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File metadata and controls

349 lines (266 loc) · 10.5 KB

TML Specification (Terminal Markup Language)

Version: 0.0.8 - 24 July 2023

To see older versions of the spec, see the TML Spec Archive

The TML file will be rendered in the terminal similar to how HTML is rendered in a web page.

Interactable items (input, buttons, etc.) can be clicked on with the mouse.


This is a markup language similar to HTML to create elements to be rendered onto a terminal screen.

Press the ESC key to properly exit the renderer (Ctrl+C is disabled as of v0.0.7)

A bit of terminology: tags (<tag>) are sometimes referred to as nodes, especialy in error messages. Node/tag are interchangeable.

The extension for a tml file is .tml and must contain exactly one root node (tag) <tml>:



The general structure of a tag is:

<tagname attr1=value1 attr2=value2>body</tagname>


  • tagname is the name of the tag. It must only contain (lowercase or camelCase) ASCII letters with no spaces or other special characters (e.g., hyphens)
  • attr1/attr2 is the name of an attribute. It must only contain lowercase ASCII letters with no spaces or other special characters (e.g., hypens)
  • value1/value2 is the value of an attribute. It must only contain lowercase ASCII letters with no spaces or other special characters (e.g., hyphens)

Every tag must have a corresponding closing tag </tag>. This determines which nodes to nest into other nodes.

Tags that do not require a body can use the shorthand notation, <tag/> which is equivalent to <tag></tag>. One example of this is the space tag.

Attributes and values are tied together with an = AND MUST NOT CONTAIN SPACES. For example, this is an illegal attribute definition:

<tagname attr = value></tagname>

<tagname attr=value></tagname>

Every tag/node has a specified list of allowable child nodes. For example, anything can be a child of the root node <tml> but you cannot nest a <text> insde of another <text>.



For more detailed documentation on all the tags, see the tag reference


Acceptable colours used in attributes such as fg, bg, etc.:

  • white
  • black
  • red
  • blue
  • yellow
  • cyan
  • green
  • magenta

Tag Reference


Tag Name: <tml>

Description: The root node that contains all other tags. Allows user to configure background colour of entire terminal.


  • bg - background; the background colour of the terminal
    • default value: black

Examples: This creates a blank black terminal


This creates a blank red terminal

<tml bg=red></tml>

This creates a white terminal where all nodes will have a red foreground by default (whichever ones are applicable):

<tml bg=white fg=red>
  <text>I'm red</text>
  <text fg=green>I'm green</text>


Tag Name: <script>

Description: A code block to enter functions used to handle callbacks. See the TSL Specification


Tag Name: <text>

Description: Write a line of text. Note that any whitespace in the tag body is consumed (ignored). If you wish to add a space between text nodes on the same line, use the space tag.


  • fg - foreground; the colour of the text itself
    • default value: same as parent node
  • bg - background; the background colour of the text
    • default value: same as parent node
  • bold - if present, make text bold
    • default value: false
  • newline - determine whether or not to add a newline after the text is written
    • default value: true
  • id - An ID that can be referenced in callback functions
  • marginLeft - apply padding to the left of the element
    • default value: 0
  • marginRight - apply padding to the right of the element
    • default value: 0

NOTE: you can use this tag as a newline by using the shorthand <text/> which only prints a newline


<text>white on black</text> (assuming parent node is black)
<text bold=true>bold white on black</text> (assuming parent node is black)
<text fg=red bg=white>red on white</text>

Write multiple text on the same line by disabling newline attribute:

  <text newline=false>hello</text>

  <text>how are you</text>

hello there
how are you

Or you can use margins to avoid an extra tag:

  <text newline=false marginRight=1>hello</text>

Which will be rendered the same as above.


Tag Name: <space>

Description: Inserts a single space character on the current line, commonly used with the text tag. Note that you can use the short-hand notation with this tag: <space/> is equivalent to <space></space> since it does not require a body.

This tag was implemented prior to v0.0.7 which introduced marginLeft and marginRight but still keeping for compatability reasons.

Attributes: None


<text newline=false>hello</text>

hello there


Tag Name: <input>

Description: Get input from a user and pass it to a callback. Click anywhere in the input box to start typing.

