diff --git a/src/axom/sina/CMakeLists.txt b/src/axom/sina/CMakeLists.txt
index c7cb0c0827..b0d6f20ea0 100644
--- a/src/axom/sina/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/axom/sina/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -45,15 +45,30 @@ set(sina_sources
+# Set CMake Policy
+cmake_policy(SET CMP0115 NEW)
 # Add Adiak header and source
 blt_list_append( TO sina_headers ELEMENTS core/AdiakWriter.hpp IF AXOM_USE_ADIAK )
 blt_list_append( TO sina_sources ELEMENTS core/AdiakWriter.cpp IF AXOM_USE_ADIAK )
 # Add fortran interface for Sina
+  set(AXOM_USE_HDF5_FORTRAN ".true.")
+  set(AXOM_USE_HDF5_FORTRAN ".false.")
-  blt_list_append( TO sina_headers ELEMENTS interface/sina_fortran_interface.h)
-  blt_list_append( TO sina_sources
-                   ELEMENTS interface/sina_fortran_interface.cpp interface/sina_fortran_interface.f)
+  blt_list_append(TO sina_headers 
+    ELEMENTS interface/sina_fortran_interface.h)
+  blt_list_append(TO sina_sources 
+    ELEMENTS interface/sina_fortran_interface.cpp interface/sina_fortran_interface.f)
+  configure_file(interface/sina_fortran_interface.f.in 
+                 interface/sina_fortran_interface.f 
+                 @ONLY)
+  install(FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/interface/sina_fortran_interface.f
+        DESTINATION interface)
@@ -87,4 +102,4 @@ endif()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/axom/sina/core/Document.cpp b/src/axom/sina/core/Document.cpp
index 83495e3a1f..dc98593a1c 100644
--- a/src/axom/sina/core/Document.cpp
+++ b/src/axom/sina/core/Document.cpp
@@ -12,9 +12,18 @@
 #include "axom/sina/core/Document.hpp"
+#include "axom/config.hpp"
+#include "axom/core/Path.hpp"
+#include "axom/core/utilities/StringUtilities.hpp"
+#include "conduit.hpp"
+#ifdef AXOM_USE_HDF5
+  #include "conduit_relay.hpp"
+  #include "conduit_relay_io.hpp"
 #include <cstdio>
 #include <fstream>
 #include <ios>
@@ -22,6 +31,7 @@
 #include <utility>
 #include <sstream>
 #include <stdexcept>
+#include <algorithm>
 namespace axom
@@ -35,6 +45,41 @@ char const RELATIONSHIPS_KEY[] = "relationships";
 char const SAVE_TMP_FILE_EXTENSION[] = ".sina.tmp";
 }  // namespace
+void protocolWarn(std::string const protocol, std::string const &name)
+  std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> protocolMessages = {
+    {".json", ".json extension not found, did you mean to save to this format?"},
+    {".hdf5",
+     ".hdf5 extension not found, did you use one of its other supported types? "
+     "(h5, hdf, ...)"}};
+  Path path(name, '.');
+  if(protocol != '.' + path.baseName())
+  {
+    auto messageIt = protocolMessages.find(protocol);
+    if(messageIt != protocolMessages.end())
+    {
+      std::cerr << messageIt->second;
+    }
+  }
+std::string get_supported_file_types()
+  std::string types = "[";
+  for(size_t i = 0; i < supported_types.size(); ++i)
+  {
+    types += supported_types[i];
+    if(i < supported_types.size() - 1)
+    {
+      types += ", ";
+    }
+  }
+  types += "]";
+  return types;
 void Document::add(std::unique_ptr<Record> record)
@@ -63,63 +108,184 @@ conduit::Node Document::toNode() const
   return document;
-void Document::createFromNode(conduit::Node const &asNode,
-                              RecordLoader const &recordLoader)
+void Document::createFromNode(const conduit::Node &asNode,
+                              const RecordLoader &recordLoader)
-  if(asNode.has_child(RECORDS_KEY))
-  {
-    conduit::Node record_nodes = asNode[RECORDS_KEY];
-    if(record_nodes.dtype().is_list())
+  conduit::Node nodeCopy = asNode;
+  auto processChildNodes = [&](const char *key,
+                               std::function<void(conduit::Node &)> addFunc) {
+    if(nodeCopy.has_child(key))
-      auto recordIter = record_nodes.children();
-      while(recordIter.has_next())
+      conduit::Node &childNodes = nodeCopy[key];
+      // -- 1. Check if this node is a primitive leaf (throw immediately if so)
+      // Customize these checks to match exactly what you consider "primitive."
+      if(childNodes.dtype().is_number() || childNodes.dtype().is_char8_str() ||
+         childNodes.dtype().is_string())
+      {
+        std::ostringstream message;
+        message << "The '" << key
+                << "' element of a document cannot be a primitive value.";
+        throw std::invalid_argument(message.str());
+      }
+      // -- 2. Not a primitive. Check if it has no children.
+      if(childNodes.number_of_children() == 0)
-        auto record = recordIter.next();
-        add(recordLoader.load(record));
+        // Turn it into an empty list
+        childNodes.set(conduit::DataType::list());
+      }
+      // -- 3. If it's still not a list, throw
+      if(!childNodes.dtype().is_list())
+      {
+        std::ostringstream message;
+        message << "The '" << key
+                << "' element of a document must be an array/list.";
+        throw std::invalid_argument(message.str());
+      }
+      // -- 4. Now it's guaranteed to be a list, so iterate
+      auto childIter = childNodes.children();
+      while(childIter.has_next())
+      {
+        conduit::Node child = childIter.next();
+        addFunc(child);
-    else
+  };
+  processChildNodes(RECORDS_KEY, [&](conduit::Node &record) {
+    add(recordLoader.load(record));
+  });
+  processChildNodes(RELATIONSHIPS_KEY, [&](conduit::Node &relationship) {
+    add(Relationship {relationship});
+  });
+Document::Document(conduit::Node const &asNode, RecordLoader const &recordLoader)
+  this->createFromNode(asNode, recordLoader);
+Document::Document(std::string const &asJson, RecordLoader const &recordLoader)
+  conduit::Node asNode;
+  asNode.parse(asJson, "json");
+  this->createFromNode(asNode, recordLoader);
+#ifdef AXOM_USE_HDF5
+void removeSlashes(const conduit::Node &originalNode, conduit::Node &modifiedNode)
+  for(auto it = originalNode.children(); it.has_next();)
+  {
+    it.next();
+    std::string key = it.name();
+    std::string modifiedKey =
+      axom::utilities::string::replaceAllInstances(key, "/", slashSubstitute);
+    modifiedNode[modifiedKey] = it.node();
+    if(it.node().dtype().is_object())
-      std::ostringstream message;
-      message << "The '" << RECORDS_KEY
-              << "' element of a document must be an array";
-      throw std::invalid_argument(message.str());
+      conduit::Node nestedNode;
+      removeSlashes(it.node(), nestedNode);
+      modifiedNode[modifiedKey].set(nestedNode);
-  if(asNode.has_child(RELATIONSHIPS_KEY))
+void restoreSlashes(const conduit::Node &modifiedNode, conduit::Node &restoredNode)
+  // Check if List or Object, if its a list the else statement would turn it into an object
+  // which breaks the Document
+  if(modifiedNode.dtype().is_list())
-    conduit::Node relationship_nodes = asNode[RELATIONSHIPS_KEY];
-    if(relationship_nodes.dtype().is_list())
+    // If its empty with no children it's the end of a tree
+    for(auto it = modifiedNode.children(); it.has_next();)
-      auto relationshipsIter = relationship_nodes.children();
-      while(relationshipsIter.has_next())
+      it.next();
+      conduit::Node &newChild = restoredNode.append();
+      // Leaves empty nodes empty, if null data is set the
+      // Document breaks
