Major functionality improvement
- vmwaretools -- Improving support for downloading VMware Tools via external Puppet modules (thanks to Sam Keeley and Aedu for Pull Requests #36 and #37 respectively)
- vmwaretools::params -- Adding Ubuntu 10.04 LTC (Lucid Lynx) override for config_creates_real variable
Bugfix release
- vmwaretools::params -- Correcting typo in config_creates assignment
Major functionality improvement
- vmwaretools -- Adding config_creates parameter to main class declaration
- vmwaretools::params -- Renaming config_creates to config_creates_real -- Adding case statement for Ubuntu/Debian within the Debian osfamily case
- vmwaretools::config_tools -- Using vmwaretools::params::config_creates_real instead of vmwaretools::params::config_creates
Bugfix release
- vmwaretools -- Facter facts are strings, not literal booleans!
Bugfix release
- vmwaretools -- Fixing logic in init.pp to silently fail if the module is included on non-VMware hardware and the $fail_on_non_vmware parameter is not set to true (bug reported by Marcus Johansson by email - thanks!)
Bugfix release
- vmwaretools::install::package -- We now remove the vmware-tools-services package as well as open-vm-tools - pull request #34 and packages are now purged rather than removed
- vmwaretools::params -- $config_creates is now different across Debian and RedHat osfamilys - pull request #34
Bugfix release
- vmwaretools::install -- Packages will now be purged/installed all the time, not just when we install VMware Tools -- raised by cdenneen in bug #27
- templates/download.sh.erb -- Added removal of the archive on an MD5 mismatch - raised by herwigbogaert in bug #30
Minor functionality improvement
- esx_version -- Adding support for vSphere 5.5. Thanks to Ryan McKern for the pull request GitHub Issue #18!
Adding major functionality improvements
- esx_version -- New fact: reports the version of vSphere.
- vmwaretools::timesync -- New class: Handles management of time sychronisation with vSphere. Thanks to Aaron Hicks for the pull request GitHub Issue #18!
- vmwaretools::config_tools -- Renamed class: was previously vmwaretools::kernel_upgrade
- vmwaretools -- New parameter: timesync. This paramter enables/disables the timesync feature of the VMware Tools. -- Defaults to undef (literal), which will leave time synchronisation unmanaged. -- Valid managed values are true to enable timesync and false to disable timesync, both literal booleans.
Bugfix release
- vmwaretools::params -- Moving back to vmci.ko - see discussion on GitHub Issue #14, huge thanks to Ryan McKern for the investigative work!
Bugfix release
- Readme -- Adding Ubuntu 13.04 to Unsupported Operating Systems
- vmwaretools -- Now fails when run on Ubuntu 13.04 (Raring)
- vmwaretools::kernel_upgrade -- Moving creates attribute to /lib/modules/${::kernelrelease}/kernel/drivers/scsi/vmw_pvscsi.ko as suggested in bug #12
Adding major functionality improvements
- vmwaretools_version fact -- Added "not installed" output if VMware Tools isn't installed
- vmwaretools::kernel_upgrade -- New class: handles re-compiling VMware Tools following a kernel upgrade
- vmwaretools::install::package -- Installing curl if download script is used. -- Adding open-vm-dkms to the list of purged packages -- Making the kernel-devel package installation explicitly use the running kernel - pull request #8 by mattiasgeniar
- vmwaretools -- New parameter: prevent_downgrade, prevents downgrading if the version installed is newer than intended Puppet-deployed version (default: true)
- templates/download.sh.erb -- Using awk path from vmwaretools::params in script, and using curl rather than wget - pull request #7 by mattiasgeniar
Bugfix release
- vmwaretools::install::exec -- archive_location replaced by archive_url
- vmwaretools -- Parameter Typo fixed
- Including new README format and starting Changelogs.