9.0.9 (2023-01-20)
Fixed bugs:
- Android ListenableWorker MvxSetupSingleton.EnsureInitialized() crashes with InvalidOperationException #4555
- Fix CreateViewsContainer getting Application Context from Top Activity #4556 (Cheesebaron)
Closed issues:
- Upgrade to 8.0.2 causes "You cannot create more than one instance of MvxSingleton" exception on startup of iOS instance #4327
Merged pull requests:
- Fix for closing and re-opening non-fullscreen modals on iOS fast not working correctly #4554 (Digifais)
9.0.8 (2023-01-16)
Fixed bugs:
- Fix Fragments not loading ViewModel after App killed in background #4550 (Cheesebaron)
Merged pull requests:
9.0.7 (2023-01-13)
Breaking changes:
- Switch from IntPtr to NativeHandle #4545 (Cheesebaron)
Fixed bugs:
- Fix crash when App gets rehydrated #4547 (Cheesebaron)
9.0.6 (2023-01-12)
Fixed bugs:
- Fix nullable warnings with a lot of Mvx.IoCProvider usages #4543 (Cheesebaron)
Merged pull requests:
- Bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 17.4.0 to 17.4.1 #4535 (dependabot[bot])
9.0.5 (2023-01-09)
Fixed bugs:
- Embedded fragment is not displaying on Android #4353
- Enable nullable attributes on MvxFragmentAdapter and MvxFragmentExtensions #4542 (Cheesebaron)
Merged pull requests:
- Bump Microsoft.WindowsAppSDK from 1.2.221116.1 to 1.2.221209.1 #4540 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump Moq from 4.18.2 to 4.18.4 #4533 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump SonarAnalyzer.CSharp from to #4530 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump Newtonsoft.Json from 13.0.1 to 13.0.2 #4523 (dependabot[bot])
- Added an MvxSplitViewController constructor with UISplitViewControllerStyle argument #4400 (entdark)
- Embedded fragment is not displaying on Android #4354 (prin53)
9.0.4 (2023-01-06)
Fixed bugs:
- MvvmCross 9.0.2 throws InvalidOperationException when calling MvxSetupSingleton.EnsureInitialized() #4534 (pwojtysiak)
Merged pull requests:
- gh-4532 fix invalidoperationexception in MvxIntentService and MvxFragment #4539 (Cheesebaron)
- Remove MSBuild.SDK.Extras #4538 (Cheesebaron)
- Bump Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.NetAnalyzers from 6.0.0 to 7.0.0 #4537 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Basement from to #4536 (dependabot[bot])
9.0.3 (2023-01-04)
Fixed bugs:
- IMvxAndroidCurrentTopActivity: returns last seen activity if no activity exists #4505
- Fix issue where Android App would not start after exiting with back button #4534 (Cheesebaron)
Merged pull requests:
- Bump Microsoft.WindowsAppSDK from 1.2.221109.1 to 1.2.221116.1 #4521 (dependabot[bot])
- Fix MvxAppCompatAutoCompleteTextView ItemClick being subscribed to twice #4508 (Digifais)
- Fix: MvxCurrentTopActivity.Activity returns last seen activity if no activity exists #4506 (evgenyvalavin)
9.0.2 (2022-11-12)
- Bump Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions from 6.0.1 to 6.0.2 by @dependabot in MvvmCross#4483
- Fix MvxAppCompatAutoCompleteTextView ItemClick being subscribed to twice by @Digifais in MvvmCross#4508
- Bump SonarAnalyzer.CSharp from to by @dependabot in MvvmCross#4512
- Bump Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions from 6.0.2 to 7.0.0 by @dependabot in MvvmCross#4513
- Bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 17.3.1 to 17.4.0 by @dependabot in MvvmCross#4511
- Add supported os versions by @Cheesebaron in MvvmCross#4517
- Fix "blocker" sonarcube warnings by @Cheesebaron in MvvmCross#4475
Full Changelog: https://github.com/MvvmCross/MvvmCross/compare/9.0.1...9.0.2
9.0.1 (2022-09-10)
Fixed bugs:
Merged pull requests:
- Bump Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat.AppCompatResources from to 1.5.0 #4479 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Location from to 120.0.0 #4477 (dependabot[bot])
9.0.0 (2022-09-10)
Breaking changes:
- Remove broken Navigate methods that pass back data when calling Close #4262
- Add .NET 6.0 Support #4319 (Cheesebaron)
- Remove broken TResult ViewModel and in navigation service #4312 (Cheesebaron)
Implemented enhancements:
- Added support for floating point values in Android Margin bindings #4387 (entdark)
- Sticky Messages #4207 (Hackmodford)
Fixed bugs:
- An application crash due to duplicates in 'ViewAssemblies' collection #4295
- Crash on iOS when utilizing Custom modal presentation #4294
- Throw ThreadCanceledException when using IMvxNavigationService.Navigate in IMvxNavigationService.Navigate<..., TResult>() #4261
- wpf AppStart - first view not shown #4221
- Inconsistent 'TResult' type parameter constraints #4206
- Fixed never re laying out the view when Margin bound value changes on Android #4388 (entdark)
- Use string key in dictionary instead on not uniquie hash code #4341 (ivmazurenko)
- Remove constraints on IMvxViewModel TParameter and TResult #4299 (Cheesebaron)
- Bugfix - iOS - Crash on Custom Modal's #4293 (justinwojo)
- Only warn about lollipop Shared element transition if using Interface #4292 (Cheesebaron)
- Fix wpf default presentation #4291 (Cheesebaron)
- Fix Android Top Activity #4290 (Cheesebaron)
- Fix appcompat searchview query targetbinding not registered #4231 (Cheesebaron)
- Fix navigate with TParameter and TResult resulting in crash #4230 (Cheesebaron)
- Fix potential null ref in MvxColorValueConverter #4229 (Cheesebaron)
- Fix resolving of IMvxTextProvider #4209 (2urbo)
Closed issues:
- Update to iOS 15 Preventing Table Cells from Being Reused #4330
Merged pull requests:
- Bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 17.1.0 to 17.3.1 #4465 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.Build.Download from 0.11.2 to 0.11.3 #4463 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump Moq from 4.18.1 to 4.18.2 #4461 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump SonarAnalyzer.CSharp from to #4460 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.LiveData from to 2.5.0 #4448 (dependabot[bot])
- Update Directory.Packages.props #4429 (Cheesebaron)
- Bump AppCompat packages together #4428 (Cheesebaron)
- Bump Xamarin.AndroidX.MediaRouter from to #4427 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.Build.Download from 0.11.0 to 0.11.2 #4425 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump AsyncFixer from 1.5.1 to 1.6.0 #4424 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump Moq from 4.16.1 to 4.18.1 #4423 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump Serilog from 2.10.0 to 2.11.0 #4422 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump xunit.runner.visualstudio from 2.4.3 to 2.4.5 #4421 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump Microsoft.CodeAnalysis from 4.1.0 to 4.2.0 #4420 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump Roslynator.Analyzers from 4.0.2 to 4.1.1 #4417 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Location from to #4416 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.AndroidX.ViewPager from to #4413 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.AndroidX.CardView from to #4412 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions from 5.0.0 to 6.0.1 #4390 (dependabot[bot])
- Switch base type of TargetType property of generic MvxAndroidTargetBinding #4386 (ivmazurenko)
- Bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 17.0.0 to 17.1.0 #4377 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump SonarAnalyzer.CSharp from to #4375 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump Roslynator.Analyzers from 3.2.2 to 4.0.2 #4366 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump Microsoft.CodeAnalysis from 3.11.0 to 4.1.0 #4365 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump MSBuild.Sdk.Extras from 3.0.38 to 3.0.44 #4363 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.Build.Download from 0.10.0 to 0.11.0 #4362 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump SonarAnalyzer.CSharp from to #4357 (dependabot[bot])
- Enable the Visual Studio fast up-to-date check #4346 (drewnoakes)
- Fix broken Playground.Mac build #4333 (yannleprovost)
- Bump Microsoft.SourceLink.GitHub from 1.0.0 to 1.1.1 #4323 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.NetAnalyzers from 5.0.3 to 6.0.0 #4318 (dependabot[bot])
- Added Win UI 3 support #4316 (dahovey)
