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Releases: Joe-Klauza/sandstorm-admin-wrapper


22 Aug 09:39
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v0.4.2-beta Pre-release
  • Adds a toast upon clicking the wrapper update button to indicate that we're updating.


22 Aug 09:35
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v0.4.1-beta Pre-release
  • Fixed issues with server config
    • Removed global "current" config
    • Session now keeps track of which config you're editing/using between server config/control pages
    • Fixed server config names with special characters causing issues
    • Ensure the active ports on the control page are displayed if the server is running, otherwise display the current config's ports
  • Changed RCON/Query port order on control page to match order from config page
  • Use master Bans.json file
    • Since we have multiple servers which could all be writing to the same "live" Bans.json file, we may as well just concatenate one master list. Right now it's just made unique by player ID. Eventually we should also filter out expired entries and ensure we favor permanent bans when filtering duplicates.


22 Aug 04:01
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v0.4.0-beta Pre-release
  • Adds self-update to Wrapper -> Config page.
    • This will use GitHub's REST API to determine the latest release and download its source ZIP directly (that way git isn't a requirement of this project).
    • The source is downloaded and extracted in-place, so the user just needs to restart the wrapper to apply the update. The config/config.toml file is ignored during extraction to prevent overwriting user configuration.


21 Aug 09:21
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v0.3.3-beta Pre-release
  • Fixed server configs not initializing properly
    • Resolves being unable to visit server config page or start the server
  • Removed extraneous shell escaping of directory names (which FileUtils apparently handles already)
    • Resolves config issues with spaces and potentially other special characters


21 Aug 08:04
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v0.3.2-beta Pre-release

Fixes SSL certificate issue with Firefox preventing access due to mismatched CN name. Now we get the expected self-signed certificate warning (which can be bypassed).


20 Aug 08:53
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v0.3.1-beta Pre-release

Adds a default configuration. Fixes issues with having no server configuration (e.g. trying to access config page, trying to start server).


20 Aug 03:56
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v0.3.0-beta Pre-release
  • Add multiple server configs
    • Multiple server configs can be saved by name on the server config page. These configs can swapped from the Configs dropdown.
  • Add multiple server hosting
    • Multiple servers can be hosted simultaneously from a single Sandstorm Admin Wrapper (and one set of server files).
    • Each server is started with the selected server config (and its related files). For RCON logs, we detect which log file the server is using for output.
    • The server control page allows swapping between server configs (including tailing those which are already running).
    • The server control page now lists the selected config's ports.
  • Automated updates
    • Added automated server update toggle to server setup page.
    • Automated update logs aren't visible, so it may not be clear when the server is updating
    • Automated update will stop running servers. On Windows this will occur before the update. On Linux this will occur briefly after the update. Stopped servers are automatically restarted. Each server receives an RCON message three times before stopping the server to indicate that the server will shut down to apply an update.
  • Windows start script changes
    • Better error handling
    • Pauses before exiting to ensure readability of fatal errors
    • Handles wrapper restart via wrapper config menu (exec did not work properly)

  • Config page example
    • image
  • Control page examples
    • image
    • image
  • Webserver startup log example
    • image


18 Aug 01:50
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v0.2.3-beta Pre-release
  • Fairly minor RCON and server monitor fixes
    • Fixed issues with server down detection when monitoring
    • Added socket reopen when detecting null byte spew in RCON response
    • Fixed raised exception in players list when a2s_players wasn't present
  • Added systemd unit example (tested on Ubuntu an Debian) to run SAW on boot in extras/systemd


15 Aug 12:50
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v0.2.2-beta Pre-release

Fixes remote RCON without local server.

Fixes some broken pages without a local server (e.g. /control, /tools/steamcmd) via redirects to /setup.


15 Aug 12:21
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v0.2.1-beta Pre-release

Fix failure when sending RCON to the local server via the control page:
