A python script getting old Tweets via the Twitter API.
Tweet: Model class to give some informations about a specific tweet.
- id (str)
- permalink (str)
- username (str)
- text (str)
- date (date)
- retweets (int)
- favorites (int)
- mentions (str)
- hashtags (str)
- emojis (str)
- emoji_value
- geo (str)
TweetManager: A manager class to help getting tweets in Tweet's model.
- getTweets (TwitterCriteria): Return the list of tweets retrieved by using an instance of TwitterCriteria.
TwitterCriteria: A collection of search parameters to be used together with TweetManager.
- setUsername (str): An optional specific username from a twitter account. Without "@".
- setSince (str. "yyyy-mm-dd"): A lower bound date to restrict search.
- setUntil (str. "yyyy-mm-dd"): An upper bound date to restrist search.
- setQuerySearch (str): A query text to be matched.
- setTopTweets (bool): If True only the Top Tweets will be retrieved.
- setNear(str): A reference location area from where tweets were generated.
- setWithin (str): A distance radius from "near" location (e.g. 15mi).
- setMaxTweets (int): The maximum number of tweets to be retrieved. If this number is unsetted or lower than 1 all possible tweets will be retrieved.
Main: Examples of how to use.
Exporter: Export tweets to a csv file named "tweets.csv" (separated by "∆") and stores the file on Desktop