire_after: 30 - # Only applied to discovered temperature sensor. - temperature: - icon: mdi:oil-temperature - # Omit values by setting them to null, e.g. don't send device_class - device_class: null - # Device type specific examples - occupancy_timeout: 120 - no_occupancy_since: [10, 600] -``` - -## Different location -To specify a different location for the `configuration.yaml` (by default inside the `data` directory), set the `ZIGBEE2MQTT_CONFIG`. diff --git a/devices/docs/information/connecting_cc2530.md b/devices/docs/information/connecting_cc2530.md deleted file mode 100755 index 31f1f600..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/information/connecting_cc2530.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,153 +0,0 @@ ---- ---- -# Connecting the CC2530 - -## Using a USB to serial adapter - -### Confirmed working -This how-to has been confirmed working with the following CC2530 based devices: - -| Device| Image | -| --- | --- | -| **CC2530** | ![CC2530](../images/cc2530.jpg) | - -and the following USB to serial adapters: - -| Device| Image | -| --- | --- | -| **CP2102** | ![CP2102](../images/CP2102.png) | - -##### Flashing the firmware -The required coordinator fimrware can be found here: [CC sniffer devices](../information/cc_sniffer_devices.md). - -### Connecting -Connect to CC2530 to the USB to serial adapter using the following mapping: - -| USB-Serial Adaper | CC2530 | -| :------------: |:---------------:| -| 3V3 | VCC | -| GND | GND | -| TXD | P02 | -| RXD | P03 | - -Now plug in the USB-to-serial adapter in your USB port. - -### Configuration -Add the following to your Zigbee2mqtt `configuration.yaml`: - -```yaml -advanced: - rtscts: false -``` - -and start Zigbee2mqtt, enjoy! - -## To a Raspberry Pi (Zero) -CC2530 can be connected to a Raspberry PI (Zero) via GPIO Pins - no USB2FTDI is needed. - -The use of UART by the installed Linux has to be disabled: [Detailed explanation here](https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/configuration/uart.md) - -Enable UART in the Kernel and disable UART use for BlueTooth. - -In `/boot/config.txt` add following lines: - -``` -enable_uart=1 -dtoverlay=pi3-disable-bt -``` - -Disable the modem system service (on the command line): - -``` -sudo systemctl disable hciuart -``` - -Remove the console entry by removing any of those entries from `/boot/cmdline.txt` if present: - -``` -console=serial0,115200 console=ttyAMA0,115200 - -``` - -Reboot your Raspberry. - -### Wiring CC2530 to the Raspberry - -``` -CC C2530 -> Raspberry -VCC -> 3,3V (Pin1) -GND -> GND (Pin6) -P02 -> TXD (Pin8 / BCM 14) -P03 -> RXD (Pin10 / BCM 15) -``` - -![CC2531PI](../images/CC2530_PI.JPG) - - -### Configuring zigbee2mqtt - -Change the Serial Port in your `data/configuration.yaml` file: - -``` -serial: - port: /dev/ttyAMA0 -advanced: - baudrate: 115200 - rtscts: false -``` - -Have fun. - -## Via an ESP8266 -This setup allows you to connect a CC2530 to an ESP8266 which can be put everywhere in your house. Via a serial socket, Zigbee2mqtt will connect to your CC2530. - -### Wiring -Wire the CC2530 to the ESP8266 using the following scheme: - -| ESP8266 | CC2530 | -| :------------: |:---------------:| -| 3v3 | VCC | -| GND | GND | -| TX | P02 | -| RX | P03 | -| GND | P20 | -| GND | P04 | -| GND | P05 | - -### Flashing the ESP8266 -The ESP8266 needs to be flashed with ESPEasy. ESPEasy has suficient documentation on how to get you up and running: -- [How to flash the ESP8266 with ESPEasy](https://www.letscontrolit.com/wiki/index.php?title=Tutorial_ESPEasy_Firmware_Upload) -- ESP8266 firmware: [ESP_Easy_mega-XXXXXXXX_normal_ESP8266_4096.bin](https://github.com/letscontrolit/ESPEasy/releases) -- [More information about ESPEasy](https://www.letscontrolit.com/wiki/index.php/ESPEasy#Introduction) - -### Setting up the ESP8266 -Open the ESPEasy web interface and complete the setup. Afterwards open the web interface again. - -Click on *Devices* Edit of the first task and select *Communication - Serial Server* from the dropdown list. - -Fill in the form as following: -``` -a. Name: ZIGBEE2MQTT -b. Enabled: checked -c. TCP Port: a number between 1000 and 9999 "1775" -d. Baud Rate: 115200 -e. Data bits: 8 -f. Parity: No Parity -g. Stop bits: 1 -h. Reset target after boot: - none – -i. RX receive timeout: 0 -j. Event processing: Generic -``` - -Press Submit, the setup is now completed. - -### Zigbee2mqtt configuration -Now add the following to the Zigbee2mqtt `configuration.yaml`: - -```yaml -serial: - port: 'tcp://' -``` - -Note to change the IP address and port. -You can now start Zigbee2qmtt. diff --git a/devices/docs/information/debug.md b/devices/docs/information/debug.md deleted file mode 100755 index 4777a7b7..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/information/debug.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ ---- ---- -# Debug - -In case Zigbee2mqtt isn't working as expected the following tips can help you in finding the problem. - -## Enabling logging - -### Zigbee2mqtt debug logging -To enable debug logging for Zigbee2mqtt add the following in your `configuration.yaml` - -```yaml -advanced: - log_level: debug -``` - -### Zigbee-herdsman debug logging -To enable debug logging for Zigbee-herdman start zigbee2mqtt with: `DEBUG=zigbee-herdsman* npm start`. Zigbee-herdsman is the Zigbee library where Zigbee2mqtt is based up-on - -### Docker -To enable debug logging in the Zigbee2mqtt Docker container add `-e DEBUG=*` to your `docker run` command. - -### Hass.io addon -Set `"zigbee_herdsman_debug": true` in the configuration. - -## Change log level during runtime -See [MQTT topics and message structure](../information/mqtt_topics_and_message_structure.md) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/devices/docs/information/docker.md b/devices/docs/information/docker.md deleted file mode 100755 index c78deb58..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/information/docker.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,347 +0,0 @@ ---- ---- -# Docker -It is possible to run Zigbee2mqtt in a Docker container using the official [Zigbee2mqtt Docker image](https://hub.docker.com/r/koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/). - -This image support the following architectures: `386`, `amd64`, `arm/v6`, `arm/v7`, `arm64`. -Since zigbee2mqtt images are manifest listed, Docker will auto-detect the architecture and pull the right image. - -Note for Raspberry Pi 1 and zero users: there is a bug in Docker which selects the wrong image architecture. -Before executing `docker run` pull the correct image with `docker pull koenkk/zigbee2mqtt --platform linux/arm/v6`. - -First run the container, this will create the configuration directory. Change `configuration.yaml` according to your situation and start again. - -## Running -Run by executing the following commmand: - -```bash -docker run \ - -it \ - -v $(pwd)/data:/app/data \ - --device=/dev/ttyACM0 \ - -e TZ=Europe/Amsterdam \ - -v /run/udev:/run/udev:ro \ - --privileged=true \ - koenkk/zigbee2mqtt -``` - -### Parameters explanation -* `-v $(pwd)/data:/app/data`: Directory where Zigbee2mqtt stores it configuration -* `--device=/dev/ttyACM0`: Location of adapter (e.g. CC2531) -* `-v /run/udev:/run/udev:ro --privileged=true`: is optional, only required for autodetecting the port -* Optional: in case your MQTT broker is running on `localhost` and is not within the same Docker network as the Zigbee2mqtt container also add `--network host \`. - -## Updating -To update to the latest Docker image: -```bash -docker rm -f [ZIGBEE2MQTT_CONTAINER_NAME] -docker rmi -f [ZIGBEE2MQTT_IMAGE_NAME] # e.g. koenkk/zigbee2mqtt:latest -# Now run the container again, Docker will automatically pull the latest image. -``` - -## Tags -The following tags are available: -- Latest release version: `latest` -- Latest dev version (based on [`dev`](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/tree/dev) branch): `latest-dev` -- Specific release version, e.g: `1.7.0` - -## Support new devices -See [How to support new devices](../how_tos/how_to_support_new_devices.md) - -## docker-compose example -```yaml - version: '3' - services: - zigbee2mqtt: - container_name: zigbee2mqtt - image: koenkk/zigbee2mqtt - volumes: - - ./data:/app/data - - /run/udev:/run/udev:ro - devices: - - /dev/ttyACM0:/dev/ttyACM0 - restart: always - network_mode: host - privileged: true - environment: - - TZ=Europe/Amsterdam -``` - -## Docker Stack device mapping -*This is only relevant when using Docker Stack* - -Docker stack doesn't support device mappings with option `--devices` when deploying a stack in Swam mode. A workaround is to bind the device as volume binding and set the right permissions. - -The workaround is based on the solution found at [Add support for devices with "service create"](https://github.com/docker/swarmkit/issues/1244#issuecomment-285935430), all credits goes this him. - -1. Identify cc2531 device - Identify the cc2531 device using the following command: - - ```shell - sudo lsusb -v - ``` - - ``` - Bus 001 Device 005: ID 0451:16a8 Texas Instruments, Inc. - Device Descriptor: - bLength 18 - bDescriptorType 1 - bcdUSB 2.00 - bDeviceClass 2 Communications - bDeviceSubClass 0 - bDeviceProtocol 0 - bMaxPacketSize0 32 - idVendor 0x0451 Texas Instruments, Inc. - idProduct 0x16a8 - bcdDevice 0.09 - iManufacturer 1 Texas Instruments - iProduct 2 TI CC2531 USB CDC - iSerial 3 __0X00124B001936AC60 - bNumConfigurations 1 - Configuration Descriptor: - bLength 9 - bDescriptorType 2 - wTotalLength 67 - bNumInterfaces 2 - bConfigurationValue 1 - iConfiguration 0 - bmAttributes 0x80 - (Bus Powered) - MaxPower 50mA - Interface Descriptor: - bLength 9 - bDescriptorType 4 - bInterfaceNumber 0 - bAlternateSetting 0 - bNumEndpoints 1 - bInterfaceClass 2 Communications - bInterfaceSubClass 2 Abstract (modem) - bInterfaceProtocol 1 AT-commands (v.25ter) - iInterface 0 - CDC Header: - bcdCDC 1.10 - CDC ACM: - bmCapabilities 0x02 - line coding and serial state - CDC Union: - bMasterInterface 0 - bSlaveInterface 1 - CDC Call Management: - bmCapabilities 0x00 - bDataInterface 1 - Endpoint Descriptor: - bLength 7 - bDescriptorType 5 - bEndpointAddress 0x82 EP 2 IN - bmAttributes 3 - Transfer Type Interrupt - Synch Type None - Usage Type Data - wMaxPacketSize 0x0040 1x 64 bytes - bInterval 64 - Interface Descriptor: - bLength 9 - bDescriptorType 4 - bInterfaceNumber 1 - bAlternateSetting 0 - bNumEndpoints 2 - bInterfaceClass 10 CDC Data - bInterfaceSubClass 0 Unused - bInterfaceProtocol 0 - iInterface 0 - Endpoint Descriptor: - bLength 7 - bDescriptorType 5 - bEndpointAddress 0x84 EP 4 IN - bmAttributes 2 - Transfer Type Bulk - Synch Type None - Usage Type Data - wMaxPacketSize 0x0040 1x 64 bytes - bInterval 0 - Endpoint Descriptor: - bLength 7 - bDescriptorType 5 - bEndpointAddress 0x04 EP 4 OUT - bmAttributes 2 - Transfer Type Bulk - Synch Type None - Usage Type Data - wMaxPacketSize 0x0040 1x 64 bytes - bInterval 0 - Device Status: 0x0000 - (Bus Powered) - ``` - -2. UDEV Rules - - Create a new udev rule for cc2531, `idVendor` and `idProduct` must be equal to values from `lsusb` command. The rule below creates device `/dev/cc2531`: - - ```shell - echo "SUBSYSTEM==\"tty\", ATTRS{idVendor}==\"0451\", ATTRS{idProduct}==\"16a8\", SYMLINK+=\"cc2531\", RUN+=\"/usr/local/bin/docker-setup-cc2531.sh\"" | sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/99-cc2531.rules - ``` - - Reload newly created rule using the following command: - - ```shell - sudo udevadm control --reload-rules - ``` - -3. Create docker-setup-cc2531.sh - - ```shell - sudo nano /usr/local/bin/docker-setup-cc2531.sh - ``` - - Copy the following content: - - ```shell - #!/bin/bash - USBDEV=`readlink -f /dev/cc2531` - read minor major < <(stat -c '%T %t' $USBDEV) - if [[ -z $minor || -z $major ]]; then - echo 'Device not found' - exit - fi - dminor=$((0x${minor})) - dmajor=$((0x${major})) - CID=`docker ps -a --no-trunc | grep koenkk/zigbee2mqtt | head -1 | awk '{print $1}'` - if [[ -z $CID ]]; then - echo 'CID not found' - exit - fi - echo 'Setting permissions' - echo "c $dmajor:$dminor rwm" > /sys/fs/cgroup/devices/docker/$CID/devices.allow - ``` - - Set permissions: - - ```shell - sudo chmod 744 /usr/local/bin/docker-setup-cc2531.sh - ``` - -4. Create docker-event-listener.sh - - ```shell - sudo nano /usr/local/bin/docker-event-listener.sh - ``` - - Copy the following content: - - ```shell - #!/bin/bash - docker events --filter 'event=start'| \ - while read line; do - /usr/local/bin/docker-setup-cc2531.sh - done - ``` - Set permissions: - - ```shell - sudo chmod 744 /usr/local/bin/docker-event-listener.sh - ``` - -5. Create docker-event-listener.service - - ```shell - sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/docker-event-listener.service - ``` - - Copy the following content: - - ```shell - [Unit] - Description=Docker Event Listener for TI CC2531 device - After=network.target - StartLimitIntervalSec=0 - [Service] - Type=simple - Restart=always - RestartSec=1 - User=root - ExecStart=/bin/bash /usr/local/bin/docker-event-listener.sh - - [Install] - WantedBy=multi-user.target - ``` - - Set permissions: - - ```shell - sudo chmod 744 /etc/systemd/system/docker-event-listener.service - ``` - - Reload daemon - - ```shell - sudo systemctl daemon-reload - ``` - - Start Docker event listener - - ```shell - sudo systemctl start docker-event-listener.service - ``` - - Status Docker event listener - - ```shell - sudo systemctl status docker-event-listener.service - ``` - - Enable Docker event listener - - ```shell - sudo systemctl enable docker-event-listener.service - ``` - -6. Verify and deploy Zigbee2Mqtt stack - - Now reconnect the cc2531. Verify using the following command: - - ```shell - ls -al /dev/cc2531 - ``` - - ```shell - lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Sep 28 21:14 /dev/cc2531 -> ttyACM0 - ``` - - Below an example of a `docker-stack-zigbee2mqtt.yml`: - ```yaml - version: "3.7" - services: - zigbee2mqtt: - image: koenkk/zigbee2mqtt:latest-dev - environment: - - TZ=Europe/Amsterdam - volumes: - - /mnt/docker-cluster/zigbee2mqtt/data:/app/data - - /dev/cc2531:/dev/cc2531 - networks: - - proxy_traefik-net - deploy: - placement: - constraints: [node.hostname == rpi-3] - replicas: 1 - - networks: - proxy_traefik-net: - external: true - ``` - In the above example, `proxy_traefik-net` is the network to connect to the mqtt broker. The constraint makes sure Docker deploys only to this (`rpi-3`) node, where the cc2531 is connected to. The volume binding `/mnt/docker-cluster/zigbee2mqtt/data` is the zigbee2mqtt persistent directory, where `configuration.yaml` is saved. - - The zigbee2mqtt `configuration.yaml` should point to `/dev/cc2531`: - - ```yaml - [...] - serial: - port: /dev/cc2531 - [...] - ``` - - Deploy the stack: - - ```shell - docker stack deploy zigbee2mqtt --compose-file docker-stack-zigbee2mqtt.yml - ``` diff --git a/devices/docs/information/flashing_via_uniflash.md b/devices/docs/information/flashing_via_uniflash.md deleted file mode 100644 index 3fa8f3c1..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/information/flashing_via_uniflash.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -# Flashing via UNIFLASH - -UNIFLASH can be used to flash certain Texas Instruments MCUs (e.g. CC26X2R1 and CC1352P-2). It runs on Windows, macOS and Linux. - -1. Download and install UNIFLASH: [download link](http://www.ti.com/tool/download/UNIFLASH) -2. Plug your device -3. Start UNIFLASH, your device will automatically be detected, press *Start* -![Start](../images/uniflash/start.png) -4. Go to *Settings & Utilities* -> *Manual Erase* and press *Erase Entire Flash* -![Erase](../images/uniflash/erase.png) -5. Go to *Settings & Utilities* -> *Program Load* and select *All Unprotected Sectors*, click *Perform Blank Check* -![Load](../images/uniflash/sectors.png) -6. Go to *Program* -> *Flash Image(s)*, press *Browse* to select the firmware. -7. Now click *Load image* to upload the firmware -![Load](../images/uniflash/load.png) -8. Done! diff --git a/devices/docs/information/groups.md b/devices/docs/information/groups.md deleted file mode 100755 index eab8b9aa..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/information/groups.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,58 +0,0 @@ ---- ---- -# Groups -*Ongoing discussion can be found here: https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/764* - -Zigbee2mqtt has support for Zigbee groups. By using Zigbee groups you can control multiple devices simultaneously with one command. - -## Configuration -Add the following to your `configuration.yaml`. - -```yaml -groups: - # ID, each group should have a different numerical ID - '1': - # Required: Name which will be used to control the group - friendly_name: group_1 - # Required: Retain messages (true/false) (default: false) - retain: false - # Optional: Default transition to be used when e.g. changing brightness (in seconds) (default: 0) - transition: 2 - # Optional: Change group state when one of the devices in it changes state, see 'State changes' below (default: true) - optimistic: true - # Optional: Devices of this group, - # Note: this has to be the ieeeAddr of the device, not the friendly_name! (default: empty) - devices: - - '0x00158d00018255df' -``` - -The group ID (in the above example `'1'`) should be a numerical string. In case you want to use a hexadecimal group ID (e.g. `0xe24c`) you should first convert it to a numerical string (e.g. `57932`). - -If using the Hassio add-on, restart it after modifying your `configuration.yaml` as above. - -## Commands -The group of a device can also be configured using the following commands: - -- `zigbee2mqtt/bridge/group/[GROUP_FRIENDLY_NAME]/add` with payload `DEVICE_FRIENDLY_NAME` will add a device to a group. -- `zigbee2mqtt/bridge/group/[GROUP_FRIENDLY_NAME]/remove` with payload `DEVICE_FRIENDLY_NAME` will remove a device from a group. -- `zigbee2mqtt/bridge/group/remove_all` with payload `DEVICE_FRIENDLY_NAME` will remove a device from **all** groups. - -## Controlling -Controlling a group is similar to controlling a single device. For example to turn on all devices that are part of group send a MQTT message to `zigbee2mqtt/[GROUP_FRIENDLY_NAME]/set` with payload: - -```json -{ - "state": "ON", -} -``` - -## State changes -By default when one of the devices in a group changes its state, the group state will update to reflect the change. If any lights within the group have a state of `on`, the group state will stay `on`. Also when the state of a group is changed by a command (so not via a state change of a device in it; see previous line), all devices in the group will also change its state. This behaviour can be disabled by setting `optimistic: false` for the group. - -## How do groups work? -By using the above `add` command above, a device will be added to a group. The device itself is responsible for storing to which groups it belongs. Others, e.g. the coordinator, do not have knowledge to which device a groups belongs. - -When using the `set` command, e.g. to turn on all devices in a group, a broadcast request is send to **all* devices in the network. The device itself then determines if it belongs to that group and if it should execute the command. - -## Adding a specific endpoint -In case you want to add a device to a group with multiple endpoints, e.g. a QBKG03LM with 2 buttons you can specify it by sending to `zigbee2mqtt/bridge/group/[GROUP_FRIENDLY_NAME]/add` with payload `DEVICE_FRIENDLY_NAME/ENDPOINT`. In case of the QBKG03LM e.g `my_device/right` diff --git a/devices/docs/information/mqtt_topics_and_message_structure.md b/devices/docs/information/mqtt_topics_and_message_structure.md deleted file mode 100755 index b6391311..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/information/mqtt_topics_and_message_structure.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,317 +0,0 @@ ---- ---- -# MQTT topics and message structure - -This page describes which MQTT topics are used by Zigbee2mqtt. Note that the base topic (by default `zigbee2mqtt`) is configurable in the [Zigbee2mqtt `configuration.yaml`](../information/configuration.md). - -## zigbee2mqtt/bridge/state -zigbee2mqtt publishes the bridge state to this topic. Possible message are: -* `"online"`: published when the bridge is running (on startup) -* `"offline"`: published right before the bridge stops - -## zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config -zigbee2mqtt publishes it configuration to this topic containing the `log_level` and `permit_join`. - -## zigbee2mqtt/bridge/log -zigbee2mqtt will output log to this endpoint. Message are always in the form of `{"type":"TYPE","message":"MESSAGE"}`. Possible message types are: -* `"pairing"`: logged when device is connecting to the network. -* `"device_connected"`: sent when a new device connects to the network. -* `"device_ban"`: sent when a device is banned from the network. -* `"device_ban_failed"`: sent when request to ban a device failed. -* `"device_announced"`: sent when a device announces itself on the network. -* `"device_removed"`: sent when a device is removed from the network. -* `"device_removed_failed"`: sent when request to remove a device failed. -* `"device_force_removed"`: sent when a device is removed from the network using the _forced_ mode. -* `"device_force_removed_failed"`: sent when request to remove a device failed using the _forced_ mode. -* `"device_banned"`: sent when a device is banned from the network. -* `"device_whitelisted"`: sent when a device is whitelisted from the network. -* `"device_renamed"`: sent when a device is renamed. -* `"group_renamed"`: sent when a group is renamed. -* `"group_added"`: sent when a group is added. -* `"group_removed"`: sent when a group is removed. -* `"device_bind"`: sent when a device is bound. -* `"device_unbind"`: sent when a device is unbound. -* `"device_group_add"`: sent when a device is added to a group. -* `"device_group_add_failed"`: sent when a request to add a device to a group failed. -* `"device_group_remove"`: sent when a device is removed from a group. -* `"device_group_remove_failed"`: sent when a request to removed from a group failed. -* `"device_group_remove_all"`: sent when a device is removed from all groups. -* `"device_group_remove_all_failed"`: sent when a request to remove a device from all groups failed. -* `"devices"`: a list of all devices, this message can be triggered by sending a message to `zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config/devices` (payload doesn't matter). -* `"groups"`: a list of all groups, this message can be triggered by sending a message to `zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config/groups` (payload doesn't matter). -* `"zigbee_publish_error"`: logged when a Zigbee publish errors occurs, contains the error and metadata containing the device and command. -* `"ota_update"`: logs related to OTA updates -* `"touchlink"`: logs related to TouchLink - -## zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config/devices/get -Allows you to retrieve all connected devices. Publish an empty payload to this topic. Response will be published to `zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config/devices`. - -## zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config/permit_join -Allows you to permit joining of new devices via MQTT. This is not persistent (will not be saved to `configuration.yaml`). Possible messages are: -* `"true"`: permit joining of new devices -* `"false"`: disable joining of new devices - -## zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config/last_seen -Allows you to set the `advanced` -> `last_seen` configuration option. See [Configuration](../information/configuration.md) for possible values. - -## zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config/elapsed -Allows you to set the `advanced` -> `elapsed` configuration option. See [Configuration](../information/configuration.md) for possible values. - -## zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config/reset -Resets the ZNP (CC2530/CC2531). - -## zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config/touchlink/factory_reset -See [Touchlink](./touchlink.md). - -## zigbee2mqtt/bridge/ota_update/+ -See [OTA updates](./ota_updates.md). - -## zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config/log_level -Allows you to switch the `log_level` during runtime. This is not persistent (will not be saved to `configuration.yaml`). Possible payloads are: `"debug"`, `"info"`, `"warn"`, `"error"`. - -## zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config/device_options -Allows you to change device specific options during runtime. Options can only be changed, not added or deleted. The payload should be a JSON message, example: - -```json -{ - "friendly_name": "motion_sensor_toilet", - "options": { - "occupancy_timeout": 100 - } -} -``` - -## zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config/remove -Allows you to remove devices from the network. Payload should be the `friendly_name`, e.g. `0x00158d0001b79111`. On successful remove a [`device_removed`](https://www.zigbee2mqtt.io/information/mqtt_topics_and_message_structure.html#zigbee2mqttbridgelog) message is sent. - -Note that in Zigbee the coordinator can only **request** a device to remove itself from the network. -Which means that in case a device refuses to respond to this request it is not removed from the network. -This can happen for e.g. battery powered devices which are sleeping and thus not receiving this request. -In this case you will see the following in the zigbee2mqtt log: - -``` -zigbee2mqtt:info 2019-11-03T13:39:30: Removing 'dimmer' -zigbee2mqtt:error 2019-11-03T13:39:40: Failed to remove dimmer (Error: AREQ - ZDO - mgmtLeaveRsp after 10000ms) -``` - -An alternative way to remove the device is by factory resetting it, this probably won't work for all devices as it depends on the device itself. -In case the device did remove itself from the network, you will see: - -``` -zigbee2mqtt:warn 2019-11-03T13:36:18: Device '0x00158d00024a5e57' left the network -``` - -In case all of the above fails, you can force remove a device. Note that a force remove will **only** remove the device from the database. Until this device is factory reset, it will still hold the network encryption key and thus is still able to communicate over the network! - -To force remove a device use the following topic: `zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config/force_remove` - -## zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config/ban -Allows you to ban devices from the network. Payload should be the `friendly_name`, e.g. `0x00158d0001b79111`. On successful ban a [`device_banned`](https://www.zigbee2mqtt.io/information/mqtt_topics_and_message_structure.html#zigbee2mqttbridgelog) message is sent. - -## zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config/whitelist -Allows you to whitelist devices in the network. Payload should be the `friendly_name`, e.g. `0x00158d0001b79111`. On successful whitelisting a [`device_whitelisted`](https://www.zigbee2mqtt.io/information/mqtt_topics_and_message_structure.html#zigbee2mqttbridgelog) message is sent. Note that when devices are whitelisted, all device which are not whitelisted will be removed from the network. - -## zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config/rename -Allows you to change the `friendly_name` of a device or group on the fly. -Format should be: `{"old": "OLD_FRIENDLY_NAME", "new": "NEW_FRIENDLY_NAME"}`. - -## zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config/rename_last -Allows you to rename the last joined device. Payload should be the new name e.g. `my_new_device_name`. - -## zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config/add_group -Allows you to add a group, payload should be the name of the group, e.g. `my_group`. - -In case you also want to specify the group ID, provide the following payload `{"friendly_name": "my_group", "id": 42}`. - -## zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config/remove_group -Allows you to remove a group, payload should be the name of the group, e.g. `my_group`. - -## zigbee2mqtt/bridge/networkmap -**WARNING: During the networkmap scan your network will be not/less responsive. Depending on the size of your network this can take somewhere between 10 seconds and 2 minutes. Therefore it is recommended to only trigger these scans manually!** - -Allows you to retrieve a map of your zigbee network. Possible payloads are `raw` and `graphviz`. Zigbee2mqtt will send the networkmap to topic `zigbee2mqtt/bridge/networkmap/[graphviz OR raw]`.
Use [webgraphviz.com](http://www.webgraphviz.com/) or other Tools to generate Network Graph.
**NOTE:** zigbee2mqtt 1.2.1+ required. - -The graphviz map shows the devices as follows: -* Coordinator : rectangle with bold outline -* Router : rectangle with rounded corners -* End device : rectangle with rounded corners and dashed outline - -Links are labelled with link quality (0..255) and active routes (listed by short 16 bit destination address). Arrow indicates direction of messaging. Coordinator and routers will typically have two lines for each connection showing bi-directional message path. Line style is: -* To end devices : normal line -* To and between coordinator and routers : heavy line for active routes or thin line for no active routes - -To request a networkmap with routes use `zigbee2mqtt/bridge/networkmap/routes` as topic. - -## zigbee2mqtt/bridge/group/[friendly_name]/(add|remove|remove_all) -See [Groups](groups.md) - -## zigbee2mqtt/bridge/(bind|unbind)/[friendly_name] -See [Binding](binding.md) - -## zigbee2mqtt/bridge/device/[friendly_name]/get_group_membership -Returns the list of groups a device is in, and its group capacity. - -## zigbee2mqtt/bridge/configure -Allows to manually trigger a re-configure of the device. Should only be used when the device is not working as expected, also not all devices require this. Payload should be friendly name of the device, e.g. `my_remote`. - -## zigbee2mqtt/[FRIENDLY_NAME] -Where `[FRIENDLY_NAME]` is E.G. `0x00158d0001b79111`. Message published to this topic are **always** in a JSON format. Each device produces a different JSON message, **some** examples: - -**Xiaomi MiJia temperature & humidity sensor (WSDCGQ01LM)** -```json -{ - "temperature": 27.34, - "humidity": 44.72 -} -``` - -**Xiaomi MiJia wireless switch (WXKG01LM)** -```json -{ - "click": "double" -} -``` - -**Xiaomi MiJia human body movement sensor (RTCGQ01LM)** -```json -{ - "occupancy": true -} -``` - -**IKEA TRADFRI LED bulb E27 980 lumen, dimmable, white spectrum, opal white (LED1545G12)** -```json -{ - "state": "ON", - "brightness": 215, - "color_temp": 325 -} -``` - -**Xiaomi Aqara curtain motor (ZNCLDJ11LM)** -```js -{ - "position": 60, // Value between 0 and 100, (0 - closed / 100 - open) - "running": true, // Curtain is moving -} -``` - -## zigbee2mqtt/[FRIENDLY_NAME]/set -Publishing messages to this topic allows you to control your Zigbee devices via MQTT. Only accepts JSON messages. An example to control a Philips Hue Go (7146060PH). - -```js -{ - "state": "ON", // Or "OFF", "TOGGLE" - "brightness": 255, // Value between 0 and 255 - - // Color temperature in Reciprocal MegaKelvin, a.k.a. Mirek scale. - // Mirek = 1,000,000 / Color Temperature in Kelvin - // Values typically between 50 and 400. The higher the value, the warmer the color. - "color_temp": 155, - - "color": { - // XY color - "x": 0.123, - "y": 0.123 - - // OR - - // RGB color - "r": 46, - "g": 102, - "b": 193 - - // OR - - // RGB color - "rgb": "46,102,193" - - // OR - - // HEX color - "hex": "#547CFF", - - // OR - - // Hue and/or saturation color - "hue": 360, - "saturation": 100 - - // OR - - // Hue, saturation, brightness (in HSB space) - "h": 360, - "s": 100, - "b": 100 - - // OR - - // Hue, saturation, brightness (in HSB space) - "hsb": "360,100,100" - - // OR - - // Hue, saturation, brightness (in HSV space) - "h": 360, - "s": 100, - "v": 100 - - // OR - - // Hue, saturation, brightness (in HSV space) - "hsv": "360,100,100" - - // OR - - // Hue, saturation, lightness (in HSL space) - "h": 360, - "s": 100, - "l": 100 - - // OR - - // Hue, saturation, brightness (in HSL space) - "hsl": "360,100,100" - }, - - // Blinks the bulbs, possible values: - // - "select": single blink - // - "lselect": blinking for a longer time - // - "none": stop blinking - "alert": "select", - - // Specifies the number of seconds the transition to this state takes (0 by default). - "transition": 3, - - // Instead of setting a brightness by value, you can also move it and stop it after a certain time - "brightness_move": -40, // Starts moving the brightness down at 40 units per second - "brightness_move": "stop", // Stops the brightness move -} -``` - -`transition` specifies the number of seconds the transition to this state takes (0 by default). - -Remove attributes which are not supported for your device. E.G. in case of a Xiaomi Mi power plug ZigBee (ZNCZ02LM) only send the `"state"` attribute. - -### Without JSON -In case you don't want to use JSON, publishing to `zigbee2mqtt/[FRIENDLY_NAME]/set/state` with payload `ON` is the same as publishing to `zigbee2mqtt/[FRIENDLY_NAME]/set` -```js -{ - "state": "ON" -} -``` - -## zigbee2mqtt/[FRIENDLY_NAME]/get -This is the counterpart of the `set` command. It allows you to read a value from a device. To read e.g. the state of a device send the payload: - -```js -{ - "state": "" -} -``` - -## homeassistant/[DEVICE_TYPE]/[IEEEADDR]/[OBJECT_ID]/config -Only used when `homeassistant: true` in `configuration.yaml`. Required for [Home Assistant MQTT discovery](https://www.home-assistant.io/docs/mqtt/discovery/). - -## Device specific commands -Some devices offer device specific commands. Example: for the Xiaomi DJT11LM Aqara vibration sensor you can set the `sensitivity`. To find out wether your device supports any specific commands, checkout the device page (which can be reached via the supported devices page). diff --git a/devices/docs/information/ota_updates.md b/devices/docs/information/ota_updates.md deleted file mode 100644 index 593adab7..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/information/ota_updates.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ ---- ---- -# OTA updates -*This is an experimental feature, ongoing discussion can be found here: [#2921](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/2921)* - -This feature allows to update your Zigbee devices over-the-air. - -Not all manufacturers make their updates available, therefore only the following devices support it: -- IKEA TRÅDFRI devices -- Ubysis devices -- Salus SP600 Smart plug -- Osram/Ledvance devices (not every firmware is made available by them, in case not you will see the following exception in the log `No image available for ...`) -- Philips Hue devices (not every firmware is made available by them, in case not you will see the following exception in the log `No image available for ...`) - -Zigbee2mqtt automatically checks if updates are available for your devices. -In case an update is available it will publish `zigbee2mqtt/[DEVICE_FRIENLDY_NAME]` payload `{"update_available": true}`. - -## Check if an update is available -To check if an update is available for your device send a message to `zigbee2mqtt/bridge/ota_update/check` with payload `DEVICE_FRIENDLY_NAME`. - -## Update to latest firmware -Once an update is available, send to `zigbee2mqtt/bridge/ota_update/update` with payload `DEVICE_FRIENDLY_NAME` to update your device. -An update typically takes +- 10 minutes. -While a device is updating a lot of traffic is generated on the network, therefore it is not recommend to execute multiple updates at the same time. - -The Zigbee2mqtt log will show the progress of the OTA update. - -## Troubleshooting -- `Device didn't respond to OTA request`: try restarting the device by disconnecting the power. -- For battery powered devices make sure that the battery is 70%+ as OTA updating is very power consuming. diff --git a/devices/docs/information/report.md b/devices/docs/information/report.md deleted file mode 100755 index dbc1ccba..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/information/report.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ ---- ---- -# Report -*An ongoing discussion about this feature can be found here: https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/1064* - -When report is enabled, devices will report their state changes to zigbee2mqtt even when the change is not directly done by zigbee2mqtt. This is especially handy when the state of a bulb is changed by e.g. a remote or via groups. - -To enable report, add the following to your `configuration.yaml`: - -```yaml -advanced: - report: true -``` - -Zigbee2mqtt will discover devices which are eligible for reporting. The zigbee2mqtt logs shows for which devices report is configured. - -## Note for CC2530/CC2531 users -As this feature increases the amount of messages on the Zigbee network, it could cause stability issues when you are using a CC2531 or CC2530 as adapter. - -## Support -In order for this feature to work, the device has to support it. As devices from the same manufacturer (mostly) have the same features the table below might help to find out if your device supports it. - -| Brand | On/Off | Brightness | Color | Color temperature | -| :--- | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | -| Philips Hue | N(1) | N(2) | N | N | -| Trådfri(3) | Y | Y | Y | N | -| Innr | Y | Y | Y | Y | -| GLEDOPTO | N | N | N | N | -| OSRAM | Y | Y | N | N | -| Müller Light | N | N | N | N | - -1. Bulbs on old firmware (date 20170908 or older) do report On/Off -2. Zigbee2mqtt will manual poll for change if a binding updates the bulb. -3. The color/brightness of a Trådfri bulb can be changed while the state=off, it also reports back the change. diff --git a/devices/docs/information/supported_adapters.md b/devices/docs/information/supported_adapters.md deleted file mode 100755 index a396f708..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/information/supported_adapters.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,63 +0,0 @@ -# Supported adapters - -Zigbee2mqtt supports the following adapters: - -### Texas Instruments CC2531 -![CC2531](../images/cc2531.jpg) - -- USB connected Zigbee adapter with PCB antenna. -- Cheap but not very powerful (+- $5), may not be powerfull enough for larger networks (30/40+ devices). -- Limited range, ~30m line of sight -- Requires CC debugger to be flashed -- Coordinator firmware: [Zigbee 1.2](https://github.com/Koenkk/Z-Stack-firmware/tree/master/coordinator/Z-Stack_Home_1.2/bin) and [Zigbee 3.0](https://github.com/Koenkk/Z-Stack-firmware/tree/master/coordinator/Z-Stack_3.0.x/bin) -- Router firmware: [Zigbee 1.2](https://github.com/Koenkk/Z-Stack-firmware/tree/master/router/CC2531/bin), can be re-paired pressing the S2 button for 5 seconds. -- Can be bought on [AliExpress](https://www.aliexpress.com/wholesale?catId=0&initiative_id=SB_20191108075039&SearchText=cc2531) -- [How to flash](../getting_started/flashing_the_cc2531.md) or [alternative flashing methods](./alternative_flashing_methods.md) - -### Texas Instruments CC2530 (optionally with a CC2591 or CC2592 RF frontend) -![CC2530](../images/cc2530.jpg) - -- Serial connected Zigbee adapter with most of the times and external atenna. -- Cheap but not very powerful (+- $10), may not be powerfull enough for larger networks (30/40+ devices). -- Good range, ~50-60m line of sight, sensitivity can be increased when used together with a CC2591 or CC2592 -- Requires CC debugger to be flashed -- Coordinator firmware: [Zigbee 1.2](https://github.com/Koenkk/Z-Stack-firmware/tree/master/coordinator/Z-Stack_Home_1.2/bin) and [Zigbee 3.0](https://github.com/Koenkk/Z-Stack-firmware/tree/master/coordinator/Z-Stack_3.0.x/bin) -- Router firmware: [Zigbee 1.2](https://github.com/Koenkk/Z-Stack-firmware/tree/master/router/CC2530/bin), can be re-paired if you power on/power off the device three times (power on, wait 2 seconds, power off, repeat this cycle three times) -- Can be bought on e.g. AliExpress: [CC2530](http://www.aliexpress.com/wholesale?catId=0&initiative_id=SB_20181213104041&SearchText=cc2530), [CC2530 + CC2591](http://www.aliexpress.com/wholesale?catId=0&initiative_id=SB_20181213104521&SearchText=cc2530+cc2591), [GBAN GB2530](http://www.gban.cn/en/product_show.asp?id=43) -- How to flash: see flashing section of [How to create a CC2530 router](../how_tos/how_to_create_a_cc2530_router.md) or [alternative flashing methods](./alternative_flashing_methods.md) -- [Connecting the CC2530](./connecting_cc2530.md) -- Requires following in `configuration.yaml` - -```yaml -advanced: - rtscts: false -``` - -### Texas Instruments CC26X2R1 -![CC26X2R1](../images/cc26x2r1.jpg) - -- USB connected Zigbee adapter. -- Expensive but **very powerful** ($40), will easily handle networks of 100+ devices. -- Very good range -- Only available as a development board, therefore it is quite large -- Has an onboard flasher, no additional hardware required to flash -- Coordinator firmware: [Zigbee 3.0](https://github.com/Koenkk/Z-Stack-firmware/tree/master/coordinator/Z-Stack_3.x.0/bin) -- Can be bought via [Texas Instruments](http://www.ti.com/tool/LAUNCHXL-CC26X2R1) -- [Flash via UNIFLASH](./flashing_via_uniflash.md) -- When migrating from another dongle (e.g. CC2531), make sure to modify your `pan_id` in your [configuration](configuration.md), otherwise Zigbee2mqtt won't start. -- This device has two serial devices built in. Make sure you put the right serial device in the [configuration](configuration.md) or use auto detect if you only have one Texas Instruments CC devices connected to your system. - -### Texas Instruments CC1352P-2 -![CC1352P-2](../images/cc1352p2.jpg) - -- USB connected Zigbee adapter. -- Expensive but **very powerful** ($50), will easily handle networks of 100+ devices. -- Very good range -- Only benefit compared to the CC26X2R1 is that it allows an external antenna to be connected ([requires resoldering a tiny capacitor](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/2162#issuecomment-570286663)) which could increase range even further. -- Only available as a development board, therefore it is quite large (it's larger than the CC26X2R1) -- Has an onboard flasher, no additional hardware required to flash -- Coordinator firmware: [Zigbee 3.0](https://github.com/Koenkk/Z-Stack-firmware/tree/master/coordinator/Z-Stack_3.x.0/bin) -- Can be bought via [Texas Instruments](http://www.ti.com/tool/LAUNCHXL-CC1352P) -- [Flash via UNIFLASH](./flashing_via_uniflash.md) -- When migrating from another dongle (e.g. CC2531), make sure to modify your `pan_id` in your [configuration](configuration.md), otherwise Zigbee2mqtt won't start. -- This device has two serial devices built in. Make sure you put the right serial device in the [configuration](configuration.md) or use auto detect if you only have one Texas Instruments CC devices connected to your system. diff --git a/devices/docs/information/supported_devices.md b/devices/docs/information/supported_devices.md deleted file mode 100755 index f5ad3503..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/information/supported_devices.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1252 +0,0 @@ ---- ---- -# Supported devices - - - -*NOTE: This file has been generated, do not edit this file manually!* - -Currently **644** devices are supported from **116** different vendors. - -In case you own a Zigbee device which is **NOT** listed here, please see -[How to support new devices](../how_tos/how_to_support_new_devices.md). - -### AXIS - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [GR-ZB01-W](../devices/GR-ZB01-W.md) | AXIS Gear window shade motor (open, close, position, battery) | ![../images/devices/GR-ZB01-W.jpg](../images/devices/GR-ZB01-W.jpg) | - -### AduroSmart - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [81809](../devices/81809.md) | AduroSmart ERIA colors and white shades smart light bulb A19 (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy) | ![../images/devices/81809.jpg](../images/devices/81809.jpg) | -| [81825](../devices/81825.md) | AduroSmart ERIA smart wireless dimming switch (on, off, up, down) | ![../images/devices/81825.jpg](../images/devices/81825.jpg) | - -### Airam - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [4713407](../devices/4713407.md) | Airam LED OP A60 ZB 9W/827 E27 (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/4713407.jpg](../images/devices/4713407.jpg) | -| [AIRAM-CTR.U](../devices/AIRAM-CTR.U.md) | Airam CTR.U remote (on/off, brightness up/down and click/hold/release) | ![../images/devices/AIRAM-CTR.U.jpg](../images/devices/AIRAM-CTR.U.jpg) | - -### Ajax Online - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [Aj_Zigbee_Led_Strip](../devices/Aj_Zigbee_Led_Strip.md) | Ajax Online LED Strip (on/off, brightness, color xy) | ![../images/devices/Aj_Zigbee_Led_Strip.jpg](../images/devices/Aj_Zigbee_Led_Strip.jpg) | - -### Anchor - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [67200BL](../devices/67200BL.md) | Anchor Vetaar smart plug (on/off) | ![../images/devices/67200BL.jpg](../images/devices/67200BL.jpg) | - -### BTicino - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [K4003C](../devices/K4003C.md) | BTicino Light switch with neutral (on/off, led color) | ![../images/devices/K4003C.jpg](../images/devices/K4003C.jpg) | - -### Belkin - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [F7C033](../devices/F7C033.md) | Belkin WeMo smart LED bulb (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/F7C033.jpg](../images/devices/F7C033.jpg) | - -### Bitron - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [AV2010/34](../devices/AV2010_34.md) | Bitron 4-Touch single click buttons (click) | ![../images/devices/AV2010-34.jpg](../images/devices/AV2010-34.jpg) | -| [AV2010/22](../devices/AV2010_22.md) | Bitron Wireless motion detector (occupancy) | ![../images/devices/AV2010-22.jpg](../images/devices/AV2010-22.jpg) | -| [AV2010/25](../devices/AV2010_25.md) | Bitron Video wireless socket (on/off, power measurement) | ![../images/devices/AV2010-25.jpg](../images/devices/AV2010-25.jpg) | -| [AV2010/32](../devices/AV2010_32.md) | Bitron Wireless wall thermostat with relay (temperature, heating/cooling system control) | ![../images/devices/AV2010-32.jpg](../images/devices/AV2010-32.jpg) | -| [AV2010/21A](../devices/AV2010_21A.md) | Bitron Compact magnetic contact sensor (contact, tamper) | ![../images/devices/AV2010-21A.jpg](../images/devices/AV2010-21A.jpg) | -| [AV2010/24A](../devices/AV2010_24A.md) | Bitron Optical smoke detector (hardware version v2) (smoke, tamper and battery) | ![../images/devices/AV2010-24A.jpg](../images/devices/AV2010-24A.jpg) | -| [902010/24](../devices/902010_24.md) | Bitron Optical smoke detector (hardware version v1) (smoke, tamper and battery) | ![../images/devices/902010-24.jpg](../images/devices/902010-24.jpg) | - -### Blaupunkt - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [SCM-S1](../devices/SCM-S1.md) | Blaupunkt Roller shutter (open/close) | ![../images/devices/SCM-S1.jpg](../images/devices/SCM-S1.jpg) | - -### BlitzWolf - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [BW-IS2](../devices/BW-IS2.md) | BlitzWolf Rechargeable Zigbee contact sensor (contact) | ![../images/devices/BW-IS2.jpg](../images/devices/BW-IS2.jpg) | -| [BW-IS3](../devices/BW-IS3.md) | BlitzWolf Rechargeable Zigbee PIR motion sensor (occupancy) | ![../images/devices/BW-IS3.jpg](../images/devices/BW-IS3.jpg) | - -### Bosch - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [RADON TriTech ZB](../devices/RADON_TriTech_ZB.md) | Bosch Wireless motion detector (occupancy and temperature) | ![../images/devices/RADON-TriTech-ZB.jpg](../images/devices/RADON-TriTech-ZB.jpg) | -| [ISW-ZPR1-WP13](../devices/ISW-ZPR1-WP13.md) | Bosch Motion sensor (occupancy and temperature) | ![../images/devices/ISW-ZPR1-WP13.jpg](../images/devices/ISW-ZPR1-WP13.jpg) | - -### Busch-Jaeger - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [6717-84](../devices/6717-84.md) | Busch-Jaeger Adaptor plug (on/off) | ![../images/devices/6717-84.jpg](../images/devices/6717-84.jpg) | -| [6735/6736/6737](../devices/6735_6736_6737.md) | Busch-Jaeger Zigbee Light Link power supply/relay/dimmer (on/off) | ![../images/devices/6735-6736-6737.jpg](../images/devices/6735-6736-6737.jpg) | - -### CR Smart Home - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [TS0001](../devices/TS0001.md) | CR Smart Home Valve control (control) | ![../images/devices/TS0001.jpg](../images/devices/TS0001.jpg) | -| [TS0202](../devices/TS0202.md) | CR Smart Home Motion sensor (occupancy) | ![../images/devices/TS0202.jpg](../images/devices/TS0202.jpg) | -| [TS0203](../devices/TS0203.md) | CR Smart Home Door sensor (contact) | ![../images/devices/TS0203.jpg](../images/devices/TS0203.jpg) | -| [TS0204](../devices/TS0204.md) | CR Smart Home Gas sensor (gas) | ![../images/devices/TS0204.jpg](../images/devices/TS0204.jpg) | -| [TS0205](../devices/TS0205.md) | CR Smart Home Smoke sensor (smoke) | ![../images/devices/TS0205.jpg](../images/devices/TS0205.jpg) | -| [TS0111](../devices/TS0111.md) | CR Smart Home Socket (on/off) | ![../images/devices/TS0111.jpg](../images/devices/TS0111.jpg) | -| [TS0207](../devices/TS0207.md) | CR Smart Home Water leak detector (water leak) | ![../images/devices/TS0207.jpg](../images/devices/TS0207.jpg) | -| [TS0218](../devices/TS0218.md) | CR Smart Home Button (click) | ![../images/devices/TS0218.jpg](../images/devices/TS0218.jpg) | - -### CREE - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [B00TN589ZG](../devices/B00TN589ZG.md) | CREE Connected bulb (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/B00TN589ZG.jpg](../images/devices/B00TN589ZG.jpg) | - -### Calex - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [421786](../devices/421786.md) | Calex LED A60 Zigbee GLS-lamp (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/421786.jpg](../images/devices/421786.jpg) | -| [421792](../devices/421792.md) | Calex LED A60 Zigbee RGB lamp (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy) | ![../images/devices/421792.jpg](../images/devices/421792.jpg) | - -### Centralite - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [4256251-RZHAC](../devices/4256251-RZHAC.md) | Centralite White Swiss power outlet switch with power meter (switch and power meter) | ![../images/devices/4256251-RZHAC.jpg](../images/devices/4256251-RZHAC.jpg) | -| [4257050-ZHAC](../devices/4257050-ZHAC.md) | Centralite 3-Series smart dimming outlet (on/off, brightness, power measurement) | ![../images/devices/4257050-ZHAC.jpg](../images/devices/4257050-ZHAC.jpg) | -| [3323-G](../devices/3323-G.md) | Centralite Micro-door sensor (contact, temperature) | ![../images/devices/3323-G.jpg](../images/devices/3323-G.jpg) | - -### Climax - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [PSS-23ZBS](../devices/PSS-23ZBS.md) | Climax Power plug (on/off) | ![../images/devices/PSS-23ZBS.jpg](../images/devices/PSS-23ZBS.jpg) | -| [SCM-5ZBS](../devices/SCM-5ZBS.md) | Climax Roller shutter (open/close) | ![../images/devices/SCM-5ZBS.jpg](../images/devices/SCM-5ZBS.jpg) | -| [PSM-29ZBSR](../devices/PSM-29ZBSR.md) | Climax Power plug (on/off) | ![../images/devices/PSM-29ZBSR.jpg](../images/devices/PSM-29ZBSR.jpg) | - -### Commercial Electric - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [53170161](../devices/53170161.md) | Commercial Electric Matte White Recessed Retrofit Smart Led Downlight - 4 Inch (on/off, brightness, color temperature) | ![../images/devices/53170161.jpg](../images/devices/53170161.jpg) | - -### Custom devices (DiY) - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [CC2530.ROUTER](../devices/CC2530.ROUTER.md) | Custom devices (DiY) [CC2530 router](http://ptvo.info/cc2530-based-zigbee-coordinator-and-router-112/) (state, description, type, rssi) | ![../images/devices/CC2530.ROUTER.jpg](../images/devices/CC2530.ROUTER.jpg) | -| [ptvo.switch](../devices/ptvo.switch.md) | Custom devices (DiY) [Multi-channel relay switch](https://ptvo.info/zigbee-switch-configurable-firmware-router-199/) (hold, single, double and triple click, on/off) | ![../images/devices/ptvo.switch.jpg](../images/devices/ptvo.switch.jpg) | -| [DNCKATSW001](../devices/DNCKATSW001.md) | Custom devices (DiY) [DNCKAT single key wired wall light switch](https://github.com/dzungpv/dnckatsw00x/) (on/off) | ![../images/devices/DNCKATSW001.jpg](../images/devices/DNCKATSW001.jpg) | -| [DNCKATSW002](../devices/DNCKATSW002.md) | Custom devices (DiY) [DNCKAT double key wired wall light switch](https://github.com/dzungpv/dnckatsw00x/) (hold/release, on/off) | ![../images/devices/DNCKATSW002.jpg](../images/devices/DNCKATSW002.jpg) | -| [DNCKATSW003](../devices/DNCKATSW003.md) | Custom devices (DiY) [DNCKAT triple key wired wall light switch](https://github.com/dzungpv/dnckatsw00x/) (hold/release, on/off) | ![../images/devices/DNCKATSW003.jpg](../images/devices/DNCKATSW003.jpg) | -| [DNCKATSW004](../devices/DNCKATSW004.md) | Custom devices (DiY) [DNCKAT quadruple key wired wall light switch](https://github.com/dzungpv/dnckatsw00x/) (hold/release, on/off) | ![../images/devices/DNCKATSW004.jpg](../images/devices/DNCKATSW004.jpg) | -| [ZigUP](../devices/ZigUP.md) | Custom devices (DiY) [CC2530 based ZigBee relais, switch, sensor and router](https://github.com/formtapez/ZigUP/) (relais, RGB-stripe, sensors, S0-counter, ADC, digital I/O) | ![../images/devices/ZigUP.jpg](../images/devices/ZigUP.jpg) | -| [ZWallRemote0](../devices/ZWallRemote0.md) | Custom devices (DiY) Matts Wall Switch Remote (https://github.com/mattlokes/ZWallRemote) (on/off) | ![../images/devices/ZWallRemote0.jpg](../images/devices/ZWallRemote0.jpg) | -| [DTB190502A1](../devices/DTB190502A1.md) | Custom devices (DiY) [CC2530 based IO Board https://databyte.ch/?portfolio=zigbee-erstes-board-dtb190502a) (switch, buttons) | ![../images/devices/DTB190502A1.jpg](../images/devices/DTB190502A1.jpg) | - -### DIYRuZ - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [DIYRuZ_R4_5](../devices/DIYRuZ_R4_5.md) | DIYRuZ [DiY 4 Relays + 4 switches + 1 buzzer](http://modkam.ru/?p=1054) (on/off) | ![../images/devices/DIYRuZ_R4_5.jpg](../images/devices/DIYRuZ_R4_5.jpg) | -| [DIYRuZ_KEYPAD20](../devices/DIYRuZ_KEYPAD20.md) | DIYRuZ [DiY 20 button keypad](http://modkam.ru/?p=1114) (click) | ![../images/devices/DIYRuZ_KEYPAD20.jpg](../images/devices/DIYRuZ_KEYPAD20.jpg) | -| [DIYRuZ_magnet](../devices/DIYRuZ_magnet.md) | DIYRuZ [DIYRuZ contact sensor](https://modkam.ru/?p=1220) (contact) | ![../images/devices/DIYRuZ_magnet.jpg](../images/devices/DIYRuZ_magnet.jpg) | -| [DIYRuZ_rspm](../devices/DIYRuZ_rspm.md) | DIYRuZ [DIYRuZ relay switch power meter](https://modkam.ru/?p=1309) (relay, switch, adc) | ![../images/devices/DIYRuZ_rspm.jpg](../images/devices/DIYRuZ_rspm.jpg) | - -### Danalock - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [V3-BTZB](../devices/V3-BTZB.md) | Danalock BT/ZB smartlock (lock/unlock, battery) | ![../images/devices/V3-BTZB.jpg](../images/devices/V3-BTZB.jpg) | - -### Dawon DNS - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [PM-C140-ZB](../devices/PM-C140-ZB.md) | Dawon DNS IOT remote control smart buried-type outlet (on/off, power and energy measurement) | ![../images/devices/PM-C140-ZB.jpg](../images/devices/PM-C140-ZB.jpg) | -| [PM-B530-ZB](../devices/PM-B530-ZB.md) | Dawon DNS IOT smart plug 16A (on/off, power and energy measurement) | ![../images/devices/PM-B530-ZB.jpg](../images/devices/PM-B530-ZB.jpg) | -| [PM-B430-ZB](../devices/PM-B430-ZB.md) | Dawon DNS IOT smart plug 10A (on/off, power and energy measurement) | ![../images/devices/PM-B430-ZB.jpg](../images/devices/PM-B430-ZB.jpg) | -| [PM-S140-ZB](../devices/PM-S140-ZB.md) | Dawon DNS IOT smart switch 1 gang (on/off) | ![../images/devices/PM-S140-ZB.jpg](../images/devices/PM-S140-ZB.jpg) | -| [PM-S240-ZB](../devices/PM-S240-ZB.md) | Dawon DNS IOT smart switch 2 gang (on/off) | ![../images/devices/PM-S240-ZB.jpg](../images/devices/PM-S240-ZB.jpg) | -| [PM-S340-ZB](../devices/PM-S340-ZB.md) | Dawon DNS IOT smart switch 3 gang (on/off) | ![../images/devices/PM-S340-ZB.jpg](../images/devices/PM-S340-ZB.jpg) | - -### Dresden Elektronik - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [Mega23M12](../devices/Mega23M12.md) | Dresden Elektronik ZigBee Light Link wireless electronic ballast (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy) | ![../images/devices/Mega23M12.jpg](../images/devices/Mega23M12.jpg) | -| [XVV-Mega23M12](../devices/XVV-Mega23M12.md) | Dresden Elektronik ZigBee Light Link wireless electronic ballast color temperature (on/off, brightness, color temperature) | ![../images/devices/XVV-Mega23M12.jpg](../images/devices/XVV-Mega23M12.jpg) | - -### EDP - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [PLUG EDP RE:DY](../devices/PLUG_EDP_RE_DY.md) | EDP re:dy plug (on/off, power measurement) | ![../images/devices/PLUG-EDP-RE-DY.jpg](../images/devices/PLUG-EDP-RE-DY.jpg) | -| [SWITCH EDP RE:DY](../devices/SWITCH_EDP_RE_DY.md) | EDP re:dy switch (on/off) | ![../images/devices/SWITCH-EDP-RE-DY.jpg](../images/devices/SWITCH-EDP-RE-DY.jpg) | - -### ELKO - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [316GLEDRF](../devices/316GLEDRF.md) | ELKO ZigBee in-wall smart dimmer (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/316GLEDRF.jpg](../images/devices/316GLEDRF.jpg) | - -### EcoDim - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [Eco-Dim.07](../devices/Eco-Dim.07.md) | EcoDim Zigbee & Z-wave dimmer (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/Eco-Dim.07.jpg](../images/devices/Eco-Dim.07.jpg) | - -### EcoSmart - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [A9A19A60WESDZ02](../devices/A9A19A60WESDZ02.md) | EcoSmart Tuneable white (A19) (on/off, brightness, color temperature) | ![../images/devices/A9A19A60WESDZ02.jpg](../images/devices/A9A19A60WESDZ02.jpg) | -| [D1821](../devices/D1821.md) | EcoSmart A19 RGB bulb (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy) | ![../images/devices/D1821.jpg](../images/devices/D1821.jpg) | -| [D1531](../devices/D1531.md) | EcoSmart A19 bright white bulb (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/D1531.jpg](../images/devices/D1531.jpg) | -| [D1532](../devices/D1532.md) | EcoSmart A19 soft white bulb (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/D1532.jpg](../images/devices/D1532.jpg) | -| [D1542](../devices/D1542.md) | EcoSmart GU10 adjustable white bulb (on/off, brightness, color temperature) | ![../images/devices/D1542.jpg](../images/devices/D1542.jpg) | -| [D1533](../devices/D1533.md) | EcoSmart PAR20 bright white bulb (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/D1533.jpg](../images/devices/D1533.jpg) | - -### Eurotronic - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [SPZB0001](../devices/SPZB0001.md) | Eurotronic Spirit Zigbee wireless heater thermostat (temperature, heating system control) | ![../images/devices/SPZB0001.jpg](../images/devices/SPZB0001.jpg) | - -### Feibit - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [TZSW22FW-L4](../devices/TZSW22FW-L4.md) | Feibit Smart light switch - 2 gang (on/off) | ![../images/devices/TZSW22FW-L4.jpg](../images/devices/TZSW22FW-L4.jpg) | - -### GE - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [PSB19-SW27](../devices/PSB19-SW27.md) | GE Link smart LED light bulb, A19 soft white (2700K) (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/PSB19-SW27.jpg](../images/devices/PSB19-SW27.jpg) | -| [22670](../devices/22670.md) | GE Link smart LED light bulb, A19/BR30 soft white (2700K) (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/22670.jpg](../images/devices/22670.jpg) | -| [45852GE](../devices/45852GE.md) | GE ZigBee plug-in smart dimmer (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/45852GE.jpg](../images/devices/45852GE.jpg) | -| [45853GE](../devices/45853GE.md) | GE Plug-in smart switch (on/off, power measurement) | ![../images/devices/45853GE.jpg](../images/devices/45853GE.jpg) | -| [45856GE](../devices/45856GE.md) | GE In-wall smart switch (on/off) | ![../images/devices/45856GE.jpg](../images/devices/45856GE.jpg) | -| [45857GE](../devices/45857GE.md) | GE ZigBee in-wall smart dimmer (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/45857GE.jpg](../images/devices/45857GE.jpg) | -| [PTAPT-WH02](../devices/PTAPT-WH02.md) | GE Quirky smart switch (on/off) | ![../images/devices/PTAPT-WH02.jpg](../images/devices/PTAPT-WH02.jpg) | - -### GMY Smart Bulb - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [B07KG5KF5R](../devices/B07KG5KF5R.md) | GMY Smart Bulb GMY Smart bulb, 470lm, vintage dimmable, 2700-6500k, E27 (on/off, brightness, color temperature) | ![../images/devices/B07KG5KF5R.jpg](../images/devices/B07KG5KF5R.jpg) | - -### GS - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [BDHM8E27W70-I1](../devices/BDHM8E27W70-I1.md) | GS Active light, warm to cool white (E27 & B22) (on/off, brightness, color temperature) | ![../images/devices/BDHM8E27W70-I1.jpg](../images/devices/BDHM8E27W70-I1.jpg) | - -### Gira - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [2430-100](../devices/2430-100.md) | Gira ZigBee Light Link wall transmitter (action) | ![../images/devices/2430-100.jpg](../images/devices/2430-100.jpg) | - -### Gledopto - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [GL-C-007/GL-C-008](../devices/GL-C-007_GL-C-008.md) | Gledopto Zigbee LED controller RGB + CCT or RGBW (on/off, brightness, color temperature or white, color) | ![../images/devices/GL-C-007-GL-C-008.jpg](../images/devices/GL-C-007-GL-C-008.jpg) | -| [GL-C-006](../devices/GL-C-006.md) | Gledopto Zigbee LED controller WW/CW (on/off, brightness, color temperature) | ![../images/devices/GL-C-006.jpg](../images/devices/GL-C-006.jpg) | -| [GL-C-007](../devices/GL-C-007.md) | Gledopto Zigbee LED controller RGBW (on/off, brightness, color, white) | ![../images/devices/GL-C-007.jpg](../images/devices/GL-C-007.jpg) | -| [GL-C-007S](../devices/GL-C-007S.md) | Gledopto Zigbee LED controller RGBW plus model (on/off, brightness, color, white) | ![../images/devices/GL-C-007S.jpg](../images/devices/GL-C-007S.jpg) | -| [GL-C-008](../devices/GL-C-008.md) | Gledopto Zigbee LED controller RGB + CCT (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color) | ![../images/devices/GL-C-008.jpg](../images/devices/GL-C-008.jpg) | -| [GL-C-008S](../devices/GL-C-008S.md) | Gledopto Zigbee LED controller RGB + CCT plus model (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color) | ![../images/devices/GL-C-008S.jpg](../images/devices/GL-C-008S.jpg) | -| [GL-C-009](../devices/GL-C-009.md) | Gledopto Zigbee LED controller dimmer (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/GL-C-009.jpg](../images/devices/GL-C-009.jpg) | -| [GL-MC-001](../devices/GL-MC-001.md) | Gledopto Zigbee USB mini LED controller RGB + CCT (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color) | ![../images/devices/GL-MC-001.jpg](../images/devices/GL-MC-001.jpg) | -| [GL-S-004Z](../devices/GL-S-004Z.md) | Gledopto Zigbee Smart WW/CW GU10 (on/off, brightness, color temperature) | ![../images/devices/GL-S-004Z.jpg](../images/devices/GL-S-004Z.jpg) | -| [GL-S-007Z](../devices/GL-S-007Z.md) | Gledopto Smart RGBW GU10 (on/off, brightness, color, white) | ![../images/devices/GL-S-007Z.jpg](../images/devices/GL-S-007Z.jpg) | -| [GL-S-007ZS](../devices/GL-S-007ZS.md) | Gledopto Smart RGB+CCT GU10 (on/off, brightness, color, color temperature) | ![../images/devices/GL-S-007ZS.jpg](../images/devices/GL-S-007ZS.jpg) | -| [GL-S-008Z](../devices/GL-S-008Z.md) | Gledopto Soposh dual white and color (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color) | ![../images/devices/GL-S-008Z.jpg](../images/devices/GL-S-008Z.jpg) | -| [GL-B-001Z](../devices/GL-B-001Z.md) | Gledopto Smart 4W E14 RGB / CCT LED bulb (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color) | ![../images/devices/GL-B-001Z.jpg](../images/devices/GL-B-001Z.jpg) | -| [GL-G-001Z](../devices/GL-G-001Z.md) | Gledopto Smart garden lamp (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color) | ![../images/devices/GL-G-001Z.jpg](../images/devices/GL-G-001Z.jpg) | -| [GL-G-007Z](../devices/GL-G-007Z.md) | Gledopto Smart garden lamp 9W RGB / CCT (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color) | ![../images/devices/GL-G-007Z.jpg](../images/devices/GL-G-007Z.jpg) | -| [GL-B-007Z](../devices/GL-B-007Z.md) | Gledopto Smart 6W E27 RGB / CCT LED bulb (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color) | ![../images/devices/GL-B-007Z.jpg](../images/devices/GL-B-007Z.jpg) | -| [GL-B-007ZS](../devices/GL-B-007ZS.md) | Gledopto Smart+ 6W E27 RGB / CCT LED bulb (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color) | ![../images/devices/GL-B-007ZS.jpg](../images/devices/GL-B-007ZS.jpg) | -| [GL-B-008Z](../devices/GL-B-008Z.md) | Gledopto Smart 12W E27 RGB / CCT LED bulb (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color) | ![../images/devices/GL-B-008Z.jpg](../images/devices/GL-B-008Z.jpg) | -| [GL-B-008ZS](../devices/GL-B-008ZS.md) | Gledopto Smart 12W E27 RGB / CW LED bulb (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color) | ![../images/devices/GL-B-008ZS.jpg](../images/devices/GL-B-008ZS.jpg) | -| [GL-D-003Z](../devices/GL-D-003Z.md) | Gledopto LED RGB + CCT downlight (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color) | ![../images/devices/GL-D-003Z.jpg](../images/devices/GL-D-003Z.jpg) | -| [GL-D-004ZS](../devices/GL-D-004ZS.md) | Gledopto LED RGB + CCT downlight plus version 9W (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color) | ![../images/devices/GL-D-004ZS.jpg](../images/devices/GL-D-004ZS.jpg) | -| [GL-D-005Z](../devices/GL-D-005Z.md) | Gledopto LED RGB + CCT downlight (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color) | ![../images/devices/GL-D-005Z.jpg](../images/devices/GL-D-005Z.jpg) | -| [GL-S-003Z](../devices/GL-S-003Z.md) | Gledopto Smart RGBW GU10 (on/off, brightness, color, white) | ![../images/devices/GL-S-003Z.jpg](../images/devices/GL-S-003Z.jpg) | -| [GL-S-005Z](../devices/GL-S-005Z.md) | Gledopto Smart RGBW MR16 (on/off, brightness, color, white) | ![../images/devices/GL-S-005Z.jpg](../images/devices/GL-S-005Z.jpg) | -| [GD-CZ-006](../devices/GD-CZ-006.md) | Gledopto Zigbee LED Driver (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/GD-CZ-006.jpg](../images/devices/GD-CZ-006.jpg) | -| [GL-FL-004TZ](../devices/GL-FL-004TZ.md) | Gledopto Zigbee 10W floodlight RGB CCT (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color) | ![../images/devices/GL-FL-004TZ.jpg](../images/devices/GL-FL-004TZ.jpg) | -| [GL-W-001Z](../devices/GL-W-001Z.md) | Gledopto Zigbee ON/OFF Wall Switch (on/off) | ![../images/devices/GL-W-001Z.jpg](../images/devices/GL-W-001Z.jpg) | -| [GL-D-003ZS](../devices/GL-D-003ZS.md) | Gledopto Smart+ 6W LED spot (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color) | ![../images/devices/GL-D-003ZS.jpg](../images/devices/GL-D-003ZS.jpg) | - -### HEIMAN - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [HS1CA-M](../devices/HS1CA-M.md) | HEIMAN Smart carbon monoxide sensor (carbon monoxide) | ![../images/devices/HS1CA-M.jpg](../images/devices/HS1CA-M.jpg) | -| [HS3MS](../devices/HS3MS.md) | HEIMAN Smart motion sensor (occupancy) | ![../images/devices/HS3MS.jpg](../images/devices/HS3MS.jpg) | -| [HS2SK](../devices/HS2SK.md) | HEIMAN Smart metering plug (on/off, power measurement) | ![../images/devices/HS2SK.jpg](../images/devices/HS2SK.jpg) | -| [HS1SA-M](../devices/HS1SA-M.md) | HEIMAN Smoke detector (smoke) | ![../images/devices/HS1SA-M.jpg](../images/devices/HS1SA-M.jpg) | -| [HS3SA](../devices/HS3SA.md) | HEIMAN Smoke detector (smoke) | ![../images/devices/HS3SA.jpg](../images/devices/HS3SA.jpg) | -| [HS3CG](../devices/HS3CG.md) | HEIMAN Combustible gas sensor (gas) | ![../images/devices/HS3CG.jpg](../images/devices/HS3CG.jpg) | -| [HS1CG-M](../devices/HS1CG-M.md) | HEIMAN Combustible gas sensor (gas) | ![../images/devices/HS1CG-M.jpg](../images/devices/HS1CG-M.jpg) | -| [HS1CG_M](../devices/HS1CG_M.md) | HEIMAN Combustible gas sensor (gas) | ![../images/devices/HS1CG_M.jpg](../images/devices/HS1CG_M.jpg) | -| [HS1DS/HS3DS](../devices/HS1DS_HS3DS.md) | HEIMAN Door sensor (contact) | ![../images/devices/HS1DS-HS3DS.jpg](../images/devices/HS1DS-HS3DS.jpg) | -| [HEIMAN-M1](../devices/HEIMAN-M1.md) | HEIMAN Door sensor (contact) | ![../images/devices/HEIMAN-M1.jpg](../images/devices/HEIMAN-M1.jpg) | -| [HS1DS-E](../devices/HS1DS-E.md) | HEIMAN Door sensor (contact) | ![../images/devices/HS1DS-E.jpg](../images/devices/HS1DS-E.jpg) | -| [HS1WL/HS3WL](../devices/HS1WL_HS3WL.md) | HEIMAN Water leakage sensor (water leak) | ![../images/devices/HS1WL-HS3WL.jpg](../images/devices/HS1WL-HS3WL.jpg) | -| [HS1-WL-E](../devices/HS1-WL-E.md) | HEIMAN Water leakage sensor (water leak) | ![../images/devices/HS1-WL-E.jpg](../images/devices/HS1-WL-E.jpg) | -| [HS1CA-E](../devices/HS1CA-E.md) | HEIMAN Smart carbon monoxide sensor (carbon monoxide) | ![../images/devices/HS1CA-E.jpg](../images/devices/HS1CA-E.jpg) | -| [HS2WD-E](../devices/HS2WD-E.md) | HEIMAN Smart siren (warning) | ![../images/devices/HS2WD-E.jpg](../images/devices/HS2WD-E.jpg) | -| [SOHM-I1](../devices/SOHM-I1.md) | HEIMAN Door contact sensor (contact) | ![../images/devices/SOHM-I1.jpg](../images/devices/SOHM-I1.jpg) | -| [SWHM-I1](../devices/SWHM-I1.md) | HEIMAN Water leakage sensor (water leak) | ![../images/devices/SWHM-I1.jpg](../images/devices/SWHM-I1.jpg) | -| [SMHM-I1](../devices/SMHM-I1.md) | HEIMAN Smart motion sensor (occupancy) | ![../images/devices/SMHM-I1.jpg](../images/devices/SMHM-I1.jpg) | -| [HS1HT](../devices/HS1HT.md) | HEIMAN Smart temperature & humidity Sensor (temperature and humidity) | ![../images/devices/HS1HT.jpg](../images/devices/HS1HT.jpg) | -| [SKHMP30-I1](../devices/SKHMP30-I1.md) | HEIMAN Smart metering plug (on/off, power measurement) | ![../images/devices/SKHMP30-I1.jpg](../images/devices/SKHMP30-I1.jpg) | -| [HS2ESK-E](../devices/HS2ESK-E.md) | HEIMAN Smart in wall plug (on/off, power measurement) | ![../images/devices/HS2ESK-E.jpg](../images/devices/HS2ESK-E.jpg) | -| [SGMHM-I1](../devices/SGMHM-I1.md) | HEIMAN Combustible gas sensor (gas) | ![../images/devices/SGMHM-I1.jpg](../images/devices/SGMHM-I1.jpg) | -| [STHM-I1H](../devices/STHM-I1H.md) | HEIMAN Heiman temperature & humidity sensor (temperature and humidity) | ![../images/devices/STHM-I1H.jpg](../images/devices/STHM-I1H.jpg) | -| [HS1EB](../devices/HS1EB.md) | HEIMAN Smart emergency button (click) | ![../images/devices/HS1EB.jpg](../images/devices/HS1EB.jpg) | -| [HM-900SW_1](../devices/HM-900SW_1.md) | HEIMAN Smart switch - 1 gang with neutral wire (on/off) | ![../images/devices/HM-900SW_1.jpg](../images/devices/HM-900SW_1.jpg) | -| [HM-900SW_2](../devices/HM-900SW_2.md) | HEIMAN Smart switch - 2 gang with neutral wire (on/off) | ![../images/devices/HM-900SW_2.jpg](../images/devices/HM-900SW_2.jpg) | -| [HM-900SW_3](../devices/HM-900SW_3.md) | HEIMAN Smart switch - 3 gang with neutral wire (on/off) | ![../images/devices/HM-900SW_3.jpg](../images/devices/HM-900SW_3.jpg) | - -### HORNBACH - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [10011725](../devices/10011725.md) | HORNBACH FLAIR Viyu Smarte LED bulb RGB E27 (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy) | ![../images/devices/10011725.jpg](../images/devices/10011725.jpg) | - -### Hampton Bay - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [99432](../devices/99432.md) | Hampton Bay Universal wink enabled white ceiling fan premier remote control (on/off, brightness, fan_mode and fan_state) | ![../images/devices/99432.jpg](../images/devices/99432.jpg) | -| [54668161](../devices/54668161.md) | Hampton Bay 12 in. LED smart puff (on/off, brightness, color temperature) | ![../images/devices/54668161.jpg](../images/devices/54668161.jpg) | - -### Hej - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [GLSK3ZB-1711](../devices/GLSK3ZB-1711.md) | Hej Goqual 1 gang Switch (on/off) | ![../images/devices/GLSK3ZB-1711.jpg](../images/devices/GLSK3ZB-1711.jpg) | -| [GLSK3ZB-1712](../devices/GLSK3ZB-1712.md) | Hej Goqual 2 gang Switch (on/off) | ![../images/devices/GLSK3ZB-1712.jpg](../images/devices/GLSK3ZB-1712.jpg) | -| [GLSK3ZB-1713](../devices/GLSK3ZB-1713.md) | Hej Goqual 3 gang Switch (on/off) | ![../images/devices/GLSK3ZB-1713.jpg](../images/devices/GLSK3ZB-1713.jpg) | -| [GLSK6ZB-1714](../devices/GLSK6ZB-1714.md) | Hej Goqual 4 gang Switch (on/off) | ![../images/devices/GLSK6ZB-1714.jpg](../images/devices/GLSK6ZB-1714.jpg) | -| [GLSK6ZB-1715](../devices/GLSK6ZB-1715.md) | Hej Goqual 5 gang Switch (on/off) | ![../images/devices/GLSK6ZB-1715.jpg](../images/devices/GLSK6ZB-1715.jpg) | -| [GLSK6ZB-1716](../devices/GLSK6ZB-1716.md) | Hej Goqual 6 gang Switch (on/off) | ![../images/devices/GLSK6ZB-1716.jpg](../images/devices/GLSK6ZB-1716.jpg) | - -### Hive - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [HALIGHTDIMWWE27](../devices/HALIGHTDIMWWE27.md) | Hive Active smart bulb white LED (E27) (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/HALIGHTDIMWWE27.jpg](../images/devices/HALIGHTDIMWWE27.jpg) | -| [HALIGHTDIMWWB22](../devices/HALIGHTDIMWWB22.md) | Hive Active smart bulb white LED (B22) (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/HALIGHTDIMWWB22.jpg](../images/devices/HALIGHTDIMWWB22.jpg) | -| [1613V](../devices/1613V.md) | Hive Active plug (on/off, power measurement) | ![../images/devices/1613V.jpg](../images/devices/1613V.jpg) | -| [HV-GSCXZB269](../devices/HV-GSCXZB269.md) | Hive Active light cool to warm white (E26) (on/off, brightness, color temperature) | ![../images/devices/HV-GSCXZB269.jpg](../images/devices/HV-GSCXZB269.jpg) | -| [HV-GSCXZB279_HV-GSCXZB229](../devices/HV-GSCXZB279_HV-GSCXZB229.md) | Hive Active light, warm to cool white (E27 & B22) (on/off, brightness, color temperature) | ![../images/devices/HV-GSCXZB279_HV-GSCXZB229.jpg](../images/devices/HV-GSCXZB279_HV-GSCXZB229.jpg) | -| [HV-GUCXZB5](../devices/HV-GUCXZB5.md) | Hive Active light, warm to cool white (GU10) (on/off, brightness, color temperature) | ![../images/devices/HV-GUCXZB5.jpg](../images/devices/HV-GUCXZB5.jpg) | -| [UK7004240](../devices/UK7004240.md) | Hive Radiator valve (temperature) | ![../images/devices/UK7004240.jpg](../images/devices/UK7004240.jpg) | -| [SLR1b](../devices/SLR1b.md) | Hive Heating thermostat (thermostat, occupied heating, weekly schedule) | ![../images/devices/SLR1b.jpg](../images/devices/SLR1b.jpg) | -| [WPT1](../devices/WPT1.md) | Hive Heating thermostat remote control (none, communicate via thermostat) | ![../images/devices/WPT1.jpg](../images/devices/WPT1.jpg) | - -### Honyar - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [U86K31ND6](../devices/U86K31ND6.md) | Honyar 3 gang switch (on/off) | ![../images/devices/U86K31ND6.jpg](../images/devices/U86K31ND6.jpg) | - -### IKEA - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [LED1545G12](../devices/LED1545G12.md) | IKEA TRADFRI LED bulb E26/E27 980 lumen, dimmable, white spectrum, opal white (on/off, brightness, color temperature) | ![../images/devices/LED1545G12.jpg](../images/devices/LED1545G12.jpg) | -| [LED1546G12](../devices/LED1546G12.md) | IKEA TRADFRI LED bulb E26/E27 950 lumen, dimmable, white spectrum, clear (on/off, brightness, color temperature) | ![../images/devices/LED1546G12.jpg](../images/devices/LED1546G12.jpg) | -| [LED1623G12](../devices/LED1623G12.md) | IKEA TRADFRI LED bulb E27 1000 lumen, dimmable, opal white (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/LED1623G12.jpg](../images/devices/LED1623G12.jpg) | -| [LED1537R6](../devices/LED1537R6.md) | IKEA TRADFRI LED bulb GU10 400 lumen, dimmable, white spectrum (on/off, brightness, color temperature) | ![../images/devices/LED1537R6.jpg](../images/devices/LED1537R6.jpg) | -| [LED1650R5](../devices/LED1650R5.md) | IKEA TRADFRI LED bulb GU10 400 lumen, dimmable (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/LED1650R5.jpg](../images/devices/LED1650R5.jpg) | -| [LED1536G5](../devices/LED1536G5.md) | IKEA TRADFRI LED bulb E12/E14 400 lumen, dimmable, white spectrum, opal white (on/off, brightness, color temperature) | ![../images/devices/LED1536G5.jpg](../images/devices/LED1536G5.jpg) | -| [LED1903C5](../devices/LED1903C5.md) | IKEA TRADFRI bulb E14 WS 470 lumen, dimmable, white spectrum, opal white (on/off, brightness, color temperature) | ![../images/devices/LED1903C5.jpg](../images/devices/LED1903C5.jpg) | -| [LED1837R5](../devices/LED1837R5.md) | IKEA TRADFRI LED bulb GU10 400 lumen, dimmable (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/LED1837R5.jpg](../images/devices/LED1837R5.jpg) | -| [LED1842G3](../devices/LED1842G3.md) | IKEA TRADFRI LED bulb E27 WW clear 250 lumen, dimmable (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/LED1842G3.jpg](../images/devices/LED1842G3.jpg) | -| [LED1733G7](../devices/LED1733G7.md) | IKEA TRADFRI LED bulb E14 600 lumen, dimmable, white spectrum, opal white (on/off, brightness, color temperature) | ![../images/devices/LED1733G7.jpg](../images/devices/LED1733G7.jpg) | -| [LED1622G12](../devices/LED1622G12.md) | IKEA TRADFRI LED bulb E26 1000 lumen, dimmable, opal white (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/LED1622G12.jpg](../images/devices/LED1622G12.jpg) | -| [LED1624G9](../devices/LED1624G9.md) | IKEA TRADFRI LED bulb E14/E26/E27 600 lumen, dimmable, color, opal white (on/off, brightness, color xy) | ![../images/devices/LED1624G9.jpg](../images/devices/LED1624G9.jpg) | -| [LED1649C5](../devices/LED1649C5.md) | IKEA TRADFRI LED bulb E12/E14/E17 400 lumen, dimmable warm white, chandelier opal (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/LED1649C5.jpg](../images/devices/LED1649C5.jpg) | -| [LED1732G11](../devices/LED1732G11.md) | IKEA TRADFRI LED bulb E27 1000 lumen, dimmable, white spectrum, opal white (on/off, brightness, color temperature) | ![../images/devices/LED1732G11.jpg](../images/devices/LED1732G11.jpg) | -| [LED1836G9](../devices/LED1836G9.md) | IKEA TRADFRI LED bulb E26/E27 806 lumen, dimmable, warm white (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/LED1836G9.jpg](../images/devices/LED1836G9.jpg) | -| [LED1736G9](../devices/LED1736G9.md) | IKEA TRADFRI LED bulb E27 806 lumen, dimmable, white spectrum, clear (on/off, brightness, color temperature) | ![../images/devices/LED1736G9.jpg](../images/devices/LED1736G9.jpg) | -| [T1820](../devices/T1820.md) | IKEA LEPTITER Recessed spot light, dimmable, white spectrum (on/off, brightness, color temperature) | ![../images/devices/T1820.jpg](../images/devices/T1820.jpg) | -| [ICTC-G-1](../devices/ICTC-G-1.md) | IKEA TRADFRI wireless dimmer (brightness [0-255] (quick rotate for instant 0/255), action) | ![../images/devices/ICTC-G-1.jpg](../images/devices/ICTC-G-1.jpg) | -| [ICPSHC24-10EU-IL-1](../devices/ICPSHC24-10EU-IL-1.md) | IKEA TRADFRI driver for wireless control (10 watt) (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/ICPSHC24-10EU-IL-1.jpg](../images/devices/ICPSHC24-10EU-IL-1.jpg) | -| [ICPSHC24-30EU-IL-1](../devices/ICPSHC24-30EU-IL-1.md) | IKEA TRADFRI driver for wireless control (30 watt) (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/ICPSHC24-30EU-IL-1.jpg](../images/devices/ICPSHC24-30EU-IL-1.jpg) | -| [L1527](../devices/L1527.md) | IKEA FLOALT LED light panel, dimmable, white spectrum (30x30 cm) (on/off, brightness, color temperature) | ![../images/devices/L1527.jpg](../images/devices/L1527.jpg) | -| [L1529](../devices/L1529.md) | IKEA FLOALT LED light panel, dimmable, white spectrum (60x60 cm) (on/off, brightness, color temperature) | ![../images/devices/L1529.jpg](../images/devices/L1529.jpg) | -| [L1528](../devices/L1528.md) | IKEA FLOALT LED light panel, dimmable, white spectrum (30x90 cm) (on/off, brightness, color temperature) | ![../images/devices/L1528.jpg](../images/devices/L1528.jpg) | -| [L1531](../devices/L1531.md) | IKEA SURTE door light panel, dimmable, white spectrum (38x64 cm) (on/off, brightness, color temperature) | ![../images/devices/L1531.jpg](../images/devices/L1531.jpg) | -| [E1603/E1702](../devices/E1603_E1702.md) | IKEA TRADFRI control outlet (on/off) | ![../images/devices/E1603-E1702.jpg](../images/devices/E1603-E1702.jpg) | -| [E1524/E1810](../devices/E1524_E1810.md) | IKEA TRADFRI remote control (toggle, arrow left/right click/hold/release, brightness up/down click/hold/release) | ![../images/devices/E1524-E1810.jpg](../images/devices/E1524-E1810.jpg) | -| [E1743](../devices/E1743.md) | IKEA TRADFRI ON/OFF switch (on, off, brightness up/down/stop) | ![../images/devices/E1743.jpg](../images/devices/E1743.jpg) | -| [E1744](../devices/E1744.md) | IKEA SYMFONISK sound controller (volume up/down, play/pause, skip forward/backward) | ![../images/devices/E1744.jpg](../images/devices/E1744.jpg) | -| [E1525/E1745](../devices/E1525_E1745.md) | IKEA TRADFRI motion sensor (occupancy) | ![../images/devices/E1525-E1745.jpg](../images/devices/E1525-E1745.jpg) | -| [E1746](../devices/E1746.md) | IKEA TRADFRI signal repeater (linkquality) | ![../images/devices/E1746.jpg](../images/devices/E1746.jpg) | -| [E1757](../devices/E1757.md) | IKEA FYRTUR roller blind (open, close, stop, position) | ![../images/devices/E1757.jpg](../images/devices/E1757.jpg) | -| [E1926](../devices/E1926.md) | IKEA KADRILJ roller blind (open, close, stop, position) | ![../images/devices/E1926.jpg](../images/devices/E1926.jpg) | -| [E1766](../devices/E1766.md) | IKEA TRADFRI open/close remote (click) | ![../images/devices/E1766.jpg](../images/devices/E1766.jpg) | -| [T1828](../devices/T1828.md) | IKEA GUNNARP panel round (on/off, brightness, color temperature) | ![../images/devices/T1828.jpg](../images/devices/T1828.jpg) | -| [T1829](../devices/T1829.md) | IKEA GUNNARP panel 40*40 (on/off, brightness, color temperature) | ![../images/devices/T1829.jpg](../images/devices/T1829.jpg) | -| [LED1738G7](../devices/LED1738G7.md) | IKEA TRADFRI LED bulb E12 600 lumen, dimmable, white spectrum, opal white (on/off, brightness, color temperature) | ![../images/devices/LED1738G7.jpg](../images/devices/LED1738G7.jpg) | - -### Iluminize - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [511.10](../devices/511.10.md) | Iluminize Zigbee LED-Controller (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/511.10.jpg](../images/devices/511.10.jpg) | -| [511.201](../devices/511.201.md) | Iluminize ZigBee 3.0 Dimm-Aktor mini 1x 230V (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/511.201.jpg](../images/devices/511.201.jpg) | -| [511.012](../devices/511.012.md) | Iluminize Zigbee LED-Controller (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/511.012.jpg](../images/devices/511.012.jpg) | -| [511.202](../devices/511.202.md) | Iluminize Zigbee 3.0 Schalt-Aktor mini 1x230V, 200W/400W (on/off) | ![../images/devices/511.202.jpg](../images/devices/511.202.jpg) | - -### Immax - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [07005B](../devices/07005B.md) | Immax Neo SMART LED E14 5W warm white, dimmable, Zigbee 3.0 (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/07005B.jpg](../images/devices/07005B.jpg) | -| [07004D](../devices/07004D.md) | Immax Neo SMART LED E27 8,5W color, dimmable, Zigbee 3.0 (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy) | ![../images/devices/07004D.jpg](../images/devices/07004D.jpg) | -| [07046L](../devices/07046L.md) | Immax 4-Touch single click buttons (action) | ![../images/devices/07046L.jpg](../images/devices/07046L.jpg) | -| [07045L](../devices/07045L.md) | Immax Magnetic contact sensor (contact, tamper) | ![../images/devices/07045L.jpg](../images/devices/07045L.jpg) | -| [07048L](../devices/07048L.md) | Immax NEO SMART plug (on/off, power and energy measurement) | ![../images/devices/07048L.jpg](../images/devices/07048L.jpg) | - -### Innr - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [FL 130 C](../devices/FL_130_C.md) | Innr Color Flex LED strip (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy) | ![../images/devices/FL-130-C.jpg](../images/devices/FL-130-C.jpg) | -| [BF 263](../devices/BF_263.md) | Innr B22 filament bulb dimmable (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/BF-263.jpg](../images/devices/BF-263.jpg) | -| [RB 185 C](../devices/RB_185_C.md) | Innr E27 bulb RGBW (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy) | ![../images/devices/RB-185-C.jpg](../images/devices/RB-185-C.jpg) | -| [BY 185 C](../devices/BY_185_C.md) | Innr B22 bulb RGBW (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy) | ![../images/devices/BY-185-C.jpg](../images/devices/BY-185-C.jpg) | -| [RB 250 C](../devices/RB_250_C.md) | Innr E14 bulb RGBW (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy) | ![../images/devices/RB-250-C.jpg](../images/devices/RB-250-C.jpg) | -| [RB 265](../devices/RB_265.md) | Innr E27 bulb (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/RB-265.jpg](../images/devices/RB-265.jpg) | -| [RF 265](../devices/RF_265.md) | Innr E27 bulb filament clear (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/RF-265.jpg](../images/devices/RF-265.jpg) | -| [RB 278 T](../devices/RB_278_T.md) | Innr Smart bulb tunable white E27 (on/off, brightness, color temperature) | ![../images/devices/RB-278-T.jpg](../images/devices/RB-278-T.jpg) | -| [RB 285 C](../devices/RB_285_C.md) | Innr E27 bulb RGBW (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy) | ![../images/devices/RB-285-C.jpg](../images/devices/RB-285-C.jpg) | -| [BY 285 C](../devices/BY_285_C.md) | Innr B22 bulb RGBW (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy) | ![../images/devices/BY-285-C.jpg](../images/devices/BY-285-C.jpg) | -| [RB 165](../devices/RB_165.md) | Innr E27 bulb (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/RB-165.jpg](../images/devices/RB-165.jpg) | -| [RB 162](../devices/RB_162.md) | Innr E27 bulb (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/RB-162.jpg](../images/devices/RB-162.jpg) | -| [RB 175 W](../devices/RB_175_W.md) | Innr E27 bulb warm dimming (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/RB-175-W.jpg](../images/devices/RB-175-W.jpg) | -| [RB 178 T](../devices/RB_178_T.md) | Innr Smart bulb tunable white E27 (on/off, brightness, color temperature) | ![../images/devices/RB-178-T.jpg](../images/devices/RB-178-T.jpg) | -| [BY 178 T](../devices/BY_178_T.md) | Innr Smart bulb tunable white B22 (on/off, brightness, color temperature) | ![../images/devices/BY-178-T.jpg](../images/devices/BY-178-T.jpg) | -| [RS 122](../devices/RS_122.md) | Innr GU10 spot (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/RS-122.jpg](../images/devices/RS-122.jpg) | -| [RS 125](../devices/RS_125.md) | Innr GU10 spot (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/RS-125.jpg](../images/devices/RS-125.jpg) | -| [RS 225](../devices/RS_225.md) | Innr GU10 Spot (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/RS-225.jpg](../images/devices/RS-225.jpg) | -| [RS 128 T](../devices/RS_128_T.md) | Innr GU10 spot 350 lm, dimmable, white spectrum (on/off, brightness, color temperature) | ![../images/devices/RS-128-T.jpg](../images/devices/RS-128-T.jpg) | -| [RS 228 T](../devices/RS_228_T.md) | Innr GU10 spot 350 lm, dimmable, white spectrum (on/off, brightness, color temperature) | ![../images/devices/RS-228-T.jpg](../images/devices/RS-228-T.jpg) | -| [RS 230 C](../devices/RS_230_C.md) | Innr GU10 spot 350 lm, dimmable, RGBW (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy) | ![../images/devices/RS-230-C.jpg](../images/devices/RS-230-C.jpg) | -| [RB 145](../devices/RB_145.md) | Innr E14 candle (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/RB-145.jpg](../images/devices/RB-145.jpg) | -| [RB 245](../devices/RB_245.md) | Innr E14 candle (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/RB-245.jpg](../images/devices/RB-245.jpg) | -| [RB 248 T](../devices/RB_248_T.md) | Innr E14 candle with white spectrum (on/off, brightness, color temperature) | ![../images/devices/RB-248-T.jpg](../images/devices/RB-248-T.jpg) | -| [RB 148 T](../devices/RB_148_T.md) | Innr E14 candle with white spectrum (on/off, brightness, color temperature) | ![../images/devices/RB-148-T.jpg](../images/devices/RB-148-T.jpg) | -| [RF 263](../devices/RF_263.md) | Innr E27 filament bulb dimmable (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/RF-263.jpg](../images/devices/RF-263.jpg) | -| [BY 165](../devices/BY_165.md) | Innr B22 bulb dimmable (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/BY-165.jpg](../images/devices/BY-165.jpg) | -| [PL 110](../devices/PL_110.md) | Innr Puck Light (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/PL-110.jpg](../images/devices/PL-110.jpg) | -| [ST 110](../devices/ST_110.md) | Innr Strip Light (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/ST-110.jpg](../images/devices/ST-110.jpg) | -| [UC 110](../devices/UC_110.md) | Innr Under cabinet light (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/UC-110.jpg](../images/devices/UC-110.jpg) | -| [DL 110 N](../devices/DL_110_N.md) | Innr Spot narrow (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/DL-110-N.jpg](../images/devices/DL-110-N.jpg) | -| [DL 110 W](../devices/DL_110_W.md) | Innr Spot wide (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/DL-110-W.jpg](../images/devices/DL-110-W.jpg) | -| [SL 110 N](../devices/SL_110_N.md) | Innr Spot Flex narrow (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/SL-110-N.jpg](../images/devices/SL-110-N.jpg) | -| [SL 110 M](../devices/SL_110_M.md) | Innr Spot Flex medium (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/SL-110-M.jpg](../images/devices/SL-110-M.jpg) | -| [SL 110 W](../devices/SL_110_W.md) | Innr Spot Flex wide (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/SL-110-W.jpg](../images/devices/SL-110-W.jpg) | -| [SP 120](../devices/SP_120.md) | Innr Smart plug (on/off, power measurement) | ![../images/devices/SP-120.jpg](../images/devices/SP-120.jpg) | -| [SP 222](../devices/SP_222.md) | Innr Smart plug (on/off) | ![../images/devices/SP-222.jpg](../images/devices/SP-222.jpg) | -| [SP 224](../devices/SP_224.md) | Innr Smart plug (on/off) | ![../images/devices/SP-224.jpg](../images/devices/SP-224.jpg) | - -### Iris - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [3210-L](../devices/3210-L.md) | Iris Smart plug (on/off, power measurement) | ![../images/devices/3210-L.jpg](../images/devices/3210-L.jpg) | -| [3326-L](../devices/3326-L.md) | Iris Motion and temperature sensor (occupancy and temperature) | ![../images/devices/3326-L.jpg](../images/devices/3326-L.jpg) | -| [3320-L](../devices/3320-L.md) | Iris Contact and temperature sensor (contact and temperature) | ![../images/devices/3320-L.jpg](../images/devices/3320-L.jpg) | -| [iL07_1](../devices/iL07_1.md) | Iris Motion Sensor (motion, tamper and battery) | ![../images/devices/iL07_1.jpg](../images/devices/iL07_1.jpg) | - -### JIAWEN - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [K2RGBW01](../devices/K2RGBW01.md) | JIAWEN Wireless Bulb E27 9W RGBW (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy) | ![../images/devices/K2RGBW01.jpg](../images/devices/K2RGBW01.jpg) | - -### Keen Home - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [SV01](../devices/SV01.md) | Keen Home Smart vent (open, close, position, temperature, pressure, battery) | ![../images/devices/SV01.jpg](../images/devices/SV01.jpg) | -| [SV02](../devices/SV02.md) | Keen Home Smart vent (open, close, position, temperature, pressure, battery) | ![../images/devices/SV02.jpg](../images/devices/SV02.jpg) | - -### Konke - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [2AJZ4KPKEY](../devices/2AJZ4KPKEY.md) | Konke Multi-function button (single, double and long click) | ![../images/devices/2AJZ4KPKEY.jpg](../images/devices/2AJZ4KPKEY.jpg) | -| [2AJZ4KPBS](../devices/2AJZ4KPBS.md) | Konke Motion sensor (occupancy) | ![../images/devices/2AJZ4KPBS.jpg](../images/devices/2AJZ4KPBS.jpg) | -| [2AJZ4KPFT](../devices/2AJZ4KPFT.md) | Konke Temperature and humidity sensor (temperature and humidity) | ![../images/devices/2AJZ4KPFT.jpg](../images/devices/2AJZ4KPFT.jpg) | -| [2AJZ4KPDR](../devices/2AJZ4KPDR.md) | Konke Contact sensor (contact) | ![../images/devices/2AJZ4KPDR.jpg](../images/devices/2AJZ4KPDR.jpg) | -| [LH07321](../devices/LH07321.md) | Konke Water detector (water_leak) | ![../images/devices/LH07321.jpg](../images/devices/LH07321.jpg) | - -### Ksentry Electronics - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [KS-SM001](../devices/KS-SM001.md) | Ksentry Electronics [Zigbee OnOff Controller](http://ksentry.manufacturer.globalsources.com/si/6008837134660/pdtl/ZigBee-module/1162731630/zigbee-on-off-controller-modules.htm) (on/off) | ![../images/devices/KS-SM001.jpg](../images/devices/KS-SM001.jpg) | - -### Kwikset - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [66492-001](../devices/66492-001.md) | Kwikset Home connect smart lock conversion kit (lock/unlock, battery) | ![../images/devices/66492-001.jpg](../images/devices/66492-001.jpg) | - -### Leedarson - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [ZM350STW1TCF](../devices/ZM350STW1TCF.md) | Leedarson LED PAR16 50 GU10 tunable white (on/off, brightness, color temperature) | ![../images/devices/ZM350STW1TCF.jpg](../images/devices/ZM350STW1TCF.jpg) | -| [M350STW1](../devices/M350STW1.md) | Leedarson LED PAR16 50 GU10 (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/M350STW1.jpg](../images/devices/M350STW1.jpg) | -| [A806S-Q1R](../devices/A806S-Q1R.md) | Leedarson LED E27 tunable white (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/A806S-Q1R.jpg](../images/devices/A806S-Q1R.jpg) | -| [ZA806SQ1TCF](../devices/ZA806SQ1TCF.md) | Leedarson LED E27 tunable white (on/off, brightness, color temperature) | ![../images/devices/ZA806SQ1TCF.jpg](../images/devices/ZA806SQ1TCF.jpg) | -| [6ARCZABZH](../devices/6ARCZABZH.md) | Leedarson 4-Key Remote Controller (on/off, brightness up/down and click/hold/release, cct) | ![../images/devices/6ARCZABZH.jpg](../images/devices/6ARCZABZH.jpg) | - -### Legrand - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [067776](../devices/067776.md) | Legrand Netatmo wired shutter switch (open, close, stop, position, tilt) | ![../images/devices/067776.jpg](../images/devices/067776.jpg) | -| [067773](../devices/067773.md) | Legrand Wireless remote switch (action) | ![../images/devices/067773.jpg](../images/devices/067773.jpg) | -| [067771](../devices/067771.md) | Legrand Wired switch without neutral (on/off) | ![../images/devices/067771.jpg](../images/devices/067771.jpg) | -| [067775](../devices/067775.md) | Legrand Power socket with power consumption monitoring (on/off, power measurement) | ![../images/devices/067775.jpg](../images/devices/067775.jpg) | -| [064888](../devices/064888.md) | Legrand Wired micromodule switch (on/off) | ![../images/devices/064888.jpg](../images/devices/064888.jpg) | -| [064873](../devices/064873.md) | Legrand Home & away switch / master switch (action) | ![../images/devices/064873.jpg](../images/devices/064873.jpg) | - -### Leviton - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [DL15S-1BZ](../devices/DL15S-1BZ.md) | Leviton Lumina RF 15A switch, 120/277V (on/off) | ![../images/devices/DL15S-1BZ.jpg](../images/devices/DL15S-1BZ.jpg) | - -### LifeControl - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [LifeControl_Leak_Sensor](../devices/LifeControl_Leak_Sensor.md) | LifeControl Water leak switch (water leak) | ![../images/devices/LifeControl_Leak_Sensor.jpg](../images/devices/LifeControl_Leak_Sensor.jpg) | -| [LifeControl_Door_Sensor](../devices/LifeControl_Door_Sensor.md) | LifeControl Door sensor (contact) | ![../images/devices/LifeControl_Door_Sensor.jpg](../images/devices/LifeControl_Door_Sensor.jpg) | -| [LifeControl_RGB_Led](../devices/LifeControl_RGB_Led.md) | LifeControl RGB LED lamp (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy) | ![../images/devices/LifeControl_RGB_Led.jpg](../images/devices/LifeControl_RGB_Led.jpg) | - -### Linkind - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [ZL1000100-CCT-US-V1A02](../devices/ZL1000100-CCT-US-V1A02.md) | Linkind Zigbee LED 9W A19 bulb, dimmable & tunable (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/ZL1000100-CCT-US-V1A02.jpg](../images/devices/ZL1000100-CCT-US-V1A02.jpg) | -| [ZL1000400-CCT-EU-2-V1A02](../devices/ZL1000400-CCT-EU-2-V1A02.md) | Linkind Zigbee LED 5.4W