Digital exchange allows registration of several components.
In order to install components, Digital Exchange will require a bundle with a descriptor file inside and component descriptors.
The descriptor file will aggregate all components inside and has the following structure. The extension is YAML.
code: inail_bundle # The bundle ID
description: This is the inail bundle # The description of the bundle
components: # All components will be here
# Optional. Use if the component requires a deployment
- folder/you/want/my_plugin_descriptor.yaml
- folder/you/want/another_plugin_descriptor.yaml
# To create widgets you will need to add references to the descriptor files
- widgets/my_widget_descriptor.yaml
- widgets/another_widget_descriptor.yaml
# To create Page Models you will need to add references to the descriptor files
- pagemodels/my_page_model_descriptor.yaml
- pagemodels/another_page_model_descriptor.yaml
# To create Content Types you will need to add references to the descriptor files
- contenttypes/my_content_type_descriptor.yaml
# To create Content Models you will need to add references to the descriptor files
- contentmodels/my_content_model_descriptor.yaml
- contentmodels/another_content_model_descriptor.yaml
# Labels on the system
- key: HELLO # This is the label identifier
titles: # The titles on the label
it: Mio Titolo # The title in Italian
en: My Title # The title in English
A plugin should be described using the EntandoPlugin CustomResource format.
kind: "EntandoPlugin"
apiVersion: ""
name: "my-plugin"
image: "my-image"
replicas: 1
dbms: "postgresql"
- name: "task-list"
code: "task-list"
- name: "task-get"
code: "task-get"
- name: "connection-list"
code: "connection-list"
- name: "connection-get"
code: "connection-get"
- name: "connection-create"
code: "connection-create"
- name: "connection-delete"
code: "connection-delete"
- name: "connection-edit"
code: "connection-edit"
permissions: []
parameters: {}
ingressPath: "/myPath"
healthCheckPath: "/actuator/health"
securityLevel: "strict"
connectionConfigNames: []
code: another_todomvc_widget # The Widget identification
titles: # Widget's Titles
en: TODO MVC Widget # Title in English
it: TODO MVC Widget # Title in Italian
group: free # The owner group of the widget
# Optional. The UI Path, the widget.ftl file will have the customUi content
customUiPath: widget.ftl
# Optional. The Custom UI
customUi: >-
<h1>My custom widget UI</h1>
code: todomvc_page_model # The Page Model identification
description: TODO MVC basic page model # The Page Model description
titles: # Page Model's Titles
en: TODO MVC PageModel # Title in English
it: TODO MVC PageModel # Title in Italian
group: free # The owner group of the widget
# The Page Model configuration
frames: # All frames
- pos: 0 # Frame position
description: Header # Frame description
sketch: # Frame sketch configuration
x1: 0
y1: 0
x2: 11
y2: 0
# A simplified way to define a Frame
- pos: 1
description: Breadcrumb
sketch: { x1: 0, y1: 1, x2: 11, y2: 1 }
# Optional. Define the Page Model Template in a separate file or inside descriptor file with `template`
templatePath: page.ftl
# Optional. Define the Page Model Template this way or in a separate file with `templatePath`
template: >-
<#assign wp=JspTaglibs[\"/aps-core\"]>
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN\">
<title><@wp.currentPage param=\"title\" /></title>
<h1><@wp.currentPage param=\"title\" /></h1>
<a href=\"<@wp.url page=\"homepage\"/>\">Home</a><br>
<h1>Bundle 1 Page Model</h1>
< frame=0 />
For more details on the properties, refer to the Content Type documentation.
code: CNG
name: Demo
status: 0
- code: title
type: Text
name: Title
- code: jacms:title
descr: The main title of a Content
disablingCodes: []
mandatory: true
listFilter: false
indexable: false
enumeratorStaticItems: string
enumeratorStaticItemsSeparator: string
enumeratorExtractorBean: string
minLength: 0
maxLength: 100
regex: string
rangeStartString: string
rangeEndString: string
rangeStartStringAttribute: string
rangeEndStringAttribute: string
equalString: string
equalStringAttribute: string
rangeStartDate: string
rangeEndDate: string
rangeStartDateAttribute: string
rangeEndDateAttribute: string
equalDate: string
equalDateAttribute: string
rangeStartNumber: 0
rangeStartNumberAttribute: string
rangeEndNumber: 0
rangeEndNumberAttribute: string
equalNumber: 0
applyOnlyToFilledAttr: false
errorMessage: Something
keyForErrorMessage: some
keyForHelpMessage: thing
ognlExpression: string
id: 8880003
contentType: CNG
description: Demo Content Model
# Optional. Define the Content Model Shape in a separate file or inside descriptor file with `contentShape`
# Optional. Define the Content Model Shape this way or in a separate file with `contentShapePath`
contentShape: >-
<h2>Demo content model</h2>
#if ( $content.MainBody.text != "" )
In order to upload static files, you will need to create a folder called resources/
, all files inside this folder will be uploaded in the same folder strucure that is inside.
├ css/
│ └ styles.css
├ js/
│ └ script.css
├ images/
│ ├ favicon.ico
│ └ logo.png
└ page.html
On the structure above-mentioned, the resulting files on the entando architecture will be:
├ css/
│ └ styles.css
├ js/
│ └ script.js
├ images/
│ ├ favicon.ico
│ └ logo.png
└ page.html
Note: yourbundleid
is the code
property inside descriptor.yaml
So if you need to use the the file on a widget or page model use this FTL tag <@wp.resourceURL />
<img src="<@wp.resourceURL />yourbundleid/images/logo.png">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<@wp.resourceURL />yourbundleid/css/styles.css">
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="<@wp.resourceURL />yourbundleid/images/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon"/>
<script type="application/javascript" src="<@wp.resourceURL />yourbundleid/js/script.js"></script>