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Matterbridge Logo   Matterbridge changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

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[1.3.9] - 2024-07-02


  • [matterbridge]: Fixed nodeLabel in childbridge mode
  • [matterbridge]: Fixed MeasurementClusters
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[1.3.8] - 2024-07-01


  • [matterbridge]: Fixed crash in childbridge mode
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[1.3.7] - 2024-06-30


  • [matter.js]: Added -mdnsinterface command line parameter to limit the MdnsBroadcaster to a single interface (e.g. matterbridge -bridge -mdnsinterface eth0). Matterbridge will validate the given interface and log a message if the interface is not available and will use all available interfaces.


  • [dependencies]: Update dependencies.
  • [dependencies]: Update eslint to 9.6.0.
  • [dependencies]: Update matter.js to 0.9.3.
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[1.3.6] - 2024-06-28


  • [matterbridge]: Unified the http server port for the frontend and the WebSockerServer.
  • [matterbridge]: Unified the https server port for the frontend and the WebSockerServer.
  • [certificates]: The certificates for https connections are imported from the directory ~/.matterbridge/certs with these names: cert.pem, key.pem and ca.pem (optional). Use the -ssl command line parameter to activate https for both frontend and WebSocketServer.


  • [matterbridge]: Fixed exports
  • [matterbridgeDevice]: Fixed ElectricalEnergyMeasurement and ElectricalPowerMeasurement
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[1.3.5] - 2024-06-26



  • [package]: Updated to eslint 9.5.0 and adopted the flat config
  • [package]: Updated to use prettier and jest with the flat config
  • [matterbridge]: Updated dependencies
  • [matterbridgeDevice]: Updated ColorControl commandHandlers for improved compatibility with (
  • [matterbridge]: The "plugin disable" and "plugin remove" methods now also remove the registered devices from the bridge
  • [matterbridge]: The "plugin add" method now loads, starts, and configures the plugin
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[1.3.4] - 2024-06-23


  • [matterbridge]: Fixed exports
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[1.3.3] - 2024-06-22


  • [matterbridge]: Updated dependencies
  • [matterbridge]: When a plugin is in an error state, the bridge does not start to avoid causing the controllers to delete the registered devices and lose the configuration (e.g. room and automations).
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[1.3.2] - 2024-06-22

New plugin


Matterbridge shelly allows you to expose Shelly Gen 1, Gen 2, and Gen 3 devices to Matter.


  • Shellies are automatically discovered using mDNS.
  • Discovered shellies are stored in local storage for quick loading on startup.
  • In this first release, the components exposed are lights (with brightness), switches, rollers and power meters (with EveHistory electrical measurements).
  • Shellies are controlled locally, eliminating the need for cloud or MQTT (which can be disabled).
  • Shelly Gen 1 devices are controlled using the CoIoT protocol (see the note below).
  • Shelly Gen 2 and Gen 3 devices are controlled using WebSocket.
  • The Matter device takes the name configured in the Shelly device's web page.
  • A 10-minute timer checks if the device has reported in that time.


  • [matterbridgeDevice]: Added all clusters for airQualitySensor: CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement, CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement, NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement, OzoneConcentrationMeasurement, FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement, Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement, Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement, Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement, RadonConcentrationMeasurement,


  • [matterbridge]: Updated dependencies
  • [matter.js]: Updated matter.js to 0.9.2
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[1.3.1] - 2024-06-20


  • [matterbridge]: Updated dependencies
  • [matterbridge]: Refactor the loading of schemas, now they load from the plugin directory.
  • [matterbridge]: Moved getPluginVersion to the start also for disabled plugins.
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[1.3.0] - 2024-06-16

This release is all about Matter 1.3

If you are wondering whether the controllers already support Matter 1.3, the answer is unfortunately no.

