CCC-2021 T1A3 - Terminal Application - Karl Alberto
- CLI/Clear Terminal functions added to app!
- Testing complete (minus testing clear terminal).
- Fixed genre issue (problem detailed below) where 'genre' clash appeared.
- Fixed 'getGameRecs' function, so that 'filteredGames' variable looked for an exact match for genre.
- Basic bash script finished.
- Had to remove user input display to facilitate the clear terminal function. (This used to be displayed after each question was answered by the user, leading into the following question)
- Bug found: issue with 'genre' field found during testing: 'Light Strategy' genre gets picked up in the 'Strategy' genre as well. Problem not present with 'Grand Strategy', as that genre currently only exists in "2-player, long game" situations.
Still working on bash script/wrapper.Updated and running, as at 16:00 17/07/2021
- Minor flavour text edits.
Only extras left in both Documentation and Development sections!
- Completed minimum viable product.
- Finished work on welcome screen.
- Added ASCII art on welcome screen.
- Finished work on 'Restart' option.
- Began testing program.
- Wrote Help file.
- Used
functions to call items within the dataset. - Used
functions to specify values to retrieve. - Dataset items had to be converted using different methods to output, filter, then display the correct items. To get 'genre' values to display:
- First had to filter data, using lambda and map functions, converting to
; - Removed duplicates by converting list to
; - Converted set back to list, so that it was ordered; then sorted;
- Used
loop to convert index values '+1' to display the user selectable genre options (i.e. from ['0', '1', '2'] into '[1] [2] [3]'); - User input for genre choice
as '-1' so it references the correct index item in the list.
- First had to filter data, using lambda and map functions, converting to
- Lots of tinkering with for loops to ensure infinite loops weren't encountered, and correct data was captured and output.
- Testing application updated to Urgent Priority.
- Still need to work on bash script, updated to Critical Priority.
- Almost there. Finish strong!
- JSON file updated with list of all games to be included in application.
- Defined packages to import and key functions.
- Implemented user input function to capture number of players.
- Function caused an infinite loop due to indent error.
- Working to resolve output data (final game recommendations) to make it cleaner, clearer and easier for users to read.
- Work out how to set a filtered set of options to be displayed to the user, when other options need to be excluded (i.e. if no "short" games in the "RPG" genre exist, do not display "RPG" as a selectable option).
- Functions for user input use the following:
; andtry/except
blocks for error handling
- Defined variables within functions to ensure code was "dry", especially for repeated error messages.