This is the Arduino code for the lightloopcontroller of the lightlab. The controller was made for easy and quick access the some of the basic functionalities of the lightloop.
- Make presets with variating max channel levels
- More cool on/off animations
The electronics of the controller are quite basic, therefore I haven't made an extensive documentation. This is a list of what should be connected to each pin of the arduino the make this work.
- A0 : Pot meter
- A1 : simple switch
- A2 - A5 : NA
- 1 - 6 : Pushbutton
- 7 - 10 : Leds
- 11 : effective DMX shield pin
- 12 - 13 : Leds
- +5V : Use this to create the voltage drop for the switches and buttons
- GND : Use this to ground everything
For questions send an email to: ID [dot] Lightsupport [at] tue [dot] nl