- #61: Allows user to open an issue's description by specifying issue id in the url. (Closes issue #47)
- #59: Hide suggestion box when visiting new suggestion url on an initiative that's not supported (Closes issue #58)
- #50: Hide suggestion box when support for initiative is removed. Closes #49
- #43: Displays issues in a clickable list. Issue description is shown when a list item is toggled. (Closes issue #25)
- #45: Make a support and fix submit button
- #38: First stab at styling with Bourbon and Bitters (Closes issue #8)
- #36: Lists initiatives (Closes issue #26)
- #28: Initiative issue (Closes issue #2)
- #31: Test validation for initiative title and description (Closes issue #12)
- Installed ember-validations
- #10: Added small initiative creation form, got the test flow down
- Installed EasyForm
- Added support for Mocha following steps described on this ember-cli issue and this changeset on the demo app the issue refers to
- Added support for Emblem
- Generated ember-cli app