Below is a summary of the changes since version 8.0b1 of MATPOWER. See the
file for all the gory details. For release notes for
previous versions, see Appendix H of the MATPOWER User's Manual.
MP-Opt-Model 4.2 adds support for:
- Memory savings via optional use of transpose of linear constraint matrix.
- Display of solved model solution.
- MATLAB Optimization Toolbox 9.5 and later (MATLAB R2023a and later).
For details, see the release notes for MP-Opt-Model 4.2 (also in Appendix C in the MP-Opt-Model User's Manual).
MOST 1.3 improves speed and memory usage on certain problems. For details, see the release notes for MOST 1.3 (also in Appendix B in the MOST User's Manual).
SimulinkMATPOWER, included in MATPOWER Extras, enables the use of MATPOWER from MATLAB's Simulink® environment. Thanks to Lukas Ortmann.
- Two new Swedish distribution system cases. Thanks to Gabriel Malmer.
-- 533-bus case, DSO Kraftringen, low net-load scenariocase533mt_hi
-- 533-bus case, DSO Kraftringen, high net-load scenario
- MATPOWER Documentation site -- new documentation website with MATPOWER manuals, reference docs, and how-to guides
- MATPOWER Reference Manual -- reference for MATPOWER functions and classes, especially those in the new MP-Core and MATPOWER flexible framework
- New option to
to replace withNaN
any columns corresponding to "bridge" branches which, if removed, result in islands. Thanks to Liangyu Zhang. - Update versions of included packages:
- MIPS 1.5.1
- MP-Opt-Model 4.2
- MOST 1.3
- MP-Test 8.0
- Fix bug #210 where radial power flow methods resulted in numerical error with multiple generators at a bus. Thanks to Mirko Todorovski.
- Fix bug #223, fatal error in
for cases with dispatchable loads. Thanks to Ali Jahanbani. - Fix crash in
under MATLAB R2016a and earlier. - Delete extra (duplicate) row in