Contributions to PorePy
are always welcome, in the form of pull requests, bug reports or other issues, or questions.
When making a pull request we ask you to verify that the code follows the existing practices in PorePy
- All new functionaity should be covered by tests, and the tests placed in the appropriate location: The tests associated with a file src/porepy/path/to/ should be located in tests/path/to/ If you are unsure of what amounts to proper test coverage, please get in touch.
- All functions should be documented following the guidelines.
- All code should provide type hints statically checked with Mypy and be formatted following black, flake8, and isort.
All pull requests will undergo code review, and will also be tested against the existing test suite and checked for style consistency.
By submitting a pull request, you are licensing the code under
's license, and affirm that you own the copyright of the code or have permission to distribute the code under the licence.
If reporting an issue, we ask that you provide a minimal working example to reproduce the encompassed problem, together with other useful information for debugging.
All contributions and requests will be followed up by core developers, although the response time may vary depending on our other commitments.