Source code of my WolfSound audio programming blog. The site runs on Eleventy and can be found under
Before you build the website or run in dev mode, run
npm install
git lfs install
git lfs pull # to get the actual images locally
npx gulp # to package local dependencies
to copy the CSS assets to the right folders.
To run the test server
npx @11ty/eleventy --serve
# or
npm start
To build the website to the _site folder.
npm run build
To build pngs from latex files:
latexmk filename.tex -shell-escape
To resize a png image and convert it to a webp image:
cwebp Thumbnail.png -q 65 -s 1024 0 -o Thumbnail.webp
To run Python code, create a virtual environment first.
python -m venv venv # create virtual environment
# activate it
source venv/bin/activate # or .\venv\bin\Scripts\Activate.ps1 if you're using PowerShell
pip install . # install dependencies
You can then run the scripts like usual.
python _py/posts/synthesis/2025-03-01-fm-synthesis/
{% include 'podcast_cta' %}
{% include 'youtube-video', video_id: '5DFUH0zCn3Y' %}
[Partitioned convolution]({% post_url collections.posts, '2021-05-14-fast-convolution' %})
[About me]({% link collections.all, '' %})
{% render 'embed-audio.html', src: "/assets/wav/posts/synthesis/2022-06-26-sine-saw-square-triangle-basic-waveforms-in-synthesis/sine_example.flac" %}
{% image "assets/img/posts/synthesis/2025-03-01-fm-synthesis/partials_amplitudes_in_3d.png", "alt text for you to fill" %}
At the top of the article (but after the first line) paste:
{% capture _ %}{% increment figureId20211022 %}{% endcapture %}
Then immediately underneath each image, paste:
_Figure {% increment figureId20211022 %}. Block diagram of an FIR allpass filter._
- sound wave
- sampling (A/D conversion)
- quantization
- sample rate
- aliasing
- effects
- python
- software architecture
- design principles
- testing
- c
- cpp
- convolution
- filtering
- maths
- fourier
- laplace
- transform
- impulse
- template metaprogramming
- correlation
- matlab
- probability
- wavetable
- waveform
- sampling (sound generation)
- juce
- rust
- career
- learning
- research
- reverb
- deep learning
- virtual analog
- amplifiers
- simd
- hardware
- envelope
- android
- kotlin
- java
- virtual reality
- spatial audio
- acoustics
- accessibility
- cmake
- plugin
- web audio
- javascript
- typescript
- book review
- puredata
- iplug2
- swift
- flutter
- cmajor
- digital audio workstation
- audio generation