- Bump XunitXml.TestLogger from 3.0.66 to 3.0.70 #4314 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 16.10.0 to 17.0.0 #4309 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.LiveData from 2.3.1 to #4307 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump Microsoft.CodeAnalysis from 3.10.0 to 3.11.0 #4306 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump Microsoft.NETCore.UniversalWindowsPlatform from 6.2.12 to 6.2.13 #4305 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump SonarAnalyzer.CSharp from to #4304 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.AndroidX.Leanback from to #4303 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump MSBuild.Sdk.Extras from 3.0.23 to 3.0.38 #4301 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump Roslynator.Analyzers from 3.2.0 to 3.2.2 #4300 (dependabot[bot])
- Update AndroidX packages #4298 (Cheesebaron)
- Android can call RegisterSetupType twice, add guard #4297 (Cheesebaron)
- Update Tabbar.axml and Toolbar.axml classes #4287 (ChristosMylonas)
- Bump SonarAnalyzer.CSharp from to #4224 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.Google.Android.Material from to 1.4.0 #4222 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.AndroidX.Leanback from to #4219 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Basement from 117.6.0 to #4218 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment from 1.3.4 to 1.3.5 #4213 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump SonarAnalyzer.CSharp from to #4212 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.AndroidX.MediaRouter from 1.2.3 to 1.2.4 #4211 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump Roslynator.Analyzers from 3.1.0 to 3.2.0 #4198 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump Microsoft.CodeAnalysis from 3.9.0 to 3.10.0 #4197 (dependabot[bot])
8.0.2 (2021-07-25)
Implemented enhancements:
- Sticky Messages #4207 (Hackmodford)
Fixed bugs:
- Navigation with param and result crash on back navigation #4226
- Localization feature doesn't work #4208
- Color plugin breaks WPF designer with NullReferenceException #4144
- Fix appcompat searchview query targetbinding not registered #4231 (Cheesebaron)
- Fix navigate with TParameter and TResult resulting in crash #4230 (Cheesebaron)
- Fix potential null ref in MvxColorValueConverter #4229 (Cheesebaron)
- Fix resolving of IMvxTextProvider #4209 (2urbo)
Closed issues:
- Undocumented MvxApplication<TMvxUapSetup, TApplication> changes #4199
Merged pull requests:
- Bump SonarAnalyzer.CSharp from to #4224 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.Google.Android.Material from to 1.4.0 #4222 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.AndroidX.Leanback from to #4219 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Basement from 117.6.0 to #4218 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment from 1.3.4 to 1.3.5 #4213 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump SonarAnalyzer.CSharp from to #4212 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.AndroidX.MediaRouter from 1.2.3 to 1.2.4 #4211 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump Roslynator.Analyzers from 3.1.0 to 3.2.0 #4198 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump Microsoft.CodeAnalysis from 3.9.0 to 3.10.0 #4197 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.AndroidX.Leanback from to #4191 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView from 1.2.0 to 1.2.1 #4190 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump nokogiri from 1.10.10 to 1.11.7 in /docs #4189 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump rexml from 3.2.4 to 3.2.5 in /docs #4188 (dependabot[bot])
8.0.0 (2021-06-11)
Breaking changes:
- Switch to Microsoft.Logging.Abstractions #4141 (Cheesebaron)
- Add more nullable attributes #4078 (Cheesebaron)
- Warnings cleanup (+semver: breaking) #3967 (Cheesebaron)
Implemented enhancements:
- PresentationStyle for MvxModalPresentationAttribute for iOS devices on Xamarin Forms #3973 (patrick11994)
Fixed bugs:
- PreferenceFragment target bindings missing after migration to AndroidX #4094
- Fragment with Tag-Property of MvxFragmentPresentation-Attribute not found using FindFragmentByTag #3999
- Respect Tag in attribute when set #4187 (Cheesebaron)
- Add back preferences related bindings and helpers #4186 (Cheesebaron)
- Fix null ref in mvxmessenger using logger #4074 (Cheesebaron)
- Fix exception disposing weakevent on disposed source #4073 (Cheesebaron)
- Correct ios freezing when take photo. #4033 (PierreYvesBl)
- Fix crash when trying to close plain iOS popover #4001 (Hackmodford)
- Fix numberOfItemsInSection not implemented warning in MvxBaseCollectionViewSource #3981 (Cheesebaron)
- Fix for Forms Modal Back Navigation #3914 #3976 (patrick11994)
- Change ViewModel Parameters and Result constraints from class to notnull #3970 (Cheesebaron)
Closed issues:
- ViewModel Constructor Dependency Injection with a base ViewModel when upgrading from 6.3.1 to 7.1.2 #4183
- Warning GC27A339F: method 'collectionView:numberOfItemsInSection:' in protocol 'UICollectionViewDataSource' #3979
Merged pull requests:
- Bump Xamarin.AndroidX.Leanback from to #4191 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView from 1.2.0 to 1.2.1 #4190 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump nokogiri from 1.10.10 to 1.11.7 in /docs #4189 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump rexml from 3.2.4 to 3.2.5 in /docs #4188 (dependabot[bot])
- Logging cleanup #4185 (Cheesebaron)
- Initialize logging as early as possible #4184 (Cheesebaron)
- Bump SonarAnalyzer.CSharp from to #4182 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment from 1.3.3 to 1.3.4 #4181 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat.AppCompatResources from to 1.3.0 #4180 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat from to 1.3.0 #4179 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 16.9.4 to 16.10.0 #4178 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.AndroidX.MediaRouter from to 1.2.3 #4177 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump SonarAnalyzer.CSharp from to #4176 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.LiveData from to 2.3.1 #4170 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.AndroidX.Leanback from to #4168 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump SonarAnalyzer.CSharp from to #4167 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Location from 117.1.0 to 118.0.0 #4166 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment from to 1.3.3 #4165 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Microsoft.CodeAnalysis from 3.8.0 to 3.9.0 #4164 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Upgrade to GitHub-native Dependabot #4163 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump XunitXml.TestLogger from 3.0.62 to 3.0.66 #4159 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.AndroidX.ExifInterface from to #4158 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Moq from 4.16.0 to 4.16.1 #4157 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 16.8.3 to 16.9.4 #4155 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump SonarAnalyzer.CSharp from to #4153 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView from to 1.2.0 #4152 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Fix misunderstanding sentence in Value Combiners documentation #4121 (hieuwu)
- Bump packages #4120 (Cheesebaron)
- Bump Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Basement from 117.5.0 to 117.6.0 #4106 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Add caching to pipeline #4098 (Cheesebaron)
- Bump Microsoft.NETCore.UniversalWindowsPlatform from 6.2.11 to 6.2.12 #4086 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment from to #4085 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump SonarAnalyzer.CSharp from to #4084 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump XunitXml.TestLogger from 2.1.45 to 3.0.62 #4082 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Test improvement #4081 (epsmae)
- Bump Roslynator.Analyzers from 3.0.0 to 3.1.0 #4079 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.AndroidX.MediaRouter from to 1.2.1 #4076 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Add More Nullable Attributes #4075 (Cheesebaron)
