Awesome collection of learning materials to master modern Computer Science.
⬇️ Tags legend at the end of the page.
( systems_design )
- The System Design Primer by View donnemartin's full-sized avatar Donne Martin 📂 ( systems_design )
- Collection on System Design Interview by Zach ( collection ) 📂 ( systems_design )
- System Design for Beginners by Code with Irtiza 🎓 🎥 ( systems_design )
- System Design Fundamentals by Software Interviews Prep 🎓 🎥 ( systems_design )
- System Design for Beginners by freeCodeCamp 🎓 🎥 ( systems_design )
( architecture )
- What is a microservice architecture and it's advantages? 🎥 by Gaurav Sen ( architecture )
- Introduction to DDD 🎥 by Geekific ( architecture )
- Domain Driven Design with BDD 🎥 by Continuous Delivery
- Event Sourcery Full Course 🎓 🎥 by Event Sourcery
( architecture ) ( principle )
- SOLID principles 🎓 🎥 by Christopher Okhravi ( architecture ) ( principle )
- SOLID principles 🎓 🎥 by Web Dev Simplified ( architecture ) ( principle )
- Liskov Substitution Principle 🎥 by Christopher Okhravi ( architecture ) ( principle )
- Interface Segregation Principle 🎥 by Christopher Okhravi ( architecture ) ( principle )
- Dependency Inversion - how, what, why? 🎥 by Christopher Okhravi ( architecture ) ( principle )
- Single Responsibility Principle 🎥 by Christopher Okhravi ( architecture ) ( principle )
- Open/closed principle 🎥 by Christopher Okhravi ( architecture ) ( principle )
- Robustness Principle Is WRONG? 🎥 by Christopher Okhravi ( architecture ) ( principle )
( architecture ) ( pattern )
- Design Patterns 🎓 🎥 by Geekific ( architecture ) ( pattern )
- Design Patterns 🎓 🎥 by Christopher Okhravi ( architecture ) ( pattern )
- Design Patterns 🎓 🎥 by Derek Banas ( architecture ) ( pattern )
( architecture ) ( testing )
- A Testing Strategy for Hexagonal Applications 🎥 by DocPlanner Tech ( architecture ) ( testing )
- More Testable Code with the Hexagonal Architecture 🎥 by JitterTed ( architecture ) ( testing )
- Onion Architecture - Software Design Patterns Explained 🎥 by Professional Programming ( architecture ) ( testing )
( lld )
( systems_design )
- Distributed Systems 🎓 🎥 by Martin Kleppmann ( systems_design ) ( distributed_system )
- Moving from Monoliths to Microservices 🎥 by Gaurav Sen ( systems_design )
- Microservices explained 🎥 by TechWorld with Nana
- Microservices Explained and their Pros & Cons 🎥 by Hussein Nasser
- Horizontal vs. Vertical Scaling 🎥 by Gaurav Sen ( systems_design )
- Distributed Consensus and Data Replication strategies 🎥 by Gaurav Sen ( systems_design )
( systems_design )
- CAP Theorem Simplified by 🎥 byteByteGo
- CAP theorem 🎥 by Hussein Nasser
- What is Resiliency? 🎥 by Knowledge Powerhouse
- Resiliency design patterns 🎥 by Knowledge Powerhouse
( communication )
- The Journey of an HTTP request 🎥 by Hussein Nasser
- Proxy vs Reverse Proxy 🎥 by Hussein Nasser
- What is Load Balancing 🎥 by Gaurav Sen ( systems_design ) systems_design )
- A Brief Introduction to Consistent Hashing 🎥 by Hannah Barton
- What is a Message Queue and Where is it used? 🎥 by Gaurav Sen ( systems_design )
- What is the Publisher Subscriber Model? 🎥 by Gaurav Sen ( systems_design )
- What's an Event Driven System? 🎥 by Gaurav Sen ( systems_design )
- What are the differences between publisher subscriber and message queue models? 🎥 by Knowledge Powerhouse
- HTTP Request vs HTTP Long-Polling vs WebSockets vs Server-Sent Events 🎥 by AfterAcademy
- Long Polling and how it differs from Push, Poll and SSE 🎥 by Hussein Nasser
( monitoring )
- Prometheus Architecture explained 🎥 by TechWorld with Nana
- Fluentd simply explained 🎥 by TechWorld with Nana
- Logging in Kubernetes with Elasticsearch, Fluentd and Kibana 🎥 by TechWorld with Nana
- Grafana vs Kibana 🎥 by IT Security Labs
( infrastructure_as_a_code )
- Terraform in 100 Seconds 🎥 by Fireship ( short ) ( infrastructure_as_a_code )
- Terraform in 15 mins 🎥 by TechWorld with Nana ( infrastructure_as_a_code )
- Terraform Course 🎥 by DevOps Directive ( infrastructure_as_a_code )
- What is GitOps 🎥 by TechWorld with Nana
( virtualization )
( ci_cd )
( shell )
- Linux Crash Course 🎓 🎥 by Learn Linux TV
- 100 Linux Commands 🎓 🎥 by Jae Nulton
- Linux Commands 🎓 🎥 by Learn Linux TV
- 📄 30 Handy Shell Aliases by
- 📈 Bash Cheatsheet by Rico
- 📈 Bash Cheatsheet by Julien Le Coupanec
- 📈 Pure Bash Bible by Dylan Araps : a collection of bash recipies
- 📈 Bash Built-in Variables
( shell )
( ipc )
- API Essentials 🎓 🎥 by IBM Technology ( ipc )
- REST API and OpenAPI 🎥 by IBM Technology ( ipc )
- How do you design API? 🎥 by Gaurav Sen ( ipc )
( remote_access )
- Linux Desktop in the Cloud 🎥 by Linode
- Linux Firewall Tutorial 🎥 by Linode
- Hardening Access to Your Server 🎥 by Linode
( about:benchmarking )
- 🎥 - video material
- 📄 - reading
- 🎓 - online course with or without feedback
- 📈 - cheetsheets
- 📂 - collections of collections
- ( short ) - short overview
- ( systems_design ) - systems design
- ( communication ) - back-end, networking, RPC, IPC
- ( monitoring ) - monitoring, logging, aggregation and diagnostics of a distributed system
- ( infrastructure_as_a_code ) - infrastructure as a code
- ( time_series ) - time-series database
- ( virtualization ) - virtualization
- ( ci_cd ) - continuous integration / continuous deployment
- ( ipc ) - inter-process communication
- ( remote_access ) - remote access
- ( shell ) - shell environment, Linux
- ( architecture ) - software architecture in general
- ( principle ) - principles of software engineering
- ( pattern ) - patterns of software engineering
- ( testing ) - testing related aspects of architecture
- ( lld ) - low-level design