+      if(it.node().dtype().is_string() || it.node().dtype().is_number())
-        auto &relationship = relationshipsIter.next();
-        add(Relationship {relationship});
+        newChild.set(it.node());  // Lists need .set
+      }
+      // Recursive Call
+      if(it.node().number_of_children() > 0)
+      {
+        restoreSlashes(it.node(), newChild);
-    else
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    for(auto it = modifiedNode.children(); it.has_next();)
-      std::ostringstream message;
-      message << "The '" << RELATIONSHIPS_KEY
-              << "' element of a document must be an array";
-      throw std::invalid_argument(message.str());
+      it.next();
+      std::string key = it.name();
+      std::string restoredKey =
+        axom::utilities::string::replaceAllInstances(key, slashSubstitute, "/");
+      // Initialize a new node for the restored key
+      conduit::Node &newChild = restoredNode.add_child(restoredKey);
+      // Leaves empty keys empty but continues recursive call if its a list
+      if(it.node().dtype().is_string() || it.node().dtype().is_number() ||
+         it.node().dtype().is_object())
+      {
+        newChild.set(it.node());
+      }
+      else if(it.node().dtype().is_list())
+      {
+        restoreSlashes(it.node(), newChild);  // Handle nested lists
+      }
+      // If the node has children, recursively restore them
+      if(it.node().number_of_children() > 0)
+      {
+        conduit::Node nestedNode;
+        restoreSlashes(it.node(), nestedNode);
+        newChild.set(nestedNode);
+      }
-Document::Document(conduit::Node const &asNode, RecordLoader const &recordLoader)
+void Document::toHDF5(const std::string &filename) const
-  this->createFromNode(asNode, recordLoader);
+  conduit::Node node;
+  conduit::Node &recordsNode = node["records"];
+  conduit::Node &relationshipsNode = node["relationships"];
-Document::Document(std::string const &asJson, RecordLoader const &recordLoader)
-  conduit::Node asNode;
-  asNode.parse(asJson, "json");
-  this->createFromNode(asNode, recordLoader);
+  for(const auto &record : getRecords())
+  {
+    conduit::Node recordNode = record->toNode();
+    removeSlashes(recordNode, recordsNode.append());
+  }
+  // Process relationships
+  for(const auto &relationship : getRelationships())
+  {
+    conduit::Node relationshipNode = relationship.toNode();
+    removeSlashes(relationshipNode, relationshipsNode.append());
+  }
+  conduit::relay::io::save(node, filename, "hdf5");
 std::string Document::toJson(conduit::index_t indent,
                              conduit::index_t depth,
@@ -129,7 +295,9 @@ std::string Document::toJson(conduit::index_t indent,
   return this->toNode().to_json("json", indent, depth, pad, eoe);
-void saveDocument(Document const &document, std::string const &fileName)
+void saveDocument(Document const &document,
+                  std::string const &fileName,
+                  Protocol protocol)
   // It is a common use case for users to want to overwrite their files as
   // the simulation progresses. However, this operation should be atomic so
@@ -138,12 +306,33 @@ void saveDocument(Document const &document, std::string const &fileName)
   // file is in the same directory to ensure that it is part of the same
   // file system as the destination file so that the move operation is
   // atomic.
   std::string tmpFileName = fileName + SAVE_TMP_FILE_EXTENSION;
-  auto asJson = document.toJson();
-  std::ofstream fout {tmpFileName};
-  fout.exceptions(std::ostream::failbit | std::ostream::badbit);
-  fout << asJson;
-  fout.close();
+  if(protocol == Protocol::JSON)
+  {
+    protocolWarn(".json", fileName);
+    auto asJson = document.toJson();
+    std::ofstream fout {tmpFileName};
+    fout.exceptions(std::ostream::failbit | std::ostream::badbit);
+    fout << asJson;
+    fout.close();
+  }
+#ifdef AXOM_USE_HDF5
+  else if(protocol == Protocol::HDF5)
+  {
+    protocolWarn(".hdf5", fileName);
+    document.toHDF5(tmpFileName);
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    std::ostringstream message;
+    message << "Invalid format choice. Please choose from one of the supported "
+               "protocols: "
+            << get_supported_file_types();
+    throw std::invalid_argument(message.str());
+  }
   if(rename(tmpFileName.c_str(), fileName.c_str()) != 0)
@@ -154,20 +343,42 @@ void saveDocument(Document const &document, std::string const &fileName)
-Document loadDocument(std::string const &path)
+Document loadDocument(std::string const &path, Protocol protocol)
-  return loadDocument(path, createRecordLoaderWithAllKnownTypes());
+  return loadDocument(path, createRecordLoaderWithAllKnownTypes(), protocol);
-Document loadDocument(std::string const &path, RecordLoader const &recordLoader)
+Document loadDocument(std::string const &path,
+                      RecordLoader const &recordLoader,
+                      Protocol protocol)
-  conduit::Node nodeFromJson;
-  std::ifstream file_in {path};
+  conduit::Node node, modifiedNode;
   std::ostringstream file_contents;
-  file_contents << file_in.rdbuf();
-  file_in.close();
-  nodeFromJson.parse(file_contents.str(), "json");
-  return Document {nodeFromJson, recordLoader};
+  std::ifstream file_in {path};
+  // Load the file depending on the protocol
+  switch(protocol)
+  {
+  case Protocol::JSON:
+    file_contents << file_in.rdbuf();
+    file_in.close();
+    node.parse(file_contents.str(), "json");
+    return Document {node, recordLoader};
+#ifdef AXOM_USE_HDF5
+  case Protocol::HDF5:
+    file_in.close();
+    conduit::relay::io::load(path, "hdf5", node);
+    restoreSlashes(node, modifiedNode);
+    return Document {modifiedNode, recordLoader};
+  default:
+    std::ostringstream message;
+    message << "Invalid format choice. Please choose from one of the supported "
+               "protocols: "
+            << get_supported_file_types();
+    throw std::invalid_argument(message.str());
+    break;
+  }
 }  // namespace sina
diff --git a/src/axom/sina/core/Document.hpp b/src/axom/sina/core/Document.hpp
index 04e19c5e7f..d179982448 100644
--- a/src/axom/sina/core/Document.hpp
+++ b/src/axom/sina/core/Document.hpp
@@ -16,13 +16,14 @@
-#include <memory>
-#include <vector>
+#include "axom/config.hpp"
+#include "axom/sina/core/Record.hpp"
+#include "axom/sina/core/Relationship.hpp"
 #include "conduit.hpp"
-#include "axom/sina/core/Record.hpp"
-#include "axom/sina/core/Relationship.hpp"
+#include <memory>
+#include <vector>
@@ -32,12 +33,30 @@ namespace axom
 namespace sina
+enum class Protocol
+  JSON,
+  HDF5
+const std::vector<std::string> supported_types = {"JSON",
+#ifdef AXOM_USE_HDF5
+                                                  "HDF5"
+ * \brief The string used to replace '/' in parent node names when saving to HDF5.
+ */
+const std::string slashSubstitute = "__SINA_SLASHREPLACE__";
- * \brief An object representing the top-level object of a Sina JSON file
+ * \brief An object representing the top-level object of a Sina file
- * A Document represents the top-level object of a JSON file conforming to the
+ * A Document represents the top-level object of a file conforming to the
  * Sina schema. When serialized, these documents can be ingested into a
- * Sina database and used with the Sina tool.