SmartThings and Home Automation support:

  • airQualitySensor (Matter 1.2)

Home Automation supports (probably only like BooleanState cluster):

  • waterFreezeDetector (Matter 1.3)
  • waterLeakDetector (Matter 1.3)
  • rainSensor (Matter 1.3)


  • [matterbridge]: Updated dependencies
  • [matterbridge]: Default config and schema for the new plugin matterbridge-shelly (will be published after this release)


  • [matterbridgeDevice]: Added waterFreezeDetector, waterLeakDetector, rainSensor, smokeCoAlarm, electricalSensor and deviceEnergyManagement device types as conformance to Matter 1.3
  • [matterbridgeDevice]: Added all clusters needed for the above Matter 1.3 device types
  • [matterbridgeDevice]: Added FanControl cluster (rev. 2) helper methods for the Fan device type
  • [matterbridge]: Added parameter -matterlogger [debug | info | notice | warn | error | fatal] to set the matter.js Logger separately from the Matterbridge log
  • [frontend]: Added logger level settings to reflect -matterlogger [debug | info | notice | warn | error | fatal]
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[1.2.22] - 2024-06-04


  • [matterbridge]: Updated dependencies
  • [matterbridge]: Default config and schema for the new plugin matterbridge-shelly
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[1.2.21] - 2024-06-04


  • [matterbridge]: Updated dependencies


  • [matterbridge]: Removed error stack from log error for npm get versions
  • [matterbridge]: Fixed the error that caused -add plugin to fail at the first run of matterbridge
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[1.2.20] - 2024-06-03


  • [matter.js]: Update to @project-chip/matter-node.js v. 0.9.1
  • [matterbridge]: Updated dependencies


  • [matterbridge]: Log level of Plugin already configured is now info
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[1.2.19] - 2024-06-01

Breaking change on Matterbridge start!

Now the plugins load and start before the controller connects. A special thank to Tamer Salah ( for his help testing all controllers.


  • [matterbridge]: In bridge mode the plugins are loaded and started immediately
  • [matterbridge]: In child bridge mode the plugins are loaded and started immediately
  • [matterbridge]: Updated dependencies


  • [frontend]: Fixed the error badge in the registered plugins window
  • [frontend]: Added tooltip to the plugin update badge in the registered plugins window
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[1.2.18] - 2024-05-28


  • [matterbridgeDevice]: bridgedNode and powerSource device types as conformance to Matter 1.3


  • [matterbridge]: Fixed /api/settings error after resetting commissioning server
  • [matterbridge]: Added error message and clean shutdown when WebSocketServer or ExpressServer ports are already in use


  • [frontend]: Added a dropdown menu in Add Remove plugin to select the plugins
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[1.2.17] - 2024-05-25


  • [matterbridge]: Fixed the issue causing the commissioning reset for all fabrics when only one is removed. (Apple uses 2 fabrics: Home app and Key chain).


  • [matterbridge]: Preliminary integration for the new matterbridge-shelly plugin (still not published)
  • [matterbridge]: Updated dependencies
  • [matterbridge]: Moved eslint to @typescript-eslint/strict and @typescript-eslint/stylistic


  • [frontend]: Fetch data in Home page every minute
  • [device]: Added new method addClusterServerFromList
  • [device]: Added ModeSelectClusterServer (only for testing)
  • [matterbridge]: Added fabric info in the log on startup
  • [matterbridge]: Added vendorId for Alexa
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[1.2.16] - 2024-05-15


  • [matter.js]: Update to @project-chip/matter-node.js v. 0.9.0


  • [frontend]: Frontend updated to 1.0.0.
  • [frontend]: Added check version interval.
  • [frontend]: Added help and version information icons for plugins.
  • [frontend]: Added version information for Matterbridge (Click on the version badge).
  • [frontend]: Added help badge for Matterbridge.
  • [frontend]: Added version information badge for Matterbridge.
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[1.2.15] - 2024-05-14


  • [frontend]: Added sponsor link in Header.
  • [frontend]: Added sponsor link in the plugin list.