C35 bulb E14, dimmable & tunable (on/off, brightness, color temperature) | ![../images/devices/ZL1000400-CCT-EU-2-V1A02.jpg](../images/devices/ZL1000400-CCT-EU-2-V1A02.jpg) | - -### LivingWise - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [LVS-ZB500D](../devices/LVS-ZB500D.md) | LivingWise ZigBee smart dimmer switch (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/LVS-ZB500D.jpg](../images/devices/LVS-ZB500D.jpg) | -| [LVS-ZB15S](../devices/LVS-ZB15S.md) | LivingWise ZigBee smart in-wall switch (on/off) | ![../images/devices/LVS-ZB15S.jpg](../images/devices/LVS-ZB15S.jpg) | -| [LVS-SM10ZW](../devices/LVS-SM10ZW.md) | LivingWise Door or window contact switch (contact) | ![../images/devices/LVS-SM10ZW.jpg](../images/devices/LVS-SM10ZW.jpg) | -| [LVS-SN10ZW_SN11](../devices/LVS-SN10ZW_SN11.md) | LivingWise Occupancy sensor (occupancy) | ![../images/devices/LVS-SN10ZW_SN11.jpg](../images/devices/LVS-SN10ZW_SN11.jpg) | -| [LVS-ZB15R](../devices/LVS-ZB15R.md) | LivingWise Zigbee smart outlet (on/off) | ![../images/devices/LVS-ZB15R.jpg](../images/devices/LVS-ZB15R.jpg) | -| [LVS-SC7](../devices/LVS-SC7.md) | LivingWise Scene controller (action) | ![../images/devices/LVS-SC7.jpg](../images/devices/LVS-SC7.jpg) | - -### Livolo - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [TI0001](../devices/TI0001.md) | Livolo Zigbee switch (1 and 2 gang) [work in progress](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/592) (on/off) | ![../images/devices/TI0001.jpg](../images/devices/TI0001.jpg) | - -### Lonhonso - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [X702](../devices/TS0002.md) | Lonhonso 2 gang switch (white-label of TuYa TS0002) (on/off) | ![../images/devices/TS0002.jpg](../images/devices/TS0002.jpg) | - -### Lonsonho - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [4000116784070](../devices/4000116784070.md) | Lonsonho Smart plug EU (on/off) | ![../images/devices/4000116784070.jpg](../images/devices/4000116784070.jpg) | - -### Lupus - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [12031](../devices/12031.md) | Lupus Roller shutter (open/close) | ![../images/devices/12031.jpg](../images/devices/12031.jpg) | -| [LS12128](../devices/LS12128.md) | Lupus Roller shutter (open/close) | ![../images/devices/LS12128.jpg](../images/devices/LS12128.jpg) | -| [12050](../devices/12050.md) | Lupus LUPUSEC mains socket with power meter (on/off, power measurement) | ![../images/devices/12050.jpg](../images/devices/12050.jpg) | -| [12126](../devices/12126.md) | Lupus 1 chanel relay (on/off) | ![../images/devices/12126.jpg](../images/devices/12126.jpg) | - -### Lutron - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [LZL4BWHL01](../devices/LZL4BWHL01.md) | Lutron Connected bulb remote control (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/LZL4BWHL01.jpg](../images/devices/LZL4BWHL01.jpg) | -| [Z3-1BRL](../devices/Z3-1BRL.md) | Lutron Aurora smart bulb dimmer (brightness) | ![../images/devices/Z3-1BRL.jpg](../images/devices/Z3-1BRL.jpg) | - -### M-ELEC - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [ML-ST-D200](../devices/ML-ST-D200.md) | M-ELEC Stitchy Dim switchable wall module (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/ML-ST-D200.jpg](../images/devices/ML-ST-D200.jpg) | - -### MOES - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [ZK-EU-2U](../devices/ZK-EU-2U.md) | MOES ZigBee3.0 dual USB wireless socket plug (on/off) | ![../images/devices/ZK-EU-2U.jpg](../images/devices/ZK-EU-2U.jpg) | - -### Meazon - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [MEAZON_BIZY_PLUG](../devices/MEAZON_BIZY_PLUG.md) | Meazon Bizy plug meter (on/off, power, energy measurement and temperature) | ![../images/devices/MEAZON_BIZY_PLUG.jpg](../images/devices/MEAZON_BIZY_PLUG.jpg) | -| [MEAZON_DINRAIL](../devices/MEAZON_DINRAIL.md) | Meazon DinRail 1-phase meter (on/off, power, energy measurement and temperature) | ![../images/devices/MEAZON_DINRAIL.jpg](../images/devices/MEAZON_DINRAIL.jpg) | - -### Müller Licht - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [404000/404005/404012](../devices/404000_404005_404012.md) | Müller Licht Tint LED bulb GU10/E14/E27 350/470/806 lumen, dimmable, color, opal white (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy) | ![../images/devices/404000-404005-404012.jpg](../images/devices/404000-404005-404012.jpg) | -| [404006/404008/404004](../devices/404006_404008_404004.md) | Müller Licht Tint LED bulb GU10/E14/E27 350/470/806 lumen, dimmable, opal white (on/off, brightness, color temperature) | ![../images/devices/404006-404008-404004.jpg](../images/devices/404006-404008-404004.jpg) | -| [44435](../devices/44435.md) | Müller Licht Tint LED Stripe, color, opal white (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy) | ![../images/devices/44435.jpg](../images/devices/44435.jpg) | -| [404028](../devices/404028.md) | Müller Licht Tint LED Panel, color, opal white (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy) | ![../images/devices/404028.jpg](../images/devices/404028.jpg) | -| [MLI-404011](../devices/MLI-404011.md) | Müller Licht Tint remote control (toggle, brightness, other buttons are not supported yet!) | ![../images/devices/MLI-404011.jpg](../images/devices/MLI-404011.jpg) | -| [404021](../devices/404021.md) | Müller Licht Tint smart switch (on/off) | ![../images/devices/404021.jpg](../images/devices/404021.jpg) | - -### NET2GRID - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [N2G-SP](../devices/N2G-SP.md) | NET2GRID White Net2Grid power outlet switch with power meter (on/off, power measurement) | ![../images/devices/N2G-SP.jpg](../images/devices/N2G-SP.jpg) | - -### Namron - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [4512700](../devices/4512700.md) | Namron ZigBee dimmer 400W (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/4512700.jpg](../images/devices/4512700.jpg) | -| [4512704](../devices/4512704.md) | Namron Zigbee switch 400W (on/off) | ![../images/devices/4512704.jpg](../images/devices/4512704.jpg) | -| [1402755](../devices/1402755.md) | Namron ZigBee LED dimmer (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/1402755.jpg](../images/devices/1402755.jpg) | -| [4512703](../devices/4512703.md) | Namron Zigbee 4 channel switch K8 (action) | ![../images/devices/4512703.jpg](../images/devices/4512703.jpg) | -| [4512702](../devices/4512702.md) | Namron Zigbee 1 channel switch K4 (action) | ![../images/devices/4512702.jpg](../images/devices/4512702.jpg) | - -### Nanoleaf - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [NL08-0800](../devices/NL08-0800.md) | Nanoleaf Smart Ivy Bulb E27 (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/NL08-0800.jpg](../images/devices/NL08-0800.jpg) | - -### Netvox - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [Z809A](../devices/Z809A.md) | Netvox Power socket with power consumption monitoring (on/off, power measurement) | ![../images/devices/Z809A.jpg](../images/devices/Z809A.jpg) | - -### Ninja Blocks - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [Z809AF](../devices/Z809AF.md) | Ninja Blocks Zigbee smart plug with power meter (on/off, power measurement) | ![../images/devices/Z809AF.jpg](../images/devices/Z809AF.jpg) | - -### Nordtronic - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [98425031](../devices/98425031.md) | Nordtronic Box Dimmer 2.0 (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/98425031.jpg](../images/devices/98425031.jpg) | - -### Norklmes - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [MKS-CM-W5](../devices/MKS-CM-W5.md) | Norklmes 1, 2, 3 or 4 gang switch (on/off) | ![../images/devices/MKS-CM-W5.jpg](../images/devices/MKS-CM-W5.jpg) | - -### Nue / 3A - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [HGZB-1S](../devices/HGZB-1S.md) | Nue / 3A Smart 1 key scene wall switch (on/off, click) | ![../images/devices/HGZB-1S.jpg](../images/devices/HGZB-1S.jpg) | -| [HGZB-02S](../devices/HGZB-02S.md) | Nue / 3A Smart 2 key scene wall switch (on/off, click) | ![../images/devices/HGZB-02S.jpg](../images/devices/HGZB-02S.jpg) | -| [HGZB-045](../devices/HGZB-045.md) | Nue / 3A Smart 4 key scene wall switch (on/off, click) | ![../images/devices/HGZB-045.jpg](../images/devices/HGZB-045.jpg) | -| [LXZB-02A](../devices/LXZB-02A.md) | Nue / 3A Smart light controller (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/LXZB-02A.jpg](../images/devices/LXZB-02A.jpg) | -| [HGZB-43](../devices/HGZB-43.md) | Nue / 3A Smart light switch - 3 gang v2.0 (on/off) | ![../images/devices/HGZB-43.jpg](../images/devices/HGZB-43.jpg) | -| [HGZB-043](../devices/HGZB-043.md) | Nue / 3A Smart light switch - 3 gang (on/off) | ![../images/devices/HGZB-043.jpg](../images/devices/HGZB-043.jpg) | -| [HGZB-04D / HGZB-4D-UK](../devices/HGZB-04D___HGZB-4D-UK.md) | Nue / 3A Smart dimmer wall switch (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/HGZB-04D---HGZB-4D-UK.jpg](../images/devices/HGZB-04D---HGZB-4D-UK.jpg) | -| [HGZB-042](../devices/HGZB-042.md) | Nue / 3A Smart light switch - 2 gang (on/off) | ![../images/devices/HGZB-042.jpg](../images/devices/HGZB-042.jpg) | -| [HGZB-42](../devices/HGZB-42.md) | Nue / 3A Smart light switch - 2 gang v2.0 (on/off) | ![../images/devices/HGZB-42.jpg](../images/devices/HGZB-42.jpg) | -| [HGZB-20A](../devices/HGZB-20A.md) | Nue / 3A Power plug (on/off) | ![../images/devices/HGZB-20A.jpg](../images/devices/HGZB-20A.jpg) | -| [HGZB-41](../devices/HGZB-41.md) | Nue / 3A Smart one gang wall switch (on/off) | ![../images/devices/HGZB-41.jpg](../images/devices/HGZB-41.jpg) | -| [MG-AUWS01](../devices/MG-AUWS01.md) | Nue / 3A Smart Double GPO (on/off) | ![../images/devices/MG-AUWS01.jpg](../images/devices/MG-AUWS01.jpg) | -| [XY12S-15](../devices/XY12S-15.md) | Nue / 3A Smart light controller RGBW (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy) | ![../images/devices/XY12S-15.jpg](../images/devices/XY12S-15.jpg) | -| [HGZB-01A](../devices/HGZB-01A.md) | Nue / 3A Smart in-wall switch (on/off) | ![../images/devices/HGZB-01A.jpg](../images/devices/HGZB-01A.jpg) | -| [HGZB-02A](../devices/HGZB-02A.md) | Nue / 3A Smart light controller (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/HGZB-02A.jpg](../images/devices/HGZB-02A.jpg) | -| [HGZB-42-UK / HGZB-41 / HGZB-41-UK](../devices/HGZB-42-UK___HGZB-41___HGZB-41-UK.md) | Nue / 3A Smart switch 1 or 2 gang (on/off) | ![../images/devices/HGZB-42-UK---HGZB-41---HGZB-41-UK.jpg](../images/devices/HGZB-42-UK---HGZB-41---HGZB-41-UK.jpg) | -| [HGZB-06A](../devices/HGZB-06A.md) | Nue / 3A Smart 7W E27 light bulb (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy) | ![../images/devices/HGZB-06A.jpg](../images/devices/HGZB-06A.jpg) | -| [HGZB-20-UK](../devices/HGZB-20-UK.md) | Nue / 3A Power plug (on/off) | ![../images/devices/HGZB-20-UK.jpg](../images/devices/HGZB-20-UK.jpg) | -| [HGZB-DLC4-N12B](../devices/HGZB-DLC4-N12B.md) | Nue / 3A RGB LED downlight (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy) | ![../images/devices/HGZB-DLC4-N12B.jpg](../images/devices/HGZB-DLC4-N12B.jpg) | - -### Nyce - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [NCZ-3011-HA](../devices/NCZ-3011-HA.md) | Nyce Door/window sensor (motion, humidity and temperature) | ![../images/devices/NCZ-3011-HA.jpg](../images/devices/NCZ-3011-HA.jpg) | -| [NCZ-3043-HA](../devices/NCZ-3043-HA.md) | Nyce Ceiling motion sensor (motion, humidity and temperature) | ![../images/devices/NCZ-3043-HA.jpg](../images/devices/NCZ-3043-HA.jpg) | -| [NCZ-3041-HA](../devices/NCZ-3041-HA.md) | Nyce Wall motion sensor (motion, humidity and temperature) | ![../images/devices/NCZ-3041-HA.jpg](../images/devices/NCZ-3041-HA.jpg) | -| [NCZ-3045-HA](../devices/NCZ-3045-HA.md) | Nyce Curtain motion sensor (motion, humidity and temperature) | ![../images/devices/NCZ-3045-HA.jpg](../images/devices/NCZ-3045-HA.jpg) | - -### ORVIBO - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [CR11S8UZ](../devices/CR11S8UZ.md) | ORVIBO Smart sticker switch (click, hold, release) | ![../images/devices/CR11S8UZ.jpg](../images/devices/CR11S8UZ.jpg) | -| [T18W3Z](../devices/T18W3Z.md) | ORVIBO Neutral smart switch 3 gang (on/off) | ![../images/devices/T18W3Z.jpg](../images/devices/T18W3Z.jpg) | -| [SM10ZW](../devices/SM10ZW.md) | ORVIBO Door or window contact switch (contact) | ![../images/devices/SM10ZW.jpg](../images/devices/SM10ZW.jpg) | - -### OSRAM - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [4058075816718](../devices/4058075816718.md) | OSRAM SMART+ outdoor wall lantern RGBW (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy) | ![../images/devices/4058075816718.jpg](../images/devices/4058075816718.jpg) | -| [4058075816732](../devices/4058075816732.md) | OSRAM SMART+ outdoor lantern RGBW (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy) | ![../images/devices/4058075816732.jpg](../images/devices/4058075816732.jpg) | -| [AA69697](../devices/AA69697.md) | OSRAM Classic A60 RGBW (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy) | ![../images/devices/AA69697.jpg](../images/devices/AA69697.jpg) | -| [AC10787](../devices/AC10787.md) | OSRAM SMART+ classic E27 TW (on/off, brightness, color temperature) | ![../images/devices/AC10787.jpg](../images/devices/AC10787.jpg) | -| [AC03645](../devices/AC03645.md) | OSRAM LIGHTIFY LED CLA60 E27 RGBW (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy) | ![../images/devices/AC03645.jpg](../images/devices/AC03645.jpg) | -| [AC03642](../devices/AC03642.md) | OSRAM SMART+ CLASSIC A 60 TW (on/off, brightness, color temperature) | ![../images/devices/AC03642.jpg](../images/devices/AC03642.jpg) | -| [AC08560](../devices/AC08560.md) | OSRAM SMART+ LED PAR16 GU10 (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/AC08560.jpg](../images/devices/AC08560.jpg) | -| [AC10786-DIM](../devices/AC10786-DIM.md) | OSRAM SMART+ classic E27 dimmable (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/AC10786-DIM.jpg](../images/devices/AC10786-DIM.jpg) | -| [AC03647](../devices/AC03647.md) | OSRAM SMART+ LED CLASSIC E27 RGBW (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy) | ![../images/devices/AC03647.jpg](../images/devices/AC03647.jpg) | -| [AA70155](../devices/AA70155.md) | OSRAM LIGHTIFY LED A19 tunable white / Classic A60 TW (on/off, brightness, color temperature) | ![../images/devices/AA70155.jpg](../images/devices/AA70155.jpg) | -| [AA68199](../devices/AA68199.md) | OSRAM LIGHTIFY LED PAR16 50 GU10 tunable white (on/off, brightness, color temperature) | ![../images/devices/AA68199.jpg](../images/devices/AA68199.jpg) | -| [AB32840](../devices/AB32840.md) | OSRAM LIGHTIFY LED Classic B40 tunable white (on/off, brightness, color temperature) | ![../images/devices/AB32840.jpg](../images/devices/AB32840.jpg) | -| [4058075816794](../devices/4058075816794.md) | OSRAM Smart+ Ceiling TW (on/off, brightness, color temperature) | ![../images/devices/4058075816794.jpg](../images/devices/4058075816794.jpg) | -| [AC03641](../devices/AC03641.md) | OSRAM LIGHTIFY LED Classic A60 clear (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/AC03641.jpg](../images/devices/AC03641.jpg) | -| [4052899926158](../devices/4052899926158.md) | OSRAM LIGHTIFY Surface Light TW (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/4052899926158.jpg](../images/devices/4052899926158.jpg) | -| [AB401130055](../devices/AB401130055.md) | OSRAM LIGHTIFY Surface Light LED Tunable White (on/off, brightness, color temperature) | ![../images/devices/AB401130055.jpg](../images/devices/AB401130055.jpg) | -| [AB3257001NJ](../devices/AB3257001NJ.md) | OSRAM Smart+ plug (on/off) | ![../images/devices/AB3257001NJ.jpg](../images/devices/AB3257001NJ.jpg) | -| [AC10691](../devices/AC10691.md) | OSRAM Smart+ plug (on/off) | ![../images/devices/AC10691.jpg](../images/devices/AC10691.jpg) | -| [4052899926110](../devices/4052899926110.md) | OSRAM Flex RGBW (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy) | ![../images/devices/4052899926110.jpg](../images/devices/4052899926110.jpg) | -| [4058075036185](../devices/4058075036185.md) | OSRAM Outdoor Flex RGBW (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy) | ![../images/devices/4058075036185.jpg](../images/devices/4058075036185.jpg) | -| [4058075036147](../devices/4058075036147.md) | OSRAM Smart+ gardenpole 8.7W RGBW (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy) | ![../images/devices/4058075036147.jpg](../images/devices/4058075036147.jpg) | -| [4058075047853](../devices/4058075047853.md) | OSRAM Smart+ gardenpole 4W RGBW (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy) | ![../images/devices/4058075047853.jpg](../images/devices/4058075047853.jpg) | -| [AC0363900NJ](../devices/AC0363900NJ.md) | OSRAM Smart+ mini gardenpole RGBW (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy) | ![../images/devices/AC0363900NJ.jpg](../images/devices/AC0363900NJ.jpg) | -| [AB35996](../devices/AB35996.md) | OSRAM Smart+ Spot GU10 Multicolor (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy) | ![../images/devices/AB35996.jpg](../images/devices/AB35996.jpg) | -| [AC08559](../devices/AC08559.md) | OSRAM SMART+ Spot GU10 Multicolor (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy) | ![../images/devices/AC08559.jpg](../images/devices/AC08559.jpg) | -| [AC08562](../devices/AC08562.md) | OSRAM SMART+ Candle E14 Dimmable White (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/AC08562.jpg](../images/devices/AC08562.jpg) | -| [AC01353010G](../devices/AC01353010G.md) | OSRAM SMART+ Motion Sensor (occupancy, tamper and temperature) | ![../images/devices/AC01353010G.jpg](../images/devices/AC01353010G.jpg) | -| [AC03648](../devices/AC03648.md) | OSRAM SMART+ spot GU5.3 tunable white (on/off, brightness, color temperature) | ![../images/devices/AC03648.jpg](../images/devices/AC03648.jpg) | -| [AC0251100NJ/AC0251700NJ](../devices/AC0251100NJ_AC0251700NJ.md) | OSRAM Smart+ switch mini (circle, up, down and hold/release) | ![../images/devices/AC0251100NJ-AC0251700NJ.jpg](../images/devices/AC0251100NJ-AC0251700NJ.jpg) | -| [ST8AU-CON](../devices/ST8AU-CON.md) | OSRAM OSRAM SubstiTUBE T8 Advanced UO Connected (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/ST8AU-CON.jpg](../images/devices/ST8AU-CON.jpg) | -| [595UGR22](../devices/595UGR22.md) | OSRAM OSRAM LED panel TW 595 UGR22 (on/off, brightness, color temperature) | ![../images/devices/595UGR22.jpg](../images/devices/595UGR22.jpg) | - -### Oujiabao - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [CR701-YZ](../devices/CR701-YZ.md) | Oujiabao Gas and carbon monoxide alarm (gas and carbon monoxide) | ![../images/devices/CR701-YZ.jpg](../images/devices/CR701-YZ.jpg) | - -### PEQ - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [3300-P](../devices/3300-P.md) | PEQ Door & window contact sensor (contact, temperature) | ![../images/devices/3300-P.jpg](../images/devices/3300-P.jpg) | - -### Paul Neuhaus - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [100.424.11](../devices/100.424.11.md) | Paul Neuhaus Q-INIGO LED ceiling light (on/off, brightness, color temperature) | ![../images/devices/100.424.11.jpg](../images/devices/100.424.11.jpg) | -| [8195-55](../devices/8195-55.md) | Paul Neuhaus Q-Inigo ceiling light, Smart-Home (on/off, brightness, color temperature) | ![../images/devices/8195-55.jpg](../images/devices/8195-55.jpg) | -| [100.110.39](../devices/100.110.39.md) | Paul Neuhaus Q-FLAG LED Panel, Smart-Home RGBW (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy) | ![../images/devices/100.110.39.jpg](../images/devices/100.110.39.jpg) | -| [100.425.90](../devices/100.425.90.md) | Paul Neuhaus Q-PLUG adapter plug with night orientation light (on/off) | ![../images/devices/100.425.90.jpg](../images/devices/100.425.90.jpg) | -| [100.110.51](../devices/100.110.51.md) | Paul Neuhaus Q-FLAG LED panel, Smart-Home CCT (on/off, brightness, color temperature) | ![../images/devices/100.110.51.jpg](../images/devices/100.110.51.jpg) | - -### Paulmann - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [50043](../devices/50043.md) | Paulmann SmartHome Zigbee Cephei Switch Controller (on/off) | ![../images/devices/50043.jpg](../images/devices/50043.jpg) | -| [50044/50045](../devices/50044_50045.md) | Paulmann SmartHome Zigbee Dimmer or LED-stripe (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/50044-50045.jpg](../images/devices/50044-50045.jpg) | -| [50049](../devices/50049.md) | Paulmann SmartHome Yourled RGB Controller (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy) | ![../images/devices/50049.jpg](../images/devices/50049.jpg) | -| [50064](../devices/50064.md) | Paulmann SmartHome led spot (on/off, brightness, color temperature) | ![../images/devices/50064.jpg](../images/devices/50064.jpg) | -| [371000001](../devices/371000001.md) | Paulmann SmartHome led spot tuneable white (on/off, brightness, color temperature) | ![../images/devices/371000001.jpg](../images/devices/371000001.jpg) | -| [798.09](../devices/798.09.md) | Paulmann LED panel Amaris 595x595mm 35W matt white (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy) | ![../images/devices/798.09.jpg](../images/devices/798.09.jpg) | -| [798.15](../devices/798.15.md) | Paulmann SmartHome Zigbee Pendulum Light Aptare (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/798.15.jpg](../images/devices/798.15.jpg) | -| [500.48](../devices/500.48.md) | Paulmann SmartHome Zigbee YourLED dim/switch controller max. 60 W (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/500.48.jpg](../images/devices/500.48.jpg) | -| [93999](../devices/93999.md) | Paulmann Plug Shine Zigbee controller (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/93999.jpg](../images/devices/93999.jpg) | - -### Philips - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [4034031P7](../devices/4034031P7.md) | Philips Hue Fair (on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/4034031P7.jpg](../images/devices/4034031P7.jpg) | -| [3306431P7](../devices/3306431P7.md) | Philips Hue Struana (on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/3306431P7.jpg](../images/devices/3306431P7.jpg) | -| [5900131C5](../devices/5900131C5.md) | Philips Hue Aphelion downlight (on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/5900131C5.jpg](../images/devices/5900131C5.jpg) | -| [7299760PH](../devices/7299760PH.md) | Philips Hue Bloom (on/off, brightness, color xy, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/7299760PH.jpg](../images/devices/7299760PH.jpg) | -| [4090331P9](../devices/4090331P9.md) | Philips Hue Ensis (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/4090331P9.jpg](../images/devices/4090331P9.jpg) | -| [7146060PH](../devices/7146060PH.md) | Philips Hue Go (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/7146060PH.jpg](../images/devices/7146060PH.jpg) | -| [9290022411](../devices/9290022411.md) | Philips White single filament bulb A19 E26 with Bluetooth (on/off, brightness, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/9290022411.jpg](../images/devices/9290022411.jpg) | -| [929002277501](../devices/929002277501.md) | Philips Hue white A19 bulb E26 bluetooth (on/off, brightness, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/929002277501.jpg](../images/devices/929002277501.jpg) | -| [7602031P7](../devices/7602031P7.md) | Philips Hue Go with Bluetooth (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/7602031P7.jpg](../images/devices/7602031P7.jpg) | -| [8718696167991](../devices/8718696167991.md) | Philips Hue Calla outdoor (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/8718696167991.jpg](../images/devices/8718696167991.jpg) | -| [4090531P7](../devices/4090531P7.md) | Philips Hue Flourish white and color ambiance ceiling light (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/4090531P7.jpg](../images/devices/4090531P7.jpg) | -| [929001953101](../devices/929001953101.md) | Philips Hue White and Color Ambiance GU10 (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/929001953101.jpg](../images/devices/929001953101.jpg) | -| [8718699688820](../devices/8718699688820.md) | Philips Hue Filament Standard A60/E27 bluetooth (on/off, brightness, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/8718699688820.jpg](../images/devices/8718699688820.jpg) | -| [548727](../devices/548727.md) | Philips