+ * Sina database and used with the Sina tool. Sina files are defaulted to
+ * JSON but optionally support HDF5.
  * Documents contain at most two objects: a list of Records and a list of Relationships. A simple, empty document:
  * \code{.json}
@@ -75,6 +94,13 @@ namespace sina
  * \code
  *   axom::sina::saveDocument(myDocument, "path/to/outfile.json")
  * \endcode
+ * 
+ *  Loading and Saving documents will default to the JSON file type, but if an optional file type is
+ *  loaded the Protocol parameter will control your file type. For example with HDF5:
+ * \code
+ *   axom::sina::Document myDocument = axom::sina::loadDocument("path/to/infile.hdf5, Protocol::HDF5");
+ *   axom::sina::saveDocument(myDocument, "path/to/outfile.hdf5", Protocol::HDF5)
+ * \endcode
  * Check the Sina file format version with:
  * \code
@@ -177,6 +203,15 @@ class Document
   conduit::Node toNode() const;
+#ifdef AXOM_USE_HDF5
+  /**
+   *  \brief Dump this document as an HDF5 File
+   * 
+   *  \param filename the location of which to save the file
+   */
+  void toHDF5(const std::string &filename) const;
      * \brief Convert this document to a JSON string.
@@ -187,6 +222,13 @@ class Document
                      const std::string &pad = "",
                      const std::string &eoe = "") const;
+  /**
+    * \brief Get the list of file types currently supported by the implementation.
+    * 
+    * \return a string of supported file types
+    */
+  std::string get_supported_file_types();
      * Constructor helper method, extracts info from a conduit Node.
@@ -200,12 +242,16 @@ class Document
  * \brief Save the given Document to the specified location. If the given file exists,
  *        it will be overwritten.
- *
+ * 
  * \param document the Document to save
- * \param fileName the location to which to save the file
+ * \param fileName the location of which to save the file
+ * \param protocol the file type requested to save as contained in supported_types, default = JSON
  * \throws std::ios::failure if there are any IO errors
+ *         std::invalid_argument if the protocol given is an undefined, optional protocol
-void saveDocument(Document const &document, std::string const &fileName);
+void saveDocument(Document const &document,
+                  std::string const &fileName,
+                  Protocol protocol = Protocol::JSON);
  * \brief Get the current file format version.
@@ -223,9 +269,11 @@ inline std::string getSinaFileFormatVersion()
  *        knows about will be able to be loaded.
  * \param path the file system path from which to load the document
+ * \param protocol the type of file being loaded, default = JSON
  * \return the loaded Document
-Document loadDocument(std::string const &path);
+Document loadDocument(std::string const &path,
+                      Protocol protocol = Protocol::JSON);
  * \brief Load a document from the given path.
@@ -233,9 +281,13 @@ Document loadDocument(std::string const &path);
  * \param path the file system path from which to load the document
  * \param recordLoader the RecordLoader to use to load the different types
  *                     of records
+ * \param protocol the type of file being loaded, default = JSON
+ * \throws std::invalid_argument if the protocol given is an undefined, optional protocol
  * \return the loaded Document
-Document loadDocument(std::string const &path, RecordLoader const &recordLoader);
+Document loadDocument(std::string const &path,
+                      RecordLoader const &recordLoader,
+                      Protocol protocol = Protocol::JSON);
 }  // namespace sina
 }  // namespace axom
diff --git a/src/axom/sina/docs/imgs/JSON_vs_HDF5_size.png b/src/axom/sina/docs/imgs/JSON_vs_HDF5_size.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c028463e9c
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/axom/sina/docs/imgs/JSON_vs_HDF5_size.png differ
diff --git a/src/axom/sina/docs/imgs/JSON_vs_HDF5_speed.png b/src/axom/sina/docs/imgs/JSON_vs_HDF5_speed.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b8c8f26448
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/axom/sina/docs/imgs/JSON_vs_HDF5_speed.png differ
diff --git a/src/axom/sina/docs/sphinx/documents.rst b/src/axom/sina/docs/sphinx/documents.rst
index 64fa8ed775..2a0d270a32 100644
--- a/src/axom/sina/docs/sphinx/documents.rst
+++ b/src/axom/sina/docs/sphinx/documents.rst
@@ -106,6 +106,30 @@ of the ``Document`` that way:
         std::cout << myDocument.toJson() << std::endl;
+Generating Documents From HDF5
+In addition to assembling ``Document`` instances from existing JSON files, it
+is possible to generate ``Document`` objects from existing HDF5 files using
+Sina's ``saveDocument()`` and ``loadDocument()`` functions support HDF5 assembly if we both 
+build axom with HDF5 support and provide it with the optional Protocol variable set to HDF5. 
+If Protocol::HDF5 is attempted while axom does not have HDF5 support, the functions will 
+recognize they won't have the support for what you are attempting and will return a list of 
+supported types instead as a runtime error.
+.. code:: cpp
+    #include "axom/sina.hpp"
+    int main (void) {
+        axom::sina::Document myDocument = axom::sina::loadDocument("MySinaData.hdf5", axom::sina::Protocol::HDF5);
+    }
 Obtaining Records & Relationships from Existing Documents
diff --git a/src/axom/sina/docs/sphinx/hdf5_vs_json.rst b/src/axom/sina/docs/sphinx/hdf5_vs_json.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f33679fb36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/axom/sina/docs/sphinx/hdf5_vs_json.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+.. ## Copyright (c) 2017-2025, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and
+.. ## other Axom Project Developers. See the top-level LICENSE file for details.
+.. ##
+.. ## SPDX-License-Identifier: (BSD-3-Clause)
+.. _curvesets-label:
+HDF5 and JSON
+Sina's C++ and Python Code supports loading both JSON and HDF5 files as Documents,
+and saving Documents to either file type.
+Both options offer differing strengths and weaknesses when compared to each other,
+the following data on the size and speed has been compiled to give a better idea
+of which file type fits your requirements.
+Why You Should Use JSON
+* JSON is more universally parsable
+* JSON code is human readable allowing you more, easier flexibility with searching
+for relevent data.  This is most applicable with smaller files since large amounts
+of data or curve sets quickly become more efficient to navigate digitally
+* JSON outperforms HDF5 in speed and size efficiency when dealing with non-curve set data 
+and outperforms at smaller curve set sizes (just before :math:`10^2` Curve Sets for Size and
+around :math:`10^3.25` for Speed)
+Why You Should Use HDF5
+* HDF5 offers better size and speed efficiency when dealing with larger files/curve sets 
+and only outperforms more dramatically as size increases
+* Hierarchical structure leads to being 2.5x more size efficient and 5x faster at our largest
+tested files
+JSON vs HDF5 Size
+.. image:: ../imgs/JSON_vs_HDF5_size.png
+    :alt: JSON Size / HDF5 Size when dealing with 10 - :math:`10^4` curves with 10 - :math:`10^4` items
+JSON vs HDF5 Speed
+.. image:: ../imgs/JSON_vs_HDF5_speed.png
+    :alt: JSON Size / HDF5 Size when dealing with 10 - :math:`10^4` curves with 10 - :math:`10^4` items
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/axom/sina/docs/sphinx/tutorial.rst b/src/axom/sina/docs/sphinx/tutorial.rst
index 6be1fd62e9..da9c2af7f1 100644
--- a/src/axom/sina/docs/sphinx/tutorial.rst
+++ b/src/axom/sina/docs/sphinx/tutorial.rst
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ Adding Data
 Once we have a Record, we can add different types of data to it. Any Datum
 object that is added will end up in the "data" section of the record in
-the JSON file.
+the output file.