  • [frontend]: Fixed the case when the latest version of Matterbridge or a plugin is not available.
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[1.2.14] - 2024-05-09


  • [frontend]: Frontend updated to 0.9.0.
  • [frontend]: Added Plugin config editor
  • [frontend]: Added tool column to registered plugins with QRCode, Config, Remove and Enable/Disable
  • [frontend]: Removed Shutdown button when Matterbridge runs as a service or with docker
  • [frontend]: Added Error state to registered plugins
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[1.2.13] - 2024-05-05


  • [frontend]: Added plugin version check (you can update from the badge)
  • [frontend]: Added tooltip to plugin name showing plugin path
  • [matterbridge]: The plugin config file is no more saved on shutdown.
  • [matterbridge]: Added plugin version check
  • [frontend]: When you install a plugin now it is also added
  • [frontend]: Added current and latest release to the badge in the Header section (you can update from the badge)
  • [docker]: Added the docker image:dev on the docker hub with architectures: linux/amd64, linux/arm64, linux/arm/v7
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[1.2.12] - 2024-04-30


  • [frontend]: Added the device child enpoints to the table in the Devices page
  • [docker]: Added architectures to the docker image on the docker hub: linux/amd64, linux/arm64
  • [frontend]: Frontend updated to 0.8.9.
  • [frontend]: Added error in the logger level on the Settings page.
  • [frontend]: Added unregister all devices in the Settings page. Matterbridge will shutdown to allow unregistering.
  • [frontend]: Added reset in the Settings page. Matterbridge will shutdown to allow the reset.
  • [frontend]: Added factoryreset in the Settings page. Matterbridge will shutdown to allow the factoryreset.
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[1.2.11] - 2024-04-25



  • [matterbridge]: Fixed the case when a plugin throws errors.

New plugin

[1.2.10] - 2024-04-23


  • [extension]: Finalized implementation of zigbee2MQTT internal extension v. 1.0.0.

[1.2.9] - 2024-04-19


  • [Matterbridge]: Added call to set reachability at start.


  • [Matterbridge]: Added call to set reachability at start.
  • [frontend]: Added filter for log level and search criteria in the Logs page.
  • [frontend]: Added colors to the logs in the Home page and in the Logs page.
  • [frontend]: Frontend updated to 0.8.7.


  • [logs]: Fixed wss for some browser that didn't connect to wss.

[1.2.8] - 2024-04-16


  • [matter.js]: Update to @project-chip/matter-node.js v. 0.8.1


  • [frontend]: Added logs in the Home page and in the Log page.
  • [frontend]: Frontend got updated to 0.8.6.
  • [frontend]: Added log for update and plugin install.
  • [extension]: Started implementation of zigbee2MQTT internal extension.


  • [spawn]: Fixed under windows.

[1.2.7] - 2024-04-14


  • [matterbridge]: The default frontend port is now 8283!.
  • [matterbridge.service]: Updated matterbridge.service instructions to fix restart when Matterbridge runs as a daemon with systemctl.


  • [frontend]: Added manual pairing code. Allows to pair Matterbridge without using the phone.
  • [MatterbridgeDevice]: Added api to create child endpoints (see matterbridge-example-dynamic-platform).
  • [MatterbridgeDevice]: Added FlowMeasurement cluster.

[1.2.6] - 2024-04-11


  • [matterbridge]: Added -factoryreset parameter to factory reset Matterbridge (see the for more explanations).
  • [matterbridge]: Added -reset parameter to reset the commissioning of Matterbridge (bridge mode).
  • [matterbridge]: Added -reset [plugin] parameter to reset the commissioning of a plugin (childbridge mode).
  • [matterbridge]: Added -port [port] parameter to set the starting port for the commissioning servers (both bridge and childbridge modes).


  • [matterbridge.service]: Updated matterbridge.service instructions that fix network start issue with systemctl on Linux.


  • [frontend]: Added sudo to the spawned command to execute update and install from frontend (for Linux this may be necessary).
  • [childbridge mode]: Fixed a syncronize issue on the start.

