The 1.6 release is scheduled for early July.
- The methods
are now deprecated. We will remove them in the next minor version release (expected to be 1.7).
- Filter the list of URIs when creating a privacy group.
Resolves NodePropagatingToAllPeers
error that was occuring when creating privacy groups with a
PostgreSQL database.
- Added option to move Orion peer table to persistent storage to support high availability configurations #332
- Added environment variables to support Orion deployment #332
- Using
makes privacy group ID calculation inconsistent #OR-357
Workaround - Do not use alwayssendto
- Add endpoint to retrieve the privacy group details and members for a given privacyGroupId #307
- Client connection endpoint can be configured to accept TLS connections #319
- Generate docker image of Orion #304
- Using
makes privacy group ID calculation inconsistent #OR-357
Workaround - Do not use alwayssendto
- From v1.4, Orion requires Java 11. Orion on Java 8 is no longer supported.
- Added Oracle DB support #284
- Added PostgreSQL DB support #276
- Documentation updates include:
- Added content on configuring Oracle and PostgreSQL databases
- Added content on generating certificates using OpenSSL
- Add license report to distribution packages #293
- Include database ddl files in orion distribution #292
- Include Oracle JDBC driver in package #291
- Default to empty name and description for new privacy groups #289
- Random prefix storage fix #288
- Make everything final #285
- Fix spotless problems in AT/OrionFactory #280
- Create acceptanceTests for multi-key per node usage #279
- Fix PermTrustOption setup #278
Stability improvements and bug fixes
- Documentation updates include:
- Added content on privacy groups
- Added TLS content
- Updated Client API reference to include privacy group methods
- Check if legacy group already exists on send #269
- Updating CircleCI jobs to Java 11 #267
- Null checks name and description of privacy group, and associated test #265 (thanks to josh-richardson)
- Always return empty list when privacy group id doesn't exist #264
- Adding error msg on /receive #263
- Avoid Orion node calling itself for discovery through listening interface #261
- Upgrade Jackson #258
- Change CreatePrivacyGroup and FindPrivacyGroup to return the same type #257 (thanks to josh-richardson)
- Change generatePrivacyGroupId to generate hash based on random seed #256 (thanks to josh-richardson)
- Rename privacyGroupId API to createPrivacyGroupId #251 (thanks to Puneetha17)
- Improve error message when privacy group not found in /send #249 (thanks to Puneetha17)
- Add findPrivacyGroup endpoint #247 (thanks to Puneetha17)
- Rethrow the Exception in SendHandler #244 (thanks to Puneetha17)
- Rethrow the Exception in SendHandler after getting privacy group. #243 (thanks to Puneetha17)
- Publish source and javadoc to bintray #242
- Upgrade bintray plugin #241
- Support building on JDK 11 and 12 #240
- Keep the generation of privacy group consistent. #239 (thanks to Puneetha17)
- Propagate the delete privacy group changes to all peers #238 (thanks to Puneetha17)
- Push the created privacy group to all the recipients #237 (thanks to Puneetha17)
- Add delete group API in Orion #236 (thanks to Puneetha17)
- Enable send API to accept privacy group Id #235 (thanks to Puneetha17)
- Updating Vertx and Jackson dependencies #233
- Add endpoint to retrieve privacyGroupId from the given list of addresses #227 (thanks to Puneetha17)