 .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/sina_tutorial.cpp
    :language: cpp
@@ -146,9 +146,12 @@ users will be able to search for "temperature" (value = 450),
 Input and Output
-Once you have a document, it is easy to save it to a file. After executing
-the below, your will output a file named "my_output.json" which you can ingest
-into a Sina datastore.
+Once you have a document, it is easy to save it to a file. To save to a JSON, we
+run the saveDocument() with the optional argument Protocol set to JSON or set as
+nothing. Alternatively if you wish to save the document to an HDF5 file: Configure 
+axom for HDF5 support then you can set saveDocument()'s optional Protocol parameter 
+to HDF5. After executing the below, you will output a file named "my_output.json" 
+and a file named "my_output.hdf5", both of which you can ingest into a Sina datastore.
 .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/sina_tutorial.cpp
    :language: cpp
@@ -157,7 +160,15 @@ into a Sina datastore.
 If needed, you can also load a document from a file. This can be useful,
 for example, if you wrote a document when writing a restart and you want to
-continue from where you left off.
+continue from where you left off.  To load from a JSON file simply run loadDocument()
+with the optional argument Protocol set to JSON or set as nothing. If you've configured 
+for, and wish to load from an HDF5 simply set the Protocol to HDF5.
+Note that due to HDF5's handling of '/' as indicators for nested structures,
+parent nodes will have '/' changed to the ``slashSubstitute`` variable located in 
+``axom/sina/core/Document.hpp`` as an HDF5 with saveDocument(). loadDocument() 
+will restore them to normal:
 .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/sina_tutorial.cpp
    :language: cpp
@@ -184,3 +195,4 @@ convert to and from JSON. The user-defined section is exposed as a
    :language: cpp
    :start-after: //! [begin user defined]
    :end-before: //! [end user defined]
diff --git a/src/axom/sina/examples/CMakeLists.txt b/src/axom/sina/examples/CMakeLists.txt
index 93e307e99f..f9904282a7 100644
--- a/src/axom/sina/examples/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/axom/sina/examples/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ set(sina_example_sources
-set(sina_example_depends sina conduit slic)
+set(sina_example_depends sina conduit::conduit slic)
     blt_list_append( TO sina_example_sources ELEMENTS sina_fortran.f)
@@ -38,16 +38,26 @@ endif()
 foreach(src ${sina_example_sources})
     get_filename_component(exe_name ${src} NAME_WE)
+    if (exe_name STREQUAL "sina_fortran")
+        set(sina_mod_src ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/../interface/sina_fortran_interface.f)
+    else()
+        set(sina_mod_src "")
+    endif()
         NAME       ${exe_name}_ex
-        SOURCES    ${src}
+        SOURCES    ${src} ${sina_mod_src}
         DEPENDS_ON ${sina_example_depends}
         FOLDER     axom/sina/examples
-        )
+    )
+    if (exe_name STREQUAL "sina_fortran")
+        target_include_directories(${exe_name}_ex PRIVATE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/../interface)
+    endif()
-    # Need to add this flag so XL will ignore trailing underscores in fortran function names
     if (${exe_name}_ex STREQUAL "sina_fortran_ex" AND CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "XL")
         target_compile_options(${exe_name}_ex PRIVATE -qextname)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/axom/sina/examples/sina_basic.cpp b/src/axom/sina/examples/sina_basic.cpp
index eba21c0913..4e2e937b61 100644
--- a/src/axom/sina/examples/sina_basic.cpp
+++ b/src/axom/sina/examples/sina_basic.cpp
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 // SPDX-License-Identifier: (BSD-3-Clause)
+#include "axom/config.hpp"
 #include "axom/sina.hpp"
 int main(void)
@@ -17,5 +18,12 @@ int main(void)
   // Add the run to the document
   // Save the document directly to a file.
-  axom::sina::saveDocument(document, "MySinaData.json");
\ No newline at end of file
+  // by specifying Protocol::JSON, we set the file to save as a JSON.
+  // if we wished, we could provide no third argument since saveDocument defaults to JSON.
+  axom::sina::saveDocument(document, "MySinaData.json", axom::sina::Protocol::JSON);
+#ifdef AXOM_USE_HDF5
+  // by specifying Protocol::HDF5, we also save a copy as an HDF5 file.
+  axom::sina::saveDocument(document, "MySinaData.hdf5", axom::sina::Protocol::HDF5);
diff --git a/src/axom/sina/examples/sina_document_assembly.cpp b/src/axom/sina/examples/sina_document_assembly.cpp
index b8ceb44548..6dc4002254 100644
--- a/src/axom/sina/examples/sina_document_assembly.cpp
+++ b/src/axom/sina/examples/sina_document_assembly.cpp
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 // SPDX-License-Identifier: (BSD-3-Clause)
+#include "axom/config.hpp"
 #include "axom/sina.hpp"
 int main(void)
@@ -32,5 +33,12 @@ int main(void)
   // Save the document directly to a file.
+  // since we gave saveDocument no optional protocol parameter, it will default to JSON
   axom::sina::saveDocument(document, "MySinaData.json");
\ No newline at end of file
+#ifdef AXOM_USE_HDF5
+  // We will also save a copy of the document as an HDF5 file
+  // which can be done by passing the protocol as HDF5
+  axom::sina::saveDocument(document, "MySinaData.hdf5", axom::sina::Protocol::HDF5);
diff --git a/src/axom/sina/examples/sina_fortran.f b/src/axom/sina/examples/sina_fortran.f
index 8dd2a5e0d4..021e3cd0ac 100644
--- a/src/axom/sina/examples/sina_fortran.f
+++ b/src/axom/sina/examples/sina_fortran.f
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 program example
   use sina_functions
+  use hdf5_config
   implicit none
   ! data types
@@ -28,6 +29,7 @@ program example
   character(:), allocatable :: tag
   character(:), allocatable :: units 
   character(20) :: json_fn
+  character(20) :: hdf5_fn
   character(15) :: name
   character(25) :: curve
@@ -56,6 +58,9 @@ program example
   full_path = make_cstring(wrk_dir//''//fle_nme)
   ofull_path = make_cstring(wrk_dir//''//ofle_nme)
   json_fn = make_cstring('sina_dump.json')
+  if (use_hdf5) then
+    hdf5_fn = make_cstring('sina_dump.hdf5')
+  end if
   mime_type = make_cstring('')
@@ -149,6 +154,9 @@ program example
   ! write out the Sina Document
   print *,'Writing out the Sina Document'
   call write_sina_document(json_fn)
+  if (use_hdf5) then
+    call write_sina_document(hdf5_fn, 1)
+  end if
diff --git a/src/axom/sina/examples/sina_tutorial.cpp b/src/axom/sina/examples/sina_tutorial.cpp
index e03be73513..92e5ccac11 100644
--- a/src/axom/sina/examples/sina_tutorial.cpp
+++ b/src/axom/sina/examples/sina_tutorial.cpp
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 // SPDX-License-Identifier: (BSD-3-Clause)
+#include "axom/config.hpp"
 #include "axom/sina.hpp"
 #include <utility>
@@ -130,13 +131,20 @@ void gatherAllData(axom::sina::Record &record)
 void save(axom::sina::Document const &doc)
   axom::sina::saveDocument(doc, "my_output.json");
+#ifdef AXOM_USE_HDF5
+  axom::sina::saveDocument(doc, "my_output.hdf5", axom::sina::Protocol::HDF5);
 //! [end io write]
 //! [begin io read]
 void load()
-  axom::sina::Document doc = axom::sina::loadDocument("my_output.json");
+  axom::sina::Document doc1 = axom::sina::loadDocument("my_output.json");
