This repostitory accompanies the following paper published at CP23:
Bleukx, Ignace, et al. "Simplifying Step-wise Explanation Sequences." 29th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP 2023). Schloss Dagstuhl-Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, 2023.
And provides algorithms to generate and post-process step-wise explanations sequences. An explanation sequence explains a target set of literals by propagating small subsets of constraints. Each step in such a sequence takes as input literals derived in previous steps, and the constraints to be propagated. The output of a step is a new set of literals.
The repository is organised as follows:
├── algorithms
| ├── # Algorithms for post-processing sequences
| ├── # Datastructures used in algorithms and propagators
| ├── # Algorithms for sequence construction
| ├── # Algorithms for (fully) propagating constraints
| ├── # Algortihms for finding unsatisfiable subsets of constraints
| ├── debug # Unsatisfiable CSP's by introducing a modelling mistake in a CSP
| ├── jobshop # Jobshop-instances based on Trailmark
| ├── sudoku # Unsatisfiable Sudoku instances based on QQWING tool
├── tests # Unit tests to test all implemented algorithms
By creating and post-processing sequences with algorithms in the following order, resulting sequences will satisfy desirable properties such as Atomicity, Sparsity, Pertinence and Non-redundancy. More information about these properties can be found in the paper.
- Greedy construct
- Deletion-based filtering
- Relaxation-based filtering
To use this repository, you need the following packages:
- CPMpy: a constraint modelling languages in which all of the algorithms are implemented
- Exact: a ILP-like solver which provides statefull propagation. This allows for efficient repeated propagation of (sets of) constraints.
pip install cpmpy exact