- Bump Xamarin.AndroidX.MediaRouter from to 1.2.1 #4072 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump XunitXml.TestLogger from 2.1.26 to 2.1.45 #4070 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump AsyncFixer from 1.4.1 to 1.5.1 #4069 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Update Getting Started Doc #4068 (Hackmodford)
- Update Custom Data Binding documentation #4067 (Hackmodford)
- Update upgrade-to-mvvmcross-60.md #4064 (igormoiseev)
- Bump SonarAnalyzer.CSharp from to #4061 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump AsyncFixer from 1.4.0 to 1.4.1 #4060 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump AsyncFixer from 1.3.0 to 1.4.0 #4059 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Moq from 4.15.2 to 4.16.0 #4058 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Update Package List Documentation #4055 (Hackmodford)
- Feature/visual studio build improvement #4054 (epsmae)
- Improve MethodBinding Documentation #4052 (Hackmodford)
- fix MvxValueConverter example code in docs #4050 (Hackmodford)
- fix for contributors not appearing in docs #4049 (Hackmodford)
- Update MvxPresentationHint Documentation #4047 (Hackmodford)
- Bump MSBuild.Sdk.Extras from 3.0.22 to 3.0.23 #4044 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.NetAnalyzers from 5.0.1 to 5.0.3 #4042 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Add docs for MvxPopoverPresentationAttribute #4039 (Hackmodford)
- Bump Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Basement from 117.4.0 to 117.5.0 #4038 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.Google.Android.Material from 1.2.1 to #4037 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump deps #4036 (Cheesebaron)
- Nuget manage packages centrally #4035 (Cheesebaron)
- Bump Xamarin.AndroidX.MediaRouter from 1.2.0 to #4030 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.AndroidX.Legacy.Support.V4 from to #4025 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.LiveData from to #4024 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Basement from 117.2.1 to 117.4.0 #4015 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.Google.Android.Material from to 1.2.1 #4013 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.AndroidX.ExifInterface from 1.3.1 to 1.3.2 #4012 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump MSBuild.Sdk.Extras from 2.1.2 to 3.0.22 #4008 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.FxCopAnalyzers from 3.3.1 to 3.3.2 #4006 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 16.8.0 to 16.8.3 #4002 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Moq from 4.15.1 to 4.15.2 #4000 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump SonarAnalyzer.CSharp from to #3998 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Microsoft.NETCore.UniversalWindowsPlatform from 6.2.10 to 6.2.11 #3996 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Microsoft.CodeAnalysis from 3.7.0 to 3.8.0 #3994 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Moq from 4.14.7 to 4.15.1 #3992 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.Google.Android.Material from to #3991 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 16.7.1 to 16.8.0 #3990 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Fix memory leak in MvxMacViewPresenter #3989 (ivmirx)
- Bump Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat from to #3987 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.AndroidX.SwipeRefreshLayout from to 1.1.0 #3986 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.AndroidX.ExifInterface from to 1.3.1 #3985 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.AndroidX.MediaRouter from to 1.2.0 #3984 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.FxCopAnalyzers from 3.3.0 to 3.3.1 #3977 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Xamarin Forms 5.0 Support #3972 (epsmae)
- Bump Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Basement from 117.1.1 to 117.2.1 #3971 (dependabot-preview[bot])
7.1.0 (2020-10-21)
Breaking changes:
- Enable nullable attributes on MvxIosViewPresenter and friends #3961 (Cheesebaron)
- Fix Mac playground and MvxMacViewPresenter #3959 (ivmirx)
- Enable Nullable References on MvxDefaultViewModelLocator #3934 (Cheesebaron)
- Remove Network and File plugins #3932 (Cheesebaron)
- Mark MvxAndroidViewPresenter nullable and fix all the null issues #3916 (Cheesebaron)
- Clean up Android Presenter #3912 (Cheesebaron)
Implemented enhancements:
- Added MvxPopoverPresentationAttribute #3857 (Hackmodford)
Fixed bugs:
- No windows is presented when trying to launch Mac app #3830
- fix for adjusting scrollview insets twice #3950 (Hackmodford)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Bump Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Basement from 71.1620.4 to 117.1.1 #3965 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Moq from 4.14.5 to 4.14.7 #3964 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- CI and project updates #3962 (Cheesebaron)
- Change Slack links to Discord links in the docs #3960 (ivmirx)
- Fix nullable references in Android Presenter #3956 (Cheesebaron)
- Replace deprecated Fragment.Instantiate by FragmentFactory.Instantiate #3953 (Prin53)
- Bump Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.LiveData from to #3944 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.AndroidX.Legacy.Support.V4 from to #3943 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.AndroidX.MediaRouter from to #3940 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Serilog from 2.9.0 to 2.10.0 #3929 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Roslynator.Analyzers from 2.3.0 to 3.0.0 #3928 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Add ability to Add fragment instead of always replacing it #3911 (Cheesebaron)
- Bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 16.7.0 to 16.7.1 #3895 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Move Sonar into own pipeline #3891 (Cheesebaron)
- Centralize NuGet package versions + bump AndroidX packages #3890 (Cheesebaron)
- Bump Xamarin.AndroidX.MediaRouter from to #3886 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.AndroidX.Legacy.Support.V4 from to #3882 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.LiveData from to #3881 (dependabot-preview[bot])
7.0.1 (2020-09-19)
Fixed bugs:
- Revert change to InflateViewForHolder in #3802 #3930 (Cheesebaron)
Merged pull requests:
- Update release 7.0.0 blog post with more type changes #3875 (Cheesebaron)
7.0.0 (2020-08-14)
Breaking changes:
- Remove support for Framework Fragments. Everything now uses AndroidX Fragments! #3750 (Cheesebaron)
- Remove monodroid9.0 TFM and update packages #3741 (martijn00)
- Preliminary Android X support #3709 (Cheesebaron)
- Remove obsolete platform services method #3674 (Strifex)
Implemented enhancements:
- Binding : Binding Set Creation #3693
Fixed bugs:
- MvxIosViewPresenter fails to close all modal ViewControllers #3826
- EXC_BAD_ACCESS on MvxPathSourceStep.ClearPathSourceBinding #3784
- Conflict calls to SaveAsync() in MvxSuspensionManager #3772
- Exception Java.Lang.NoSuchMethodError: no method with name='isDestroyed' occurs on API 16 #3727
- Use dedicated object to acquire lock #3810 (Cheesebaron)
- Fix NoSuchMethodError exception when calling IsDestroyed #3729 (Cheesebaron)
- Fix rethrowing exceptions #3683 (sm-g)
Closed issues:
- Mistake in documentation #3690
Merged pull requests:
- Bump Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.FxCopAnalyzers from 3.0.0 to 3.3.0 #3864 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 16.6.1 to 16.7.0 #3860 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Microsoft.CodeAnalysis from 3.6.0 to 3.7.0 #3859 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump xunit.runner.visualstudio from 2.4.2 to 2.4.3 #3856 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump MSBuild.Sdk.Extras from 2.0.54 to 2.1.2 #3848 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Basement from 71.1620.2 to 71.1620.4 #3843 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Location from 71.1600.1 to 71.1600.4 #3842 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Fix iOS Modal ViewController closing issue #3827 (Gaisuru)
