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Return the preorder, inorder, or postorder traversal of a binary tree root.

Binary Tree Inorder Traversal

def inorderTraversal(root):
    return [x.val for x in dfs(root)]

Binary Tree Preorder Traversal

def preorderTraversal(root):
    return [x.val for x in dfs(root, 'preorder')]

Binary Tree Postorder Traversal

def postorderTraversal(root):
    return [x.val for x in dfs(root, 'postorder')]

Two Sum IV - Input Is a BST

def findTarget(root, k):
    nums = [x.val for x in dfs(root)]
    if len(nums) >= 2:
        enum = dict()
        for i, x in enumerate(nums):
            if x in enum:
                return True
                enum[k - x] = i
    return False

All Elements in Two Binary Search Trees

import itertools

def getAllElements(root1, root2):
    reverse_inorder = lambda x: [y.val for y in dfs(x)][::-1]
    lists = [[], reverse_inorder(root1), reverse_inorder(root2)]
    while lists[1] and lists[2]:
        lists[0] += [sorted(lists[1:], key = lambda z: z[-1])[0].pop()]
    return itertools.chain(*lists)

Apply the function func(x, L, R) to a tree binary tree node root where x is the root, L is the output of func applied to root.left', and R is the output of func applied to root.right. Set the base case to func(x = None) = base.

Maximum Depth of Binary Tree

def maxDepth(root):
    return memoize(root, 0, lambda x, L, R: max(L, R) + 1)

Balanced Binary Tree

def isBalanced(root):
    depth = memoize(root, 0, lambda x, L, R: max(L, R) + 1, True)
    return memoize(root, True,
        lambda x, L, R: all([abs(depth[x.left] - depth[x.right]) <= 1, L, R])

Minimum Depth of Binary Tree

def minDepth(root):
    return memoize(root, 0, lambda x, L, R: (L or R) + 1)

Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum

def maxPathSum(root):
    return max(memoize(root, [-float('inf'), -float('inf')],
        lambda x, L, R: [x.val + max(L[0], R[0], 0),
            max(L + R + [x.val + L[0] + R[0]])

Sum Root to Leaf Numbers

def sumNumbers(root):
    return memoize(root, 0, lambda x, L, R: x.val + (L + R)*10)

Binary Tree Paths

def binaryTreePaths(root):
    concatenate = lambda x, value: [str(x.val) + '->' + y for y in value]
    return memoize(root, [],
        lambda x, L, R: [str(x.val)]
            if x.left == x.right == None
            else concatenate(x, L) + concatenate(x, R)

House Robber III

def rob(root):
    return max(memoize(root, (0, 0),
        lambda x, L, R: (L[1] + R[1] + x.val, max(L) + max(R))

Sum of Left Leaves

def sumOfLeftLeaves(root):

    def func(x, L, R):
        s = R
        if x.left:
            if x.left.left == x.left.right == None:
                s += x.left.val
                s += L
        return s

    return memoize(root, 0, func)

Most Frequent Subtree Sum

import statistics

def findFrequentTreeSum(root):
    subtree_sum = memoize(root, 0, lambda x, L, R: x.val + L + R, True)
    del subtree_sum[None]
    return statistics.multimode(subtree_sum.values())

Diameter of Binary Tree

def diameterOfBinaryTree(root):
    depth = memoize(root, 0, lambda x, L, R: max(L, R) + 1, True)
    return memoize(root, 0,
        lambda x, L, R: max(depth[x.left] + depth[x.right], L, R)

Binary Tree Tilt

def findTilt(root):
    subtree_sum = memoize(root, 0, lambda x, L, R: x.val + L + R, True)
    return memoize(root, 0,
        lambda x, L, R: abs(subtree_sum[x.left] - subtree_sum[x.right]) + L + R

Construct String from Binary Tree

def tree2str(t):

    def func(x, L, R):
        s = str(x.val)
        if x.left:
            s += parenthesize(L)
            if x.right:
                s += parenthesize(R)
        elif x.right:
            s += '()' + parenthesize(R)
        return s

    parenthesize = lambda y: '(' + y + ')'
    return memoize(t, '()', func) if t else ''

Trim a Binary Search Tree

def trimBST(root, L, R):

    def func(x, _L, _R):
        if x.val < L:
            return _R
        elif x.val > R:
            return _L
        x.left, x.right = _L, _R
        return x

    return memoize(root, None, func)

