Releases: International-Data-Spaces-Association/IDS-Messaging-Services
Releases · International-Data-Spaces-Association/IDS-Messaging-Services
Version [] 2021-07-05
Patch Change: Infomodel Maintenance
- Used Dependency Version: 4.1.0 (released 2021-07-05)
- Used Artifacts: java, infomodel-serializer, interaction
Version [] 2021-07-02 - Recommended Security Update
Patch Change: Dependency Maintenance
- Remove: org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-project-info-reports-plugin
Version [] 2021-06-21
Patch Change: Infomodel Maintenance
- Used Dependency Version: 4.0.10 (released 2021-06-21)
- Used Artifacts: java, infomodel-serializer, interaction
Patch Change: Dependency Maintenance
- Upgrade: org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-test 2.5.0 -> 2.5.1
- Upgrade: org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter 2.5.0 -> 2.5.1
- Upgrade: plugins:maven-dependency-plugin 3.1.2 -> 3.2.0
Version [] 2021-06-10
- Minor Change: New feature - FullText SPARQL Broker-Query support in BrokerService
- Minor Change: New feature - Clearing-House Endpoints: Two new fields in for the query- and logging-endpoint which can be optionally set by the user for the different CH endpoints, if others than default should be used (default endpoints: query: /messages/query, log: /messages/log). In total 3 fields: clearinghouse.url, clearinghouse.query.endpoint, clearinghouse.log.endpoint
- Minor Change: New feature - At Connector runtime, individual additional DAPS DAT validation rules can now be added during the verification process of the DAT. For example, it is possible to create a blacklist of untrusted IDS-Connectors or DAPS-Systems and save them in a Connector-Database and check for them when a message is received. If the rules are not met, a RejectionMessage is sent automatically by the IDS-Messaging-Services.
- Patch Change: Improved logging structure and messages for TEST_DEPLOYMENT
- Patch Change: Stopped printing values in logs for "Request token", "Response body of token request", "Dynamic Attribute Token"
Patch Change: Infomodel Maintenance
- Used Dependency Version: 4.0.9 (released 2021-06-08)
- Used Artifacts: java, infomodel-serializer, interaction
Patch Change: Dependency Maintenance
- Upgrade: org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-parent 2.4.5 -> 2.5.0
- Upgrade: org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-test 2.4.5 -> 2.5.0
- Upgrade: org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-javadoc-plugin 3.2.0 -> 3.3.0
- Upgrade: org.bouncycastle:bcprov-jdk15on 1.68 -> 1.69
- Upgrade: org.bouncycastle:bcmail-jdk15o 1.68 -> 1.69
- Upgrade: org.springframework:spring-core 5.3.7 -> 5.3.8
- Upgrade: org.springframework:spring-tx 5.3.7 -> 5.3.8
- Upgrade: org.springframework:spring-test 5.3.7 -> 5.3.8
- Upgrade: org.springframework:spring-web 5.3.7 -> 5.3.8
- Upgrade: org.springframework:spring-webmvc 5.3.7 -> 5.3.8
- Upgrade: org.bitbucket.b_c:jose4j 0.7.7 -> 0.7.8
- Downgrade: plugins:maven-surefire-plugin 2.22.2 -> 2.19.1 (ensure compatibility with JUnit5)
- Patch Change: In POM an unnecessary snapshot-repo has been removed, since snapshot-versions are not currently used as releases
- Patch Change: Move MultipartParser to Messaging Module (no access to the methods known from external)
First stable non-snapshot version
Basis of the functionalities
- Initial functionality based on the IDS-Connector-Framework. Further additional functionalities of the Interaction-Library and dynamic feature requests.
- Used Dependency Version: 4.0.5
- Used Artifacts: java, infomodel-serializer, interaction
- Changes that may be necessary: ids:hasDefaultEndpoint is now a required entry in the connector properties
Dependency Maintenance
- Dependabot: Dependabot will automatically suggest pull requests for updates to dependencies.
Added / Changed functionalities
- Modular project structure along the connectable infrastructure components.
- Include the ID of the rejected message in automatically send RejectionMessages.
- Extension of TEST_DEPLOYMENT-Mode: use an all-trusting trustmanager, accepting all SSL Certificates. This allows the use of selfsigned certificates in a TEST-environment.
- New exception structure for throwing exceptions for the TokenManagerService: If no token can be retrieved from the DAPS by these functionalities, an exception is returned to the connector developer.
- TokenProviderService will only acquire a new token, if the current one expired.
- Support for multiple DAPS modes via (daps.mode = aisec/orbiter)
- DAT is now checked against a list of trusted issuers given in
- DapsValidator now accepts the DAT Token instead of the full Message.
- MultipartParser now throws MultipartParseException instead of FileUploadException.
- MessageController now accepts messages with empty payloads (as required by AppStore).
- Initial IDS-ClearingHouse support.
- Basic asynchronous message-flow support (support RequestInProcessMessage-Handling).
- Received RejectionMessages are now passed to the connector-developer, regardless of the status of the DAT within the received RejectionMessage
- Implemented Shacl Validation.
- Extended DAT Validation.
- No more static infomodel versioning in code.
- Compare supported inbound info-model-version to version of incoming message.
- Remove implementation of MQTT-support, as there was no demand for further support at the time of the evaluation. But can be added again in the future.