- IDE like features
- Sweet Colorschemes
- File Navigation
- Tabs and Buffers
- Git Diffs
- Better Snippets
- AutoSave
- Syntax Highlighting
- AutoComplete
- Diagnostics
- Pretty StatusLine
- Terminal
- StartScreen
- Easy To Configure
[[ -f install.sh ]] && mv install.sh install.sh.old.$(date +'%Y-%m-%d_%R') ; wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AyeSpacey/Nvimfy/main/install.sh && chmod +x install.sh && ./install.sh
DayatXD for structuring the nvimfy directories. the-noob-coder69 for helping me out.
and i was greatly inspired by these:
Nvimfy is still in its infancy and there's still a lot to be done. Here's the currently planned features:
- lsp in statusLine
- add theme switching
- ui to configure ide settings
- add user-settings
- lazy load 70% of plugins
Suggestions are always welcome 🙂!