Second Minimum Node in a Binary Tree

def findSecondMinimumValue(root):

    def func(x, L, R):
        if x.left == x.right == None:
            return -1
        a = x.left.val if x.left.val != x.val else L
        b = x.right.val if x.right.val != x.val else R
        if min(a, b) > -1:
            return min(a, b)
        elif a > -1:
            return a
            return b

    return memoize(root, -1, func)

Longest Univalue Path

def longestUnivaluePath(root):

    def func(root, L, R):
        left_same = is_same(root, root.left)
        right_same = is_same(root, root.right)
        return max((L + R + 2)*left_same*right_same,
            (L + 1)*left_same, (R + 1)*right_same, L, R

    is_same = lambda parent, child: bool(child and child.val == parent.val)
    return memoize(root, 0, func)

Binary Tree Pruning

def pruneTree(root):

    def func(x, L, R):
        x.left, x.right = L, R
        return None if x.val == 0 and x.left == x.right == None else x

    return memoize(root, None, func)

Smallest Subtree with all the Deepest Nodes

def subtreeWithAllDeepest(root):

    def func(x, L, R):
        if L[0] > R[0]:
            return L[0] + 1, L[1]
        elif L[0] < R[0]:
            return R[0] + 1, R[1]
            return L[0] + 1, x

    return memoize(root, (0, None), func)[1]

Range Sum of BST

def rangeSumBST(root, L, R):

    def func(x, _L, _R):
        if x.val < L:
            return _R
        elif x.val > R:
            return _L
            return x.val + _L + _R

    return memoize(root, 0, func)

Univalued Binary Tree

def isUnivalTree(root):
    return memoize(root, True, lambda x, L, R: all([x.val == root.val, L, R]))

Lowest Common Ancestor of Deepest Leaves

def lcaDeepestLeaves(root):

    def func(x, L, R):
        if L[0] > R[0]:
            return L[0] + 1, L[1]
        elif L[0] < R[0]:
            return R[0] + 1, R[1]
            return L[0] + 1, x

    return memoize(root, (0, None), func)[1]
def sumEvenGrandparent(root):

    def sum_grandchildren(x, L, R):
        s = 0
        if x.left:
            if x.left.left:
                s += x.left.left.val
            if x.left.right:
                s += x.left.right.val
        if x.right:
            if x.right.left:
                s += x.right.left.val
            if x.right.right:
                s += x.right.right.val
        return s
    sum_memo = memoize(root, None, sum_grandchildren, True)
    del sum_memo[None]
    return sum(sum_memo[y] for y in sum_memo if y.val%2 == 0)
def removeLeafNodes(root):

    def func(x, L, R):
        if x.left:
            x.left = L
        if x.right:
            x.right = R
        return None if x.left == x.right and x.val == target else x

    return memoize(root, None, func)

Maximum Product of Splitted Binary Tree

def maxProduct(root):
    subtree_sum = memoize(root, 0, lambda x, L, R: x.val + L + R, True)
    return max((y*(subtree_sum[root] - y))
        for y in subtree_sum.values()
    ) % (10**9 + 7)
def longestZigZag(root):
    return memoize(root, (-1, -1, -1),
        lambda x, L, R: (L[1] + 1,
            R[0] + 1,
            max(L[1] + 1, R[0] + 1, L[2], R[2])

Return the level-order traversal of a binary tree root, row by row.

Binary Tree Level Order Traversal

def levelOrder(root):
    return [[y.val for y in x] for x in level_order(root)]

Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal

def zigzagLevelOrder(root):
    visited = [[y.val for y in x] for x in level_order(root)]
    for i in range(1, len(visited), 2):
    return visited

Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II

def levelOrderBottom(root):
    [[y.val for y in x] for x in level_order(root)[::-1]]

Binary Tree Right Side View

def rightSideView(root):
    return [x[-1].val for x in level_order(root)]

Find Bottom Left Tree Value

def findBottomLeftValue(root):
    return level_order(root)[-1][0].val

Find Largest Value in Each Tree Row

def largestValues(root):
    return [max(y.val for y in x) for x in level_order(root)]

Average of Levels in Binary Tree

import statistics

def averageOfLevels(root):
    return [statistics.mean(y.val for y in x) for x in level_order(root)]

Deepest Leaves Sum

def deepestLeavesSum(root):
    return sum(x.val for x in level_order(root)[-1])