Hue White and Color Ambiance BR30 with bluetooth (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/548727.jpg](../images/devices/548727.jpg) | -| [433714](../devices/433714.md) | Philips Hue Lux A19 bulb E27 (on/off, brightness, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/433714.jpg](../images/devices/433714.jpg) | -| [9290011370](../devices/9290011370.md) | Philips Hue white A60 bulb E27 (on/off, brightness, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/9290011370.jpg](../images/devices/9290011370.jpg) | -| [8718699673147](../devices/8718699673147.md) | Philips Hue white A60 bulb E27 bluetooth (on/off, brightness, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/8718699673147.jpg](../images/devices/8718699673147.jpg) | -| [9290018215](../devices/9290018215.md) | Philips Hue white A19 bulb E26 bluetooth (on/off, brightness, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/9290018215.jpg](../images/devices/9290018215.jpg) | -| [9290022169](../devices/9290022169.md) | Philips Hue white ambiance E27 with Bluetooth (on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/9290022169.jpg](../images/devices/9290022169.jpg) | -| [4090631P7](../devices/4090631P7.md) | Philips Hue Flourish white and color ambiance pendant light (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/4090631P7.jpg](../images/devices/4090631P7.jpg) | -| [8718696449691](../devices/8718696449691.md) | Philips Hue White Single bulb B22 (on/off, brightness, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/8718696449691.jpg](../images/devices/8718696449691.jpg) | -| [9290018195](../devices/9290018195.md) | Philips Hue white GU10 (on/off, brightness, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/9290018195.jpg](../images/devices/9290018195.jpg) | -| [LWG004](../devices/LWG004.md) | Philips Hue white GU10 bluetooth (on/off, brightness, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/LWG004.jpg](../images/devices/LWG004.jpg) | -| [8718699688882](../devices/8718699688882.md) | Philips Hue white Filament bulb G93 E27 bluetooth (on/off, brightness, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/8718699688882.jpg](../images/devices/8718699688882.jpg) | -| [7299355PH](../devices/7299355PH.md) | Philips Hue white and color ambiance LightStrip (on/off, brightness, color xy, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/7299355PH.jpg](../images/devices/7299355PH.jpg) | -| [915005106701](../devices/915005106701.md) | Philips Hue white and color ambiance LightStrip plus (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/915005106701.jpg](../images/devices/915005106701.jpg) | -| [9290018187B](../devices/9290018187B.md) | Philips Hue white and color ambiance LightStrip Outdoor (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/9290018187B.jpg](../images/devices/9290018187B.jpg) | -| [9290022166](../devices/9290022166.md) | Philips Hue white and color ambiance E26/E27 (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/9290022166.jpg](../images/devices/9290022166.jpg) | -| [9290012573A](../devices/9290012573A.md) | Philips Hue white and color ambiance E26/E27/E14 (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/9290012573A.jpg](../images/devices/9290012573A.jpg) | -| [9290002579A](../devices/9290002579A.md) | Philips Hue white and color ambiance BR30 (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/9290002579A.jpg](../images/devices/9290002579A.jpg) | -| [8718696485880](../devices/8718696485880.md) | Philips Hue white and color ambiance GU10 (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/8718696485880.jpg](../images/devices/8718696485880.jpg) | -| [915005733701](../devices/915005733701.md) | Philips Hue White and color ambiance Play Lightbar (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/915005733701.jpg](../images/devices/915005733701.jpg) | -| [464800](../devices/464800.md) | Philips Hue white ambiance BR30 flood light (on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/464800.jpg](../images/devices/464800.jpg) | -| [8718696695203](../devices/8718696695203.md) | Philips Hue white ambiance E14 (on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/8718696695203.jpg](../images/devices/8718696695203.jpg) | -| [9290020399](../devices/9290020399.md) | Philips Hue white E14 (on/off, brightness, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/9290020399.jpg](../images/devices/9290020399.jpg) | -| [8718696598283](../devices/8718696598283.md) | Philips Hue white ambiance GU10 (on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/8718696598283.jpg](../images/devices/8718696598283.jpg) | -| [929001953301](../devices/929001953301.md) | Philips Hue white ambiance GU10 with Bluetooth (on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/929001953301.jpg](../images/devices/929001953301.jpg) | -| [9290011998B](../devices/9290011998B.md) | Philips Hue white ambiance E26 (on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/9290011998B.jpg](../images/devices/9290011998B.jpg) | -| [9290022167](../devices/9290022167.md) | Philips Hue white ambiance E26 with Bluetooth (on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/9290022167.jpg](../images/devices/9290022167.jpg) | -| [8718696548738](../devices/8718696548738.md) | Philips Hue white ambiance E26/E27 (on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/8718696548738.jpg](../images/devices/8718696548738.jpg) | -| [915005587401](../devices/915005587401.md) | Philips Hue white ambiance Adore light (on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/915005587401.jpg](../images/devices/915005587401.jpg) | -| [3402831P7](../devices/3402831P7.md) | Philips Hue white ambiance bathroom mirror light Adore (on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/3402831P7.jpg](../images/devices/3402831P7.jpg) | -| [3435011P7](../devices/3435011P7.md) | Philips Hue white ambiance bathroom ceiling light Adore (on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/3435011P7.jpg](../images/devices/3435011P7.jpg) | -| [4503848C5](../devices/4503848C5.md) | Philips Hue White ambiance Muscari pendant light (on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/4503848C5.jpg](../images/devices/4503848C5.jpg) | -| [4090130P7](../devices/4090130P7.md) | Philips Hue Sana (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/4090130P7.jpg](../images/devices/4090130P7.jpg) | -| [3261030P7](../devices/3261030P7.md) | Philips Hue Being (on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/3261030P7.jpg](../images/devices/3261030P7.jpg) | -| [3261331P7](../devices/3261331P7.md) | Philips Hue white ambiance Still (on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/3261331P7.jpg](../images/devices/3261331P7.jpg) | -| [4096730U7](../devices/4096730U7.md) | Philips Hue Cher ceiling light (on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/4096730U7.jpg](../images/devices/4096730U7.jpg) | -| [3216131P5](../devices/3216131P5.md) | Philips Hue white ambiance Aurelle square panel light (on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/3216131P5.jpg](../images/devices/3216131P5.jpg) | -| [3216331P5](../devices/3216331P5.md) | Philips Hue white ambiance Aurelle rectangle panel light (on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/3216331P5.jpg](../images/devices/3216331P5.jpg) | -| [3216431P5](../devices/3216431P5.md) | Philips Hue white ambiance Aurelle round panel light (on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/3216431P5.jpg](../images/devices/3216431P5.jpg) | -| [4033930P7](../devices/4033930P7.md) | Philips Hue white ambiance suspension Fair (on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/4033930P7.jpg](../images/devices/4033930P7.jpg) | -| [4023330P7](../devices/4023330P7.md) | Philips Hue white ambiance suspension Amaze (on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/4023330P7.jpg](../images/devices/4023330P7.jpg) | -| [9290011370B](../devices/9290011370B.md) | Philips Hue white A60 bulb E27 (on/off, brightness, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/9290011370B.jpg](../images/devices/9290011370B.jpg) | -| [046677476816](../devices/046677476816.md) | Philips Hue white PAR38 outdoor (on/off, brightness, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/046677476816.jpg](../images/devices/046677476816.jpg) | -| [7199960PH](../devices/7199960PH.md) | Philips Hue Iris (on/off, brightness, color xy, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/7199960PH.jpg](../images/devices/7199960PH.jpg) | -| [1742930P7](../devices/1742930P7.md) | Philips Hue outdoor Impress wall lamp (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/1742930P7.jpg](../images/devices/1742930P7.jpg) | -| [1743230P7](../devices/1743230P7.md) | Philips Hue outdoor Impress lantern (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/1743230P7.jpg](../images/devices/1743230P7.jpg) | -| [7099930PH](../devices/7099930PH.md) | Philips Hue Iris (Generation 2) (on/off, brightness, color xy, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/7099930PH.jpg](../images/devices/7099930PH.jpg) | -| [324131092621](../devices/324131092621.md) | Philips Hue dimmer switch (on/off, brightness, up/down/hold/release, click count) | ![../images/devices/324131092621.jpg](../images/devices/324131092621.jpg) | -| [8718699693985](../devices/8718699693985.md) | Philips Hue smart button (action) | ![../images/devices/8718699693985.jpg](../images/devices/8718699693985.jpg) | -| [9290012607](../devices/9290012607.md) | Philips Hue motion sensor (occupancy, temperature, illuminance) | ![../images/devices/9290012607.jpg](../images/devices/9290012607.jpg) | -| [9290019758](../devices/9290019758.md) | Philips Hue motion outdoor sensor (occupancy, temperature, illuminance) | ![../images/devices/9290019758.jpg](../images/devices/9290019758.jpg) | -| [929002240401](../devices/929002240401.md) | Philips Hue smart plug - EU (on/off) | ![../images/devices/929002240401.jpg](../images/devices/929002240401.jpg) | -| [046677552343](../devices/046677552343.md) | Philips Hue smart plug bluetooth (on/off) | ![../images/devices/046677552343.jpg](../images/devices/046677552343.jpg) | -| [7099860PH](../devices/7099860PH.md) | Philips LivingColors Aura (on/off, brightness, color xy, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/7099860PH.jpg](../images/devices/7099860PH.jpg) | -| [3216231P5](../devices/3216231P5.md) | Philips Hue white ambiance Aurelle rectangle panel light (on/off, brightness, color temperature, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/3216231P5.jpg](../images/devices/3216231P5.jpg) | -| [8718696170625](../devices/8718696170625.md) | Philips Hue Fuzo outdoor wall light (on/off, brightness, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/8718696170625.jpg](../images/devices/8718696170625.jpg) | -| [17436/30/P7](../devices/17436_30_P7.md) | Philips Hue Welcome white flood light (on/off, brightness, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/17436-30-P7.jpg](../images/devices/17436-30-P7.jpg) | -| [17435/30/P7](../devices/17435_30_P7.md) | Philips Hue Discover white and color ambiance flood light (on/off, brightness, color xy, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/17435-30-P7.jpg](../images/devices/17435-30-P7.jpg) | -| [1741830P7](../devices/1741830P7.md) | Philips Hue Lily outdoor spot light (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/1741830P7.jpg](../images/devices/1741830P7.jpg) | -| [929002241201](../devices/929002241201.md) | Philips Hue white filament Edison E27 LED (on/off, brightness, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/929002241201.jpg](../images/devices/929002241201.jpg) | -| [046677551780](../devices/046677551780.md) | Philips Hue white filament Edison ST19 LED (on/off, brightness, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/046677551780.jpg](../images/devices/046677551780.jpg) | -| [3115331PH](../devices/3115331PH.md) | Philips Phoenix light (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy, power-on behavior) | ![../images/devices/3115331PH.jpg](../images/devices/3115331PH.jpg) | - -### Piri - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [HSIO18008](../devices/HSIO18008.md) | Piri Combustible gas sensor (gas) | ![../images/devices/HSIO18008.jpg](../images/devices/HSIO18008.jpg) | - -### RGB Genie - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [ZGRC-KEY-013](../devices/ZGRC-KEY-013.md) | RGB Genie 3 Zone remote and dimmer (click) | ![../images/devices/ZGRC-KEY-013.jpg](../images/devices/ZGRC-KEY-013.jpg) | - -### ROBB - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [ROB_200-004-0](../devices/ROB_200-004-0.md) | ROBB ZigBee AC phase-cut dimmer (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/ROB_200-004-0.jpg](../images/devices/ROB_200-004-0.jpg) | -| [ROB_200-003-0](../devices/ROB_200-003-0.md) | ROBB Zigbee AC in wall switch (on/off) | ![../images/devices/ROB_200-003-0.jpg](../images/devices/ROB_200-003-0.jpg) | -| [ROB_200-014-0](../devices/ROB_200-014-0.md) | ROBB ZigBee AC phase-cut rotary dimmer (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/ROB_200-014-0.jpg](../images/devices/ROB_200-014-0.jpg) | -| [ROB_200-007-0](../devices/ROB_200-007-0.md) | ROBB Zigbee 8 button wall switch (action) | ![../images/devices/ROB_200-007-0.jpg](../images/devices/ROB_200-007-0.jpg) | - -### SONOFF - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [BASICZBR3](../devices/BASICZBR3.md) | SONOFF Zigbee smart switch (on/off) | ![../images/devices/BASICZBR3.jpg](../images/devices/BASICZBR3.jpg) | -| [S31ZB](../devices/S31ZB.md) | SONOFF Zigbee smart plug (US version) (on/off) | ![../images/devices/S31ZB.jpg](../images/devices/S31ZB.jpg) | - -### Salus - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [SP600](../devices/SP600.md) | Salus Smart plug (on/off, power measurement) | ![../images/devices/SP600.jpg](../images/devices/SP600.jpg) | - -### Schneider Electric - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [WV704R0A0902](../devices/WV704R0A0902.md) | Schneider Electric Wiser radiator thermostat (temperature, battery, keypad lock, heating demand) | ![../images/devices/WV704R0A0902.jpg](../images/devices/WV704R0A0902.jpg) | -| [U202DST600ZB](../devices/U202DST600ZB.md) | Schneider Electric EZinstall3 2 gang 2x300W dimmer module (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/U202DST600ZB.jpg](../images/devices/U202DST600ZB.jpg) | -| [U201DST600ZB](../devices/U201DST600ZB.md) | Schneider Electric EZinstall3 1 gang 550W dimmer module (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/U201DST600ZB.jpg](../images/devices/U201DST600ZB.jpg) | -| [U201SRY2KWZB](../devices/U201SRY2KWZB.md) | Schneider Electric Ulti 240V 9.1 A 1 gang relay switch impress switch module, amber LED (on/off) | ![../images/devices/U201SRY2KWZB.jpg](../images/devices/U201SRY2KWZB.jpg) | -| [U202SRY2KWZB](../devices/U202SRY2KWZB.md) | Schneider Electric Ulti 240V 9.1 A 2 gangs relay switch impress switch module, amber LED (on/off) | ![../images/devices/U202SRY2KWZB.jpg](../images/devices/U202SRY2KWZB.jpg) | - -### Securifi - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [PP-WHT-US](../devices/PP-WHT-US.md) | Securifi Peanut Smart Plug (on/off, power measurement) | ![../images/devices/PP-WHT-US.jpg](../images/devices/PP-WHT-US.jpg) | -| [B01M7Y8BP9](../devices/B01M7Y8BP9.md) | Securifi Almond Click multi-function button (single, double and long click) | ![../images/devices/B01M7Y8BP9.jpg](../images/devices/B01M7Y8BP9.jpg) | - -### Sengled - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [E11-G13](../devices/E11-G13.md) | Sengled Element Classic (A19) (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/E11-G13.jpg](../images/devices/E11-G13.jpg) | -| [E11-G23/E11-G33](../devices/E11-G23_E11-G33.md) | Sengled Element Classic (A60) (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/E11-G23-E11-G33.jpg](../images/devices/E11-G23-E11-G33.jpg) | -| [Z01-CIA19NAE26](../devices/Z01-CIA19NAE26.md) | Sengled Element Touch (A19) (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/Z01-CIA19NAE26.jpg](../images/devices/Z01-CIA19NAE26.jpg) | -| [Z01-A19NAE26](../devices/Z01-A19NAE26.md) | Sengled Element Plus (A19) (on/off, brightness, color temperature) | ![../images/devices/Z01-A19NAE26.jpg](../images/devices/Z01-A19NAE26.jpg) | -| [Z01-A60EAE27](../devices/Z01-A60EAE27.md) | Sengled Element Plus (A60) (on/off, brightness, color temperature) | ![../images/devices/Z01-A60EAE27.jpg](../images/devices/Z01-A60EAE27.jpg) | -| [E11-N1EA](../devices/E11-N1EA.md) | Sengled Element Plus Color (A19) (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy) | ![../images/devices/E11-N1EA.jpg](../images/devices/E11-N1EA.jpg) | -| [E11-U2E](../devices/E11-U2E.md) | Sengled Element color plus E27 (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy) | ![../images/devices/E11-U2E.jpg](../images/devices/E11-U2E.jpg) | -| [E12-N14](../devices/E12-N14.md) | Sengled Element Classic (BR30) (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/E12-N14.jpg](../images/devices/E12-N14.jpg) | -| [E1ACA4ABE38A](../devices/E1ACA4ABE38A.md) | Sengled Element downlight smart LED bulb (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/E1ACA4ABE38A.jpg](../images/devices/E1ACA4ABE38A.jpg) | -| [E1D-G73WNA](../devices/E1D-G73WNA.md) | Sengled Smart window and door sensor (contact) | ![../images/devices/E1D-G73WNA.jpg](../images/devices/E1D-G73WNA.jpg) | -| [E1C-NB6](../devices/E1C-NB6.md) | Sengled Smart plug (on/off) | ![../images/devices/E1C-NB6.jpg](../images/devices/E1C-NB6.jpg) | - -### Sercomm - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [SZ-ESW01](../devices/SZ-ESW01.md) | Sercomm Telstra smart plug (on/off, power consumption) | ![../images/devices/SZ-ESW01.jpg](../images/devices/SZ-ESW01.jpg) | -| [SZ-ESW01-AU](../devices/SZ-ESW01-AU.md) | Sercomm Telstra smart plug (on/off, power consumption) | ![../images/devices/SZ-ESW01-AU.jpg](../images/devices/SZ-ESW01-AU.jpg) | -| [XHS2-SE](../devices/XHS2-SE.md) | Sercomm Magnetic door & window contact sensor (contact, temperature) | ![../images/devices/XHS2-SE.jpg](../images/devices/XHS2-SE.jpg) | -| [SZ-DWS04](../devices/SZ-DWS04.md) | Sercomm Magnetic door & window contact sensor (contact) | ![../images/devices/SZ-DWS04.jpg](../images/devices/SZ-DWS04.jpg) | -| [AL-PIR02](../devices/AL-PIR02.md) | Sercomm PIR motion sensor (occupancy) | ![../images/devices/AL-PIR02.jpg](../images/devices/AL-PIR02.jpg) | - -### Shenzhen Homa - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [HLD812-Z-SC](../devices/HLD812-Z-SC.md) | Shenzhen Homa Smart LED driver (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/HLD812-Z-SC.jpg](../images/devices/HLD812-Z-SC.jpg) | -| [HLC610-Z](../devices/HLC610-Z.md) | Shenzhen Homa Wireless dimmable controller (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/HLC610-Z.jpg](../images/devices/HLC610-Z.jpg) | -| [HLC821-Z-SC](../devices/HLC821-Z-SC.md) | Shenzhen Homa ZigBee AC phase-cut dimmer (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/HLC821-Z-SC.jpg](../images/devices/HLC821-Z-SC.jpg) | - -### Sinope - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [TH1123ZB](../devices/TH1123ZB.md) | Sinope Zigbee line volt thermostat (local temp, units, keypad lockout, mode, state, backlight, outdoor temp, time) | ![../images/devices/TH1123ZB.jpg](../images/devices/TH1123ZB.jpg) | -| [TH1124ZB](../devices/TH1124ZB.md) | Sinope Zigbee line volt thermostat (local temp, units, keypad lockout, mode, state, backlight, outdoor temp, time) | ![../images/devices/TH1124ZB.jpg](../images/devices/TH1124ZB.jpg) | -| [TH1400ZB](../devices/TH1400ZB.md) | Sinope Zigbee low volt thermostat (local temp, units, keypad lockout, mode, state, backlight, outdoor temp, time) | ![../images/devices/TH1400ZB.jpg](../images/devices/TH1400ZB.jpg) | -| [TH1500ZB](../devices/TH1500ZB.md) | Sinope Zigbee dual pole line volt thermostat (local temp, units, keypad lockout, mode, state, backlight, outdoor temp, time) | ![../images/devices/TH1500ZB.jpg](../images/devices/TH1500ZB.jpg) | -| [SW2500ZB](../devices/SW2500ZB.md) | Sinope Zigbee smart light switch (on/off) | ![../images/devices/SW2500ZB.jpg](../images/devices/SW2500ZB.jpg) | - -### Smart Home Pty - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [HGZB-07A](../devices/HGZB-07A.md) | Smart Home Pty RGBW Downlight (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy) | ![../images/devices/HGZB-07A.jpg](../images/devices/HGZB-07A.jpg) | -| [HGZB-20-DE](../devices/HGZB-20-DE.md) | Smart Home Pty Power plug (on/off) | ![../images/devices/HGZB-20-DE.jpg](../images/devices/HGZB-20-DE.jpg) | - -### Smart9 - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [S9TSZGB_1](../devices/S9TSZGB_1.md) | Smart9 Touch switch (1 button) (action) | ![../images/devices/S9TSZGB_1.jpg](../images/devices/S9TSZGB_1.jpg) | -| [S9TSZGB_3](../devices/S9TSZGB_3.md) | Smart9 Touch switch (3 button) (action) | ![../images/devices/S9TSZGB_3.jpg](../images/devices/S9TSZGB_3.jpg) | - -### SmartThings - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [STSS-MULT-001](../devices/STSS-MULT-001.md) | SmartThings Multipurpose sensor (contact) | ![../images/devices/STSS-MULT-001.jpg](../images/devices/STSS-MULT-001.jpg) | -| [STS-PRS-251](../devices/STS-PRS-251.md) | SmartThings Arrival sensor (presence) | ![../images/devices/STS-PRS-251.jpg](../images/devices/STS-PRS-251.jpg) | -| [3325-S](../devices/3325-S.md) | SmartThings Motion sensor (2015 model) (occupancy and temperature) | ![../images/devices/3325-S.jpg](../images/devices/3325-S.jpg) | -| [3321-S](../devices/3321-S.md) | SmartThings Multi Sensor (2015 model) (contact and temperature) | ![../images/devices/3321-S.jpg](../images/devices/3321-S.jpg) | -| [F-APP-UK-V2](../devices/F-APP-UK-V2.md) | SmartThings Zigbee Outlet UK with power meter (on/off, power measurement) | ![../images/devices/F-APP-UK-V2.jpg](../images/devices/F-APP-UK-V2.jpg) | -| [GP-WOU019BBDWG](../devices/GP-WOU019BBDWG.md) | SmartThings Outlet with power meter (on/off, power measurement) | ![../images/devices/GP-WOU019BBDWG.jpg](../images/devices/GP-WOU019BBDWG.jpg) | -| [IM6001-OTP05](../devices/IM6001-OTP05.md) | SmartThings Outlet (on/off) | ![../images/devices/IM6001-OTP05.jpg](../images/devices/IM6001-OTP05.jpg) | -| [STS-OUT-US-2](../devices/STS-OUT-US-2.md) | SmartThings Zigbee smart plug with power meter (on/off, power measurement) | ![../images/devices/STS-OUT-US-2.jpg](../images/devices/STS-OUT-US-2.jpg) | -| [IM6001-MTP01](../devices/IM6001-MTP01.md) | SmartThings Motion sensor (2018 model) (occupancy and temperature) | ![../images/devices/IM6001-MTP01.jpg](../images/devices/IM6001-MTP01.jpg) | -| [STS-IRM-250](../devices/STS-IRM-250.md) | SmartThings Motion sensor (2016 model) (occupancy and temperature) | ![../images/devices/STS-IRM-250.jpg](../images/devices/STS-IRM-250.jpg) | -| [3305-S](../devices/3305-S.md) | SmartThings Motion sensor (2014 model) (occupancy and temperature) | ![../images/devices/3305-S.jpg](../images/devices/3305-S.jpg) | -| [3300-S](../devices/3300-S.md) | SmartThings Door sensor (contact and temperature) | ![../images/devices/3300-S.jpg](../images/devices/3300-S.jpg) | -| [F-MLT-US-2](../devices/F-MLT-US-2.md) | SmartThings Multipurpose sensor (2016 model) (contact) | ![../images/devices/F-MLT-US-2.jpg](../images/devices/F-MLT-US-2.jpg) | -| [IM6001-MPP01](../devices/IM6001-MPP01.md) | SmartThings Multipurpose sensor (2018 model) (contact) | ![../images/devices/IM6001-MPP01.jpg](../images/devices/IM6001-MPP01.jpg) | -| [3310-S](../devices/3310-S.md) | SmartThings Temperature and humidity sensor (temperature) | ![../images/devices/3310-S.jpg](../images/devices/3310-S.jpg) | -| [3315-S](../devices/3315-S.md) | SmartThings Water sensor (water and temperature) | ![../images/devices/3315-S.jpg](../images/devices/3315-S.jpg) | -| [WTR-UK-V2](../devices/WTR-UK-V2.md) | SmartThings Water leak sensor (2015 model) (water and temperature) | ![../images/devices/WTR-UK-V2.jpg](../images/devices/WTR-UK-V2.jpg) | -| [IM6001-WLP01](../devices/IM6001-WLP01.md) | SmartThings Water leak sensor (2018 