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382 lines (313 loc) · 21.4 KB

JASP Release Notes

Version 0.11

New Features and improvements:

  • Machine Learning module
    • Regression analyses
      • Boosting Regression
      • K-Nearest Neighbors Regression
      • Random Forest Regression
      • Regularized Linear Regression
    • Classification analyses
      • Boosting Classification
      • K-Nearest Neighbors Classification
      • Linear Discriminant Classification
      • Random Forest Classification
    • Clustering analyses
      • Density-Based Clustering
      • Fuzzy C-Means Clustering
      • Hierarchical Clustering
      • K-Means Clustering
      • Random Forest Clustering
  • MAD and MAD robust for Descriptives
  • Additional option to copy analyses
  • Updated the data library
  • Updated support for SPSS files
  • Added support for STATA/SAS files


  • Character encoding issues in Mediation module (jasp-issues #420, #430, #435, #436, #465, #480)
  • JASP freezing on launch (jasp-issue #424)
  • 2-Way ANOVA erroneously saying there are aliased coefficients in model. Wrong error message for empty cell in the interaction (jasp-issue #441)
  • Labelled outliers don’t match case number when using filters (jasp-issue #443)
  • Error Message upon opening *.sav -> bad allocation (jasp-issue #445)
  • Post Hoc test Repeated Measures ANOVA (jasp-issue #459)
  • MAD incorrect value? (jasp-issue #492)
  • Distribution plot not updating for ‘split’ variables (jasp-issue #493)
  • Memory Leak in JASP Engine fixed (Plots and state were kept)

Version 0.10.2


  • Summary Stats and Planning crash in absence of data fixed

Version 0.10.1

New Features and improvements:

  • AUDIT module
  • Mediation analysis
  • Post-hoc test for between*within interactions in mixed ANOVA
  • Q-Q plot in descriptives
  • Fixes for the Bain module
  • Effect sizes for independent t-test
  • Added documentation to the Bayesian A/B test
  • Order analyses by Drag & Drop
  • Sort option in OSF menu to order files on name and date
  • Alphabetic ordering of variables


Version 0.10

New Features and improvements:

  • New interface
    • Panel redesign
      • Data panel, analysis input panel and results panel can be manipulated much more intuitively with sliders and show/hide buttons
      • All analyses input forms have been rewritten and made more consistent
      • Changed the analysis input panel to have an overview of all opened analyses and added the possibility to change titles, to show documentation, and remove analyses
    • Improvement of the ribbon bar
    • Enhanced the navigation through the file menu; it is now possible to use keys and hovering
    • Added possibility to scale the entire application with Ctrl +, Ctrl – and Ctrl 0
  • New analyses
    • MANOVA
    • Confirmatory Factor Analysis
    • Bayesian Multinomial Test
    • Bayesian A/B Test (beta)
    • Bain (module; beta)
  • New user settings
    • Ability to let JASP log its workflow and save it to a file (useful for bug reporting)
    • An option to let JASP remember your used modules in subsequent sessions
    • An import threshold that specifies how integer columns should be read (categorical or scale)
    • Early developer mode that allows dynamic modules to be added (beta)
  • Improvements
    • Added/updated help files for most analyses
    • R engine updated from 3.4.4 to 3.5.2
    • Added Šidák correction for post-hoc tests (AN(C)OVA)
    • Added bootstrapping for post-hoc tests (AN(C)OVA)
    • Added bootstrapping for marginal means (AN(C)OVA)
    • Ability to plot a covariate on the horizontal axis (ANCOVA)
    • Added post-hoc tests for interactions (RM ANOVA)
    • Added marginal means (RM ANOVA)
    • Added bootstrapping for marginal means (RM ANOVA)
    • Added confidence intervals for post-hoc tests (RM ANOVA)
    • More complete Sphericity tests (Chi-squared and df; RM ANOVA)
    • Added generalized eta squared effect size (RM ANOVA)
    • Added Cox & Snell R-squared (Logistic regression)
    • Added Wald test for coefficients (Logistic regression)
    • Added casewise diagnostics (Logistic regression)
    • Added bootstrapping for coefficients (Logistic regression)
    • Added R-squared for observed variables (SEM)
    • Added Shapiro-Wilks test (Descriptives)
    • Added median absolute deviation (Descriptives)
    • Added interquartile range (Descriptives)
    • Enhanced stability of Bayesian Mann-Whitney U test (Bayesian t-test)
    • Included table and plot for single model and model averaged posterior distributions (Bayesian ANOVA’s)
    • Added single model and model averaged QQ plots (Bayesian ANOVA’s)


Version 0.9.2

New Features and improvements:

  • Export to csv (works with computed columns)
  • WIX installer for Windows (enables you to choose a path for the installation of JASP)
  • Added extra transformations to compute column
  • Adapted behaviour of ifElse and replaceNA to work on the labels
  • User interface scaling
  • Default white background for plots, but you can choose transparent as well
  • Modern JASP logo has replaced the old software icon
  • Made replaceNA applicable for all types
  • Increase size of data viewer in options
  • Left columns with variable names abbreviated [compute column and filter]


  • Drop levels of factors by default after applying a filter
  • Increased startup-speed for Windows


Version 0.9.1

New Features and improvements:




Version 0.9

New Features and improvements:

  • Filtering: use either R code or a drag-and-drop GUI to select cases of interest (an in-depth explanation on filtering in JASP will be posted soon)
  • The JASP data library: an initial collection of over 50 data sets, including the examples from two popular stats textbooks
  • Exporting tables from JASP in LaTeX format
  • Non-parametric tests:
    • Friedman and Durbin tests / nonparametric (classical RM ANOVA)
    • Kruskal-Wallis / nonparametric (classical ANOVA)
    • Connover’s nonparametric post hoc test (classical RM ANOVA)
    • Dunn’s nonparametric post hoc test (classical ANOVA)
    • Mann-Whitney / Wilcoxon rank sum test (Bayesian independent samples T-Test)
  • Resizing tables and plots with ctrl+/ctrl-/ctrl=
  • R engine updated from 3.3.3 to 3.4.4
  • SEM module upgraded
  • Improved Bayesian linear regression
  • Improved contrasts for RM ANOVA
  • Hand pointer to scroll through the data viewer
  • Open file via welcome screen
  • Improvement of placement tags of outliers
  • Graphs in network analysis displays in colourblind mode by default


Version 0.8.6

New features:

  • A revamped Bayesian linear regression thanks to the BAS package
  • Multinomial analysis
  • Install JASP on most Linux distributions more easily due to Flatpak support
  • Plots now update directly when resizing them
  • A tooltip for variables so that long names can be still read
  • Z-test
  • Simple main effects for repeated measures ANOVA
  • High DPI support on Windows, improving display resolution


Version 0.8.5


  • Network module: new clustering table/plot
  • ANOVA : simple effects
  • ANOVA : fix for repeated contrast
  • Logistic regression: changes to stepwise regression.
  • Logistic regression : AIC fior variable selection & removal p-values


Version 0.8.4

New Features:

  • Added meta analysis
  • Added network analysis
  • Improved the module layout
  • Added stepwise methods to logistic regression
  • Added effect size measures to post-hoc analyses in ANOVA / ANCOVA
  • Improved backwards compatibility for Linux users with older R versions


  • Fixed situation where JASPEngine process would linger after closing JASP
  • Better handling of utf8 characters (jasp-desktop#1695, jasp-desktop#1704 and jasp-desktop#1719)
  • Fixed confidence intervals cohens d (t-test)
  • Fixed bug where prior posterior plot could not be made
  • Fixed confusion in Subjective priors widget



Version 0.8.3

New Features:

  • New Progressbar (implemented for Bayesian ANOVAs and Regression)
  • Preference menu - specify missing values and number of decimals
  • JASPTools package
  • Added logistic regression
  • Added hierarchical regression
  • Added ability to add/change missing values
  • Added progress bar to Bayesian ANOVA’s and regression
  • Added preference option to change the number of decimals that are displayed
  • Reworked the layout of the Preferences window
  • Added option to toggle frequentist correlation table to pairwise display
  • Added ability to change y-axis in RM ANOVA descriptives plots
  • Added effect sizes to post-hoc tests ANOVA
  • Added confidence intervals to rank correlations
  • Changed display of Bayesian and frequentist correlations to below diagonal
  • Removed autofilling of options when another instance of an analysis is started


  • Remove unused R packages
  • Additional Info for T-Test and Correlation Bayesian Pairs Robustness plots (Common module)


  • Fixed analysis crash when RM and between factors name match (jasp-desktop#1906)
  • Fixed bug where JASP crashes if you load data between running analyses
  • Fixed issue where files from old JASP versions cause problems in newer versions
  • Fixed bug where About window would go behind main window
  • Fixed analysis crash when vovk-sellke was selected in correlations (jasp-desktop#1959)
  • Fixed issue with importing of PSPP files (jasp-desktop#1966)
  • Fixed issue where RM factor is reset when the analysis options are refreshed (jasp-desktop#1921)
  • Changed base of logarithm to e in Bayesian correlation matrix (jasp-desktop#1981)
  • Fixed vanishing of footnotes in Bayesian correlation matrix
  • Fixed plot for logBF robustness in correlation pairs

Version 0.5

New Features:

  • Classical Linear Regression (basic implementation)
  • Bayesian ANCOVA
  • Bayesian Crosstabs
  • Custom models in Bayesian ANOVA
  • X-Squared in Classical Crosstabs


  • Refinement of all the T-Tests (these are really polished now)


  • Fixes to add Linux support
  • Several bug fixes