[1.2.5] - 2024-04-08


  • [frontend]: Added update Matterbridge (spawn the command: 'npm -install -g matterbridge'). The console inherit the the spawned process running so you can check.
  • [frontend]: Added install plugin (spawn the command: 'npm -install -g plugin-name'). The console inherit the the spawned process running so you can check.
  • [frontend]: Added shutdown button.
  • [frontend]: Added login with password (default no password). Change the password in the Settings page of frontend.
  • [frontend]: Frontend got updated to 0.8.5.
  • [Matterbridge]: Added configuration and guidelines in the readme to run Matterbridge like a daemon with systemctl on Linux machine.

[1.2.4] - 2024-04-01


  • [matter.js]: Updated the code to matter.js release 0.80.0.


  • [MatterbridgeDevice]: Added DoorLock and Thermostat clusters.

[1.2.3] - 2024-03-28


  • [Matterbridge]: Enable plugin now start the plugin (no need to restart in bridge mode).
  • [Matterbridge]: Disable plugin now shutdown the plugin (no need to restart).

[1.2.2] - 2024-03-26


  • [MatterbridgeDevice]: Added Cluster DoorLock and command handler.

[1.2.1] - 2024-03-25


  • [frontend]: Remove plugin from frontend.
  • [frontend]: Add plugin from frontend.
  • [workflow]: All packages now have a workflow on GitHub.
  • [frontend]: Frontend got updated to 0.8.4.


  • [frontend]: Fixed the restart needed message.
  • [matterbridge]: Fixed the delay of loading from the cli.
  • [matterbridge]: Fixed the count of devices removed.

[1.2.0] - 2024-03-23

Breaking change on plugin default entry point and platform constructor!

  • [plugin default entry point]: export default function initializePlugin(matterbridge: Matterbridge, log: AnsiLogger, config: PlatformConfig)
  • [platform constructor]: constructor(matterbridge: Matterbridge, log: AnsiLogger, config: PlatformConfig)


  • [platform]: Added async loadPluginConfig() and async savePluginConfig() to store plugin config.
  • [platform]: Added: config: PlatformConfig (JSON) property to platforms to store plugin config.


  • [dependencies]: Updated dependencies.

[1.1.11] - 2024-03-19


  • [frontend]: Frontend got updated to 0.8.3.

[1.1.10] - 2024-03-17


  • [matterbridge]: added unregisterAllDevices() to the platforms
  • [matterbridge]: added unregisterDevice(device: MatterbridgeDevice) to the platforms
  • [frontend]: Enable and disable plugin are now available. Restart Matteerbridge after.
  • [frontend]: Frontend got updated to 0.8.2.

[1.1.9] - 2024-03-16


  • [frontend]: Selecting a plugin in the home page show the corresponding QR code.
  • [frontend]: Settings page now controll the global logger level.
  • [frontend]: Restart from the header is available.
  • [frontend]: Frontend got updated to 0.8.1.

[1.1.8] - 2024-03-15


  • [cli]: Resolve the plugin name from absolute or relative path or from globally installed modules (see the help).
  • [frontend]: Added some fancy stuff still not visible.


  • [install]: Fixed the error caused when the controllers disconnect and connect again.

[1.1.7] - 2024-03-14


[1.1.6] - 2024-03-14


  • [async]: Plugins are loaded started configured fully asyncronously.
  • [frontend]: Added configured button.

[1.1.5] - 2024-03-12


  • [debug]: Added public property enableDebug to Matterbridge.
  • [debug]: Added parameter -debug to the command line.


  • [plugin]: Fixed the plugin.paired and plugin.commissioned in bridge mode.
  • [routes]: Fixed the plugin devices route.
  • [bridge]: Fixed the BasicInformationCluster in bridge mode.

[1.1.4] - 2024-03-10


  • [cli]: Updated the loading from cli.

[1.1.3] - 2024-03-10


  • [onMatterStarted]: onMatterStarted() is called after matter server started.
  • [onConfigure]: onConfigure() is called after the platform controller is commissioned.


  • [dependencies]: Updated dependencies.


  • [Plugin route]: Fixed the plugin device route in frontend.

[1.1.2] - 2024-03-08


  • [async]: All code is asyncronous where it makes sense.
  • [JSDoc]: Added JSDoc to the code.


  • [event]: Removed all event code.