model) (water leak and temperature) | ![../images/devices/IM6001-WLP01.jpg](../images/devices/IM6001-WLP01.jpg) | -| [STS-WTR-250](../devices/STS-WTR-250.md) | SmartThings Water leak sensor (2016 model) (water leak) | ![../images/devices/STS-WTR-250.jpg](../images/devices/STS-WTR-250.jpg) | -| [3315-G](../devices/3315-G.md) | SmartThings Water sensor (water and temperature) | ![../images/devices/3315-G.jpg](../images/devices/3315-G.jpg) | -| [IM6001-BTP01](../devices/IM6001-BTP01.md) | SmartThings Button (single, double and hold click, temperature) | ![../images/devices/IM6001-BTP01.jpg](../images/devices/IM6001-BTP01.jpg) | -| [SZ-SRN12N](../devices/SZ-SRN12N.md) | SmartThings Smart siren (warning) | ![../images/devices/SZ-SRN12N.jpg](../images/devices/SZ-SRN12N.jpg) | -| [GP-LBU019BBAWU](../devices/GP-LBU019BBAWU.md) | SmartThings Smart bulb (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/GP-LBU019BBAWU.jpg](../images/devices/GP-LBU019BBAWU.jpg) | - -### Stelpro - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [ST218](../devices/ST218.md) | Stelpro Built-in electronic thermostat (temperature ) | ![../images/devices/ST218.jpg](../images/devices/ST218.jpg) | -| [STZB402](../devices/STZB402.md) | Stelpro Ki, line-voltage thermostat (temperature) | ![../images/devices/STZB402.jpg](../images/devices/STZB402.jpg) | -| [SMT402](../devices/SMT402.md) | Stelpro Maestro, line-voltage thermostat (temperature, humidity, outdoor temp display) | ![../images/devices/SMT402.jpg](../images/devices/SMT402.jpg) | - -### Sunricher - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [ZG9101SAC-HP](../devices/ZG9101SAC-HP.md) | Sunricher ZigBee AC phase-cut dimmer (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/ZG9101SAC-HP.jpg](../images/devices/ZG9101SAC-HP.jpg) | -| [ZG9101SAC-HP-Switch](../devices/ZG9101SAC-HP-Switch.md) | Sunricher Zigbee AC in wall switch (on/off) | ![../images/devices/ZG9101SAC-HP-Switch.jpg](../images/devices/ZG9101SAC-HP-Switch.jpg) | -| [ZG2835RAC](../devices/ZG2835RAC.md) | Sunricher ZigBee knob smart dimmer (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/ZG2835RAC.jpg](../images/devices/ZG2835RAC.jpg) | -| [SR-ZG9001K4-DIM2](../devices/SR-ZG9001K4-DIM2.md) | Sunricher ZigBee double key wall switch (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/SR-ZG9001K4-DIM2.jpg](../images/devices/SR-ZG9001K4-DIM2.jpg) | - -### Swann - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [SWO-KEF1PA](../devices/SWO-KEF1PA.md) | Swann Key fob remote (panic, home, away, sleep) | ![../images/devices/SWO-KEF1PA.jpg](../images/devices/SWO-KEF1PA.jpg) | -| [SWO-WDS1PA](../devices/SWO-WDS1PA.md) | Swann Window/door sensor (contact) | ![../images/devices/SWO-WDS1PA.jpg](../images/devices/SWO-WDS1PA.jpg) | - -### Sylvania - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [73743](../devices/73743.md) | Sylvania Lightify Smart Dimming Switch (up, down and hold/release) | ![../images/devices/73743.jpg](../images/devices/73743.jpg) | -| [73742](../devices/73742.md) | Sylvania LIGHTIFY LED adjustable white RT 5/6 (on/off, brightness, color temperature) | ![../images/devices/73742.jpg](../images/devices/73742.jpg) | -| [73741](../devices/73741.md) | Sylvania LIGHTIFY LED adjustable color RT 5/6 (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy) | ![../images/devices/73741.jpg](../images/devices/73741.jpg) | -| [73740](../devices/73740.md) | Sylvania LIGHTIFY LED adjustable white BR30 (on/off, brightness, color temperature) | ![../images/devices/73740.jpg](../images/devices/73740.jpg) | -| [73739](../devices/73739.md) | Sylvania LIGHTIFY LED RGBW BR30 (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy) | ![../images/devices/73739.jpg](../images/devices/73739.jpg) | -| [73693](../devices/73693.md) | Sylvania LIGHTIFY LED RGBW A19 (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy) | ![../images/devices/73693.jpg](../images/devices/73693.jpg) | -| [74283](../devices/74283.md) | Sylvania LIGHTIFY LED soft white dimmable A19 (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/74283.jpg](../images/devices/74283.jpg) | -| [74696](../devices/74696.md) | Sylvania LIGHTIFY LED soft white dimmable A19 (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/74696.jpg](../images/devices/74696.jpg) | -| [72922-A](../devices/72922-A.md) | Sylvania SMART+ Smart Plug (on/off) | ![../images/devices/72922-A.jpg](../images/devices/72922-A.jpg) | -| [71831](../devices/71831.md) | Sylvania Smart Home adjustable white A19 LED bulb (on/off, brightness, color temperature) | ![../images/devices/71831.jpg](../images/devices/71831.jpg) | -| [74282](../devices/74282.md) | Sylvania Smart Home adjustable white MR16 LED bulb (on/off, brightness, color temperature) | ![../images/devices/74282.jpg](../images/devices/74282.jpg) | -| [LTFY004](../devices/LTFY004.md) | Sylvania LIGHTIFY LED gardenspot mini RGB (on/off, brightness, color xy) | ![../images/devices/LTFY004.jpg](../images/devices/LTFY004.jpg) | -| [74580](../devices/74580.md) | Sylvania Smart Home soft white PAR38 outdoor bulb (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/74580.jpg](../images/devices/74580.jpg) | -| [72569](../devices/72569.md) | Sylvania SMART+ Zigbee adjustable white edge-lit under cabinet light (on/off, brightness, color temperature) | ![../images/devices/72569.jpg](../images/devices/72569.jpg) | -| [72567](../devices/72567.md) | Sylvania SMART+ Zigbee adjustable white edge-lit flush mount light (on/off, brightness, color temperature) | ![../images/devices/72567.jpg](../images/devices/72567.jpg) | - -### TERNCY - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [TERNCY-PP01](../devices/TERNCY-PP01.md) | TERNCY Awareness switch (temperature, occupancy, illuminance, click, double click, triple click) | ![../images/devices/TERNCY-PP01.jpg](../images/devices/TERNCY-PP01.jpg) | -| [TERNCY-SD01](../devices/TERNCY-SD01.md) | TERNCY Knob smart dimmer (single, double and triple click, rotate) | ![../images/devices/TERNCY-SD01.jpg](../images/devices/TERNCY-SD01.jpg) | - -### TUYATEC - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [RH3040](../devices/RH3040.md) | TUYATEC PIR sensor (occupancy) | ![../images/devices/RH3040.jpg](../images/devices/RH3040.jpg) | -| [TT001ZAV20](../devices/TT001ZAV20.md) | TUYATEC Temperature & humidity sensor (temperature and humidity) | ![../images/devices/TT001ZAV20.jpg](../images/devices/TT001ZAV20.jpg) | -| [GDKES-01TZXD](../devices/GDKES-01TZXD.md) | TUYATEC Smart light switch - 1 gang without neutral wire (on/off) | ![../images/devices/GDKES-01TZXD.jpg](../images/devices/GDKES-01TZXD.jpg) | -| [GDKES-02TZXD](../devices/GDKES-02TZXD.md) | TUYATEC Smart light switch - 2 gang without neutral wire (on/off) | ![../images/devices/GDKES-02TZXD.jpg](../images/devices/GDKES-02TZXD.jpg) | -| [GDKES-03TZXD](../devices/GDKES-03TZXD.md) | TUYATEC Smart light switch - 3 gang without neutral wire (on/off) | ![../images/devices/GDKES-03TZXD.jpg](../images/devices/GDKES-03TZXD.jpg) | -| [gq8b1uv](../devices/gq8b1uv.md) | TUYATEC Zigbee smart dimmer (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/gq8b1uv.jpg](../images/devices/gq8b1uv.jpg) | -| [U86KCJ-ZP](../devices/U86KCJ-ZP.md) | TUYATEC Smart 6 key scene wall switch (action) | ![../images/devices/U86KCJ-ZP.jpg](../images/devices/U86KCJ-ZP.jpg) | - -### Third Reality - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [3RSS008Z](../devices/3RSS008Z.md) | Third Reality RealitySwitch Plus (on/off, battery) | ![../images/devices/3RSS008Z.jpg](../images/devices/3RSS008Z.jpg) | -| [3RSS007Z](../devices/3RSS007Z.md) | Third Reality Smart light switch (on/off) | ![../images/devices/3RSS007Z.jpg](../images/devices/3RSS007Z.jpg) | - -### Trust - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [ZWLD-100](../devices/ZWLD-100.md) | Trust Water leakage detector (water leak) | ![../images/devices/ZWLD-100.jpg](../images/devices/ZWLD-100.jpg) | -| [ZYCT-202](../devices/ZYCT-202.md) | Trust Remote control (on, off, stop, up-press, down-press) | ![../images/devices/ZYCT-202.jpg](../images/devices/ZYCT-202.jpg) | -| [ZLED-2709](../devices/ZLED-2709.md) | Trust Smart Dimmable LED Bulb (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/ZLED-2709.jpg](../images/devices/ZLED-2709.jpg) | -| [ZLED-TUNE9](../devices/ZLED-TUNE9.md) | Trust Smart tunable LED bulb (on/off, brightness, color temperature) | ![../images/devices/ZLED-TUNE9.jpg](../images/devices/ZLED-TUNE9.jpg) | -| [ZPIR-8000](../devices/ZPIR-8000.md) | Trust Motion Sensor (occupancy) | ![../images/devices/ZPIR-8000.jpg](../images/devices/ZPIR-8000.jpg) | -| [ZCTS-808](../devices/ZCTS-808.md) | Trust Wireless contact sensor (contact) | ![../images/devices/ZCTS-808.jpg](../images/devices/ZCTS-808.jpg) | - -### TuYa - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [TS0201](../devices/TS0201.md) | TuYa Temperature & humidity sensor with display (temperature and humidity) | ![../images/devices/TS0201.jpg](../images/devices/TS0201.jpg) | -| [TS0042](../devices/TS0042.md) | TuYa Touch wall remote 2 gang (action) | ![../images/devices/TS0042.jpg](../images/devices/TS0042.jpg) | -| [TS0002](../devices/TS0002.md) | TuYa 2 gang switch (on/off) | ![../images/devices/TS0002.jpg](../images/devices/TS0002.jpg) | - -### Ubisys - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [S1](../devices/S1.md) | Ubisys Power switch S1 (on/off, power measurement) | ![../images/devices/S1.jpg](../images/devices/S1.jpg) | -| [S2](../devices/S2.md) | Ubisys Power switch S2 (on/off, power measurement) | ![../images/devices/S2.jpg](../images/devices/S2.jpg) | -| [D1](../devices/D1.md) | Ubisys Universal dimmer D1 (on/off, brightness, power measurement) | ![../images/devices/D1.jpg](../images/devices/D1.jpg) | -| [J1](../devices/J1.md) | Ubisys Shutter control J1 (open, close, stop, position, tilt) | ![../images/devices/J1.jpg](../images/devices/J1.jpg) | -| [C4](../devices/C4.md) | Ubisys Control unit C4 (action) | ![../images/devices/C4.jpg](../images/devices/C4.jpg) | - -### Visonic - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [MP-841](../devices/MP-841.md) | Visonic Motion sensor (occupancy) | ![../images/devices/MP-841.jpg](../images/devices/MP-841.jpg) | -| [MCT-370 SMA](../devices/MCT-370_SMA.md) | Visonic Magnetic door & window contact sensor (contact) | ![../images/devices/MCT-370-SMA.jpg](../images/devices/MCT-370-SMA.jpg) | -| [MCT-350 SMA](../devices/MCT-350_SMA.md) | Visonic Magnetic door & window contact sensor (contact) | ![../images/devices/MCT-350-SMA.jpg](../images/devices/MCT-350-SMA.jpg) | -| [MCT-340 E](../devices/MCT-340_E.md) | Visonic Magnetic door & window contact sensor (contact, temperature) | ![../images/devices/MCT-340-E.jpg](../images/devices/MCT-340-E.jpg) | -| [MCT-340 SMA](../devices/MCT-340_SMA.md) | Visonic Magnetic door & window contact sensor (contact, temperature) | ![../images/devices/MCT-340-SMA.jpg](../images/devices/MCT-340-SMA.jpg) | - -### Weiser - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [9GED18000-009](../devices/9GED18000-009.md) | Weiser SmartCode 10 (lock/unlock, battery) | ![../images/devices/9GED18000-009.jpg](../images/devices/9GED18000-009.jpg) | -| [9GED21500-005](../devices/9GED21500-005.md) | Weiser SmartCode 10 Touch (lock/unlock, battery) | ![../images/devices/9GED21500-005.jpg](../images/devices/9GED21500-005.jpg) | - -### Xiaomi - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [ZNLDP12LM](../devices/ZNLDP12LM.md) | Xiaomi Aqara smart LED bulb (on/off, brightness, color temperature) | ![../images/devices/ZNLDP12LM.jpg](../images/devices/ZNLDP12LM.jpg) | -| [WXKG01LM](../devices/WXKG01LM.md) | Xiaomi MiJia wireless switch (single, double, triple, quadruple, many, long, long_release click) | ![../images/devices/WXKG01LM.jpg](../images/devices/WXKG01LM.jpg) | -| [WXKG11LM](../devices/WXKG11LM.md) | Xiaomi Aqara wireless switch (single, double click (and triple, quadruple, hold, release depending on model)) | ![../images/devices/WXKG11LM.jpg](../images/devices/WXKG11LM.jpg) | -| [WXKG12LM](../devices/WXKG12LM.md) | Xiaomi Aqara wireless switch (with gyroscope) (single, double, shake, hold, release) | ![../images/devices/WXKG12LM.jpg](../images/devices/WXKG12LM.jpg) | -| [WXKG03LM](../devices/WXKG03LM.md) | Xiaomi Aqara single key wireless wall switch (single (and double, hold, release and long click depending on model)) | ![../images/devices/WXKG03LM.jpg](../images/devices/WXKG03LM.jpg) | -| [WXKG02LM](../devices/WXKG02LM.md) | Xiaomi Aqara double key wireless wall switch (left, right, both click (and double, long click for left, right and both depending on model)) | ![../images/devices/WXKG02LM.jpg](../images/devices/WXKG02LM.jpg) | -| [QBKG04LM](../devices/QBKG04LM.md) | Xiaomi Aqara single key wired wall switch without neutral wire. Doesn't work as a router and doesn't support power meter (release/hold, on/off) | ![../images/devices/QBKG04LM.jpg](../images/devices/QBKG04LM.jpg) | -| [QBKG11LM](../devices/QBKG11LM.md) | Xiaomi Aqara single key wired wall switch (on/off, power measurement) | ![../images/devices/QBKG11LM.jpg](../images/devices/QBKG11LM.jpg) | -| [QBKG03LM](../devices/QBKG03LM.md) | Xiaomi Aqara double key wired wall switch without neutral wire. Doesn't work as a router and doesn't support power meter (release/hold, on/off, temperature) | ![../images/devices/QBKG03LM.jpg](../images/devices/QBKG03LM.jpg) | -| [QBKG12LM](../devices/QBKG12LM.md) | Xiaomi Aqara double key wired wall switch (on/off, power measurement, temperature) | ![../images/devices/QBKG12LM.jpg](../images/devices/QBKG12LM.jpg) | -| [WSDCGQ01LM](../devices/WSDCGQ01LM.md) | Xiaomi MiJia temperature & humidity sensor (temperature and humidity) | ![../images/devices/WSDCGQ01LM.jpg](../images/devices/WSDCGQ01LM.jpg) | -| [WSDCGQ11LM](../devices/WSDCGQ11LM.md) | Xiaomi Aqara temperature, humidity and pressure sensor (temperature, humidity and pressure) | ![../images/devices/WSDCGQ11LM.jpg](../images/devices/WSDCGQ11LM.jpg) | -| [RTCGQ01LM](../devices/RTCGQ01LM.md) | Xiaomi MiJia human body movement sensor (occupancy) | ![../images/devices/RTCGQ01LM.jpg](../images/devices/RTCGQ01LM.jpg) | -| [RTCGQ11LM](../devices/RTCGQ11LM.md) | Xiaomi Aqara human body movement and illuminance sensor (occupancy and illuminance) | ![../images/devices/RTCGQ11LM.jpg](../images/devices/RTCGQ11LM.jpg) | -| [MCCGQ01LM](../devices/MCCGQ01LM.md) | Xiaomi MiJia door & window contact sensor (contact) | ![../images/devices/MCCGQ01LM.jpg](../images/devices/MCCGQ01LM.jpg) | -| [MCCGQ11LM](../devices/MCCGQ11LM.md) | Xiaomi Aqara door & window contact sensor (contact) | ![../images/devices/MCCGQ11LM.jpg](../images/devices/MCCGQ11LM.jpg) | -| [SJCGQ11LM](../devices/SJCGQ11LM.md) | Xiaomi Aqara water leak sensor (water leak true/false) | ![../images/devices/SJCGQ11LM.jpg](../images/devices/SJCGQ11LM.jpg) | -| [MFKZQ01LM](../devices/MFKZQ01LM.md) | Xiaomi Mi/Aqara smart home cube (shake, wakeup, fall, tap, slide, flip180, flip90, rotate_left and rotate_right) | ![../images/devices/MFKZQ01LM.jpg](../images/devices/MFKZQ01LM.jpg) | -| [ZNCZ02LM](../devices/ZNCZ02LM.md) | Xiaomi Mi power plug ZigBee (on/off, power measurement) | ![../images/devices/ZNCZ02LM.jpg](../images/devices/ZNCZ02LM.jpg) | -| [ZNCZ03LM](../devices/ZNCZ03LM.md) | Xiaomi Mi power plug ZigBee TW (on/off, power measurement) | ![../images/devices/ZNCZ03LM.jpg](../images/devices/ZNCZ03LM.jpg) | -| [ZNCZ04LM](../devices/ZNCZ04LM.md) | Xiaomi Mi power plug ZigBee EU (on/off, power measurement) | ![../images/devices/ZNCZ04LM.jpg](../images/devices/ZNCZ04LM.jpg) | -| [ZNCZ12LM](../devices/ZNCZ12LM.md) | Xiaomi Mi power plug ZigBee US (on/off, power measurement) | ![../images/devices/ZNCZ12LM.jpg](../images/devices/ZNCZ12LM.jpg) | -| [SP-EUC01](../devices/SP-EUC01.md) | Xiaomi Aqara EU smart plug (on/off, power measurements) | ![../images/devices/SP-EUC01.jpg](../images/devices/SP-EUC01.jpg) | -| [QBCZ11LM](../devices/QBCZ11LM.md) | Xiaomi Aqara socket Zigbee (on/off, power measurement) | ![../images/devices/QBCZ11LM.jpg](../images/devices/QBCZ11LM.jpg) | -| [JTYJ-GD-01LM/BW](../devices/JTYJ-GD-01LM_BW.md) | Xiaomi MiJia Honeywell smoke detector (smoke) | ![../images/devices/JTYJ-GD-01LM-BW.jpg](../images/devices/JTYJ-GD-01LM-BW.jpg) | -| [JTQJ-BF-01LM/BW](../devices/JTQJ-BF-01LM_BW.md) | Xiaomi MiJia gas leak detector (gas) | ![../images/devices/JTQJ-BF-01LM-BW.jpg](../images/devices/JTQJ-BF-01LM-BW.jpg) | -| [A6121](../devices/A6121.md) | Xiaomi Vima Smart Lock (inserted, forgotten, key error) | ![../images/devices/A6121.jpg](../images/devices/A6121.jpg) | -| [DJT11LM](../devices/DJT11LM.md) | Xiaomi Aqara vibration sensor (drop, tilt and touch) | ![../images/devices/DJT11LM.jpg](../images/devices/DJT11LM.jpg) | -| [ZNCLDJ11LM](../devices/ZNCLDJ11LM.md) | Xiaomi Aqara curtain motor (open, close, stop, position) | ![../images/devices/ZNCLDJ11LM.jpg](../images/devices/ZNCLDJ11LM.jpg) | -| [ZNCLDJ12LM](../devices/ZNCLDJ12LM.md) | Xiaomi Aqara B1 curtain motor (open, close, stop, position) | ![../images/devices/ZNCLDJ12LM.jpg](../images/devices/ZNCLDJ12LM.jpg) | -| [LLKZMK11LM](../devices/LLKZMK11LM.md) | Xiaomi Aqara wireless relay controller (on/off, power measurement) | ![../images/devices/LLKZMK11LM.jpg](../images/devices/LLKZMK11LM.jpg) | -| [ZNMS12LM](../devices/ZNMS12LM.md) | Xiaomi Aqara S2 lock (open, close, operation (reporting only)) | ![../images/devices/ZNMS12LM.jpg](../images/devices/ZNMS12LM.jpg) | -| [ZNMS13LM](../devices/ZNMS13LM.md) | Xiaomi Aqara S2 lock pro (open, close, operation (reporting only)) | ![../images/devices/ZNMS13LM.jpg](../images/devices/ZNMS13LM.jpg) | -| [ZNMS11LM](../devices/ZNMS11LM.md) | Xiaomi Xiaomi Aqara smart lock (open, close, operation (reporting only)) | ![../images/devices/ZNMS11LM.jpg](../images/devices/ZNMS11LM.jpg) | -| [WXCJKG11LM](../devices/WXCJKG11LM.md) | Xiaomi Aqara Opple switch 1 band (action) | ![../images/devices/WXCJKG11LM.jpg](../images/devices/WXCJKG11LM.jpg) | -| [WXCJKG12LM](../devices/WXCJKG12LM.md) | Xiaomi Aqara Opple switch 2 bands (action) | ![../images/devices/WXCJKG12LM.jpg](../images/devices/WXCJKG12LM.jpg) | -| [WXCJKG13LM](../devices/WXCJKG13LM.md) | Xiaomi Aqara Opple switch 3 bands (action) | ![../images/devices/WXCJKG13LM.jpg](../images/devices/WXCJKG13LM.jpg) | -| [GZCGQ01LM](../devices/GZCGQ01LM.md) | Xiaomi MiJia light intensity sensor (illuminance) | ![../images/devices/GZCGQ01LM.jpg](../images/devices/GZCGQ01LM.jpg) | - -### Yale - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [YRD426NRSC](../devices/YRD426NRSC.md) | Yale Assure lock (lock/unlock, battery) | ![../images/devices/YRD426NRSC.jpg](../images/devices/YRD426NRSC.jpg) | -| [YRD226HA2619](../devices/YRD226HA2619.md) | Yale Assure lock (lock/unlock, battery) | ![../images/devices/YRD226HA2619.jpg](../images/devices/YRD226HA2619.jpg) | -| [YRD256HA20BP](../devices/YRD256HA20BP.md) | Yale Assure lock SL (lock/unlock, battery) | ![../images/devices/YRD256HA20BP.jpg](../images/devices/YRD256HA20BP.jpg) | -| [YMF40](../devices/YMF40.md) | Yale Real living lock (lock/unlock, battery) | ![../images/devices/YMF40.jpg](../images/devices/YMF40.jpg) | -| [YRD210-HA-605](../devices/YRD210-HA-605.md) | Yale Real living keyless push button deadbolt lock (lock/unlock, battery) | ![../images/devices/YRD210-HA-605.jpg](../images/devices/YRD210-HA-605.jpg) | -| [YRD226/246 TSDB](../devices/YRD226_246_TSDB.md) | Yale Assure lock (lock/unlock, battery) | ![../images/devices/YRD226-246-TSDB.jpg](../images/devices/YRD226-246-TSDB.jpg) | -| [YRD220/240 TSDB](../devices/YRD220_240_TSDB.md) | Yale Lockwood keyless push button deadbolt lock (lock/unlock, battery) | ![../images/devices/YRD220-240-TSDB.jpg](../images/devices/YRD220-240-TSDB.jpg) | - -### Zemismart - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [LXZB-12A](../devices/LXZB-12A.md) | Zemismart RGB LED downlight (on/off, brightness, color temperature, color xy) | ![../images/devices/LXZB-12A.jpg](../images/devices/LXZB-12A.jpg) | -| [ZM-CSW032-D](../devices/ZM-CSW032-D.md) | Zemismart Curtain/roller blind switch (open, close, stop) | ![../images/devices/ZM-CSW032-D.jpg](../images/devices/ZM-CSW032-D.jpg) | -| [ZM-L03E-Z](../devices/ZM-L03E-Z.md) | Zemismart Smart light switch - 3 gang with neutral wire (on/off) | ![../images/devices/ZM-L03E-Z.jpg](../images/devices/ZM-L03E-Z.jpg) | -| [ZM-CSW002-D](../devices/TS0002.md) | Zemismart 2 gang switch (white-label of TuYa TS0002) (on/off) | ![../images/devices/TS0002.jpg](../images/devices/TS0002.jpg) | - -### Zen - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [Zen-01-W](../devices/Zen-01-W.md) | Zen Thermostat (temperature, heating/cooling system control) | ![../images/devices/Zen-01-W.jpg](../images/devices/Zen-01-W.jpg) | - -### eCozy - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [1TST-EU](../devices/1TST-EU.md) | eCozy Smart heating thermostat (temperature, occupancy, un-/occupied heating, schedule) | ![../images/devices/1TST-EU.jpg](../images/devices/1TST-EU.jpg) | - -### eWeLink - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [SA-003-Zigbee](../devices/SA-003-Zigbee.md) | eWeLink Zigbee smart plug (on/off) | ![../images/devices/SA-003-Zigbee.jpg](../images/devices/SA-003-Zigbee.jpg) | -| [RHK06](../devices/RHK06.md) | eWeLink Contact sensor (contact) | ![../images/devices/RHK06.jpg](../images/devices/RHK06.jpg) | -| [RHK07](../devices/RHK07.md) | eWeLink Wireless button (single, double, long) | ![../images/devices/RHK07.jpg](../images/devices/RHK07.jpg) | -| [RHK08](../devices/RHK08.md) | eWeLink Temperature and humidity sensor (temperature and humidity) | ![../images/devices/RHK08.jpg](../images/devices/RHK08.jpg) | -| [RHK09](../devices/RHK09.md) | eWeLink Motion sensor (occupancy) | ![../images/devices/RHK09.jpg](../images/devices/RHK09.jpg) | - -### iCasa - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [ICZB-IW11D](../devices/ICZB-IW11D.md) | iCasa ZigBee AC dimmer (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/ICZB-IW11D.jpg](../images/devices/ICZB-IW11D.jpg) | -| [ICZB-IW11SW](../devices/ICZB-IW11SW.md) | iCasa Zigbee 3.0 AC switch (on/off) | ![../images/devices/ICZB-IW11SW.jpg](../images/devices/ICZB-IW11SW.jpg) | -| [ICZB-KPD14S](../devices/ICZB-KPD14S.md) | iCasa Zigbee 3.0 Keypad Pulse 4S (click, action, brightness, scenes) | ![../images/devices/ICZB-KPD14S.jpg](../images/devices/ICZB-KPD14S.jpg) | -| [ICZB-KPD18S](../devices/ICZB-KPD18S.md) | iCasa Zigbee 3.0 Keypad Pulse 8S (click, action, brightness, scenes) | ![../images/devices/ICZB-KPD18S.jpg](../images/devices/ICZB-KPD18S.jpg) | -| [ICZB-B1FC60/B3FC64/B2FC95/B2FC125](../devices/ICZB-B1FC60_B3FC64_B2FC95_B2FC125.md) | iCasa Zigbee 3.0 Filament Lamp 60/64/95/125 mm, 806 lumen, dimmable, clear (on/off, brightness, color temperature) | ![../images/devices/ICZB-B1FC60-B3FC64-B2FC95-B2FC125.jpg](../images/devices/ICZB-B1FC60-B3FC64-B2FC95-B2FC125.jpg) | -| [ICZB-R11D](../devices/ICZB-R11D.md) | iCasa Zigbee AC dimmer (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/ICZB-R11D.jpg](../images/devices/ICZB-R11D.jpg) | - -### iHORN - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [LH-32ZB](../devices/LH-32ZB.md) | iHORN Temperature & humidity sensor (temperature and humidity) | ![../images/devices/LH-32ZB.jpg](../images/devices/LH-32ZB.jpg) | -| [LH-992ZB](../devices/LH-992ZB.md) | iHORN Motion sensor (occupancy) | ![../images/devices/LH-992ZB.jpg](../images/devices/LH-992ZB.jpg) | - -### ilux - -| Model | Description | Picture | -| ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------- | -| [900008-WW](../devices/900008-WW.md) | ilux Dimmable A60 E27 LED Bulb (on/off, brightness) | ![../images/devices/900008-WW.jpg](../images/devices/900008-WW.jpg) | - - diff --git a/devices/docs/information/touchlink.md b/devices/docs/information/touchlink.md deleted file mode 100644 index 4e64d19d..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/information/touchlink.