This is a repo filled with data from various experiments. See the index for indepth info.
The data in this are formated as matlab files and are expected to be read in as variables.
There are older files in this repo that might not have this data, but most of the data has the following varaibles:
- FTDP_window
- f_FTDP
- myTag_AA
- myTag_CC
- myfs
- t_FTDP
To see the useage of this data, see the frequency_jumping_rfid repo
- Compendium of Doppler Shifts Paper Data
- Data for the compendium of Doppler Shifts paper
- does not include the myTag_AA and myTag_CC varaibels from above
- used real cars with various situations, see titles of files for more info
- Initial UID research paper data
- Data for our initial work with uid and doppler shifts
- used RC cars for these experiements