FastBooker is a custom solution designed to enhance the seat booking experience in university libraries. Developed after reverse-engineering the Affluences API, this project aims to address and improve upon the limitations of the existing system.
The Affluences app, used for booking library seats, has several issues:
- Inefficient Booking Workflow: It requires booking each 2-hour slot separately for a full day, with a redirection to the home page after each booking.
- Lack of Seat Number Search: There's no functionality to search for seats by their numbers, leading to a tedious scrolling process.
Leveraging the insights from reverse-engineering the Affluences API, FastBooker offers an intuitive and efficient seat booking process. Key features include:
- 📅 Intuitive Date Selection: Easily choose dates (Today, Tomorrow, Day After Tomorrow) without the hassle of a complex calendar.
- 🔍 Seat Number Search: Find and book seats quickly by their numbers.
- 🕒 Whole Day Booking: Conveniently book seats for the entire day, a crucial feature during exam times.
Visit the app here: FastBooker
This project is built with Next.js, started with create-next-app
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev