(The Julia API is still in gestation, API for arcs is missing).
For Julia developers, I made an API, to allows editing Petri nets either from function or allow to launch the graphical editor.
To achieve it, first MaxPlus Julia
package (for the moment you need the dev
branch still in gestation).
import Pkg; Pkg.add("MaxPlus")
Then install the TimedPetriNetEditor with make install
(need sudo rights)
because the path of the shared library libtimedpetrineteditor.so
has to be
known to be used by Julia.
The simplest way is to call the editor:
using SparseArrays, MaxPlus
pn0= load_petri("../../data/examples/JPQ.json")
@assert pn0.handle == 0
# Launch the GUI editor to edit the net graphically. Once pressed ESCAPE key,
# the editor will quit and modifications applied on the net.
@assert ans == true
# Safer version of editor!() because the Petri net is not modified but a new one
# is created based on the original net.
pn1 = petri_editor(pn0)
@assert pn1.handle == 1
From your Julia REPL (call Julia at the root of the TimedPetriNetEditor repository), you can type this kind of code (consider this code as a cheatsheet):
using Suppressor, SparseArrays, MaxPlus
# Note: soon will included in MaxPlus.jl
# Create an empty Petri net and return its handle. You can create several nets.
pn = petri_net()
@assert pn.handle == 0
# Or create new Petri net by loading it.
pn1 = petri_net("data/examples/TrafficLights.json")
@assert pn1.handle == 1
# Duplicate the net
pn2 = petri_net(pn)
@assert pn2.handle == 2
# Failed loading file. FIXME shall not store pn3 internally
pn3 = petri_net("doesnotexist.json")
pn3 = petri_net(pn1)
@assert pn3.handle == 4 # FIXME shall be 3
# Has no places and no transitions? Return true in this case.
@assert ans == true
@assert ans == false
@assert ans == true
@assert ans == false
# Clear the Petri net (remove all nodes and arcs)
@assert is_empty(pn3) == true
# Create places. X-Y coordinate (3.15, 4.15) and 5 tokens for Place 0.
# Return its identifier.
p0 = add_place!(pn, 100.0, 100.0, 5)
@assert ans == 0
p1 = add_place!(pn, 200.0, 200.0, 0)
@assert ans == 1
p2 = add_place!(pn, Place(210.0, 210.0, 10))
@assert ans == 2
# Get the place content
p3 = place(pn, p2)
@assert p3.x == 210.0
@assert p3.y == 210.0
@assert p3.tokens == 10
# Set/Get the number of tokens
tokens(pn, p0)
@assert ans == 5
tokens!(pn, p0, 2)
@assert ans == true
tokens(pn, p0)
@assert ans == 2
# Create transitions. X-Y coordinate (1.0, 2.0) for Transition 0.
# Return its identifier.
t0 = add_transition!(pn, 150.0, 150.0)
@assert ans == 0
t1 = add_transition!(pn, 250.0, 250.0)
@assert ans == 1
t2 = add_transition!(pn, Transition(200.0, 240.0))
@assert ans == 2
# Get the transition content
t3 = transition(pn, t2)
@assert t3.x == 200.0
@assert t3.y == 240.0
# Remove nodes. Be careful the handle of the latest inserted node is invalidated
remove_place!(pn, p1)
@assert ans == true
remove_transition!(pn, t0)
@assert ans == true
# Get the number of nodes
@assert ans == 2
@assert ans == 2
# Get the list of places
@assert size(ans) == (2,)
# Get the list of transitions
@assert size(ans) == (2,)
# TODO missing API for arcs :(
# You can save the Petri net to JSON file
# Note: you cannot save empty net
add_place!(pn3, 100.0, 100.0, 5)
@assert ans == false
save_petri(pn3, "/tmp/petri.json")
@assert ans == true
@assert ans == true
@assert ans == true
# Load the same file back (old net is deleted)
load_petri!(pn3, "/tmp/petri.json")
@assert ans == true
@assert ans == true
save_petri(pn2, "/tmp/dummy.json")
@assert ans == true
load_petri!(pn3, "/tmp/dummy.json")
@assert ans == true
@assert ans == true
# Or create one
pn4 = load_petri("data/examples/Howard2.json")
@assert pn4.handle == 5 # FIXME should be ideally 4
# Number of nodes and arcs
@assert ans == 5
@assert ans == 4
# TODO count_arcs(pn4)
# @assert ans == 4
# Get the list of marks (number of tokens for each place P0, P1 .. Pn)
@assert ans == [2; 0; 0; 0; 0]
# Check if Petri net is an event graph
@assert ans == true
@assert ans == false
# If the Petri net is an event graph, you can return the canonical form
pn5 = canonic(pn4)
@assert pn5.handle == 6 # FIXME should be ideally 5
# Show the counter and dater form
output = @capture_out begin
show_dater_equation(pn4, false, false)
@assert output == "Timed event graph represented as dater equation:\nT0(n) = max(1 + T3(n), 5 + T1(n))\nT1(n) = max(3 + T2(n))\nT2(n) = max(5 + T0(n - 2))\nT3(n) = max(1 + T2(n))\n\n"
output = @capture_out begin
show_dater_equation(pn4, false, true)
@assert output == "Timed event graph represented as dater equation (max-plus algebra):\nT0(n) = 1 T3(n) (+) 5 T1(n)\nT1(n) = 3 T2(n)\nT2(n) = 5 T0(n - 2)\nT3(n) = 1 T2(n)\n\n"
output = @capture_out begin
show_counter_equation(pn4, false, false)
@assert output == "Timed event graph represented as counter equation:\nT0(t) = min(T3(t - 1), T1(t - 5))\nT1(t) = min(T2(t - 3))\nT2(t) = min(2 + T0(t - 5))\nT3(t) = min(T2(t - 1))\n\n"
output = @capture_out begin
show_counter_equation(pn4, false, true)
@assert output == "Timed event graph represented as counter equation (min-plus algebra):\nT0(t) = T3(t - 1) (+) T1(t - 5)\nT1(t) = T2(t - 3)\nT2(t) = 2 T0(t - 5)\nT3(t) = T2(t - 1)\n\n"
# If the Petri net is an event graph, you can generate the graph the (max,+)
# adjacency sparse matrices (that could be used with SimpleGraphs.jl).
N,T = to_graph(pn4);
@assert full(N) == [mp0 mp0 2 mp0; 0 mp0 mp0 mp0; mp0 0 mp0 0; 0 mp0 mp0 mp0]
@assert full(T) == [mp0 mp0 5 mp0; 5 mp0 mp0 mp0; mp0 3 mp0 1; 1 mp0 mp0 mp0]
# If the Petri net is an event graph, you can generate the implicit dynamic
# linear (max,+) system.
S = to_syslin(pn4)
@assert full(S.D) == [mp0 5 mp0 1 mp0; mp0 mp0 3 mp0 mp0; mp0 mp0 mp0 mp0 mp0; mp0 mp0 1 mp0 mp0; mp0 mp0 mp0 mp0 mp0]
@assert full(S.A) == [mp0 mp0 mp0 mp0 mp0; mp0 mp0 mp0 mp0 mp0; mp0 mp0 mp0 mp0 5; mp0 mp0 mp0 mp0 mp0; 0 mp0 mp0 mp0 mp0]
@assert full(S.B) == reshape([], 5, 0)
@assert full(S.C) == reshape([], 0, 5)
@assert full(S.x0) == reshape([mp0; mp0; mp0; mp0; mp0], 5, 1)
# Modify the number of tokens for each place
tokens!(pn4, [0; 1; 2; 3; 4])
@assert ans == true
@assert ans == [0; 1; 2; 3; 4]
pn6 = load_petri("data/examples/JPQ.json")
@assert pn6.handle == 7
@assert ans == true
S = to_syslin(pn6)
@assert full(S.D) == [mp0 mp0; mp0 mp0]
@assert full(S.A) == [MP(3) 7; 2 4]
@assert full(S.B) == reshape([mp0; 1], 2, 1)
@assert full(S.C) == reshape([MP(3) mp0], 1, 2)
@assert full(S.x0) == reshape([mp0; mp0], 2, 1)