Repository with Android Studio projects for native Apps with Java.
see also:
- Repos with tag android
- Repos with tag android & github-actions
- Repos with tag ma1 or ma2
Name | Repo URL | Description |
AbkVerz |
Link | App to demonstrate integration of SQLite database without Room |
AbkVerzMitRoom |
Link | App to demonstrate 1:n relationships when using Room |
ActivityLifecycleDemo |
Link | App to demonstrate lifecycle methods of an activity |
AnyChartDemo |
Link | Private repo; demo for charting library AnyChart |
BootstrapAppInWebView |
Link | HTML-Seite mit Bootstrap+JavaScript (Pangramm-Checker) wird im WebView-Element dargestellt |
BroadcastReceiver |
Link | App shows a toast if particular broadcast intents are received, e.g. "Battery Low". |
ButtonEventHandlerMoeglichkeiten |
Link | Different ways to implement a button event handler; also demo for GH Actions |
CustomView |
Link | Custom view for showing a bar chart |
DatumsDifferenz |
Link | App with DatePicker element, event handling to be added as exercise |
DisplayAnpassungen |
Link | App that adapts itself to different display resolutions |
EigenerImpliziterIntent |
Link | Repository contains two apps: one for sending a custom intent, and the other one for receiving it |
Fragmente |
Link | App to demonstrate using fragments on UI |
GlossarListView |
Link | App showing how to use a ListView |
HalloDHBW |
Link | Basic "Hello World!" app, just displays a static text |
HalloName |
Link | App demonstrating dialogs and toasts |
Handzaehler |
Link | Simple Tally Counter as example for event handler for buttons |
HiFiMockupMitNavigationDrawer |
Link | App mit Navigation Drawer, zeigt statische Diagramme an |
ImpliziteIntents |
Link | App demonstrating how to dispatch several implicit intents to start other apps |
IntentCallback |
Link | App in which callback method for explicit intents is to be implemented |
KilometerUmrechnung |
Link | App to demonstrate Unit Tests and Espresso Tests |
LangeBerechnungMitFortschrittsanzeige |
Link | Example for running long tasks in background thread with progress indicator |
LanglaufendeOperationen |
Link | Example for running long tasks in background thread |
LayoutWahlZurLaufzeit |
Link | Layout file to be loaded determined during runtime |
Lernkarten |
Link | Example for using Room |
LinearLayoutDemos |
Link | App demonstrating selected aspects of the LinearLayout |
Mail4Myself |
Link | Private repo |
NicknameGenerator |
Link | Demo how to display results of SQL query in RecyclerView |
PegSolitaire |
Link | Board game "Peg Solitaire" |
RomanHelden |
Link | Namensgenerator für Romanfiguren, demonstriert Verwendung von PreferencesScreen |
RessourcenDemo |
Link | Different types of resources |
RestClientDemo |
Link | App can call three different REST-APIs (two return JSON, the other an image) |
RuntimePermissions |
Link | Demo for runtime permissions |
Schimpfmeister |
Link | Android-port of Schimpfolino, demo for ActionBar; Repo with variant for app store |
VektorGrafiken |
Link | Vector graphics (SVG format) in Android app |
Verkehrszaehler |
Link | Simple traffic counter app to demonstrate usage of SQLite in Android |
WebViewDemo |
Link | Displaying external web pages in WebView element |
WeitereUiElemente |
Link | Demo for the following UI elements: Toggle Button, ProgressBar, RadioButton, CheckBox, SeekBar |
Wuerfel_Fehlersuche |
Link | App simulating a simple dice, but to run it the error has to be fixed |
ZweiActivites |
Link | Interaction between two activities with explicit intents |