+#ifdef AXOM_USE_HDF5
+  axom::sina::Document doc2 =
+    axom::sina::loadDocument("my_output.hdf5", axom::sina::Protocol::HDF5);
 //! [end io read]
diff --git a/src/axom/sina/interface/sina_fortran_interface.cpp b/src/axom/sina/interface/sina_fortran_interface.cpp
index 6b15d94a93..9ac01a6abb 100644
--- a/src/axom/sina/interface/sina_fortran_interface.cpp
+++ b/src/axom/sina/interface/sina_fortran_interface.cpp
@@ -258,7 +258,18 @@ extern "C" void sina_add_file_(char *filename, char *mime_type)
-extern "C" void write_sina_document_(char *input_fn)
+extern "C" void write_sina_document_protocol_(char *input_fn, int *protocol)
+  std::string filename(input_fn);
+  axom::sina::Protocol proto = static_cast<axom::sina::Protocol>(*protocol);
+  // Save everything
+  if(sina_document)
+  {
+    axom::sina::saveDocument(*sina_document, filename.c_str(), proto);
+  }
+extern "C" void write_sina_document_noprotocol_(char *input_fn)
   std::string filename(input_fn);
   // Save everything
diff --git a/src/axom/sina/interface/sina_fortran_interface.f b/src/axom/sina/interface/sina_fortran_interface.f.in
similarity index 74%
rename from src/axom/sina/interface/sina_fortran_interface.f
rename to src/axom/sina/interface/sina_fortran_interface.f.in
index 56fe05ebe6..320c8ada8a 100644
--- a/src/axom/sina/interface/sina_fortran_interface.f
+++ b/src/axom/sina/interface/sina_fortran_interface.f.in
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
 module sina_functions
+  integer, parameter :: JSON = 0
+  integer, parameter :: HDF5 = 1
     subroutine create_document_and_record(id) 
@@ -17,14 +20,6 @@ end subroutine sina_add_file
   end interface
-  interface
-    subroutine write_sina_document(file_nm) 
-      character(*) file_nm  
-    end subroutine write_sina_document
-  end interface
   interface sina_add
     subroutine sina_add_long(key, value, units, tags)
@@ -114,5 +109,44 @@ subroutine sina_add_curve_long(name, curve, values, n, independent)
     end subroutine sina_add_curve_long
   end interface
+  interface
+    subroutine write_sina_document_protocol(file_nm, protocol) 
+      character(*) file_nm  
+      integer protocol
+    end subroutine write_sina_document_protocol
+  end interface
+  interface
+    subroutine write_sina_document_noprotocol(file_nm) 
+      character(*) file_nm  
+    end subroutine write_sina_document_noprotocol
+  end interface
+  interface write_sina_document
+    module procedure save_with_protocol
+    module procedure save_without_protocol
+  end interface
+  subroutine save_with_protocol(fname, proto)
+    character(*) fname
+    integer proto
+    call write_sina_document_protocol(fname, proto)
+  end subroutine save_with_protocol
+  subroutine save_without_protocol(fname)
+    character(*) fname
+    call write_sina_document_noprotocol(fname)
+  end subroutine save_without_protocol
+end module 
-end module 
\ No newline at end of file
+module hdf5_config
+  implicit none
+  logical, parameter :: use_hdf5 = @AXOM_USE_HDF5_FORTRAN@
+end module hdf5_config
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/axom/sina/interface/sina_fortran_interface.h b/src/axom/sina/interface/sina_fortran_interface.h
index 3d06d7d7f9..0a11010c9c 100644
--- a/src/axom/sina/interface/sina_fortran_interface.h
+++ b/src/axom/sina/interface/sina_fortran_interface.h
@@ -3,9 +3,6 @@
 // SPDX-License-Identifier: (BSD-3-Clause)
-#include "axom/sina/core/Document.hpp"
-#include "axom/sina/core/Record.hpp"
-#include "axom/sina/core/Run.hpp"
 #include "axom/sina.hpp"
 extern "C" char *Get_File_Extension(char *);
@@ -13,7 +10,8 @@ extern "C" void create_document_and_run_(char *);
 extern "C" axom::sina::Record *Sina_Get_Run();
 extern "C" void sina_add_file_to_record_(char *);
 extern "C" void sina_add_file_with_mimetype_to_record_(char *, char *);
-extern "C" void write_sina_document_(char *);
+extern "C" void write_sina_document_protocol_(char *, int *);
+extern "C" void write_sina_document_noprotocol_(char *);
 extern "C" void sina_add_long_(char *, long long int *, char *, char *);
 extern "C" void sina_add_int_(char *, int *, char *, char *);
 extern "C" void sina_add_float_(char *, float *, char *, char *);
diff --git a/src/axom/sina/tests/CMakeLists.txt b/src/axom/sina/tests/CMakeLists.txt
index 109572e3b2..34cb313402 100644
--- a/src/axom/sina/tests/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/axom/sina/tests/CMakeLists.txt
+        # Define Python-friendly boolean for HDF5 guarding in Fortran Test.
+        if(AXOM_USE_HDF5)
+            set(AXOM_USE_HDF5_PY "True")
+        else()
+            set(AXOM_USE_HDF5_PY "False")
+        endif()
+        # Generate config.py in the test output directory
+        configure_file(
+            ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/config.py.in
+            ${TEST_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/config.py
+            @ONLY
+        )
     axom_add_test( NAME     sina_fortran_integration_test
                 COMMAND  ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} ${TEST_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/test_fortran_integration.py -bd ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}
diff --git a/src/axom/sina/tests/config.py.in b/src/axom/sina/tests/config.py.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b6d0a41e78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/axom/sina/tests/config.py.in
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2017-2025, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and
+# other Axom Project Developers. See the top-level LICENSE file for details.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: (BSD-3-Clause)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/axom/sina/tests/sina_Document.cpp b/src/axom/sina/tests/sina_Document.cpp
index 81cf0caa41..74f8278005 100644
--- a/src/axom/sina/tests/sina_Document.cpp
+++ b/src/axom/sina/tests/sina_Document.cpp
@@ -3,21 +3,26 @@
 // SPDX-License-Identifier: (BSD-3-Clause)
+#include "axom/config.hpp"
+#include "axom/core/utilities/FileUtilities.hpp"
+#include "axom/sina/core/Document.hpp"
+#include "axom/sina/core/Run.hpp"
+#include "axom/sina/tests/TestRecord.hpp"
+#include "conduit.hpp"
+#include "conduit_relay.hpp"
+#include "conduit_relay_io.hpp"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+#include "gmock/gmock.h"
 #include <cstdio>
 #include <fstream>
 #include <iostream>
 #include <type_traits>
 #include <utility>
-#include "gtest/gtest.h"
-#include "gmock/gmock.h"
-#include "axom/core/utilities/FileUtilities.hpp"
-#include "axom/sina/core/Document.hpp"
-#include "axom/sina/core/Run.hpp"
-#include "axom/sina/tests/TestRecord.hpp"
 namespace axom
 namespace sina
@@ -34,6 +39,115 @@ char const TEST_RECORD_TYPE[] = "test type";
 char const EXPECTED_RECORDS_KEY[] = "records";
 char const EXPECTED_RELATIONSHIPS_KEY[] = "relationships";
+// Large JSONs Used For JSON and HDF5 Save Tests
+std::string data_json = R"(
+  "records": [
+    {
+      "type": "run",
+      "application": "test",
+      "id": "test_1",
+      "data": {
+        "int": {
+          "value": 500,
+          "units": "miles"
+        },
+        "str/ings": {
+          "value": ["z", "o", "o"]
+        }
+      },
+      "files": {
+        "test/test.png": {}
+      }
+    }
+  ]
+std::string long_json = R"(
+  "records": [
+    {