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ -# Touchlink -*NOTE: This is an experimental feature, for an ongoing discussion see: [#2396](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/2396)* - -Touchlink is a feature of Zigbee which allows devices physically close to each other to communicate with each other **without** being in the same network. - -Note that not all Zigbee devices support Touchlink, but most bulbs of common brands like Philips and IKEA support this. - -## Factory reset device -Zigbee2mqtt allows to factory reset devices through Touchlink. This is especially handy for e.g. Philips Hue bulbs as they cannot be factory resetted by turning them on/off 5 times. Demo: [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kcRj77YGyKk) - -To factory reset a device through Touchlink bring the device close (< 10 cm) to your coordinator (e.g. CC2531 adapter). After this send a MQTT message to `zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config/touchlink/factory_reset` with an empty payload. - -Zigbee2mqtt will now start scanning, this can take up to 1 minute and during this scan **your network cannot be used**. After some time the device will identify itself (e.g. a bulb will start to blink). - -Now that your device has been factory reset, it will automatically join Zigbee2mqtt (make sure that joining is enabled through `permit_join: true`). If it doesn't, try powering the bulb off and on 1 time. diff --git a/devices/docs/information/virtual_environment.md b/devices/docs/information/virtual_environment.md deleted file mode 100755 index 8dd71487..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/information/virtual_environment.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,117 +0,0 @@ ---- ---- -# Running Zigbee2mqtt in Virtual Environment -It is possible to run Zigbee2mqtt in a virtual environment, this has been tested with a Raspberry Pi 3B+. - -This guide is similar to the [Running zigbee2mqtt guide](../getting_started/running_zigbee2mqtt.md), follow the steps from there by replacing the steps with the ones from below. - -## 2. Installing -```bash -# Clone zigbee2mqtt repository -sudo git clone https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.git /opt/zigbee2mqtt -sudo chown -R pi:pi /opt/zigbee2mqtt - -# Enter folder -cd /opt/zigbee2mqtt - -# Install python env -python3 -m venv . - -# Activate environment -source /opt/zigbee2mqtt/bin/activate - -# Upgrade pip, wheel and setuptools -pip install --upgrade pip wheel setuptools - -# Install node environment -pip install nodeenv - -# Init node environment -nodeenv -p -n 10.15.1 - -# Deactivate and activate environment to be sure -deactivate -source /opt/zigbee2mqtt/bin/activate - -# Install dependencies -cd /opt/zigbee2mqtt -npm ci - -# Deactivate environment -deactivate -``` - -## 4. Starting zigbee2mqtt -```bash -# Enter folder -cd /opt/zigbee2mqtt - -# Activate environment -source /opt/zigbee2mqtt/bin/activate - -# Start -npm start - -# ctrl + c to quit - -# Deactivate environment -deactivate -``` - -## 5. (Optional) Running as a daemon with systemctl -To run zigbee2mqtt as daemon (in background) and start it automatically on boot we will run Zigbee2mqtt with systemctl. -```bash -# Create a systemctl configuration file for zigbee2mqtt -sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/zigbee2mqtt.service -``` - -Add the following to this file: - -```bash -[Unit] -Description=zigbee2mqtt -After=network.target - -[Service] -ExecStart=/bin/bash -c 'source /opt/zigbee2mqtt/bin/activate; /opt/zigbee2mqtt/bin/npm start' -WorkingDirectory=/opt/zigbee2mqtt -StandardOutput=inherit -StandardError=inherit -Restart=always -User=pi - -[Install] -WantedBy=multi-user.target -``` - -Now continue with *Verify that the configuration works:* from the *Running Zigbee2mqtt guide*. - -## 6. (For later) Update Zigbee2mqtt to the latest version -To update Zigbee2mqtt to the latest version, execute: - -```sh -# Stop zigbee2mqtt and go to directory -sudo systemctl stop zigbee2mqtt -cd /opt/zigbee2mqtt - -# Activate environment -source /opt/zigbee2mqtt/bin/activate - -# Backup configuration -cp -R data data-backup - -# Update -git checkout HEAD -- npm-shrinkwrap.json -git pull -npm ci - -# Restore configuration -cp -R data-backup/* data -rm -rf data-backup - -# Deactivate environment -deactivate - -# Start zigbee2mqtt -sudo systemctl start zigbee2mqtt -``` diff --git a/devices/docs/information/what_does_and_doesnt_require_repairing.md b/devices/docs/information/what_does_and_doesnt_require_repairing.md deleted file mode 100644 index ea047ba9..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/information/what_does_and_doesnt_require_repairing.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,26 +0,0 @@ ---- ---- -# What does and does not require repairing of all devices? - -## Requires repairing -You need to re-pair all you devices when: -- Changing the network key (`network_key`) in `configuration.yaml`. -- Changing the Zigbee channel (`channel`) in `configuration.yaml`. - -## Doesn't require repairing -You **don't** need to re-pair your devices when: -- Updating or downgrading Zigbee2mqtt to a different version. -- Updating the coordinator (CC2530/CC2531 stick) firmware. - - This is only applicable when flashing firmware version `20190215` or later. It doesn't matter from which firmware version you come from. - - If after flashing you fail to control your devices it helps to: - - Wait a few minutes so that the Zigbee network can settle. - - Send Zigbee commands (e.g. turn on/off) to the device. - - Reboot the device (unplug and plug power). - - If all of the above doens't work, and you previously re-flashed a firmware older then `20190215` it could be that the `pan_id` has silently been changed. To fix this add to your `configuration.yaml`: - ```js - advanced: - pan_id: 0x1a63 - ``` -- Switching from CC2530/CC2531 device (physically). -- Switching the system running Zigbee2mqtt. - - When doing this, make sure to copy over the contents of the `data` directory. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/devices/docs/information/windows.md b/devices/docs/information/windows.md deleted file mode 100755 index bbbc77ee..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/information/windows.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,71 +0,0 @@ -# Running Zigbee2mqtt on Windows - -Since Node.js is fully cross-platform it is possible to run Zigbee2mqtt on Windows. - -Before you start make sure you have [already flashed](../getting_started/flashing_the_cc2531.html) your Zigbee adapter with the appropriate firmware. - -## 1. Determine which COM port is assigned to your device - -1. Connect your sniffer device -1. Open up Start menu and start typing `Device Manager` -1. Expand `Ports (COM & LPT)` -1. Look for a node similar to `USB Serial Device (COM4)` -1. Take note of the port number, it will be needed during configuration - -![Device Manager](../images/devicemanager.png) - -## 2. Installing - -1. Download and install Node.js 10 LTS from [their website](https://nodejs.org/en/) -1. Open up a `Command prompt` or `Powershell` from the Start menu (Powershell has prettier colors) -1. Verify Node.js was successfully installed - ```bash - node --version - ``` -1. Choose a suitable directory for Zigbee2mqtt and copy all the files from the [Zigbee2mqtt repository](https://github.com/koenkk/zigbee2mqtt) - * if you prefer to use git (which you should), just clone the whole repository - ```bash - git clone git@github.com:Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt.git - ``` - * otherwise use the green `Clone or download` button to download the zip archive, then extract it -1. Change to the newly created directory and install dependencies with Node.js' own package manager `npm` - ```bash - npm ci - ``` - -## 3. Configuring - -1. Open `data\configuration.yaml` in a text editor -1. Change the serial port configuration to match your setup - ```yaml - serial: - port: \\.\COM4 - ``` -1. Make sure other settings are correct as well -1. Save and exit - -Congratulations, you're now ready to start your Zigbee2mqtt installation - -## 4. Starting Zigbee2mqtt - -Just change to the root directory of your installation and run the application: -```bash -npm start -``` - -A successful setup produces an output similar to this: - -``` -> zigbee2mqtt@1.6.0 start C:\Users\me\Documents\GitHub\zigbee2mqtt -> node index.js - - zigbee2mqtt:info 2019-10-18 10:56:22 PM Logging to directory: 'D:\Documents\GitHub\zigbee2mqtt\data\log\2019-10-18.22-56-22' - zigbee2mqtt:info 2019-10-18 10:56:22 PM Starting zigbee2mqtt version 1.6.0 (commit #e26ad2a) - zigbee2mqtt:info 2019-10-18 10:56:22 PM Starting zigbee-shepherd - zigbee2mqtt:info 2019-10-18 10:56:24 PM zigbee-shepherd started - zigbee2mqtt:info 2019-10-18 10:56:24 PM Coordinator firmware version: '20190608' -``` - -The `Coordinator firmware version: '20190608'` entry means that Zigbee2mqtt has successfully communicated with the USB sniffer. - -Zigbee2mqtt can be stopped anytime by pressing `CTRL + C` and then confirming with `Y` (on English locales at least). diff --git a/devices/docs/information/zigbee2mqtt_fails_to_start.md b/devices/docs/information/zigbee2mqtt_fails_to_start.md deleted file mode 100644 index f4424b58..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/information/zigbee2mqtt_fails_to_start.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ ---- ---- -# Zigbee2mqtt fails to start -Most of the times this is caused by zigbee-herdsman not being able to communicate with your CC2530 or CC2531. - -## Verify that you put the correct port in configuration.yaml -Execute the following command to find out the correct path: -```bash -pi@raspberry:/ $ ls -l /dev/serial/by-id -total 0 -lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 13 Oct 19 19:26 usb-Texas_Instruments_TI_CC2531_USB_CDC___0X00124B0018ED3DDF-if00 -> ../../ttyACM0 -``` - -In this example the correct `port` would be `/dev/ttyACM0`. - -## Verify that the user you run Zigbee2mqtt as has write access to the port -This can be tested by executing: `test -w [PORT] && echo success || echo failure` (e.g. `test -w /dev/ttyACM0 && echo success || echo failure`). - -If it outputs `failure`. On Debian-based Linux (Debian/Ubuntu/Raspbian) add your user to the dialout group so you have appropriate permissions on the device(s) by executing `sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER`. You need to logout and back in for the new group to take effect. On other Linux distributions assign write acces by executing: `sudo chown [USER] [PORT]` (e.g. `sudo chown pi /dev/ttyACM0`). - -## Verify that you have a CC2530 or CC2531 (and not a CC2540) -The CC2540 can be confused easily with the CC2531 as it looks (almost) exactly the same. However, this device does not support zigbee but bluetooth. This can be verified by looking at the chip. - -## [ModemManager](https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/ModemManager/) is installed -ModemManger, which is default installed on e.g. Ubuntu, is known to cause problems. It can easily be fixed by removing ModemManager through `sudo apt-get purge modemmanager`. diff --git a/devices/docs/information/zigbee_network.md b/devices/docs/information/zigbee_network.md deleted file mode 100755 index 798c83a8..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/information/zigbee_network.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,31 +0,0 @@ ---- ---- -# Zigbee network - -## Device types -In Zigbee, there are three different types of devices: end device, router, and coordinator. A Zigbee network always has **one** (and no more) coordinator, and can have multiple routers and end devices. In the case of zigbee2mqtt, the coordinator is your CC2531 USB stick. - -### End Device -End devices do not route traffic. They may also sleep, which makes end devices a suitable choice for battery operated devices. An end device only has one parent, either the coordinator or a router, generally the closest device when it was paired. All communications to and from the end device is via their parent. If a parent router goes offline all traffic to its children will cease until those end devices time out and attempt to find a new parent. Some models of end device, notably Xiaomi, don't attempt to find a new parent so will remain isolated until re-paired with the network. - -*Examples: WXKG01LM, RTCGQ01LM, MCCGQ11LM* - -### Router -Routers are responsible for routing traffic between different nodes. Routers may not sleep. As such, routers are not a suitable choice for battery operated devices. Routers are also responsible for receiving and storing messages intended for their children. In addition to this, routers are the gate keepers to the network. They are responsible for allowing new nodes to join the network. - -*Examples: LED1545G12, 7146060PH, ZNCZ02LM, [CC2531 USB sniffer flashed with the router firmware](https://github.com/Koenkk/Z-Stack-firmware/tree/master/router/CC2531/bin)* - -*Note: Xiaomi Wall Switches (without neutral line - QBKG03LM and QBKG04LM) are not working as routers in the Zigbee network.* - - -### Coordinator -A coordinator is a special router. In addition to all of the router capabilities, the coordinator is responsible for forming the network. To do that, it must select the appropriate channel, PAN ID, and extended network address. It is also responsible for selecting the security mode of the network. - -*Examples: [CC2531 USB sniffer flashed with the coordinator firmware](https://github.com/Koenkk/Z-Stack-firmware/tree/master/coordinator/Z-Stack_Home_1.2/bin/default)* - -### Finding out the type of your device -Zigbee2mqtt logs the device type of your devices on startup, e.g.: -``` -2018-5-28 20:39:46 INFO 0x00158d00018255df (0x00158d00018255df): ZNCZ02LM - Xiaomi Mi power plug ZigBee (Router) -2018-5-28 20:39:46 INFO 0x00158d0001b79111 (0x00158d0001b79111): WSDCGQ01LM - Xiaomi MiJia temperature & humidity sensor (EndDevice) -``` diff --git a/devices/docs/integration/home_assistant.md b/devices/docs/integration/home_assistant.md deleted file mode 100755 index 5cba64b7..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/integration/home_assistant.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,329 +0,0 @@ ---- ---- -# Home Assistant - -*NOTE 1: This file has been generated, do not edit this file manually!* - -*NOTE 2: If you are using the [Zigbee2mqtt Hass.io add-on](https://github.com/danielwelch/hassio-zigbee2mqtt) -use their documentation* - - -## MQTT discovery -**NOTE:** Groups are not auto-discovered, see configuration below. - -The easiest way to integrate Zigbee2mqtt with Home Assistant is by -using [MQTT discovery](https://www.home-assistant.io/docs/mqtt/discovery/). -This allows Zigbee2mqtt to automatically add devices to Home Assistant. - -To achieve the best possible integration (including MQTT discovery): -- In your **Zigbee2mqtt** `configuration.yaml` set `homeassistant: true` -- In your **Home Assistant** `configuration.yaml`: - -{% raw %} -```yaml -mqtt: - discovery: true - broker: [YOUR MQTT BROKER] # Remove if you want to use builtin-in MQTT broker - birth_message: - topic: 'hass/status' - payload: 'online' - will_message: - topic: 'hass/status' - payload: 'offline' -``` -{% endraw %} - -Mind you that if you want to use the embedded broker of Home Assistant you -have to [follow this guide](https://www.home-assistant.io/docs/mqtt/broker#embedded-broker). - -Zigbee2mqtt is expecting Home Assistant to send it's birth/will -messages to `hass/status`. Be sure to add this to your `configuration.yaml` if you want -Zigbee2mqtt to resend the cached values when Home Assistant restarts - -## Home Assistant device registry -When using Home Assistant MQTT discovery, Zigbee2mqtt integrates -with the [Home Assistant device registry](https://developers.home-assistant.io/docs/en/device_registry_index.html). -This allows you to change the Home Assistant `device_id` and `friendly_name` from the web interface -without having to restart Home Assistant. It also makes it possible to show which entities belong to which device. - -![Changing name and device ID via web interface](../images/home_assistant_change_name.png) - -![Device registry](../images/home_assistant_device_registry.png) - -## Customizing discovery -The device specifc configuration allows you to modify the discovery payload. Here you can also prevent a device from being discovered. See [Device specific configuration](../information/configuration.md) for the available options. - -## I'm confused about the different device IDs, names and friendly names -- Home Assistant `device_id`: determined on first discovery of the device, can only be changed -via the Home Assistant web interface afterwards. Used to control/read the state from the device (e.g. in automations) -- Zigbee2mqtt `friendly_name`: used to change the MQTT topic where the device listens and publishes to. -- Home Assistant `name`: name shown in the Home Assistant UI (unless overridden -via a `friendly_name` in `customize.yaml`). If not changed via the Home Assistant web interface, -it is equal to the Zigbee2mqtt `friendly_name`. Is updated if the Zigbee2mqtt `friendly_name` changes -(requires restart of Home Assistant) -- Home Assistant `friendly_name` (`customize.yaml`): overrides the name in the Home Assistant web interface. - -## Responding to button clicks -To respond to button clicks (e.g. WXKG01LM) you can use one of the following two Home Assistant configurations. - -### Via MQTT device trigger (recommended) -[MQTT device trigger](https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/device_trigger.mqtt/) is the recommended way to respond to button clicks. -Note that it atleast requires Home Assistant 0.106.0. - -The MQTT device triggers are discovered by Zigbee2mqtt once the event is triggered on the device once. - -{% raw %} -```yaml -automation: - - alias: Respond to button click - trigger: - - device_id: ad44cabee4c646f493814306aa6446e1 - discovery_id: 0x000b57fffecb472d action_arrow_left_click - domain: mqtt - platform: device - subtype: arrow_left_click - type: action - action: - entity_id: light.my_bulb_light - service: light.toggle -``` -{% endraw %} - -If you only plan to use this and want to disable the *Via Home Assistant entity* integration below, set `homeassistant_legacy_triggers: false` (see [Configuration](../information/configuration.md) for more info). - -### Via Home Assistant entity - -{% raw %} -```yaml -automation: - - alias: Respond to button click - trigger: - platform: state - entity_id: sensor.my_switch_click - to: 'single' - action: - entity_id: light.my_bulb_light - service: light.toggle -``` -{% endraw %} - -### Via MQTT -As an alternative to the above way of integrating, you can also listen to MQTT topics. - -{% raw %} -```yaml -automation: - - alias: Respond to button clicks - trigger: - platform: mqtt - topic: 'zigbee2mqtt/- - { - "old": "{{ states.input_text.zigbee2mqtt_old_name.state | string }}", - "new": "{{ states.input_text.zigbee2mqtt_new_name.state | string }}" - } - zigbee2mqtt_remove: - alias: Zigbee2mqtt Remove - sequence: - service: mqtt.publish - data_template: - topic: zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config/remove - payload_template: "{{ states.input_text.zigbee2mqtt_remove.state | string }}" - -# Timer for joining time remaining (120 sec = 2 min) -timer: - zigbee_permit_join: - name: Time remaining - duration: 120 - -sensor: - # Sensor for monitoring the bridge state - - platform: mqtt - name: Zigbee2mqtt Bridge state - state_topic: "zigbee2mqtt/bridge/state" - icon: mdi:router-wireless - # Sensor for Showing the Zigbee2mqtt Version - - platform: mqtt - name: Zigbee2mqtt Version - state_topic: "zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config" - value_template: "{{ value_json.version }}" - icon: mdi:zigbee - # Sensor for Showing the Coordinator Version - - platform: mqtt - name: Coordinator Version - state_topic: "zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config" - value_template: "{{ value_json.coordinator }}" - icon: mdi:chip - -# Switch for enabling joining -switch: - - platform: mqtt - name: "Zigbee2mqtt Main join" - state_topic: "zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config/permit_join" - command_topic: "zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config/permit_join" - payload_on: "true" - payload_off: "false" - -automation: - # Automation for sending MQTT message on input select change - - alias: Zigbee2mqtt Log Level - initial_state: "on" - trigger: - platform: state - entity_id: input_select.zigbee2mqtt_log_level - action: - - service: mqtt.publish - data: - payload_template: "{{ states('input_select.zigbee2mqtt_log_level') }}" - topic: zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config/log_level - # Automation to start timer when enable join is turned on - - id: zigbee_join_enabled - alias: Zigbee Join Enabled - trigger: - platform: state - entity_id: switch.zigbee2mqtt_main_join - to: "on" - action: - service: timer.start - entity_id: timer.zigbee_permit_join - # Automation to stop timer when switch turned off and turn off switch when timer finished - - id: zigbee_join_disabled - alias: Zigbee Join Disabled - trigger: - - platform: event - event_type: timer.finished - event_data: - entity_id: timer.zigbee_permit_join - - platform: state - entity_id: switch.zigbee2mqtt_main_join - to: "off" - action: - - service: timer.cancel - data: - entity_id: timer.zigbee_permit_join - - service: switch.turn_off - entity_id: switch.zigbee2mqtt_main_join - - id: "zigbee2mqtt_create_notification_on_successfull_interview" - trigger: - platform: mqtt - topic: 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/log' - condition: - condition: template - value_template: '{{trigger.payload_json.type == "pairing" and trigger.payload_json.message == "interview_successful"}}' - action: - - service: persistent_notification.create - data_template: - title: Device joined the zigbee2mqtt network - message: "Name: {{trigger.payload_json.meta.friendly_name}}, - Vendor: {{trigger.payload_json.meta.vendor}}, - Description: {{trigger.payload_json.meta.description}}" - -``` -{% endraw %} - -The following is an example lovelace card configuration. - -{% raw %} - -```yaml -title: Zigbee2mqtt -type: entities -show_header_toggle: false -entities: - - entity: sensor.zigbee2mqtt_bridge_state - - entity: sensor.zigbee2mqtt_version - - entity: sensor.coordinator_version - - entity: input_select.zigbee2mqtt_log_level - - type: divider - - entity: switch.zigbee2mqtt_main_join - - entity: timer.zigbee_permit_join - - type: divider - - entity: input_text.zigbee2mqtt_old_name - - entity: input_text.zigbee2mqtt_new_name - - entity: script.zigbee2mqtt_rename - - type: divider - - entity: input_text.zigbee2mqtt_remove - - entity: script.zigbee2mqtt_remove -``` - -{% endraw %} - -## Zigbee Network Map (Custom Card) -[Zigbee Network Map Home Assistant Custom Card](https://github.com/azuwis/zigbee2mqtt-networkmap/). - -## Zigbee Network Map (Custom Component) -[Zigbee Network Map Home Assistant addon](https://github.com/rgruebel/ha_zigbee2mqtt_networkmap). - -**NOTE:** This addon is not password protected (if you have provided external access to your Home Assistant instance **EVERYONE** can access your Network Map). - -## Configuration when NOT using Home Assistant MQTT discovery -Visit the device page ([Supported devices](../information/supported_devices.md), click on the model number) to see the Home Assistant configuration when not using MQTT discovery. diff --git a/devices/docs/robots.txt b/devices/docs/robots.txt deleted file mode 100755 index efd152d4..00000000 --- a/devices/docs/robots.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -User-Agent: * - -Sitemap: https://www.zigbee2mqtt.io/sitemap.xml \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index ff1b919f..5c1d62e8 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ "write-translations": "docusaurus-write-translations", "version": "docusaurus-version", "rename-version": "docusaurus-rename-version", - "docgen": "node devices/docgen/docgen.js && cp -R devices/docs/devices docs/ && cp -R devices/docs/images/devices docs/assets" + "docgen": "node devices/docgen/docgen.js && cp -R devices/docs/images/devices docs/assets" }, "devDependencies": { "@instathings/modbus-herdsman-converters": "^2.0.2",