- Fix SonarCube failing PR builds #3823 (Cheesebaron)
- Bump Moq from 4.14.4 to 4.14.5 #3818 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Moq from 4.14.3 to 4.14.4 #3815 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Moq from 4.14.2 to 4.14.3 #3813 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.AndroidX.MediaRouter from 1.1.0 to #3812 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Moq from 4.14.1 to 4.14.2 #3809 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.AndroidX.Preference from 1.1.1 to #3808 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment from 1.2.4 to #3807 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Fix Playground.Forms.Droid sample #3806 (Cheesebaron)
- Bump Xamarin.AndroidX.ViewPager from 1.0.0 to #3800 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.AndroidX.ExifInterface from 1.1.0 to #3799 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView from 1.1.0 to #3798 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.AndroidX.Leanback from 1.0.0 to #3797 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.AndroidX.CardView from 1.0.0 to #3796 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.Google.Android.Material from 1.0.0 to #3795 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.AndroidX.Legacy.Support.V4 from 1.0.0 to #3794 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.AndroidX.SwipeRefreshLayout from 1.0.0 to #3793 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat from 1.1.0 to #3792 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.LiveData from 2.2.0 to #3791 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump xunit.runner.visualstudio from 2.4.1 to 2.4.2 #3788 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump AsyncFixer from 1.1.6 to 1.3.0 #3786 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.LiveData from 2.1.0 to 2.2.0 #3782 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Fix Android Playground after migration to AndroidX #3781 (Cheesebaron)
- Bump Microsoft.CodeAnalysis from 3.5.0 to 3.6.0 #3776 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Location from 71.1600.0 to 71.1600.1 #3771 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Basement from 71.1620.0 to 71.1620.2 #3770 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Moq from 4.14.0 to 4.14.1 #3765 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.FxCopAnalyzers from 2.9.8 to 3.0.0 #3764 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment from 1.2.2 to 1.2.4 #3763 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 16.6.0 to 16.6.1 #3762 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.AndroidX.Preference from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1 #3761 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Moq from 4.13.1 to 4.14.0 #3760 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 16.5.0 to 16.6.0 #3756 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Serilog.Sinks.Xamarin from 0.1.37 to #3755 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Plugin.Permissions from 6.0.0-beta to 6.0.1 #3749 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment from 1.2.2 to 1.2.3 #3744 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment from 1.1.0 to 1.2.2 #3738 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Microsoft.NETCore.UniversalWindowsPlatform from 6.2.9 to 6.2.10 #3737 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Microsoft.CodeAnalysis from 3.4.0 to 3.5.0 #3736 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.Build.Download from 0.9.0 to 0.10.0 #3732 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump SidebarNavigation from 2.0.0 to 2.1.0 #3731 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Modify docs. Typo. #3703 (jz5)
- #3690: Fixed class name #3696 (markuspalme)
- Fix MvxLayoutInflater nullref #3688 (Cheesebaron)
- Update singleton registering sample in the docs #3687 (PoLaKoSz)
- Bump Xamarin.Build.Download from 0.4.11 to 0.8.0 #3681 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Downgrade Xamarin.Build.Download to 0.4.11 as latest has a bug #3679 (Cheesebaron)
6.4.2 (2020-01-03)
Implemented enhancements:
- IMvxAndroidBindingResource singleton refactor #3649
- Added netcoreapp3.1 support #3666 (HaraldMuehlhoffCC)
- Add netcoreapp3.0 support #3596 (mgochmuradov)
Fixed bugs:
- Color Plugin: ColorConverter should not convert null values #3632
- Possible unhandled NRE in IoCResolver #3615
- Running Playground.Wpf crashes with Reflection.TypeLoadException #3588
- WPF View lifetime does not handle app closing #3481
- MvxApplicationCallbacksCurrentTopActivity is lying about current Activity #3455
- Fix loader exception message. #3644 (RayMMond)
- 3615 Check for NRE in MvxIocContainer #3619 (allexks)
- Fix NullReferenceException in MvxAndroidBindingContextHelpers #3610 (Cheesebaron)
- Fix WPF app close view model lifecycle #3591 (MartinZikmund)
- Getting plugin types safely #3590 (MartinZikmund)
Merged pull requests:
- Downgrade Xamarin.Build.Download to 0.4.11 as latest has a bug #3679 (Cheesebaron)
- Small Optimizations for Loading Plugins #3675 (Strifex)
- Mvx bundle optimizations #3667 (Strifex)
- Fix CurrentTopActivity returning null when App in background #3665 (Cheesebaron)
- remove duplicated words from readme #3657 (mrlacey)
- Refactor #3649: Change MvxAndroidBindingResource to be registered and used with the IoC #3656 (fedemkr)
- MvvmCross.Plugin.Location.Fused refactoring #3651 (pinkysek)
- Bump Xamarin.Build.Download from 0.4.11 to 0.7.1 #3648 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Microsoft.CodeAnalysis from 3.3.1 to 3.4.0 #3646 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Microsoft.SourceLink.GitHub from 1.0.0-beta2-19554-01 to 1.0.0 #3641 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Newtonsoft.Json from 12.0.2 to 12.0.3 #3633 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 16.3.0 to 16.4.0 #3628 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Microsoft.SourceLink.GitHub from 1.0.0-beta2-19367-01 to 1.0.0-beta2-19554-01 #3625 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Corrected misspelling of Recycler #3613 (pearsonallen)
- Bump Moq from 4.13.0 to 4.13.1 #3608 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Edited Installation Instructions #3606 (AceBurton)
- Bump Serilog.Sinks.Xamarin from 0.1.29 to 0.1.37 #3604 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Serilog from 2.8.0 to 2.9.0 #3603 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Move signing into own stage #3600 (Cheesebaron)
- Chore(readme): use https #3599 (imba-tjd)
- Android RecyclerView Workaround for GridLayoutManager #3598 (dogukandemir)
6.4.1 (2019-09-30)
Fixed bugs:
- MvxExpandableTableViewSource doesn't let touches through #3574
- MvxLayoutInflater CreateCustomViewInternal fails on Android 10 #3550
- NullReferenceException when initializing fragment in ViewPager #3535
Closed issues:
- Update Fused Location plugin to latest version of Play Services #3580
- Nested fragment inside viewpager caused error “Fragment host not found” #3380
Merged pull requests:
- Fix header cells in MvxExpandableTableViewSource not passing touches to subviews #3575 (Cheesebaron)
- Fix MvxLayoutInflater throwing NoSuchFieldException on Android Q #3573 (Cheesebaron)
- Update Play Services in Location Fused plugin #3583 (Cheesebaron)
- Update nuget packages #3582 (martijn00)
- Bump to latest version of MSBuild SDK Extras #3581 (Cheesebaron)
- Fix some comments and obsolete warning #3557 (martijn00)
- Stop using dynamic #3556 (martijn00)
- Update Plugins getting-started.md to proper load non explicitly referenced plugins #3555 (fedemkr)
- Ci/build script updates #3553 (Cheesebaron)
- Update android-recyclerview.md #3552 (pearsonallen)
- NullReferenceException when initializing fragment in ViewPager #3549 (Prin53)
- Views filtering in MvxViewModelViewLookupBuilder #3539 (orzech85)
- Update github-pages gem and Jekyll #3536 (Cheesebaron)
- Bump MSBuild.Sdk.Extras from 2.0.41 to 2.0.43 #3529 (dependabot-preview[bot])
6.4.0 (2019-09-09)
Implemented enhancements:
- Prepare MvxIoCTest to allow other IoC providers #3484 (SamuelDebruyn)
- Impliment apply() on dispose of clear binding set #3431 (Tyron18)
Fixed bugs:
- ViewPager ignores Presentation Values #3497
- Modal Popover Presentation Crash #3515