+      "type": "foo",
+      "id": "test_1",
+      "user_defined": {
+        "name": "bob"
+      },
+      "files": {
+        "foo/bar.png": {
+          "mimetype": "image"
+        }
+      },
+      "data": {
+        "scalar": {
+          "value": 500,
+          "units": "miles"
+        }
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "type": "bar",
+      "id": "test_2",
+      "data": {
+        "scalar_list": {
+          "value": [1, 2, 3]
+        },
+        "string_list": {
+          "value": ["a", "wonderful", "world"],
+          "tags": ["observation"]
+        }
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "type": "run",
+      "application": "sina_test",
+      "id": "test_3",
+      "data": {
+        "scalar": {
+          "value": 12.3,
+          "units": "g/s",
+          "tags": ["hi"]
+        },
+        "scalar_list": {
+          "value": [1, 2, 3.0, 4]
+        }
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "type": "bar",
+      "id": "test_4",
+      "data": {
+        "string": {
+          "value": "yarr"
+        },
+        "string_list": {
+          "value": ["y", "a", "r"]
+        }
+      },
+      "files": {
+        "test/test.png": {}
+      },
+      "user_defined": {
+        "hello": "there"
+      }
+    }
+  ],
+  "relationships": [
+    {
+      "predicate": "completes",
+      "subject": "test_2",
+      "object": "test_1"
+    },
+    {
+      "subject": "test_3",
+      "predicate": "overrides",
+      "object": "test_4"
+    }
+  ]
+// Tests
 TEST(Document, create_fromNode_empty)
   conduit::Node documentAsNode;
@@ -109,129 +223,6 @@ TEST(Document, create_fromNode_withRelationships)
   EXPECT_EQ("is related to", relationships[0].getPredicate());
-TEST(Document, create_fromJson_roundtrip)
-  std::string orig_json =
-    "{\"records\": [{\"type\": \"test_rec\",\"id\": "
-    "\"test\"}],\"relationships\": []}";
-  axom::sina::Document myDocument =
-    Document(orig_json, createRecordLoaderWithAllKnownTypes());
-  EXPECT_EQ(0, myDocument.getRelationships().size());
-  ASSERT_EQ(1, myDocument.getRecords().size());
-  EXPECT_EQ("test_rec", myDocument.getRecords()[0]->getType());
-  std::string returned_json = myDocument.toJson(0, 0, "", "");
-  EXPECT_EQ(orig_json, returned_json);
-TEST(Document, create_fromJson_full)
-  std::string long_json = R"({
-    "records": [
-        {
-            "type": "foo",
-            "id": "test_1",
-            "user_defined": {
-                "name": "bob"
-            },
-            "files": {
-                "foo/bar.png": {
-                    "mimetype": "image"
-                }
-            },
-            "data": {
-                "scalar": {
-                    "value": 500,
-                    "units": "miles"
-                }
-            }
-        },
-        {
-            "type": "bar",
-            "id": "test_2",
-            "data": {
-                "scalar_list": {
-                    "value": [1, 2, 3]
-                },
-                "string_list": {
-                    "value": ["a", "wonderful", "world"],
-                    "tags": ["observation"]
-                }
-            }
-        },
-        {
-            "type": "run",
-            "application": "sina_test",
-            "id": "test_3",
-            "data": {
-                "scalar": {
-                    "value": 12.3,
-                    "units": "g/s",
-                    "tags": ["hi"]
-                },
-                "scalar_list": {
-                    "value": [1, 2, 3.0, 4]
-                }
-            }
-        },
-        {
-            "type": "bar",
-            "id": "test_4",
-            "data": {
-                "string": {
-                    "value": "yarr"
-                },
-                "string_list": {
-                    "value": ["y", "a", "r"]
-                }
-            },
-            "files": {
-                "test/test.png": {}
-            },
-            "user_defined": {
-                "hello": "there"
-            }
-        }
-    ],
-    "relationships": [
-        {
-            "predicate": "completes",
-            "subject": "test_2",
-            "object": "test_1"
-        },
-        {
-            "subject": "test_3",
-            "predicate": "overrides",
-            "object": "test_4"
-        }
-    ]
-  })";
-  axom::sina::Document myDocument =
-    Document(long_json, createRecordLoaderWithAllKnownTypes());
-  EXPECT_EQ(2, myDocument.getRelationships().size());
-  auto &records = myDocument.getRecords();
-  EXPECT_EQ(4, records.size());
-TEST(Document, create_fromJson_value_check)
-  std::string data_json =
-    "{\"records\": [{\"type\": \"run\", \"application\":\"test\", \"id\": "
-    "\"test_1\",\"data\":{\"int\": {\"value\": 500,\"units\": \"miles\"}, "
-    "\"str/ings\": {\"value\":[\"z\", \"o\", \"o\"]}}, "
-    "\"files\":{\"test/test.png\":{}}}]}";
-  axom::sina::Document myDocument =
-    Document(data_json, createRecordLoaderWithAllKnownTypes());
-  EXPECT_EQ(0, myDocument.getRelationships().size());
-  auto &records = myDocument.getRecords();
-  EXPECT_EQ(1, records.size());
-  EXPECT_EQ(records[0]->getType(), "run");
-  auto &data = records[0]->getData();
-  EXPECT_EQ(data.at("int").getScalar(), 500.0);
-  std::vector<std::string> expected_string_vals = {"z", "o", "o"};
-  EXPECT_EQ(data.at("str/ings").getStringArray(), expected_string_vals);
-  EXPECT_EQ(records[0]->getFiles().count(File {"test/test.png"}), 1);
 TEST(Document, toNode_empty)
   // A sina document should always have, at minimum, both records and
@@ -349,7 +340,45 @@ NamedTempFile::~NamedTempFile()
-TEST(Document, saveDocument)
+TEST(Document, create_fromJson_roundtrip_json)
+  std::string orig_json =
+    "{\"records\": [{\"type\": \"test_rec\",\"id\": "
+    "\"test\"}],\"relationships\": []}";
+  axom::sina::Document myDocument =
+    Document(orig_json, createRecordLoaderWithAllKnownTypes());
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, myDocument.getRelationships().size());
+  ASSERT_EQ(1, myDocument.getRecords().size());
+  EXPECT_EQ("test_rec", myDocument.getRecords()[0]->getType());
+  std::string returned_json1 = myDocument.toJson(0, 0, "", "");
+  EXPECT_EQ(orig_json, returned_json1);
+TEST(Document, create_fromJson_full_json)
+  axom::sina::Document myDocument =
+    Document(long_json, createRecordLoaderWithAllKnownTypes());
+  EXPECT_EQ(2, myDocument.getRelationships().size());
+  auto &records1 = myDocument.getRecords();
+  EXPECT_EQ(4, records1.size());
+TEST(Document, create_fromJson_value_check_json)
+  axom::sina::Document myDocument =
+    Document(data_json, createRecordLoaderWithAllKnownTypes());
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, myDocument.getRelationships().size());
+  auto &records1 = myDocument.getRecords();
+  EXPECT_EQ(1, records1.size());
+  EXPECT_EQ(records1[0]->getType(), "run");
+  auto &data1 = records1[0]->getData();
+  EXPECT_EQ(data1.at("int").getScalar(), 500.0);
+  std::vector<std::string> expected_string_vals = {"z", "o", "o"};
+  EXPECT_EQ(data1.at("str/ings").getStringArray(), expected_string_vals);
+  EXPECT_EQ(records1[0]->getFiles().count(File {"test/test.png"}), 1);
+TEST(Document, saveDocument_json)
   NamedTempFile tmpFile;
@@ -433,6 +462,79 @@ TEST(Document, load_defaultRecordLoaders)
