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This repository has been archived by the owner on Apr 13, 2021. It is now read-only.

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80 lines (62 loc) · 2 KB

File metadata and controls

80 lines (62 loc) · 2 KB

App::KSP-CKAN Build Status Coverage Status

Non Perl Dependencies

apt-get install liblocal-lib-perl cpanminus build-essential mono-complete libcurl4-openssl-dev libdist-zilla-perl

NetKAN will need certs for mono

mozroots --import --ask-remove

Configure local::lib if you haven't already done so:

$ perl -Mlocal::lib >> ~/.bashrc
$ eval $(perl -Mlocal::lib)


Install from git, you can then use:

$ touch Changes
$ dzil authordeps | cpanm
$ dzil listdeps   | cpanm
$ dzil install

or cpanm via the tar.gz on the GitHub Release page

cpanm App-KSP_CKAN-0.001.tar.gz


An ini file with the following contents will need to created at ~/.ksp-ckan

[email protected]:KSP-CKAN/CKAN-meta.git
[email protected]:KSP-CKAN/NetKAN-bot.git

If you have a GitHub token, add the following line (helpful for prevent expending the GitHub public API limits):



Completing a full index is as straight forward as:


Debugging will print debug messages to the logfile and to the screen. It is enabled with

netkan-indexer --debug

Enable it in cron with (crontab -e as the netkan user):

# Run full index every 3 hours
00 */3 * * * PERL5LIB=/home/netkan/perl5/lib/perl5/ netkan-indexer

There is a 'lite' cli option is not implemented. It's a future concept to allow 'lite' skimming of metadata API endpoints without performing a full metadata inflation.


Dist::Zilla handles the generation of the license file.

However this project is covered by The MIT License (MIT)