- RequestTranslator ignores Presentation/Parameter values #3482
- Prevent null reference when trying to look up latest binding context #3518 (Cheesebaron)
- Fix ctor name in target binding #3511 (Cheesebaron)
- RequestTranslator ignores Presentation/Parameter values #3487 (Prin53)
Closed issues:
- MvxSpinner classNotFoundException inside fragment #3454
- Bindings not attempted in MvxRecycler item template layout when given item in ItemsSource is null #3424
Merged pull requests:
- Switch to Azure Pipelines #3397 (Cheesebaron)
- MvvmCross 6.4.0 blog post #3533 (Cheesebaron)
- Update android-spinner.md #3530 (SebastienForay)
- Don't try to sign packages for Pull Requests #3525 (Cheesebaron)
- Update ios-uirefreshcontrol.md #3524 (Nerves82)
- Fix presentation hint for non-forms views in forms presenter #3522 (orzech85)
- Example of Android Native View for MvvmCross.Forms #3521 (orzech85)
- Bump Moq from 4.12.0 to 4.13.0 #3519 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Modal Popover Presentation Crash #3516 (Prin53)
- Cleanup csproj files #3512 (martijn00)
- Add more Android Target bindings #3510 (Cheesebaron)
- Update github-pages gem #3509 (Cheesebaron)
- ViewPager ignores Presentation Values #3501 (Prin53)
- Bump MSBuild.Sdk.Extras from 2.0.31 to 2.0.41 #3496 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Microsoft.CodeAnalysis from 3.1.0 to 3.2.1 #3493 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- IocConstruct constructor lookup & constructor injection #3491 (SamuelDebruyn)
- Bump Xamarin.Forms.Platform.WPF from to #3490 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.Forms from to #3489 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Update tizen backend implementation #3477 (rookiejava)
- Minor typo #3473 (garyng)
- Bump Microsoft.SourceLink.GitHub from 1.0.0-beta2-19351-01 to 1.0.0-beta2-19367-01 #3471 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Minor typo in docs #3469 (garyng)
- Bump MSBuild.Sdk.Extras from 2.0.29 to 2.0.31 #3468 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Breaking up logic for creating view lookup #3461 (nickrandolph)
- Increment Min Android Version #3458 (nickrandolph)
- Replace MvxColor with System.Drawing.Color #3456 (Strifex)
- Bump Microsoft.SourceLink.GitHub from 1.0.0-beta2-18618-05 to 1.0.0-beta2-19351-01 #3451 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Microsoft.NETCore.UniversalWindowsPlatform from 6.2.3 to 6.2.8 #3448 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump MSBuild.Sdk.Extras from 2.0.24 to 2.0.29 #3447 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Xamarin.FFImageLoading from to #3446 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Microsoft.CodeAnalysis from 2.10.0 to 3.1.0 #3444 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 15.9.0 to 16.2.0 #3443 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Moq from 4.10.1 to 4.12.0 #3441 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump Newtonsoft.Json from 12.0.1 to 12.0.2 #3440 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Update value-converters.md #3437 (An0d)
- Switch to Azure Pipelines #3397 (Cheesebaron)
- Tidying up and making startup more consistent #3372 (nickrandolph)
6.3.1 (2019-06-18)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- ios MvxBaseTableViewSource: RowDeselected(..) must not call its base method #3413
- [Android] AppStart deadlocks #3268
Closed issues:
- Compile issues after updating to 6.3.0 #3420
Merged pull requests:
- Correct doc from "childs" to "children" #3430 (jschmid)
- Added MvxPanelHintTypes for MvvmCross 6 #3427 (xunreal75)
- Fix: TYPO #3426 (konabe)
- Fix: Typo: Remove extra period #3421 (konabe)
- Make attributes only available on netstandard #3419 (martijn00)
- Fix for #3413: RowDeselected(..) must not call its base method #3415 (markuspalme)
- Update docs on adding sections to a UITableView #3410 (c-lamont)
- Facade MvxViewModelInstanceRequest instance overwritten #3405 (CMorooney)
6.3.0 (2019-05-15)
Implemented enhancements:
- Navigating to new Activity always requires a top Activity #3311
- CloseFragmentDialog System.NullReferenceException #3310
- Add infos to log when SetValue ignored in binding #3298
- Feature: Support YamlLocalization as Plugin. #2892
Fixed bugs:
- Mvx. namespace shortcut not working in VS2019 16.1 preview2 with D8 and aapt2 enabled #3383
- Can not override a built in target binding + fix #3352
- Android TextView target binding is using TextView.TextFormatted + fix #3351
- MvxGestureRecognizerBehavior should support sending parameters to Command #3347
- Follow up to #1378: NullRef exception in Target Binding when using a value type + fix #3343
- MvxBindingLog should not format messages + fix #3337
- MvxWindowPresentationAttribute has prohibited parameters types (nullable structs). #3336
- MvvmCross.Plugin.PictureChooser throws exception with 6.2.3 on device #3329
- MvxPageViewController race condition #3324
- Xamarin.Forms UWP backnavigation blocks previously pressed button. #3306
- MvxBaseTableViewSource dont use SelectionChangedCommand on RowDeselected #3305
- MvxPageViewController has changed its page change animation #3304
- MvxRecycler view must not post NotifyDataSetChanged on MainLooper #3295
- MvxAndroidLifetimeMonitor should lock when accessing _createdActivityCount #3294
- NavigationService doesn't wait for the view to appear in ios #3289
- MvxObservableCollection's RemoveRange discrepancy #3281
- TryPerformCloseFragmentTransaction is not encapsulated in try/catch #3280
adds shared element transition options if there are no elements to animate #3278- MvxPageViewController doesn't use attributes #3230
- First ViewModel being created twice on Android #3196
- [Android] Bringing application to foreground from Android notification using PendingIntent #3180
- CustomAppStart methods called twice #3177
- Proper implementation of UWP suspension #3090
- App not starting properly when App is start via Activity #3014
- Xamarin.Forms & android notifications #2996
- Mvvmcross Android ignores IMvxAsyncCommand on some standard control's events #2977
- MvxAndroidSetupSingleton.EnsureSingletonAvailable(ApplicationContext) throws null reference #2969
- Xamarin Forms UWP Playground application crash on resume #2881
- Xamarin Forms Context seem incorrect in MvxFormsAndroidSetup.FormsApplication #2832
- Fix crash and improve MvxRecyclerViewAdapter and MvxRecyclerViewHolder #3366 (softlion)
- Fix log format crashing for MvxBindingLog #3365 (softlion)
- Fix null reference in Target Binding when using ValueType #3364 (softlion)
- Fix control being disposed before unhooking event handlers #3363 (softlion)
- Make TextView Text target binding use SetText #3362 (softlion)
- Allow override of built in Binding Target Factories #3361 (softlion)
- Add missing ctors for tvos #3319 (martijn00)
- Remove calls to AppStart from normal Activities #3214 (nmilcoff)
- Use EnteredBackground to trigger suspension logic #3101 (mmangold7)
Closed issues:
- MvxAppStart class causing app freeze - wrong async pattern #3395
- MvxTapGestureRecognizerBehavior not working for UITextField in iOS 10.3.2 #3381
- MvxUIControlTargetBinding.Dispose calling base Dispose before executing its code #3349
- How to do the Microsoft Intune Migration or Integration in Xamarin android & iOS with MVVM Cross #3346
- Update build.prop with Changelog url for NuGets #3334
- Create script for consistent changelog generation #3332
- Tizen 4.0 #3318
- Tizen 4.0 #3317
- Documentation issues in viewmodel-lifecycle.md #3301
- Input Fields binding not working as expected in cell #3279
- View Controller Missing and xib "... nib but the view outlet was not set." #3239
- Xamarin Forms 3.4 not working with WPF #3236
- Xamarin forms MvxTabbedPage doesn't render correctly on Android when placement set to bottom #3201
- xamarin.android + tabs + viewpager in each tabs #3167
- Playground.Mac wont create a window #3156
- Mvx Setup randomly fails if the Android app was kept in the background for 4-5 days #3146
- Android is crashing if app opens from deep linking #3141
- Documentation: .NET Standard Library instead of PCL? #3108
- Docs: Navigation is outdated #3106
- Propose new docs structure #2856
Merged pull requests:
- Fix presenter methods #3401 (martijn00)