   EXPECT_NE(nullptr, loadedRun);
+#ifdef AXOM_USE_HDF5
+TEST(Document, create_fromJson_roundtrip_hdf5)
+  std::string orig_json =
+    "{\"records\": [{\"type\": \"test_rec\",\"id\": "
+    "\"test\"}],\"relationships\": []}";
+  axom::sina::Document myDocument =
+    Document(orig_json, createRecordLoaderWithAllKnownTypes());
+  saveDocument(myDocument, "round_json.hdf5", Protocol::HDF5);
+  Document loadedDocument = loadDocument("round_json.hdf5", Protocol::HDF5);
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, loadedDocument.getRelationships().size());
+  ASSERT_EQ(1, loadedDocument.getRecords().size());
+  EXPECT_EQ("test_rec", loadedDocument.getRecords()[0]->getType());
+  std::string returned_json2 = loadedDocument.toJson(0, 0, "", "");
+  EXPECT_EQ(orig_json, returned_json2);
+TEST(Document, create_fromJson_full_hdf5)
+  axom::sina::Document myDocument =
+    Document(long_json, createRecordLoaderWithAllKnownTypes());
+  saveDocument(myDocument, "long_json.hdf5", Protocol::HDF5);
+  Document loadedDocument = loadDocument("long_json.hdf5", Protocol::HDF5);
+  EXPECT_EQ(2, loadedDocument.getRelationships().size());
+  auto &records2 = loadedDocument.getRecords();
+  EXPECT_EQ(4, records2.size());
+TEST(Document, create_fromJson_value_check_hdf5)
+  axom::sina::Document myDocument =
+    Document(data_json, createRecordLoaderWithAllKnownTypes());
+  std::vector<std::string> expected_string_vals = {"z", "o", "o"};
+  saveDocument(myDocument, "data_json.hdf5", Protocol::HDF5);
+  Document loadedDocument = loadDocument("data_json.hdf5", Protocol::HDF5);
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, loadedDocument.getRelationships().size());
+  auto &records2 = loadedDocument.getRecords();
+  EXPECT_EQ(1, records2.size());
+  EXPECT_EQ(records2[0]->getType(), "run");
+  auto &data2 = records2[0]->getData();
+  EXPECT_EQ(data2.at("int").getScalar(), 500.0);
+  EXPECT_EQ(data2.at("str/ings").getStringArray(), expected_string_vals);
+  EXPECT_EQ(records2[0]->getFiles().count(File {"test/test.png"}), 1);
+TEST(Document, saveDocument_hdf5)
+  NamedTempFile tmpFile;
+  // First, write some random stuff to the temp file to make sure it is
+  // overwritten.
+  {
+    std::ofstream fout {tmpFile.getName()};
+    fout << "Initial contents";
+  }
+  Document document;
+  document.add(
+    std::make_unique<Record>(ID {"the id", IDType::Global}, "the type"));
+  saveDocument(document, tmpFile.getName(), Protocol::HDF5);
+  conduit::Node readContents;
+  conduit::relay::io::load(tmpFile.getName(), "hdf5", readContents);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(readContents[EXPECTED_RECORDS_KEY].dtype().is_list());
+  EXPECT_EQ(1, readContents[EXPECTED_RECORDS_KEY].number_of_children());
+  auto &readRecord = readContents[EXPECTED_RECORDS_KEY][0];
+  EXPECT_EQ("the id", readRecord["id"].as_string());
+  EXPECT_EQ("the type", readRecord["type"].as_string());
 }  // namespace
 }  // namespace testing
 }  // namespace sina
diff --git a/src/axom/sina/tests/test_fortran_integration.py b/src/axom/sina/tests/test_fortran_integration.py
index 08cb20cf15..a40e102867 100644
--- a/src/axom/sina/tests/test_fortran_integration.py
+++ b/src/axom/sina/tests/test_fortran_integration.py
@@ -4,6 +4,10 @@
 import os
 import subprocess
 import unittest
+import config
+if (config.AXOM_USE_HDF5):
+    import h5py
 def parse_args():
@@ -14,28 +18,33 @@ def parse_args():
     # Add other arguments as needed
     return parser.parse_args()
-class TestFortranExampleIntegration(unittest.TestCase):
+# JSON Tests: Will always run
+class TestFortranExampleIntegrationJSON(unittest.TestCase):
     def setUpClass(cls):
-        Obtain the binary directory from the CLI.
+        Obtain the binary directory from the CLI and compile the sina fortran
+        example needed for these tests if necessary.
+        cwd = os.getcwd()
         args = parse_args()
         cls.binary_dir = args.binary_dir
         if cls.binary_dir is None:
-            # Assume we're at /path/to/build_dir/axom/sina/tests so move up to build_dir
-            cls.binary_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "..", "..", "..")
+            # Move up three levels and resolve an absolute path
+            cls.binary_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(cwd, "../"))
+        os.chdir(cls.binary_dir)
+        if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(cls.binary_dir, "examples/sina_fortran_ex")):
+            subprocess.run(["make", "sina_fortran_ex"])
+        os.chdir(cwd)
     def setUp(self):
         """ Invoke example Fortran application to dump a sina file """
-        sina_fortran_ex_path = os.path.join(self.binary_dir, "examples", "sina_fortran_ex")
-        if not os.path.exists(sina_fortran_ex_path):
-            raise FileNotFoundError(
-                f"The sina_fortran_ex needed for running fortran tests could not be found at path '{sina_fortran_ex_path}'"
-            )
-        subprocess.run([sina_fortran_ex_path])
+        subprocess.run([os.path.join(self.binary_dir, "examples/sina_fortran_ex")])
         self.dump_file = "sina_dump.json"
     def tearDown(self):
@@ -47,6 +56,7 @@ def test_file_validity(self):
             import jsonschema
             schema_file = os.path.join(self.binary_dir, "tests", "sina_schema.json")
             with io.open(schema_file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as schema:
                 schema = json.load(schema)
                 with io.open(self.dump_file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as loaded_test:
@@ -55,7 +65,6 @@ def test_file_validity(self):
         except ModuleNotFoundError:
             print("jsonschema module not found. Skipping test_file_validity.")
     def test_validate_contents_of_record(self):
         """ Ensure that the  record written out matches what we expect """
@@ -69,12 +78,9 @@ def test_validate_contents_of_record(self):
         self.assertEqual("my_type", record["type"])
         # Test the files
-        path_to_my_file = os.path.join("/path", "to", "my", "file")
-        my_file = os.path.join(path_to_my_file, "my_file.txt")
-        other_file = os.path.join(path_to_my_file, "my_other_file.txt")
-        self.assertEqual(list(record["files"].keys()), [other_file, my_file])
-        self.assertEqual(record["files"][other_file]["mimetype"], "png")
-        self.assertEqual(record["files"][my_file]["mimetype"], "txt")
+        self.assertEqual(list(record["files"].keys()), ["/path/to/my/file/my_other_file.txt", "/path/to/my/file/my_file.txt"])
+        self.assertEqual(record["files"]["/path/to/my/file/my_other_file.txt"]["mimetype"], "png")
+        self.assertEqual(record["files"]["/path/to/my/file/my_file.txt"]["mimetype"], "txt")
         # Test the signed variants 
         self.assertEqual("A", record["data"]["char"]["value"])
@@ -116,8 +122,153 @@ def test_validate_contents_of_record(self):
         self.assertEqual(double_arr, record["curve_sets"][curveset]["dependent"][double_2_name]["value"])
+#HDF5 Test
+@unittest.skipUnless(config.AXOM_USE_HDF5, "Requires h5py for HDF5-dependent tests")
+class TestFortranExampleIntegrationHDF5(unittest.TestCase):
+    @classmethod
+    def setUpClass(cls):
+        """
+        Obtain the binary directory from the CLI and compile the sina fortran
+        example needed for these tests if necessary.
