The persistent volume claim is the abstraction of something persistent, that can be mounted into a container. The example config file persistent_redis.yaml defines a redis with a persistent storage. Start it with:
kubectl apply -f persistent_redis.yaml
You can see the various objects either in the dashboard or by using the respective get commands:
kubectl get pods
kubectl get pvc
kubectl get pv
The persistent volume is the actual instance of the Volume claim. It can be maintained manually, but in most cases there will be some sort of dynamic provisioning. If you are using minikube for this example there will be a hostpath mounted as the volume.
To see the persistence in action create some data inside the redis database. To get an redis-cli log into the pod using:
kubectl exec -ti deploy/redis -- redis-cli
You should get a prompt and you can store a key and value like this:> set foo bla
OK> get foo
Now the data is stored on the persistent volume. You can find the datafiles when logging into the redis pod by using the shell:
kubectl exec -ti deploy/redis -- sh
/data # ls -lsa
total 12
4 drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 4096 Jun 5 14:24 .
4 drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4096 Jun 5 14:26 ..
4 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 108 Jun 5 14:46 appendonly.aof
/data #
Now test, whether the data just stored survives the deletion of the pod. To test this find the redis pod and delete it, like this:
# kubectl get pods
redis-5ff7b8476c-clkkt 1/1 Running 0 24m
# kubectl delete pod redis-5ff7b8476c-clkkt
pod "redis-5ff7b8476c-clkkt" deleted
If you now list the pods again you will find, that there is a newly created redis pod. You can now test whether the persistence worked by connecting to the redis-cli again:
kubectl exec -ti deploy/redis -- redis-cli> get foo
The data survived a complete restart of the pod which might even include a move to another Kubernetes node.
This only works when there is one replica of the redis pod. When you need to implement a cluster of pods, each with their own persistent volume then you need to look at stateful sets