Releases: JayBrown/minisign-misc
Releases · JayBrown/minisign-misc
What's new
- bug fix: notifications with
File Information
File: minisign-misc-v1.7.3-20160905.dmg
Size: 0.354795 MB
Hash (SHA-2, 256 bit): b8cb60750eaaf33e8ec1ddb08853739a42cf58fbe420b383ee0cc45679348fee
Minisign public key: RWSHxwNerDDQN8RlBeFUuLkB9bPqsR2T6es0jmzguvpvqWiXjxzTfaRY
Prehashing: false [compatible with OpenBSD signify
- little things
File information
- File: minisign-misc-v1.7.2-20160825.dmg
- Size: 0.356153 MB
- Hash (SHA-2, 256 bit):
- Minisign public key:
- Prehashing: false [compatible with OpenBSD
What's new
minisign-sign (all versions)
- added option & routine to update a key's password in the keychain (hat tip to Frank Denis)
File information
- File: minisign-misc-v1.7.1-20160807.dmg
- Size: 0.259344 MB
- Hash (SHA-2, 256 bit):
- Minisign public key:
- Prehashing: false [compatible with OpenBSD signify]
What's new
minisign-sign (all versions)
- respects .key file directory
(introduced as default with minisign v0.7) - default (i.e. initial) key selection from list view with options to locate a rogue key pair manually, create a new one, or remove existing key pairs
- user can migrate existing .key files, e.g. from the deprecated directory
, to the default one by using the "Locate manually" option (only one key at a time) - after moving copies of user-selected rogue key pair files to their correct folders, the original files are now deleted
- key pairs removed from the key list are not deleted immediately; instead the .key & .pub files are moved to their respective
subfolders - deletes removed .key file automatically at next run (incl. the associated password in the keychain), only if the user has manually (i.e. in the Finder) deleted the relevant .pub file from
- existing key pairs will not be overwritten unless the user selects "Enter & Overwrite" instead of the default "Enter"
- optional random password generation using
- keychain entries now contain the date and time of key pair creation in the comments section, and also the private and public keys, in case the user loses one of the key files (or both)
- user is asked for permission if the keychain entry needs to be updated, e.g. when a minisign key pair is overwritten
minisign-verify (all versions)
- checks clipboard content for possible public key first
- if clipboard check fails, the second option is still to input a public key manually, because that's how most users seem to be publish their public keys
- optional list view of saved public keys to select from, with manual option to locate a public key file for verification
- original rogue .pub files are now deleted after they have been copied to
- now asks to rename another user's .pub file, if its name is the default ""; regardless, date & time will always be appended to the filename
- now verifies first, and only after successful verification asks to save the public key to a .pub file (or move the public key file) to
both (all versions)
- compatibility check: needs at least OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion) and above (Notification Center integration)
- retains existing .pub file directory
instead of the user's home folder (minisign default location) - note: in macOS Sierra the
folder can be integrated into iCloud - routines for additional (albeit less likely) user scenarios
- note: some possible scenarios might not have been taken into account or fully tested; please report any errors or hickups in the Issues, or take a shot at it yourself
- little things
both (workflows only)
- added break/continue instead of exit commands, in case of errors if the user is signing/verifying multiple files at once
- renamed for better accessibility via Finder Services contextual submenu
File information
- File: minisign-misc-v1.7-20160806.dmg
- Size: 0.398914 MB
- Hash (SHA-2, 256 bit):
- Minisign public key:
- Prehashing: false [compatible with OpenBSD signify]
- Notify user when updates are available
- Determine correct Mac OS name
- SHA-2 (.dmg):
- Minisign public key:
- Prehashing: false [compatible with OpenBSD signify]
- guard against user installing the
binary in a different path than/usr/local/bin
- small non-essential changes
- SHA-2 (.dmg):
- Minisign public key:
- guard against potential bug that might show two instances of
if user has copied the from the Cellar to e.g./Applications
- SHA-2 (.dmg):
Minisign public key:RWSHxwNerDDQN8RlBeFUuLkB9bPqsR2T6es0jmzguvpvqWiXjxzTfaRY