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File metadata and controls

54 lines (42 loc) · 3.41 KB

Feedback from the workshop on Nov 2nd, 2016

Questions/feedback from the workshop

  • Three different ways to merge a pull request online: merge, squash and rebase
  • Pull request on command line
  • Add git pull from command line slide
  • Text editor: add info and link to Atom, otherwise the default editor on mac is TextEdit
  • Clarify where are the uncommitted changes in GitHub Desktop
  • Explain the differences between subversion and GitHub, when you commit with GitHub you’re not done, you still have to push!
  • GitHub Desktop is confusing, will be better to use the command line…
  • Have drawing/pictures of each workflow for the exercises
  • Make clear when opening the project folder, it opens it with the branch showed in the GitHub Desktop!
  • Command line to check which branch you are on: git branch
  • Revert vs reset? What is the difference.
  • Git flow:
  • Talk about private repositories

Feedback from the workshop on July 22nd, 2016

Questions/feedback from the workshop

  • Why we have a file? Explanation needs to be given earlier on why it is important to have this file.
  • Empty repo with no file. When creating a repo online, it is important to not forget to tick the box next to the README file otherwise the repo will be empty.
  • What blame means?
  • Pull request not explain!
  • Conflict needs to be explained too...
  • Branch name and repo need to be unique
  • Exercise2 does not work. everyone editing same file issue with conflicts. Conflict cannot be solved online, only from the command line.
  • Exercise3. Desktop client add from local does not work on windows when setups are not done correctly. Need to be checked before to be able to help better windows users.


  • Get explanation on how to create academic account with free private repos.
  • Changes made in master file cannot be pulled requested into branch without swapping base/compare branches!
  • Conflict appears between branch and master if changes are not committed.

Lessons learnt

  • Post-it session: only two questions for 2 post-it per person
  • Introduction presentation: change presentation to include explanation of Pull Request as well as the workflow form exercise ‘My first repo'
  • ‘My first pull request’ exercise change it to work in pair and let people request each others (show how to find someone else account on
  • Test desktop client on windows to see where are the settings in order to be able to add a repo from a folder
  • Improve workflow explanation for each of the exercises upfront
  • Green post-it works very well but do not forget to ask them to remove it at the end of each exercise sessions
  • GitHub Desktop App. Show differences between app and online actions for same workflow.
  • Show workflow of changes in three different way: online, app and command line.

Possible new flow for next workshop

  1. Introduction. Create repo/Add file/Commit changes online
  2. Desktop App. same actions as done online, Create repo/Add file/Commit changes as well as how to do so on the command line
  3. Collaboration. Then introduce branching/pull request/fork and the collaborative work. Work by pair.