This repository contains all the source code of the projects of Nand2Tetris course that I have completed so far.The goal is to build a modern computer system from the ground up.
- Project 1: Boolean Logic(HDL of 15 Elementary Logic Gates)
- Project 2: Boolean Arithmetic(HDL of ALU)
- Project 3: Sequential Logic(HDL of RAM units)
- Project 4: Machine Language(Low Level Symbolic Assembly Language)
- Project 5: Computer Architecture
- Project 6: Assembler(Assembler Program in C++)
- Project 7: VM I: Stack Arithmetic(VM Code in C++)
- Project 8: VM II: Program Control(VM Code in C++)
- Project 9: High-Level Language
- Project 10: Compiler I: Syntax Analysis
- Project 11: Compiler II: Code Generation
- Project 12: Operating System
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