- Add a better MvxRecyclerView sample to Playground #3400 (Cheesebaron)
- Add XmlnsPrefix for MvvmCross.Forms #3399 (martijn00)
- Fix how C# code snippet is viewed #3398 (diogofr)
- Issue 3108: Removed/updated documention: PCL -> .NET Standard #3396 (markuspalme)
- Use lowercase names on android #3393 (martijn00)
- Don't set transition elements when there are none #3392 (martijn00)
- Update sdk extras #3391 (martijn00)
- Update url for release notes #3390 (martijn00)
- Make close of dialog more safe #3389 (martijn00)
- Fix attribute for Mac windows presentation #3388 (martijn00)
- Fix for #3294: MvxAndroidLifetimeMonitor should lock when accessing _createdActivityCount #3386 (markuspalme)
- Enhanced tap compatibility for UITextField in MvxGestureRecognizerBeh… #3382 (JPSiller)
- Fix #3281 MvxObservableCollection's RemoveRange discrepancy #3378 (jz5)
- NLogLogProvider - Support for structured logging in NLog 4.5 #3377 (snakefoot)
- Document: Fix access modifiers #3374 (jz5)
- Update Swipe to Refresh doc #3370 (Cheesebaron)
- Updated Swipe to refresh #3368 (sureshkumar85ios)
- Pass parameter to command execution method in MvxGestureRecognizerBehavior #3367 (miszu)
- Fixed 2 headers #3358 (K232)
- Constructor overload for object creation during dependency injection #3356 (nickrandolph)
- View model life cycle examples in docs are outdated #3348 (b099l3)
- Some links were broken so I fixed them #3345 (b099l3)
- Add attribute to show page on iOS #3339 (martijn00)
- Use license expression for nuget package #3338 (martijn00)
- Added UpdateChangelog task #3333 (Cheesebaron)
- Add xml attribute to optimize importing of classes on Forms #3331 (martijn00)
- Fix for #3329 - Missing event info in picture chooser #3330 (markuspalme)
- Add possibility to fire command on deselect #3322 (martijn00)
- Add infos to log when SetValue ignored in binding #3321 (martijn00)
- Fix ctor for UIPageViewController #3320 (martijn00)
- Update nugets and target framework #3316 (martijn00)
- Fixed the MvxSimpleTableViewSource; now can work with both storyboard and xib-cells #3314 (paulppn)
- Adds ability to navigate to an activity if no top activity is available #3312 (tbalcom)
- Initialize async issue on Playground.UWP apps #3303 (dogukandemir)
- Return the task to properly await showing view model #3291 (AbdelrahmanGIT)
- Encapsulated TryPerformCloseFragmentTransaction logic in try/catch #3290 (waseemahmad31)
- Added a button to the Forms SplitDetail UI to replicate a navigation issue #3185 (michaelkollmann)
- 3029 fix close ViewModel behavior #3063 (AbdelrahmanGIT)
6.2.3 (2019-02-13)
Implemented enhancements:
- MvvmCross.Test.TestLogProvider not logging anywhere #3193
- Add more information about exception to log in ExceptionSafeGetTypes #3264 (Nickolas-)
- Make it possible to change binding mode on language binds #3263 (martijn00)
- Make it possible to bind numberpicker #3248 (martijn00)
- Allow devs to provide their own logger for UnitTests #3206 (Cheesebaron)
- Add missing ctors on iOS views #3204 (martijn00)
Fixed bugs:
- MvxCachingFragmentStatePagerAdapter:GetItem NullReferenceException #3225
- (iOS 12.1) PictureChooser crashes when picture in library is tapped more than once #3215
- NullReferenceException in MvxCommandBase in unit tests #3197
- iOS MvxSimpleTableSource constructor ambiguity/Nib not registered for reuse #3175
- Crash when using MvxLang in Label Trigger #3072
- MvxGridView throws NoSuchMethodError on Android versions earlier than Lollipop #3284
ignores multi-item animated replace #3245- Xamarin.Forms MvxBindablePropertyTargetBinding does not support binding to behaviors. #3241
- Default Click binding is not working on FloatingActionButton #3238
- Fixes NoSuchMethodError in MvxGridView #3285 (tbalcom)
- GetAppStartHint() passes hint through instead of always returning null. #3283 (tbalcom)
- fix FindPropertyInfo method throw AmbiguousMatchException #3259 (RayMMond)
- Fixed recursion issue: used result of recursive call #3258 (waseemahmad31)
- Fix replace of ranges in MvxTableViewSource #3252 (martijn00)
- Adds default Click binding to FloatingActionButton. #3251 (tbalcom)
- Add java reference ctor for splashscreen #3247 (martijn00)
- Make it safe to try call appstart #3246 (martijn00)
- Fix Tibet binding expression throw exception in wpf xaml designer. #3231 (RayMMond)
- Cache Activity in MvxCachingFragmentStatePagerAdapter #3226 (SOFSPEEL)
- Prevents multiple taps on image in UIImagePickerController crash app #3220 (ElteHupkes)
- Incorrectly using TableView reference rather than tableView parameter… #3207 (AlanYost)
- Close any ModalViewControllers that could be open #3195 (AnthonyNjuguna)
Closed issues:
- Failing to build on VS for Mac #3273
- does we need to initialize Xamarin.Forms.Init() in android renderer in mvvmcross 6.2 #3262
- MvxAppCompatViewPresenter.FindFragmentInChildren not using result of recursive call #3250
- Sources compilation #3232
- Navigation #3228
- ConfigureAwait(false) in MvxNavigationService.cs makes
run in different context #3223 - Tibet and Rio binding didn't work in wpf #3211
- Development on Mac, can't build the projects #3210
- Crash when tapping on Android notification #3203
- No view model association found for candidate view MainActivity #3199
- NullReferenceException in MvxAppCompatViewPresenter.ShowTabLayout #3129
Merged pull requests:
- Fix NRE in MvxCommandBase when running in UnitTest suite #3200 (Cheesebaron)
- Enhancing SetProperty with Action parameter #3269 (dogukandemir)
- Update more nugets #3260 (martijn00)
- Android NumberPicker binding documentation #3257 (tbalcom)
- Register nib in ctor #3256 (martijn00)
- Update nuget packages #3255 (martijn00)
- Make MvxBindablePropertyTargetBinding use BindableProperty instead of… #3253 (martijn00)
- Updated documentation to use Mvx.IoCProvider instead of Mvx. #3249 (martijn00)
- Added UWP and WPF Forms to TipCalc Tutorial #3235 (FabriBertani)
- Documentation: fixed link to style guide #3229 (markuspalme)
- Displays logging timestamp in 24h format #3219 (bspinner)
- Update contribute.md #3218 (flyingxu)
- Add GitVersion log to output for diagnostic #3205 (Cheesebaron)
- Update xUnit to latest 2.4.1 #3202 (Cheesebaron)
6.2.2 (2018-11-07)
Implemented enhancements:
- NuGet Package does not contain MvxConsoleSetup in netcoreapp project #3190
Fixed bugs:
- Visibility plugin not working/loading in 6.1.* #2962
Closed issues:
- Change
root namespace #3168 - Update for ShowNestedFragment fragmentHost.IsVisible #3160
- MvxCommand NullRef on construction within tests #3282
Merged pull requests:
- Switch fragment host visibility exception to warning message #3166 (Plac3hold3r)
- Documentation: Updated available platforms for Network plugin #3227 (markuspalme)
- Compile .net into netcoreapp #3191 (martijn00)
- Refactoring registration of action for attributes #3183 (nickrandolph)
- Update support fragment default namespace #3181 (Plac3hold3r)
- Set default logging to false #3179 (stipegrbic)
- Mvxgridview toggle nestedscrolling #3178 (Tyron18)
- Update namespace for mvx:Bi.nd on WPF #3176 (Cheesebaron)
- Change MvxItemTemplateSelector to MvxTemplateSelector #3174 (KaYLKann)
- Add FillTargetFactories and FillBindingNames in Platforms.Forms.WPF Setup #3162 (flavourous)
- Add support for more control over Android PopBackStackImmediate on fragments #3159 (Plac3hold3r)
- Update color.md #3150 (fedemkr)
6.2.1 (2018-10-10)
Implemented enhancements:
- MvxMultiRegionWpfViewPresenter - Support for multiple windows needs access to _frameworkElementsDictionary #3121
Fixed bugs:
- ExceptionSafeGetTypes throws if log is not ready #3149
- No way to detect software back button click in Android device in Xamarin.Forms application that uses MvvmCross. #3124
- Xamarin.Forms StarWarsSample stuck on SplashScreen after update to v6.2.0 #3104
- MvxAndroidSetup pointing to wrong views namespace #3102
- Check for null before trying to Warn in ExceptionSafeGetTypes. #3153 (Cheesebaron)
- Fix circular references for UITableView and UICollectionView #3139 (nmilcoff)
- Added a protected FrameworkElementsDictionary property to MvxWpfViewP… #3127 (HaraldMuehlhoffCC)
- Update caching PagerAdapter to AndroidX implementation #3120 (Cheesebaron)
- Fix views namespaces #3103 (Cheesebaron)
Closed issues:
- Give MvxPopToRootPresentationHint a bundle constructor argument so the Body in it's base class can be set. #3134
