Simple Ruby wrapper to the foursquare RESTful API. I'll package this as a GEM shortly.
Simplest example would be to fire up irb and include the class. This could easily be integrated in to a web app, but for simplicity lets use the ruby shell.
#Make sure to give it the path to where foursquare.rb resides.
require 'foursquare.rb'
>> f = Foursquare.new('user','pass') #user must be phone number or email
=> #<Foursquare:0x11468f0>
>> f.test
=> {"response"=>"ok"}
That's it, all other functions are called the same way, just make sure to pass the appropriate parameters. Full documentation of the Foursquare API is available here: http://groups.google.com/group/foursquare-api/web/api-documentation