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35 lines (29 loc) · 3.28 KB

File metadata and controls

35 lines (29 loc) · 3.28 KB


CLI Commands

Command Description When to use
npm start Run Server + Frontend in Dev Mode When doing any dev and wanting instant reloads on changes of server or client files
cd frontend && npm run build Build frontend Update front end build (before doing backend build)
npm run build Build Server (including client) Before making docker image
npm run gql Build GQL files Run after updating any GQL on server to "see" new stuff,
or after updating a query on client side
npm run test Build server, create docker image, run tests Check that you haven't broken anything on the backend before a commit or release
npm run test-only Create docker image, run tests Same as above, but doesn't do npm run build first so it's faster if you have already built
npm run release Tag new version, build+push docker images Run when we have something 'release worthy'

Dev Server

Two ports are exposed during development:

URL Name Description
http://localhost:6900 PICR Server (backend) The live updating backend (using nodemon) if you did npm start, or a built backend if you are running the container
http://localhost:6969 Front End Dynamic frontend (vite HMR) which forwards GQL/file requests to backend (above)
best for front end development

For front end development you definitely want to use the 6969 address. For backend either would be fine but I typically just use 6969 anyway.


Folder Description
backend Node server source
dist Compiled Node Server Source
frontend React frontend source
public Compiled React front end and any other static assets