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Real-time WebSocket API with Web Workers Example

  • Last update: Feb 2025
  • Environment: Any
  • Compiler: JavaScript
  • Prerequisite: Real-Time Advanced Distribution servers version 3.2.1 and above


Websocket API for Pricing Streaming and Real-Time Service aka Websocket API application enables easy integration into a multitude of client technology environments such as scripting and web. This API runs directly on your Real-Time infrastructure and presents data in an open (JSON) readable format. The API supports all Real-Time data models and can be integrated into multiple client technology standards e.g. Python, R, .Net, etc.

The web browser's JavaScript runtime is a single-threaded environment by default. However, the HTML standard lets developers implement multi-threads JavaScript application in the web browser by introducing the Web Workers feature that lets web browsers run JavaScripts in the main thread and a background thread (workers thread).

This example shows how to implement the Real-time WebSocket API with JavaScript web application with Web Workers. It allows the Web Workers thread to handle the connection logic with eal-Time Advanced Distribution server while the main thread handles the UI interaction events and displaying data.

There are two types of Web Workers, Dedicated Workers and Shared Workers. This example covers only how to implement the Real-time WebSocket API with JavaScript web browser application with Dedicated Workers.

Supported Web Browsers

The example supports Chrome/Microsoft Edge (Chrome-based version), Firefox, and IE11 (based on the WebSocket and Web Workers browser supported platform).


This example requires the following dependencies software.

  1. Node.js runtime - version 8.9.3 or higher.
  2. npm package manager (included with Node.js runtime)
  3. Express.js framework (will be installed via npm install command)

This example also uses the following 3rd party libraries for UI presentation.

  1. jQuery 3.2.1 JavaScript library
  2. Bootstrap 3.3.7 CSS library

jQuery,Bootstrap and Express.js are distributed under the MIT license. Please see more detail in the file.

Example files and folders

The web application contains the following example files and folder:

  1. index.html: The application HTML page
  2. app/market_price_app.js: The application main file
  3. app/ws_workers.js: The application Web Workers file
  4. css/cover.css: The application CSS file
  5. libs/jquery-3.2.1.min.js: jQuery library file
  6. bootstrap/css, bootstarp/fonts and bootstrap/js folders: The folders for Bootstrap CSS and libraries files
  7. server.js: A simple web server application
  8. package.json: The Project npm dependencies file.

How to run this example

  1. Unzip or download the example project folder into a directory of your choice
  2. Run $> npm install in the command prompt to install all the dependencies required to run the sample in a subdirectory called node_modules/.

npm command display

  1. If the machine is behind a proxy server, you need to configure Node.js uses proxy instead of a direct HTTP connection via the following command in a command prompt: set https_proxy=http://<proxy.server>:<port>
  2. Run $> node server.js in the command prompt to start the webserver at HTTP port 8080

application display

  1. Open the web browser (IE11, Chrome/Microsoft Edge (Chrome-based version), and Firefox), then navigate to index.html of the web server at http://localhost:8080/index.html

application display


For further details, please check out the following resources:

For any questions related to this article or the WebSocket API page, please use the Developer Community Q&A Forum.