List of all my GitHub repositories with example Ionic apps.
see also:
- Repos with tag ionic
- Repos with tag ionic & github-actions
Since we use Ionic with Angular, and Angular uses TypeScript, there is also a preparatory exercise for TypeScript: Palindrom Checker
Name | Repo URL | Description |
AbkVerz |
Link | Example for storing data with ionic storage |
AlertDemo |
Link | Demo for different dialogs |
CanvasDemo |
Link | Drawing geometric shapes on a virtual canvas |
ChartDemo |
Link | Using Chart.js with Ionic |
Datumsberechnung |
Link | Calculate number of days between two days or add/substract number of days from a date |
Farbwahl |
Link | Demo for UI component ion-range (Slider) |
GeografischeEntfernung |
Link | Demo for getting current GPS location |
HalloName |
Link | Introductory example with event handler for button |
IataCodes |
Link | App to query IATA codes for airlines & airports to demonstrate automatic tests |
InfiniteDoom |
Link | App that show randomly generated bad news headlines in an infinite scroll component |
InformatikerSprueche |
Link | Demo for translation of UI texts (i18n) |
KfzKennzeichen |
Link | Query county/city codes of car number plates in Germany |
KilometerUmrechnung |
Link | Transition to another page |
KitchenTimer |
Link | Kitchen timer app to demonstrate usage of plugin for local notifications |
ListenDemo |
Link | Presenting lists in an Ionic app |
Lottozahlen |
Link | App to be deployed as Progressive Web App (PWA) |
MenueDemo |
Link | "Hamburger Menu" for navigation in app |
NotifikationenDemo |
Link | Demo für Firebase Cloud Messaging |
PegSolitaire |
Link | Board game Peg Solitaire with Grid Layout |
PipeDemo |
Link | App for Angular pipes |
PluginDemo |
Link | App showing how to use several Capacitor plugins |
ReorderDemo |
Link | Demo for Ionic's Reorder element |
StringVergleich |
Link | App to compare the length of two strings entered by user, to be completed as exercise |
TierheimTiere |
Link | App showing how to use tabs |
WebSocketDemo |
Link | WebSocket/STOMP-Client for this WebSocket/STOMP-Server |
WeitereUiKomponenten |
Link | Demo for several UI elements provided by Ionic |
Wuerfel |
Link | Dice app which fetches real random data from a Web-API |