Observables are the way to achieve two-way data binding. When an observable value is changed the DOM updates and vice versa.
function Model() {
this.firstName = blocks.observable('John');
this.lastName = blocks.observable('Doe');
this.age = blocks.observable('23');
this.fullName = blocks.observable(function () {
return this.firstName() + ' ' + this.lastName();
}, this);
blocks.query(new Model());
My name is {{firstName}} {{lastName}} and I am {{age}} years old.
My name is {{fullName}} and I am {{age}} years old.
Change name
FirsName: <input data-query="val(firstName)" />
<br />
Last Name: <input data-query="val(lastName)" />
<br />
Age: <input data-query="val(age)" />
The most commonly used observable is the one that is created when you provide a primitive value or an object to the blocks.observable()
var fullName = blocks.observable('My name');
Accessing the observable value is as easy as calling a function. Regardless in code or in the HTML.
var firstName = blocks.observable('John');
alert('My name is ' + firstName());
firstName: blocks.observable('John')
<div data-query="setClass(firstName())">
My name is {{firstName()}}!
All observables have some common events you could subscribe to:
- changing - fires before an observable value is changed. Could be canceled by returning false
var number = blocks.observable(4).on('changing', function (newValue, oldValue) {
// newValue - is the value that will be assigned to the observable
// oldValue - is the current value of the observable before it will be changed
if (newValue < 0) {
// return false will prevent the value from changing
return false;
// in the current scenario the value will not be changed because it is a negative integer
// alerts 4
// now the value will be changed successfully
// alerts 2
- change - fires after an observable value have been changed
var number = blocks.observable(4).on('change', function (newValue, oldValue) {
// newValue - is the newly changed value
// oldValue - is the previous value
// this will alert 3(the new value) and then 4(the old value)