This changelog references the relevant changes (bug and security fixes) done in 7.1 minor versions.
To get the diff for a specific change, go to where XXX is the change hash To get the diff between two versions, go to
- [TranslatorBundle] Backport fixtures load deprecation fix #3467 (@acrobat)
- [AllBundles] Upgrade phpstan to 2.0 #3466 (@acrobat)
- [FormBundle] Fix form submission export #3421 (@dannyvw)
- [PagePartBundle] Delete nested (non-entity) sub-items #3423 (@jverdeyen)
- [MenuBundle] Override getPathByConvention function in MenuItemAdminListConfigurator #3420 (@KevinSleegers)
- [MultidomainBundle] Fix getCurrentFullHost return type #3419 (@dannyvw)
- [TranslatorBundle] Fixed MessageCatalogue strict type (string) parameters in Translator Loader #3415 (@jverdeyen)
- [AdminBundle] fixed base route name for exception admin lists #3414 (@virtualize)
- [NodeBundle] Fix node reorder parents #3413 (@dannyvw)
- [NodeBundle] Fix node reorder #3408 (@dannyvw)
- [TaggingBundle] fixed base route name #3404 (@virtualize)
- [LeadGenerationBundle] fixed route and type handling #3403 (@virtualize)
- [AdminBundle] Added missing security translations de (german) #3405 (@virtualize)
- [NodeBundle] Fix incorrect requeststack method for symfony 6.4 #3396 (@acrobat)
- [MenuBundle] Fix menu entities #3386 (@dannyvw)
- [AllBundles] Fix incorrect return types #3385 (@delboy1978uk)
- [AllBundles] Add Symfony 6 ci build #3380 (@acrobat)
- [AllBundles] Bump minimum symfony and kunstmaan dependencies #3379 (@acrobat)
- [GeneratorBundle] Don't trigger liip imagine deprecation with default config #3377 (@acrobat)
- [MenuBundle] Fix doctrine 2.16/3.0 incompatibility in menu entities #3376 (@acrobat)
- [AllBundles] Fix doctrine orm 3 deprecations and allow doctrine/persistence v3 #3375 (@acrobat)
- [NodeBundle][MediaBundle] Prepend required stof/doctrine-extensions config instead of manually registering services #3374 (@acrobat)
- [AllBundles] Fix symfony 6.4 deprecations #3324 (@acrobat)
- [AllBundles] Fix doctrine dbal/orm deprecations #3295 (@acrobat)
- [AllBundles] Allow symfony 6 and fix compatibility issues #3288 (@acrobat)
- [AllBundles] Bump support php version to ^8.1 #3286 (@acrobat)
- [AllBundles] Bump pagerfanta to v3 #3283 (@acrobat)