The input box is notated with square brackets [] with the text appearing between such as [hello there].

Users can click anywhere in the text box (except the first opening bracket) and text will appear where the cursor is when typing.

Users can also use the left/right arrow keys while focused in the input box to move the cursor left/right.

Clicking outside the text box will disable focus and prevent any more text from being written until refocused.

Pressing Ctrl + R will clear ("reset") the input box, deleting all text inside it.


  • callback - function name to call when user submits. callback function must take a single string argument
  • fg - the foreground colour of the input box and text inside it
    • default value: same as parent node
  • bg - the background colour of the input box
    • default value: same as parent node
  • fixedWidth - set the width of the input box. users cannot enter more characters past this width unless grow=true.
    • default value: 25
  • grow - determine whether to allow users to enter more characters than specified by fixedWidth which expands (grows) the input box's size.
    • default value: false
  • password - mask the input with * used for password or secret inputs
    • default value: false
  • newline - determine whether to add a newline after the input box
    • default value: true
  • marginLeft - apply padding to the left of the element
    • default value: 0
  • marginRight - apply padding to the right of the element
    • default value: 0


NOTE: as of the version of this spec, the scripting language is not yet designed; below is only a rough prototype of what it might look like.

  <text>First Name:</text>
  <text id=firstNameId></text>


  <text>Last Name:</text>
  <text id=lastNameId></text>


  <text marginRight=1 newline=false>Enter First Name:</text>
  <input callback=setFirstName/>

  <text marginRight=1 newline=false>Enter Last Name:</text>
  <input callback=setLastName/>

    function setFirstName(string firstName) {
      setText(firstNameId, firstName);

    function setLastName(string lastName) {
      setText(lastNameId, lastName);

Would be rendered as (after typing in inputs and pressing enter on each one):

First Name:

Last Name:

Enter First Name: [Zach]
Enter Last Name: [Weaver]


Tag Name: <button>

Description: A clickable button to trigger a callback function.

The body of the button (button's name) will be wrapped around parenthesis. So <button>Submit</button> will be rendered as (Submit). It's recommended to set different fg/bg colours to make it more clear to the user that it's a button and not general text.

When the button is pressed, the foreground/background colours are inverted on mouse down, and changed back on mouse up to visually indicate to the user that the button was pressed.


  • callback - function name to call when user submits. callback function must take a single string argument
  • fg - the foreground colour of the input box and text inside it
    • default value: same as parent node
  • bg - the background colour of the input box
    • default value: same as parent node
  • fixedWidth - the specified width of the button
    • default value: length of the body + 2 (to account for the parenthesis)
  • newline - determine whether to add a newline after the input box
    • default value: true
  • marginLeft - apply padding to the left of the element
    • default value: 0
  • marginRight - apply padding to the right of the element
    • default value: 0


NOTE: as of the version of this spec, the scripting language is not yet designed; below is only a rough prototype of what it might look like.

  <text marginLeft=3 marginRight=1 newline=false>Number:</text>
  <input id=num1/>

  <text marginLeft=3 marginRight=1 newline=false>Number:</text>
  <input id=num2/>

  <button marginLeft=6 bg=white fg=black callback=add(num1.getTextAsInt(), num2.getTextAsInt())>Add</button>

  <text marginLeft=3 marginRight=1 newline=false>Result:</text>
  <text id=result/>

    // this is assuming no conversion problems from getTextAsInt()
    function add(int num1, int num2) {
      int res = num1 + num2;
      string resultStr = res.toString();

Would be rendered as (after typing in inputs and clicking the (Add) button):

   Number: [12]
   Number: [25]
   Result: 37

Planned Future Tags

Some tags that are planned in future iterations, these are not yet documented/fully scoped out yet. Note that this is a very tentative list and some may get scrapped/added.

  • <radiobutton>
  • <checkbox>
  • <grid>
  • <stack>
  • <center>
  • <group> (kind of like html's div, can group child nodes together to apply same formatting/styles)
  • <table>
  • <dropdown>

Planned Future Attributes

Some future attributes that are planned:

  • hidden - toggle whether to display the current tag or not