- Grunt
- NPM a. Update DevDependencies b. jQuery c. Font Awesome d. Chosen JS
- Node a. Update Node.JS
Move Font Awesome to Bower Components -
Move Fonts from HTML5Req to SASS -
Google Fonts SASSa.Sans-Serif - Molengob.Serif - Sorts Mill Goudy -
Color Scheme - See Adobe Photoshop - Soccer -
Navigation - Flexnav
a. Import Flexnav.scss
b. Select Colors for Naviation, Font Family as Well
c. Once It is done, find out how to use + and - when the user hovers on a dropdown
Reread Practical PHP and MySQL Book
Add Datatables CSS, JS and Initialize in the document. -
Redo Navigation to make it look much better.
Upload soccer to google cloud
Setup Google Sign On using Google and Github
Add stickyfooter (Use solved by Flexbox Example) - Do some front end work
Add app.yaml page -
Setup SidebarTransition use the Scale and Rotate Pusher Effect
Add Chosen JS