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Terminales más comunes
- bash - GNU Project's shell (Bourne Again SHell)
- elvish - Friendly, expressive shell features like anonymous functions and data structures
- fish - Smart and user-friendly command line shell
- shenv - Simple shell version management
- xiki - Makes the shell console more friendly and powerful
- xonsh - Python-ish, BASHwards-looking shell language and command prompt
- zsh - Powerful shell with scripting language
Terminales Awesomicas
- Bash Hackers Wiki
- Greg Wooledge's (aka "greycat") wiki. Specifically Bash Guide, Bash FAQ and Bash Pitfalls
- Google's Shell Style Guide
- The Linux Documentation Project: Bash Programming - Intro/How-to
- The Linux Documentation Project: Advanced Bash Scripting Guide
- WikiBooks: Bash Shell Scripting
- Use the Unofficial Bash Strict Mode (Unless You Looove Debugging)
- The Art of Command Line
- Learn Enough Command Line to Be Dangerous
- A guide to learn bash
- Bash-Snippets – A Collection Of Useful BASH Scripts For Heavy Commandline Users