- Register
- Username
- Password
- E-Mail
- Creates village on map
- Login
- Username
- Password
- Resources:
- Current resources / Max capavillage
- 18 Total (+Village):
- 4 Wood
- 4 Clay
- 4 Iron
- 6 Grain
- For each one of those:
- Current production per hour
- Production per hour if upgraded
- Cost, time and crop consumption of upgrading
- Upgrade button
- Production per hour
- Troops
- Troops leaving and arriving (time)
- Buildings that are being built (name, time, cancel)
- Villages
- Village:
- Barracks:
- Troops that can be trained
- Cost, time and crop consumption of training
- Train Button
- Max troops that can be trained given the current resources
- Troops that are currently being trained
- Cost, time and crop consumption of upgrading
- Map:
- 7x7(?) Grid
- User's village in the middle
- Another user's village:
- Name
- Coordinates
- Send reinforcement
- Send attack
- Oasis
- Send attack:
- List of all availabe troops
- Choose how many to send
- Coordinates and name of the village
- Calculate the time to get there (based on the distance + speed of the slowest troop)
- Confirm?
- Reports:
- Description (attack/reinforcement/...)
- Attacker's village name and coordinates
- Attacker's Troops
- Troops that died
- (calculate both attacking powers?)
- Resources stolen
- Description (attack/reinforcement/...)
- Defenders's village name and coordinates
- Defenders's Troops
- Troops that died
- (calculate both defending powers?)
- Combat Sim:
- Find the formula
- Rewrite it