+        """
+        cwd = os.getcwd()
+        args = parse_args()
+        cls.binary_dir = args.binary_dir
+        if cls.binary_dir is None:
+            # Move up three levels and resolve an absolute path
+            cls.binary_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(cwd, "../"))
+        os.chdir(cls.binary_dir)
+        if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(cls.binary_dir, "examples/sina_fortran_ex")):
+            subprocess.run(["make", "sina_fortran_ex"])
+        os.chdir(cwd)
+    def setUp(self):
+        """ Invoke example Fortran application to dump a sina file """
+        subprocess.run([os.path.join(self.binary_dir, "examples/sina_fortran_ex")])
+        self.dump_file = "sina_dump.hdf5"
+    def tearDown(self):
+        os.remove(self.dump_file)
+    def extract_hdf5_value(self, value):
+        # If the value is an h5py.Dataset, retrieve its underlying data.
+        if isinstance(value, h5py.Dataset):
+            value = value[()]
+        # If the value is a bytes instance, decode it.
+        if isinstance(value, bytes):
+            return value.decode("utf-8").strip("\0").strip()
+        # If the value is a list or tuple of bytes, join them into a single bytes object and decode.
+        if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)) and value and all(isinstance(item, bytes) for item in value):
+            joined = b"".join(value)
+            return joined.decode("utf-8").strip("\0").strip()
+        # If the value has a 'tolist' method (e.g., from an array-like object), convert it and process.
+        if hasattr(value, "tolist"):
+            converted = value.tolist()
+            if isinstance(converted, (list, tuple)) and converted and all(isinstance(item, bytes) for item in converted):
+                joined = b"".join(converted)
+                return joined.decode("utf-8").strip("\0").strip()
+            if isinstance(converted, list) and len(converted) == 1:
+                return converted[0]
+            return converted
+        # Otherwise, return the value as-is.
+        return value
+    def test_validate_contents_of_record(self):
+        with h5py.File(self.dump_file, "r") as f:
+            record = f["records"]["0"]
+            # Validate metadata
+            self.assertEqual("my_rec_id", self.extract_hdf5_value(record["id"]))
+            self.assertEqual("my_type", self.extract_hdf5_value(record["type"]))
+            # Validate Files
+            files_group = record["files"]
+            expected_file_keys = [
+            ]
+            self.assertEqual(sorted(list(files_group.keys())), sorted(expected_file_keys))
+            self.assertEqual(self.extract_hdf5_value(
+                files_group["__SINA_SLASHREPLACE__path__SINA_SLASHREPLACE__to__SINA_SLASHREPLACE__my__SINA_SLASHREPLACE__file__SINA_SLASHREPLACE__my_other_file.txt"]["mimetype"]),
+                "png")
+            self.assertEqual(self.extract_hdf5_value(
+                files_group["__SINA_SLASHREPLACE__path__SINA_SLASHREPLACE__to__SINA_SLASHREPLACE__my__SINA_SLASHREPLACE__file__SINA_SLASHREPLACE__my_file.txt"]["mimetype"]),
+                "txt")
+            # Validate Data
+            data_group = record["data"]
+            self.assertEqual(self.extract_hdf5_value(data_group["char"]["value"]), "A")
+            self.assertEqual(self.extract_hdf5_value(data_group["int"]["value"]), 10)
+            self.assertEqual(self.extract_hdf5_value(data_group["logical"]["value"]), 0)
+            self.assertEqual(self.extract_hdf5_value(data_group["long"]["value"]), 1000000000.0)
+            self.assertAlmostEqual(self.extract_hdf5_value(data_group["real"]["value"]), 1.23456704616547)
+            self.assertAlmostEqual(self.extract_hdf5_value(data_group["double"]["value"]), 0.810000002384186)
+            self.assertEqual(self.extract_hdf5_value(data_group["u_char"]["value"]), "A")
+            self.assertEqual(self.extract_hdf5_value(data_group["u_char"]["units"]), "kg")
+            self.assertEqual(self.extract_hdf5_value(data_group["u_int"]["value"]), 10)
+            self.assertEqual(self.extract_hdf5_value(data_group["u_int"]["units"]), "kg")
+            self.assertEqual(self.extract_hdf5_value(data_group["u_logical"]["value"]), 1.0)
+            self.assertEqual(self.extract_hdf5_value(data_group["u_logical"]["units"]), "kg")
+            self.assertEqual(self.extract_hdf5_value(data_group["u_long"]["value"]), 1000000000.0)
+            self.assertEqual(self.extract_hdf5_value(data_group["u_long"]["units"]), "kg")
+            self.assertAlmostEqual(self.extract_hdf5_value(data_group["u_real"]["value"]), 1.23456704616547)
+            self.assertEqual(self.extract_hdf5_value(data_group["u_real"]["units"]), "kg")
+            self.assertAlmostEqual(self.extract_hdf5_value(data_group["u_double"]["value"]), 0.810000002384186)
+            self.assertEqual(self.extract_hdf5_value(data_group["u_double"]["units"]), "kg")
+            self.assertAlmostEqual(self.extract_hdf5_value(data_group["u_double_w_tag"]["value"]), 0.810000002384186)
+            self.assertEqual(self.extract_hdf5_value(data_group["u_double_w_tag"]["units"]), "kg")
+            tags_value = data_group["u_double_w_tag"]["tags"]
+            if isinstance(tags_value, h5py.Group):
+                if len(tags_value) == 1:
+                    inner_dataset = list(tags_value.values())[0]
+                    tags_value = self.extract_hdf5_value(inner_dataset)
+            if isinstance(tags_value, str):
+                tags_value = [tag.strip() for tag in tags_value.split(',')]
+            self.assertEqual(tags_value, ["new_fancy_tag"])
+            # Validate Curves
+            curveset_group = record["curve_sets"]["my_curveset"]
+            independent_group = curveset_group["independent"]
+            dependent_group = curveset_group["dependent"]
+            nums = list(range(1, 21))
+            real_arr   = [i for i in nums]
+            double_arr = [i * 2 for i in nums]
+            int_arr    = [i * 3 for i in nums]
+            long_arr   = [i * 4 for i in nums]
+            for kind, grp in (("indep", independent_group), ("dep", dependent_group)):
+                for val_type, target in (("real", real_arr),
+                                         ("double", double_arr),
+                                         ("int", int_arr),
+                                         ("long", long_arr)):
+                    curve_name = f"my_{kind}_curve_{val_type}"
+                    self.assertIn(curve_name, grp)
+                    curve_val = self.extract_hdf5_value(grp[curve_name]["value"])
+                    self.assertEqual(curve_val, target)
+            double_2_name = "my_dep_curve_double_2"
+            self.assertIn(double_2_name, dependent_group)
+            curve_double_2 = self.extract_hdf5_value(dependent_group[double_2_name]["value"])
+            self.assertEqual(curve_double_2, double_arr)
 if __name__ == "__main__":
     # Doing the below instead of unittest.main() so that we can print to stdout
-    suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(TestFortranExampleIntegration)
+    suite = unittest.TestSuite()
+    suite.addTests(unittest.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromTestCase(TestFortranExampleIntegrationJSON))
+    if config.AXOM_USE_HDF5:
+        suite.addTests(unittest.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromTestCase(TestFortranExampleIntegrationHDF5))
     runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(buffer=False)
\ No newline at end of file