- iOS 12.0 Missing source event info in MvxWeakEventSubscription #3116
- Branch for 4.4.0 and 4.4.0 plugins #3110
- Allow ResX key names to comply with naming guideline when using ResXLocalization #3109
- MvxAndroidSetup cause Splash Screen crash (MvxAndroidApplication works fine) #3099
Merged pull requests:
- Add the innerException in MvxApplication.OnNavigationFailed #3144 (andrechi1)
- Remove duplicate code in presenters to align them #3143 (martijn00)
- Align all presentation hints #3142 (martijn00)
- Added constructor with MvxBundle argument to MvxPopToRootPresentation… #3135 (HaraldMuehlhoffCC)
- Updated DI documentation to use new API #3132 (markuspalme)
- #3106 - Updated API docs for IMvxNavigationService #3131 (markuspalme)
- Add ability to use tags from attributes #3128 (Cheesebaron)
- Add MvxScaffolding to list of MvvmCross Templates #3125 (Plac3hold3r)
- Updated IoC documentation to match new API #3122 (markuspalme)
- FragmentJavaName centralized #3119 (Cheesebaron)
- Add Mvx Toolkit to Template recommendations #3113 (jtillman)
- Update viewmodel-lifecycle.md #3112 (gentilijuanmanuel)
- Implement DialogView for Uap #3074 (andrechi1)
- Update data-binding.md: fixed typo (#2982) #3067 (hyokosdeveloper)
6.2.0 (2018-09-13)
Implemented enhancements:
- Converters for Xamarin.Forms #2847
- Android support for the MvxPagePresentationHint. #3086 (markuspalme)
Fixed bugs:
- Android XAML Preview no longer works in my Xamarin.Forms project using MvvmCross #3091
- Cannot use any MainWindow type other than MvxWindow #3080
- NavigationService.Navigate<TResult>() immediately return null on Wpf #3065
- [6.2.0-beta2] FrameLayout to show Fragment not found #3059
- Splash Screen Crashes on Android when Hard Back or Hard Home button hit #3017
- Getting Exception System.ArgumentNullException. #2952
- Playground.Droid crashes in nav stack #2931
- Few of the examples compile on develop #2930
- IMvxNavigationService.Navigate<TViewModel, TParam, TResult> deadlock if the back button is used #2924
- Exceptions are swallowed during Android setup #2903
- Memory leak on opening browser and returning back on droid #2884
- Master Detail never cancel CloseCompletionSource #2833
- MvxNavigationService.Navigate(Type) returns before completing #2827
- mvx:Lang and mvx:Bind crashes in Setter Value #3096 (Cheesebaron)
- Fix forms xaml preview on android #3094 (Cheesebaron)
- Fix bug preventing Playground.Droid from starting #3084 (tbalcom)
- Move ViewModel?.ViewDestroy() to MvxWpfView_Unloaded (MvxWpfView.cs) #3078 (thongdoan)
- Give some love to our Network plugin #3056 (nmilcoff)
- Fix memory leaks on IMvxMultipleViewModelCache #3055 (nmilcoff)
- Repair NullReferenceException with SelectedViewController is null. #3054 (andrechi1)
- Delay creation of UIImagePickerController #3038 (Cheesebaron)
- Fix crash when switching back to the app after Permission change #3032 (vatsalyagoel)
- Android: Add support for ViewPagers inside Fragments #3001 (nmilcoff)
Closed issues:
- Make MvxApplicationCallbacksCurrentTopActivity.cs:_Activities protected to facilitate extension #3048
- Build error in VS on Windows: The target "GetBuiltProjectOutputRecursive" does not exist in the project. #3043
- MvxIoCResolveException Exception when back button clicked #2984
- Working with Xamarin.ios using MvvmCross Framework, getting System.ArgumentNullException. #2954
- Custom Presentation Hint Handler is still being ignored #2950
- What should come after The Core Project in the TipCalc tutorial? It seems wrong. #2920
- Address "RequestMainThreadAction is obsolete" build warnings #2859
Merged pull requests:
- Blog post for 6.2 release #3107 (nmilcoff)
- Update README.md #3105 (asudbury)
- Attempt to fix failing navigation service test #3100 (Cheesebaron)
- Playground.Droid: Remove incorrect button on SplitDetailNavView #3097 (nmilcoff)
- Fixed links to code and documentation #3088 (markuspalme)
- Update mvvmcross-overview.md #3087 (yehorhromadskyi)
- Fix issues when pressing back button on splash screen #3085 (tbalcom)
- Fix TipCalc Core navigation link #3082 (nmilcoff)
- Check for IMvxWindow instead of MvxWindow on WPF #3081 (Cheesebaron)
- Update comments in MvxWpfLocationWatcher #3079 (fredeil)
- It seems like the code owners file is case sensitive #3076 (vatsalyagoel)
- Add ApplyWithClearBindingKey to MvxFluentBindingDescriptionSet #3073 (Plac3hold3r)
- Support for MvxPagePresentationHint in MvxIosViewPresenter (#2518). #3071 (markuspalme)
- Fix failing MvxIocPropertyInjectionTest #3069 (Cheesebaron)
- Improving documentation of the usage scenario of Presentation Attribute Overriding for iOS and XF #3062 (agat366)
- Add Codeowners #3061 (vatsalyagoel)
- Documentation/android spinner #3060 (Cheesebaron)
- Using ExceptionDispatchInfo to capture exception #3058 (nickrandolph)
- Move VisibleUIViewController to MvxTabBarViewController #3057 (andrechi1)
- should in lower case #3053 (JTOne123)
- was updated my template version #3052 (JTOne123)
- Propagating exceptions out of setup #3051 (nickrandolph)
- Make activities dictionary protected to ease extension #3049 (daividssilverio)
- MvxNativeValueConverter and MvxFormsValueConverter for MvvmCross.Forms #3047 (MartinZikmund)
- Adding cancel support through navigation #3046 (nickrandolph)
- documentation: MvxRecyclerView #3045 (Cheesebaron)
- Adding MvxNavigationViewModel to remove injected NavigationService and LogProvider #3044 (nickrandolph)
- Catch exceptions in ProcessMvxIntentResult and log #3039 (Cheesebaron)
- Fixes #3028. #3036 (tbalcom)
- Fix MvxAutoCompleteTextView not returning results #3027 (Cheesebaron)
- Fix docs style link on pull request template #3026 (borbmizzet)
- #3000 Fix ambiguous reference when binding MvxExpandableTableViewSource #3024 (Cheesebaron)
- Fixing Forms reload issue #3023 (nickrandolph)
- Update missing Fluent binding extensions method and doc entries #3020 (Plac3hold3r)
- Adding conditional flag to allow switching between different TFMs #3015 (nickrandolph)
- Adds Android.Support.V7.Preferences.Preference.PreferenceClick target binding #3009 (tbalcom)
- Update links in docs #3007 (nmilcoff)
- Make sure navigation is cancel when requested #3006 (martijn00)
- Update nuget packages #3005 (martijn00)
- Unit Test Update: Async Dispatcher #3003 (johnnywebb)
- Don't throw when there is no root #3002 (martijn00)
- Tidying up more obsolete method calls and adding await as appropriate #2998 (nickrandolph)
- Tidying up dispatcher code #2997 (nickrandolph)
- Tidying up references and removing build warnings #2994 (nickrandolph)
- Removing unnecessary sdk library references #2992 (nickrandolph)
- Bugfix/issue templates #2989 (Cheesebaron)
- Make GetOrCreateViewFor virtual #2986 (Cheesebaron)
- Update data-binding.md: fixed typo #2982 (AndreKraemer)
- Upgrading UWP target platform version and support library version #2978 (nickrandolph)
- Version bump to Xamarin.Forms v3.1 #2976 (nickrandolph)
- Default MvxAppCompatSpinner DropDownItemTemplate doesn't display strings or use ToString on models #2975 (tbalcom)
- App crashes on resolving IMvxFormsPagePresenter #2972 (vatsalyagoel)
- Move Mvx class into IoC #2964 (martijn00)
- Adding SignClient, updating unit test runner + security fixes #2949 (Cheesebaron)
- Implementing INotifyPropertyChanging #2943 (nickrandolph)
- Improve issue templates #2940 (heytherewill)
- Making IMvxViewPresenter methods async #2868 (nickrandolph)
- Add support for async startup #2866 (nickrandolph)
6.2.0-beta4 (2018-09-13)
Closed issues:
6.2.0-beta3 (2018-08-17)
Fixed bugs:
- [Android] 6.2.0-beta2 Playground.Droid shows RootViewModel twice #3028
- MvxAutoCompleteTextView PartialText never changes after initial setting #3008
- MvxExpandableTableViewSource issue #3000
- PictureChooser can't be injected in ViewModel #2886
Closed issues:
- MvxTabbedPagePresentation with WrapInNavigationPage = false crashes when closing a modal view #3050
- Commit d2a7fb2d on June 15 breaks compatibility with PropertyChanged.Fody #3016
6.2.0-beta2 (2018-07-12)
6.2.0-beta1 (2018-07-10)
6.1.2 (2018-06-18)
Closed issues:
- MvxFormsAppCompatActivity.OnBackPressed assumes the standard Forms page presenter is being used #2965
- Binding stop working after upgrade from 6.0.1 to 6.1.1 on Xamarin.Forms #2960
Merged pull requests:
- Use interface instead of class for forms presenter #2966 (martijn00)
- Binding to Child View's BindingContextProperty #2959 (borbmizzet)
6.1.1 (2018-06-12)
Fixed bugs:
- MvxSetup Assembly.GetEntryAssembly() returns null #2957
Closed issues:
- [Android] 6.1 hangs on splash screen #2955
- The app stuck at Splash Screen when using MVVMCross 6.x #2953
- Nightly builds are not updated #2948
- Failed to resolve "MvvmCross.Core.MvxSetup" reference from "MvvmCross, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" #2956
- Playground.Forms.Droid can't run #2951
Merged pull requests:
- Use AppDomain.CurrentDomain to find assemblies. #2958 (Cheesebaron)
6.1.0 (2018-06-11)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- Support for ViewModel as BindableProperty #2934 (martijn00)
- Fixing crash on UWP in Release due to plugin #2844 (nickrandolph)
Closed issues:
- IMvxMessenger plugin is not loaded, MvxIoCResolveException #2937
- (6.0) Plugins not loaded unless explicitly referenced #2923
- I'ts impossible to use custom MvxSuspensionManager in UWP projects #2882
- All bindings stop working when using {Binding Source={x:Reference this}, Path=ViewModel.property} in Xaml derived from MvxContentView<TViewModel> #2825
Merged pull requests:
- Fixing WPF XF build - version mismatch on XF reference #2944 (nickrandolph)
- #2904 Fix activity handle on current top activity. #2941 (Thetyne)
- Fix for unable to resolve plugins in Playground samples #2938 (flyingxu)
- Ui split view controller crash trying close null view #2935 (alinkhart)
- Updating Xamarin Forms version #2933 (nickrandolph)
- Fixed link to xamarin forms presenter page. #2927 (markuspalme)
- Add InOnMainThread #2921 (david-laundav)
- Patch 1 #2915 (sergeyyurkov)
- Fix failing unit tests #2914 (Cheesebaron)
- Fixing CI Build #2912 (nickrandolph)
- Small fixes in documentation #2909 (robvanuden)
- Reducing parameters on viewmodel #2908 (nickrandolph)
- Fixing Android/Mac Forms build issue #2907 (nickrandolph)
- Make custom Suspensionmanager possible #2902 (martijn00)
- Typed hint on AppStart and documentation #2901 (martijn00)
- log4net 2.0.8 netstandard compatibility fix #2896 (StevenBonePgh)
- Update WPF version too, to avoid NuGet restore complaining about downgrade #2890 (Cheesebaron)
- Remove msbuild workaround #2889 (martijn00)
- Xamarin Forms version bump #2887 (nickrandolph)
- documentation: MvxLinearLayout #2879 (Cheesebaron)
- documentation: add swipe to refresh android docs #2878 (Cheesebaron)
- Correct behviour for ViewModel Lifecycle for UWP #2875 (ueman)
- Add Forms WPF into the solution #2874 (martijn00)
- Update the-tip-calc-navigation.md #2873 (Raidervz)
- Handling back pressed for Forms applications #2869 (nickrandolph)
- Added recursive method to search for referenced assemblies and load t… #2865 (rdorta)
- Update to Forms 3.0 #2864 (martijn00)
- documentation: Added UIRefreshControl docs #2861 (Cheesebaron)
- Improve MvvmCross Getting Started Experience (ReadMe Content & Sample Files) #2858 (andrewtechhelp)
- Implement MvxWindowsPage.ClearBackStack #2855 (andrechi1)
- [documentation] fixing Next link for UWP project #2853 (halex2005)
- Fixes #2736 #2852 (tbalcom)
- Fix usings in TipCalcTutorial #2850 (gentilijuanmanuel)
- Updates "Requesting presentation changes" documentation for MvvmCross 6 #2849 (tbalcom)
- TipCalc Tutorial: Assets improvements & typos #2845 (nmilcoff)
- Amended LinkerPleaseInclude (iOS) example #2843 (JoeCooper)
- Use legacy properties on the Android TimePicker for versions 5.1 and … #2841 (JimWilcox3)
- fix mvvmcross-overview link #2839 (halex2005)
- housekeeping: use https #2837 (ghuntley)
- Revitalize Tipcalc tutorial #2835 (nmilcoff)
- Consolidate samples into one playground #2828 (martijn00)
6.1.0-beta2 (2018-06-05)
Closed issues:
- UWP Dependency Injection on startup #2925
- Object reference not set to an instance of an object in MvxChainedSourceBinding.Dispose #2922
6.1.0-beta1 (2018-05-30)
Fixed bugs:
- ViewModel#Destroy does not get called on UWP #2860
Closed issues:
- Backstack in mvvmcross android working incorrectly #2913
- SplashScreen doesn't automatically start Activity registered for AppStart #2895
- UWP Release Builds are crashing at runtime #2842
- MvxTimePicker won't bind correctly to Android versions 5.1 and below. #2840
- stamp $(AssemblyName) ($(TargetFramework)) into builds #2836
6.0.1 (2018-04-29)
Fixed bugs:
Closed issues:
- Calling async method on ViewModel.Initialize never ends and InitializeTask properties never got updated #2829
Merged pull requests:
- Small docs fix, renamed to correct method in the events mapping table. #2834 (agoransson)
- Update Getting-Started and MvvmCross-Overview docs #2822 (nmilcoff)
- Fixing crash when running Android Forms Playground #2820 (nickrandolph)
- Removing calls to base methods to prevent error #2819 (nickrandolph)
6.0.0 (2018-04-14)
6.0.0-beta8 (2018-04-10)
6.0.0-beta7 (2018-03-30)
6.0.0-beta6 (2018-03-19)
5.7.0 (2018-03-14)
6.0.0-beta5 (2018-03-09)
6.0.0-beta4 (2018-03-02)
6.0.0-beta3 (2018-02-14)
6.0.0-beta2 (2018-02-12)
6.0.0-beta1 (2018-02-12)
5.6.3 (2017-12-22)
5.6.2 (2017-12-11)
5.6.1 (2017-12-11)
5.6.0 (2017-12-10)
5.5.2 (2017-11-29)
5.5.1 (2017-11-29)
5.5.0 (2017-11-23)
5.4.2 (2017-11-07)
5.4.1 (2017-11-07)
5.4.0 (2017-10-31)
5.3.2 (2017-10-23)
5.3.1 (2017-10-18)
5.3.0 (2017-10-13)
5.2.1 (2017-09-26)
5.2 (2017-09-12)
5.1.1 (2017-07-28)
5.1.0 (2017-07-17)
5.0.6 (2017-07-10)
5.0.5 (2017-06-25)
5.0.4 (2017-06-23)
5.0.3 (2017-06-19)
5.0.2 (2017-06-06)
5.0.1 (2017-05-26)
5.0.0 (2017-05-22)
5.0.0-beta.12 (2017-05-22)
5.0.0-beta.11 (2017-05-17)
5.0.0-beta.10 (2017-05-15)
5.0.0-beta.9 (2017-05-13)
5.0.0-beta.8 (2017-05-10)
5.0.0-beta.7 (2017-05-03)
5.0.0-beta.6 (2017-05-01)
5.0.0-beta.5 (2017-04-30)
5.0.0-beta.4 (2017-04-29)
5.0.0-beta.3 (2017-04-28)
5.0.0-beta.2 (2017-04-26)
5.0.0-beta.1 (2017-04-25)
4.4.0 (2016-11-01)
4.3.0 (2016-09-26)
4.2.3 (2016-08-17)
4.2.2 (2016-07-11)
4.2.1 (2016-07-05)
4.2.0 (2016-06-13)
4.1.6 (2016-05-24)
4.1.5 (2016-05-19)
4.1.4 (2016-04-20)
Binding_4.1.1 (2016-04-04)
DroidShared_4.1.2 (2016-04-04)
FullFragging_4.1.1 (2016-04-04)
4.1.0 (2016-03-22)
4.0.0 (2016-02-02)
4.0.0-beta8 (2016-01-12)
4.0.0-beta7 (2015-12-10)
4.0.0-beta5 (2015-11-06)
4.0.0-beta4 (2015-10-20)
4.0.0-beta3 (2015-09-10)
4.0.0-beta2 (2015-08-18)
4.0.0-beta1 (2015-07-31)
4.0.0-alpha9 (2015-07-17)
4.0.0-alpha8 (2015-07-17)
4.0.0-alpha4 (2015-07-17)
4.0.0-alpha3 (2015-07-15)
4.0.0-alpha2 (2015-07-14)
4.0.0-alpha1 (2015-07-09)
3.5.2-alpha2 (2015-06-30)
3.5.2-alpha1 (2015-06-16)
3.5.1 (2015-05-02)
3.51-beta1 (2015-03-11)
3.5.1-alpha1 (2015-02-08)
3.5.0 (2015-01-17)
3.5.0-beta2 (2014-12-17)
3.5.0-beta1 (2014-12-12)
3.5.0-alpha2 (2014-11-22)
3.2.2 (2014-11-22)
v3_5_alpha0 (2014-11-14)
3.2.2-beta1 (2014-10-21)
3.2.1-beta3 (2014-08-25)
3.2.1-beta2 (2014-07-27)
3.2.1-beta1 (2014-06-29)
build-3.1.177-beta5 (2014-04-09)
3.1.2-beta1 (2014-03-26)
build-3.1.176-beta5 (2014-03-10)
build-3.1.175-beta5 (2014-03-05)
build-3.1.174-beta5 (2014-02-26)
build-3.1.173-beta5 (2014-02-20)
build-3.1.171-beta5 (2014-02-14)
build-3.1.170-beta5 (2014-02-10)
build-3.1.169-beta5 (2014-02-10)
build-3.1.168-beta5 (2014-02-10)
3.1.1 (2014-02-09)
build-3.1.167-beta5 (2014-02-06)
build-3.1.166-beta5 (2014-02-06)
build-3.1.163-beta5 (2014-02-06)
build-3.1.160-beta5 (2014-02-04)
build-3.1.159-beta5 (2014-02-04)
build-3.1.158-beta5 (2014-02-04)
build-3.1.157-beta5 (2014-02-04)
build-3.1.156-beta5 (2014-02-04)
build-3.1.155-beta5 (2014-02-04)
build-3.1.154-beta5 (2014-02-03)
build-3.1.151-beta1 (2014-02-03)
build-3.1.150-beta1 (2014-02-03)
build-3.1.149-beta1 (2014-02-03)
3.1.1-beta5-attempt2 (2014-02-01)
3.1.1-beta5 (2014-02-01)
3.1.1-beta4 (2014-01-26)
3.1.1-beta3 (2014-01-16)
build-3.1.148-beta1 (2014-01-11)
build-3.1.132-beta1 (2014-01-10)
build-3.1.133-beta1 (2014-01-10)
3.1.1-beta2 (2014-01-03)
3.1.1-beta1 (2013-12-14)
build-3.1.131-beta1 (2013-12-07)
3.0.14 (2013-11-16)
3.0.14-beta3 (2013-11-13)
3.0.14-beta2-real (2013-11-04)
3.0.14-beta2 (2013-11-04)
3.0.14-beta1 (2013-11-02)
3.0.13 (2013-10-08)
3.0.13-beta4 (2013-10-05)
3.0.13-beta3 (2013-10-05)
3.0.12 (2013-09-08)
3.0.11-final (2013-09-08)
3.0.11-beta1 (2013-09-01)
3.0.11 (2013-08-27)
3.0.10 (2013-07-23)
3.0.9 (2013-07-13)
Release- (2013-06-09)
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator